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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: 3cc75d92b8ce762⋯.jpg (52.24 KB,400x533,400:533,1382923005043.jpg)


Can't stop fucking fapping. I feel drained. My head feels foggy. I feel like I can't even fucking string sentences together. Fuck my head hurts. I'm going to be horny again in an hour from now. Fuck. I can't keep doing this. I think I might actually die. I've tried everything.

>Avoiding nsfw boards

>Avoiding chans completely

>Installing blockers

>Trying to distract myself

>Taking cold showers

>Tracking my progress

>Avoiding the internet

>Trying to only fap at designated times/wean myself off

>Working out

>Eating healthy

>Trying to hang out with people

>Looking at something gross

>Trying to think of gross things

It literally takes my thoughts over. It becomes all I think about. Everything I look at or think of gets twisted into something sexual and makes me want to fap. I don't even want to fap anymore but it's all I can do to make the thoughts go away for just a little while. Fuck it I can't do this anymore. I rather not exist than go on like this. There's only one thing left that I can try before this literally kills me. I'm going to use this thread as a journal so that I can share my progress. Maybe the social pressure will help. It's the only thing I can think of at this point besides shriveling up and dying from this addiction. My head hurts, my whole body hurts, I can't think straight. I feel sick. If this doesn't work, then hopefully it will actually kill me. It would be a better fate than suffering from this for a few more years. Anyway, I'll be back in about an hour when the urges start again to post some random journal shit. Feel free to call me a faggot or something

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File: 5011ed98d2716e1⋯.jpg (70.95 KB,468x606,78:101,1.jpg)

File: 4f3e1a1881a9029⋯.jpg (90.59 KB,468x606,78:101,2.jpg)

I just deleted all my porn, not that it's ever stopped me before. Fuck even the suggested boards are triggering me. I'm going to dump a random short comic to take my mind off of this

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File: 2f9e6bd66fb9e12⋯.jpg (76.55 KB,468x606,78:101,3.jpg)

File: e0c362051e829f2⋯.jpg (92.87 KB,468x606,78:101,4.jpg)

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File: b506393e15a5468⋯.jpg (59.68 KB,468x606,78:101,5.jpg)

File: e7442e3242d8ea8⋯.jpg (98.02 KB,468x606,78:101,6.jpg)


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File: ab6f392fbb91d79⋯.jpg (96.55 KB,468x606,78:101,7.jpg)

File: f0b08870dfa72aa⋯.jpg (76.79 KB,468x606,78:101,8.jpg)

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File: d7479aaa38175d5⋯.jpg (81.31 KB,468x606,78:101,9.jpg)

File: cf752a4c87b344f⋯.jpg (142.8 KB,616x640,77:80,10.jpg)

Sorry if my thread breaks the board rules or something. I don't really come here that often. I think I'm going to make some coffee and go outside. I don't really know what I'm going to do when I get out there yet. Guess I'll be back in a little bit when the urges start to get stronger

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Just stop you fucking faggot. It's really not that hard. The problem is your life is so empty and pointless that you have to fill up your time with fapping. Fill your life with a purpose and a goal to strive for. You might never attain it, but it's the struggle that makes life worth living.

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And how much of the stuff you listed did you do because you genuinely wanted to? I mean, these,

>Installing blockers

>Trying to distract myself

>Looking at something gross

>Trying to think of gross things

who does that, really?

If it's really tearing you up so much, maybe rub one out just once and move on with your day. It's not the end of the world or anything, but all this emotional angst is probably worse for you than any fap will ever be. Take it easy; life should be tolerable at the very least, yea?

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do you have a cordless phone in your house? do you live near a weird looking tower?

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File: f703c6c23715e82⋯.jpg (50.28 KB,739x717,739:717,f703c6c23715e8261c56ab4247….jpg)

I seem to be doing better for now. My head feels like it's in a fucking vice


No you don't understand, it becomes impossible to think. My mind literally becomes clouded with images of sex, regardless of what I'm doing. It's not like I have nothing else to do but fap, I just lose the ability to think


>just once

You say that so casually, as if I actually want to fap this much. I don't even want to fap at all honestly, I just don't know any other way to get the images out of my head. I'm tired of it though. I can't do this shit anymore. Any time I feel the urges, I'm just going to post here like I am now. It seems to be helping so far


Maybe. Describe the weird looking tower

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File: 8f2a27a7de31d6b⋯.jpg (316.25 KB,620x800,31:40,1447389092720.jpg)

File: 3c8b2712f3b75fe⋯.png (283.91 KB,828x2755,828:2755,1391227600862.png)

File: 22575371d32c781⋯.gif (1.99 MB,448x276,112:69,1460520229931.gif)

Going to just dump random things on and off. God, I feel sick

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That's because you don't "stop" fapping; you start something else.

If you are addicted to fapping and/or porn then you can't quit by replacing it with nothing.

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Spamming random pics on /nofap/ isn't going to help you bro.

Try meditation. Also you can go with the nuclear option of internet filters and install pluckeye. By default it blocks all pictures and videos on the internet. You can whitelist the sites you know are safe and then set the whitelist delay to 5 days.

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File: 041acbdcb1f1299⋯.webm (3.68 MB,380x100,19:5,1458402957390.webm)

File: 4e1440efceb60c9⋯.gif (607.06 KB,636x288,53:24,1463714803770.gif)

File: f71716a88c74af4⋯.png (1.05 MB,937x2449,937:2449,1458332375370.png)


I'm not replacing it with nothing, it's replacing everything



Alright, I'll try this.

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Have you ever heard about the best way to walk a tightrope? They say you don't actually focus on not falling, but rather getting to the other side. Even if you focus your positive energy on not falling, it's a negative goal, "avoid failure" rather than "achieve milestone." You're focusing too much on failure, because you're spending all your energy thinking about not fapping, which really means you're spending all your time thinking about fapping, which I'm sure you'll agree isn't really progress. You need to change your focus, only you can decide what's more worth your time though.

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ur a fgt

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