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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: ec6471514a28163⋯.jpg (923 KB,2480x3507,2480:3507,Sea_bishop_01.jpg)

20a4e6 No.402452 [View All]

Questions That Don’t Deserve Their Own Thread

Previous thread: >>396425

283 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5ab01d No.405785

What universal qualities do all monster girls possess?

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790a99 No.405798


That is such a large answer you're better off just reading the book on the wiki. https://monstergirlencyclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia_I

You left your name on by the way.

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fff69d No.405801

Which monster girls are the most motherly?

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6eb8cd No.405804

File: 8fb7debaff2ac85⋯.jpg (240.39 KB,500x500,1:1,Madremonte flower statue.jpg)

File: 5886b237edcc0be⋯.jpg (294.35 KB,1200x1200,1:1,pretty madremonte.jpg)


las madremontes

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82e325 No.405806

File: 7af9bb8b18f8b32⋯.jpg (18.61 KB,457x587,457:587,1450431487641-0.jpg)

>be sybernetix

>be kodan little brains n things

>"just like maek gaem."

>a game about? ?!


>kopyright: u kan't just klone some other volk's karakters.

OK to kopy general design, but not spesifik likeness.

> seek out various MG fandoms.

> kome bak to /monster/

Is everyone glued to the few established universes, MGE / etc., or are /monster/ volk open to new MG personalities & traits? Sorry for the thinly veiled market survey. Don't want to waste time koming up with new designs / mechanics if they kan't win.

P.S. "C" is a Kike Konspirasy! They don't like K sinse it looks too much like a X (a tilted kross). They made some Ks and Ss into C just to make it hard for golem girls to understand foniks. Replase Cs with either an S or K, avoid the jew's C psyop!

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508fb2 No.405818


/monster/ is fairly removed from MGE already, so I doubt anyone would seriously complain so long as the base /monster/ ideals of anti-degeneracy are maintained.

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b9173b No.405821


what the fuck are you smoking anon

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3f8957 No.405835


>"C" is a Kike Konspirasy!


At least you admit you're a dumbass shill. Also, isn't the overuse of the letter "k" a classic communist(i.e. kike) trait? They seemed to use it a lot in place of "c" in older depictions of communists in media.

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f180e5 No.405838


It wasn't the "C" that they changed, you schweinehund. They opted to use a circle instead of the "+" symbol or the letter X when signing their immigration forms as they arrived in New York because they thought it reminded them too much of the christian cross.

You don't even know where the term kike comes from. I smell an (((outsider))).

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7dfe33 No.405841


>/monster/ is fairly removed from MGE already

MGE is a big influence-we just filter out the more unsavory bits.

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508fb2 No.405864


Obviously, but like you say /monster/'s interpretation isn't RAW, and RAW interpretations are heavily frowned upon.

And while mge tends to be the de facto basis for characteristics, non-mge is still fairly prominent on the board.

So as far as OC goes, non-mge monstergirls with /monster/esque sensibilities would be far more accepted than mge monstergirls with RAW sensibilities.

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b5d10f No.405872

File: b339d892f8675dc⋯.jpeg (202.04 KB,850x1156,25:34,AF603F49-0043-4A2F-B090-8….jpeg)


>I smell an (((outsider))).

I have noticed a sudden uptick in (((fellow monstergirl fans))) performing what look to be the first stages of a consensus crack.

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6cd62a No.405874


Well obviously, more permabans need to be handed out.

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fc7dba No.405886

File: e075e7acc314038⋯.png (620.88 KB,789x1000,789:1000,1452225526400.png)


/monster/ is pretty much solely MGE based. There's a minority of other inspiration at this point. While /monster/ doesn't like the 1% of kemono that there is in MGE, and frowns on the potions that can turn you into a dog to fuck your waifu for the night, the male anxiety obliterating monster girl psychology is what this board worships and holds up high above all other things. This being monster girls should be monogamous and mate for life. The big 3 rules you could boil down to 1) monogamy, 2) anti-degeneracy, 3) cute girls. These are the three non-negotiable tenets. Anything that fails to adhere to these three is not welcome here.

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70d5c8 No.405891


I would amend the monogamy part to “monoandry”. Harems are a thing in a good deal of /monster/ writefaggotry as well as a prominent aspect of many mge girls. Admittedly they are a contentious subject. What everyone can agree on however is that regardless of how flexible the number of wives may be, there may only ever be one man in a marriage, no exceptions.

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bfabee No.405903


They literally dont meet any of the definitions a demon from the bible has, neither do angels. Go back to reading the god delusion and talk about how muh christcucks destroyed europe

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f03698 No.405906

File: ce17b32a972a3cc⋯.jpg (120.38 KB,643x400,643:400,You had an opportunity to ….jpg)



Yep, it's so bloody obvious yet the mods are just sleeping.

Obvious signs are:

New speak: drawfriend instead of drawfag etc.

Unironic reddit spacing

Unironic new nigger questions like: >>405785 >>405801

Aux wake the fuck up.



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7dfe33 No.405922


>They literally dont meet any of the definitions a demon from the bible has

You really think anyone would care? Most American "Christians" these days are shallow as fuck.Just look at the folks fighting to keep the Pledge of Allegiance in schools just because it has the words "under God" in it, even though the guy who wrote it was a committed socialist.

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181063 No.405929



you guys need to stop posting like retards from /v/



people barely follow their ideology and hold certain convictions true to themselves. This is the reason why philosophers kinda fucked up and thought that the autism of human interaction can be calculated.

Unless you're some hypermongoloid autist slave that takes everything word for word, the rest of humanity is just people that barely follow ideology but hold convictions and habits they like.

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6eb8cd No.405933


>calling out someone for posting like a retard is posting like a retard

no aux

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181063 No.405938


baited, nigger.

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508fb2 No.405939


>the male anxiety obliterating monster girl psychology is what this board worships and holds up high above all other things.

Which was my point. The unifying factor of /monster/ content is not any particular setting but the theme of your 3 points, with >>405891 's amendment, plus the obvious non-human girls and human males.

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6eb8cd No.405940

File: 90ed11d73f49eb9⋯.jpg (79.02 KB,880x880,1:1,busty bait-chan.jpg)


>pretending to be retarded by calling out someone as posting like a retard for calling out someone as posting like a retard is baiting

no retard

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181063 No.405943


ok retard

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6eb8cd No.405946


ok bait

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b9173b No.405990


>even though the guy who wrote it was a committed socialist


I only found out about this the other day, but I've been opposed to the pledge for a while.

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fff69d No.406012

What's are monster girls' opinions of someone who does evil things to evil people in the name of some form of good?

Say, butcher prominent psychopaths in horrific ways and leave the mutilated corpses out for everyone to see to serve as a message?

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06ced2 No.406014

I got banned from /v/ 'cos I said I wanted to fuck some guys mom, it turns out it was Mark himself. I love 8ch

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9e1ea6 No.406031


Please post proof.

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fc2cef No.406032


The pledge needs to be replaced nationwide with the national anthem. Kids are growing up knowing this borderline prayer to the federal government that they recite and ridicule daily but they don't know the words to the Star-Spangled Banner beyond "Oh say can you see"

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8311af No.406049


>"drawfriend" is new

Been here all summer have you?

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93789e No.406050


Did him saying "seethe" not make it obvious?

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c3ea89 No.406087

File: 56b54ea30a2c65f⋯.jpg (19.69 KB,450x359,450:359,spooky.jpg)


>The Baphomet before you let out a gasp as she saw your "trick"

>Your thumb seeming to come apart before sliding back together (pic related)

<The level of this magic, how?!

>She took a step towards you

<This, is this necromancy? illusion? you must tell me how this is accomplished!

>She demanded, wonder in her eyes

Nope, can't go telling everyone

>Her expression fell a bit

<But you must tell me, a fellow of high magic must be taught such things!


>Something is off, instead of being sad, her expression grew angry

>Trying not to panic because your "magic" was BS you start to back away

>Then she smiled, quite smugly too

<Okay then, If you won't teach me this knowledge, I'll just take it

>She waves her staff, and your body just locks up and falls over

>A snap of her fingers and she mounts you

<Go ahead and yell, I've just sound proofed the room. No one can hear you scream

>You two just laid there side by side, the blanket she summoned covering you both

>The past few hours were filled with, uh, knowledge extraction

>Aggressive, physical, pounding extraction

>She finally spoke

<A finger trick

<It was just a finger trick

Uh, yeah, pretty neat huh?

>She just turns to look at you, her deadpan expression conveys her feelings

Well, uh, in that case, I'll get going then?

>She laughed at this

<Hahaha, no

>She grabbed your wrist and snapped her fingers again

>A small gold ring appeared on your finger, wait is that a wedding ring

<We're married now

<And since you don't know real magic, I suppose I'll have to teach you

>Teach me?

<First lesson

>She lifts herself up and straddles you

<Mana regeneration

>She smiles slightly

<Something you're actually pretty good at

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74bdba No.406188

File: a64316816aac3d4⋯.jpg (363.52 KB,1280x905,256:181,1f3622613d8fafd0ad3bbb5b11….jpg)

File: e30913b44391854⋯.jpg (397.84 KB,850x1164,425:582,sample_81f899284e6c134f1c1….jpg)

Can a Gandharva feed on the scent of a High Orc?

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05df14 No.406195



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f49a28 No.406199

I'm having the itch to make a 3D-printed mold of an AI-girl-theme sex sleeve, What sounds hotter to you guys?:

>polygonal face, lips, clit and hole.

>semi-ribbed Hexagonal, spiraled innards.


>Polygonal Face, but not as harshly polygonal as the former

>Smooth lips, clit and hole.

>Symmetrical innards, ribbed and made similar to a mandelbrot fractal

I own a small-volume printer, so it's gonna be a 5-part-mold: 1 part for the face/entrance, 2 parts for the inner-texture, and 2 for the outer shell.

The total size of the intended material I plan for it to be 7.5" of shaft length, at most 4.25" of face diameter. I want this sleeve to last, so it's not gonna be the (((dragons)))' designs.

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6cd62a No.406202


>mandelbrot fractal

Do it, you mad lad.

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4dc766 No.406395

What is the difference between a fully accepted Alp and a succubus?

Well, let's say. in addition to the time spent on adaptation, it is Probably not necessary. some faggots would be happy

Does this mean that the Alp is a kind of transition link from man to succubus, As lesser succubi.

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239337 No.406446

In a videogame/visual novel about sexing/dating monstergirls, how much importance would you give to the art?

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58f990 No.406451


Bad art can hinder the quality of a VN, but other than that it shouldn't matter very much. As long as the art is of reasonable quality, it does not matter.

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e192bc No.406549

Anyone have a pastebin link to the sheriff cyoa from a few years ago?

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de38d6 No.406588

Would anyone happen to have an archive of this (https://8ch.net/monster/res/318963.html) thread? It's showing up as dead in the archive and I would like to retrieve it.

Also, I know there's one floating around, but does anyone have a link to that old Slavanon story from a couple years back that was posted in the wan wan threads?

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f87de8 No.406601


I miss those stories too anon. I never got to catth up with the story about the guy having to take care of the little hellwan with all the shoggoths before the old site got nuked, and this place is dead as fuck now.

I dont even know where everyone went since I havent been browsing since last july. I miss all you lads

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505773 No.406617


Ok, so I've managed to get that particular thread but I'm still looking for that slavanon story. I know there's a pastebin of it that was posted in one of the archived threads, but as I recall it was missing a few chapters. Is there an updated one?

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c2a8c9 No.406632

What mg are capableof transforming into someone else? Only doppelganger?

What other mg's are cuckean besides bicorn?

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649b4c No.406633



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c1805e No.406643

What monsters could you see being in a MLG team like SPL or the LoL Tournaments?

What monsters other than bicorn could help you get a harem? Not >>406632 but I'm curious too.

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15d429 No.406645

Which one is the current bunker for this board?

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7bed3d No.406648



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032bbd No.406653

Does anyone knows what happen to the anon that wrote about a bloke and his demon waifu, i don't remember well the name of the story, something bright light.

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