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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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 No.17305 [Last50 Posts]

















/nofap/ Has come a long way since it's inception by PLAGUE_DOCTOR all the way back in 2015. We went from an obscure board among many, to a top 50 board, to getting the entire website deleted, but even despite it all, we are still here, the way of nofap and self improvement lives on no matter the platform.

Today is the start of a new year, that means the rare chance to get the honor of completing a year of nofap, both to you who has only just begin on the journey towards self improvement, and a fresh chance for the people that have been struggling for years.

Sleep right, eat right, read and learn, work out, hang out with the right people, stop being a slave to lust or other vices, so many areas were we can move forwards so don't miss the chance to do so.

I wish everyone, both beginners and veterans strength and the best of luck in yet another year of self improvement. Make this year yours, make this new decade yours.

And remember:

>It only gets easier the longer you do it.

>Half of the essence of nofap is not to DO something, but precisely to do NOTHING.

>The rules of the game are no PMO, no porn, masturbation and orgasm. Each one of these leads into the other and feed the entire cycle.

>The other half of nofap is the will for self improvement. Try to use the positives from nofap to change up your day routine and cultivate your potential. Not only will nofap become easier, your live will improve. So go do push ups, go for a walk, go read those books you have had for years now, go finish what you started with nofap.

We can all make it if we try, you have everything you need withing yourself to do so, and if you are found wanting, you have the board to help.

Have a great 2020 and don't fap ya cunts.

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day 11

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>nofap decade

Needs a better name.

How about "Don't dick decade"?

Kinda shit but muh alliteration.

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What's up, ya cunts? I hope this board is still active after the migration.

Older millennial/ 30 year old boomer anon here. I discovered fapping on my own when I was about 12 years old. I was very awkward, insecure, a loaner, and a pervert. I quickly became addicted, and it played a big part in my life. I started porn in college. The gateway drug was risque stuff and nude movie clips on YouTube. Eventually I got into some fetish stuff and really got hooked.

Fast forward a bit. Been trying nofap for the past 7 years or so, and I've come a long, long fucking way. Not awkward, not shy; I've grown quite assertive.

My longest nofap streak was about 6 months. I got to a place where fapping was unthinkable to me. I thought I'd beat it. However, at one point I allowed myself to fall victim to the perfect storm.

>Away from home

>Indulged in food, desserts, alcohol

>Unresolved emotional/interpersonal issues in background

>Read PUA/game blogs and let myself get horny; deluded myself into thinking it was OK because it was just muh red blooded stuff rather than fetish

>fapped. Fapped again. Fapped more on that trip, cuz why the fuck not?

Since then, I've had a few stretches of 2 or 3 months fap free, then 2 or 3 months in which I fap several times per month.

I want to get even more serious than I've ever gotten before.

God bless you bastards. Hoping we'll all talk soon.

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That is indeed a fun idea.

How about this, we give some alt names and at the end of the month or something we'll put them in a strawpoll to see which one is the best?

The best one will be put into the subject field instead.


Welcome back.

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>Twaddle-free Twenties

>Temperate Twenties

>Diddle-free Decade

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Oh fucking damnit it's like a little voice buzzing in my ear. I'm not even horny but my brain is trying to get me to fap anyways. At least the withdrawal symptoms are still just psychological. Based on my previous long streaks I know that physical withdrawal symptoms are coming soon.

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Dont diddle your dong, decade.


*please forgive similar name to the last one you posted.*

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Added alliteration always A-OK.

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Day 0 - may we endure till the end.

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Welcome. Don't fap, ya cunt.

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7 Days

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Day 2. Also feels longer than usual. I was heavily tempted to relapse today, but I have a lot of chores to do and that takes my mind away from wasting time. Furthermore, I've read some of the other threads and I think the novelty-seeking part of porn addiction has been the underlying factor in what actually drives my brain. If I replace porn with anime or a video game, then I'm still getting some kind of novelty but at least I'm working through my backlog.

Anime episodes and video games also end, too, which means I'm not wasting hours upon hours in pursuit of some new degeneracy.

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Should I make a new thread for this? I'm not sure if the board is active enough to justify branching out there, and my (admittedly selfish) desire is to have as great a chance for feedback/advice as possible.


Relapsed a bit yesterday and looked at porn/masturbated for about 40 minutes, but it didn't really feel the same. As soon as I looked away from the screen for more than few seconds, I felt this really deep-seated sense of dread and . . . I'm not sure how to describe it. Sort of a hollow, dull feeling inside. There was the usual heady rush of dopamine/adrenaline when I was compiling all the new porn doujinshi to look at, but after reading a few of them, I didn't have any desire to go further. I just kept thinking "really? are you going to do this again?" and the images seemed to lose their lustre.

I'm not saying "oh, I had control of it, I could stop at any time" because I clearly didn't and couldn't, but I had a much easier time pulling myself out of it compared to other relapses I've had in the last year. I'm still going to call today day 3, because if I just go to bed on time tonight then I'll completely avoid the situation that leads to me relapsing: being tired and staying up late.

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Hello, I had a feeling kind of like yours the past few days, my habitual fap material though is sexual roleplay, in chatrooms and porn, still, after sealing the deed I can see immediately these things for what they are, and that is disgusting traps that sink me further and further down, by killing all of my drive and taking the whole lot of my free time, I'm like you in the sense that once I start I can't stop, but now we know that those things don't help us and actually make us feel like shit, we just gotta stay away, even a peek is too much, we can't consciously return to the entrapment, stay strong muffin.

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Fuck, the urge is strong today.

I don't know how many days in I am, I binged through the first week of January and decided to give it all up because my attention span is fucked and I spend all my free time masturbating.

Today is my first day off after working 10 days straight and all I want to do is look at porn. The best thing I ever did was disabling thumbnails on this website, there's porn everywhere and it's so easy to stare at a lewd or pornographic image long enough to convince yourself that looking at a few more images can't hurt.

I think I'll read a book.

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you've got this, anon. Don't fap, ya fucking cunt.

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23 days, doing well

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Alright, it's almost februari so let's make that strawpoll since it seems we're not getting anymore suggestions.


Additional suggestions are welcome however, we could just hold another vote later if need be.

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Find when you're most prone to relapsing then just expunge the threat once recognized. For instance, for me its sleep deprivation, thus I've been going to sleep at 9pm typically, much earlier than before.

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End of day 2. The last two days have made me feel irritable and somewhat anxious, but I don't have much desire to look at porn. Days 3 and 4 are typically what ruin me, so I will try to anticipate the urges and just force myself not to give into them. I'll try to exercise as well.

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End of day 3. I had some really strong emotions today, but I was able to restrain myself and I feel proud of it. I have more work tomorrow, so that will definitely give me something to focus on. Like "I'm so tired and annoyed that I might as well do something productive."

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I woke up from a really strong dream where I was masturbating but I couldn't find any reference materials to fap to because I have been deliberately avoiding real women and soft-core/hard-core images

Not sure wether to feel pathetic about the desperateness of my mind or be happy that I didn't relapse

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Really weird it doesn't allow vpn votes, I am pretty sure I turned that option on

Hmmm, it seems to be a tie so far between temperate twenties and don't dick decade with a glorius two votes so far.

I guess we'll wait a bit longer if anyone else wants to vote.

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Yet another fap, nothing changes. I am not able to learn anything from past mistakes. I guess that I'll try to browse this page. I haven't been here for a while

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I've been relapsing this week, so maybe we can be miserable together.

>nothing changes

Do you want it to change? I think what gives me trouble is a strong part of me that does not want things to change: porn feels good and makes me feel good even when other things are bad. Porn doesn't ask anything of me. Porn is literally never more than a minute away from me. I get scared when I think of how I'll live without porn because I literally don't know any other way, and haven't since I was 16 years old almost a decade ago.

Seriously, it's tough to change old habits. Do you actually want to change, or is the idea of change something that just so happens to appear before you like a string of smoke? When you think of changing and living differently, do you have any emotional reaction at all, or is your brain so numb that you can't muster it?

Sorry if I'm needling you; I think I'm asking myself these questions just as much as I'm asking you.

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Keep going! Don’t do it for anyone but your own self respect.

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Well I do, I've been trying to quit for years probablly since 2017. One time I reached one month streak without PMO and Internet and it was godlike, seriously it really is worth it.

However as you know, mind gets foggy the long you struggle, your own organism is demanding new portion of drug and will try to trick you into fapping. I've failed countless of times, so maybe I don't really want to quit. It's really easy to forget what are you going for so it's really crucial to stay focused. So it'd be wise to stay away from internet, and try to keep oneself busy

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No clue what went right but my current streak is amazing.

>late November 2019

>jerk off as normal

>suddenly porn/masturbation seem meaningless

>only had a few weak urges since then

>annoying wet dreams once or twice a week until finally around 70 days in they stopped

>after last wet dream I feel great (until then my body seemed to be getting rid of excess sperm when I pissed, made my dick feel uncomfortable)

>feeling little attraction to women, 2D or 3D

Today is day 100. Feels fucking amazing man.

Keep it up. You can do this. If you have to, cut out the internet. I have not had much (time for) internet access, which I think was a big help for me. It also helps to have a healthy hobby, like learning another language or meditation (if you're interested in meditation, read The Mind Illuminated).

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I relapsed today, so I'll try to keep your advice in mind. I've been tracking the amount of time I waste every day, and seeing that helps to refresh me as to why I should want to change my habits.

I wasted about 145 hours in February on pornography. I don't know how I managed to submit any school assignments at all with such a huge chunk of time gone.


It's a sign.

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Back on the wagon for me too

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I just lost at a 91 day streak. I'm going to pick up and keep going. After a while I didn't even think about fapping; didn't even think about porn. I got to where I cherished reality and savored every moment. I haven't lost all that. The porn didn't feel that awesome this time. I've repented to God, and by his grace I want to forge ahead and put this behind me. Here's to victory for me and all ya other cunts on this board.

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Keep going, brothers. Let's keep this board alive too.

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Oh boy where to start. I couldn't access to 8ch because my service provider shut it down after Christchurch, even posting through another dns was a hassle, I don't know it was a weird year. Got caught up with work and was relapsing. I made ti for a good 80-90 days at the start of last year but then fell back into another cycle of relieving myself once or twice a week.

If I had to estimate how much I masturbated last year it would have been around 40-50 times.

I never had an addiction with porn or have had ED but I feel like it's one thing if I could change about myself I would. So I'm on Day 26 and it has been testing, especially the weekends in quarantine where I can't go out and don't have work to distract me. Have had many erections but no touching. In the cold weather my flaccid dick is swollen, so are the balls, my body wants me to bust inside a woman so bad but I've been here before.

Here's hoping I can get to one hundred and outlast the southern hemisphere winter.

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Anons i need help, I've wasting so much time fapping, i need a change

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Exhaust yourself during the day, you'll fall asleep quicker. As for mental exercises anytime you're about to start jerking it stop yourself and say something out loud like "I don't have a women to share this cum with, I'm a fucking loser". Something that reinforces wanking is pathetic.

I used to bite my nails as a kid and conquered that in my last year of high school, I feel like people grow out o that though. I just remember how I conquered that and how I'm older and can control myself. Try to recall something like that.

Fuckin' Day 30 here as well.

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So Day 42 of NoFap I guess. Did wake up to ejaculate a couple of days ago but no touching, I put it down to more vivid dreams. That's one thing I've noticed dreams are so much more clearer.

Other changes, more energy when weightlifting, I basically stand and move all day, transitioned to a standing desk setup when I get home and I would say I have the will to stick to it rather than the energy. So the commitment to things in life for has been breaking a mental barrier of apathy.

Looking better, feeling better. The riots have been a huge distraction as well, been doing a lot of reading, maybe the whole thing even the arrest of George Floyd was a giant psyop/show. Always happens on elections years.

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Day 47. The dreams have been very, very vivid. Image clarity and touch now. Sharing a night with a woman that isn't even real. This is like detox. I've been lifting and exercising more, still getting a lot of sun in this winter and have had good red meat.

I wake up frustrated, my attempts are powerful but brief and often find my mind wandering about fucking.

I can't (won't) break though. I'm looking and feeling more energetic ever.

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Day 55, not much has changed. Better control over my urges. Doing really well. Sleep quality is much, much better.

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Day 61, still going. Feeling stronger.

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Day 66, I am fucking breaking here. This is torture. My sex drive has me taking cold showers in winter with the bathroom window (frosted) swung ajar. Corona quarantine lockdowns are going back to being more restrictive. Lord give me strength.

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Don't quit on me now man. You got this.

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Day 73

Much better, didn't give in. I have cycles of being really horny but something about waking up the last couple of days lets me think the worst of it is over. Six week lockdown in Victoria so I'll be seeing Day 100 out in isolation.

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Well its come to an end on Day 87.

Curse this lockdown. I've basically worked on anything I could and when I was out of options allowed my fantasies cure boredom.

I haven't been able to sit down with a group of friends for a beer and a laugh in months and the only thing anyone is talking about here is fucking masks and gay neolib politics.

Same time I went on a streak like this I also relapsed im between Day 80-90.

Well I'm fully aware of how much of a choice it is. It was a good streak, here's to another.

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Day 0:

I don't give a fuck anymore. I'll never get as high as the previous guy and tbf I'm more interested in getting /fit/ than blue balls. But I'm tired of relationships, I'm tired of people and I'm tired of thinking about them so much.

So might as well go for a reset factory and see if I can handle a few days. I'd like to fap 1 time / week so I don't have to think that much about women anymore.

There's no one here anymore so here's to ahot in the dark.

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I'm still here, just don't have anything to say most of the time.

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day 17.

gotta ask u anons, should i turn off my wifi machine? whats your ideas on this no internet nosurf thing?

advice me

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Day 0:

Damn this is harder than I remembered.


I didn't knew it was a thing. I used to love taking the challenge of going off internet or electronic devices for 24 hours. If you don't need it for working I'd say give it a go.

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Started mastrubating today

Edged for 1 min

precum fluid started flowing


ran out of my room

took a shovel and dug a hole in the ground

phew, almost relapsed.

Hope this will never happen again

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Heya. Dunno how many people still use this board but I'm happy it's here. I very often come here when I've been channing too long and close to breaking.

Day 21 here, erections are hard to suppress but I don't usually get this far without coming close so that feels better, should have gone to the gym today though, because when you have time and you do nothing with it, it comes back to bite you..

Good luck to all who are still out there

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Day 0, just relapsed again. Over the past couple years I've gone on months-long streaks (longest: 6 months? Often 30months) then relapse and wallow in the relapse for a few weeks, then get sick of it and charge ahead. Gonna get back on this train and keep going. All you other anons, hang in there and keep fighting. I'm glad to know you're out there, brothers.

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shit, should read

>often 3 months

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cant sleep at night for 2 weeks in a row, use some meds to catch up on few hours of sleep now and then. Totally lost my ability to fall asleep. Every day for 2 weeks feel like a zombie, can it be nofap, or am i too neurotic?

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File: 5b98008b727f624⋯.jpg (3.07 MB,3200x3630,320:363,EjvNshNXYAIc5ah.jpg)

I hope you're all doing well my bros.

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I am pretty sure I remember something about sleep pills making it harder to fall asleep naturally if taken for too long.

I guess the only way out is to quit and suck it up, but maybe ask your doctor or something if you're worried since sleep is important.

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Day 25 my gentlemans and Day 28 of cold baths. I started hiting the gym 5 years ago, and i notice that in no-fap my performance at gym improved. I never taked steroids, only diet suplements when i had the money.

I started masturbing at 7y, today i have 21y. I quit faping because is essecialy diferent from sex, because sex is a activy betwen you and a female, and fapping is just you in front of a screen seing weird things and hitting the meat like a retard.

My performance talking with women is improving pretty well, i am losing the fear of the eye contact very fast, i am more confident and doing things like compliments pretty easy. And i think theres a thing like an aura that makes females more attracted to me, i don't know how to put in the correct words, but this never happend before.

I think, this is my longest streak. But nofap is for eternety, i am just waiting the Day X when these chains break.

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Just ban all chans and all porn sites on the firewall for your PC. I'm doing this too. The only way I can access porn sites or this site is through my phone but that's just not the way I could edge for 4 hours straight lmao I almost searched porn on my phone but I went to this place instead. Don't use 9channel. Those faggots try to make you feel attracted by spamming that which should not be posted.

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I sound drunk. Didn't meant it this way

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