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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: 8528775465fac33⋯.jpg (41.17 KB,540x263,540:263,1514434951117.jpg)


i just fapped and found my dick bleeding, so thats my last straw. no more.

Never have i been so terrified as to fap for the sake of better sleep only to look down and see blood mixed in with my fucking seed. done.

I gotta get my shit together, How can i limit myself access to porn as much as possible? like making all my browsers safe and all that just leads to me turning it off and wanking, but if i keep this up im gonna get some kind of disease

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This week I was supposed to be abstaining from computer usage. That turned into just abstaining from the internet. I ended up playing pokemon black 2. It's full of degenerate pornographic filth, and marxism of course. Game is (((rated))) as acceptable for children, absolutely sick.

I found myself stopping playing to look up (((porn))) of one of the degenerate characters. I sat there with my pants down, trying to win the mind war against it. Coming here and seeing this thread is what saved me. After 10 minutes or so I stood up and got out of my room. Feels good man

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Assuming you're talking about desktop browsing…

A few years back I used K9 web protection. It's harder to get around once you have it installed. Basically, you set a password and make it hard to remember, then keep that password somewhere inconvenient. I kept mine in the spare tire well of my car.

Adding porn sites to your hosts file works to prevent casual browsing on a whim, but it's easy to turn off. Still might as well do it though, is there ever a time you want those sites available? Plus multiple layers make it more inconvenient for you to disable things.

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>Pokemon black 2 is full of porn and Marxism.

Did we play the same fucking game or what?

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File: e77cd2f8ead7ffe⋯.jpg (4.87 KB,219x251,219:251,1350647138638.jpg)



>Playing pokemon post gen 1

>Found your problem

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File: d2c3f400281d71c⋯.jpg (434.38 KB,1280x1556,320:389,WAKE_ME_UP.jpg)

>managed to reduce the amount of wanks I have to just once every 1.5 weeks in the past half a year

>think I'm finally ready for a life-time nofap

>failed twice now on weeks 2 and 3

Channel me your strength, brothers.

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I cant, I fell into it again and I think I got erectile dysfunction


>How can i limit myself access to porn as much as possible?

best way is to limit time on computer/phone

also really weird this bleeding I fapped to point of tearing my skin on dick and it didnt bleed.

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Day 0.

I'm sick of it, and posting here makes me more accountable, thus more motivated to succeed.

I think. I'll try either way.

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Still day 0 so far.

Hoping this day will do it, but that's up to me isn't it?

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Nailed it.

Day 1, going into day 2.

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Day 6.

It's difficult, but I'll manage.

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>fail badly

>fapping to some degenerate shit on some shady streaming site

>accidentally hit some sponsor link while scrolling

>This site has been blocked by ispname as it may contain child pornography. If you think this is in error please contact…


Every time I fap to porn something horrible happens. It's almost like the universe is trying to tell me something…

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I forgot to write and it's day 1, going into day 2 again.

It's better then nothing, just keep going no matter how many times you fall.


I know that feel man.

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Day 2.

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LMAO it's day 1 again.

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get a grip

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Day 3.


But isn't it precisely that I need to let it go?

To be serious, you're right.

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