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f80414 No.401859 [View All]

This is the thread for discussing and greentexting about political, economic and social consequences of the Day Of The Rape. Please bear in mind that politics is goofy and things don't always go the way you think they are going to go.

358 posts and 74 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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bf9a70 No.403382

Once dotr occurs and society settles, what would happen to pet stores? Would all the pets immediately monsterize? I work at a pet store and I'm not really sure if I'd like to get proactively dated by one of the pets

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1fca01 No.403385


I think it was mentioned that normal animals only monsters in certain conditions

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bf9a70 No.403386


So would monster-occupied towns normally have enough DE to start affecting them or would they only be affected if a powerful monster, like a lilim, lived there?

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1fca01 No.403389


As far as i con remember the only mention or implication is whit pets that have a strong love for they owner or intentionally transforming them

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57368a No.403390

File: 1456a7b43635aac⋯.jpg (985.36 KB,2472x3245,2472:3245,ushi with balloons.jpg)


>Urwai sent a messenger, an overly enthusiastic harpy (or was it a tengu?), to give us the address of the language office.

>I actually knew the place. It was a vacant office complex that was only a short drive away.

>Before we left, Aiko sent off the messenger with another message, where to and about what I didn't know.

>All I knew was that it wasn't going to be an easy drive.

>Aiko's unique build had problems just fitting in my car, a half-decent sedan.

>The only way I could get her to remotely fit was to put the passenger seat all the way backwards to make room for her body.

>And on top of the inability for her to use a seat belt, I also realized she might very well poke holes in the leather.

>Fucking wonderful. God, I just hope the streets were quiet today.

>Thankfully, the roads about town were, for the most part, cleared AND quiet. Cars that had been abandoned during the initial intrusion by mamono had either been towed away or reclaimed by their owners.

>The only thing that remained was ruined clothing.

>The complex was no longer vacant, if the unprofessional, plywood sign reading "Silverman Language and Marriage Consultation" in what looked like several different languages was any indication.

>"Well," I started, "Looks like this is the place."

>As I undid my seat belt, Aiko stopped me in my seat and said something.

>Evidently she wanted to wait up for something.

>It wasn't very long before two mamono soldiers showed up, another oni and a girl with a lower half that looked like a centipede.

<"Oomukade," she mentioned.

>Aiko was careful with the door handle letting herself out and actually managed to not break it off.

>She had learned that there were a lot of things she could accidentally break, at least.

>They greeted each other with a salute, an actual one, before Aiko addressed them in her language, looking and sounding much more authoritative than I'd heard her before.

>Aiko finished whatever she was saying and, with one more salute, had the two soldiers idling near the car.

>I guess the wait was over, if Aiko beckoning was any indication.

>I'd like to believe that when I walked in and saw a giant spider with a girl in its weird, tentacle mouth, I merely walked back out instead of yelping and hopping back outside.

>Aiko gave a weird look and peered inside before rolling her eyes. She beckoned me once again with one of her claws.

>Getting near her, she nodded in the direction of the giant spider and whispered, "Atlach-Nacha."

>Because evidently THAT exists. Whatever happened to the mamono being chicks huh?!

>The lobby was mostly empty, save the giant spider and chick and the front desk, which was manned by a single danuki.

>In my time looking on social media for information, I've seen a LOT of merchant memes involving them.

>"Hello!" she happily started, before repeating it in another language, "How can I help you?"

>Me and Aiko looked at each other somewhat stupified.

>We hadn't actually discussed who would talk.

>I took the initiative, stammering, "Uhm, we're uh, we've got a language…problem. Language barrier."

>"You've come to the right place sir. Do you have an appointment with our language consultants?"

>"Uh, no…do we need an appointment? Do we need to make one?"

>"Oh no, no we take walk-ins! Today especially, we've got a newly-wed discount going on due to recent times!"

>That was good. I think. "I mean, our, situation is kinda complicated. What's the going rate right now?"

>I should've listened to the memes.

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6a1f33 No.403403


Imagine some poor anon getting viciously raped by a baphomet while “Feels like the first time” plays in the background

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64b0a4 No.403424


>June smelled

Normally I don't point out typos but that's quite a big one.

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4215b7 No.403426


So I would be able to keep my doggo?

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1fca01 No.403427


If your doggo loves you very very much…

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3bbe17 No.403429


I’m guessing the women that already have a parasite slime or roper on them would have a human female daughter, a son, just the parasite or her daughter is already fused with one from birth, so there are plenty of ways for them to reproduce

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8a117a No.403433


>not naming it Silverstein language and marriage consultation

still, keep up the good work anon

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17a0b7 No.403447

File: fa5f8f359f2db2d⋯.png (173.57 KB,631x562,631:562,Kot17.png)


>I think most of them would count defending innocent people as close enough

Fair enough.


Let's hope you're right.


>you only change the sexes on the latter

Yes, and that makes all the difference.


I'm going to chalk this up as a communicational error. Also, the attention span of a goldfish is still one second higher than that of a modern day human. But that's just a shitty microsoft study.

>people want to imagine themselves and monster girls dealing with a world every bit as complex and conflicted as the current one just with a happy ending

Fair enough. But I still think that the catharsis provided by DOTR and the events after should be enough to satisfy peoples need for conflict solving.


>Lacking commitment towards their husband

Pick one.


>What would happen to parasite slimes and ropers once the human female population runs out?

The demon lord would just change the rules Yes she can do that and have them be able to reproduce using other monsters. Mantango would probably get to reproduce whitout needing a host.


>Once dotr occurs and society settles, what would happen to pet stores? Would all the pets immediately monsterize?

They would turn into demon realm beasts and get some new attributes. Other than that business would continue as usual.


>I think it was mentioned that normal animals only monsters in certain conditions

Yes but the ones that do we do not talk about. cu sith, cat sith


>So would monster-occupied towns normally have enough DE to start affecting them or would they only be affected if a powerful monster, like a lilim, lived there?

I think it depends on the animals size, but eventually every animal and plant would turn, whitout the need of a powerful monster. Demon realms get made on their own and cover everything.


WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT. I'm not going to have my cat turn into a fucking furry


We retconned that undesirable part of the lore, so yes.

>Saying the word doggo insted of dog or wan

Maybe you do deserve to be raped by a furry.


>just the parasite or her daughter is already fused with one from birth

Than she wouldn't be human to begin whit. This is a very roundabout way to say that slime carriers would give birth to other slime carriers.

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3bbe17 No.403457


I don’t think every animal would just monsterize, i still want to eat meat y’know

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95908a No.403467


Part 3

(Day three: On The Run)

June's mom grilled him with question after question. What did he do, where does he live, what his family was like and so on. When she asked what was his plans for the future, Tom just said wizard. June's mom must have thought he was joking because she smiled and asked.

"So how do you become a wizard?"

Tom let out a sigh and told her.

"You can buy a magic test kit and it comes with a piece of paper that has a diagram on it. Place the crystals round the diagram and some of them inside it. After all that is done, take a needle and prick your fingertips and place your hand inside the diagram. Whatever crystals light up, says what type of mana you got."

June's mom took in that information, thought about it and asked.

"What ones lit up?"

Tom laughed a little.

"All of them… and then started to pop like light bulbs getting too much power. Of course I got a new kit and had my friend Jonathan try it. He only got a Divination crystal to light up and he all most passed out from it. Then I tried again and more of them popped this time."

She hummed and asked.

"Ok, can you show us some magic then?"

Tom turned a red form embarrassment.

"I don't know how yet… And I can't find any information on how to cast spells. It's like there is some big secret the wizard aren't telling me. I asked one and he just said all in do time."

June's mom just smelled and said.

"At lest you have a goal in life unlike June's ex-boyfriend."

June sighed and looked down at the floor.

"Mom please don't bring him up again."

Her mom cackled.

"How about baby pictures?"

June picked up Tom's bag , graded his hand and pulled him out of the living room.

"Come on Tom, you look sleepy. I'll show up stairs."

Tom not wanting to sit through baby pictures followed June. Going in the first door on the right at the top of the stairs, Tom found himself in a pink room alone with June. He looked round for a second and said.

"Right, that was fun. Let's do again next… never. That looks like a nice spot to sleep."

He unrolled his sleeping bag and got ready to sleep. June walked over to her bed and sat down. She nodded and agreed.

"Yes, never is a good time. So you're going to sleep on the ground?"

Tom looked over at her.

"Is there a bed I can use?"

She turned away and got under the covers.

Humm… No, never mind.

Tom not knowing how it sounded to what he just said and letting out a "ok". He didn't zip up the sleeping bag because he may need to get out of it in a hurry. June turned off the light on the night stand. He was asleep in no time at all. He woke to a scream. There was day light pouring in from the window. He jumped up and stepped out of June's room ready to rock and roll. He looked down stairs to see June's dad holding his shotgun at the bottom of the stairs. That's when a "Tom!" hit him behind. June's mom yelled at him the way all mother's know how.

"Put that gun away. I know that scream and she is going to be fine. Now go down stairs and get breakfast."


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95908a No.403469


Part 3 (2/2)

(Day three: On The Run)

Tom nodded with a 'yes ma'am' and looked down stairs to give June's dad the all clear, but he was long gone. He put away his revolver and walked down to the kitchen. It was a nice breakfast with ham, eggs, bacon and hand made biscuits. About three minutes later June and her mom came down to join them. Tom was about to ask why June screamed early, but got his answer. There was little black puff balls at the base of some the longer quills. She didn't look at Tom when she sat down. Tom thinking he knows what to say.

"The puffy things are cute."

June hid her face behind her hands and put her head down on the table. Tom looked over at June's dad for help, but he mouthed 'on your own'. Tom didn't know what to do and got back to eating. June muttered something but no one could understand her. June mom put a hand on her shoulder and said.

"Deer we can't hear you."

She turned her head to look up at Tom and asked.

"They're not weird"

Tom bit off a piece of bacon and told her.

"Now that I got a good look at them, they're just feathers."

She looked hopefull and asked.

"So it's normal?"

Tom finished off the bacon and added with a nodded.

"Completely normal."

She smiled and got to eating. June's dad gave him the thumbs up. When Tom got done eating he put his plate in the sink and got a down right bad feeling to the core. He looked out of the window from the kitchen and the the front door. The three of them could see was worried about something. June asked him.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Tom's paranoia yelled at him "Need To Hide Or Not Be Here!"

Tom eyed the front door and didn't look at her.

"Is there some where we can hide? I think they're all round us."

June was about to ask who he was talking about when there was knocking the front door. Tom pulled his gun. June's pointed to his study room and said.

"There is trap door under the rug. Hun when they inside put the rug back on top."

Tom and June walked over to the study and moved the rug. Opened the trap door and got in. It a bomb shelter as Tom looked round inside. He felt a lot better when June got in and closed the door. He sat down against the and let a breath. She looked down at him and asked.

"Are you going crazy?"

He laughed and said.


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57368a No.403471


I mean there is a precious metal in the name, which is really all you need.

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95908a No.403475


I know. I was deleting and moving some stuff round and I didn't see that at the bottom of the post box.

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36a62a No.403476

File: 9a827e878442d19⋯.jpg (112.27 KB,1090x633,1090:633,Lich139.jpg)



>woman doesn't expect commitment from her husband

>husband doesn't show reciprocal commitment to his wife

<your problem must be women lacking commitment toward their husband

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813dcc No.403481



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36a62a No.403485


And neither involve mutual commitment.

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1fca01 No.403488


Yes, a lot of monsters still eat meat, it would be a preblem

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f80414 No.403493

I wonder what would happen if my airsoft guns monsterize?

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1832e3 No.403494

File: edf56e24fc9331a⋯.gif (595.06 KB,400x302,200:151,shrugs.gif)


Loli cursed gun?

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19dce4 No.403495


She would have a massive inferiority complex surrounding her being more lethal as a bludgeon than as an actual gun.

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34c6c1 No.403562


Part 4

(Day three: On The Run)

She didn't know how that little harpy got out of the medical transport locker or why she would kidnapped that man. The mindflayer did know there was a good chance she was in this house. Thanks to that News report, it was easy to track her down by reading the minds at the bars. Getting the information out of that taix company took a lot more time then it should have. That damn Danuki and her mind reading blocking spells. Zaheera had her thralls surround the house and grab anyone that tried to run. As she knocked on the front door she tried to see inside the house with her mind. She was having a hard time seeing the old man and his wife. The woman moved to the study and he was walking to the door. She could not see anyone else, but she did feel a lot of magic inside. There could be two or more ley lines running through the house that maybe tripping her up. As the old man opened the door she greeted him.

"Hello my name is Zaheera, I am looking for a harpy. Have you seen one before?"

Trying to read this man's mind, all she got was his emotions. When she got done with this job, she would have to come back to break his strong will. He looked at her and pointed at a house down the road.

"A man and his wife just moved in that house. I think she is a harpy."

Zaheera could tell he was confused, but was more angry that she was asking him a odd question. It was a much easier time to see inside that house, but only to find a griffin.

"I have already talked to them and she is a griffin. Are you sure you have not seen any else?"

He looked surprised and she could see it in his emotions to. So then, he is not lying and thought she was one. This was confirmed when he asked.

"So what does a harpy look like? I don't think I have seen one before."

She signed and called the thralls to return. This was going no where and she didn't have time for this.

"I'm to have trouble Sr. Have a nice day."

He smiled and waved.

"Come back anytime time.

She could all most taste the lust leaking out of his mind as she walked away. There was no way the harpy was in that house, not with him wanting her stay for some fun. Zaheera feared this was a died end and would have to look elsewhere. June's dad stared at her ass as she walked away. Now that he was out of range of her mind reading, Jimmy let his mind go wild thoughts and ideas. He knew of Zaheera The Mind Raper and her services are not cheap in the underground. Some one powerful was looking for his little girl. He knows the reason, but not the why. He also thought it was odd that Zaheera was unable to see Tom and June in the bomb shelter. He walked into the study and found his wife at the desk.

"I think our daughter 'may-be' got herself a wizard. He could have been telling the truth about the magic test kit."

Jimmy's wife sat there thinking about what her husband said and asked.

"What makes you think that?"

He explained who was at the door and what he thought about Tom. June's mom looked down at the floor and asked.

"Why would someone like Tom just drop out of nowhere and help us? Should we get June away from Tom?"

Her husband laughed at this.

"I don't know why he is helping, but I will try to find out. Also we will need all help we can get. Even if Tom's just a beginner and not all that powerful. He's still 'may-be' a wizard."

She signed and looked worried.

"What should we do now then?"

Jimmy looked down at the rug and said.

"That's the earliest part. Get the kids out of the bomb shelter and after that I'll make some calls to my old friends at the police station."

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17a0b7 No.403564

File: 56a6f103b40c2ac⋯.jpg (314.31 KB,900x1273,900:1273,Catgirl with gun.jpg)


>I don’t think every animal would just monsterize, i still want to eat meat y’know


>Yes, a lot of monsters still eat meat, it would be a preblem

Where the fuck did I say animals would turn into monster girls?


>I wonder what would happen if my airsoft guns monsterize?

Yeah but why? Just get a real gun and have that turn instead.

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f80414 No.403565


>Just get a real gun

Getting one in full auto is a pain in the butt, and I can't use a firearm in an airsoft game.

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17a0b7 No.403566

File: eb50abe7c514e34⋯.jpg (146.45 KB,800x565,160:113,Harpy12.jpg)




This was a bit dragged out compared to the other updates. And I thought the whole wizard thing was just a joke, like it usually is. I'm interested where you take this.

I'm going to be a bit dissapointed if the dragon doesn't get him. But I can see that you're building up the relationship between Tom and June

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8e1406 No.403567


can't or won't?

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17a0b7 No.403568

File: d498d9562cd8c28⋯.png (30.88 KB,176x176,1:1,Mamono Realm Silver.png)


Once mamono realm silver bullets start being made, nobody would use airsoft anymore. People could just start using real guns for their matches.

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64b0a4 No.403569


Sites would have to ban people from bringing their own ammunition so that no one accidentally loads their gun with real bullets.

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34c6c1 No.403571


>This was a bit dragged

>wizard thing was just a joke

>I'm interested where you take this

24 chapter

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f80414 No.403574


Can't we have to chronograph our guns and the muzzle velosity has to be between 300-500 feet per second, depending on what kind of gun it's supposed to be, you probably know how fast a .22lr goes. Also there is a significant difference in noise generated. Firarm operators always wear ear protection to keep themselves from going deaf. Airsofters who wear that are more worried about digging an enemy bb out of their ear.



Most firarms in the us don't have full auto, full auto is a standard feature in primary airsoft guns. There is almost no recoil in airsoft, so even the few select fire firarms will have a disadvantage. Most fields are set up around the range limitations of airsoft guns, so a firearm will not be able to outrange everything most of the time. Also there is the question of capacity. In a firearm 30 rounds is standard for some rifles, generous in pistols. In airsoft 30 rounds is a low capacity, most can use mags anywhere from 100-1500 shots.

As a result the humble AEG will have the upper hand against the ar-15s in that specific context. Airsoft guns and ammo are still going to be leagues cheaper than firarms. Again, most bullets still require hearing protection when surpressed. All DRS bullets will do here is introduce a safety wrinkle.

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08eff6 No.403587


>The spellcaster-types would be a wild card, either working similar roles to what they do in their world, or researching how to combine their magic with our technology

This sounds interesting, it should be expanded upon.

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3bbe17 No.403685



>I think it depends on the animals size, but eventually every animal and plant would turn, whitout the need of a powerful monster

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f77ba7 No.403696

what about prisons? massive facilities holding numerous amounts of men in cages ripe from the plucking and I doubt the mamono population cares what crime they might have committed or anything about rehabilitation.

is america ready for its massive prison population to be released all on the same day?

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ae3456 No.403697


conjugal visits as part of "rehabilitation" therapy or whatever the hell they'd call it would more than likely take place before the reformed prisoners are released back into the general population, assuming they're not so heinous that even monsters won't touch them. The big issue after the massive loss of prisoners would probably the near collapse of the prison-industrial complex. Lots of guys pay their bills and their taxes because of that, so who knows? Perhaps more Luddites to join the Anti-Monster cause or whatever.

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17a0b7 No.403717


Yes, turn into a demon realm beast. I didn't say monster now did I?


Most of them would not be eligible for marrige for obvious reasons. Also the vast majority of prisoners in the US are nigs. Meaning only a fraction of prisoners would get saved.

>is america ready for its massive prison population to be released all on the same day?

If by relased you mean sent to the after life, then yes.


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936b5c No.403719

Do you think there would be alp support groups, you know so the guy can get used to being a woman before she goes off and gets a husband?

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7d934f No.403726


Part 2

(Day four: On The Run)

For most of the day it was nice out after Tom and June got out of the bomb shelter. Tom help Jimmy out in the back yard removing a tree stump and other stuff round the house. June brought them drinks and snacks as they worked. The only out of the ordinary thing was when Tom tryed to check the time on his phone. It was dead, so he put on a charging cord and found out the battery full. This was his third one this year that stopped working. June's dad said under his breath 'wizard' and asked.

"Have you thought about not caring one round all the time?"

Tom looked puzzled and asked.

"What if I need to make a call or look something up on line?"

Jimmy looked at Tom for a long while.

"Tom… why don't wizards use anything electrical?"

The idea hit Tom like a hammer. Magic brakes the Laws Of Physics and Science cry's in the corner unit the Universe put it's self back together. Jimmy lightly hit him on the arm.

"Hey, you ok in there?"

Tom looked round the yard and then at June's dad.

"Ya, I'm good. Just had my view world changed a bit."

Jimmy nodded and smirked at him.

"Ok, can you finish up here please. I need to make some calls to old friends."

Tom did a slow nod and worked half-hearted as new thoughts popped in or out of his mind.

As Jimmy in walked into the kitchen from the backyard, he turned to June who was staring at Tom from the window by the sink.

"June, I know you have been doing it all day, but keep a eye on Tom."

She let out a "Daaad!" as he made his way to the study. He closed the door and sat down at the desk. Picking up the phone and dialed the number for the District Attorney office. It rang two times and before someone picked it up.

"Hello, this is Benjamin at the DA office, how can I help you?"

Jimmy smiled and said.

"Hey Ben, it's me Jimmy.

On the other side of the phone.

"Hey man, how a is retirement going?"

Jimmy replied.

"Good, it's good…. But I'm calling you today because of that missing persons cases on the News last night."

There was a sigh from Ben.

"Look you're retired now, I can't give you any info about it, but if you know anything I'm more than happy to listen."

Jimmy didn't get angry or anything. He still had more questions to try.

"Yes, I do have some info for you."

Jimmy could all most hear Ben get closer to the phone.

"The woman is my daughter and the guy is her boyfriend, but that's not why I'm calling you."

This knocked Ben off his game.

"Jimmy, I humm… Didn't know. Wait, why did you call then?"

This is when Jimmy did get a little mad.

"What I want to know is why Zaheera The Mind Raper is showing up at my house and looking for my daughter! Now… maybe you can tell what the hell is going on?"

Ben was at a loss for words and the line was quite for some time.

"Ok… I don't know what her boyfriend did, but some how he pissed off the Fire Tail Clan. They're moving a lot of money and manpower to find this guy. I don't know if they did hired Zaheera, but you should stay away from him. Also I am not telling you any of this and you never called me."

He hung up on Jimmy after that. Jimmy sat there thinking to himself. Something didn't seem right to him. She was just looking for June and not Tom. He knew of a information broker he could try, but Jimmy would have to go to him. He walked out of his study and found Tom and June at the kitchen table talking.

"Tom, get cleaned up and I'll see if I have a old suit that will fit you."

They both looked a bit concerned and Tom asked.

"What's go'n on?"

June's dad a waved hand in the air to dispel they're worries.

"It's nothing, just going into town for some business and I like for Tom to come with me.

June's dad got him the suit and Tom got a shower. It was a bit big on him, but June thought he looked nice. Jimmy drove them out to Rockrum City and it was all most ten by the time they got there. The bar and grill restaurant was called The Iron Mug. The place looked it was a made-hand construction of wood and stone. Before the both of them walked in, Jimmy asked Tom.

"Ok, have you seen god father?"

Tom nodded and asked.

"Are we meeting someone like him?

Jimmy laughed and told him.

"No, he's just a information broker. You are going to be my muscle. So look tough and don't say anything."

Tom nodded and didn't say anything. They entered through the doors to see a hostess who was a dwarf girl with a long pink beard. She looked the two over and greeted them.

"Just the two of you?"

Jimmy put his hands in the outside pockets of his coat and said.

"Yes, but we are here to see Frank is he in?"

She didn't look pleased and just said.



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7d934f No.403727



As Tom walked along with them he could see this place was more for drinking, but he did smell food cooking from somewhere. She opened a door to a private room and let them in. There was a large-round fat man eating at a table with two man that mastered the art of being a goon. Frank looked up at Jimmy.

"My my, it's Jimmy boys. Thanking he's going to ask me questions like always."

He sat across from Frank and Tom remain standing behind and to the right of Jimmy.

"Hello Frank, I have some questions for you."

While the two of them wear talking, Tom noted something odd about Frank's gold rings with different gemstones. He had one on each finger and they are magical. Tom doesn't know when he could see magic, but he could now. One of them was oozing out mana and forming a spell. He didn't know what it was going to do, so Tom tryed to give it a strong mental slap. The spell torn apart and the green gemstone gave out a pop noise as small pieces ran across the table. The lights flicked a bit as Tom thought to himself 'may have over done it.'

This stoped the two man from talking as everyone looked at the pieces of green gemstone. Jimmy sighed and asked.

"Frank, you didn't try to cast a spell on me, right?"

He looked mad as he yelled.

"Are you telling me you a wizards now!"

Jimmy smiled and porited to Tom.

"No, but he is."

Frank right hand filled with a fire ball as he looked at Tom.

"You want to see a wizard, I'll show you one."

Tom wanted to get a better look at this fire ball and he tried a light mental pull to his open hand. It flew across the table and stopped right above his open palm. This time a red gemstone just lit up and cracked. The lights dimmed a little as Tom looked over the fire ball. Science was having a bad day and about ready to call it quits. Now that he got a good at it, all the spell was doing is grabbing oxygen into a ball and heating it up. He let the go spell because he could feel it draining him and it puffed out the fire. Tom looked at Frank and said.

"You are not a wizard. You only payed one some money for rings with spells in them so you play pretend."

He sat back down and looked at Jimmy. The goons didn't move a muscle.

"What can I do for you tonight."

Jimmy looked angry as he asked him.

"Why is Zaheera looking for my little girl and who is her working for?"

Frank eyes bugged out.

"I can't tell you that! They come for me."

Jimmy just sat there and said.

"Tom turn them all into a frogs."

Tom lifted up his hand to Frank and the two goons ran out the room.

"Ok! Ok! I'll talk! Look all I know your kid was a test subject and was being moved when she got away. Now the Dark Sun Guild is looking for her. That's all I know, I swear."

Jimmy sighed and looked at Tom.

"Come on let's go. We're done here.

Tom looked at him with one finger as he pulled out his knife.

"One second, I need a body part."

Tom walked over to Frank and cut out some hair from him. He thought about running but was too afraid of Tom to move. Tom asked him.

"You know what a voodoo doll is?"

Frank nodded and said.

"I understand, this never happened and I don't know you.

Tom and Jimmy didn't say anything and just left for home.

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57368a No.403737

File: 2a16694b6c75b08⋯.jpg (107 KB,728x670,364:335,impending death.jpg)


>"TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS?! Man that's insane! What the hell's the newly wed discount?!"

>"Our newly wed discount, provided you two actually are married, is at a rate of ten percent, going soon!"


<I didn't understand what Adam was saying, or even how much was being thrown around, but his tone and face was enough to tell me that it was a gouging price.

<The danuki was trying to keep a servant's demeanour, but I could see that edge of smugness in her eyes.

<Damn, vermin-stripped, rodent-bait. It was always no wonder why people prefered the company of kitsune to danuki, in all of their preverseness.

<She looked towards me and seemed to finally realize she wasn't keeping me updated on the talks.

>"I apologize, but keeping both parties updated is always a difficult point for separate language couples. We are currently discussing the price and…you're from the zipangu correct?"

<"Yes I am," I answered.

>"Then converting the price should be for relativity…" she looked into the air, doing whatever monetary conversions she needed for us. "…about two-hundred fifthteen-thousand, eight-hundred thirty kenos!"

<I was breathless. That WAS a gouging price!

<"That is QUITE the price, do you happen to have a military discount?"

>"We do, but I'm sad to say our policy prevents discount stacking."

>"But that's not-" Adam tried to interject.

<I stopped his words with a hand. I needed to take over, I was the one with more experience with dealing with her kind.

<"Well…me and my husband have been having the worst times trying to fix what was destroyed due to our communication problems. Isn't there anything you can do to try and help us with this burden?"

>"Well ma'am," she leaned back in her chair, as if prepping herself to strike like a snake, "I understand that you have problems. Lots of mamono have problems. Don't you think…" she raised a brow, "that maybe you needed to look somewhat inward to fix your own problems before you created them? I know that ushi-onis used to cause an awful lot before they created those seals.

<It still amazes me how able my seal was to controlling feelings other than lust.

<If not for it, half of the walls probably wouldn't be standing.

>"Oh by all means, get upset and leave." Obviously my emotions were showing remarkably on the sleeve. "I know exactly how busy those other language centers are. You can leave but it won't be long before you come skittering back here. You'll be waiting for that appointment to come months from now and soon enough you won't be able to take it anymore. That ushi lust will see to that."

<Adam was getting visibly nervous, even from the corner of my vision.

>"Aiko, chi-"

<I silenced him with another well placed motion of my hand. "How DARE you insult me and my race when I ask for assistance? Do you danuki have no sense of morality?!"

>"You've got your own money and his own money, right?" She asked. "You two should easily be able to afford it if you pitch together. Hell, maybe you could even make him foot most of the bill?"

>She leaned in, finally delivering that final envenomed strike of words. "I'm certain you could, and no one would think anything of it, what with your heritage and all."

<I asked nicely.

<Now, I was going to insist.

<I forced my hand to unclich itself and forced it into my tunic, digging for my mark of authority. "Correct me if I am wrong," I started, "but you ARE Mrs. Silverman, correct?"

>"That I am."

<"There was a reason I asked for the discount."

<My insignia, my badge of authority over a legion of soldiers, hit the table with a resounding cling that seemed to echo in the emptiness of the hall stone and glass we were confined in.

<The danuki, Silverman, looked down at the insignia now lying on her desk and seemed to realize the situation she found herself in.

>"Well," she started, "That's certainly impre-"

<A sudden slamming of my hands on the edge of the table interrupted her words. She wasn't going to do anymore talking.

<The white stone desk she had seemed pliant enough. It would do for a demonstration.

<"But now I've forgotten about the discount. NOW I want law and fairness…AND free services."

<She cringed at the word "free."


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57368a No.403738

File: 55bc84019cfe7a9⋯.png (2.31 MB,2400x3612,200:301,30677651.699999988_Alchyki….png)


<"I've heard about your gouging here from some earlier customers of yours and found it within my authority to see that this is corrected, and made official with the Office of Cultural Integration."

<"As my mark tells those who see it, I command a legion of soldiers that obey my words, ones who will glady see to it that my will is carried out. As a matter of fact, there are TWO of them outside this building this very moment."

<She was already shrinking into her chair, cornering herself.

<It was a mistake I capitalized upon by leaning forward with my visage on full bare, and beginning my demonstration upon the table.

<"And allow me to remind you, you DARED to insult an ushi-oni, a daughter of Clan Oshami. Not only an ushi-oni…"

<The table had began to show visible and audible cracks, and yet her attention was stuck on my eyes.

<"…but one standing just in front of you,"

<The table split with a loud crack as bits of rock flew about the room, causing Adam and Silverman both to flinch in surprise. The now destroyed slabs of stone fell away and left the desk as a bare, metal stand.

<Silverman was officially huddled within that chair of hers, holding her tail as a sort of comforter or shield.

<Even somewhere as alien as this place, danuki never change.

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b0f74a No.403742

File: d1ed01cca9fbbb7⋯.gif (387.39 KB,500x272,125:68,1375301304927.gif)


fucking danuki man.


>Fire Tail Clan



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000b80 No.403754


im completely new to 8chan how the fuck do i use this thing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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940226 No.403771

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f77ba7 No.403791


most prisoners are non violent drug offenses, and even the violent crimes are crimes of passion or gang related violence. there's very little of what people would call 'true evil' in our prison system. There would probably be raids on the prison system for both prison guards and prisoners both.

I'm having fun picturing hoodrat mamono with their marido taking over the barrio

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8a117a No.403857


he's gotta be careful with his magic use, surely it leaves a footprint for any other being magically inclined

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6d3661 No.404012


New thread

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caec50 No.404800

File: c25788c8c34a6ed⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,720x404,180:101,thumbs up kknight.mp4)


I like your story, anon! keep it up

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