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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1437733484725.png (556.02 KB,459x1494,51:166,NepgearV.png)

03e1fc No.514 [View All]

This is Nepgear

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03e1fc No.1328

Part 5 is done!


Nothing too noteworthy happens here, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless

Part 5 will probably have couple surprises; I'll be starting to work on it soon…

Onii-chan, you haven't forgotten have you…?

O-of course not! I'llfinish my Nepgear's Onii-chan contribution

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03e1fc No.1329


fuck meant

>Part 4 is done!

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03e1fc No.1331


>>1095 here

I feel like everything is starting to take shape and I can probably see where this is going. Anyways, it was a pretty interesting chapter with several hints.


This one too is getting interesting too and MAGES is coming soon!

Thank you for the chapters.

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03e1fc No.1333





Well, it's finished. The Hyperactive Conclusion is ready to be read.


I was inspired by something I read in the last board on /v/. I'll attempt to write it. Once homework is finished

Other then that, please enjoy. I hope you guys like it.

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03e1fc No.1334


>Yangire older sister sister incest

>Yanderegear makes her watch


Gotta work on that written English of yours though

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03e1fc No.1335


My sides went orbital with YandereGear making MC's older sister watch their connection.

Great chapter, I must admit.

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03e1fc No.1336

File: 1444675381659.jpg (133.02 KB,680x797,680:797,Yare Yare, Snoopy-kun.jpg)


fuck, only meant to write sister once. And here I am lecturing you on your English

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03e1fc No.1337


I feel like im missing something because im confused as heck.

What's the chronological order again?

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03e1fc No.1339


Sorry for the late reply. The order, as of now, follows as such:

Prologue - A story of three friends. Only if you want some background information on the charters I use.

Operation-Retrieval Before RED joins the party and right after they return from Lastation.

NepGear's Onii-chan Post True Ending

In the cave with NepGear

A Tender Night with Purple Sister

A Silent Night with Nepgear

The Hyperactive Conclusion

I haven't written the actual "Arfore lookalike" fight, but I've had idea on the turnout and the banter they make. What's stopping me from writing that is RED's personality with a male party member. That and re-watching on how long they, Nepgear + party, are in Lowee before the mascot is destroyed.

I'm sorry if I confused some people. That wasn't my intention.



I can only improve my English from here on out. I didn't have the best English teacher in school. I had just above the worst in teachers for middle school teachers. They just passed the student onto the next grade, even if they failed a class or three. It still falls onto me to improve it when I have the time.



I'm glad you guys liked it.

I wanted to change the formula a bit. Almost all the Yandere stories I read, they kill their rivals. But, Nepgear is a goddess/CPU. She wouldn't kill someone unless she was pushed/forced to. It didn't feel right for her to kill Marisa. Maybe if she was influenced by a special sword… So, showing what the older sister couldn't have made more sense, and I ran with it. …Did I just write my first NTR story?

If you excuse me, I'm going to have to write a lecture. God he-


Sorry… Goddess help me, I'm releasing my inner Histy in an attempt of comedy.

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03e1fc No.1340


>dat spoiler

With such devotion to your goddess, I can only say YandereGear is officially and unconditionnally your waifu.

Guess that's what happens when you create an alternate version of an existing character.

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03e1fc No.1342

>So, the only commonality that the victims have are their female

What the fuck does that even mean?

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03e1fc No.1344


>So, the only commonality that the victims have is that they are female

I meant what they had in common. I botched that line, my bad. It's been fixed in the pastebin.

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03e1fc No.1345


Sorry to say it, but there are MANY things left to fix. Another example :

>“Watch it!” Tom yelled. “You never know who’s watching you.”

>“And you’re English is still worse than mine. Did the two of you take too many balls to the head? Or, is it that you inhaled something different.”

It's "your" English.

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03e1fc No.1347

I am so sorry it has taken almost a month to come back here. I'm going to try to be here a little more for these stories. You guys do good work.


Interesting prologue. I'm glad you've given the three some background, and I get the feeling they'll be happier in Nep's world than their own

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03e1fc No.1360


>I'll say this, I may not be writing anything Nepnep related during November.

Any particular reason why, friend?


>page is removed

I guess I took too long. Sorry


That was really nice - I'm sorry it's taken a while to read stories, but I'm really happy that you guys write. They're great to come into.

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03e1fc No.1362

File: 1445273493861.png (93.55 KB,350x350,1:1,IF Chibi alt.png)

Figured I'd ask before I go ahead, but this is what I've got so far on my Yanderegear story:


Now, the question is this: Do you want to see me go full autism with this and **create OC CPUs that would technically be Nepgear's and the MC's children

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03e1fc No.1363


It isn't what we want you to write, it is what you actually want to write. If you want to go with your failed spoiler, go ahead. If you want to go with a BAD END , it is an option too. You're the writer, not us, so it is your choice, not ours.

That being said, I like how it is going thus far. I'm looking forward to the following, however you choose to continue it.

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03e1fc No.1364


Also, you can try writing every possibility you can think of, and keeping them all in a collection, in order to release them all at once.

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03e1fc No.1365


Go as far as you want to. You're the writer.


>Page is removed

That was a teaser to The Hyperactive Conclusion.

>Not writing anything Nepnep related in November.

I'm attempting to do NaNoWriMo. Basically, write a 50k+ story. I'm only doing it as a small joke.


Now, I did something a little different.


Warning! YandereGear strikes in this What If segment!

Umm…. Enjoy?

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03e1fc No.1366


Pretty good so far. It's your choice as to what you want to do, as another Anon mentioned.


That ending was almost like a cliffhanger. Will this what if scenario have a sequel or something?

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03e1fc No.1367


Do whatever you want, man. Honestly, I've been enjoying everything you guys have put out.

Our posts now have IDs - do we have a board owner?


Oh ok - thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

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03e1fc No.1499

Happy Halloween!


I'll probably touch it up in the future. I'm sorry if it didn't meet your expectations.


Sorry for the late reply. Yes, the scenario will have a sequel. But, I don't want to spoil the future. Even if I left a huge hint at the end.

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03e1fc No.1533


Definitely spooky

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03e1fc No.1576

File: 1447618207635.png (98.5 KB,304x282,152:141,nepgear sadgear.png)

It's Done!

The first half of my Conquestgear fic: Nepgear's Onii-chan I: Reunion



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03e1fc No.1577

File: 1447622221855-0.jpeg (Spoiler Image,437.42 KB,1964x2636,491:659,Post Conquest Gear Scan.jpeg)

File: 1447622221855-1.jpeg (Spoiler Image,236.43 KB,1788x1036,447:259,Post Conquest Gear Kiss.jpeg)


I want to hold Conquestgear in my arms!

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03e1fc No.1578

File: 1447622733900.jpg (78.82 KB,716x768,179:192,cia.jpg)


Those are some big pics

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03e1fc No.1613


> "It should be too hard to find them;"

You really need a proofreader.

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03e1fc No.1635

File: 1448666632551.png (282.52 KB,249x386,249:386,3f5.png)

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03e1fc No.1637

Seeing how my internet is turning into dial-up, I'll keep this short.

Switching Gears:


And a different ending of the above.

What If – Purple Revelations - http://pastebin.com/h0mbASMr

I'm sorry for not posting these here two days ago, my internet is screwed at the moment. And I have 'high speed' internet.

Enjoy and happy reading!

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03e1fc No.1638

File: 1448757160443-0.png (81.65 KB,1286x552,643:276,Worse than Hitler, Stalin,….png)

File: 1448757160444-1.png (162.98 KB,781x466,781:466,Hope in the world, anti-Hi….png)

I assume everyone here is in the nep thread on /v/, but I'll go ahead and post this Nepgear fic based on pic related. I posted it a few threads ago on /v/ but this has kind of become the fanfic page for Neptunia, so might as well bring it here and it's about Nepgear.

Persona Non Grata:

Part 1: http://pastebin.com/4TarXEnH

Part 2: http://pastebin.com/wQwz27D8


I think I like the alternate ending more. Both are good though.

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03e1fc No.1640

File: 1448800429467-0.jpg (146.91 KB,784x800,49:50,97c1e35ad707721cdfafcb8d31….jpg)

File: 1448800429467-1.jpg (387.15 KB,1920x1080,16:9,MAid-GES..jpg)

File: 1448800429468-2.jpg (145.55 KB,708x999,236:333,uni2.jpg)


I often write type it it up at the dead of night, but I'm surprised I let this through. I'll fix that now

In any case, Part 5 of AGA is done!

A Black Meeting:


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03e1fc No.1780

File: 1450983546886.jpg (55.1 KB,341x248,11:8,Nepgear....jpg)

Merry not quite Christmas neppers of all ages. I come with a promise fulfilled


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03e1fc No.1790


>Compa's clinic

Dude, Compa is a nurse.

A nurse can't have a clinic. You need at least 10 years of experience as a health professional (the nurse's boss) to lead a clinic.

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03e1fc No.1798


Well, she certainly seems to have one in Re;Birth 1 at least

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03e1fc No.1802


In the game where she isn't even a nurse?

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03e1fc No.1823


I'm pretty sure GlassArmor is correct.

In one of the endings, she has a clinic apparently.

Don't know which game. Probably RB1. Maybe RB2.

I think she becomes a full nurse in the epilogue of RB1.

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03e1fc No.1897

File: 1451719785136.jpg (312.36 KB,2624x2016,82:63,NQQDrbu.jpg)


What a strange country.

In mine, nurses are basically the doctors' bitches. Unless there's an urgency, they're literally not allowed to do anything unless ordered so by a doctor. Acting by yourself (giving unauthorized medicines) when there's no urgency means you can go to jail and/or have your licence revoked.

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03e1fc No.2103

>wakes up in the middle of nowhere

>don't know who you are or where you are

>just remember your name, Soother

>go toward tall building in the distance

>oh, turns out it's a city

>asks around

>people are depressed and unresponsive

>you're quickly starving

>engage in Planeptune Army as second-class scrub

>quickly progress until you become part of the Basilicom Elite Guard, assigned to protect Lady Purple Sister

>after seeing Nepgear transforming and breaking down, you understand there's a fragile girl behind the strong mask

>put a request to become Lady Purple Sister's personal bodyguard

>after a meeting with Histoire, your request is accepted

>you basically act as Nepgear's personal servant, on top of being in charge of the Basilicom's military

>Nepgear grows attached to you, explains everything while being drunk

>you steal Gehaburn and visit Histoire, ask her if she can destroy the sword

>she refuses

>you leave Planeptune with the sword, visit the other Oracles

>they all refuse, because it would make the CPUs' sacrifice useless

>meanwhile Histoire has you branded as a traitor for stealing a valuable artefact

>you return to Planeptune, and apologize to Nepgear for failing her

>she says she doesn't mind, that she just wants to rely on you

>Histoire later explains you that your name is Soother because you are born from Nepgear's wish to have someone she can trust

>you were supposed to soothe her pain but Gehaburn fucked up your "programming"

>that's how dangerous this sword is

>you freak out as it basically means you're Nepgear and Histoire's child

>Histoire yells at you to stop being stupid and swears to god that everyone in Planeptune is bloody insane

>Nepgear laughs and jokes that Histoire yelling like that reminds her of the past

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03e1fc No.2112


Hi halfchanner.

At least this could be the premise of some writing projects.

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03e1fc No.2119


I don't like it.

First, "Anon" promises Neptune to take the bullet, then drop her quickly. She immediately forget.

Then Anon immediately get loved by everyone at the forge, shows he has magical power, and is immediately able to go against Noire.

You made your character a Gary Tsu, dude.

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03e1fc No.2161


I guess you're right, but I don't mean AGA to be serious. I'll see what I can do to tighten the story up in future parts

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03e1fc No.2778

File: 1454700873767.png (649.19 KB,1014x1121,1014:1121,unsolicited opinions.png)

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03e1fc No.2847

File: 1456710746684.png (4.1 MB,2894x4093,2894:4093,1456476129343.png)

Many were expecting it, but I didn't took the decision until recently, and finally did the jump.


This is a followup to several of the stories from the pastebin, leading to a big event. Feel free to consider that however you want, though.

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03e1fc No.2866

I've oh-so-unsubtly mentioned a secret writing project ever so often, and it's time for the first part of it; A Merchants Journey


I had a bit of trouble with Iris' character. I tried to have her more motherly, like in the anime.

Questions, comments, and criticism welcome

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03e1fc No.2868


As said on the /v/ thread, it was really fun to read, but you should've really kept "Goddesses and Goyim" as the title. Waiting for the next chapter.

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03e1fc No.2870


>that little accountant as gotten to me in more ways than one.

>HAS gotten to me

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03e1fc No.2875


My family fetish!

Finally it's catered to!

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03e1fc No.2878

Oh right, I wrote a little something about Nepgear :


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03e1fc No.2879


>a little something about Nepgear

>Noire's field day

>a story mostly involving Neptune, Plutia, Blanc and Histoire

It was short, but rather fun.

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03e1fc No.3261

File: 1464481911093.png (543 KB,600x787,600:787,arfoire comfy.png)

It's been a while, but I haven't forgotten AGA.


Part 6: Ambush Aftermath

I'll put it up on the /v/ thread tomorrow morning

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