Something doesn't need to be pleasurable to save one from discontent. It only needs to be distracting enough to make you forget your inner discontent.
The average person is aware of society's downward spiral. Addictions to immediately rewarding activities and entertainment are increasing. The internet CAN be used in an appropriate manner, but it usually IS NOT. It makes people more reclusive, demoralizes people, and ends up making society fall apart even faster.
It isn't just porn. Sex (and the pursuit of it) also make you forget. You don't remember the bleakness of the real world when you pursue something with the assumption that you'll be happy when you obtain it. However, the despair is only greater when you fail to do so.
Manage to have sex with someone and you'll get bored after a handful of times. This is proven by a scientific survey, and one of the arguments against porn.
Have sex with a different person each time, you'll get into weird stuff. This is proven by how porn causes desensitization, however, this rarely happens from actual sex in reality.
A lot of people do nofap in order to get a real partner. This is progress, but its basis is mistaken. The concept portrays itself as an end in itself, rather than a step of the process.
Anything that distracts you from the dark and cold way the world is, from your bad memories and all of the bad experiences you've had with people, is a coping mechanism and it will spawn weakness.
Rejections will only drip more toxic waste into that dark pit. Whereas pleasure will only make it that much more toxic. Either way, you lose.
That's why surrendering and sinking into it is the only rational thing you can do. Your inner demons will never go away and the world will never cease to be a bad place. However, you can make yourself at home here. Accept the horrors of reality and you'll be free.