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I though this thread may as well condense all the questions that aren't worth their own thread if that does not exist already. Regardless what do about this, I started nofap about a week or so ago and I had a wet dream after going through an art gallery with art like attached in it. Its just tame stuff so that makes me wonder what else do you guys think I should avoid aside from just PMO because I wouldn't classify that as porn.

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First, it's spelled apparently.

On the topic of nude art, depends on if it is intended to be sexual or not, if it is not sexual, really ask yourself why you are reading sexuality into it. Basically what I am saying is the problem is you so stop being so hypersexual in your thought problem.

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This might seem whiny, but I don't care.

I hate this. It's not enjoyable, in fact, it's actively miserable.

Over the last 6 months, in the name of "self improvement", I have effectively cut everything enjoyable out of my life. I don't eat out, I don't drink energy drinks, I workout, I spend time studying and reading and programming every day, and finally I managed to get up to about 10 or so days without jacking off. And I couldn't be more miserable. I'm not the guy from limitless. I'm not rainman. In fact, it's the exact opposite: I feel sluggish, and slow, and tired all the goddammed time, and I can't go 10 minutes without being reminded that the everyone else my age (and younger, far, far younger) has managed to get their dick wet and I haven't.

I make minimum wage, and until that changes (I've applied to dozens and dozens of jobs, they won't call me back.) I have to live with my mother. Every time I hear her voice, it makes me want to walk into traffic, which I unironically considered doing around last august. Why in the name of Jesus, Allah and Stallman am I putting myself through this with absolutely no reward or benefit of any kind whatsoever?

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Studying, reading, and coding all sound enjoyable to me, but we're all different. Maybe you should try some other hobbies? Not everyone has to be an intellectual and a programmer.

You say you cut everything enjoyable out of your life, but all you mention is eating out, drinking energy drinks, and masturbation. While pleasurable, these things are not capable of giving you a true deep satisfaction in life.

You're currently situation sounds tough and I'm sorry you're so miserable. Remember that unless you're 105 years old, there are still people older than you who are virgins. Even among those who aren't virgins, most people don't maintain healthy sex lives all the time.

Also, you may want to try other things. This may be an unpopular opinion on this board, but I don't think that there is a one-size-fits-all model for self improvement.

I hope you are able to find something that works for you and please no matter what don't kill yourself. Good luck anon.

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Stop using this jewish term "sex life". Any sex not for reproduction is death of morals and soul in pursuit of dopamine.

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Dubs confirms, you're right, I shouldn't have used the phrase "sex life". Sorry, it's hard to undo the programming sometimes when your mind has been jewed for nearly three decades.

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Hi, first time posting on this board but no stranger to no fap. Almost 4 weeks ago I decided to start no fap due to various reasons, mainly that I've been a neet for years and gonna get my first job soon so porn and fapping are the last thing in my list of priorities. Let me start by saying that my porn tastes are extremely vanilla and softcore, by that I mean I only masturbate to erotic pictures of beautiful nude women just posing for the camera, think metart domai or atk websites, on rare occassions I masturbate to videos of the same kind, very rarely I masturbate to man-woman hardcore and even then it can still be called softcore as it's nothing extreme, just 2 persons making love. This means the escalation issue was never an issue for me, because it's me imagining myself fucking the girl and the beauty of her in the pictures what makes me hard so the more extreme the act the more it grosses me out. Since about 2 years ago I've been masturbating on average 2 times a week, sometimes 3 times in a day and then I go weeks without masturbating and all this without much effort. Now, part of what has helped me in that is that I have had a cum OCD for years, the ritual involves thoroughly washing my cock and hands afterwards, this is very bothersome and makes me rethink if masturbating is worth the 1 to 3 hours I can waste in the entire process of finding something to fap to and wash myself afterwards, this means I only masturbate when im really horny as it should be, plus because I wash my hands with harsh detergents I've developed mild dermstitis (skin irritation). Basically my OCD and dermatitis acts as an unintended brake in my masturbation, making me think what a fucking chore each time I do it. Because of that OCD and another mental OCD I developed distaste to masturbation, if it were for me I'd gladly kill my fapping urges. I thought of a solution and thought what if I fap to exhaustion, "empty the tank"? So I started doing that, I mean I masturbated once, waited 1 hr, then twice, waited another hour and so on until I could barely produce any more cum so only a white liquid came out, this is when I knew I had "emptied the tank and cleaned the tubes". This whole process took me about 4 or 5 hours but had the benefit of having to wash my already delicate hands once instead of may times, putting less stress on my skin,(the OCD comes from not wanting to touch my computer with cum "contaminated" hands) plus it meant I wouldn't be horny the next morning.

As you can see before this "emptying the tank" ritual I had relatively healthy fapping habits. But I wanted to get rid of my sex drive as much as possible and stop wasting time on my dumb OCD ritual that I considered an advantage as it prevented me from fapping too much. What follows is what later I learned was the only possible outcome: my "technique" stopped working, rather than remaining satiated for weeks after fapping to exhaustion I was horny barely 2 days after that. I learned that I got "desensitized". Soon my technique involved waiting shorter periods between ejaculations, until I got down to 10 minutes between them. Then one day something happened, I downloaded various sets of a very beatiful girl and said why not nut it to her? I fapped once, barely waited 5 minutes and nutted it again but on the third time I COULD NOT CUM, hell I could hardly get it up. That moment I thought to myself "oh shieeeet I broke my benis!?", after lots of efforts I finally came but the experience left me marked (mind you these 3 ejaculations were to the same girl, I've read about the Coolidge effect and it wasn't at play here). This was the first time something like that happened to me. From a healthy fap schedule to regular sexual exhaustion. Now I'll talk about my problem and luckily is not so bad, basically I overproduce precum by the lots, and I mean really a fucking lot, I don't even need to touch my benis and it doesn't even need to be erect, just fantasizing about sex makes me wet my pants. You're probably wondering why am I fantasizing in first place if im doing nofap? Because sometimes I fall to the cravings but still maintain some control. Even if I didn't im sure as fuck I shouldn't be precumming this much, this NEVER happened before. My fapping urges are mostly the same as before though. So what part of my brain do you think I broke? And other than waiting for time to heal my brain what do you think I can do? I mean that as in "rewiring" whatever in my brain that makes me precum this much.

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Oh and also since I've had this issue I've been reading a lot of material about the neurology of porn-fap from the yourbrainonporn guys. Indeed I discovered I was addicted to porn and not fapping at all. In fact I think when I masturbated on average 2 times a week it was still porn what drove me to ejaculation and not the other way around. Today, with 4 weeks I've only relapsed to porn 3 times with a total of 6 hours wasted. Not good but it's the best I can do, when it happens I remember the cravings are transitory and that a return to baseline neurochemicals will make me enjoy simple things like music more. Imo nofap is absolutely worthy.

TL;DR fapped to exhaustion many times and now leak precum extremely easily, how worried should I be and how do I fix it? Does precum count as relapse?

Another question I've been wondering for a long time: what are your thoughts on watching pictures of cute anime girls just for the cuteness factor? Im talking about the kind of stuff you find rated as safe on danbooru and pixiv. When you watch those you don't do it thinking of them sexually, but I wonder if the primitive brain still processes them as such because tits will always be tits and the basic distinct shape of a 3d girl doesn't always change much when translated to 2d. I mean the brain already gets tricked when looking at a bunch of pixels representing 3d women that it translates as potential mates.. Could this hinder the recovery process?

Sorry for long post but didn't want to make a thread just for that question

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>TL;DR fapped to exhaustion many times and now leak precum extremely easily, how worried should I be and how do I fix it? Does precum count as relapse?

I am not a medical professional so I can't don't know how or if that is bad, but from my point of view, having things leak that are not supposed to leak is not good. As for how to fix it, I guess you could reverse it by not fapping and watching porn for a while until you have regained your proper level of sensitivity. Certainly don't engage in the practices you have engaged in previously though, even with the most fap addicted persons I have not or rarely heard of them constantly leaking precum.

It's also not a relapse, but that it's there is a testament to how much nofap is needed and if it's mostly caused by erotic thoughts it goes against the spirit of nofap somewhat though. It's not a failure in and off itself, just a challenge to be overcome.

>Another question I've been wondering for a long time: what are your thoughts on watching pictures of cute anime girls just for the cuteness factor? I'm talking about the kind of stuff you find rated as safe on danbooru and pixiv.

I am not really an anime watcher so I, again, I'm not the best judge, but I don't think there is anything wrong with that in this case. I watched Kemono Friends and it only made me NOT want to fap to any porn made of that so I don't think it's inherently dangerous in that sense.

Also, thanks for not making another thread that would just get a few replies and push older more filled threads off the board.

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Relapsed to porn, again, edged a bit but every time im near orgasm a loud voice says no! And I walk away. The problem is I keep coming back. Should I just finish the job? I see people talking about how yes you should just cum already, others make the alcoholic argument ie should an alcoholic finish off his beer because he sipped a bit? I know from experience that when this happens the cravings linger for days afterwards but I really don't want to relapse, still the cravings are too intense.

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Forget it, I just lost again ;___;

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>Stop using this jewish term "sex life". Any sex not for reproduction is death of morals and soul in pursuit of dopamine.


Ever read Song of Solomon?

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I will never understand why Christians demonize sex so much. It's unhealthy.

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