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File: 56987917cee9929⋯.png (8.03 MB,3812x2160,953:540,0234.png)

0a6d08 No.3738 [View All]

Finally, you're free!

Up until now, you have lived in a boarding school where you ended up after your parents died. Despite the name, it was more like a prison than a school, they didn't let you do anything, and you could only leave the building with a supervisor. You had to attend boring lectures, where they told you things nobody cared about – well, other students seemed like they care, but why, you never figured out. You couldn't make any friends as everyone was busy with their own weird things. In short, you hated the whole place. But that's the past now, as you successfully managed to escape.

You have 1204 credits, your school uniform, and nothing else. You ripped of the school's badge and other easily identifiable components from your uniform, so people won't recognize you instantly.

You'll have to find some job quickly, if you want to stay alive. Since you have no better idea, you go to the Guild. You stand before the door. You start to have second thoughts, but it's too late now. You take a deep breath, and go inside.

A Guild attendant meets you. "Hello. How can I help you?"

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0d63d1 No.4213

>> 4212

I'll be more specific in the future sry. but yes sit up and open your eyes is what I meant

anyway Let's look around the room without waking Yumi up. More specificly we should see if her ex is in the room and/or what time it is.

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255d95 No.4214


Look around without standing up, what can we see, or is it just darkness?

Glad things are looking up, now to somehow fuck it up

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7f615c No.4215

File: 9e4760a7f8ec190⋯.png (173.22 KB,270x360,3:4,Histoire_by_saint91xtreme-….png)


You look around, checking your surroundings. You're in a small bedroom with pink colored walls and a few toys scattered around. The room is illuminated by sunlight through a window, so it's already daytime, even though you can't find a clock to tell the exact time.

You start looking for Yumi's ex as you don't notice him first. You find him sleeping on the floor, next to Yumi. He's covered by a white blanket, so you can only see his head.

You hear a sound from the door. It opens slightly, and a mysterious create floats in. It's like a miniaturized girl sitting on an open book. Did you go insane and start to see things that aren't there?!

The mysterious creature notices your concern, and begins to speak quietly.

"Please don't be alarmed, I'm Histoire. Let's go out where we can speak without waking them up."

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255d95 No.4216

File: 0a9034589446991⋯.png (6.65 MB,3812x2160,953:540,0305.png)


Uh, okay. Guess let's go with Histoire. Do we have clothes on? Well I'm sure someone put clothes on us.

Let's introduce ourselves.

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0d63d1 No.4217


Follow Histy.

All in all though magic book fairy is the most logical thing you have encountered recently, split between SWAT, Sex dungeons and little miss stockholm book fairy is welcomed.

Also ask her about momus, and if there is any info about our our and Yumi's captors

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7f615c No.4218


You quickly check under the blanket – you're still only wearing your underwear.

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7f615c No.4219



(Oh, fuck, what the hell happened to this thread, I'm going to explode)

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255d95 No.4220



Take blanket with us as cover. Also like what >>4217 said, ask her about this whole event.

What you thought it was just me still?

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7f615c No.4221


You try to take the blanket, but you realize that you only have a single blanket shared with Yumi.

I'm just used to a different kind of pace, and contributor count…

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255d95 No.4222


"Histoire, do you have some extra clothes for me, or a towel, or any kind of cover? I'm still in my bare essentials here…"

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0d63d1 No.4223



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7f615c No.4224



"Histoire, do you have some extra clothes for me, or a towel, or any kind of cover? I'm still in my bare essentials here…"

"Due to my build it would be problematic for me to carry them here. But the bathroom is just across, you should find a set of clothes there. I won't look, I promise." Finishing the sentence, she starts to float out of the room.

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255d95 No.4225

File: 72631dfe90ab4c6⋯.png (26.86 KB,128x128,1:1,gyaa.png)


Let's get changed

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0d63d1 No.4226

This has been the best time we have woken up yet. no bandage dick, no hospital cell, no interrogation room, and no sex dungeon. With clothes that we can wear on standby.

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255d95 No.4227


It really is

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7f615c No.4228



As you open the bathroom door, a mysterious purple whirlpool appears, sucking you in before you could do anything. When you wake up, the first thing you realize is that you can't move your arms and legs, and you can't see anything either… No, even I have a heart, I just try to hide it.


You get out of the bed and start to walk toward the door. The sleep helped a lot, but you're still in pretty rough shape, you can still find blood clots on your legs. It's not surprising the walking was so taxing yesterday.

When you leave the room, you see the floating Histoire, looking in the other direction.

"I'll wait in that room" she points to a room in front of her. "And feel free to take a shower, I heard you were pretty beat up when IF-san found you."

You enter the bathroom. Encouraged by Histoire's words, you decide to take a quick shower, since you're all sweaty and dirty, and you didn't have a good shower in the last few days.

After finishing, you feel like a new man; apart from a few scratches along your leg, you look fine. You also find the clothes placed on a shelf, pants and T-shirt of different size. You don't have much choice, you only find a pair of jeans that suits you, but you can choose between a red and a blue T-shirt.

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0d63d1 No.4229


red, or we could go shirtless either works

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255d95 No.4230

File: 18963bf8dc5ca97⋯.png (612.69 KB,775x519,775:519,ClipboardImage.png)



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0d63d1 No.4231


Due to this info coming to light I change my vote to blue

We already have bad luck as it is. We don't need to tempt fate here

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7f615c No.4232



You pick up the blue T-shirt. Before leaving, you take a quick look at the mirror to make sure you look good.

You walk in the direction where Histoire pointed previously, and stop in front of the closed door. Histoire is supposed to be inside.

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255d95 No.4233


Knock politely, because knowing our karma, barging in would end us in the brig being molested.

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255d95 No.4234


Please tell us we wore the T-shirt and not just picked it up

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0d63d1 No.4235


Agreed, more so because our character is not a savage

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7f615c No.4236

File: abe0b7a48c6c90d⋯.jpg (42.09 KB,385x312,385:312,facenep.jpg)

File: 6fef265c9639b6e⋯.jpg (533.18 KB,707x1000,707:1000,1437297878866.jpg)


(First pic related)



You knock on the door.

"Please come in" you hear the voice of Histoire a few seconds later.

You open the room and walk inside. There you find not only Histoire, but also a girl. She has long purple hair and she wears a sailor uniform, similar to what high school students wear.

"Hello, I'm, um, Nepgear, Neptune's little sister. Nice to meet you" the girl introduces herself, a bit hesitantly.

"Umm, I-I'm Anon… But who is Neptune?"

"You probably know her as Purple Heart", Histoire interjects, "CPU of Planeptune. I'm sorry to bother you with such a topic just after you woke up, but we need to talk about your school. Is it all right if we do it now?"

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0d63d1 No.4237


First thing is to ask if neptune is always a BDSM queen, then answer questions about our prior school, in exchange for knowing as much info on the group that kidnapped us, as well as momus

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255d95 No.4238


"Wait… Purple Heart?? I-I … she interrogated me, told me to say things, before I was tossed in that prison beaten and bruised… oh god I never got out in the end …"

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7f615c No.4239

File: c0f59a1a66ab24e⋯.png (441.5 KB,1101x1468,3:4,1461579713434-4.png)



"Wait… Purple Heart?? That BDSM queen? I-I … she interrogated me, told me to say things, before I was tossed in that prison beaten and bruised… oh god I never got out in the end…"

For a moment, they both stare at you, completely confounded.

"O-Oneechan… Oneechan would never do that!" Nepgear freaks out. "What the hell are you talking about?!" You can see the burning rage in her eyes, ready to detonate any time now. Uh-oh.

"Please calm down, both of you. Anon, are you sure she was Purple Heart? She can do stupid things, but I can't imagine her doing that… Did you notice anything unusual during that encounter? When did it happen?"

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0d63d1 No.4240


"Well her voice did change when she said, and I quote 'I'm going to destroy everything.'

And then she let out a generic B rate action movie villain laugh. Though I don't know her enough to know if thats off at all." Other then that she tried to make me confess to being an agent of someone named 'Momus.' She even doctored a video that showed someone who looked exactly like me talking to a group of people about overthrowing the CPUs. Though I can assure you I am at worst ambivalent to the CPU's. Never in my wildest dreams would I think of overthrowing them"

Longer post but considering the situation the more info given the better.

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7f615c No.4241


"Well her voice did change when she said, and I quote 'I'm going to destroy everything.' And then she let out a generic B rate action movie villain laugh. Though I don't know her enough to know if that's off at all."

"Was it a long, irritating laugh or just a short one?"

"The former. The kind of laugh that can make you shiver."

"I see. Anything else?"

"She tried to make me confess to being an agent of someone named 'Momus.' She even doctored a video that showed someone who looked exactly like me talking to a group of people about overthrowing the CPUs."

"Oh my. This is merely a conjecture, but it's possible that you met the fake Purple Heart created by Arfoire. Or maybe even Arfoire herself disguised as Purple Heart."

"Arfoire? Who is her?"

"That's a long story. Listen, I'd like to return to this topic with the others around, as it has great significance. But I can assure you, we have no intention of hurting you."

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0d63d1 No.4242

"Thank goodness, anyway do you know anything of the group that kidnaped me? Oh and where I am now. I fell asleep in a guild hall now I'm here"

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0d63d1 No.4243


I forgot the >>4241

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7f615c No.4244


"Thank goodness, anyway do you know anything of the group that kidnapped me? Oh, and where I am now? I fell asleep in a guild hall and now I'm here…"

"The kidnapping… sorry, but simply too many unusual things happened in the last few days, so we're still trying to process all the information we received and figure out what happened. But if the other guy you rescued was really a guard at that place, he could shed some lights on the recent happenings. About your second question, you're in Compa's apartment."

"Really? It's a very nice place…"

"You were sleeping so deeply that IF couldn't wake you up and had to bring you here asleep. But now, please, could we get to the main point? Your school. There's going to be a lot of paperwork with that and Nepgear is already overwhelmed…"

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255d95 No.4245


"I see. What do you need from me for the paperwork?"

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0d63d1 No.4246


"What do I have to fill out adoption papers?"

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7f615c No.4247



"I see. What do you need from me for the paperwork? Do I have to fill out adoption papers?"

"A-Adoption?! N-No, there's nothing like that…" says Nepgear in a flustered voice. "And it's me who's going to do the majority of the paperwork not you, so don't worry…"

"That's good to hear."

"So, um, about your school. IF submitted a complaint about it. With the Basilicom's current capacity it would have taken months to process it… But Neptune, after she regained her goddess powers, she went to the Bailicom and instructed the staff to look into it immediately… And you just mocked her previously, you, you i-idiot!"

"Please, calm down Nepgear-san!" Histoire tries to calm down Nepgear. "It's not the time for this."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know she was a fake!" You tried to say something that would help her calm down, but it ended up more like an excuse.

"Anyway, here are the results." Nepgear takes a deep breath before continuing. "Anon, your school's permit is revoked with immediate effect. Multiple members of the staff is under investigation, the director is now in custody. We're in the process of finding new schools for the former students of the school."

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255d95 No.4248


I … see. T-thank you for looking into my predicament, and for taking care of me. I have no idea how to repay this, and what would this mean for me?

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0d63d1 No.4249



"Also I would like to see the real purple heart if possible. I would like to see the differences between the fake and real one if possible."

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7f615c No.4250



"I… see. T-thank you for looking into my predicament, and for taking care of me. I have no idea how to repay this, and what would this mean for me? Also, I would like to see the real Purple Heart if possible. I would like to see the differences between the fake and real one if possible."

"Uh, I don't think that's possible right now. We had a battle yesterday, and she still hasn't returned… But back to the topic, normally this would mean, since legally you're still a minor, that we would have to find a new school for you. Alternatively, hmm… Histoire, are you sure it's all right? It should be oneechan's authority…"

"But we don't know when will Neptune return, and we should put an end to this issue as soon as possible. So just think about how would Neptune decide in this situation…"

"I see… I'm sure she would be on the same opinion… So, Anon, as a CPU Candidate of Planeptune, I can grant you an exception from that rule, to join the Guild instead. IF said she's happy to mentor you until you become a proper member of the Guild."

"But please chose wisely, Anon" you hear the voice of Histoire again. "Just because you were unsuccessful at your previous school, it doesn't mean you should give it up and go to the Guild. Based on my observations you're pretty smart, you have potential, it's just that the methods that they used at the previous school were completely wrong. Also, life as a Guild agent is very dangerous."

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0d63d1 No.4251


"… I want to work for the guild. I may have gone through hell for the past few days, but some good came out of it. I uncovered some form of underground kidnapping ring, Save a girl who was trapped there, and managed to successfully sneak past an fucking dragon. Was I scared shitless at times? Yes. But minus the fact that I kept waking up in a worse situation then I last went to sleep in, I didn't hate every moment of my journey."

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255d95 No.4252



"And since I'll be under the tutelage of IF, I'm sure everything will turn out well."

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0d63d1 No.4253

>>4251 >>4250

"Also I got to meet some great people. I have made more friends in the past few days then I have for the entire duration of my unwelcome stay at that school. Plus I hear the guild needs some more help anyway. "

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7f615c No.4254




"… I want to work for the Guild. I may have gone through hell for the past few days, but some good came out of it. I uncovered some form of underground kidnapping ring, Save a girl who was trapped there, and managed to successfully sneak past a fucking dragon. Was I scared shitless at times? Yes. But minus the fact that I kept waking up in a worse situation then I last went to sleep in, I didn't hate every moment of my journey. And since I'll be under the tutelage of IF, I'm sure everything will turn out well. Also, I got to meet some great people. I have made more friends in the past few days then I have for the entire duration of my unwelcome stay at that school. Plus I hear the Guild needs some more help anyway."

"So it's decided then."

Nepgear starts to wade through a lot of papers, stamp a few of them, write something on others, occasionally stopping and asking Histoire for help. About a minute later, you receive a page titled "Declaration". "Please read it and make sure it's OK."

As any legal paper, it's a bit long and complicated, but it technically boils down that you're exempted from compulsory education. Your legal guardian is also changed to the Guild, which is as far as you know, pretty much equals to being able to do what the hell you want, as long as you keep working with the Guild. (You read stories about young men choosing the Guild instead of school on the internep, so you should take that info with a grain of salt…)

"Yes, it's OK."

"Good. I still have a few errands to run, so I'll catch up to you later."

You leave the room with Histoire.

"Are you hungry? Compa made a lot of breakfast this morning."

"Compa's hand made breakfast? Of course!"

"This way please. I'm going to gather the others, so we can start to untangle this mess…"

You sit down and start to eat. Even though it was made hours ago, it's still delicious.

End of Chapter One

That's it guys, for now, this thread is already at 500 posts. I'm going to take a break now, 5 months is a long time (even with the half month hiatus), it's been fun, but it also takes time to write all these responses and come up with insane ideas.

Actually this is the first time I do a quest. I saw the two quests on /nep/, I enjoyed them, but they both died, and since nobody tried to do a quest afterward, I decided to give it a try. So feel free to shoot any (constructive) criticism at me, hopefully it won't make me such depressed again. Or just comment on how insane I am.

To be continued… (provided there's interest)

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255d95 No.4255


I had a feeling this would be the end, which hopefully continues

Ya'll better continue this, I'm already emotionally invested

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0d63d1 No.4256

File: 258c632e1d4b272⋯.jpg (54.75 KB,512x512,1:1,u5N7GvNX.jpg)


Fuck yeah continue this, this was fun as hell. I just wish I joined earlier then this. You go get some rest and we will be waiting with baited breath.

Till next time people

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7f615c No.4257



Are you two the fucking same person, commenting almost the same time twice in row?

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255d95 No.4258

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7f615c No.4259


I hope. But you were just too suspicious.

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255d95 No.4260

File: b9a47bc580fb8f7⋯.jpg (204.01 KB,1280x1440,8:9,Rei Kiseijou, HDD, glare.JPG)

File: ca64cbdec4431be⋯.png (154.35 KB,411x369,137:123,Rei, insane.png)


Why would I be suspicious, I'm a good boy

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0d63d1 No.4261

I can assure you we are two entirely separate entities.

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7a7a9c No.4264

New thread


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