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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1466579216313.png (70.19 KB,300x100,3:1,happiest noire banner.png)

01fe84 No.3335 [View All]

So we can do banners again. Anyone wanna add one, put it in here.

Banners must be equal or less than 512000 bytes, and 300x100 resolution.

.jpeg/.jpg/.png/.gif formats.

All and all it's pretty easy to work with. I already have a few new banners in rotation already, but feel free to add more here.


Also I forgot to mention we can only have 50 banners at one time.

See this for more details: >>3352


Current banners: https://banners.8ch.net/list/nep

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01fe84 No.3346

File: 1466619267177.png (10.15 KB,300x100,3:1,-nep- modified blanc buff ….png)


I made a slight tweak to this one, basically the text is a darker shade of green; closer to the actual greentext color and also easier to read against the white background.

What do you think?




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01fe84 No.3347

File: 1466620763637.jpg (57.06 KB,300x100,3:1,Banner.jpg)

A gift from an ass sommelier.

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01fe84 No.3348

File: 1466621120630.jpg (40.56 KB,300x100,3:1,Banner2.jpg)

Even after losing most of my pictures, I can still make a shitload of these with the remains. Give me the word.

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01fe84 No.3349


I can't do it in a single word.

Will "do it" be enough ?

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01fe84 No.3350


I was hoping for "please" bit that'll do. I'll post a few banners later.

Sage incoming.

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01fe84 No.3351



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01fe84 No.3352

File: 1466623089881.png (6.38 KB,173x708,173:708,nep schedule.png)

Also I forgot to mention we can only have 50 banners at one time.

While for some boards that's plenty we could easily fill that out with 1 character per slot.

So I've made list of relatively popular characters and weighted how much real estate they get. Neptune gets the most overall but the rest of the main CPUs aren't far behind. Then there's the secondary CPUs, then the Planeptune support characters. And finally everyone else plus random images (like, say, >>3347 )

This isn't "set in stone" as I'll probably adjust the mix every so often (which means a banner might come down after a time) but for now this should work out alright in terms of who gets the spotlight.


By the way, the dots by the characters names indicate how many images with them are in the system right now.

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01fe84 No.3353



Added these two.

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01fe84 No.3354

File: 1466628085468-0.jpg (27.76 KB,300x100,3:1,0001.jpg)

File: 1466628085468-1.jpg (40.6 KB,300x100,3:1,0002.jpg)

File: 1466628085468-2.jpg (44.57 KB,300x100,3:1,0003.jpg)

File: 1466628085469-3.jpg (45.45 KB,300x100,3:1,0004.jpg)

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01fe84 No.3355

File: 1466629056015-0.jpg (55.63 KB,300x100,3:1,0001.jpg)

File: 1466629056017-1.jpg (50.9 KB,300x100,3:1,0002.jpg)

File: 1466629056017-2.jpg (36.58 KB,300x100,3:1,0003.jpg)

File: 1466629056018-3.jpg (46.13 KB,300x100,3:1,0004.jpg)

I tried to avoid private jokes about spanking or footballs. Newfags won't get them.

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01fe84 No.3356



The first post's fourth pic and the second post's first and last pic are my favorites.

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01fe84 No.3357


>they're not all your favorite


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01fe84 No.3358

File: 1466630339067.png (39.93 KB,300x100,3:1,histoirebanner.png)

Histoire Banner

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01fe84 No.3359

File: 1466630506421-0.jpg (36.07 KB,300x100,3:1,Banner2.jpg)

File: 1466630506421-1.jpg (33.85 KB,300x100,3:1,Banner3.jpg)


I really like the second one in the first post and the last one of the second post.

Here's another one from me. With alternative colorless version.

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01fe84 No.3360


Even though they're all nice additions, one always has favorites for everything.


I expected that one. Nice addition, though.


The second one looks cleaner, due to the added color of the making the /nep/ look like it's a bit blurry.

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01fe84 No.3361

File: 1466633943371.png (15.04 KB,300x100,3:1,-nep- modified delete this….png)


How about this as an alt?

As far as the original two, I kind of like the purple one but the color makes the text too fuzzy. Second one, I'd tighten up the drop shadow.

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01fe84 No.3362


Added #2


Added #4



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01fe84 No.3363


Oh that one is much better, just use that one then.

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01fe84 No.3364

File: 1466635938177.png (19.1 KB,300x100,3:1,nepbanneralt.png)


That works.

>actual greentext color

But I did use the real greentext color.

Admittedly from the dark theme I use, which throws things off.

I had made this in case someone brought up readability but your solution is probably better.

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01fe84 No.3365

This link may be of use: https://banners.8ch.net/list/nep

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01fe84 No.3366


Added to the OP.

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01fe84 No.3367

File: 1466639960818.png (14.97 KB,300x100,3:1,-nep- modified delete this….png)


I uploaded that new version and noticed that all three of them had a mistake. But, lasso tool + rubber stamp = fixed.

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01fe84 No.3368


I like #4 but the small text is a little hard to read. OTOH taking out the color swipe there makes the large color swipe pointless…hard call on that one.


Added #1.

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01fe84 No.3369

File: 1466640744018.png (97.34 KB,570x570,1:1,1464133888572.png)


Ah that's true, but now it's actually more wrong. The hair clip bundles the hair together, preventing strains of hair from separating. The side where she doesn't have the clip results in her hair strands being more separated, with one even always bending upwards. Even though the person that drew this flipped the hair clip position, it was still more correct than this. The issue now is that the clip should bundle her hair together, but the drawing implies that it doesn't, while her hair is now more bundled up on the other side that doesn't even have a clip.

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01fe84 No.3370


So…either her hair is fucked up, or we leave the clip on the wrong side.

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01fe84 No.3371


Yeah pretty much.

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01fe84 No.3372


There's only one good way to solve this.


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01fe84 No.3373


I could remake it, but you'll have to wait tomorrow for that.

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01fe84 No.3374

File: 1466656473759.png (21.52 KB,300x100,3:1,1000yrs-ms-paint.png)



(this was a really shitty quick thing in mspaint so the artifacts probably fuck everything up lol)

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01fe84 No.3375

File: 1466657779649.png (43.09 KB,300x100,3:1,-nep- delete this correct ….png)


I pushed the text over a few pixels to the left but otherwise that's fine.

Although…it's manga-correct but is that the best orientation for the banner?

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01fe84 No.3376

File: 1466657844812.png (48.87 KB,300x100,3:1,-nep- blanc wrecks nep ban….png)

Also I did this one up. I actually am not sure about this myself.

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01fe84 No.3377

File: 1466660338671.png (1.48 MB,1370x939,1370:939,peace has been achieved.png)

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01fe84 No.3380



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01fe84 No.3383

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01fe84 No.3386

File: 1466928252103.png (20.86 KB,300x100,3:1,warechubanner.png)

If someone has a better Warechu banner

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01fe84 No.3387

File: 1466954772857.png (56.66 KB,300x100,3:1,1466709456985.png)


I have this in as a placeholder, but I don't mind replacing it if you want.

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01fe84 No.3388


A placeholder? I really liked this one when I saw it.

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01fe84 No.3389


Just something I whipped up quickly. Personally I rather like it myself, but I'd also like to see some more banners from other people on rotation as well.

I just noticed we don't have any Uzume banners, too, looking through the banner list.

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01fe84 No.3390

File: 1466968839405.png (17.04 KB,300x100,3:1,1466811853702.png)

Actually now that I think about it, it does look a lot like the one I whipped up for Peashy.

For some reason it's hard finding good/any art of her.

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01fe84 No.3391


What font do you use for the /nep/ in your banners? I have zero knowledge of fonts so I just end up using arial which looks way less good.

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01fe84 No.3392


I actually use all sorts of fonts, from standard kinds like Calibri, to some classical stuff like EB Garamond, to the standard array of free cartoon and manga fonts.



EB Garamond

Anime Ace 2.0



Karmatic Arcade

Impact Condensed

Ebrima Bold


I Hate Comic Sans

Palatino Linotype

Basically I just eyeball the right weight I need, per situation. Usually for dialogue I'll use Anime Ace or DigitalStrip, though. But there are other good manga fonts out there, some of which I do not have nor are familiar with them.

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01fe84 No.3393


I didn't even notice Warechu there, Nep's chest was distracting me from it

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01fe84 No.3394


Thanks, I'll look some of those up and will try to create some more banners then.

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01fe84 No.3586

Remove e0001.

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8e2792 No.3978

File: 29105b4de51aca0⋯.png (46.16 KB,300x100,3:1,HateChanBanner1.png)

File: 08ef91b971dc60f⋯.png (57.21 KB,300x100,3:1,HatechanBanner2.png)

Submitting for Banners

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8e2792 No.3979

File: dd9051271668148⋯.png (45.46 KB,300x100,3:1,HatechanBanner2.png)

Reposting the 2nd one because it's above 512000bytes


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bb05c6 No.3980



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a5b319 No.4008


Please post a link for that nowa texture

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ba83b2 No.4045


It's in the mods thread


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d007c3 No.4700

File: 99e095b69ef9cff⋯.png (27.24 KB,300x100,3:1,wholesome banner final.png)

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