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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

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File: ff8b95cadcca6ef⋯.jpg (30.47 KB,592x333,16:9,guy-fieri-diners-drive-ins….jpg)


Posted in the sticky, decided to fallow anons advice and do a daily journal thread post.

Day 12, best one so far next to no temptation or lust at all.

TL;DR fapped a minimum of thrice a day for 10 years sans about two and a half total months spend not busting three nuts a day.

Doing nofap November to support a friend doing the same.

So far no super powers, though I did have a wonderful evening with some japanese german folk and may have have gotten some bodyparts modified or renovated.

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Day 12 continued, little more appropriate now and not just rounding off due to it being after midnight.

Had weird dream that ended with a walking in on two dogs.

One of which was a chihuahua/pitbull that tried to bite me but I held it's jaws open, turned out to also have badger in the mix and slowly crushed my right nut causing me to jerk awake.

Think it was fate, shortly after this what I can only describe as a bird doing it's impression of a blender on my window kept me up.

Absolutely no lust so far today, so far so good.

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End of day 12.

Mind drifted to a lewd place for a bit but held strong while doing practical work stuff around the house.

So far so goo

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>Mind drifted to a lewd place for a bit

We can't help it anon, we're human after all. Anyways, good luck.

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Belated post, had a busy day. Car trouble caused a lot of frustration.

Day 13 has been 100% lust free so far, hoping it stays that way until bed.


Thank you anon, gonna need as much luck as possible.

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Day 14.

Nothing yet again. Almost broke when going to bed the night before due to insomnia but held strong.

Can't wait for the 15th, getting half way there will be so nice.

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File: 0dbc63a7163b30c⋯.png (446.25 KB,480x480,1:1,square-1436233544-original….png)


14 into 15

Friends sending me porn to send me into the nether realm.

The face of Guy and knowing a wholesome human being like himself has never beaten off thrice a day for any amount of time is no longer helping.

Anon's help.

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day 15

on the verge of breaking like an egg


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Go outside and sit down somewhere motherfucker.

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Rip anon, he was a good man.

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File: d755822e5abcb21⋯.png (1.7 MB,820x1250,82:125,ClipboardImage.png)



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Very nice

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