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69e01f No.312766

By: Daily Wire News

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) said over the weekend that the terrorist threat to the U.S. is the highest that it’s been in over a decade following Hamas’ attack on Israel last month.

Turner made the remarks during a Sunday CBS News interview with Margaret Brennan on “Face the Nation” while discussing FBI Director Christopher Wray’s recent testimony to Congress about how foreign terror groups like Al Qaeda are calling for terrorist attacks against the U.S.

“This is very, very unusual for the FBI director to so publicly make these statements,” he said. “And, certainly, in his conversations with the Intelligence Committee, they’ve been on an unclassified basis. So we have the ability to talk about it. It certainly shows the extent to which these threats are troubling the director.”

“And what he’s indicated specifically is that, more than a decade, the increase in terrorist threats to the United States inside the United States is at its highest ever,” he continued. “And he cites the – the chaotic withdrawal of Afghanistan and our loss of intelligence gathering there. He cites the Southern border and individuals who are allied with international terrorist organizations that have crossed the border.”


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662555 No.312776

I like watching the U.S. burn itself to the ground. You reap what you fucking sow. Looking forward to the civil war, because there’s no way people will agreed to split the country into pieces peacefully!

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