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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: a83306c05ddd361⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,2000x1696,125:106,Jacques-Raymond_Brascassat….jpg)


I have been on hardmode for a what I think is nearly a week, but I'll just start my count from today.

Day one, Sunday, November 20, 2018. I've had a few urges; They seem come early in the morning imedently after I wake up, then periodically every 4 or 5 hours. Of course each time I have one it is easier to deal with then the one that had proceeded it.

Right now my goal it to make it to Thanksgiving.

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End of day one

Not to bad, urges are still there, but the even the thought of masturbating is disturbing to me. Its perverse. It bypasses effort reward system, it infantises you.

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Good luck anon, why don't you list your usual triggers?

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Start of day 2: going well


1) seeing marginally sexual stuff online (doesn't matter if it's made)

2) not doing anything

For the first, I've hidden images on 8chan so I can choose what I see. Its relatively easy to tell wether or not what someone is posting is porn. For the second, I can either grab a book, practice piano, or go for a walk. There are a few more triggers I could list, but those two are the most severe

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Whatever you do, just don't touch your dick. When the urges slam into you, all you must do is wait it out. They will subside. After 2 or 3 weeks the worst will be over and the urges will no longer attack you. From then on, you must simply remember why you continue what you started. Good luck friend.

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End of day two - I should probably choose a arbitrary time to end daily. Be conscious about what you are doing, don't dupe yourself into thinking that you can't control yourself. There is always a choice.


Thank you for your advice, we all gonna make it

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Start of day three I really have to pee

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Ive dealt with that on streaks before, I think it means your dick is recovering

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File: 276ab5bae46043c⋯.jpg (6.02 MB,3543x2433,1181:811,Adolph Friedrich Erdmann v….jpg)

End of day three:

Tfw I will never be a decent pianist b/c my parents didnt make me practice 24/7 when I was 4

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Start of day four

The damaging effects of porn aren't my primary motivation. My goal is to be in control of myself, and abstaining from masturbation and porn is the best place to start.

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End of day four and start of day five.

I got home from work and slept for 12 hours, hooray. This job is a joke.

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File: 5db22370d761d0f⋯.webm (2.88 MB,960x540,16:9,comfy 4am.webm)

End of day five, working 5am-4pm at a job you hate with people you hate is not fun. But nofap is going well, I'm starting to have motivation and clarity. Ive also started a true journal (one entry so we'll see how well that goes).

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Start of day six. Going back to cold showers, I feel dehydrated and tired after warm showers, cold showers only suck for like 30 seconds then you get used to the temperature and it actaully feels pretty good.

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End of day six.

Halfway; just six days till my goal. I'm started to be motivated not to fap because of the days I would throw away if I relapsed. I think any change I've felt mentally or physically is placebo, it takes longer then 6 days to rewire a brain.

I've been watching a lot less youtube, and whenever I do it seems boring

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File: 24fff301b999758⋯.jpg (534.85 KB,1200x1186,600:593,cover.jpg)

Start of day seven

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Fucking relapsed. No porn, just once. Felt bad immediately afterwards, fucking self sabotage.

Day 0.

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Day 1

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I'm sorry you relapsed anon, never give up. What triggered it?

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Start of day two.


I was laying in my bed watching YouTube videos on my laptop (which is a habit I was trying to lick anyways) and I was bored and tired. There wasn't something I saw, I just was beat after a long day at work.

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Ah, well stay strong anon.

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Day three

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Day four, stay occupied.

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Try to stay away from porn devices, such as your phone or computer.

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Day five. Today was my original goal for nofap, but I failed. Still once in 11 days is much better then I was doing before this.


I've started a no electronics after eight policy, and it seems to be helping a lot. Plus I'm getting more sleep, which is good.

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Day six. Do nocturnal emissions count? I think I've had them two nights in a row. Is there any way to prevent them?

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Maybe try working out, so your excess T gets used up.

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Day seven, this is the first week in my life that I have not looked at porn or masturbated. Jews may have taken my foreskin, but at least I still have my pride.


Good suggestion

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Day 8

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>When you first set about to abolish a bad habit and establish a good one, it is going to take all the effort, all the “will-power,” at your command. But habit begins soon to take the place of will-power; it will require less and less effort, less and less will-power, each time; the strain diminishes, until in time it disappears.

Hazitt, 'A Way to Willpower'

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Day nine. Every time you push aside a craving, your Will strengthens by a fraction. Every time you give in, your Will collapses. And when that craving comes back it will be stronger, and you weaker.

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I just realized I put November 20, 2018 on my start date lmao

Day ten.

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