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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: dc7379523bdeb2c⋯.jpg (208.11 KB,1024x768,4:3,Space wallpaper.jpg)


I've got to get this off my chest, I went over half of November no PMO at all and I felt fantastic physically and mentally. Then I fapped, and felt fine. I told my self it was ok since it wasn't to porn or even erotic thoughts. Since then I've fapped once a week, three of those were to porn ,again I told myself it was okay because it wasn't hardcore. Last week I fapped twice.

It took until today to realize I've been slowly going back to how I was, depression has crept back up and I haven't worked out in two weeks.



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File: f0b961d877dc916⋯.jpg (50.06 KB,620x464,155:116,frozen.jpg)

Good inspiration anon, I know that feel, I know how it can go downhill so quickly, and how suddenly you're back to old bad patterns.

Here is 2019, we will make it!

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do what? bomb schools?

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I'm in.

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Get prepared - you still got few days before start of 2019

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I'm in as well, but what do you mean by "get prepared", to intentionally cave in so you can start all over?

Either way new years resolution is a scam, one should make goals for new a year on his own birthday, because there is when prospect of change really happens.

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Meh. New years resolutions can be completed. Mine was to quit caffeine last year, and after months of trying and failing I actually quit. Haven't had a drop of coffee or tea or soda in months. PMO on the other hand, is something I have tried and tried and tried to quit, every time unsuccessfully, with exception to a 4 month streak of no Porn. So a new years resolution to quit porn seems impossible to me. Maybe the difficulty of the goal determines the likelihood of completion. Either way, I'm in. It's time to try again. This time I can do it. We can all do it! NOFAP 2019.

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get in the right mindset - New Year will be a new chapter of your life that you will start clean and hopefully achieve success

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it's nearly time

good luck to y'all!

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I'm in as well.

Dick has been being a naughty boy getting erect for no good reason again, but I'm holding it. I'm filled with anxiety but I know I have to make it if I am to improve myself this year.

I wish for strength and motivation to me and fellow brothers, we gonna make it, may god bless, amen!

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Will somebody make a 2019 thread?

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