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50% More Joke Bans

File: aaedb9cecb2a29f⋯.png (4.21 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)


You're all a bunch of little fag enablers

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ur mom is a little fag enabler since she gave birth to you fag lol

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File: f108d6ed6880b98⋯.png (230.23 KB,534x777,178:259,1vhvtfv.png)

Who is the little fag that we're enabling?

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File: 31b8d5d45265c4c⋯.jpg (2.23 MB,2448x3264,3:4,20131219-213459.jpg)


this little fag

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File: acae0023084dc2a⋯.jpg (141.81 KB,600x600,1:1,57611167.jpg)


This picture of a random pile of sticks? While I won't contest that it's a faggot (or at least it's really trying but has fallen apart) I doubt anyone wants to enable it.

Are you sure we're not enabling Asriel. Because he's pretty little, and pretty much a faggot.

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File: 270072bc27770eb⋯.jpg (154.84 KB,464x259,464:259,iStock_000004312564XSmall1.jpg)


Oh yeah, shit

it's this faggot we're enabling

one more day without that bonfire is one more day this faggot keeps on existing

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I do not see anything "faggot" in that picture.

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File: 2fa7f1d03a753f5⋯.png (65.35 KB,1797x254,1797:254,brain trauma 3.PNG)


ignore the characuck, he's the real faggot being enabled here

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File: 1fb4378ae7b7dc6⋯.png (460.88 KB,900x1082,450:541,1457686500170.png)


Are you sure? Asriel is pretty damn faggot.

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File: 7e17163e7dd0e5e⋯.png (1.13 MB,1277x685,1277:685,undyneaboutlove.png)


whatever you think boi

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File: 4705826eca685da⋯.jpg (54.62 KB,780x920,39:46,4705826eca685da80c018eddcf….jpg)


I don't know man.

Seems pretty not faggot to me.

Look at how rad he is, there's no room for faggot in that level of radness, man.

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File: 65b57eb358a878e⋯.png (372.83 KB,1024x1491,1024:1491,145789991505.5.png)


Well, maybe he grew out of it.

Then again, his "adult" form was a pretty edgy fag, so I really doubt that.

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File: 1c5d231bc99d2bb⋯.jpg (100.63 KB,768x1024,3:4,goat.jpg)


you might have a point

Especially since he makes me want to smother him with hugs and hand holding. Adult form, at least.

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I think you are the fag here being enabled

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File: 79baf1611faea21⋯.jpg (120.5 KB,768x1024,3:4,c2092fc99b829dd.jpg)


It's okay. He'd probably want the same thing.

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bully this 14 year old


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Fuck you I'm going to enable that little fag.

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>broken leg

So I guess he's little fag disabled

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File: 22eab20dc0bca56⋯.jpg (25.27 KB,500x308,125:77,asarishrek.jpg)



muh personal army

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File: ca332cbdd62f3d0⋯.png (302 KB,691x896,691:896,7238de3d2b6.png)


What the fuck even is this? Between tumblr's completely useless interface and the unintelligible ramblings of an idiot teenager, I can barely understand a thing. It seems to consist of nothing more than some half-hearted attempts at roleplaying what seem like goat OCs, and apologizing to various bullies for vague or nonexistent infractions.

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Jesus christ it just keeps going and going. Where the fuck did they find this shit?

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>14 year old

You're supposed to love and encourage a positive outlook in 14 year olds.

Also jesus christ the kid seems fucked up enough what's wrong with you?

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Have you ever attempted to look at the different "universes" or "tales" tumblr has come up with? Shit is mind-bogglingly stupid

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Yes, I am aware that there's basically a crossover AU with every fucking fandom that exists, every genre of fiction, every type of mythology, and probably every religion.

I've yet to see a CharaTale, though. I guess the world is waiting for me to finish writing it.

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Are you referring to an alternative universe centered around The Fallen?

That exists.

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RIP little fag

You shall be enabled no more

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I found the little fag again

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time to enable him

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he's at purplesweatermimiga i stole his blog

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I enable board traffic

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This is bullshit I can't pester the little fucker anymore.

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You guys are kinda dicks

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welcome to h8chan

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What's the current status on the little fag?

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is fag kill?

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Alive but very very sad.

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He ok?

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This is all completely true, though.

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Does phil collins work?

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File: 27821d8bba8e058⋯.jpg (126.29 KB,445x468,445:468,6d5ea517a211341b.jpg)

>People are still being mean to that kid

What the hell is wrong with that website?

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The real question you need to ask yourself is: what the Hell is wrong with this one?

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I'd say that it's that we haven't nuked tumblr yet but they're killing themselves, so, maybe not enough PPH

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