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File: f03965cff92222c⋯.jpg (107.78 KB,1500x1454,750:727,chastitybelt.jpg)

 No.2149 [View All]

I'm a lady struggling to stop masturbating and I feel terribly guilty about it. I average 1-3 times a day, usually looking at lesbian porn (IRL i don't like fooling around with other girls really) or reading erotic stories. Very rarely making it more than a day or two without getting off. When I don't, falling asleep becomes quite difficult and that's when I tend to cave in if I haven't already orgasmed earlier.

I tend to get unmotivated and lonely afterwards while feeling like a total loser. If I had a boyfriend or husband right now, i'd seriously let him lock me in a chastity belt for long as he thought I needed to be in one. I've even been considering locking myself up and giving the key to a friend until i'm in a relationship.

For now, how can I get my mind off of self-pleasure? What can I do to help me fall asleep at night without giving in? Do guys like women who abstain from masturbating more than those who do? I don't know what to do to stop.

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It's not my intention to screw anyone up. I'm serious about this.

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You seem like a sweet girl so don't listen to the degenerate spouting off a bunch of macho nonsense about being some guy's doormat. This will probably come off as white knighting to some, especially since you broke the first rule of the internet on a board dedicated to sexually frustrated males but take it as you will.

The key to success is perseverance through will. You want something bad enough, keep it in your mind, don't settle for failure from yourself. Hold that ideal image of yourself and invest 100% of your energy and actions obtaining it. Practice mindfulness and tend to your mental garden, don't indulge wayward thoughts allowing them to grow into fantasies. Each time you get thoughts leading you astray confront them in a detached manner, observe and acknowledge them, then imagine them wisping away into nothing. Each time you feel biological urges imagine it changing into pure vital energy in your naval. This will take practice, it is not easy. It is something you have to keep up at all times.

There is no need to be dominant in a relationship with a guy. There is also no need to "please a guy so much he wants to marry you". Different people have different ideals, morals, and whatnot but if you desire a regular monogamous relationship look for someone who respects you and you feel comfortable just being yourself with. If you're constantly striving to please people, especially guys when it comes to sex, the sad truth is most will just use you and move on. Worse they will keep you around for favors and your insecurities will allow them to neglect you or sleep around.

Getting some sort of chastity belt is admitting you lack the composure and willpower to be who you want to be in life, a shitty situation to be in. Maybe you will fail a few times trying to implement your perfect self. So what? Each time you will harden your resolve and strengthen your determination. Become who you want to be before you go looking to try to fill that void with someone else.

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>Not sure why he'd get to do that while I have to remain chaste though.

Delayed gratification, proving you can be pure and have rejected your previously slutty ways and finally the joy of compersion are just three reasons. It might take a long time to cure you.

>a hard time adjusting to a boyfriend sleeping other girls though

It's something you have to think about. Jealousy is hard to overcome but your desire to please may override it. How much of your hypothetical jealousy is just fear and a product of what you think other people might think? Interesting to unpack in my opinion.

>>2188 (Checked)

>a bunch of macho nonsense about being some guy's doormat

Strange interpretation.

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>There is no need to be dominant in a relationship with a guy. There is also no need to "please a guy so much he wants to marry you".

umm, I don't want to be at all. That's what I said. As for the second bit, it probably sounds worse than it is. Should have worded it differently. I'm not going to let a guy beat me up, verbally abuse me, use me for sex or doing anything that violates my boundaries. I meant that it will motivate me not to be as selfish and do nice things for him often (i.e. cook, clean, laundry, draw him cute pictures etc.) instead of constantly doing things for my own pleasure. I would be doing those kind of things because we have a mutual respect, not purely because he wants me to do something. If some guy thinks I should be treated like a street whore or a punching bag, I wouldn't be sticking around to do anything nice.

>Getting some sort of chastity belt is admitting you lack the composure and willpower to be who you want to be in life

To some extent yes, but it'd force me to stop wasting time on porn for hours and I wouldn't be so lethargic afterwards. It vastly help get me in a mindset I want a lot faster. It's kind of like recovering from mental illness, works best when you take meds and do therapy. So in this case, wearing a chastity belt while working on self-improvement. Doesn't even leave room for masturbation and it's after effects to get in the way.

>Become who you want to be before you go looking to try to fill that void with someone else

This one I know and have failed to do in the past. I really don't want to be giving someone an incomplete person, straining the relationship and I've been taking a break from dating already while I get my head together.


>Delayed gratification, proving you can be pure and have rejected your previously slutty ways and finally the joy of comparsion are just three reasons

I can definitely agree delayed gratification would benefit a person greatly, but if a guy cared about a woman being pure, why the hell is he fooling around with whores? Joy of comparsion,..knowing i'm with a man who can draw in attractive women is kind of hot, but I seriously think it'd make me feel like trash in the long run and question his values. If any other girl was involved, i'd want to be part of it in someway. Like a mutual girlfriend or something, since I do kind of like women.

>strange interpretation

I'm curious as to what your perspective is? I'm guessing is at least somewhat similar to mine since like relationships to be more on the traditional side with established roles.

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*sorry for typos. wish there was an edit button.

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>The idea is a little scary at the time though, because what if I have to wait years before I can orgasm again?

I would let you touch yourself if I ever broke my nofap myself, which would happen very rarely if ever with this newfound motivation. Orgasms should be preserved and only enjoyed with your significant other in a loving, married relationship.

>Teasing a girl while locked up seems pretty like a really mean thing to do :(

It's a double edged sword ;)

>I suppose that'd be some motivation to do my very best and please a guy much as possible so he wants to marry me.

Don't just give your keys out to a jackass like that other guy, only trust a guy you're in a serious relationship with, that for certain want to settle and start a family with you. Until then just keep the keys in hard to reach or temporarily inacessible places, or give them to one of your good (girl)friends.

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>Orgasms should be preserved and only enjoyed with your significant other in a loving, married relationship.

that'd be ideal, but it's pretty hard to find a man who even wants the possibility of getting married and even more difficult to find one who'd want to wait for someone who isn't even a virgin. My number is really low at least, if that counts for anything.

>Don't just give your keys out to a jackass like that other guy

I wouldn't give any guy the keys unless I've been with him for a long time and trust him 100% As for the whole cuckquean thing, it might be hot for one or two times… but long-term I think i'd end up resenting my partner and feeling worthless. Been cheated on enough times as is.

> Until then just keep the keys in hard to reach or temporarily inacessible places, or give them to one of your good (girl)friends

I'd probably keep it in my safe, locked inside a smaller box to make it inconvenient as possible. Been looking at different options already since it's something I want to do fairly soon.

Actually made it the whole day without porn/getting off but caught myself reaching down there without thinking quite a few times. Been grumpy and anxious every minute of it, along with having an annoying headache that won't go away. Definitely kept myself a lot more busy than usual to keep my mind off of sex, got a lot of housework done as a result.

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>I'm a lady struggling to stop masturbating and I feel terribly guilty about it. I average 1-3 times a day, usually looking at lesbian porn or reading erotic stories.

Stop/reduce looking at porn and reading erotic stories. Maybe go somewhere public where you can't.

>When I don't, falling asleep becomes quite difficult and that's when I tend to cave

Stare at the sun in the morning 9 am or earlier to get your pineal gland to produce melatonin. Try to be outside to get sunlight in your eyes. Try to not stare at the sun while there is a UV index.

Avoid bright lights 1 to 2 hours before you go to sleep.

Take melatonin 15 minutes before you sleep.

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>why the hell is he fooling around with whores

Hey, who said they are whores?

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Im curious about the eFfects of masturbation on how a pussy looks. Does masturbation chnages anything? Your clit, labia or whatever got bigger or anything? Some girls have these huge flaps and i wonder if its from masturbating.

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>girl anon flat out admits she's lonely and horny from fapping too much

>no anons offer to relieve her pain

Well, this is a board full of sexless NEETs, so I guess no surprise there.

You sound like you have a higher-than-average sex drive, so NoFap might be more difficult for you than the average girl, so I'd suggest just reducing the frequency of fapping to once a week for now.

Also try to engage in regular exercise. Being tired often kills your desire faster than you can say "cunt", and will help you fall asleep.

Chastity belt…ehhh. If you're not a virgin, those won't make a guy marry you. I mean you've already been defiled, no taking that back.

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>Also try to engage in regular exercise

started to do that already for those very reasons. Being inactive leaves too much room for my mind to wander.

>Chastity belt…ehhh. If you're not a virgin, those won't make a guy marry you

Meh, not really the point for me personally. More so, I see it as sure way to stop getting off and focus on more productive things. Plus if I'm only able to get orgasms via sex, it'd make things more intimate and passionate. All that sexual energy wouldn't be wasted on myself.

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>Well, this is a board full of sexless NEETs, so I guess no surprise there.

e-sex involves fapping though

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>Meh, not really the point for me personally. More so, I see it as sure way to stop getting off and focus on more productive things. Plus if I'm only able to get orgasms via sex, it'd make things more intimate and passionate. All that sexual energy wouldn't be wasted on myself.

OK, get a boyfriend then?

I'm not sure what you're looking for here. To stop fapping? Well, there's only one answer to that, girlie.

Willpowah, lass.

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I'm waiting till marriage, so I wouldn't offer to relieve her pain.

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My first encounter with a guy was getting raped, so not like I had a chance at being "pure" anyway.

Maybe I should find other girls to talk to about this stuff : /

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File: 9b7116c9a2a801e⋯.jpg (96.65 KB,602x519,602:519,just no.jpg)


>used goods

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>please spoonfeed me

I don't know what more you are looking for. This is more of a support group then a set of tips and tricks to stop masturbating. The solution is: just stop doing it. The more in-depth solution is: build up your willpower so you can stop doing it.

Are you a sapient being? Do you have agency over your actions? Are you in conscious control of your own body? If the answer to all these is yes, then the problem is you're still too weak to not be a slave to your biological urges. Build your willpower for this and other habits constantly and you'll get stronger. Feeling uncomfortable or irritated by sensations is really not an excuse if it's important to you.

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>this is literally the most velocious thread in this board's history

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What are you here for if you already know what you to do? Just order the belt and lock yourself in it.

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>she thinks other women are going to be able to help with this

>passive-aggressive post about being raped ruining her virginity so she can get attention

do bitches realize they're doing it anymore? or is the attention-seeking just a natural part of their biology? jesus christ this is the quintessential thread about how to go about maintaining self-control and she refuses to take sound advice on the pretense of it coming from an audience she clearly doesn't respect.

it's like a fat girl asking how to lose weight without moving. "i just want someone to make my meals, move my body, and tell me when and what to do so i can lose the weight." disgusting.

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Do women suffer the loss of micro elements like men do? Are there statistics regarding changes in neurology for grills?


Any form of cuckery confuses me. Creating half-siblings should be detrimental, yet cuckqueaning is not only more common, bisexuality among women seems to have little worse impact on society than bisexual men.


I'd rather say instead of willpower, they simply lack the wish to do so. Men can become bodybuilding einsteins with multiple doctorates, but most simply don't want to. Every person evaluates for themselves, and those of less willpower simply have less discipline in reaching their own goals.

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>little worse

I meant less bad. My bad.

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Nofap doesn't need to be an exercise in discipline. If you just want the gross feeling of fapping to go away get a female chastity device, lock it, and put the keys on your roof or bury them. You don't need a keyholder, the effort involved with unlocking the cage will outweigh the immediate desire to fap. This is easier for male chastity devices, try to find one that allows you to keep your privates hygenic

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one thing i have to say is stop looking at (((porn))). that's the only reason you sink low enough to have anything to do with 'lesbian' degeneracy

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Best answers so far.

Also to other anons, please cut the bullshit with the whole marriage fantasy. I'm also pro-monogamous committed and lifelong relationships but marriage has nothing to do with a good or a bad relationship.

Sage because I feel this is turning into a fucking attention-whoring thread which is utter shit.

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ok wanna say something, why u dont have a boyfriend, why u think in a husband? get out from your home, secure you are beautiful and should to be so much people interesting, i cant let to think about you, im lookin for a girl likes you…>>2149

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WTF is the point of this thread? Nofap only has a point for men, because of the link between fapping, confidence and ability to function. If a man could go outside, wait around for an attractive woman to hit on him, and just say yes there would be no problem of fapping to begin with.

So which one is it OP? Are you horrendously unattractive? Do you constantly reject men who show interest in you? Or are you here fishing for attention from thirsty betas?

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>women don't masturbate

are you retarded?

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Why the fuck would you bump this dumpster-fire of a thread, you doublenigger

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You may want to consider joining a support group like Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous, or a similar Anonymous program if neither of those are where you live. The stone cold experience of seeing people with real problems (trying to break up with abusive partners, being addicted to strip clubs) is humbling and I found it very helpful. It's good to be profoundly uncomfortable every now and again, and the ugly reality of peoples' problems helped put mine in a new perspective.

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I'd guess this nofap thing is worst for women than for men, since they can just do it and do it and do it. It's very much why I think women are generally inferior skill wise, and less smart; it must be hard to stop thinking about sex for them. Oh, there's also the "not needing to lift a finger to go comfortably through life", but you know…

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File: abf8a97f2abfb82⋯.jpg (83.19 KB,475x549,475:549,womantorispelling.jpg)


>I'm a lady struggling to stop masturbating

1. Attempt to make yourself look slightly better than pic related

2. Walk up to man.

3. Tell man to fuck you.

4. If you haven't set your sights way too high, man will fuck you.

Get the hell outta here with that "I can't stop boo hoo hoo" jazz. Men who don't get any jerk the gherkin to release the pressure. Women don't have any excuse unless they're 900 pounds with a face full of acne. And even THEY can get some freak to plow them if they take the time to check out the fetish boards.

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There should be a meme about women who claim they were raped in online support groups

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i could easily, effortlessly, take a break from rubbing my clit 'til i orgasm…i just don't know if it's good to do or not; it gets my heart beating fast…i suspect it's a good thing.

i don't need porn to do it, i don't use porn to do it.

but do i need clitoral orgasms? i just do not know. sigh

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Kill yourself kike

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File: 171c20ec7122274⋯.jpg (105.32 KB,499x610,499:610,nofap.jpg)


Quit it cold turkey. You are killing yourself. Meditate and pray, if you can't sleep for the first few nights that's alright. Once you've set your foot down and decided you will not give in no matter how much your brain screams for it, you will eventually find peace.

Focus your day on getting as much done as possible. Celibacy gives you lots of energy to work with in your day. Also nofap is the same for both boys and girls. No need to bring that kind of attention to yourself, just pretend you're a guy on this board.

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op is a larping faggot.

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1) Fuck off, whore

2) Female energy is based on menstrual cycles, male energy on ejaculation. You're still a whore though.

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If you are serious about it set goals you can achieve, then build on that:

>Quit porn

>limit fap to once/twice a week

>Then go for two times a month

>Then once a month

>no fap

If you set out a goal too high you will fail.

There is no shortcut to take. All you need is a set of achievable goals and the willpower to achieve them.

>I need this

>I need that

>Maybe a belt will do the job

It will not. You need to confront the addiction in your mind, by the strength of your will.

Falling asleep-

yeah it may suck at first if you are used to getting off beforehand. Gotta push through though. It gets better after a week or so.

Get mind off of self-pleasure-

keep yourself busy.

Go outside, do sports, cook, read a book, meet friends, whatever.

There are tons of things to do. Once you are tired you will not feel the need to fap, falling asleep will become quite easy.

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It doesn't matter OP honestly. Females can't have sex with each other so since there is no penetration except with random objects. Cultures never really cared about lesbians "fucking" each other and killed homosexual men and saw it as a abomination.

Its the limit of your gender, less powerful less responsibility.

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>Degenerate fetish enabling

Kill yourself.

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>Men and woman are exactly the same

Kill yourself my man

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>impying implications

Homosexuality is degenerate and bad period, kill yourself.

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>sexual encounters are and can only be defined by penetration

>literal feminist logic on why women can't rape

Concern troll detected.

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>replying to a 2 year old thread

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sex between women isnt homosexual

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how can a woman rape?

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this is the cringiest shit I've ever read. Why do you talk like a 2005 Myspace RP Forum Goer

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Jeezus this thread is just full of virgins and MGTOW faggots.

I doubt said girl is even lurking here anymore.

But who cares if its a woman seeking help or not, either tell her to gtfo or give her tips, belittling her for when shes trying something does nothing but turn you into a huge faggot.

Might as well go join islam, they think the same.

Obviously Men and Women arent the same, but if a woman trys to take the role most of you faggots would actually welcome and adore, you fucking help her.

Act like Hitler would act, not like Muhammed would, faggots.

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