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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1437733484725.png (556.02 KB,459x1494,51:166,NepgearV.png)

03e1fc No.514 [Last50 Posts]

This is Nepgear

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03e1fc No.515

File: 1437734226029.png (231.22 KB,408x1958,204:979,1429217946112.png)


…and this is her only friend, Gehaburn.

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03e1fc No.518

File: 1437734603225.jpg (846.96 KB,1920x1200,8:5,51306796_p0.jpg)


Fuck Nepgear

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03e1fc No.519

File: 1437737720106.jpg (136.33 KB,1920x1080,16:9,3Dgear.jpg)


Well, if you insist

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03e1fc No.520

File: 1437738089718.jpg (6.14 MB,4848x6972,404:581,0017370e065f7d9140b47c1582….jpg)

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03e1fc No.523

File: 1437738603237.png (3.63 MB,2732x1536,683:384,Conquest Ending.png)

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03e1fc No.525

Reminder that the Conquest ending is the only true ending.

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03e1fc No.526


And Nepgear is canonically a murderer.

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03e1fc No.527

File: 1437745544772.png (212.88 KB,1001x112,143:16,Celestia Bangle.PNG)



There is no canon ending, nor there is a non-canon one.

So Nepgear is canonically a murderer, but Conquest is not the only canon ending

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03e1fc No.528

File: 1437746148309.jpg (21.83 KB,279x274,279:274,1435663694909.jpg)

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03e1fc No.535

Nepgear is so cute

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03e1fc No.560


>one of the following Neptunia games will continue after the Conquest ending

>it'll be revealed it's another dimension

>Conquest Nepgear will be helped with Hyperdimension goddesses to find new goddesses to revive Gamindustri

>If and Compa as potential CPUs

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03e1fc No.561


It would be better if Nepgear somehow turned into a evil "true" goddess and Compa&IF started to look for a way to defeat her while recruiting other makers

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03e1fc No.562


That's another possibility, but I find it bad that they pushed for such a deadly storyline and leave it as a "tramuatizing event" reference of sorts like it already is.

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03e1fc No.563



They should have Nepgear invade the V dimension with the motive of killing more goddesses to increase Gehaburn's strength.

The game will be played from the perspective of the V goddesses, and the plot, their attempts to stop Nepgear's mad conquest.

The twist near the end of the plot will be a revelation of the origins of the Deity of Sin as Nepgear is slowly corrupted into Arfoire's successor.

Bonus points if the V goddesses are killed anyway and the clip during the staffroll is just a pixelated Nepgear laughing.

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03e1fc No.564


That could actually work, especially if we begin with Conquest Nepgear masked enough for no one to recognize her and using Arfoire as a tool for her attacks.

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03e1fc No.565


>and the clip during the staffroll is just a pixelated Nepgear laughing.

Would work for a bad ending

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03e1fc No.584


How many dimensions are there anyways? Infinite?

If so that can make for a pretty cool premise.

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03e1fc No.585


As many as the writers want there to be.


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03e1fc No.598

From a discussion about the Re;birth 2 bonus CD on /v/, we went to talk about this :

>Nepgear is a little too close to her "brother" (not sure if he's really her brother, but the Ram bonus implies this way more, so we can think it's consistent towards the bonus CDs)

>Due to her reactions and her trying to push herself into her "brother" 's pants, it's not sure she could take "no" for an answer to her advances, which could lead to gentle rape from her

Your point ?

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03e1fc No.600

Check em

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03e1fc No.601


>gentle rape from Nepgear

>not making love to her in her sleep

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03e1fc No.605


The idea was that you were her brother and that you were refusing incest, thus pushing her away every time as she's becoming more and more insistant and frustrated. You loving her tenderly in her sleep do not make you refusing incest at all.

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03e1fc No.608


Would be a good setting for a doujin

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03e1fc No.610


You mean, like, Nepgear restraining you in your sleep, then waking you up with a kiss, and forcing herself on you? Without any anger or violence, just loving you ever so slowly and gently, sometimes hugging and kissing you, sometimes cupping your cheeks and looking into your eyes, delicately moaning and whispering lovingly all the while. Like that?

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03e1fc No.611


That's what I would expect from Nepgear tbh

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03e1fc No.612


My thoughts exactly. We need a doujin of that.

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03e1fc No.613


That's absolutely terrifying.

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03e1fc No.614


Well, it is rape.

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03e1fc No.617



You're waking up due to something blocking your breath for increasing periods of time, only to realize that it's coming from kisses. Kisses from Nepgear. Kisses from a fully naked Nepgear laid on top of you… Which would be good if she wasn't your little sister. And if you could move, as, for some reason, your arms are tied over your head.

"Ah, you're awake, Onii-chan !"

She stood up a little straighter, watching you with a deep, although a little lustful look.

"What are you doing, Nepgear ?"

"You can't tell it yourself, Onii-chan ?"

"You know I can ! Why did you tie me up ?"

"If I didn't, you'd push me and ran away right now, right ?"

"Obviously ! You're my little sister, do I need to remind it to you again ?"

She stays silent for some seconds, until she gave a first move with her hips, making you realize you were already connected.

"…I don't care anymore."

"Nepgear ?"

"…I tried putting aside my feelings… I tried getting help pushing that away… I did everything I could to get rid of what I feel for you… But I can't"

She starts softly crying, while moving at the same time. Shamed and hurt by what she's telling you, she's watching on the side, trying to hold her tears while talking.

"Everytime I was about to put my feelings aside, one moment thinking of you and it was all gone. Everytime I pushed them away, they only came back stronger… And when I talked about it to Onee-chan and Uni… They told me they were against it, but that I couldn't seem to be resisting anymore… And that I should just let my feelings go out once and for all."

She watches you again, with teary eyes.

"What should I do now, Onii-chan ? I just love you too much for me to handle it alone…"

She watches you, awaiting for an answer, while you notice the loose on whatever tieing you isn't as strong as it should be, meaning you could escape now if you want. What would you do ?

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03e1fc No.620


I'd undo my binds and hug her

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03e1fc No.623


Attempt to discourage her current action. Sill, I kinda want to see Ge-Ge rape her Onii-chan. Or is that only me wanting that to happen.


"I need an adult."

"I am an adult, Onii-chan"

Yandere Nepgear for the win?

Wait… their connected, as in the socket is in the plug?

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03e1fc No.624


>"I need an adult."

>"I am an adult, Onii-chan"

I laughed, congrats.

>Wait… their connected, as in the socket is in the plug?


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03e1fc No.626



Also, you're free to follow if you want. I'm waiting for the results.

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03e1fc No.627


I would attempt to continue it, but I:

A) haven't written smut before

B) don't know the rules for posting "adult" content on this board.

If adult content is allowed, I'll give it a shot, but I can't promises it'll be perfect.

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03e1fc No.629


There's no board owner right now, so I think it's safe to say you can do whatever you want.


You mean like a community story?

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03e1fc No.631


Thanks for the confirmation, I'll add on to the template and add a little spin to it.

Let me read into Nepgear's character so I can at lest write her correctly. Thank god I downloaded the longplay of mk2 + a retail copy of re;birth 2 in my vita library (Why do I own 40+ physical games on this thing!?!?)

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03e1fc No.633


Kinda want to see how well I can write to be bluntly honest.

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03e1fc No.634



Go for it! It should be fun to see what happens.

>downloaded the longplay of mk2 + a retail copy of re;birth 2 in my vita library

Sounds like plenty of Gear to get an idea of.

I wish I owned more physical games - my vita came with a case for about 40 games, but I only have 3 physical games.

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03e1fc No.636


Honestly, my shot is far from perfect too, I wrote it on the spot and it's the first time I try such a thing. But I wanted to try. So if you want to try too, don't worry about the quality too much. Oh, and don't care about the rules for adult content, there's no board owner.


Somehow. I'm just curious about seing others' reactions in such a case.

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03e1fc No.638

File: 1438857531837.jpg (4.06 MB,4818x6669,1606:2223,923081fbb193272c278a0fb800….jpg)



I'm halfway finished it. I got the before "fun" time with Nepgear. I'm a little gun shy with the lemon portion. I'll post it once I'm finished. This is the first time I'm posting a story/fanfic of mine on the web.

The conquest ending isn't the ending that happened in this short story. I should do that next as she isn't stable in that ending.

One thing at a time a suppose.

Most of the games I own on the vita I bought because they were cheep, or I got for free *cough cough Call Of Duty Black Ops Declassified cough cough*

At lest I have all 6 of the Neptune games on the vita, Re;Birth 3 being a pain due to the first copy being defective. I'm planing to get the Japan imports as well.

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03e1fc No.641


No need to rush it, post when you're ready.

I spend time on >>>/senran/, and they've got a whole thread dedicated to storytelling. Some of them were shy at first, too.

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03e1fc No.643


Just to make sure it's always you, I guess you're allowed to adopt a tripcode

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03e1fc No.644


Take your time if you need to. Just one thing -

>The conquest ending isn't the ending that happened in this short story. I should do that next as she isn't stable in that ending.

Gear isn't that stable in that universe either, if you're going with all the pressure of being more and more unable to repress her feelings while being conscious she's actually raping someone who is at the same time her dear brother and the man she loves. It pushed men and women alike to every bad side of the human psyche, so you can follow whatever idea you want from that if you're going to make her onii-chan refuse her at that point.

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03e1fc No.645


This is mad gay. Consider taking anti-homosexual pills.

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03e1fc No.646


Hi /intl/

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03e1fc No.647

File: 1438888667839.gif (1.13 MB,260x195,4:3,smug mannered reporter.gif)


>He doesn't want his literal goddess of a little sister to be yandere for him

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03e1fc No.650


Regardless of what I want, sapppy cliched writing isn't the way to go about it.

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03e1fc No.654


Give it a try too, then. I guess you'll probably do better than someone who made a thing on the spot and in a language which isn't his main

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03e1fc No.655

File: 1439061827210-0.jpg (55.1 KB,341x248,11:8,custom nepgear rape 2.jpg)

File: 1439061827220-1.jpg (54.35 KB,462x365,462:365,custom nepgear rape.jpg)


Coming straight from /v/, have fun.

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03e1fc No.656

So, why this thread tuned into a "Nepgear raping her big brother stories"?

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03e1fc No.657


Because, it's the internet.

Besides, it's kinda an interesting premises. The only goddess that would do something like that would be Iris Heart/Plutia (and for good reasons).

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03e1fc No.658


It came from a discussion on the /v/ Neptunia threads, basically ending with the ideas explained on >>598 , then it degenerated.

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03e1fc No.659


I had no idea Gear was so naughty

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03e1fc No.660


Before all this discussion happened, I had no idea either, it's thinking about how she would react in certain extreme circumstances that showed me this.

Keep in mind they're extreme circumstances. It's basically as extreme as Rom obtaining and being corrupted by the Gehaburn to give you an idea.

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03e1fc No.663


I think its a belief going around after one of her audio CDs in RB2.

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03e1fc No.664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah, here's the main culprit.

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03e1fc No.665

Because I also want to have fun, here's a little follow-up to >>617 . Do not make it stop you from posting your own.


You're watching your little sister, her eyes crying as she's literally begging for you to help her. Few people could resist this, and you're clearly not the kind who can resist something. Especially not from someone as close as her. Yet you couldn't resist throwing a witty remark to change the mood a little.

"…I think I need an adult right now."

"But I am an adult, Onii-chan."

You can't help but laugh sincerely, completely unexpecting her answer. She seems surprised, her tears stopped flowing as she watches you with curiosity, wanting to understand what was so funny.

"Yeah, right, you're an adult. Thus allow me to treat you as such."

To her surprise, you get rid of the ties binding you and hug her.

"You know the consequences of doing this, right ?"


"You know you could never be able to show yourself as a couple with the one you love, right ?"


"You know any people wanting to hurt us will be able to do so with even more ease than any normal couple, right ?"

"I expect that to happen."

"You know we can't marry, or have our own children due to the risks related to that, right ?"

"I already can't have any, due to my goddess lineage. And I don't care for marriage as long as I can stay by your side."

"…You know I'm probably gonna become older and die before you, right ?"

"…I know. I'll find some way to change that."

"You really have an answer for everything, right ?"

"I can't help it. That's because I love you, Onii-chan."

Her smiles strikes through your heart. She won, on every field, and you can't resist her anymore, beginning to kiss her as you pull her towards you.

However, things didn't end as good as planned.

Nepgear is a goddess in every sense of the term, including her strength. A strength she can't control during tense moments, including that one.

You died during the act, due to the peer pressure of her inner walls making your dick explode.


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03e1fc No.666



My fucking sides

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03e1fc No.667


Thanks Satan.

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03e1fc No.668


Wonder how Nepgear reacted to that

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03e1fc No.670


Cries and despair, then she realized she can rebuild him, make him better, give him a body that has an unstopable sex drive, a dick that turns into a drill, TWO DICKS, EJECT ROBOT TENTACLE DICKS FROM HIS ARMS, CAN TURN WATER INTO CUM FOR THE PURPOSE OF LONG HOURS OF WILD ROBOT SEX

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03e1fc No.672


I did not see that coming. Absolutely fantastic

Poor anon, poor Gear

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03e1fc No.673


You really thought this shit out anon.

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03e1fc No.674


Thanks, I guess.


This is a whole new level of dedication I couldn't even hope to reach.

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03e1fc No.678


I finished it, should I post it straight to the board?

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03e1fc No.679



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03e1fc No.680


It's way too long to post on this board. Hang on…

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03e1fc No.681


First time writing something like this.

How bad is it?

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03e1fc No.683


>How bad is it ?

You did amazingly well. You should write things like this more often.

Calm down, my boner.

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03e1fc No.684


Also, story-wise, you dropped interesting things that could be used.

>anyone being dropped in Gamindustri

>Onii-chan's links with other characters

>The Guild

You have things to use should you want to continue. Will you ?

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03e1fc No.685


Funniest read I have ever had in a while, continue it if you want to

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03e1fc No.687



That was the plan if people liked the story. Give me a day or two to formulate a plan/plot.

I left a few things to write about, such as the three already mentioned, the-sword-that must-not-be-named, and being dropped in that Gamindustri.

I'm going to attempt to give the 'Onii-chan' some personality. I'll keep the name to Anon because I'm not good at coming up with names, I mean, look at my Name that I use on /Nep/ and it isn't even the worst I've come up with in the past.

Side note, should I keep using "Onii-chan" or switch to "Big Brother"? It doesn't matter to me which one I use.

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03e1fc No.688


For language coherency you should always use "big brother", even if Nepgear would probabily use "Onii-chan" if you know what it means, I like "Onii-chan" better by the way

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03e1fc No.690


For the idea of a human brought into Gamindustri, I thought about the idea of gaming fans summoned as champions of the goddesses for any reason, with them either knowing the reason or not due to different ways of summoning. In the same idea, Arfoire could summon various well-known hackers as her own champions, to oppose the goddesses.

For the Onii-chan, I'm tempted to keep it, for the simple reason it has ambiguous uses you could use in-story. As mentioned before, the japanese "Onii-chan" is not only used in the case of classic brother-sister relationships (with many variations), but also in cases of huge respect leaning towards a crush from a younger girl to an older man, both unrelated. Switching to an unubiquituous "Big brother" would delete that aspect.

And feel free to ask for suggestions.

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03e1fc No.693

File: 1439386654473.jpg (75.17 KB,503x603,503:603,♥nepgear.jpg)


Good stuff

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03e1fc No.694



What this anon said. It's best to use "Onii-chan"

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03e1fc No.695


Thanks for the push.

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03e1fc No.696


I liked it, friend. If you continue, I'd love to see what happens next, if you decide to follow up!

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03e1fc No.700




Man these were great. I was over at yotsuba and someone mentioned this place so I came to check it out. I have been trying to get someone to draw something or write something like this for a while. I finally came up with a prompt and was directed here,the prompt being as follows:

"A guy from another dimension falls in a forest and tries to find his way out. He hears a commotion and walks toward it. It's Nep and neppy Jr. Fighting something. One of them blasts some magic and accidentally hits him. He wakes up with memory issues back at the basilicom. They decide to let him stay until he gets his memories back. Shenanigans follows after Compa, after nursing him back to full health, sees his morning erection with the other Neps and notes that it's much larger than the average Japanese based Gamindustri men's ones. Nepgear passes out from embarrassment but the others decide he needs to earn his worth via special payments. Someone get to drawing."

I wouldn't mind attempting to write something myself, but wondered if anyone else wanted to as well. Or turn it into a group thing in which everyone writes their own or something.

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03e1fc No.701


Thanks for the support. I'd laugh my heart out seeing some OC inspired from either story, honestly.

Your idea seems fun, anyway. You should give it a try yourself before anyone else, since you consider the idea of an attempt, but don't put too much pressure on yourself - If you never tried something like that before, just try it and see the feedback, it'll help you being better.

Also, on your prompt,

>"Someone get to drawing."

>the results could literally be colorful if the one drawing is either Rom, Ram or Peashy, for obvious reasons

Also, I'd thought Nepgear would pass out not from the embarassment of the boner but because of the embarassment from her special payment, too. Which could lead to funny things if it ends with a threesome due to Uni trying to put herself into Gear's pants. Your choice.

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03e1fc No.702


I like your concept. I'd be very interested to see you write it out.

I'm sure others will try, too, but I'd love to see what you put forward

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03e1fc No.704



The only real thing I'm used to writing are actual stories, with plot.

So I'm afraid if I wrote it, then it'd be more story and character development.

Which I would feel pressured to rush through to get to the smut scenes.

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03e1fc No.705


I don't call that a problem. Write your story the way you want to. This is your story after all.

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03e1fc No.706


>More story and character development

That's what I'm doing. I'm practicing before I write a full blown fanfic so I can get a better grasp on the nep-nep characters.

My biggest flaws in my stories are the smut scenes due to being unexpected at writing them, and combat.

Like the Anon above said, Write the way you want to. You can't please everyone, sadly. Just, have fun with it.

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03e1fc No.708




Didn't exactly turn out as I was hoping but I decided having 10 pages written was quite a bit already.


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03e1fc No.709


Well, you didn't had to worry.

The character interactions were good, I had some laughs along the way, and the actual scene was interesting as well and got a boner of me so I'd say you did well.

Now I'm looking forward for a following of that. I'll also try writing something on that initial premise of "anon dropped into Gamindustri" in the following days, but don't get your hopes too high.

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03e1fc No.710


That's a lot better then what I can write. I liked it.

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03e1fc No.713


That was a great read. I really enjoyed the whole thing. The character interactions were great, and the actions were fun. Even the ending was fun.

Keep going, if you want to. I really enjoyed it

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03e1fc No.714

File: 1439785907357.png (Spoiler Image,194.18 KB,400x566,200:283,nepgear_by_renkichi_taiki-….png)


Here is something I promised back on the Neptune /v/ board yesterday.


The continuation of my story. I'm sorry for any mistakes, but I dead tired right now. Good night fellow Nepnep!

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03e1fc No.715

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03e1fc No.716



Amazing work on both cases. My boner is assuming direct control though.

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03e1fc No.718


Anything I can improve in my stories? (Besides my grammar) Any from of criticism would work as I want to get better at writing.

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03e1fc No.719


Part 3 (Haven't decided if I'll do anything after I do one chapter with each girl).




I liked it. Aside from the grammar, which you are aware of, I can't think of much to improve on. It's shorter than what I write, but that's just a style thing, so not an issue at all.

In fact, it being short means it can be kept simple while still being a good read, which it was.

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03e1fc No.720


By each girl, I mean Neptune, Nepgear, Compa, and IF.

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03e1fc No.721


My sides were in orbit with the exchanges before and during the act. Anon-kun must have some natural chemistry with both If and Neptune, though we still have to see what happens with Compa, and Nepgear still has the potential to catch back if she manages to overcome her timidity.

That being said, you have several options after the Compa chapter, between redoing a round with each (or at least with Nepgear alone as she had to share her first time) and the inclusion of other characters. The choice is yours.

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03e1fc No.723

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03e1fc No.724


Where do I get this. I've only seen the Noire app before.

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03e1fc No.725

File: 1439945001271.png (1.62 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_2015-08-16-15-1….png)


Nepgear is on the Japanese version of the app.

The English version only has Neptune and Noire.

Japanese has Neptune, Noire, Vert, Blanc, and Nepgear. They all cost money though.

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03e1fc No.726


The issue is more along the lines of me lacking the creativity to introduce believable situations but also being able to add the humor element.

I won't be doing any repeats just yet, but I still need to do Compa and Nepgear before I decide to continue (I don't count the first part as Nepgear's chapter since it was more of just introducing the girls and the plot. That entire scene was meant more for humor than smut).

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03e1fc No.727

File: 1439950962020.png (98.5 KB,304x282,152:141,sad gear.png)


>2D grills are just as much gold diggers as 3D ones

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03e1fc No.728


A little gift before the "fun" starts again.

And yes, I have made an account on pastebin


An archive of all my HDN stories so far:


Goodnight all!

ps. Happy 5 year anniversary Nep-nep!

I'll post the gift something in 24 hours.

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03e1fc No.729



Blah, I'm tired.

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03e1fc No.730


>"Why do I feel the need to yell I need an adult.”

I am an adult, Onii-chan

Again, very good work. I especially enjoyed the unexpected appearance of the other Gear and the final discussion with Histoire.

On the pastebin archive, you should add small one-line resumes of the chapters and place them in the story order. If possible, could you also archive (with their permission) the other writers' stories, so we can have one big link for all that ?

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03e1fc No.731

File: 1439994590300.gif (254.88 KB,357x270,119:90,Noice.gif)


Not quite sure who the CPU who our fella fights off, but good work!

I think our really needs a name beyond "Anon". It works for the amnesiac stories but here our MC is more of a character To be honest I'm getting quite interested in a human's adventures in Gameindustri. Can we see what happened in Lastation?

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03e1fc No.732


Well, he can get a temporary name (plus the idea of the girls choosing different names before fighting over them can lead to so much fun) until he remembers his.

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03e1fc No.733


Talking about the guy in ShockingFate's stories. His MC feels more like a proper character, doesn't feel right calling him Anon

I'm alright with the other writefag's MC staying Anon.

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03e1fc No.735




I'm keeping Anon-kun's name as Anon-kun because I'm trying to make him as easy to insert oneself into which requires me keeping him as open of a character as possible.

I feel that naming him would cause me to start giving him more character and become less of a surrogate and more of an actual person.

Because I'm not writing him as a real person, it's hard to write since I can't give him personality.

So once I'm done with Compa and Nepgear's chapters, I'll probably be done with that.

Maybe I'll write a real OC story later.

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03e1fc No.736

Sorry, I won't be able to post the gift today. A family member is in the hospital and I want to see them before they lose their sanity.


>If possible, could you also archive (with their permission) the other writers' stories, so we can have one big link for all that ?

As long as the authors are alright with it, I will archive their story, but I will be unable to add a one-line summary to their work. It feels disrespectful, to me, to do that when I'm not the creator.


I have a name in mind when I do a full blown fanfic, but I want to get my barrings on the characters personalities before I make a mistake. I'll swap out "Anon" for that name after the "Fun" happens.

>Can we see what happened in Lastation?

Thats what I'm attempting to do, once I understand Red's character a bit more and what it means with "Anon". Before I do that, does everyone want me to start at the beginning to see how all this started?


I'm attempting to write a book in real life and I'm experimenting with my MC. From what I've read and/or played as a kid, your plot and action may be great, but horrendous main characters will kill the mood. I may not be the best at writing fights or smut, but I want to at lest give likable, and somewhat relate-able, characters and a good story. If I can deliver that, I'm happy.


I do have 1 plan that I want to do if the fanfic works out. If I read correctly, CPUs never age and can't get sick. So, a CPU will outlive a human and "Anon" happens to be in the Re;Birth Hyperdimension. I wounder if he's going to visit Madame Goddess?

I may be a jerk to my main character if you couldn't tell

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03e1fc No.737


Author of Amnesiac Anon-kun here, you have my permission to archive them.

Part 1: Introduction + Group Chapter

Part 2: Neptune's Chapter

Part 3: IF's Chapter

I'm not good at giving summaries so overall just give a basic summary or something. I believe my idea I posted above may be good but might be too long:

"A guy from another dimension falls in a forest and tries to find his way out. He hears a commotion and walks toward it. It's Nep and neppy Jr. Fighting something. One of them blasts some magic and accidentally hits him. He wakes up with memory issues back at the basilicom. They decide to let him stay until he gets his memories back. Shenanigans follows after Compa, after nursing him back to full health, sees his morning erection with the other Neps and notes that it's much larger than the average Japanese based Gamindustri men's ones. Nepgear passes out from embarrassment but the others decide he needs to earn his worth via special payments. Someone get to drawing."

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03e1fc No.738


I allow the copying of the various stories (ending with the BAD END) I've dropped here, under an "Anonymous" name and the resume of "Various stories written by anonymous writers on the /nep/ board" which could be used by anyone else.

I'm also writing something else, and I'll probably drop it here once 10+ chapters will be written, I'm actually on Chapter 2 but I'm slow as hell, so don't expect something fast.

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03e1fc No.739


Aside from the grammar errors (of which you are aware), I liked it.

I wish for you to continue.

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03e1fc No.755


Part 4 done!

Compa's Chapter

(Didn't proof read, sorry for any errors)


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03e1fc No.756

Anyway, this isn't the fanfic thread, we're supposed to talk about Nepgear here

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03e1fc No.757


Well, most of the fics are about (or about to become about) Nepgear, so I'm fine with that.

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03e1fc No.758


I've actually been wondering about that since I posted the first part of my story.

But there isn't really a fanfic thread.

I only have one more part to write and it'll be a Nepgear chapter so I guess I'll just post that here when done.

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03e1fc No.759



Part 5 done! This is probably going to be the last one in this series. Maybe one day I'll return to it but not in the foreseeable future.


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03e1fc No.760


That last part is really good. Maybe because I'm a huge Gear fan, or because her emotions and confusion were well written through the chapters, but I'm clearly rooting for her and Anon now. Or for a harem ending.

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03e1fc No.763


Thanks! I won't be continuing this, at least for a while. I kind of left it open so that I could continue if I wanted. If I did, I'd probably add the rest of the cast though I suppose I could do another group chapter. But I won't be writing anymore anytime in the foreseeable future. I may do a guy falls I to Neptunia universe fanfic that may have smutty elements. But I won't be doing that anytime soon either.

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03e1fc No.773

File: 1440399085004.png (Spoiler Image,248.18 KB,600x540,10:9,dark_side_nepgear_by_yakuh….png)

This may sound odd, but I'm half tempted to ask IFI for permission to marry Nepgear like the Blanc fan did.

Place your bets before I attempt to write the email. I'm placing my money that they say no.

Even if she's my lord/goddess and Saviour

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03e1fc No.774


As long as you let me cuddle, hold hands and share coffee with her, I'm fine with that decision and will support both of you. Just be sure to make her happy.

As for IFI, they could accept it, but be sure to make a better wedding than Blancanon.

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03e1fc No.775


No reason to worry about your mistakes - there were two errors I saw, such as use of "right" in line 162 other than "write", or "then" when you wanted "than" in line 14, but since you mentioned English isn't your native tongue I think you're fine.

It'll take me time to get through all of the stories, but I wanted to let the writers know that you've all got at least one more view coming your way in the next few days.

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03e1fc No.776


And I'm waiting for it.

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03e1fc No.777


Sounds good. Hope you enjoy Anon-kun's escapades in Planeptune.

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03e1fc No.778


Cute, lewd, and seemingly in-character. Neptune really sounded like Neptune, and poor Gear

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03e1fc No.780


Don't worry, Gear will be better. Later.

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03e1fc No.782



Nepgear was actually the most fun to write.

Though that might be because I was writing down ideas for her as they came to me, but was planning on doing her's last, so I had already made a plan of what I wanted to do with her, I just had to write it.

Compa's was probably the hardest to write.

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03e1fc No.783


Well, Gear seemed to be the one you put the most planning on, due to her presence being more constant through the chapters. That being said, you didn't neglect either the other characters or the story outside of that, so it works and blends well with the story.

As for Compa's chapter, what is the thing that made it hard to write ?

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03e1fc No.784


It was really hard to write something since she acts more like a mother character.

I also couldn't think of how she and Anon-kun would get close enough and in a situation in which the smut scene could be initiated.

It got easier after I started it, but I had no idea how to start it since I didn't want it to sound too much like IF's and Neptune's beginnings.

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03e1fc No.786

And we're back from the crash. Welcome aboard, guys.


I see your point. That being said, you managed to make every relationship clearly different. We have open lust for Neptune, deep trust with If, motherly love with Compa and sweet puppy love with Nepgear, and each of these bring different things to the table.

I'd go with either Gear or Compa or both, by my preferences. What about yours ?

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03e1fc No.787


I'd go with Gear myself, but I wrote it so that the reader could choose for himself.

Nepgear is just so sweet that she'd give me diabetes if she were real.

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03e1fc No.788


Same for me. She's the archetypical girl next door no one notices, but is rather credible considering she's in an universe full of goddesses and is a goddess herself. And while she's giving diabetes like no one, she can also show some stubborness when she loves someone and wants that someone to notice her, a point which has been used as hell in every fiction thus far (it actually was the base for most of them, in fact). And I'm a sucker for that.

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03e1fc No.789


Compa pretty much gives you diabetes only with the way she is usually dressed

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03e1fc No.790

File: 1440643131948.jpg (297.95 KB,1280x1649,1280:1649,51285988_p0 (1).jpg)

I think all the Neps can cause diabetes. But Nepgear especially.

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03e1fc No.802


The cutest Nep.

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03e1fc No.803

File: 1440814610709-0.png (1.41 MB,1168x1669,1168:1669,Gabnatte Cheergear.png)

File: 1440814610712-1.jpg (1.7 MB,1680x2406,280:401,Wanna Play a Game.jpg)

File: 1440814610712-2.png (1.3 MB,1477x1400,211:200,Here! Let's Take a Break.png)


I wish Nepgear was my lover, little sister, or kouhai!

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03e1fc No.804

File: 1440838844146.jpg (326.42 KB,1000x650,20:13,1440520142932.jpg)

Actual Nepgear talk? I am genuinely surprised

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03e1fc No.806


Cheerleading Gear ? My body was not ready for sure. Saved.

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03e1fc No.807

I wonder why no one has asked this yet but…

What is your favorite thing about Nepgear?

My favorite thing is her personality. I can't explain why, but that's what sticks out with me the most. Out of the three CPUs from Planeptune, I haven't looked up VII to keep it some-what spoiler free, I wouldn't mind going out with her. I'm up to chapter 5 in Re;Birth 3 and she's one of the only playable charters that I can stand. I'm not using DLC in my first playthough to experience the whole game without the extra content.

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but I would rather spend some quality time with them instead. I would mind messing with robots if I could be closer to Nepgear.

Once I get some sleep, I'll try to explain why I like her personality.

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03e1fc No.808


Side note. I'm almost finished the next installment. I'll post it once I get back from the hospital visit witch would be in 16 hours.

There is one thing I'm disappointed about my character. I didn't describe anything about him like his hair, clothing and eyes. After I post the chapter, I'm going to start on how he got to Gamindustri and then write the first trip to Lastation.

After that, It's up in the air…

Till then, Good night.

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03e1fc No.809


>What is your favorite thing about Nepgear?

Definitely her personality

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03e1fc No.810


>What is your favorite thing about Nepgear?

First is, like many, her personality. She's the girl next door who always try her best to be better and to answer the expectation of her people and friends. She's the friend who will never let you down, even when the whole world is against you, and who will defend you without any hesitation because she believes in you. And while she isn't perfect, she is credible as both a character and a person.

Plus, she's a cute mecha freak yandere little sister of a goddess, what's not to love in that ?

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03e1fc No.811


I liked her better when she was 2 separate characters callled Compa and IF

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03e1fc No.812

File: 1440862852286-0.jpg (266.74 KB,810x1146,135:191,What are we going to do he….jpg)

File: 1440862852304-1.png (737.39 KB,1113x786,371:262,Amnesiac Anon-kungear.png)


Definitely her personality. Reminds me of myself when I was younger. I also study robotics, so that's a big plus, but she was already my favorite before I played Victory.

She's just so darn cute!

This guy, >>810

definitely got it right.

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03e1fc No.813

File: 1440877603867.jpg (96.65 KB,896x898,448:449,Ganbare Cheergear.jpg)


Then have another!

The other's better in my opinion, but all Gears are good.

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03e1fc No.814


Thanks. The other is better in my eyes too, but that one's fine too.

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03e1fc No.816


Sorry for being late. I just got back from the city after a full day out of my house. Here is what I promised.


I hope it hits your expectations of what I have been writing so far. If you excuse me, i'm going to crash for 8 hours.

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03e1fc No.817


I like your take on Nepgear and your series in general.

Just wanted to note that you use the word "metalize" but I think you mean "materialize." I know you aren't a native speaker so I just wanted to let you know.

But keep at it! I like reading this stuff more than my own (probably because it is my own stuff).

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03e1fc No.818


Hi, BAD END anon here.

Just ended reading your chapters in one go, and it is plainly amazing, especially with the treatment of your MC, beginning as an anonymous figure without name or identity so people can relate to him easily, and ending as a fully-fletched character with a name. And it is amazing how the fact he got a name shook my perception of the character.

Nepgear's character, too, has been nicely changed. While I'm not that much into yanderes (outside of Kaede from the anime adaptation of Shuffle), that little change worked really nicely into her character, bringing enough differences for her to not be boring and predictable through and through.

My expectations weren't hit. They were blasted into orbit. Congrats.

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03e1fc No.819


I liked it. Very in-character, and it's good to see Anon try to get his memory back.

I hope the other parts also do a good job with characterization.


Wow. Talk about a story looking out for fans' best interests. I hear a lot about the conquest ending never did it myself and something like this just reaffirms how much I'd rather not see it if I can help it.

So far these nep stories have been great.

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03e1fc No.820


I tried not to give Anon-kun too much characterization actually.

I wanted anyone to be able to insert themselves into him easily.

Glad you liked it so far though. Tell me what you think of the next couple parts. Especially Part 5 since that was my favorite to write.

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03e1fc No.852


Haven't gotten to part 5 yet, but I did just read part 4. I can tell you had a lot of fun with these. Between the purchases she makes to how she thinks sex works, I feel that you really got Compa, and I couldn't stop laughing as the story went on because of it.

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03e1fc No.853


Yeah, it was fun, but I couldn't keep coming up with new content, so I just decided to end with Nepgear. Her's was the most fun to write.

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03e1fc No.892

And here comes another gift to /nep/ - http://pastebin.com/EjSYRtvX

My apologizes for any errors coming from English not being my main language.

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03e1fc No.900


I can tell that was the most fun for you. You really played the full gambit. The curious Nepgear, the exhausted anon and the character banter were all handled great. The ending was also something I didn't expect.

I really liked it. Even if this story doesn't continue, what you did write is fantastic and ends just fine!

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03e1fc No.901


While it does show that English isn't your native language, that was incredibly touching. I'd be lying if I didn't say I teared up a little by the end, I wasn't sure if your story was going to end with him dying at the battlefield

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03e1fc No.902


I think this was a really interesting take. I felt it was a different kind of yandere that people don't really write, from what I've seen. I liked it, even if the fetish isn't my thing.


I'd also like to answer this.I think Gear is just incredibly cute, and after playing Re;Birth I thought she was the most adorable CPU or Candidate cutest maker I have to give to Broccoli

Gear is stuck trying to be both the 2nd in command while also taking care of the paperwork, like how she has to learn from Neptune while also covering for her. She's very interesting, in my opinion.

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03e1fc No.906


Glad to hear it. I don't fancy myself as a writer but it was fun.

I may do something again, but as a different series and probably not smut focused. More like an OC joining in the adventures of the Neps, but that'd take a while to write, and school is busy, so I may not.

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03e1fc No.907


I wasn't sure myself, until I ended up getting carried by my own story. And honestly, I teared up a little myself while writing it.

Still, thanks for the comment.

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03e1fc No.915

File: 1441996883966.jpg (1.32 MB,2000x2000,1:1,48841431_p0.jpg)

Since this is the closest thing to a write thread we've got I'll post these

http://pastebin.com/c0w7zpLH part 0

http://pastebin.com/sas7a6TW part 1

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03e1fc No.916


Interesting, yet rather short compared to the others. Maybe should you try longer chapters, if you can do it ?

I'm looking for the next chapters, though.

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03e1fc No.917

File: 1441998516168.png (189.52 KB,500x500,1:1,1433294868359-1.png)


I want to have at least 6 chapters, with a few shorter lewd ones here and there. Part 1 is quite short because I'm going to bring in both the CPUs and Candidates of both Lowee and Planeptune along with Histoire next and I felt it was better to relegate that to a third chapter. I will see if I can't get them a little longer

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03e1fc No.932

File: 1442197646723-0.png (336.7 KB,720x720,1:1,And Now You're All Mine.png)

File: 1442197646724-1.png (332.03 KB,720x720,1:1,Asiangear.png)

File: 1442197646724-2.png (337.05 KB,720x720,1:1,Eagergear.png)

Posted this over in the /v/ thread, but I made some edits of Nepgear's sprite from Mk2:


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03e1fc No.945

File: 1442418570684-0.jpg (523.73 KB,700x990,70:99,Blanc twins story time.jpg)

File: 1442418570701-1.png (589.39 KB,600x856,75:107,Nepgear pose.png)

File: 1442418570719-2.jpg (149.09 KB,850x740,85:74,Histoire teaches you to co….jpg)

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03e1fc No.946


Nice start up. Keep at it.

Though, you might want to give a real name to Anon.

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03e1fc No.947


Soon. That was actually a suggestion I gave to ShockingFate when he started his stories

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03e1fc No.948


Yeah, both of your stories are more character driven than mine was. So it feels weird referring to the protagonist as "Anon."

Can't wait for the next parts.

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03e1fc No.961


Nice second part. You managed to make it longer, which is more comfortable to read and thus more enjoyable. And in itself, the chapter is as good as the previous ones.



I may be the only one thinking this way, but I think the "Anon" name works for amnesiac characters, with the name being an important reveal later for one reason or another. It's up to the writer to use it or to drop the plot.

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03e1fc No.982

Here's a gift before I leave for the night. You may not like the ending, but it had to be done.


It's not THAT ending of Re;Birth 2, but… well read and find out.

The next installment of this will be longer

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03e1fc No.983


Didn't expect that ending. Yet it works. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if (spoilers) the clothes massively summoned are a proof his mind is conscious of being in a coma.

Poor Gear though.

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03e1fc No.997

I spent the entire day yesterday reading all the stories you guys have written. I like them all a lot and was wondering if there will be more stories coming?

There were times that I didnt understand pretty well but that's because my knowledge about Neptuniaverse is very limited. I have Re;Birth1 and 2 but still haven't played them. However I know some stuff.

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03e1fc No.1001


GlassArmour's Anon Gamindustri Adventure and ShockingFate's "Fun" with Nepgear aren't finished, so they are continuing. There are also plans for other stories to be written.

And if I remember correctly, some people from /v/'s Neptunia thread only have a very basic knowledge of the series thanks to the anime, yet enjoyed the stories too, so I can guess it's enough.

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03e1fc No.1009

File: 1442869033072.jpg (144.03 KB,1300x1500,13:15,48515240_p0.jpg)


Don't worry, the way things are going, I'll be writing nep stories for most of the rest of the year, and that's just with the present story arc If writer's block doesn't get in the way that is

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03e1fc No.1010



That's good to know! These stories are quite fun to read!

Thank you!

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03e1fc No.1011


Speaking of stories, I've been working on something out of my league.


In that link, I've been attempting on working on a VN. I have some knowledge on VB, but not python.

0.1a has the text of my first short while 0.11a has some images and some sounds to it. I currently have the soundtrack of Mk2 and some emotions of Nepgear thanks to >>932 . Now, if I can get some of Purple Sister.

I'll say this now, this is my first time working with python. I'll make a new board on /nep/ with the documents so I don't flood this board with my files.


>that spoiler

The bane of most writers existences. It doesn't help that I somehow always kill off my main character in the dumbest ways while wearing a red shirt.

Like GlassArmour, I'll be writing unless if I have schoolwork.

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03e1fc No.1012


Going by curiosity, which one(s) was(were) your favorite, and why ?

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03e1fc No.1014

File: 1442872464224.jpg (125.77 KB,450x411,150:137,neptune.jpg)


Oh yes, very important question

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03e1fc No.1015



Well, I hope my humble opinion doesnt generate conflict but story overall I liked ShockingFate's and fuck you with that end, man ;___; it's captain tsubasa all over again. At leats he still has legs

But by interaction with characters I liked "Amnesiac Anon-kun".

I still have to read a couple of the other stories. Im trying my best to not to read everything in one sit.

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03e1fc No.1016


No problem with that, I liked ShockingFate's writings better. I also enjoyed Untitled, but mainly because of the ending, which was better with spoilers (too bad pastebin can't have them).

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03e1fc No.1018


I would make Purple Sister ones but I seem to lack sprites for them unless I go with RB2, but the sprite maker in that thing is bull crap.

It's unnecessarily complex.

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03e1fc No.1019

File: 1442876462014-0.jpeg (279.6 KB,700x986,350:493,2013-11-26-619825.jpeg)

File: 1442876462066-1.png (468.15 KB,747x958,747:958,58cf66226b12bd8301752d9ee7….png)

File: 1442876462069-2.jpg (132.39 KB,850x850,1:1,45531653_p0.jpg)


Hope you can read quickly because I've just finished Part 3! http://pastebin.com/1t8gTUYq

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03e1fc No.1021


This Nepgear pic gets me every time.

Also, good chapter. Will look forward to the next release.

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03e1fc No.1037


Don't worry about it. I'm only doing the VN to test my limit and to learn a new language a funner way. It's better then whats offered at my collage, and the class has no textbook. I don't know what's bad about the sprite maker, but I'll take your word for it. I haven't used it or any sprite maker before.



I'm glad you enjoyed it. While I'd admit the ending is "fuck you" worthy, but I have an idea on what to do. Before I start writing more in the Hyperdimension/Ultredimension, I want to build upon "Mr. Winter's" and "Makoto Hikari's" character a bit.

All that is known about them so far is little. I'm going to say this about the next chapter spoilers ahead…

Someone's heart is going to get destroyed and broken promises.

Like I said in the /v/ Neptunia board, I would like to write about more characters, it's just that I don't want to do them injustice and mess them up. Kinda the reason why Neptune is at the other nations. I can write Nepgear/Purple Sister, IF, Compa, Noire/Black Heart, Iris Heart, and Histy. The last thing I want to do is do even more damage on Neptune's personality.


Getting close to IF, Nepgear, and Histoire. Although, he did get a little too close to the beam saber/sword. I can't wait for the next chapter.

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03e1fc No.1038


The sprites after Mk2 use some strange format where you have to piece them together.

Mk2 uses things you can just copy and paste very easily. That's why I made those Nepgear sprites with her Mk2 pose as opposed to her newer one.

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03e1fc No.1040


I just finished reading your stories, I like it! However the pacing feels a bit slow and the chapters are pretty short too.

But still, so far it's good! It's refreshing to see another characters. This time is Blanc, Rom and Ram' turn!

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03e1fc No.1043


Blanc, Neptune and the twins will spend a little time with Anon soon. Anon will start training with the guild as well and MAGES. will be introduced


>It's better then what's offered at my college, and the class has no textbook.

Tell me about. My college course includes such new and ground-breaking things as Small Basic, Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, and Dreamweaver

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03e1fc No.1052

Sorry I've been quiet for a bit. Seems I've missed a few stories that should be read. I'll do what I tend to, try to catch up!



I like these. They're cute chapters.

>but I've never heard them speak, at least, not in English

I laughed


These are great! Will the edits be put to use in the retranslation, or is that something that isn't being considered?

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03e1fc No.1053


Only made the sprites for fun. Doubt they'll be used in an official translation but I believe ShockingFate said he would be using some in a VN he was making.

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03e1fc No.1087

If you want information on my characters,


I hope this answers some questions. And leaves more questions


And I'm thankful that you shared them. I have all the background used in HDM-V and Re;birth2 +2. I'm working on finding the other characters sprites and some soundtracks from the games. Again, this is something I'm doing for fun.


>those classes.

I only had VB and Access. I'm using Notepad++ for web. I did have fun with networking last year. The problem with my college is that we only support Systems Admin and Web Design as electives. If you want to make programs and manage databases, you have to find another campus.

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03e1fc No.1095



I just finished reading A Night with Noir.

While Noir is the second to last in my personal goddesses ranking, the story was quite fun to read and Noir was adorable. Pretty quick paced though but that's not bad.

I've read stories about the main cast already but there's one goddess left that hasn't appear yet: Vert.

Vert needs some love too!

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03e1fc No.1099


Don't worry, our favourite fujoshi will be in Part 5 of my series. Just don't be expecting it for a while, I'm not halfway through part 4 and I've got a little something for YandereGear lovers in the works as well

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03e1fc No.1100


I sorry for the quick paced story. It was my first time writing a tsundere character and I didn't want to royally mess up her character. I'll freely admit that I like the Ultra Noire better then the Hyper Noire.

There is one thing I always wanted to try, but I have to get the character's personality/emotion correct. I'll say this, at lest one good thing happens. And most people will be glad. It's just I don't want to get to histy and mess it up.

I'll attempt Blanc when I have the time, I just need to find a good base to start with. If I do write Ram and Rom, THAT won't be happening to them.


I can't wait to read it.


I'll say this, I may not be writing anything Nepnep related during November.

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03e1fc No.1188


>Second spoiler

I'm almost done my latest short. I'll leave a little gift as an apology for not writing lately.


I can make her more effed up in the final version. Don't worry, it'll have a good ending

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03e1fc No.1220


Everything is setting for the final act. But there's a little thing going on my mind : Isn't YandereGear's attitude subconsciously linked to Marisa's by Mark, or are they only two yanderes with their affection to the MC as a common point ?

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03e1fc No.1328

Part 5 is done!


Nothing too noteworthy happens here, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless

Part 5 will probably have couple surprises; I'll be starting to work on it soon…

Onii-chan, you haven't forgotten have you…?

O-of course not! I'llfinish my Nepgear's Onii-chan contribution

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03e1fc No.1329


fuck meant

>Part 4 is done!

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03e1fc No.1331


>>1095 here

I feel like everything is starting to take shape and I can probably see where this is going. Anyways, it was a pretty interesting chapter with several hints.


This one too is getting interesting too and MAGES is coming soon!

Thank you for the chapters.

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03e1fc No.1333





Well, it's finished. The Hyperactive Conclusion is ready to be read.


I was inspired by something I read in the last board on /v/. I'll attempt to write it. Once homework is finished

Other then that, please enjoy. I hope you guys like it.

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03e1fc No.1334


>Yangire older sister sister incest

>Yanderegear makes her watch


Gotta work on that written English of yours though

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03e1fc No.1335


My sides went orbital with YandereGear making MC's older sister watch their connection.

Great chapter, I must admit.

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03e1fc No.1336

File: 1444675381659.jpg (133.02 KB,680x797,680:797,Yare Yare, Snoopy-kun.jpg)


fuck, only meant to write sister once. And here I am lecturing you on your English

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03e1fc No.1337


I feel like im missing something because im confused as heck.

What's the chronological order again?

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03e1fc No.1339


Sorry for the late reply. The order, as of now, follows as such:

Prologue - A story of three friends. Only if you want some background information on the charters I use.

Operation-Retrieval Before RED joins the party and right after they return from Lastation.

NepGear's Onii-chan Post True Ending

In the cave with NepGear

A Tender Night with Purple Sister

A Silent Night with Nepgear

The Hyperactive Conclusion

I haven't written the actual "Arfore lookalike" fight, but I've had idea on the turnout and the banter they make. What's stopping me from writing that is RED's personality with a male party member. That and re-watching on how long they, Nepgear + party, are in Lowee before the mascot is destroyed.

I'm sorry if I confused some people. That wasn't my intention.



I can only improve my English from here on out. I didn't have the best English teacher in school. I had just above the worst in teachers for middle school teachers. They just passed the student onto the next grade, even if they failed a class or three. It still falls onto me to improve it when I have the time.



I'm glad you guys liked it.

I wanted to change the formula a bit. Almost all the Yandere stories I read, they kill their rivals. But, Nepgear is a goddess/CPU. She wouldn't kill someone unless she was pushed/forced to. It didn't feel right for her to kill Marisa. Maybe if she was influenced by a special sword… So, showing what the older sister couldn't have made more sense, and I ran with it. …Did I just write my first NTR story?

If you excuse me, I'm going to have to write a lecture. God he-


Sorry… Goddess help me, I'm releasing my inner Histy in an attempt of comedy.

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03e1fc No.1340


>dat spoiler

With such devotion to your goddess, I can only say YandereGear is officially and unconditionnally your waifu.

Guess that's what happens when you create an alternate version of an existing character.

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03e1fc No.1342

>So, the only commonality that the victims have are their female

What the fuck does that even mean?

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03e1fc No.1344


>So, the only commonality that the victims have is that they are female

I meant what they had in common. I botched that line, my bad. It's been fixed in the pastebin.

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03e1fc No.1345


Sorry to say it, but there are MANY things left to fix. Another example :

>“Watch it!” Tom yelled. “You never know who’s watching you.”

>“And you’re English is still worse than mine. Did the two of you take too many balls to the head? Or, is it that you inhaled something different.”

It's "your" English.

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03e1fc No.1347

I am so sorry it has taken almost a month to come back here. I'm going to try to be here a little more for these stories. You guys do good work.


Interesting prologue. I'm glad you've given the three some background, and I get the feeling they'll be happier in Nep's world than their own

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03e1fc No.1360


>I'll say this, I may not be writing anything Nepnep related during November.

Any particular reason why, friend?


>page is removed

I guess I took too long. Sorry


That was really nice - I'm sorry it's taken a while to read stories, but I'm really happy that you guys write. They're great to come into.

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03e1fc No.1362

File: 1445273493861.png (93.55 KB,350x350,1:1,IF Chibi alt.png)

Figured I'd ask before I go ahead, but this is what I've got so far on my Yanderegear story:


Now, the question is this: Do you want to see me go full autism with this and **create OC CPUs that would technically be Nepgear's and the MC's children

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03e1fc No.1363


It isn't what we want you to write, it is what you actually want to write. If you want to go with your failed spoiler, go ahead. If you want to go with a BAD END , it is an option too. You're the writer, not us, so it is your choice, not ours.

That being said, I like how it is going thus far. I'm looking forward to the following, however you choose to continue it.

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03e1fc No.1364


Also, you can try writing every possibility you can think of, and keeping them all in a collection, in order to release them all at once.

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03e1fc No.1365


Go as far as you want to. You're the writer.


>Page is removed

That was a teaser to The Hyperactive Conclusion.

>Not writing anything Nepnep related in November.

I'm attempting to do NaNoWriMo. Basically, write a 50k+ story. I'm only doing it as a small joke.


Now, I did something a little different.


Warning! YandereGear strikes in this What If segment!

Umm…. Enjoy?

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03e1fc No.1366


Pretty good so far. It's your choice as to what you want to do, as another Anon mentioned.


That ending was almost like a cliffhanger. Will this what if scenario have a sequel or something?

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03e1fc No.1367


Do whatever you want, man. Honestly, I've been enjoying everything you guys have put out.

Our posts now have IDs - do we have a board owner?


Oh ok - thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

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03e1fc No.1499

Happy Halloween!


I'll probably touch it up in the future. I'm sorry if it didn't meet your expectations.


Sorry for the late reply. Yes, the scenario will have a sequel. But, I don't want to spoil the future. Even if I left a huge hint at the end.

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03e1fc No.1533


Definitely spooky

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03e1fc No.1576

File: 1447618207635.png (98.5 KB,304x282,152:141,nepgear sadgear.png)

It's Done!

The first half of my Conquestgear fic: Nepgear's Onii-chan I: Reunion



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03e1fc No.1577

File: 1447622221855-0.jpeg (Spoiler Image,437.42 KB,1964x2636,491:659,Post Conquest Gear Scan.jpeg)

File: 1447622221855-1.jpeg (Spoiler Image,236.43 KB,1788x1036,447:259,Post Conquest Gear Kiss.jpeg)


I want to hold Conquestgear in my arms!

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03e1fc No.1578

File: 1447622733900.jpg (78.82 KB,716x768,179:192,cia.jpg)


Those are some big pics

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03e1fc No.1613


> "It should be too hard to find them;"

You really need a proofreader.

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03e1fc No.1635

File: 1448666632551.png (282.52 KB,249x386,249:386,3f5.png)

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03e1fc No.1637

Seeing how my internet is turning into dial-up, I'll keep this short.

Switching Gears:


And a different ending of the above.

What If – Purple Revelations - http://pastebin.com/h0mbASMr

I'm sorry for not posting these here two days ago, my internet is screwed at the moment. And I have 'high speed' internet.

Enjoy and happy reading!

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03e1fc No.1638

File: 1448757160443-0.png (81.65 KB,1286x552,643:276,Worse than Hitler, Stalin,….png)

File: 1448757160444-1.png (162.98 KB,781x466,781:466,Hope in the world, anti-Hi….png)

I assume everyone here is in the nep thread on /v/, but I'll go ahead and post this Nepgear fic based on pic related. I posted it a few threads ago on /v/ but this has kind of become the fanfic page for Neptunia, so might as well bring it here and it's about Nepgear.

Persona Non Grata:

Part 1: http://pastebin.com/4TarXEnH

Part 2: http://pastebin.com/wQwz27D8


I think I like the alternate ending more. Both are good though.

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03e1fc No.1640

File: 1448800429467-0.jpg (146.91 KB,784x800,49:50,97c1e35ad707721cdfafcb8d31….jpg)

File: 1448800429467-1.jpg (387.15 KB,1920x1080,16:9,MAid-GES..jpg)

File: 1448800429468-2.jpg (145.55 KB,708x999,236:333,uni2.jpg)


I often write type it it up at the dead of night, but I'm surprised I let this through. I'll fix that now

In any case, Part 5 of AGA is done!

A Black Meeting:


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03e1fc No.1780

File: 1450983546886.jpg (55.1 KB,341x248,11:8,Nepgear....jpg)

Merry not quite Christmas neppers of all ages. I come with a promise fulfilled


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03e1fc No.1790


>Compa's clinic

Dude, Compa is a nurse.

A nurse can't have a clinic. You need at least 10 years of experience as a health professional (the nurse's boss) to lead a clinic.

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03e1fc No.1798


Well, she certainly seems to have one in Re;Birth 1 at least

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03e1fc No.1802


In the game where she isn't even a nurse?

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03e1fc No.1823


I'm pretty sure GlassArmor is correct.

In one of the endings, she has a clinic apparently.

Don't know which game. Probably RB1. Maybe RB2.

I think she becomes a full nurse in the epilogue of RB1.

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03e1fc No.1897

File: 1451719785136.jpg (312.36 KB,2624x2016,82:63,NQQDrbu.jpg)


What a strange country.

In mine, nurses are basically the doctors' bitches. Unless there's an urgency, they're literally not allowed to do anything unless ordered so by a doctor. Acting by yourself (giving unauthorized medicines) when there's no urgency means you can go to jail and/or have your licence revoked.

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03e1fc No.2103

>wakes up in the middle of nowhere

>don't know who you are or where you are

>just remember your name, Soother

>go toward tall building in the distance

>oh, turns out it's a city

>asks around

>people are depressed and unresponsive

>you're quickly starving

>engage in Planeptune Army as second-class scrub

>quickly progress until you become part of the Basilicom Elite Guard, assigned to protect Lady Purple Sister

>after seeing Nepgear transforming and breaking down, you understand there's a fragile girl behind the strong mask

>put a request to become Lady Purple Sister's personal bodyguard

>after a meeting with Histoire, your request is accepted

>you basically act as Nepgear's personal servant, on top of being in charge of the Basilicom's military

>Nepgear grows attached to you, explains everything while being drunk

>you steal Gehaburn and visit Histoire, ask her if she can destroy the sword

>she refuses

>you leave Planeptune with the sword, visit the other Oracles

>they all refuse, because it would make the CPUs' sacrifice useless

>meanwhile Histoire has you branded as a traitor for stealing a valuable artefact

>you return to Planeptune, and apologize to Nepgear for failing her

>she says she doesn't mind, that she just wants to rely on you

>Histoire later explains you that your name is Soother because you are born from Nepgear's wish to have someone she can trust

>you were supposed to soothe her pain but Gehaburn fucked up your "programming"

>that's how dangerous this sword is

>you freak out as it basically means you're Nepgear and Histoire's child

>Histoire yells at you to stop being stupid and swears to god that everyone in Planeptune is bloody insane

>Nepgear laughs and jokes that Histoire yelling like that reminds her of the past

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03e1fc No.2112


Hi halfchanner.

At least this could be the premise of some writing projects.

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03e1fc No.2119


I don't like it.

First, "Anon" promises Neptune to take the bullet, then drop her quickly. She immediately forget.

Then Anon immediately get loved by everyone at the forge, shows he has magical power, and is immediately able to go against Noire.

You made your character a Gary Tsu, dude.

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03e1fc No.2161


I guess you're right, but I don't mean AGA to be serious. I'll see what I can do to tighten the story up in future parts

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03e1fc No.2778

File: 1454700873767.png (649.19 KB,1014x1121,1014:1121,unsolicited opinions.png)

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03e1fc No.2847

File: 1456710746684.png (4.1 MB,2894x4093,2894:4093,1456476129343.png)

Many were expecting it, but I didn't took the decision until recently, and finally did the jump.


This is a followup to several of the stories from the pastebin, leading to a big event. Feel free to consider that however you want, though.

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03e1fc No.2866

I've oh-so-unsubtly mentioned a secret writing project ever so often, and it's time for the first part of it; A Merchants Journey


I had a bit of trouble with Iris' character. I tried to have her more motherly, like in the anime.

Questions, comments, and criticism welcome

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03e1fc No.2868


As said on the /v/ thread, it was really fun to read, but you should've really kept "Goddesses and Goyim" as the title. Waiting for the next chapter.

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03e1fc No.2870


>that little accountant as gotten to me in more ways than one.

>HAS gotten to me

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03e1fc No.2875


My family fetish!

Finally it's catered to!

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03e1fc No.2878

Oh right, I wrote a little something about Nepgear :


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03e1fc No.2879


>a little something about Nepgear

>Noire's field day

>a story mostly involving Neptune, Plutia, Blanc and Histoire

It was short, but rather fun.

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03e1fc No.3261

File: 1464481911093.png (543 KB,600x787,600:787,arfoire comfy.png)

It's been a while, but I haven't forgotten AGA.


Part 6: Ambush Aftermath

I'll put it up on the /v/ thread tomorrow morning

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