Race mixing is scientifically proven to be bad though. Maybe not catastrophic by your definition but making a brown faced monkey that doesn’t do as well on tests as his pale faced mother will effect the quality of a society if it happens on a large enough scale. The guy who founded blacked is Jewish. Al Goldstein was the father of American pornography and said explicitly that he did it to harm white Christians. There’s quotes from “Unclean Lips” where Jewish porn producers say that pornography is a tool of social control that makes people less violent and more open to suggestion. Whether you believe that this has a meaningful impact on modern life in western countries is up to you I suppose, but it is certainly a matter of fact that their are Jewish pornography producers that believe that what they do harms white communities and admit openly that it is their main reason for doing it.
Look man, you’re going to spend a lot of time, possibly even years, looking for “one simple trick” to fix problems like this, but at the end of it you will discover that the answer is to just stop watching it. Trust me, I know how that sounds to you right now but whether it’s interracial porn or fast food or drugs, the answer is to remove it from your life for a while, and once your brain figures out it was actually harming you, you’ll develop a distaste and avoidance of it. Do one bad habit at a time because you will have intense urges to relapse, there is no getting around that. Just do what I do and think “if I eat this burger/ jack off/ do drugs the Jews win.” Extremely motivating imo