Hey faggots. This is kind of a hybrid of a journal thread and a motivational thread.
I used to frequent a fandom forum where I was carefree and outgoing. I was hilarious - I was witty. Enough people liked me that there was even a circlejerk thread that lasted about half a year where people were quoting hilarious shit I said. IRL, I struggled with depression, but still had a bit of that energy enough to get people to flock around me. My then-GF at the time talked me out of a suicide attempt by reminding me that I was somebody who wasn't afraid to stand up for what he believed in and, by any measure of the word, a success in life. For a while afterwards, I took that to heart, and I reached a golden age in my life for my own well-being. After we broke up, about a year ago, I found myself turning to fapping to cope with the emotional stress.
I really hate to sound melodramatic, but after a couple weeks of self-retrospect, I think that's started to ruin my life.
The compulsion to go out and masturbate has completely ruined my sleep schedule. I'm no longer as humorous or witty as I was. I'm not as outgoing. I've found myself skipping classes at a dojo I'm attending due to falling asleep. I've become absolutely complacent at work and know that if I volunteer for more, I'll burn out. A side art project of mine has been completely postponed because I'm losing 2 hours a day, and I'm not exercising as much anymore.
Over the course of days, I can almost feel my body start to lose mass because of the muscles breaking down due to a lack of real exercise.
If this keeps up, I know that my life is going to continue spiraling downwards, and I'm going to waste my glory years a fat fuck whose only real skill is finding some niche fetish porn. Nope. Not happening. I went through one last round with pretty much every kink that turns me on for a farewell cheer, now my drive is cleared and lotion completely used up.
Here's what I'm going to do about it: Every time I want to fap, I'm going to do some exercise. Which kind, I don't know. Leg day, Cardio, Pushups… variety is good. Only problem is that I really need the motivation for it, but thankfully I found a solution: power metal.
Only problem is that my typical workout playlist I also listen to at work (I work in an office and have a raging fetish for women in pantyhose - the need for any distraction is real!).
That's why I'm asking you guys for a bit of help:
For every good workout song that I get in this thread, I'm going to pledge 4 days without fapping. Hell, offer a type of workout to due, I don't care, but I don't really have much equipment and I don't have time between all of my commutes to travel to a gym. I do have a pullup bar, medicine ball, crude punching bag, and weights though.
>Why go off of pledges? Why not just do?
There's no obligation. Obligation is more powerful of a motivator than self-reliance.
>How many songs do you want?
Spam the thread. I don't care. Post 100 and I'll thank you for the new variety.
Along the way I'll try to post updates and, since I want to start lifting, progress for one-armed dumbell presses when I can. That will start later on, though, since it's getting pretty late now.