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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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187c65 No.7 [Last50 Posts]

PurplexBlack thread
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187c65 No.21

File: 1411097519313.jpg (464.26 KB,2480x1748,620:437,only true family purplebla….jpg)

Oh yes
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187c65 No.33

File: 1411194741235.png (2.15 MB,1024x1535,1024:1535,1404248708568.png)

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187c65 No.133

File: 1430270862265.jpg (405.33 KB,1620x1680,27:28,1430030972426.jpg)

Reviving this.

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187c65 No.134

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That;s weird…the usual password trick does not work…

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187c65 No.135

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I enjoyed edited pic like this…..

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187c65 No.136

These are cute



Is purpleXblack a thing? Sorry, only halfway through re:birth, so I haven't seen Noire return to the party yet

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187c65 No.137

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Hmm..with the game "silently" hinted their relationship even in the comic,I would say yes/

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187c65 No.138

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I hope Neptunia U will have lot of scene of Neptune and Noire together….

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187c65 No.139


Sorry, the game I'm playing doesn't look like that, so I had no idea. I'm completely ok with it, though, because they are cute together in that pudding scene

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187c65 No.140

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Well…Rebirth 1 kinda hinted about it but better sign is shown in further series and manga and media too.

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187c65 No.141


It's a really cute pairing, to be honest, and now that I just got back to Lastation in Re:Birth to join up with Noire I can see some of the love. The two play off of one another really well, and spend a good deal of time flirting

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187c65 No.142

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Playing Rebrith 2….how I miss Neptune and the other goddess so much…chapter 3 and it is so boring….

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187c65 No.143


Really? That's kind of upsetting since I think Nepgear is a cutie, I was hoping she'd be a fun character

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187c65 No.144

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I am honestly confused on what kind of personality is Nepgear suppose to be potrayed here…in Rebirth 1,she doesnt irritate me at all but here…she seem to try to copy like Neptune which sometime make me wonder is she trying to be hardworking and good girl or just want to imitate the hyperactive Neptune personality…

Oh and don;t let me started with how IF personality here in Rebirth 2….

Still in Chapter 3.currently farming for Wood,I forgot what is name for a quest to get a Medal.

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187c65 No.145


Really? That's kind of upsetting to hear that Nepgear is kind of "Diet Nep" in her own game, when I've heard from my friends that have already finished Re:Birth that she's a really good "older sister" figure even though she's the little sister.

Did they really give IF a bad character? That's a shame - so far Like I said, I'm in CH6 of Re:Birth now I really like IF

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187c65 No.146

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Chapter 6 and I am still confused on what is Nepgear trait is..at first she is shown to like Machine and stuff but yet not many thing was explored in it…and IF….her personality is really weird especially after Rebirth 1 although she does mantain some of her personality like cautious and the group advisor.

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187c65 No.148


>still cautious and group advisor

I like that, it really fits the Iffy I've come to know while playing Re:Birth

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187c65 No.150

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Just finished Rebirth 2….I have to wonder what was the purpose of calling this game Rebirth 2 and use the name "Hyperdimension Neptunia" when literally the game does not have what I know and have fun with Rebirth 1…

Honestly should have called this "Hyperdimension Nepgear" that should have been better.I barely laughed at all and the plot really does not make sense to me.I play Neptunia for the plot and the character but rarely I ever laughed or able to enjoyed the character at all.Neptune look like some weird punk kid,Noire tend to just insult people,Vert is uhh…Vert,Blanc seem to be a lot more quiet compare to Rebirth 1 and Histoire rarely seem to do anything useful apart from providing whatever crystal I don;t care what is plot name.

Infact there;s nothing to do much at end-game like there is no new dungeon plan,no item collectible compare to Rebirth 1 that has card collecting for example…nothing just an empty shell game that milked Neptune name.

Ah well…the game is over(I got normal ending but I am not gonna bother for the other ending since the game is so freaking boring)

Now waiting for Neptunia U.At least this game should be ok since I love the gameplay and the storyline just simple with Neptune and folks doing their usual daily life antic.It should be ok compare to Rebirth 2 which I dubbed the worst Neptunia game ever,it even worse than any Neptunia game I ever played.

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187c65 No.152


Sounds like they named it a Neptunia game to bank on fans of the first game to jump in then, huh? I might still pick it up, to experience the new characters at the very least.

I'm in CH7 of Neptunia Re:Birth myself, so I'm currently looking to travel the dungeons to find the sacred weapons. I miss having Marvy in my party though I'm a big Senran Kagura fan but I know it's now time for me to level up my characters and prepare for the final confrontation

You mentioned Neptunia U - which other games in the series have you played? Which ones really appeal to you, or which ones haven't you played because they don't interest you? I'm still new to Nep, but I do know that I got into Re:Birth because I wanted to make sure I knew the characters for when I play the SRPG Hyperdevotion Noire.

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187c65 No.155

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My only warning though that Rebirth 2 setting is dark and the character personality is very screw up.

Right now you are in that chapter it seem,be warned though some of the boss is very tough like it can hp regenerate and use Exe.

Well,I only played Rebrith 1 and Rebirth 2 since I only have Vita.I skipped Hyperdevotion Noire because Noire and Neptune personality is yet again ruined and this also thank;s to Neptune personality is altered thank;s to the power of localization…

In one scene,Neptune suppose to praise Noire but instead the localization change it to Neptune making fun of Noire "just to keep the character personality"

And no..I am not playing Neptunia PP no matter what….

So now I am waiting for Neptunia U and it look like Dynasty Warrior kind of gameplay and I enjoyed that kind of gameplay.

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187c65 No.156


>Dark setting

That's the feeling I was getting about it. I hadn't played it myself, but I know people who have and they also said that. The concepts, and definitely one of the endings, are just far darker than expected for.

Yeah, I learned the hard way what the bosses can do. I tried fighting Fake Purple Heart last night with Marvelous and MAGES. but she was recovering health too quickly for me to inflict any kind of serious damage, so I think I'll have to spend some time this week level grinding. I probably made a mistake going with Marvy over Nep, since Nep can break guard so much faster, so I'll be trying that next time.

>Localization changed it to Neptune making fun of Noire "just to keep the character personality"

Isn't that the most frustrating thing? It really can just irritate you when you see a scene that is originally written to have some genuine moment between characters, but since it is a little out of what people think is correct they re-write it on you.

I can't blame you for not picking up PP. As I mentioned in >>152 I am a fan of Senran Kagura and I have no desire to pick up Bon Appetit. Just not my style.

U looks good. Being made by Tamsoft once again, Senran Kagura tie in. Tamsoft helped with Shinovi VS on Vita has me excited for it too. Maybe not a day 1 purchase, but I really can't say no, especially when I've really enjoyed the characters in Re:Birth

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187c65 No.158

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Hmm,did you open any extra dungeon?All the extra dungeon has special box that will help increase your character stats.To me I mostly focus on extra dungeon first and get all the item and then take on the story boss.

It seem the localization debate is happening in Idea Factory offical forum….hopefully this localization problem will be fixed.

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187c65 No.159


I had most of the dungeons opened, but saw that I hadn't gotten the items for the plans to a few of the harder ones. I went back and opened one up, and beat her the first time I tried it today. That really made a difference, thanks!

Good luck on the forums! It seems to me that you really care about the series and the way it is presented to people, and I think that's a good thing.

Random question, relating to your name on the board. Iknow you like the Nep/Noire pairing, but how do you feel about the other girls? Sorry to ask, but since this is the "PurplexBlack thread" it got me thinking how you feel about NepgearXUni, especially since I haven't unlocked them yet in Re:Birth and, therefore, don'r know them.

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187c65 No.160

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The game is hard but is much easy once the optional dungeon is open.

Thank you,hope IFI will listen and handle the game localization well.

Hmm Nepgear and Uni,well in Rebirth 1,both of them has small scene but in Rebirth 2,they both are much more closer compare to Neptune and Noire with Uni much more honest compare to Noire.I would say NepgearXUni is a much much more closer to each other but…is hard for me to appreciate both of them due to Rebirth 2 setting.

Rebirth 2 is just depressing and feel like a chore for me to enjoy the story compare to Rebirth 1 where I can enjoy each moment in the game.

Without spoiling much of Rebirth 2,Nepgear and Uni has a lot of close moment of together and they both seem to miss each other.

To me though,I much more enjoy NeptuneXNoire mostly because they are potrayed much more not only in the game but also in other media too.To me while both of them does not show much closer relationship like Nepgear and Uni,they both do care for each other so much.

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187c65 No.161


What you say about the optional dungeons is spot-on. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in advancing the story that you just forget about them, though, and then pay for it with an unexpected beating.

I hope IFI take into consideration what you're saying - a more true localization helps build the characters more consistently, and that's important not just for the local market, but for the global ones too. It's hard to hold a discussion about characters or settings with fans around the world if, say, in one place two characters really respect one another and talking about their respect makes a character blush, but in another they're mocking each other and the blush now is a mix of embarrassment and irritation. I hope the discussion is going well! Which game, in particular, are you talking to them about? U? Re:Birth 3?

Lastly, given what you've said of Re:Birth 2 being a darker experience than the first game, I can completely understand how you have a harder time really getting to appreciate and enjoy NepgearXUni, since the dynamic might not fit the setting.

Does the NepXNoire pairing continue in the anime too? It seems like if it did or does then it would also help you make a stronger case for IFI to listen to. Good luck friend!

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187c65 No.163

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Hmm right now in IF forum….IFI seem to divide the translation to Literal and Liberal translation with Rebirth 1 is the Literal Translated while Rebirth 2,Rebirth 3,Hyperdevotion Noire and Neptunia U is liberal translated….

No wonder I can tell immediately why the localization is so horrible in Rebirth 2…. I wonder if I should cancel my preorder of Neptunia U….it is just a musou game but still..if I can easily been torn down in Rebirth 2,I wonder if the same thing will happen….

I haven't; watched the anime yet although I have the DVD here with me as I heard that the anime is like the summarized plot of the Rebirth 1-3 so I planning on waiting until I finished Rebirth 3 then I will watch the anime.But based on clips of the episode that I saw in youtube,there seem to be scene where Noire tend to pay more attention to Neptune welfare like Noire "silently" help with the planeptune shares problem.

On the positive note,IFI seem to take note of the customer complain of the localization so hopefully they will improve the game quality.

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187c65 No.164


>IFI took note of complaints

I'd say that's the most important thing to take from your work over there, as it sounds like that gives them consumer insight.

I don't know if this is possible, but have fans translated the Japanese directly for the games? I mean, have fans who know Japanese taken the original script and translated it? If so, would it be possible to play the game in Japanese with the script on a file on the computer? It might mean playing the game takes a little more effort, but this way you could better enjoy the game because you'd have the literal translation with you.

I know that can be a bit of a pain, but if you're on the fence with regard to U maybe it's something to consider. This way, if someone already has translated the literal Japanese, you can still support the series since you like the literal translation - you like the game, story and characters as they're represented in the original story - while at the same time not just be able to take note of the differences between localized and original but also explain to other fans how the differences in script can completely change a character. This way you would have both the literal translation and how it differs from the liberal one.

Seems weird to me that they'd stick to a literal translation for the first game, and then just become much more loose for the rest of the series. That can cause a disconnect between characters, especially those present in each game.

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187c65 No.165

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Some fans have translated some of the dialogue and even compare to liberal translation as shown here: http://forum.ideafintl.com/post/why-do-localizers-do-this-7400819?&trail=50

Hmm,playing the game on Japanese and have the translation note nearby…remind me the time I get Rockman Exe 6 Faltzer back when it just come out and have the translated story and event with me,good time good time.

Oh well…I guess I try to turn a blind eye to the translation.At least the game plot is not dark like Rebirth 2 so maybe it is a bit better.

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187c65 No.166

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>they try to make a GG joke and fall flat

I figured fans would be taking it on themselves to translate the games.

From my perspective, I think it's safe to say that you're a pretty big fan of the series, especially for the characters, and it sounds like having a translated story available while you play might be the best way to support the series.

U does look like it should be a lot of fun. It's a bit of a shame it won't have multiplayer modes like Shinovi Versus, though, but it'll still be a fun game to play solo

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187c65 No.168

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I hope they will improve the localization with the feedback.

I wonder is there any full translation note of the game out there,it will be nice to know the game full story.

Meh,I mostly don;t play game online due to unstability net around here so I guess I wont miss much.

Gonna get Neptunia U regular edition at the shop today.I am expect to be ticked off of how ruined Neptune personality this time….I also gonna break my record purchasing 2 vita game in a month…..

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187c65 No.169


I think they'll listen to fan response - you are the backbone of their profits. I'd also think someone will have translated it all sooner rather than later - from what I've seen there are a lot of people in the fanbase like you and that means there's a need to finish the fan translation. Fans do great things.

I understand the lack of need for online, because it doesn't necessarily make the game better. I just think it could've been a fun diversion. Then again, I don't have the game yet so I could be wrong.

I really hope you enjoy the game, and I hope Nep lives up to your expectations today! Are you getting the limited edition, or just a standard one?

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187c65 No.173

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I wish I could get the limited edition but stupid play-asia screw up my purchase so now I am stuck with the regular edition.How I wish I could have gotten the awesome limited edition pack.

Well so far,the game is ok to me.Is like a simple version of Dynasty Warrior and the localization at least not horrible like Rebirth 2.Though I can;t help that Noire seem a lot more jerk compare to Rebirth 1 and Rebirth 2 like seriously almost every scene so far(I am in chapter 2) always have Noire trying to show up way too much and even go as far to like death threat even to Neptune…

Can;t tell is this the localization fault or the knucklehead that wrote this script cause seriously Noire may look like a person who like to show off but at least she won;t go as far to like death threat and even insulting….

I will make a new thread later along with screenshot of the game so that I can give full review of it.

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187c65 No.174


Sorry to hear they messed up your order.

So the controls are ok? Is the game fun?

When you mention Noire coming off as a jerk I think about how Neptune finds herself threatened with eggplants in the early part of Re:Birth.

Don't worry about reviewing it right away - I'd say take your time and enjoy it. I am looking forward to the review, but there's no need to rush it.

Also, I just got to that last pic you posted in Re:Birth 1. That's a really cute scene

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187c65 No.175

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The control is ok though the L button is really useless in my opinion.I keep on pressing it thinking it is the camera position button along the guard button.I am disappointed that this game has no guard button despite having a dash feature.Of course the camera can be controlled with right stick but I prefer the traditional way like how every musou game that I play like Tales of Brave and Sengoku Basara.

To me the game is fun though to some may be displeased with the game content that seem shallow.I will cover it later.

Well,indeed Noire do sometime be mean in Rebirth 1 but it mostly still tame compare to how Rebirth 2 and Neptunia U.

I really love this scene.First time,Neptune ever show her jealousy,the scene before this also funny to me where Neptune keep on complains as Noire spend more time with CC2.

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187c65 No.176


Shallow gameplay? Do you mean that the game is repetitive? I mean, that seems like it would be just fine for a handheld game like this in my opinion, but I agree that it could put some people off.

Other than Noire's seemingly rough demeanor in this game, how are character interactions? Part of Neptunia is the way they talk to one another.

I agree, Nep's jealousy over CC2 is great. Between her attitude toward Noire and her desire to remain the main character, it's great to see how Neptune gets all worked up over how CC2 works for Noire, and how Noire pays her a lot of attention

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187c65 No.181

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File: 1432268864107-1.png (130.84 KB,360x346,180:173,1430718666005.png)


For a musou game,I expect it to have more stuff like able to customize weapon,gear and go for material hunting and gain special item through a series of mission like in Dynasty Warrior 8 where to get the ultimate weapon,player have to do mission like ensure ally safety or defeat a series of enemy in under a specific minute.I will cover it later in it;s own review thread.

The interaction hmm…well it;s kinda okish,my complaint though as I am playing more,the game really have the tendency to make fun of Neptune like seriously…Neptune can;t read?That really really make me angry like is this the localization fault or the one writing the game script…I will cover that later in the upcomng review thread.

I also need to update the character review thread too..

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187c65 No.183


Seems weird they don't give you much characterization, especially since Re:Birth has the plan system.

Neptune can't read? That seems weird. Was it a teasing in-joke, or is she seriously illiterate?

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187c65 No.186

File: 1432395109509-0.jpg (378.99 KB,1600x900,16:9,1430472172013.jpg)

File: 1432395109510-1.jpg (129.02 KB,1041x767,1041:767,noire_x_neptune__christmas….jpg)

File: 1432395109510-2.png (398.32 KB,990x807,330:269,Neptune_x_noire_by_skye_iz….png)


Well at the end of chapter 1,Neptune and Nepgear are going to read story about their achievement in the latest newspaper when then everyone come in to join too.

When Neptune make excuses she didn;t read it yet as she was waiting for everyone to show up.Everyone just says she can;t read at all…

Is kinda funny that 2 Neptunia game that I bought is slowly making me regret ever start playing Neptunia game….

May the power NepNowa strive me more to continue with the series..

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187c65 No.187


Could it have been simple teasing? Although, come to think of it, has Neptune read anything before? I kid, but I did think of something that could make stuff like that easier to swallow.

I know that in Re:Birth 1 some of the third party characters mention knowing Neptune in another dimension or universe. Could it be that the games with the different translations take place in parallel worlds? I'm not sure how legitimate that is, but could it be a possibility?

Maybe it makes more sense in a literal translation? Perhaps that will help you enjoy it more. I hope you're able to really enjoy it, especially with Re:Birth 3 coming to vita next month!

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187c65 No.188

File: 1432484598494-0.jpg (181.03 KB,776x538,388:269,1430276184692.jpg)

File: 1432484598506-1.jpg (398.39 KB,500x1383,500:1383,47113563_p0.jpg)

File: 1432484598507-2.jpg (300.5 KB,500x1051,500:1051,47113563_p1.jpg)


Can;t wait to get Rebirth 3,I just hope this time I am not screwed with the posting again….

I am seriously still furious about it….

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187c65 No.189



Do you mean here? I agree, this board tends to disconnect or stop loading or something - it really is a pain.

Or do you mean like what happened with the LE you wanted for U?

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187c65 No.195

File: 1432540483057-0.png (278.45 KB,700x700,1:1,1427257156493.png)

File: 1432540483057-1.jpg (324.59 KB,844x623,844:623,44461366_p0_master1200.jpg)

File: 1432540483057-2.png (300.99 KB,549x679,549:679,1432174109349.png)

PxB is the best pairing.

RB3 is confirmed to be as badly handled as RB2 and U.

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187c65 No.198


Is that a localization problem, or is that a straight-up script issue? Asking because I know some fans may prefer to pick up a transcript of the game's script directly translated

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187c65 No.199

File: 1432554603703-0.png (1.79 MB,1100x1400,11:14,IFIcancer.png)

File: 1432554603703-1.jpg (388.01 KB,963x1170,107:130,IFIcancer2.jpg)


It's a localization issue, not a writing problem.

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187c65 No.200


So then I guess the best thing to do is to 1) Contact IFI like people have been doing and 2) Get a translated script out, which fans who speak moon have already started, right?

I'm sure people have already taken to direct translation of the Japanese then, right? Especially given how localization could lose the character's charm or make them come across differently

>Peace vs Peace out

I haven't played a lot of games in Japanese, but even I know that those two expressions don't mean the same thing.

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187c65 No.201


No. Anyone who speaks fluent moon imports. Everyone else has to rely on the translation.

Just mail mail mail

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187c65 No.202


Really? No groups for fan translation? That seems odd given the number of games and size of the fanbase. Maybe that's something the board can help with: getting fans with moon skills to help those less fortunate

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187c65 No.208

File: 1432664198002-0.jpg (77.65 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1432051387427.jpg)

File: 1432664198073-1.jpg (489.78 KB,1510x851,1510:851,1432603733113.jpg)

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Opss I meant the playasia purchase problem like the time with Neptunia U LE.


Yeah…I am very expect the localization to be horrible again and ruin Neptune personality once again…

I feel bad for Neptune,honestly IFI only survive until now is thank;s to Neptunia games and yet this is how she is treated…IFI is truly despicable..

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187c65 No.209


Still really sucks you didn't get the LE from them. Hopefully that doesn't happen again.

With regard to localization, I know I've asked about fan translations, but have you thought of taking up Japanese? I know it could be a real pain, but for someone who seems to really like who Neptune is as the character portrayed in the first Re:Birth, I really feel that this could be how you want to experience the series.

Sorry if it seems like I go on about that, but I feel like you're really passionate about the characters, and I think it's terrible that it could very easily be the way they are presenting them to you locally rather than how the writers want them to be that could run fans away.

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187c65 No.220


Exactly what I'm trying to do right now, but it's a huge commitment. Jouyou kanji take around 2-3 years of daily study and that shits most commonly used. Gonna take some nip classes at uni next semester, might help things along better than self study…

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187c65 No.223


Are you specifically taking up Japanese for Neptunia, or games in general? There have been plenty of games that have found themselves victim to localization

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187c65 No.234

File: 1432702858220-0.jpg (594.8 KB,1280x720,16:9,1432618920437.jpg)

File: 1432702858240-1.png (59.72 KB,1258x314,629:157,1432615352414.png)

Woah..this has to be the most active thread ever…

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187c65 No.235


I don't regularly play nip games. I actually was introduced via rb1 on steam, which I bought with a friend as a joke. He still hasn't played it, but I ended up loving it unironically because of Neptune's charms. I recently bought atelier Ayesha, but it has a pretty decent localization - nothing too far from the original script.

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187c65 No.239


It's weird isn't it? I tried it on Vita myself because a friend recommended it - I got it on sale just in case it stunk, but I agree about Neptune's charms really getting you to love it. It's also, in my opinion, a lot harder than I had initially thought it would be - it has been a fun challenge.

Same friend recommended Atelier to me, but I haven't tried it yet. Maybe when I finish RB1 I'll give Atelier a go.


Seems the poster in your second pic is unhappy Noire doesn't want anything to do with them

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187c65 No.242


Yeah, Re;Birth 1 was a lot harder than I ever expected as well. Then I did just a teensy bit of grinding and the game became piss easy, exacerbated by the EXE drives.

As for Atelier, it's a tough little game I can't get used to. The time management system is constantly on your ass so the game punishes you REALLY hard if your natural instinct is to take your time, explore and grind before moving on

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187c65 No.243


Yeah, I'm grinding right now myself - CH.8 waits on me for now

I won't lie, when I heard about the time management system, I put the game further down on my list. I prefer to take my time, so I don't know if I'd really enjoy that setup. Of course, I won't know until I try it, right?

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187c65 No.244


I dunno about that, I think it's perfectly valid considering it costs so much.

It's a shame because Atelier is a really nice game series but every single move I make I have to double check to see if I have tasks that are about to run out or if I need items for a future event that I can only obtain right now and such like that. It's supposed to be played many times over, supposedly, but I'm an autist that strives to get the best endings on my first run.

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187c65 No.245

File: 1432734781508-0.jpg (237.18 KB,500x835,100:167,47168900_p0.jpg)

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File: 1432734781509-2.jpg (208.66 KB,1600x900,16:9,1431376879149.jpg)


Haha,what an interesting pic on that second one.

Even though the poster is angry,that picture help to show how much Yuri has Noire get herself involve.

NepNowa sure is strong even in the past.Hmm need to make compilation of every scene involve.

I could do it in Rebirth 1 but honestly I don;t want to open Rebirth 2 ever again….

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187c65 No.247


I'm along the same lines - that's why I've got two saves right now at the end of Re:Birth, so I can snag both endings and only have to worry about level ups for NG+


I say do it. This way you can make a little collage for the PurplexBlack fans!

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187c65 No.301

File: 1433628155048-0.jpg (53.36 KB,600x658,300:329,1432643348072.jpg)

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File: 1433628155102-2.jpg (378.99 KB,1600x900,16:9,1430472172013.jpg)

Been busy this past few weeks.Gonna get the limited edition of Rebirth 3.

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187c65 No.302



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187c65 No.303


Awesome! I hope you enjoy it! That paper Nep looks really cute.

I heard the pre-orders started this weekend, right? Make sure to get on that!

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187c65 No.308

File: 1433877027356-0.jpg (147.46 KB,1364x768,341:192,1433859479869.jpg)

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Screw you conquest ending!!!!

NepNowa will never die so easily!!!

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187c65 No.310


Why do you do this to yourself? You know it will never happen in the series.

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187c65 No.311


You knew what you were getting yourself into.

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187c65 No.312


*Endless Raging*

Curse you Nepgear!!!!



From the way I see it though,this is like a "what-if" setting should if the game allow it self to be like this.Still though,Neptune seeing her own little sister caused Noire death must be a painful one to her(Although it is accident)

Who know;s..maybe the reason why Neptune ask to be killed is because she wish to be with Noire perhaps?



Finally got it,was worried it might sold out since EU shop is already sold out.Now need to get a new memory card as I need to make a new PSN account region for the game and the large DLC for the character pack.Cant play the game without the OP Broccoli!!!(laugh)

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187c65 No.313


That's a possible outcome, but boy does that path still send shivers down my spine

What region are you getting the game for?

>OP Broccoli

She really is a solid character - I like using her. Is she DLC for RB3?

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187c65 No.314



Yeah, I think that's a safe way to put it. Of course, with this series I think the whole thing could be summed up with that phrase

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187c65 No.320

File: 1434022563012.jpg (58.51 KB,467x650,467:650,1432962608035.jpg)


Well there is no option to choose which region of the game I can get so I am stuck with R2(this is for america right?)

Yeah Broccoli and every single Maker are only avaible through DLC.All of the DLC size almost 1GB so that;s why I get a new memory card for it.

By the way.anyone know how to merge many image into one making it like a comics?I have the neccesary image but none of the tool I got can merge the image properly.

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187c65 No.321


You can do it with paint. Use the paste from function.


This entire series is like one big what-if scenario at this point because nothing ever fucking stays the same

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187c65 No.324


I think you can also use powerpoint, if that's more your style.

I wonder if they'll include Makers as DLC for U in the future. It would be fun to play as them as well

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187c65 No.326


Did the JP version get makers as DLC? If not, it'll never happen. I'm interested in how Falcom would play on the U engine.

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187c65 No.327


I don't think they did, unfortunately.

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187c65 No.328

File: 1434244038602-0.png (387.91 KB,600x336,25:14,1434138073312.png)

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File: 1434244038623-2.png (167.64 KB,455x600,91:120,1433273484316.png)

For the glory of NepNowa!

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187c65 No.329


Any idea on the translation of the comics in image 2?

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187c65 No.343

File: 1434835591862-0.jpg (85.68 KB,644x720,161:180,10982313_10206897043575417….jpg)

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File: 1434835592220-2.jpg (260.48 KB,500x706,250:353,0727506d59329520d8ae719f19….jpg)


According to someone who translate it,Neptune ask Noire where is her friend and then Noire replied with saying Neptune is her friend and her best friend only then Noire ask why this comics has to be in omake panel.

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187c65 No.345


Really? Thanks!

>only then Noire ask why this comics has to be in omake panel.

I like how they break the 4th wall like that

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187c65 No.353

File: 1435548358367-0.png (303.12 KB,1000x1314,500:657,1435043944033.png)

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File: 1435548358420-2.png (248.1 KB,1000x1322,500:661,3.png)

Being a while posting.So here;s a fluff NepNowa offical manga.

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187c65 No.354

File: 1435548395827-0.png (308.26 KB,1000x1319,1000:1319,4.png)

File: 1435548395828-1.png (320.21 KB,1000x1322,500:661,5.png)

File: 1435548395828-2.png (443.71 KB,1000x1317,1000:1317,6.png)


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187c65 No.355

File: 1435548433455-0.png (292.36 KB,1000x1312,125:164,7.png)

File: 1435548433455-1.png (247.35 KB,1000x1315,200:263,8.png)

Last Part.What a sweet treat of NepNowa and is offical!

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187c65 No.356




Fucking Uzume is the biggest kissblock cunt out there.

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187c65 No.357




Cute story. Poor Noire, left all alone after getting used to a bride.

It has been a while, hasn't it? How's it going? Are you getting ready for RB:3?

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187c65 No.374


Speaking of RB3, apparently its confirmed, the localization still aint that good.

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187c65 No.378


Straight port of Victory's script with alterations. Victory is commonly said to be the game with the worst localization, and it really shows.

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187c65 No.384


Localization stinks? Is the gameplay different from the first two Re:Births?

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187c65 No.387


Yeah, emphasis is more on SP, but that's about it.

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187c65 No.934

File: 1442235915193-0.jpg (223.15 KB,800x1132,200:283,1441758372847.jpg)

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File: 1442235916082-2.jpg (262.74 KB,1600x900,16:9,1437408657336.jpg)

Almost 3 month of no posting. Sorry I have been away and busy with life. I also busy with my vita mostly playing Rebirth 3 and right now stuck with a coliseum battle so I have been spending time in Em Magma Cave killing horse kitten.

Ah well, more Neptune and Noire stuff then.

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187c65 No.941


Hey friend, how have you been?

>mostly playing Rebirth 3


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187c65 No.1109


What's going on in that second picture?

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187c65 No.1346

File: 1444967003657.png (5.18 KB,259x251,259:251,1418930078139.png)









The /v/ nep threads were right when they said that this series will eventually crush your soul. This pairing is a shining example of that.

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