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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

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File: 04d48ad8f5bba06⋯.jpg (56.62 KB,300x200,3:2,1422464817573.jpg)


Is porn or masturbation the real threat?

Because it seems to me that porn in any measure is damaging to the male brain, but masturbation is fine in moderation. Porn kills a man's drive to seek and explore, but occasional masturbation (once a week or so) is no big deal.

That said, nofap seems to be extremely helpful for men breaking masturbation or porn addictions, and is extremely valuable in that regard.

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They are both a problem but porn is the bigger of the two. Porn consumption is the source of depraved fetishes, lack of motivation to find a mate, and dopamine desensitization making life feel less rewarding in every capacity. A man can, as you say, masturbate in moderation and get some of the benefits that nofap provides. However he will still be riding waves of testosterone as it peaks a week in and is depleted again and handicapped in the noble pursuit of self cultivation. A man's seed is the root of his vitality. If you want to elevate yourself to the next level you will need to eliminate both.

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File: 8be6ddac012f519⋯.jpg (29.1 KB,403x355,403:355,1972336_247902548721374_18….jpg)

Cumming is the real evil.

Endorphine rewards for behaving like an animal carves a pathway in the brain which leads to darkness and despair. It's enough to keep an otherwise noble man on his knees. Look how it keeps us weighted down and banned from glory today.

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File: 671799481976fd7⋯.png (232.26 KB,1287x768,429:256,obamo on nofap.png)

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Is this accurate?

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File: bc823b438f0b50c⋯.png (94.63 KB,1814x524,907:262,dopamine.png)


Seems accurate to me. If you want to be more sensitive while on nofap you can do intense regular exercise, meditate, and maybe fast. Also, pic related, capped from a thread that was on here but I can't find anymore.

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from worst to less worse:


>P by itself

>M+O with high frequency

>M by itself

>no PMO but also not having sex with a woman

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File: 42cb88316b35a34⋯.jpeg (40.01 KB,600x450,4:3,Wanker.jpeg)


Over time the porn becomes ineffective to some extent. as long as you dont reward the impulse you get from porn and rationalize the effect it has on your mind.

So by not getting stuck in your mind on the porn is really the key.

There are plenty stimulus in this world and you need the discipline to withstand them.


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important question:

Can I just go no-porn, but lube-fap to pictures of normal looking girls who are wearing clothing in public?

Wouldn't this re-train my brain to be attracted to normal girls in non-sexual situations?

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But why not?

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Have a look at what the board is called next time you get the chance

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it's unnatural. you don't masturbate to girls in public. all you're doing is cucking your brain so that you will never be attracted to them normally, because you get more dopamine from masturbating at home

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The thread is asking about NoPorn.


Well, what if I go out in public and I can't get hard to them? Wouldn't some therapy be needed, such as looking at pictures of girls wearing clothes in public?

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that's not how it works. if you can't get hard it's because of masturbation and pornography

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Yes.but I'm saying I would not look at porn. Pictures of clothed girls walking in public isn't porn. Also I would be only using lubrication, no dry-death grip.

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pictures that you can masturbate to = porn. i'd go read some more threads around here so you understand how this works

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You need to cum every couple of weeks to keep your prostate healthy. That's why if you don't have sex or masturbate you begin having nocturnal emissions. Backed up semen goes bad, y'all. It starts breaking down and makes free radicals which lead to prostate cancer later in life. Moderation is key, don't just go from one extreme to the other.

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if I had a dollar every time this question is asked

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>getting rid of your life force is healthy guys!

Do you think we are still somehow prone to you shills spreading this?

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Because there are still sane, non-autistic people in this world.

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>1 in about 300 chance of prostate cancer

>You have a higher chance of dying of something else if you do nofap

Why not wrap yourself in cotton wool and never go outside? You'll never die that way!

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File: 2f98a25d7317ce6⋯.png (92.24 KB,420x420,1:1,15ce8e80be1fbbe54caf11b3de….png)

>taking the bait

Why? Just stop talking to the YesFap shills. They thrive in conflict. Stop rewarding this behavior.

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You have some nerve trying to say science is in your favor. Remind me, what's the scientific basis of "life force"?

I'm not saying yes fap, I'm saying yes cum, cum regularly, somehow, I don't care.

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I think that the watching porn and not fapping to it is a great test of will. So I would still watch watch porn and look at pornographic pictures, if for no other reason than to test my will.

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A real test of will would be not inventing excuses to watch porn, cuck

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By masturbating you give up your vital energy.

Your body reuses semen and it is full of nutrients which would be used to feed the ewly formed embryo. Women are stealers of this energy and you should turn to sex when you are ready to give up on your strenght.

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You only have wet dreams if you've been having sexual thoughts. See >>9434

It takes a lot of energy to replenish a single ejaculation. Naturally, not only does ejaculation decrease your energy, it shortens your life because your body has to work hard to replace that energy.

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These studies was funded by the same kind of jewry pushing trannies as sane people and normalizing pedophilias. If you ever want to look at how bullshit it is, just look at the 99% of animals. Many of them live completely celibate lives, with nearly ALL of them only having sex during a small phase of their lives and only if they find a mate, and never again. Also several religions, philosophers of antiquity and even many doctors all the way until 19th century endorsed the same views. Its only (((modern science))) that started leading us to total degeneracy.

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File: 861f40171063a93⋯.png (80.61 KB,527x182,527:182,pythagoras.png)


This nigger knows.

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I've been masturbating 2 times a day since I was 13, on average. I'm 19 now, soon to be 20.

I would say it's fair to say that nofap and noporn go hand in hand for me.

*I had an incredibly high libido for my age and I feel like I have simply wasted all of that immense energy. I'm in a constant flatline now.

**Sometimes I wonder if I should have quit the porn and started browsing grindr instead, like I had in mind 2 years ago.Suffice to say I wouldn't be just a porn addict anymore, but also a dick-addicted homofaggot who's also obsessed with pornography.

***It's bad.It's really bad.Every morning I wake up and look into the mirror.My face has morphed into something truly grotesque and I barely resemble my childhood self(in mind and body/physiognomy).

A part of me is probably lost forever/IQ points fired permanently

****But on certain nights I dream of a newborn child and wake up in the morning with the corners of my eyes feeling very irritated.I'm almost sure I cry in my sleep.

Personally, I feel that pornography is quintessentially different from using your imagination.

Nonetheless, using my imagination to jerk off only lasts for a week or so before it, too, dies out and I'm left completely empty from any sexual desires.It's not a pleasant feeling as I'm sure most of you know at this point.But it's what we're all aiming for. This flatline is what cleanses your mind and imagination of these immoral fantasies that you have imposed onto yourself.

Knowing why you're suffering is very important in withstanding the pain. With each flatline you are taking another step towards purifying your soul. I'm pretty sure most of you shouldn't worry about getting low T from nofap or anything like that(worry about diet and exercise instead). Interpreting things in purely western-scientific terms feels soulless because it's always incomplete and very easy to misuse or simply manipulate others trough it.For example, every scientist or doctor out there will tell you that masturbation does not affect testosterone production.But do they tell you that orgasms down-regulate the sensitivity of your androgen receptors?Of course they don't.

Trust your instincts is what I say.

I have a slight feeling that our age will be remembered as one where people bowed and prayed to the god of SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT.But everybody forgets that the true test for everything is not the scientific method or even intuition.It is TIME.Time is the true the test of things.I mean, the fucking arrogance of so-called scientists to espouse these studies.

In any case, good luck to you all.

P.S:I don't mean to shit on modern science at all. I'm a brainlet in this regard( and many others) but It's quite easy to tell that most scientists and doctors are not, in fact, what they claim to be.

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This is going to sound stupid to some, but I'm transitioning to NoFap.

To make it quick, I'm basically addicted to trap porn since 2011, and everytime I try NoFap I utterly fail or I get wet dreams with traps and end up masturbating after waking up. So what I'm doing is some sort of transition.

Basically, I'm not going NoFap at once and I have a question: Is Hentai/Cartoon porn more or less degenerate than normal porn?

My plan is to go from:

Degenerate (trap or anything else) porn -> Normal porn -> POV Porn -> X -> Imagination -> NoFap

Basically, is hentai better or worst? Should I put it in my goal?

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File: cb3f826e636cfb2⋯.jpg (115.31 KB,961x816,961:816,scienc.jpg)

The easy path will lead you astray. Go cold turkey. Amount of benefits you will gain is proportional to the amount of effort you put into this 'transition'. Stop watching any pornographic/sexually charged material and stop masturbating.

Human brain is a highly adaptive and complex structure that works on basis of self-regulating system. This system comprises many, many variables. Whenever one of them rises above or falls below critical levels system changes itself to offset for this alteration. The most basic and rudimentary purpose of your brain is to ensure that you procreate and pass your genes to your offspring therefore prolonging your species. Think about it like this. You masturbate and consume degenerate material feeding your brain with surges of dopamine which your brain- falsely- attributes to frequent sexual intercourses with many different partners. It therefore assumes that it's basic purpose is already fulfilled. When you cut off the source of all this dopamine your brain will basically go into a state of shock. It will have to adapt to offset for changed variables. It will notice that it no longer fulfills it's basic purpose. Harsh reality will kick in- no females are interested in you. And what does your brain have to do with both itself and your body to change this fact?

Adapt and improve. This is the true nature of nofap. Do it now and good luck to you.

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> is Hentai/Cartoon porn allowed

>looks at japan, a land with feral women and cucked men

You tell me.

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>also video games

u wot?

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Video games are not less degenerate than TV and film. Doesn't matter if Jap or Western.

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What if one consumes their own seed afterwards, can one replenish a part of their vitality from this?

Asking for a friend.

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Masturbation is worse. Pornography isn't pornography without masturbation.

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> Stop watching any pornographic/sexually charged material and stop masturbating.


Is masturbating without ejaculation also harmful?

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You can masturbate as long as you only use your imagination. No visual stimulation and don’t view pornography at all.

The best way would be to not view pornography and not to masturbate and use sex as your only way to cum.

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Masturbation is extremely harmful. Even with imagination you crave more and more degenerate scenes each time, its no different than porn, maybe just a slightly bit less damaging since you're not exposed to the extremely degenerate content on the internet, you're limited by what you've been already exposed to and limitations of your own mind, but still you'll go pretty degenerate specially if you do it often.

The ideal is to stop masturbation completely. Western science has got it completely wrong on this subject, but Hindu Vedic science (the people who invented yoga) swore by nofap (Brahmacharya), so did Buddhists, ancient Greeks (Pythagoras, Plato) and even the non kiked western medical field until 1950s unanimously agreed - masturbation (sexual excesses in general) damage the brain and the body.

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