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File: f3ccc625a8c37f6⋯.jpg (103.26 KB,1920x1080,16:9,6a4100f5cfc58d8d80c61716fd….jpg)


There was a thread on /v/ recently where anons compiled their ideas on how undertale could be fixed. If you want a tl;dr on it, the basic gestalt was "improve gameplay, better story, better visuals" but that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg of discussion that happened

here's the archive


and here's the thread if it's still up


<BO edit: Updated Archive>


<Edit: there was a good post right as the thread was about to die and I just caught it in time, so here's an even more updated archive>




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File: 553d223bd9f335c⋯.png (306.36 KB,378x320,189:160,TobyFox.png)

>when you have this really cool character in your story but you realize you suck ass at writing dynamic characters so you write him but static for another character and shelve that first character for 99% of your story because writing static characters is easier

>when you don't write another dynamic character in your entire story because of this

can't suck at writing if you're writing a brick wall

Tony "Fox" Banks is a fucking faggot

*ftfy fag lol

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There's kind of an issue if we're looking to /v/ for answers on what to do to "fix" undertale, considering a good deal of them are stuck in GAY THEORY limbo about the game.

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>dude, just stop discussing it

go home mark

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No, I'm all for discussing it, I just don't think it's going to lead to something constructively productive. It would certainly be entertaining.

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Well, if you read the thread, it sure as hell was productive.

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File: b66ab71883f3029⋯.png (33.57 KB,1617x470,1617:470,last two posts.PNG)

last two posts made

I'm inclined to disagree with fd9152 because something felt off about the whole over world to me

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