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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: 5044e0d1f739d61⋯.jpg (14.26 KB,480x362,240:181,5044e0d1f739d61cbd7acb1a02….jpg)


I feel disgusted in my self. I jerk off in the bath room with my grandpa sleeping in the other room. I went on a year streak of nofap but now I can barley hold a week. It pains me knowing that if I could have just ignored it that I would feel better and more proud of myself for resisting the urge. I'm fucking pathetic. Now I go to bed with that dreadful disgusting feeling inside. I'm sorry god. I'm sorry everyone. I'm sorry me. I let us all down

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File: 0f9d83c949913e9⋯.jpg (70.34 KB,595x600,119:120,78614.jpg)

You're not alone, I jsut lost my 148 day streak

We'll try again and we'll do better

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File: 073699e96bd1ef9⋯.png (341.62 KB,508x519,508:519,commanderbob.PNG)

inspirational post, not gonna lie, but sorry to hear.

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>I went on a year streak of nofap

thats impressive anon, was it literal 365 days without ejaculating?

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File: 01d3813a44bea52⋯.jpg (451.65 KB,1920x1080,16:9,image-20190423_163030.jpg)


Nigga im on day 420+ total no fap its not hard

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Ive done around 200 days as a record, so I know that the longer you go the easier it gets but kudos for everyone above 365

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also, I know that nofap is not magic that instawuperpowers, but have you noticed some bigger changes?

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File: f0ef808921a55c3⋯.jpg (2.96 MB,5312x2988,16:9,image-20190528_155341.jpg)


Niggs NO FAP changes yo life . Hard to explain but basically your eat healthier, smarter and have much less social anxiety

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I noticed this after a few +90d streaks, I become crazier than I already am in a good way as if I was roiding or smth, but what messes me is my stomach problems I have for a long time so I have days when I just have stomach problems out of nowhere and arent much productive - that is the catch, in periods when Im not productive, I cant get a dopamine high from work and temptation is bigger which is when I fail often. celavie.

Arent you by any chance that guy that lives in a van?

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>I'm sorry everyone. I let us all down.

Don't beat yourself up. We're human, we fail. That's how we learn and how we improve.

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File: e99e9d57b92a8cd⋯.png (264.37 KB,321x396,107:132,facereveal.PNG)


yah but i live in a school bus now and am traveling to oregon to spread the no fap gospel to the oregonians

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File: 5640410f203fd05⋯.jpg (86.48 KB,480x450,16:15,old_thumbs_up.jpg)


>I feel disgusted in my self. I jerk off in the bath room with my grandpa sleeping in the other room

At least you're not doing it in the room where he IS sleeping.

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File: b9bd42bdd42b135⋯.jpg (84.04 KB,640x360,16:9,20200515_123916.jpg)


I just failed nofap as well anon.

But its sunday, so i will confess here and now to my sin of masturbating just a few minutes ago to link rel:

https://www.google.com/search?q=nun riding horse hentai&tbm=isch&hl=en-US&hl=en-US&tbs=rimg%3ACbQ-39rw_1t2UYX4oQ1B4cx4S&prmd=ivsn&sa=X&ved=0CBIQuIIBahcKEwiQisXjqOXrAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQDw&biw=360&bih=616

I keep hoping that i will find a hentai where a cowboy teaches catholic schoolgirls how to horseback ride and collect semen from a stud using an artificial vagina condom and breed stallions with mares etc. Then the cowboy would have sex with the nun (perhaps on horseback… or in a bridal chamber… or a hayloft, idk). That might be a little over the top. But at least its more normal than transcucked niggerfaggotry. Hell, it seems like some japanese studio somewhere could produce some humorous tongue-in-cheek hentai advertisements of horsec0ck-sized condoms for male orcs so that female elf wombs remain uncontaminated by their bestial semen.

The point is that i want to find some way to steer p0rn away from being degenerate and towards semen retention somehow. I know that sounds crazy, but I'm just thinking out loud. All options are on the table, but ignoring the p0rn problem will only make it worse.


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