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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

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 No.4901 [View All]

Hello everyone. I come from /pol/ and other dark places to start my dejewisation journey. I hope this will help me cure my social anxiety. We start at day 0 so here goes nothing


I fapped today and watched some degenerate pornography therefore it counts as day 0. So far i feel normal. We will see at later days.

Wish me luck. The sole reason i bother to write this is to keep track on my progress and not relapse

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File: 0c1994263b86b12⋯.jpg (875.05 KB,1492x1248,373:312,Elder Scrolls.jpg)


Atleast you're honest.

Try to regain a walking routine or something else that is possitive alongside nofap because,


this guy is right.

Maybe you need to get a hobby. What do you enjo doing?

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Botched it up on Saturday. Days before I would have made it through month one. It's no ones fault but mine; I made a conscious choice and I'm not proud of it. Pledging October; yesterday was day 1.


Yeah, easier said than done. I've been a waste of human flesh for thirty years so suddenly being good at something or feeling good about myself seems improbable.


No, I never have.


Honest to a fault, really. Walking routine is back online; diet is slowly recovering but still eating way too much sugary shit while I veg out on vidya and animu feeling sorry for myself. I have hobbies; lame ones like the above mentioned. Also reading…writing… which I don't do nearly enough lately.

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When's the next update man?

It doesn't matter i you're on day 1, it matters that you never give up.

I also came across a podcast you might enjoy:


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File: e9b37beea6c4e3a⋯.webm (10.72 MB,480x360,4:3,Nature And Organisation -….webm)


Ask and ye shall recieve.

Day fourteen, week two.

All right, so I kinda fucked October all up but November is going strong. Last time I lapsed was the 29th if I remember correctly. I've kinda been falling apart again… Can't seem to maintain any serious positive change. This happens every year; I lose weight and do better while the weather is good, but when the cold starts setting in my inner weakness shows. Still reading a bit, but I've been eating like shit and playing retro vidya all day to drown out the sadness.

Just finishing reading Dostoevsky's "Notes from the Underground" which was quite good. The irony of a self-identified natsoc reading an author banned under the reich is not lost on me.

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Wew, that was pretty fast.

Good for you on still going strong with the Original nofap November. 14 day's is pretty good, at least in contrast to me. I failed two day's ago and am on just day 2 again.

>This happens every year.

Top kek, but seriously if this is a recurring thing you should know by now this is EXACTLY the moment to get busy. So do it. Just go for a afternoon stroll now and then. Make it easy on yourself if you have too.

And how far are you in you job/life quest? I didn't write all those big replay's just for the reading experience you know.But to be honest, I haven't come that far since then either. I don't expect you're waiting on a blogpost, but I kind of let life take a stroll with me and i'm still a NEET as well.But I am not sitting still, I filled in and delivered some job applications today and trained for the first time in weeks as well. There were multiple factors that made me pick up the slack again and the podcast I posted is one of the big ones. I hope it inspires you as well. Whilst doing all of this I got wondering how you were doing and thus we come to the present.”But i'm not sitting still”. I will make it last this time, getting better every day.

Also, if you would like to answer a question. Why don't you post as much as before?

Not for us of course, but to hold yourself accountable. I have certainly noticed a difference between having a private nofap journal and posting it here. The shame of writing day 1 is a motivating factor in not failing. Not that it is necessary but just curious. I haven't posted in a journal thread for month's and I have had some pretty big streaks regardless.

>reading Dostoevsky's "Notes from the Underground".

I didn't know his writings were banned, so the irony is certainly lost on me.

Why did you like it?

Just asking to shake up the monotony of having to write serious answers all the time.

Good luck to ya for the rest.

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Yeah, I've still been browsing /nofap/ just havent posted due to my extreme shame at repeated failings over the past few months. And that's the same reason I haven't been updating. I do still post occasionally in other threads, but I only tripfag in this one.

Sadly my life quest is about the same. I've been going to therapy which is okay, I guess. I get it for free because of my NEET SSDI status. My counselor is at least spiritually minded, which is important to me so that's nice. He's a bit of a cheer leader and I do get kind of sick of the "You're too hard on yourself" "You're really making a lot of positive changes" when I all I do is avoid porn and try not to be a complete waste of skin.

I still haven't made any progress on the job front; I just don't know where to start. I guess shaving/cutting my hair, but I'm so fond of my wildman viking appearance I don't want to change it. I don't know… I know I can do better, maybe I'm just addicted to failure, and being a wastrel is so easy.

Good for you on taking that big step, I have to admit it's a lot harder than it sounds. I'm glad you're moving forward; I'm going to start dragging myself out of complacency again, despite my instinct to go into hibernation mode for the coming winter months. I went for a walk tonight, at least, for the first time in a few days. I'll get back on doing that once a day if nothing else.

Yes, even though Dostoevsky was very much akin to Nietzsche he was banned under National Socialism. I think it's because he was considered Anti-German, which I suppose makes some sense. He was certainly a Russian Nationalist, no doubt about it. He was also staunchly Anti-Communist from what I understand, despite some interest in Christian Utopianism as a young person– which landed him several years in a Siberian prison camp I might add!

Anyways. I enjoyed "Notes" because of its brilliant criticism of Utilitarianism and Materialism. The story is more or less about a narcissistic manchild, who is convinced he's better than everyone else despite countless personal failings and short-comings. He (the protagonist) waxes poetic about "the lofty and the beautiful" while his actual existence is the epitome of the low and the banal. It's very easy for a person like me to identify with the unnamed "man from underground". I quite recommend it, it's a quick read at less than 200 pages but it's got really rich content.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>He's a bit of a cheer leader and I do get kind of sick of the "You're too hard on yourself" "You're really making a lot of positive changes" when I all I do is avoid porn and try not to be a complete waste of skin.

He is right to an extent though. If your moral is too low, you won't get things done, causing an even lower morale. To break out of the defeatism spiral you need to win and winning is only possible if you're confident in your abilities.

>I still haven't made any progress on the job front; I just don't know where to start. I guess shaving/cutting my hair, but I'm so fond of my wild man/viking appearance I don't want to change it.

I don't really have anything against beards and long hair, but you do need to look like it fits on you and I can speak from personal experience that long hair takes more care and effort than I would have expected, to keep it fresh and looking good.

I don't mean to be offensive, but you have stated in the past that you are overweight. If you have a body like vid related the wild man appearance isn't going to bother people to much, but long hair and a beard on a overweight person doesn't have the same effect and doesn't look good.

Furthermore, for a low skilled job to take a 30 year old man with no work experience, you will have to pull extra effort to ensure they will take you. This includes personal appearance and work ethics.

>Good for you on taking that big step, I have to admit it's a lot harder than it sounds. I'm glad you're moving forward; I'm going to start dragging myself out of complacency again, despite my instinct to go into hibernation mode for the coming winter months. I went for a walk tonight, at least, for the first time in a few days. I'll get back on doing that once a day if nothing else.

Thank you and good work. It is precisely in times you want to curl up and do nothing, that you should come out of your comfort zone. This way you challenge destructive habits and working on yourself in the warmer seasons will be easier in comparison. Keep it up and make it easy on yourself in the beginning.

>Anyways. I enjoyed "Notes" because of its brilliant criticism of Utilitarianism and Materialism. I quite recommend it, it's a quick read at less than 200 pages but it's got really rich content.

Even though I am not much of a reader anymore I might pick it up. Thanks for the recommendation.

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I forgot to state, but the biggest obstacle is yourself. The question you need to ask yourself is if you even want to change.

Can and do you want to change?

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Day twenty, week three.

Should make it through November alright. Not sure if I'm going to try to hold out through Christmas, as I tend to get depressed around this time of year anyways. I have mixed feeling on whether nofap makes this better or worse. It certainly makes me more acutely aware of my loneliness; and the sheer impossibility of ever finding a partner or making a family. It also tends to heighten my frustration, make me more irritable. Might not be a good time to be dealing with that, we'll see.

Just finished reading Abir Taha's Twelve Resolutions for a Happy Life. which was quite a good, if short, read. It was basically a self help book, but through the esoteric Nietzschean lens from which the author views the world. It advocates idealism over materialism, while not eschewing the value of the world we live in. A lot of the concepts it deals with, such as accepting change and keeping faith in ones self, are things I personally struggle with.


Funny; I just watched the video related only a day or two before you made this post. I look absolutely nothing like that however, I'm as soft as a marshmallow. I have been keeping up the walking routine, at least to a minimal extent. And to answer your question, or at least try to, I really don't know. I can't stand my current state of weakness and degeneration, but at the same time I am terrified of change. I wonder if I am too weak, if the hour is too late. Maybe I'm too deeply entrenched in my existing shortcomings.

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>Should make it through November alright. Not sure if I'm going to try to hold out through Christmas, as I tend to get depressed around this time of year anyways.

I think you already know that you shouldn't give in. It's only going to get worse otherwise.

>Funny; I just watched the video related only a day or two before you made this post.

Curious indeed.

>I have been keeping up the walking routine, at least to a minimal extent.

That is good, but what do you mean with to a minimum extent. Like once every week?

>And to answer your question, or at least try too.

There is nothing that can be done if you don't want to change. No amount of self help books, no amount of counseling, no passing of time is going to make you able to become better if you don't want to change.

It's about realizing that you're able to stand on your own. People can become more than mindless automatons if you set a goal and work towards it without holding back. You're an adult, the future is and has been in your hands for years.

It is long overdue that you really commit yourself. And to stop with the self pity, low self esteem and defeatism. Yes, I wont lie, from everything I have heard from you it is true that you have been failing at life, to be brutal, it may very well be that you wasted decades of your life, but that is inconsequential to if you should commit yourself to the future. I wrote it down in my first set of post's, there is a cycle of failure perpetuated by more failure. Only by hard work and commitment will anything be done, so the time to change has come.

Take a long good look at yourself to discover if it is a lack of want or real inferiority, that is blocking your self improvement. From what I have gathered, it is a lack of want.

If you don't want to change, failing nofap is the least of your problems and I wouldn't know what to say to you other then: Get a grip.

Harsher then my usual post's, but it really is a do or die situation. I don't know what else I could write to you that could help if the fundamental realization isn't even firmly in place.

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just 6 days to nofap november, we've almost made it!

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Day twenty eight, week four.


Yeah, I know. I've failed at everything in life, not sure why that will change. I think I'm going to just give up in the near future and resign myself to the life fate allotted for me. It is what it is, and it could always be worse. I'm weak, I'm stupid and that's not going to change.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nah mate, that's not an option.

Even if you want to give up, the NEET live is a luxury and will end whenever the ones sustaining you now pull the plug.

I came over too hard, the point of my post, all my post's have been that it does not matter if you will lose, has lost already and are going to lose in the future. The point is that you always do what is right, without regards for failure.

And I also said, that the biggest obstacle is yourself, not fate, or the jews or your family, you yourself have the power to change. And you have admitted multiple times in the past that you know your low self esteem and defeatism is the reason you haven't succeeded yet.

The point I have been trying too hammer into that think skull of your's is that you can change, that it is good to change and how you can change. One step at a time.

I have stated multiple times that you need to take it easy, but steady. Take a walk, a stroll now and then. Do some stretching every other week, maybe write some thing or read some more, but always with the intention to go forwards.

G E T T I N G B E T E R E V E R Y D A Y B O I I.

And have you not gone forwards?

Have you not walked more then previous?

Have you not made some pretty impressive nofap gains?

Have you not read a lot of books and gained valuable knowledge?

But for your sake, stop with the fucking self pity and defeatism and self flagellation. You have been making progress and the only thing stopping you from converting the youth you still have, into a worthy live is you mindset.

You can win, you can change, you can do a lot, but it is conditional.

You will have to get of your ass, you will have to work for it.

As simple as possible, as direct as I can make it.

>Get a grip, stop the negative attitude. Yes, you have failed in the past, waisted years of your live and the only thing that is going to make it better is if you give it a place. Mistakes were made and you have learned from them, what not to do in the future.

>Get active. Learn, train move and be moved. Continue walking, continue repairing you body. Even if it takes years, a steady died of even minimal movement is going to make your live better. An actual healthier died is going to help to thinking about it. And drink at least two bottles of water per day.

>I don't know how or if you are anti social, but if that is the case work on that too. You can't be an idealist if you hate the people. You won't change anything if you don't understand the way the real world works, not the projection from /r9k/ or /pol/ or wherever, the real world and real people. Most importantly, being social doesn't mean that you accept the world as it is. Being social doesn't mean you go with the flow and want to be around people all the time, but it does mean that you can talk to people. That going you own way is really a choice and not something you are forced to do because you can't handle the real world. There is nothing elite in a NEET, bu the ascetic and the man above time is elite. This is not saying social people who Do enjoy being or are around people can't be elite, they're just examples.

Only after bringing the mind, body and actions in order, in that order, can you begin the higger things like idealism and politics.

The point is don't give up because it's not a solution.

You got that? I'm expecting a good update next week.

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just started no fap after thinking about it on and off for some time. Almost three weeks! Feel different, not 'better' exactly just like something is changing. Pleased though.

Just found this thread and thought i would give what support i can and say thank for putting this out there, it hepls to know others have similar problems/solutions.

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not only does it 'hepls' but it helps too.

National Socialism is a way of life not only for our people but for ourselves. Live it.

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How can you go three weeks so easily?

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i have no explanation for it. In the past i have always struggled with discipline and still do now with other things. I guess im just sick of it, im tired of the whole masturbation/sex thing. I have made myself into a buffoon because of it. I no longer view it as worth while or even tolerable. Maybe thats it?

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Have you not looked into gassings? Im not talking about if they happened or not, im talking about how they killed. Zyclon b was a form of hydrogen cyanide, you know, that thing people take to kill themselves, hydrogen cyanide is pretty potent, a good wiff will knock you out, and sitting in it for a minute or two will kill you, or so ive read. Also carbon monoxide is a silent killer for a reason, because you dont notice it killing you until you start to pass out

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>hydrogen cyanide

A very poor choice of killing yourself pain-wise. If it does not knock you out you will experience it burning through your intestines before you die. A very unpleasant death.

Do you know what hydrogen cyanide does to you?

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This. Nofap is inherently anti degenerate, thus it is anti-subversion and anti-marxist. It is a return to values traditional and chaste societies where God or some kind of communion with the spiritual source of this universe is promoted more than materialism and the lust of flesh, gluttony, wealth etc. This builds stronger societies and stronger people. That could very easily lead to a white ethno state in the future. Nofap is and always will be a cousin of right wing conservative ideology or nat soc itself.

I think this is also easily proven by reading some Aristotle or Plato. They promoted a culture of self restrain, not indulgence. Plato flat out said nofap was THE way to masculinity. The one thing zionists fear is a masculine west rising again.

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>Tfw you say you expect a report in a week.

>Mfw It's been two months already.

Just so (you) know, you can always return. It doesn't matter if you get out of it for a time, what matters is that you get back up and eventually succeed.

Did you ever even seriously want to improve? I thought you did, but someone who actually wants to change doesn't do shit like this, doesn't trow the towel in the ring because they aren't were they wanted to be in live. Of course you're not where you want to be, that's why you did this whole self improvement, nofap thing in the first place!

I have given the best advice I could give you in my previous post's, it's and always has been in your hands to do something with this.

>Implying NatSocNEET will ever read this.

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all the links are gone my man. anyone got any updated vids/articles

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm sorry my man, but the sources of most of these have been purged.

Archive.com purged the Pierce collection, ironmarch has been offline for months now, Zeiger deleted his own stuff for whatever reason. There is not much I can do on that field I'm afraid, but it's not all lost of course.

Zeiger still has a youtube channel, even though it has none of the good material I linked his stuff for in the first place (stuff on rhetorics), the national alliance website should have some of the Pierce podcast's in it's own archive and if that doesn't work youtube has a lot of Pierce his radio show as well, ironmarch is truly gone and I don't know of a substitute.

I think the most effective way to answer any question you have on this field, is if you directly ask them and to then look if I have a link or answer for them.

Throughout the thread I posted more links of which this is the second to one most important:


This has almost all the books and articles of most of the Nationalist leaders and prominent figures of the last two centuries. If it is general worldview you're looking for it's here, but just asking directly what isn't clear yet is still the best option IMO.

Keep strong mate.

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day 3 for me

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and counting

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File: aeaed23c493756c⋯.pdf (2.66 MB,James Mason - SIEGE 3rd Ed….pdf)


If you want a specific book, post it and I can take a look for what I can find. PDF related is the link in the post you quoted.


RIP Crablord, IM nebber gomming bagg :''''C

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NatsocNeet here.

Still a NEET. Still NatSoc, I guess. Although I besmirch the honor of that noble movement by qualifying my lowly self as such. Those men were strong, brave, and proud; I am weak, cowardly and pitiful.

I haven't fapped in like 10 or 15 days. I don't know. I'm not keep counting at this point because I'll just cave eventually. Just thought I'd say hello. Hope you are all well. Not tripfagging because I misplaced my code and don't feel like making a new one or digging it up.

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Do you want to come on our live show and talk bout what it's like being NO FAP NAT SOC NEET? We have live stream every FRIDAY night

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Thank you for the invitation but I would be a poor guess. I have no mic and no cam, so I wouldn't be much fun to have on. I would undoubtedly make a royal fool of myself either way, but thank you.

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>He's back.

Finally my man, good for you. Sad to see low self esteem is still there, didn't you go to a therapist for that?

Anyway, good to see you back and I hope you'll stick around to pick up the slack on the way to self improvement. Also, glad too see my over dramatic post's didn't drive you away for good.

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Thank you. Yeah, my self-esteem is actually worse than ever. I've barely been reading… coming out of a two or three month binge on porn, weed and junk food. I feel worse, but at least I'm not doing those things anymore. I doubt I will improve, but at least I'll do less things that are actively corrosive to my will and spirit. And I always appreciate the encouragement, in whatever form it might take.

I think It's been a good two weeks since my last fap, at least. I can't say for sure.

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>I doubt I will improve.

Not with that attitude you wont.

You're going to make it one step at a time man. If you ever have any questions, you can ask them here.


How dit you get your hands on that if you're not social?

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Eh, like everything (imo) it's 90% opportunity and 10% attitude. You can have the best attitude in the world but with no opportunity or options… well…

All of my old friends from High School were stoners. I've fallen out of touch with pretty much all of them now, but I hung out with one before he moved a few times. After smoking out with him for old times sake I ended up buying a few bags with my NEETbux… Then he moved, now I can't get it anymore- which is just as well.

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Day 14, week 2.

Roughly speaking. Not actually counting the days like I did last year; I just stopped fapping late last month; but I am sure it has been no less than fourteen days. I've noticed a definite correlation between fapping and other bad habits, for me at least. It seems like when I do that I end up indulging myself in any other instant gratification I can; junk food, pot, whatever comes along.

When I don't do it for at least a week I feel motivated to read, eat better and start moving my body daily rather than being completely sedentary. The only real downside for me seems to be I am more hyper aware of succubi scum when I am out and about, and they seem to glow more radiantly than they normally do. Either way, I'm better off with out as are all of you most likely.

Currently reading some fantasy book and Verses of Light by Abir Taha. I started reading Le Morte De Arthur earlier this year but hooooly shiiiit. Talk about a slog. I read through the first two books of The Gulag Archipelago with greater ease than the first 50 pages of that tome.

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>over two weeks

Good job anon and everyone else itt. Remember that even if you relapse, willingly coming back here is still an accomplishment and leg up on the sea of degenerate bugmen. I'm new to this board, I just decided to quit early this spring after impregnating my wife. Today is day 59, my longest streak thus far. I'll be checking in weekly or so to give encouragement and updates. Remember, our race is depending on us to be as strong as possible.


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but I'm a black jew

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I blew it.

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Try again, you'll do better.

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I have become relatively disinterested in porn for the past month or so, often going days between faps. I figured why the hell not just try no-fap again since I'm already not fapping much anyway?

One of the reasons for not consuming much porn is because they've become much more brazen with their cuckporn spam it all over every porn site, much more than usual (thanks for helping me quit porn, haha).

Another reason is a mix of disgust for the shameless porn whores, and pity for the beautiful young woman who get forced into it and have their future destroyed.

You might think my libido went to shit judging by my first paragraph, but thats not the case. I'm on day 4 now and already had urges to fap the past 2 days.

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so day 0 for me. fapped without porn, to try to curb urges while weaning off of them because weekends are usually the worst for me, with porn addiction. Stay strong guys.

I have porn addiction so badly that i get shakes, no exaggeration. due to anxiety and no gf, and social isolation, my brain is in a lock of 5 days, porn binge, few days, binge, 7 days, binge for months, then try again. i need suggestions on how to help cut this degeneracy. i want to reach my true potential, with children and a loving wife. i am a 25 year old virgin, originally by choice, now due to my loss of social skills, anxiety and gaining weight, (was put on a medicine for depression, gained weight); i have no self confidence. please give me your suggestions. we must all defeat this filth and purge it from our own lives. the more we purge it from our lives, we can begin to work on the hearts and minds of those still ensnared by porn. we must free ourselves. we need to achieve great things for ourselves and work towards self improvement. nofap helped us get there. when we can be living proof of before and after quitting pornography, people will see we are right.

I ask now for your suggestions or those who have succeeded, what helped you quit. did you wean off of it, cold turkey? etc.

thank you in advance.

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I can't really give advice laddo. Just keep on trying. Cold turkey seems to be the best option.

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failed last night. keep goin and trying

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Wew lads I just passed the 2 week point. This the longest I've gone without fapping in almost a year.

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Keep trying. It takes a few relapses whether you’re kicking porn or cigarettes. Take it one day at a time rather than set a lofty goal. Plan out your activities and stay busy.

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had 3 weeks, unfortunately relapsed

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OP I hope you are still ok and still out there. You really inspired me to do nofap two years ago. I've since fallen back into degeneracy for a whole year but I can't keep doing this shit. I hope you're all right and doing well. I'm going to give this thing another shot and i'm not going to stop this time.

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