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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: 042dcb6d6502df8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,6.34 KB,534x55,534:55,j.png)

File: 7b5b1b6b0218e51⋯.png (Spoiler Image,19.11 KB,705x255,47:17,motiv.png)


Time to END this degenerate habit. Do NOT touch your penis

If you are having urges, click the link. They are disgusting, you have been warned. 1st and 2nd are safe to click


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Day 1 complete. Feeling optimistic

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>start nofap

>also start going to SLAA in the basement of one of my local churches

>can consistently control myself for four or five days, but always seem to lose control of myself at 1:30 a.m. the day after that

>the feeling of shame afterwards is very strong, but it still has not deterred me from repeating this cycle several times

>when not fapping, try to do something productive (how to program Java, or apply for jobs)

>feel fuzzy, concentration is difficult, end up spending way too much time on the internet browsing image boards and watching youtube videos

How have you guys managed to control yourselves past the first hump of "needing it?"

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>implying any of that shit would stop me if i was in the mood

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File: 0508e384aa3f5ba⋯.jpg (122.47 KB,640x635,128:127,Seek nothing.jpg)


Alright, so i thought about it for a day or two, in the end I have decided to draw the line here.

Posting gay castration mp.4's and a pic is not allowed, you are free to post a link in the OP that redirects us to the archived /pol/ thread these images are from, or to the encyclopedia dramatica gore page, as long as you warn us the same way you did for the images.

I draw the line here because they invite /b/ style practices I do not want to become normal on this board. Furthermore I am not convinced of the effectiveness of this. If a person in distress manages to find his way to this board instead of a porn one, they would have more worth with concentrating on typing a report in a journal/month thread or reading the post's on this board, then watching an extreme gay fetish that they would probably exit in the first few seconds.

Again, I understand what you were trying to do, but I ask you to go about in another way, if you want it I could edit the OP to include such an emergency link to the ED gore page like the old FAQ used to have. This is also the reason I do allow links but not images, linking to another board or save site won't fill up this board with gore or worse and won't invite other posters to continue the president of posting gore or worse on this board.

Reading this, you early birds might have already noticed what the final straw for this decision was.

A now deleted post using two uncensored gore pic's A decapitated nigger baby and a run over couple were posted with the tekst “OP IS A HOMOSEXUAL”. These /b/ style practices will not be allowed on this board. If you are displeased with the content of a particular post you won't be allowed to spam the thread of the offender. Call them a fag, report them, or tell them why they are wrong, but gore nor spamming is allowed to drive home your point.

It would be hypocritical to allow the gore in the OP, but not in anon's post. Thus in the end I decided to delete them both. If this decision displeases any of you and signals the coming of hotpocked hell, there are at least three options I mentioned earlier to display your displeasure.

Good luck with nofap, no PMO and your other self improvement projects to all of you.

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Breathing exercices, push-ups, cold shower, meditation. In that order, whenever you feel too horny. It helps calm yourself, clear you mind.

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Fair enough. Replace it with the ED gore page. Keep up the moderating, I haven't seen porn spam in a while

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File: 58bdd3fcb36cd13⋯.gif (1.83 MB,303x227,303:227,comfy parrot.gif)


Thanks for understanding, I changed the OP. I don't like to intervene so directly, but a I said in my earlier post, the reaction in the thread forced my hand.

Also thanks for the compliment, we don't get spammed as much as when we were still in the top 50, but it still hapens sometimes.

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File: 4143c6f904bb185⋯.jpg (83.94 KB,489x648,163:216,112a4d3d4c2349e91cb81d507e….jpg)


That was me that posted gore. This thread has a literal faggot OP that is unacceptable. He is trying to push his deviant fetishes onto the people browsing this board fuck that degenerate. He is not trying to self improve in anyway this is nofap board probably gets him off. ignore sodomite orders mods, ignore them

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So I fucked up last month, but I'm gonna kick this for good. Day 6 now, but I'm gonna be alone for the whole day tomorrow. Might be done already.

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chopping your dick off is not a fetish. it's intended to evoke disgust, retard

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Faggots torture each other for sex, watch the documentary "the gift" to see the fucked up shit they do.

> it's intended to evoke disgust

Did you miss this freaks post? >>10462

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Completed day 1. We're 6 days nofap 9 faps this month. No more. I will not let anyone down

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Day Zero

Broke 7,5 months of noporn yesterday

kill me

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Day 42 (Forty Two)

I came in my sleep.

I am sad.

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Day 3




There's ways to help prevent that, read old threads

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File: 7fae0ec3b954458⋯.jpg (48.9 KB,567x800,567:800,7fae0ec3b954458be4590ca748….jpg)


DAY 52

Almost beating my record of 55 days from the last year.


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File: fca545d8ac6adc4⋯.jpg (84.74 KB,960x720,4:3,Yu Yu Hakusho 063 - [BD.72….jpg)


I finally made it after a week and a half, I fucked up! I want to kill myself so bad. I was feeling like shit beforehand and shot a huge load in my sleep, so I gave in.

Pray for me, bros. I'm back at Day 0 again.

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File: edc085a6972bdb9⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,406x720,203:360,Lola on the Silver Beach C….mp4)

I used to like the word degeneracy used in this context until I learned the origin of the word and who used it in history

t. me

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Elaborate? Don't tell me you're kvetching about Hitler

Day 1 btw

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Starting over again. God help me

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File: 74ed9664fcf61f4⋯.jpg (41.32 KB,500x376,125:94,74ed9664fcf61f44723d44e3e8….jpg)


Fucking faggot. Learn to respect and even admire strength wherever it can be found.

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Day 0.

I'm so addicted I got caught at the library today. Luckily I'm not getting picked up by the cops.

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