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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: 276c003d94e218b⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB,1440x1080,4:3,20190509_183314.mp4)


No longer will I be a slave to the fucking international Jews and there degenerate media for the goyim to consume.

Day 1

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File: e65a67fa89fcf22⋯.jpg (26.24 KB,180x240,3:4,doh4.jpg)

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File: ad042e69f22a1dd⋯.jpg (416.38 KB,1920x1080,16:9,image-20190511_193659.jpg)


I am a black jew living in a school bus and I support u

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File: b8accd5a607e12f⋯.jpg (97.47 KB,500x656,125:164,kikenigger.jpg)

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File: ad81eca82b29014⋯.jpg (21.6 KB,336x188,84:47,hqdefault.jpg)


Respect your elders mulato punk. Ive been not fapping here 388 days straight

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File: 123741fb8800b01⋯.jpg (4.1 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20190513_191816.jpg)

Ok goys, I've failed more times than I'd like to admit since the original posting of this. I'm on day two from my last relapse. I don't show up as OP anymore due to browser change. Also I'm a big fan of you earn your way to the top!

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File: 287b598dc56fd39⋯.jpg (6.57 MB,3024x4032,3:4,20190514_201404.jpg)

Day 3 nigga. Tuesdays are the hardest for some reason (brutally so), alas, I have not succumbed to the treachery of porn. Whilst I did edge, I constantly filled my head with thoughts of waste of times. Therefore, due to my mental brainwashing I easily got bored after a couple minutes. Hopefully soon Tuesdays won't be so tough!

I've done nofap diaries in the past, they haven't realied helped though. I believe it may spring from. The fact that I tended to only say day # and thus I had a lack caring from lack of detail. Thus the importance of a diary never had resonated with me. Therefore from now on thou shall encompass more details of my days.

Ok well I found a really cool song firstly. https://youtu.be/QXyQTj7VYr0

I really like the drumbeat of the song and how well the guitar meshes with the vocals.


This song was also really fucking good, the intro itself nearly made me relapse. The drumming was Devine. One thing I should mention to top off today is that one of my friends who is female drew me a picture of Adolf Hitler!

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Man I back at day zero. I had a wet dream, it was really fucking stupid. The dream itself involved me watching a futa girl masturbate. This was retarded.

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Wet dreams don't count as fapping

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File: 731969db8809667⋯.jpg (11.07 KB,260x244,65:61,asuka 2.jpg)


>The dream itself involved me watching a futa girl masturbate.

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File: b0711e47ae3dfda⋯.jpg (69.81 KB,960x752,60:47,1556840540780.jpg)


It's pretty embarrassing, I know. At least I'm anonymous so that really fades away.

>>16766 great, hope I make it through the night!

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It's probably just a coincidence but I had back-to-back sexual dreams on my fourth and fifth nights. It wasn't a wet dream but I found them annoying nevertheless. Since then they've gone away though, so hopefully you have the same experience as I did.

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File: a705c891cae9067⋯.png (266.14 KB,337x468,337:468,1556626856009.png)

Alright my niggas, day 4 has been passed.

I had to take a ap English language exam today, it was quite easy. I was one of the few individuals who actually completed in time.

I made a video on my YouTube where I criticize the nofap community on reddit with how the speak of porn as something that is bad but shouldn't be banned. This of course is something which I need not explain its flawed nature.

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File: b4e7c2d887c6803⋯.jpg (90.33 KB,636x571,636:571,general_catton.jpg)

Good job OP.

Keep going strong.

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Can you not fap without porn?

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Fapping is good and healthy

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File: 92f1d3212c8cc4c⋯.jpg (59.24 KB,400x375,16:15,06577c14a-bill-yall1.jpg)

I hope you can make it my man.

I am on day 8 and its hard as fuck but I won't give in to the urges. Plus I can feel my confidence going up by the day so that makes me not want to stop even if its seem almost impossible sometimes

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Post youtube channel

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>>16779 No it's not, it drains your energy all for what? So you will have a lower chance of prostate cancer?



>>16777 thanks, I hope you're being successful also

>>16781 Keep it up man, great job!

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Fapping is a sign of weakness - that is, a weakness in the domain of self control and a sign that you aren't sexually committed and have time to waste, and for what reason?

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Still never seen a study that jerking off is good

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File: 8b03e2887acaee7⋯.jpg (103.8 KB,750x566,375:283,FullSizeR1.jpg)

Day 5 log

Alright boys here we go! I'm starting to feel great about myself, every time I look in the mirror, I relish in my amazing mewing jawline.

I have noticed though that my anger has increased significantly for some reason. A female called me retarded and kept going on and on about how fucking retarded I was, non stop. I was about to fucking kick her as she sat on the ground with my mil surplus combat boots in anger (I was literally shaking). I didn't bash her skull in two though. Could this be an effect of nofap which leads to more self control but having increased anger? If so I don't like this effect. I'm not going to quit though, I have pmo'd for 6 years already, almost every single day for the majority of that. The thoughts I get are terrible along with this brain fog.

I found a epic band called Xasthur, there music is strange. It's like black metal, but very dynamic, it's really hard to describe but it's also really good. I'm going to try to find one good band a day to share in my log.

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I had anger as well. It'll get under control.

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File: af47b1bc38e2f35⋯.jpg (53.55 KB,552x767,552:767,1556844276341.jpg)

Well, it's day five. I don't feel very good today, my confidence felt high but now, now I feel as if I have become disfigured in the sense of my form of confidence turning to depression.

Tommrow is my birthday, me and some friends are going paintballing so that will be fun. I found a band that I liked called physconuats 4 ,but after listening to their songs for a few hours I feel much worse than before.

I went to the army navy surplus store today and got the missing pecies for my uniform I'm going to wear tommrow when paintballing with my two friends. I can't stop thinking of this girl I asked out and it's making me feel even worse then I already do. Oh wow is I for today I am tonight's biggest loser. Can't wait for day 7 tommrow.

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File: 205f1a39cc86e41⋯.png (1.45 MB,1280x835,256:167,205f1a39cc86e416931d56628a….png)


Just keep going my man, I also have been struggling with girl problems but nofap has actually helped me with keeping my mind straight even if my confidece hits the floor sometimes. I know it can be hard, this shit's going to be like a rollercoaster for the both of us but we can make it.

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okay… so i'm a 15 year old whose had a mild porn addiction since he was 13. It's gotten worse over time. I started out normal and slowly moved up to more degenerate shit, including shotacon stuff. and i mean gay shotacon stuff.i started to shove things in my ass for more pleasure, and became a fuckign faggot. i'm done. i know (((their))) tricks. I'm quitting porn and gayshit and fapping cold turkey today. Wish me luck. I'm also starting to do pushups and crunches and shit to get fit.I gotta be ready.

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Women are a lie. Embrace transcendence.

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File: d7b29da6aaf3077⋯.png (290.92 KB,691x576,691:576,1558288037137.png)

Thou feels as if he hast becomith a God. Tis the power of the gods of whom bestow their nofap power upon he who is noble. I wish not to say more except one true statement. One who controls his dick controls himself and thus becomes god.

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This nigga knows the mystery… ;) The seed is the word of God. Luke 8:11.

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File: e588e7cf0c6f221⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,700x5101,700:5101,fellow-whites.jpg)

Today is a peculiar great energy has been beggeted inside of me, could this be the power of the seed of man? I lack fear of others knowing of my abstinence, it's actually the inverse of fear as I am proud to promote my victories this far. I exclaim others to join me in reclaiming their power of which is caged inside of them, yet they laugh, making fun of me for the sheer fact that I don't engage in pmo. Has porn's grip upon society become so normalized that it's considered not only normal but that if you don't engage in it that you become ostracized.

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File: 27dffb4a3c55852⋯.jpg (92.8 KB,640x640,1:1,DB8-F81-E4-792-A-40-F7-BDF….jpg)

I currently an sititng outside, pondering my life choices whilst a bigger blares rap music at volumes to high for one to listen to without hearing damage.

Currently the day is 19, I feel as if all benefits have faded as time has elapsed. I have sunk evermore deeper into complete despair. My incompetence holds no bounds, I wish for release. I know that no matter what I must keep going, I cannot feminize myself.

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Keep going based on the infornation youve given on music listening habits NO FAP has a lot of work to do

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File: 693195fbbcec886⋯.png (277.7 KB,997x743,997:743,transended.PNG)

Oh what great joy I have! Yesterday I had the best day of my life! I'm so glad nofap has killed most of my social anxiety because I met the girl of my dreams. She is beautiful in appearance, my friends may fun of me because they think she has small breasts. For me I dont like big breast as much as I like fit, well defined ones, and boy were hers defined.

I feel so happy, I've literally cried in joy(not infront of her obviously). We hanged out fron 5pm to 2:30am, and boy did we have a blast. She is so much like me, we have the same glasses perscription, like edgy humor, favorite soda, and even same glasses perscription. The biggest shock to me is that she is a heavy believer in abstaining, I didn't know women like her exist.

God, all of today I only thought of her. Even when I was exercising, the image of me improving myself to ontain her pushed me well beyond my normal exercise limit. I've decided to quit drinking soda also, hopefully It can help with my crunches that i do so that i can finally bolster a six pack.

Nofap is the best thing to happen to me, I cannot thank enough those who have been with me thus far. I've been trying to accomplish this for over a year now, and finally it's happening.

I should also mention, I've completely changed my mood also, I've started listening to more joyful music instead of depressive suicidal black metal. I can already tell its had an effect on my mood for the good. Anons, we are going to make it through this!!!!!!

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File: 3fed19247168200⋯.jpg (51.56 KB,500x501,500:501,0i5ydthukzk01.jpg)

Ok my fellow negros I have made it to day 28, farther than I've ever have before. Since I have made it to nearly one glorious month. Thus with the inflow of newcomers I will write a guide with tips for lasting through nofap. I will then afterwards write the benefits and negatives I have encountered.


-get plenty of exercise and vitamin d, any time doing something that's not pmo is a good time.

-if edging just keep telling yourself that what you are seeing is disgusting.

-when thoughts of pmo come into your head, dont resist them, according to ironic process theory that will only make it harder to stop thinking.

-find an individual(girl in my case) and think about whether they would want you to pmo.

-challenge your friends in a contest for who can do nofap for the longest.


-Absolutely zero brainfog

-seemingly better memory (only time could tell if its placebo or not).

-lacking social anxiety.

-attention from females.

-less random boners.

-boners which can be used to kill

-greater energy

-continously growing need to learn ( seems to still be growing)


-first few weeks you will become easily enraged.

-longer flaccid penis size

-so many things are not fun, constant thoughts of pmo pluage everything (getting much less now).

-self aware about all degenerate garbage around me, has led to a few panic attacks.

Overall I am becoming closer and closer to a Nietzsche ubermench, dont want to stop now, I'm on the precipice of boundless glory comrades. One day we will cry for their blood and with our cries anubis shall let open the river osiris to flood the earth once more.

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File: 9ddb5fe3d12730a⋯.jpg (51.05 KB,180x274,90:137,IrishWWIPoster.jpg)


"-challenge your friends in a contest for who can do nofap for the longest."

Not that I have friends but this seems like best way to go

"-first few weeks you will become easily enraged."

I get angry a lot easier now 2 b honest. Higher test = more anger

"-so many things are not fun, constant thoughts of pmo pluage everything (getting much less now)."

opposite here

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Start taking cold showers after you work out, it helps repair your muscles. If you can't stand fully cold water at first, go with 50/50 cold and hot.

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Day : 0

After so much progress I return back to the origin on the graph. What, what was it all for? Nothing, that's what. Now I feel ruined. It's like anoda showa, I was on day 50+ last monday when I relapsed. I thought in such a niece manner that oh I can do it one more time then just not do it again. A lie of the century that was. I've now relapsed three times since last monday, thus I've come back to the land of my brothers hoping to recover what is left of that light of which I found and so dearly held onto in order to motivate me to continue forward in this hell.

I shall not give up for my heart is true! I shall overcome and conquer my previous quantity of days and finally rid myself of this 6 year old addiction.

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