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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

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I've been trying to go no fap as long as I can remember, but I keep giving in. Any advice?

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>splashing cold water on your D

>cold showers

>hating women

>reading stuff how porn shrinks one's brain

>leaving imageboards (or at least NSFW ones)

>acknowledging Jews are behind porn

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Imagine the happy merchant rubbing his hands while you fap.

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Not OP here, but

>splashing cold water on your D

>cold showers

Doesn't work, at least not for me. Probably because I was a dumb-ass and once intentionally came during a cold shower (mostly hands-free, imagining myself fucking an ice demon into submission, still not sure if that was extra degenerate, but it doesn't really matter), so now it's not a deterrent anymore like it might have been, it just energizes me.

>hating women

The point of nofap is to save your strength/essense to have god-tier sex with your wife and create strong children. Becoming a stereotypical incel doesn't lead you towards that.

>reading stuff how porn shrinks one's brain

Rational logical stuff like that is useless when lust has taken over.

>leaving imageboards (or at least NSFW ones)

Good advice in general, but no one here is going to do that.

>acknowledging Jews are behind porn

This will only make you watch independently-produced pov porn (or worse, asmr) with otherwise-non-degenerate-appearing white women, which is actually worse because it associates a good thing with a degenerate act.

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Then develop some willpower faggot.

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minimize time spent on PC/smarthphone.

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Again, not OP, my own nofap is going rather well.

"Developing willpower" is really the best advice, like "just be yourself", but it's about as useless to beginners.

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>Good advice in general, but no one here is going to do that.

I have done that, and I'm hardly a paragon of self control. The thing about leaving online forums is you don't really miss them after.

"developing willpower" can be done by completely lots of smaller tasks, even something as simple as making your bed in the morning. By doing even by things when you're supposed to(and refraining from minor urges to say, snack or check your email) you can gradually build up your self control like a muscle. But do NOT take this as an excuse to use porn until you're "ready" to start abstaining, your goal must always be to go cold turkey and never PMO again.

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This is an imageboard.

> your goal must always be to go cold turkey and never PMO again.


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Yeah, I noticed, I meant that I've left all other image boards aside from nofap. It really shouldn't be difficult to comprehend.

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Just don't fap. You can look at porn occsasionally but don't go all the way with it. Eventually porn will become less appealing.

I have found it hard to go cold turkey on porn completely but I'm on about week 3 now using this method.

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>look at porn

Thats like putting heroin in front of a recovering junky.

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>The point of nofap is to save your strength/essense to have god-tier sex with your wife and create strong children. Becoming a stereotypical incel doesn't lead you towards that.

Other than that, it's to celibate and gather life force. It can be done temporarily to help you build ground.

>Rational logical stuff like that is useless when lust has taken over.

It scares shit out of me when I think about that picture with small and normal brain and how porn shrinks one.

>Good advice in general, but no one here is going to do that.

I did for a year and experience was positive. I recommend to leave when you build decent streak.

>This will only make you watch independently-produced pov porn

Doesn't matter who makes it. Jews started it and now brainwashed whites do dirty job for them - kikes still manage to make you weak without their single effort!


>Thats like putting heroin in front of a recovering junky.

This, don't do that. "Willpower test" doesn't lead to better effect, it's opposite. After time, you won't react much to sexualized pics. I used to watch ecchi anime during nofap, not that it was good for recovery but I could control urges. Build streak and check what works (and what doesn't) for you.

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Aye, no edging or porn, because you will cum, don't let your desire trick you.

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It's entirely possible to edge for hours without coming or suffering wet dreams, without using porn. I don't recommend it, however enticing it may be. That tantric stuff is really supposed to be a skill that you develop in the context of actual sex with your wife.

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I mean, I can edge without coming, but it just gets you that much closer to a relapse, and should be avoided as much as possible.

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Every streak prior to this one (52 days) I'd go full retard and edge, and browse lewd stuff. I could barely reach 30 days like that.

Without doing that, nofap becomes a lot easier.

So far I never edged or viewed full on porn (but did browse images of lewd women one single time at my weakest point).

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Intermittent fasting seems to prevent ejaculation or wet dreams even when practicing edging. It's difficult to feel horny when you're starving.

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Yeah edging is fucking torture.

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