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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: 240e583ccd7409e⋯.jpg (8.1 KB,196x257,196:257,hot damn nigga.jpg)


Can report I feel an intense amount of extra energy and a passionate kind of lust that pours into everything else I do. I have the constant motivation of wanting sex to improve myself now.

It's just all the erotic energy that's being stored now making me so much more…. manly. All the masculine motivations are returning to me, and I feel alive again.

Is it really normal for orgasm to zap that much from us? It's kind of amazing.

please comment and would love to know how you guys feel about what I'm saying here

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Sex drive before was low AF, felt little to no motivation

Sex drive now: almost get into a car accident driving by girl with beautiful exposed legs

Feels really good, actually.

The lust is just fun, it's not even a pain in the ass

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File: 43151d82accbc05⋯.jpg (10.75 KB,300x396,25:33,43151d82accbc052d2ed99f390….jpg)


Thanks, that post got my hands clean on 3rd day. It is late, i though i need some extra anti-moivation. You helped, thank you.

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File: f123e53eebe8546⋯.jpg (290.71 KB,787x1088,787:1088,cato is younger.jpg)


it just feels good to have this bomb of energy flow through your veins to get sex, every time I see a girl now I feel more dominant and like I could eventually move mountains to get her, really manly emotions

What troubles me is why would jerking it have such a negative effect? It doesn't make much sense to me. I guess orgasm is really a strong as fuck drug, and it needs to be administered with successful sexual conquest.


keep pushing because the just level of erotic energy in my body and mind is explosive, it's like a high all its own, I'm not exaggerating.

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File: cf52fe7afbfb448⋯.jpg (309.9 KB,720x448,45:28,cf52fe7afbfb44884b653f4821….jpg)

Easily broke 4th day, had a sudden rush of energy inside of me. I began making schematics for an radio/amp circuit i had an idea since for forever. Cleaned the kitchen too, threw away 2 large bags of thrash. If this nofap energy continues coming, i might clean the whole flat and begin some repairs. I have those bags of materials ready for remaking a wall since june.


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File: 7eb7c931b7b8035⋯.gif (931.03 KB,301x240,301:240,7eb7c931b7b8035833883e2a7a….gif)

5th day. slight urge to fap when sitting on PC, thankfully got enough friends to chat with and vidya to play. Not much time to spend on PC though, busy with doing a milion little things to my car. All those dents gotta go, the new radio/amp combination has to get in where i want it.

Energy levels=very high

Thanks, /nofap/!

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Don't be discouraged if/when things get a little tougher. I'm not on day 10, proud of my success but feeling pretty sour today. Good to hear you're doing well, anon.

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Day 6, worked 9 to 9, too tired to fap

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File: 6505614160de743⋯.jpg (268.54 KB,1000x667,1000:667,1491862106470.jpg)


don't fap ya cunt

Day 11 and feeling better than before. Don't give up! Also a hint for you: try drinking yerba mate, it seems to make my brain clearer and helps me not feel bad in the "flatline" periods where I don't feel so great.


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Day 7, worked 9 to 9 again, feel more energetic than yesterday after the same work. Blame nofap on that. The less i think about fap, the less i want to.


What is yerba? Too tired to google.

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File: fb3381baa89093e⋯.jpg (131.58 KB,1024x768,4:3,Lord Shiva.jpg)

day 15

Fasting usually destroys my energy levels but /nofap/ seems to counteract that. My libido is there but it's crushed by the fact that I haven't eaten all day.

I also quit coffee yet I still managed to do all of my chores. I'm going to do a Wim Hof cold shower and tummo before settling down for a long session of 3D modeling in Blender once midnight arrives. I'm excited to make something using the new tools in version 2.79 (principled BSDF and render noise reduction oh God yes)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Day 9, nothing interesting happened in day 8. Today i spent way too much time practicing fucking stupid latin singing for chorus. How the hell am i supposed to sing that word if i have no idea what it sounds like, what it means and overall confusion. No thoughts about quitting nofap, no stress issues or anything.

Also began listening to embedded, rather than this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbX5E5PFQFM It might have nothing to do with nofap, but having a strong beat beating my brain with endorphines might be just overstimulation to do stuff.

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Day 16, nothing special to report but proud of my progress

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File: 8049fd96d7326f8⋯.jpg (584.84 KB,1920x1200,8:5,nofap_build.jpg)


>day 8

I relapsed yesterday on day 68, never lasted that long in my life.

I felt superpowers on first 2 weeks but later I jut felt like absolute meh (I cant isolate other factors regarding that).

Seems like the dank spike of vitality in first 2 weeks later falls…

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Broke my personal record on Day 10, then failed because i found a new fetish. Day 0 for me then.

Nearly commited a sudoku, but then i noticed i have no pencil and just did not dare to do one with a pen.

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File: b0119f4aac3a466⋯.png (56.03 KB,375x360,25:24,wisdom and courage.png)


Noob nofap here. Saved. Thank you for that image, I needed some magic words like those. Good luck on your future nofap quest!

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The biggest spike happens in the first week, physiologically, I know this for a scientific fact. After that, you'll feel good sometimes, sometimes not.

You need to learn to use your energy and not get sucked into a blackhole of worry.

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also faggot, the boost/spike comes from increased teststerone, so if you're BTFOing your testosterone in other ways than /nofap/, it's hard to feel the benefits.

You need ample rest, high protein diet, work the fuck out, eat pomegranite and cruciferous vegetables. Make sure you get enough fiber. Take up intermittent fasting. Get yourself in a mission mode and don't stop. Be relentless. It's happening for me because I have a good attitude. And it's OK to occasionally indulge in looking at girls online or fantasizing just to test your libido level.

Let the sexual energy carry you along like a wave. Fix whatever is draining you, be it physical or mental. Go!

if pic related forces you to go wank your dick off, you lack willpower

>TLDR start thinking and living like a man

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The mehness stems from you technically abstaining from being a pimping stud from a mental perspective. You're no longer impregnating images of women so you feel as though you fell off the high ladder.

This is why I think edging is key to attaining super powers. Keep your dick rock hard with lust but keep that lust to yourself and do not spill it. Eat freely from the tree of life from what you've learned from the tree of knowledge.

It takes me about 4-5 days to recover from an intense edging session. I use a cold shower to make my genitals cold then squeeze my prostate to push the fluid up my spine. The microcosmic orbit meditation helps to visualize this process of pushing the fluid up the spine.

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Back on day 1, current record: 17 days

feels good man

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update: feel pretty fucking depressed now…

don't fap guys, nofap really helps you feel a fuckton better, even when you can't well

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That day 2 downer is real though, it's so easy to sink back into the habit on the second day. I'm on day 5 or so, I'm already starting to feel arousal just from seeing a thicc female walking down the street. It's painful but also liberating in a way.

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day 1 is always my most downfeels

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>thicc female

I get the same preference when nofap, classically fertile looking women attrack me more.


> I use a cold shower to make my genitals cold then squeeze my prostate to push the fluid up my spine.

this sounds kind of gay. how do you sqeeze your prostate?

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W-what does it mean "no fap"?! I can`t take this callenge, i love my shy girls too much XD


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>how do you sqeeze your prostate?

Just a taint massage, also start exercising your lower diaphragms by contracting them as though you were holding in shit and piss.



Tea from Brazil. It’s really good, euphoric alertness without getting jittery.

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>chá mate

Guess hello huebro, agree that this tea is alright, specially if brew it with it some lime squeeze.

I do also partake in a mix of black tea + hibiscus + brown sugar, its really soothing and easy to drink, plus I think helps with concentration and metabolism.

But I regularly still drink coffee, probably too much.

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Completed 5 days without no fap. Whenever see good looking beauties, urge to hug and caress. This thought of not having beautiful and inspiring girl friend bothers a lot.

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