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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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What’s your goal? What’s the effort for?

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It's November

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Regain Free will and identity

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I honestly don't know

self-control maybe?

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To save time. It's a universally valid reason. Every minute wasted on masturbation is another where you'll have to work twice as hard to keep up with healthy people.

Additionally, masturbation is not purposeful, and is contradictory to the National Socialist Weltanschauung. Man can only find purpose in the service of a higher ideal.

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I just want to be free.

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Health benefits, not being bound to fapping addiction, generally feeling good.

I just had a month or so streak, feelan breddy gud about it and will aim for 2 months this time around.

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I don't have a goal. It's just more fun when I don't have to be ashamed, tired, and disorganized.

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I don't have a realistic goal.

I like other people telling me when to fap and making me feel bad for my healthy natural urges.

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I wanted to see how far I would go out of curiosity.

I'm close to 3 months and it feels I just wasted time. Don't feel anything different.

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>I'm close to 3 months and it feels I just wasted time

How do you waste time by nofap?

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