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50% More Joke Bans

File: aba627de9980d1f⋯.jpg (65.54 KB,724x543,4:3,brainstorm.jpg)


>finished learning about Dusttale

>came up with a possibly brilliant idea for an Undertale AU

The beginning is a bus driver taking a bus full of kids on a field trip to Mt. Ebbot, but the bus crashes & falls into the underground. The bus driver disappears, and all the kids escape save one stuck under the bus, which is on fire. As an act of mercy, the kids decide to smash a rock over his head so he doesn't die in the fire.This will harbinge the beginning of Frisk's journey through the underground & a hunt for the mysterious bus driver.The catch is every kid will declare "every kid for themselves" and all start a genocide run to build up their strength to stop the bus driver. Here's the choice: kill everyone & confront the bus driver, or confront the bus driver teamed up with all the kids & monsters then reformed. I call it Survivaltale.

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File: 155c44486fe0d80⋯.png (144.22 KB,1000x1000,1:1,pals.png)

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I just realized something today. The reason why Ms. Frizzle had that name is because her hair is frizzled.

Mind. Fucking. Blown.

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Wired flex but k

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Frikkin typos

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