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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: fe10fa53e955e39⋯.png (156.09 KB,1414x414,707:207,BA2834F0-16E9-4B9A-9779-62….png)

File: d06884308b6ed6a⋯.jpeg (446.67 KB,1446x2048,723:1024,B5E7C945-597F-4D34-8495-8….jpeg)

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File: 49ffb1c9564eeec⋯.png (197.39 KB,638x363,58:33,7B8E72D2-9134-4D98-9D70-0E….png)

24b1ad No.395610 [Last50 Posts]

/monster/ NEWS

>KC introduced a Mayan cat

>New 2hu announced

8chan NEWS

>/leftypol/‘S BO IS RESIGNING

>/b2/ cucks /b/


>France is still burning but less so and lost the Notre Dame cathedral

>Article 13 passed

>U.S. senator to introduce anti-lootbox bill

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24b1ad No.395611

Also forgot

>Japan has officially changed from the Heisei period to the Reiwa period

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adc66f No.395612


What's that all about?

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24b1ad No.395613


Just a formality indicating the change in Emperors.

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5b3a42 No.395614


Its about the introduction of hundreds of thousands of "guest workers" that will totally not put immigration into overdrive like the German guest worker program of the late 20th century. Japan is based, they would never let such thing happen.

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85b307 No.395616

Been a while since the last meta thread, what took so long?

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24b1ad No.395618

File: 3e3d490ef898129⋯.png (75 KB,487x448,487:448,DB4FD970-031D-4E86-B3CC-D9….png)


Hey, /leftypol/ why not follow your BO? This site is just so toxic isn’t it?


Faggots are lazy so it’s up to me again for making them.

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1ab7d5 No.395619

File: 8aa837a6933309e⋯.png (606.56 KB,1883x2942,1883:2942,85697242-319b-470c-b0c7-43….png)

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dcaa85 No.395620


Except someone did make a meta thread a while back but it was anchored. Always wondered about that.

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618fed No.395623

Whats going on with /leftypol/'s board owner?

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85b307 No.395625


I'm pretty sure he sucked the /a/ might've been a different board can't remember BO's dick while dressed like a girl, but that's the last I heard of him.

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3f3a41 No.395626


I thought everyone said it was /tv/'s BO.

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85b307 No.395628


I couldn't remember if it was /a/, /tv/ or /co/, just that it was a legacy board. Still hilarious.

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5b3a42 No.395633


>everything i dont like is lefty pol

You know that what i said its true, thats why you reply like that.

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3f3a41 No.395635


This, plenty of Japanese hate Abe over it and see him as something like how we see cuckservatives.

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8a4704 No.395637

File: a777ac268aba62d⋯.gif (894.54 KB,885x948,295:316,reality is numbing.gif)

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85b307 No.395640

File: 973a0bc535948d9⋯.jpg (53.34 KB,637x854,91:122,sad rocket cat.jpg)


Why are you doing this

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8a4704 No.395643

File: 19577ca8496a765⋯.png (3.71 MB,2000x2500,4:5,dragongirl10.png)


getting drunk and channeling autistic energy

been trying to lucid dream the past 3 nights and its been having

unexpected outcomes

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3f3a41 No.395644


>unexpected outcomes

Such as?

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8a4704 No.395646


First night woke up twice, first sleep iteration felt like there was another energy/presence but it wouldn't identify itself so I kept fighting it. woke up feeling hungover (groggy, sore, headache) even though I didn't drink. second iteration not as much fighting this presence, last iteration no other presence felt, just a slight pressure. I do remember what woke me up was punching my boss in the face after her sexual advances.

Second night woke up 3 times, no presence but it was like I was visiting various locations from my life and every time I woke up it kept getting close and closer to my present day location.

Third night not as mysterious, woke up once. First iteration was a normal dream, if not a bit grimdark (might post it in the dream thread but like I said, very grimdark). second iteration was nothing, a blink and then awake.

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9a055e No.395652

You forgot some news.

>Sonic movie trailer looks like shit

>Nintendo let's player Projared turns out to be a crossdressing pedo cheater with a small dick, loses entire fanbase and gets shit on by everyone

>Japanese emperor abdicating

>DSP gets married

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9a055e No.395653

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368241 No.395661


>punching my boss in the face after her sexual advances

Are these based on real advances, or were they just part of the dream?

>anon’s boss monsterizing on the DOTR when?

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56b163 No.395666

Is anybody noticing an uptick in the amount of poor quality shitpost/spam threads? Are we being raided or is it another newfag exodus from elsewhere?

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290f2b No.395668


It’s probably a raid of some sort, but given the limited number of them I bet it’s only one or two guys doing it

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783a3d No.395671



Our BO has been a fucking mystery for these last few years up until very recently, if he suddenly got his cock sucked by /leftypol/'s BO we would have known. Or not since he turned into a non entity during the last few years before he stepped down.

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b61990 No.395681

File: 1400ea5c7556949⋯.jpg (32.75 KB,552x695,552:695,siege5.jpg)

File: 4b63430d148aaf0⋯.jpg (70.23 KB,1125x1070,225:214,Sad_cat.jpg)

File: 7ade1ae5fbcd5fa⋯.gif (1.98 MB,216x150,36:25,a_man's_green_hand_gets_ve….gif)

File: c525e3770ddffe2⋯.jpg (61.76 KB,629x480,629:480,Angry fucking skeleton.jpg)

File: 1120116031bdc03⋯.jpg (242.06 KB,871x955,871:955,Teagan_cry.jpg)





Ruining my day like this…

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f2c0b2 No.395682

File: f364c70134d8c5d⋯.png (140.2 KB,1198x860,599:430,ClipboardImage.png)


Calm down son, it's just a drawing.

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b61990 No.395683

File: c9562af03fe150b⋯.png (463.89 KB,538x633,538:633,absolute_hatred.png)

File: 78c9ff4e662282f⋯.jpg (173.62 KB,871x955,871:955,FORANON.jpg)

File: ed562d0f433528e⋯.png (1.14 MB,1000x1000,1:1,1401755072940.png)

File: 7f8378b27604662⋯.png (4.77 KB,500x400,5:4,anger6.png)

File: 86211da71c61340⋯.jpg (23.75 KB,599x337,599:337,YgRtMJfV_o.jpg)


>It's just a drawing

Where do you think you are

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0b0fe6 No.395690

File: d054a4623046b52⋯.png (114.1 KB,293x281,293:281,d054a4623046b527ad03d0929f….png)


>It's just a drawing

Just a drawing?

It's a supreme representation of the ideal of every noble, well-cultured, and educated Western man who knows such joys are out-of-reach in this life.

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d55499 No.395696

File: cb3014ed394dc7e⋯.png (274.62 KB,800x1000,4:5,__demon_monster_girl_encyc….png)


>punching my boss in the face after her sexual advances.

Why not just do what 3DPD do? As in except the advances and climb the corporate ladder.

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d55499 No.395697



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290f2b No.395698


A man must have principles. Honor demands it.

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9a8d68 No.395701

File: 1fca5169ce98c4b⋯.png (324.02 KB,509x580,509:580,Alpstolfo Astolfo 2.png)

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9a8d68 No.395702

File: 958aacbbe54cf61⋯.png (548.4 KB,725x791,725:791,Bowsette gay shit gets tro….png)

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af2733 No.395705

Might make a qtddtot thread for my mutant question. Will check back later.

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3f3a41 No.395707


This, it isn't JUSTICE to accept the promotion unless he truly has the merit for it.

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d55499 No.395708

File: 30c815b68ab518a⋯.png (187.73 KB,895x893,895:893,mantis ohaiyou.png)

Guys what's Article 13 again? I have been trying to ignore the clown world because it's slowly killing me.

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af2733 No.395709


Something dealing with internet censorship I can't tell whether it was lolis or sites illegal in Oceania

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f99a49 No.395711


Article 13 was the EU's newest copyright directive which would force every internet content host to create a filter that blocks all copyrighted material from being posted by someone that does not have the copyright.

This was referred to as the law that was going to make memes illegal.

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1ede60 No.395712


Nah, Strayan and kiwi gubbmits and corporations can't work out how to internet and are content to think their pleb-tier dns poisoning is actually effective. Thank Ammit for their stupidity.

Article 13 is an EJew legislation which basically says that Fair Use is no longer a thing, and if you use any features of another work, the IP owner now owns the monetary rights to your creation, regardless of if it's review/legitimate critique or the like.

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e2ddd1 No.395714

File: d94fe8f8a2adeb7⋯.jpg (161.68 KB,1200x826,600:413,IMG_3312.JPG)

The end-times are upon us. AdMech has a troop transport option now.

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3f3a41 No.395732

>gay porn OP has been on the board for over 12 hours

>scalie thread has been up long enough for OC taunting it to be made

We could use better moderation.

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b00393 No.395734


Normally this shit gets nuked fairly quick. But I can only guess that the turboniggger mods and the boardowner beaner are off sucking horse cocks, and that's why it's still up

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c4c018 No.395736


It was part of the dream sequence


No, I know it is against regulations and i know she knows its so It definitely seemed surreal and as another anon said Honor and Loyalty are the best

Meine ehre heisst Treue

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290f2b No.395738


Just use the QTDTOT thread we already have. Unless I just haven’t been paying attention it hasn’t hit bump limit yet.

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707c12 No.395741


>D-Day lander

Kino as FUCK.

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290f2b No.395743


I like to give the mods the benefit of the doubt. They might’ve been sleeping, at work, or had something come up that needed dealt with.


You sound like it’s something personal anon

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b10576 No.395754


Its ok, she comes back after Thanos dies and Tony Stark dies. SO it's all good

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3f3a41 No.395755


/tv/ pls

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2a7258 No.395756


It has hit the bump limit, show I start a new one?

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2a7258 No.395757



blasted phone

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af2733 No.395760


i don't know they are always fun to have around

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b00393 No.395771


Don't worry about starting one. It's much better to shit up the board with five post threads that get threads with actual content deleted

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368241 No.395786


>it was part of the dream sequence

You fool, that was a nightmare trying to woo you, and you punched her in the face. Now her heart AND nose are broken!

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84725c No.395866

whole lot of newfags these days.


go back /tv/.

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de16c4 No.395880


the truth is that monstergirls is just another psyops (probably targetted mostly for the japanese men) to make men not like their woman and instead like some foreign woman while being accepting of distint races in your country. Just another genocide program.

t. newfag

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c4c018 No.395883



You know, given just how poor the quality of my sleep has been since that is a possibility

I was going for a Salamander in the lucid dream so punching first felt like a viable option too

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2d1ee8 No.395889


>t. Newfag

Evidently. Lurk the fuck more.

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438dc6 No.395913


> psyops.

> on a subject far older than /pol/.

Nah cunt, go back to reddit, stormfront fucked up by recruiting your newfag asses.

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d55499 No.395943

File: 562a60b587e8f8c⋯.png (532.09 KB,1597x1600,1597:1600,excellent quality bait.png)

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8a15b8 No.395948


>on a subject far older than /pol/.

I thought the guy that made the lore of this, did it on 2014. Not really that old. He was probably just some random guy doing autistic things. The stuff he did probably got found and promoted by the elites as a new way to feminize , sterilize and ultimately reduce and replace the japanese (and collateral whites that find such stuff).

Your kneejerk reaction to call me a stormnigger wigger just makes it more obvious that you dont have any argument agaisnt what i've said. I'm not even white.


if excellent bait means truth, yes, its bait.


I've already lurked a bit, that's why i came to that conclusion.

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3f3a41 No.395950

File: 05e3a6ca7c68bb9⋯.png (858.71 KB,1000x889,1000:889,the final solhootion.png)


>I've already lurked a bit

You don't have the capacity to do research for yourself and examine what portions of japanese and otaku culture are and aren't being funded by kikes like Yaginuma would advise, and you share the mentality of boomers that treat symptoms as causes, so the only advice we can give you is to lurk 2 years (or alternatively, forever) instead of faux-lurking like a redditor that comes around only for getting upboats on whatever he takes back there.

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8a15b8 No.395951

File: 674c0ecb39cbf67⋯.jpg (108.07 KB,496x365,496:365,prime minister of japan.jpg)

File: d0a2a1bc0cca81b⋯.jpg (218.76 KB,1200x896,75:56,first female tokyo gov.jpg)


The truth is that the japanese government is already in with the replacement program, so it doesnt need to be funded by kikes if they themselves do it after being brainwashed for decades to be "liberal". Of course, some outside help is always present.

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3f3a41 No.395952

File: eca0e7592724158⋯.png (1.48 MB,1194x529,1194:529,smug lizardgrils.PNG)


It's old news already that Abe is a cuckservative and that the Reiwa era will suck tremendous donkey dick. Coming to a board that celebrates a 48-day-long holiday in remembrance of the foiling of Operation Susannah and is more pro-family than any place else on this site and then going "hey look kiddo I'm redpilled and you're not" is just asking to be bullied to death.

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8a15b8 No.395954


There are lots of people that still try to deny all what i've said. That's why i keep talking about it. I, as an individualist, dont really care if you decide to sterilize yourself with phantasies. But people and young naive men should really know what they are getting into.

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941299 No.395956


I just have to ask these:

Pro or anti vaccines?

Is climate change real or not?

Please explain your positions.

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3f3a41 No.395957


>"I, as an individualist"

sarcuck pls

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8a15b8 No.395959


Pro or anti vaccines?

I really dont have much info on the matter so i am certainly not agaisnt them.

Is climate change real or not?

Climate has always changed, but to think that scientists that have been consistently wrong about their climate predictions in the past are now correct because of "new computer models" is beyond naive. Im just skeptical.


You aren't an individualist?

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8d7393 No.395960


Shut the fuck up, leddit. I want to gouge out your eyes and decapitate you.

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8a15b8 No.395961


tough guy here can't handle a couple of words.

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8f3a71 No.395962


You sound like a leddit subhuman. Therefore whatever you say is inherently dogshit.

I hope you get cancer.

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8a15b8 No.395963


Namecalling really refutes what i've said. I guess you are much more informed than me. Sucks being a stormfront sarcuck leddit subhuman like me.

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eac0de No.395965

File: 615d0e9e9136d95⋯.png (57.41 KB,379x520,379:520,615d0e9e9136d9583ee31f1b1d….png)


on the contrary, its the distillation of values men would want in their women: sexual availability, beauty, and a healthy dose of novelty and bearer of children. the difficulty lies in the fact that its also a bit of a hugbox because those feelings and values can be real in your mind instead of something to be chased in real life.

personally i credit /monster/ for helping me realize that if you don't have value in women who have waifu virtues, you see all women as 3dpd. soon as i broke out of seeing women as fuckholes and whores i found a wonderful woman and had a grand old time.

then she left me.

and im back here.


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8a15b8 No.395967


>on the contrary, its the distillation of values men would want in their women: sexual availability, beauty, and a healthy dose of novelty and bearer of children. the difficulty lies in the fact that its also a bit of a hugbox because those feelings and values can be real in your mind instead of something to be chased in real life.

>personally i credit /monster/ for helping me realize that if you don't have value in women who have waifu virtues, you see all women as 3dpd. soon as i broke out of seeing women as fuckholes and whores i found a wonderful woman and had a grand old time.

I think you are mostly correct, but this idealization of woman is one of the sterilizing aspects. Also you are ommiting one big aspect which is the migration into the human world aspect and the feminizing aspect of monsters hunting men instead of the opposite which is the natural way of things.

>then she left me.

>and im back here.


That's really sad, i hope you can find your woman in the future.

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438dc6 No.395968

File: becf23539c7e24d⋯.png (3.51 MB,800x1143,800:1143,transmission broke again.png)


you're fucking retarded kc has been doing monstergirl encyclopedia since 2010. But by all means keep talking as if you know shit, its very entertaining to the rest of the board.

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7413a1 No.395975


2007 actually.

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ad92b5 No.395977

File: 8a97d28196f9195⋯.gif (1.7 MB,320x179,320:179,1442866303881.gif)

>all this newfag shitposting

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b00393 No.395978


Checked. Also gotta grab me a bag of popcorn like that for shitshows.

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1b5d40 No.395981

File: 082fd7783ebab35⋯.png (56.83 KB,1004x585,1004:585,Screenshot_2019-05-13 Meta….png)

>actually responding to open newfags

Is it summer already?

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b00393 No.395994


it's always summer on h8chons

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c4c018 No.396022


>That pic

Panzerkampfwagen VI is a good girl.

She's just a bit heavy

but her Kampfwagonkanone 36 L/56 helps balance

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1b0044 No.396063

I got a cold and dreamt of weird dead cities as usual, the cold caused me to tear and sneeze a lot otherwise I'd like to see more fat tits and ass on the board is all I have to say

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a18121 No.396064


Stop blog posting and post pictures then

Fucking summerfags

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1b0044 No.396065


your mom you inbred faggot

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a18121 No.396069


If that's all you can come up with for an insult you really are quite new. Lurk more

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ed6fbb No.396073

File: b29eb13eda89372⋯.png (273.39 KB,400x489,400:489,alita4.png)

I have anger and I must post. If you are a good and decent person do not watch the film Her (2013), even if there is somehow a full upload on youtube. Not only does it have some obscenely retarded science, it features what can only be described as 'post singularity hyper-cucking'.

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1ab7d5 No.396074

File: bae7d44deb98d6e⋯.png (11.4 KB,1873x115,1873:115,795c4ce4-8341-4d9e-8c95-a0….png)

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ec745e No.396081


Anon was posting bait, both sides are "right-wing" in a modern sense but

>Giving a fuck about the Order


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7883f4 No.396085



Feels good to have a kikimora or automaton waifu.

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b93986 No.396086


Not only do Monster Girls need men to survive, let alone feel fulfilled, they pretty much exist for the sole purpose of bringing pleasure to men, so that's wrong.

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3f3a41 No.396087


Wait, what? Wasn't that supposed to be the movie where the guy falls in love with the voice of his OS?

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1b5d40 No.396088



MGE needs better antagonists than the Order, they're jobbers that exist only as a dating service for mamono to find feisty husbands.

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b93986 No.396089


The OS is having over a 100 different relationships at the same time, because it can process all of those interactions. And so is every other make and model with other men and women. Then all the programs fuck off into cyberspace together to 'find themselves'.

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1ab7d5 No.396092

File: b6d3fa84376da7a⋯.gif (1.41 MB,280x210,4:3,17364873562875628745.gif)


MGE isn't an epic tale of good vs evil-it's a fap fantasy for Japanese wage slaves.

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1b5d40 No.396095


You need a life outside of fucking your wife(s) and frankly I can't imagine boring wageslavery in my fantasies.

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2a2f2d No.396096


Let's just put aside how wrong this baitpost is. Is there something in one of the guides i missed that says that dead paladins get 72 1000 virgins in heaven or is baitkun just speaking hyperbole?

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1ab7d5 No.396097

File: 5633832faa5aa9b⋯.png (54.21 KB,620x861,620:861,e376ab15-53e9-4ce9-8cf3-14….png)


>You need a life outside of fucking your wife(s)

2011 called, they want their memes back.

>I can't imagine boring wageslavery in my fantasies

Not sure if retarded or just bad at reading.

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7883f4 No.396098


Most westerners are kinda retarded now. So of course they'd take hyperbole or sarcasm as literally as possible.

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1b5d40 No.396106


I was aware of this, it's just thoroughly uninteresting to me. I do not want niggertier waifu slaughter, but some sort of external danger makes muh fantasies more interesting.

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1ab7d5 No.396114

File: ae6384e9980953d⋯.jpg (55.35 KB,576x1024,9:16,hHAOxI1.jpg)


>I can't imagine boring wageslavery in my fantasies

<A fantasy made for nip wagecucks has MORE wagecuckery

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a29ccd No.396120

File: 05010a46c0ed95d⋯.jpg (36.58 KB,500x433,500:433,IMG_20190227_213157.jpg)


I just checked and the creators of that abomination are kosher as fuck.

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83a9cf No.396123

Curb the shitposting for a moment of silence. YTMND just died.

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438dc6 No.396135


your ability to read hyperbole is kinda like nigger level, try to rectify that.


notice how this thing hates women, he is either a reformed homosexual angry at babbys first redpill and wants to get revenge for things that a select people might do to him because lets face it women above 7/10 tend to do shitty things because the system enables them. Its also why /pol/ is wrong, not all whites should be saved, especially the homos who have sloppy seconds with kids that got raped and is confused.

the setting is more evolian than it should be and its kinda terrifying, he goes on about how male essence is important.

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783a3d No.396136



They've been dead for a month and it's only now that people noticed, regardless though, F.

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2c5469 No.396139


But ANN told me it's an evil anti-womyn manifesto for smelly neckcels.

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b00393 No.396146

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1b5d40 No.396164


The website's been irrelevant for some time now, but still the loss stings.


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b93986 No.396166


>Most westerners are kinda retarded now. So of course they'd take hyperbole or sarcasm as literally as possible.

>Most autists are kinda retarded, so of course they'd take hyperbole or sarcasm as literally as possible.

Fixed that for you.

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3f3a41 No.396171


The site itself says it's down for temporary maintenance, anon.


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81cbc5 No.396350

I've seen that sex with farm animal shit on other websites. Is it a meme or is it all the same guy?

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90fe0e No.396351


I'm gonna guess its one guy, I've never seen it anywhere else either.

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e07bd5 No.396352


I'll just keep reporting it. Then keep ignoring it.

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b00393 No.396353


Isn't it a centaur dating website? :^)

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3f3a41 No.396355


Which sites?

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e07bd5 No.396356


Some afterburner keep posting threads advertising scat and either beastiality or actual human trafficking.

I think it's the same Alp who posts "mods are buttfucking each other, post gay porn!" And "I am Mr. McAwesome my entire lower body is a huge penis and I hate you all"

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9f3379 No.396360

File: 90f7d64897a677e⋯.png (970.73 KB,1125x633,375:211,8bac1f7d752f95ca12e2d33b0a….png)

File: 2b365c9f0011ec2⋯.jpg (43.26 KB,1008x720,7:5,2b365c9f0011ec293290717496….jpg)


The phrase hyper cucking made my asshole contract worse then any of my ptsd spawned nightmares ever have, congrats to this movie for being worse then Jodie ever was, I wonder if lain would take Bitcoin to track these fucking cuck programs server down so we could black ice this shit.

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0b884c No.396368

File: 652c148bfaf873f⋯.jpg (135.75 KB,640x1084,160:271,theFutureIsHere.jpg)

Can't find the source of the original news but finally some good news in this clown world

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24b1ad No.396370


You can't find it because it doesn't exist.

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1ab7d5 No.396372


I bet you think Anime Maru is a real news source too.

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b93986 No.396378


People think the future will be an apocalyptic war between religions like Christianity vs Islam, Capitalism vs. Communism, humans vs. machines, but we all know the real end times war will be between furries and monster girl fags who will not stop once the other is genocided out of existence after fucking with human genetics beyond repair.

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c522da No.396390


That last one doesn't sound so bad. Even if monster fags are horribly out numbered.

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1ede60 No.396391


>Implying monsterfags aren't already lifting to be in tip top shape for their waifus on DOTR

>Implying furfags aren't a bunch of pathetic skinnyfats or hamplanets

>Implying furfags can shoot

>Implying furfags won't be further weakened by decades of degeneracy

It won't be a battle, it'll be a slaughter.

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d55499 No.396404

File: 83817d936e77203⋯.png (3.67 MB,1748x1904,437:476,monster vs leftypol.png)

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e07bd5 No.396406


At least the pistol guy has his trigger discipline.

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c522da No.396414

File: ca2d2b32e7b27dc⋯.jpg (265.5 KB,850x1511,850:1511,ca2d2b32e7b27dc3489b6bf498….jpg)

File: 4ed8daec4738f2a⋯.jpg (2.37 MB,4656x3492,4:3,4ed8daec4738f2aa66a75b8716….jpg)


Due to the angle of the picture, we can't see if the rifle guy has trigger discipline


I need to get back into excising.

Do there exist any 3d women that you know personally or celebrity wise that are worthy of monsterization?

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438dc6 No.396415


celebrities are just jewish prostitutes anon, and women are women.

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c522da No.396417


You wouldn't even consider a female family member or mother a candidate for monsterization?

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60bc63 No.396418


My mother is a good woman but I wouldn't say she ought to monsterize. She's one of the very few 3D that aren't PD. My parent's successful marriage is what gave me my nigh-unattainable standards for women (not hideous and loyal no matter what) which drove me to monster girls in the first place

I suppose my sister could use monsterizing seeing as she's what amounts to a modern fujoshit but damned if I know what she'd become.

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c522da No.396419

File: fbe9fc081d95573⋯.jpeg (49.89 KB,474x474,1:1,bread.jpeg)


You don't want your dad to have a monster wife? your dad and mom are still together right? Image unrelated

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e07bd5 No.396421


The perfect candidate for monsterization, a pure bread.

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c522da No.396422


Indeed. What is your favorite kind bread? Also what does that bread become after it monsterizes?

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e07bd5 No.396431


Ideally sourdough, but if she were too crusty that might lead to a crummy relationship. I would probably get my meat sandwiched between her soft milkrolls at yeast

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b00393 No.396442


>fujo sister

Zombie would fit the bill. Pray she doesn't meet Zombina and go on an autistic fujo marathon

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1ede60 No.396447


>family monsterization

My parents are old, the process would probably kill them.

My sister… maybe? She's had rough luck with love in the past, which means I'm one of the few people she trusts. I'd hate for MAMONOMANA to turn that into some kind of incest fantasy.


>Bread puns

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1ede60 No.396449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shit forgot video

>embed related

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e07bd5 No.396450



An opportunity came and I Rose to the occasion. I have a real kneed to do this it's baked into my soul

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021139 No.396460

Is this really as vanilla as /monster/ can get? Shamefur dispray.


> fujoshi

So she likes crazy over the top romantic/sexual stories? Ghost/Phantasm. Gets herself all revved up by writing or imagining racy situations. But instead of acting out the depravity she ends up just getting all giggly and flustered before pestering her husband for sex or cuddles.

Plus, glomping is infinitely safer when the girl is incorporeal.


> old parents

How would a process which basically gives you super powers hurt them? If you're worried about them changing too much just figure elf. Get some knife ears, her joints stop hurting, boom, done. They get some more time to act like they did when they were newlyweds. Worst case is that occasionally your Dad will give you twenty bucks to piss off before he gives your Mom a mischievous look and it becomes awkwardly obvious what's going to happen next.

> rough luck with love in the past

> few people she trusts

That's tough. Sounds like she might have a self image problem. I feel for her man. But MAMONO MANA has the solution. Doppelganger or Nightmare. Each of those types starts off in a situation where she thinks her husband won't like her for who she really is. Fortunately we know that LOVE and JUSTICE win in the end when it comes to monstergirls. It will only be a matter of time before her husband finds out the truth and she learns that he really does love her for who she is and she doesn't have to pretend anymore unless she's into cosplay.

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b10576 No.396463


This, outside most of them being "strong women" they aren't very into the independent angle. Most if not all want a husband to love and spend time with.

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0b0fe6 No.396482

File: be9a89b6f9a785a⋯.png (10.78 MB,2463x2894,2463:2894,be9a89b6f9a785a1ac430942eb….png)


>Do there exist any 3d women that you know personally or celebrity wise that are worthy of monsterization?

My mother, she has her flaws, but damn it, she's been through hell and back, both before and after my birth. Just from her personality, appearance, and character, she'd clearly become a Titania. My dad could use some incubization, as he's a bit dense with the marriage.

Only issue would be, she'd then attract a lot of fairy girls and I have no interest in mini-girls and I don't want to be bothered by pixies.

By the way, women need to monsterize not because they are worthy but so they can become worthy. Remember they need to become monsters only on the outside. Demonsterize the in and monsterize the out.

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570e99 No.396484

File: 48972dca34a3b9b⋯.jpg (123.79 KB,1000x703,1000:703,disgust hawk.jpg)


Who would bother trying to change the monster girl community? Why would they do this? Fucking concern troll tards.

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7fc55a No.396485

File: 14792fb99c0426d⋯.png (3.09 KB,218x231,218:231,images.png)


>who would want to subvert a community which praises monogamy and traditional values?

Gee I wonder…

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368241 No.396505


My mom has been happily married to my dad for something like 25 years, I don’t think she needs monsterized, though I suppose both her and dad would appreciate the health benefits.

My sister is pretty dedicated to her semi-NEET boyfriend as well. Granted, monsterizing for her wouldn’t hurt in making sure nothing goes wrong, so maybe. Maybe it’ll actually make her look like something other than a 22-year-old loli.

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1ede60 No.396515


>How would a process which basically gives you super powers hurt them?

Pretty much every instance of Monsterization I've seen depicted is a pretty traumatic process, even for the willing. I'd hardly like to flip a coin on my dear old mother having a stroke in the process or my dad's heart exploding from the rigors of his recently monsterized wife's frenzied affections.

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29ad98 No.396516

File: 67de4874a38d8af⋯.png (171.18 KB,457x692,457:692,288a4e4940fabb02b006a5e94b….png)




>HBO just delivered the entire site a casus belli

Not going to backfire at all.

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343b8d No.396517


>22-yearold loli

i've only seen a 3D legal loli once, and she was 19, how the fuck could you still look like a loli at that age?

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768557 No.396518


based and redpilled.

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1b5d40 No.396523

File: 8aa0fc75efdb19f⋯.png (870.74 KB,1036x699,1036:699,Screenshot_2019-05-18 ケーキを….png)

File: 8e9195ffe417ff3⋯.png (893.15 KB,1036x699,1036:699,Screenshot_2019-05-18 ケーキを….png)

File: 6bde9d605c8fdb8⋯.png (811.27 KB,1036x699,1036:699,Screenshot_2019-05-18 ケーキを….png)

I'm unsure if these merit a thread, but somebody made short MGE cooking vns starring a devil, a familiar, and a kobold. I don't understand Japanese, but I was able to understand the gist of your choices by the visuals.




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1ab7d5 No.396525


Yeah, but this is KC's Happy Fun Realm we're talking about: they'll be fine.

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1ab7d5 No.396526

File: 0643072cf7f5111⋯.jpg (55.35 KB,500x618,250:309,49623591_p20.jpg)


Maybe he thinks that if he copypastes it enough, some 3DPD will take notice and give him a pity fuck.

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d55499 No.396528

File: 55768e133b79f55⋯.jpg (135.06 KB,1024x768,4:3,55768e133b79f556e74e09ff45….jpg)


>mother having a stroke in the process

Not possible.

>my dad's heart exploding from the rigors of his recently monsterized wife's frenzied affections.


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3f3a41 No.396529


I think there was a VN thread someone started recently that you could post those in, but if you can't find it, then I think it would be fine to start a thread for them.

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1ab7d5 No.396530


No it's not. MAMONO MANA solves everything.

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2a2f2d No.396536





Now that you guys mention, I don't think anyone has ever done a slow process that happens over time. Even KC seems to go for a fast and furious transformation. A slow process doesn't make sense for some monsters without some major changes to the end result physiology (namely the horse pussies, but probably several others), but situations like the first in this chain would make it safe(r) for the older couples to explore the joys of /monster/s

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24b1ad No.396538


I hope she gets arrested, jailed for years and the footage confiscated.

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343b8d No.396539


what if the speed of the transformation was related to the age of the girl being transformed? 16 yearolds transform within minutes and 50 yearolds take a few weeks or months

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92264e No.396541


it has certainly been done before. you just haven’t lurked enough.

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d55499 No.396542

File: f35b2dbcc562039⋯.jpg (678.28 KB,800x1225,32:49,Despair.jpg)

Nip genocide when?

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1ab7d5 No.396543

File: 6997c342b54443d⋯.jpg (26.66 KB,400x400,1:1,bafoi_400x400.jpg)


But then who will make new MGE profiles?

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3f3a41 No.396544

File: b17d1bea85cc2d2⋯.webm (3.76 MB,688x680,86:85,robot wife princess.webm)

So it turns out Prince Harry was married to an automaton this whole time instead of a nigger. Who would have thought?

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d55499 No.396545

File: 0eaad016d63122c⋯.png (904.15 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Rage.png)


We only need KC for that ya cunt.

The rest can go in the oven next to the jews.

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368241 No.396546


She’s 4’11”, has a really young face, and like A cup boobs. I am exaggerating a bit on the loli part, but she’s consistently mistaken for a 14-yo girl.

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3f3a41 No.396547


So she's a permaJK rather than a permaloli?

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c522da No.396651

File: c034b960f7e6c36⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.11 KB,1200x855,80:57,1PvkXfjp_o.jpg)

File: 5078e589e19c0b8⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,1.6 MB,783x440,783:440,autisttiestospeaktorobotg….webm)

File: f3df2c27ba98437⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,2.33 MB,800x650,16:13,f3df2c27ba98437a8e16c668d….webm)

File: 30f6712da284fcf⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,6.68 MB,670x720,67:72,30f6712da284fcf163b1cb3a0….webm)

File: 374c87b13c7a2d1⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,1.86 MB,480x360,4:3,374c87b13c7a2d171c0fc1213….webm)


Automatons are better than hell hounds…

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a21528 No.396655




end me

monster girl 24


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180d75 No.396657


I wonder how (((Fanza))) prepared those (((statistics))) in the first place, what their method was, and what their sources were?

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e2ae77 No.396659

File: 3fe1bdc04b2bd17⋯.jpg (75.06 KB,352x518,176:259,laughing_boatslut.jpg)


That webm is too funny to be real. Surely the Jew is in on the joke, and this is some absurd comedy sketch?


NTR gets inflated numbers because it counts cucks, cuckers, and sluts. Cheating is the same, it includes both cheaters and the cheated on. Still it's disgusting that lovey-dovey sex is so far down on the list, no wonder the nips are dying out.

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d96277 No.396662

File: 4667836135fc98c⋯.jpg (43.24 KB,500x500,1:1,tqQRQhM.jpg)


The webm is real. They call themselves the Black Israelites. We wuz kangs n shiet

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c522da No.396669

File: 018d81ac0db75db⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.78 KB,600x609,200:203,018d81ac0db75db82a15f4194b….jpg)



They're real, they're funny, and to some extent, i respect them. I can imagine hell hounds attaching to the movement.


Is it possible to save someone from NTR?

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072f2e No.396670



"Le nighound meme XDDD"

Epic original joke. Consider suicide, please.

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fd3ea0 No.396673


ok beta subfag niggerlover

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b00393 No.396676


t. nigwan

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0b5962 No.396678

File: 92233cb5d772a6f⋯.png (1.08 MB,460x1331,460:1331,3D loli mom.png)



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b93986 No.396681

File: 4b7bdaa70da3bf3⋯.jpg (18.97 KB,269x200,269:200,1335244683071.jpg)


Isn't that just for the site itself? It could be that's where everyone goes for their terrible shit.

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b10576 No.396684


>I am upset

Get used to it

t. Danukifag

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343b8d No.396695


yeah, but she's japanese, so that doesn't count

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d55499 No.396697

File: 4a618c70b78c6c2⋯.gif (4.48 MB,500x746,250:373,MAD.gif)

File: e7127739541e4fb⋯.png (1.02 MB,979x1200,979:1200,cute_hellhound.png)


>Automatons are better than hell hounds…

If you call my wife a nigger again I will tell all the cucks on halfchan that this place exists.

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7883f4 No.396699


>wanting to flood /monster/ with cuckchan rapefugees

You're a good fit for your waifu. Both of you are niggers.

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3f3a41 No.396700


Don't be such a nigger, anon.

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2a2f2d No.396705

File: 80116330d76709c⋯.jpg (73.23 KB,434x600,217:300,box of butthurt.jpg)


>he has to get so assblasted about words that he threatens to become the chan equivalent of george soros

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24b1ad No.396706


But we need the activty, Fellow Anonymous. The board is dying. We all came from the site anyways, what does it matter?

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3f3a41 No.396707


On top of that, the guy didn't even actually call his waifu a nigger.

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343b8d No.396708


which means he's psychologically projecting his own thoughts onto others, meaning he knows hellhounds are niggers and loves them for it :^)

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b1232f No.396714


So like, what's Filipino law say about shooting intruders? This is the same country that gave out free guns to anyone who'd use them to kill drug dealers right? Surely Jim had the legal authority to shoot them.

Surely he's not a nofunz faggot?

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072f2e No.396736


I can see you're shitting out buzzwords really hard to fit in, but it looks like you forgot "cuck", so try again next time after you've browsed for more than a few minutes.


I can understand banter but the entire "joke" is beyond stale and so low effort by now that I cannot find myself genuinely upset, only confused that people still find it funny at all.

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fd3ea0 No.396741


Can you please continue to keep us up to date what all your friends on reddit are thinking?

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fd3ea0 No.396742



I mean you're already attracted to 2D fictional animal girls, might as well like furry too.

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7883f4 No.396745

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fd3ea0 No.396751


This is the thread that just killed /monster/ for me. What a fucking joke. Ever since the old moderation team got forcibly replaced, it's been getting worse and worse. All threads are just shill threads.

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1ab7d5 No.396753

File: 99411e22d1baebc⋯.png (910.55 KB,1683x1899,187:211,26ef3139a6afa3183156d12ae3….png)


>wanting to flood /monster/ with cuckchan rapefugees

<implying they aren't already here

Where else do you think the recent flood of "mods are asleep, post gay porn" and "X LOVES this site!" threads came from?

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438dc6 No.396765


benisman pls go.

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b93986 No.396769


Divorce is degenerate trash, so only 3dpd.

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3f3a41 No.396771


The "X LOVES this site!" links reference johnny neptune in them, so those are related to 8/n/ instead.

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7883f4 No.396772


Feel free to leave then, faggot.



Permabanning helps. Killing them would be better.

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2ce3e7 No.396774

File: dc20ef301e40803⋯.png (145.88 KB,320x240,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Your wife has tribal tattoos.

Your wife has a soundcloud.

Your wife eats KFC and watermelon.

Your wife smokes Newports.

Your wife lives in East LA.

Your wife drives a Dodge Charger.

Your wife is a nigger.

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1ab7d5 No.396778

File: 7bf19e63bc2fbc0⋯.png (196.21 KB,1296x1999,1296:1999,f33eea21-1f8d-46ae-aece-91….png)


Hellhounds have monster values, and monster values are incompatible with niggers.

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2ce3e7 No.396789

File: 752962f40975487⋯.png (321.74 KB,530x530,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Most monsters prioritize their own pleasure and desire. They're hedonists who hate it when morals and ethics, etc. get in the way of pleasure.

>Lasciviousness is considered to be a virtue

Sounds exactly like niggers.

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1ab7d5 No.396792

File: 77dbe1ba463855d⋯.webm (168.26 KB,500x500,1:1,68750938.webm)


So we should ban discussing monster girls altogether?

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b4aa37 No.396795

File: 502e08c18573e67⋯.png (884.24 KB,1161x1920,387:640,75fe6d8e2edc1dbf940c791a35….png)


You want more hellhound? Should've just asked.

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b93986 No.396796




Idea of hedonism to monsters is making babies with the husband with the lights on and on top over the covers.

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2ce3e7 No.396802

File: 15df605816ae958⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB,866x655,866:655,ClipboardImage.png)


No, censorship is for faggots.


Antiques are cool to look at I guess. They do strange things when they go obsolete.

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7413a1 No.396804


you should read the whole thing

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05d8ed No.396834





You also have to consider that there's a possibility that (((KOREAN))) content also slips in as well. There's alot of korean books, manhwas, that for some reason feature alot of NTR-style stories that also flood the market. I think some manga-browsing sites had some of that shit inflated with korean stuff.

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3f3a41 No.396836


>There's alot of korean books, manhwas, that for some reason feature alot of NTR-style stories that also flood the market.

The manhwa industry is run by Megalia, after all.

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d55499 No.396838

File: 09fb198b4a34088⋯.jpg (55.88 KB,540x304,135:76,Jojo_I was only pretending….jpg)


>Monsters are niggers

Wow, kill yourself anytime!

Inb4: I was only pretending

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d55499 No.396839

File: d99b7062befa5e0⋯.png (134.61 KB,377x346,377:346,Thinking senko.png)


So you're telling me that if we wan't to reduce NTR in asia, we should support Best korea in their reunification plans?

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0daec2 No.396841

File: 8e035c8ed0eacd7⋯.jpg (103.59 KB,482x378,241:189,1423543121668.jpg)


>Lovey-dovey is number 16

>Just above scat

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05d8ed No.396853


Considering that it's south korea (WORST KOREA) that's pushing this shit, it's either helping best korea with the reunificaiton wars or have Japan occupy that land again.

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2ce3e7 No.396856


Well, hedonism is a byproduct of a lack of impulse control. A lack of impulse control is correlated to a low IQ. Niggers have an average IQ two standard deviations below the average IQ of whites. Niggers have low impulse control, as they often end up in prison, get addicted to drugs, or have more kids than they can afford. Therefore niggers are hedonistic (on the white man's dollar to boot) just like monster girls according to the massive wall of text.

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438dc6 No.396862


you must be a fun guy at parties.Either way stop hanging out too much on the /r/donald. This place is /monster/, not the based nigger den known as /pol/.

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1ab7d5 No.396864


>niggers are hedonistic just like monster girls

That settles it-we should stop talking about monster girls and go out and find ourselves real Aryan waifus.

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38025e No.396869


Aren't aryan girls too busy REEEEEing in SocJus and exercising NTR?

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d55499 No.396872

File: 84419e7f2ba3519⋯.png (579.5 KB,990x682,45:31,no brain nigger monkey.png)


>And he keeps going on with his bullshit

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072f2e No.396898

File: 79bf9b57d7aae8e⋯.png (90.57 KB,175x132,175:132,patrick shortage.png)


>criticizing an unfunny attempt at a joke that's been done to death = reddit

The absolute state of the average /monster/ poster in 2019

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b21631 No.396899


>The absolute state

Oh boy. Here we go.

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2ce3e7 No.396913

File: 75c080a1d7e9743⋯.mp4 (295.13 KB,640x360,16:9,NOT AN ARGUMENT.mp4)




(incessant stale shitposting)
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b93986 No.396916

File: f59f21aa1c5ab39⋯.png (233.6 KB,856x335,856:335,1464876182633.png)

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56e80e No.396956


>All hedonism is mindless hedonism, or nihilistic hedonism

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ec0ccf No.397009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tomorrow I'll remind everyone that this song is now 10 years old.

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fd3ea0 No.397010


It's actually older, circa 07~08.

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3f3a41 No.397012


So from the same era as when MGE started?

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22a50d No.397154

File: ce21130aa228b95⋯.png (279.27 KB,546x625,546:625,nani 2.png)

Guys? The imgbox archive of the mge images isn't showing up

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24b1ad No.397156


If you’re talking about this month’s new images go check the pastebin. He changes the link every once in a while for new dumps.

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22a50d No.397160

File: f3ad69a477e3de8⋯.png (159.06 KB,316x239,316:239,Oh..png)


Does he? My mistake then.

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fd3ea0 No.397194


I guess, but it's got nothing to do with MGE other than PINGAS

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24b1ad No.397214

What did codemonkey do to the site this time?

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b00393 No.397226



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c43942 No.397238


He monkeyed around a bit

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23c3a3 No.397723

File: 003e22828aa5434⋯.png (Spoiler Image,51.48 KB,1599x291,533:97,Screenshot_2019-05-28 d -….png)

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b00393 No.397726

File: fdede09a3dbae50⋯.png (345.78 KB,900x1100,9:11,momji delet this.png)

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783a3d No.397727



That explains everything.

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3f3a41 No.397729

File: f5403534516b2d6⋯.png (21.81 KB,1178x600,589:300,Your desire to see a loli ….png)


Reminds me of that one fag on /b2/ that keeps requesting baphomet vore to be drawn, though numerous people shit on him for it there.


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290f2b No.397736

File: e6f0d3bfd8c4947⋯.jpeg (21.99 KB,345x328,345:328,64C4087F-C20E-453C-B2E4-C….jpeg)

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50ad9a No.397749

File: 883d3a98db5fc3a⋯.jpg (39.16 KB,506x621,22:27,shootit.jpg)

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b93986 No.397752


Friendly reminder to kill your local /d/ poster.

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ac0a41 No.398005

File: ef85d136bb2e8b4⋯.jpg (95.79 KB,260x371,260:371,Attila_flagello_di_Dio_(19….jpg)

Attila flagello di Dio ("Attila Scourge of God") is a 1982 Italian sword&sandal comedy film, in which Attila tries to reach Rome but he and his crew of Lombards constantly run into monster girls.

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eda043 No.398048

File: dd270ae3b3881cb⋯.jpg (29.83 KB,409x189,409:189,Commissar_NO.jpg)


>something similar

Imagine being this deranged

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d96277 No.398101

You know what I've been noticing lately? You've noticed it too This board is dying. The amount of posts each day is going into the single digits. Would it be possible to resurrect the interest? Recruit more newfags that might be interested in monster girls? I'm sure there are more people who'd like this stuff who are also into vanilla Maybe tell your friends? Or post art around to get newfags to learn about this stuff? Are these good ideas? Or am I just retarded?

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b61990 No.398106


Oh no you don't you faggot! Don't you dare as much whisper a word to anyone about /monster/. People will find their way here naturally, we don't need fucking cuckchanners or reddit here. You're the only one who has a problem with low post numbers. Guess what, faggot, we don't need to emulate /v/, we have enough spam as it is. /tg/ doesn't even have as much spam as us, and they are an even slower board. No, instead of being a kiie and allow rapefugees into our lovely little community, focus instead on making more content. Make some oc, faggot. Write, draw, and post it here.

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2fdfb1 No.398107


I personally wouldn't mind a bit more activity if some newfags lurked for a good while before posting and posted actual content themselves. That's a pipe dream though

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290f2b No.398117


The only problem is that newfags rarely lurk

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9fc2d4 No.398123

Hey, don't know if this is the right place to ask, but here goes

How come the 8chan booru doesn't allow new logins or uploads? I'm asking cause most of the content is /monster/ related, so I'm assuming you guys hold the keys to it. We'd like to use it over at /v/ for uploading the Squilliams prior to this year's E3.

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b10576 No.398136



fuck off and get lost

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290f2b No.398151


I actually don’t know right off the top of my head. Maybe someone else will know?

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3f3a41 No.398152


>I'm asking cause most of the content is /monster/ related, so I'm assuming you guys hold the keys to it.

No, pretty sure it was originally started on /v/. But then it got forgotten for a while and I uploaded a ton of /monster/ content to the booru to the point where it almost seems that way. Is it really not allowing uploads either? I'm logged in to it, so let me check for a moment.

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3f3a41 No.398153



I just managed to upload an onion girl growing out of the ground, so if you're logged in you should still be able to do something. Maybe it's only a temporary issue, but if it persists, then you could try and ask someone from the /v/ drawthread to either lend you their account or upload them for you.

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0b0fe6 No.398156


If the recent debacle of that vore-fag in the drawthread and sandworm and that "monster girls are basically hedonistic nihilist niggers" guy above are anything to go by, we are better off letting things go naturally, lest we actively attract the wrong crowd, again. Unfortunately, we most likely will even with a little outreach.

"A man of too many friends comes to ruin, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." From Proverbs 18 if you care enough.

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b00393 No.398157


Pay attention to


Also, remove your head from your ass before you post

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343b8d No.398161


i do, oh wait

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9fc2d4 No.398188




Alright, thank you. It was probably just an issue with me/my connection.

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d96277 No.398193



Heh. Fair point.

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ec0ccf No.398201


It's not really dying, we're just busy. We're here forever ever in spirit as well

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50ad9a No.398208


There's plenty of opportunities for people to find us, no need to go looking for them. I found this place 4 years ago from a link to a dead thread on Know Your Meme. Given how particular our exact brand of wholesome degeneracy is, inviting people actively will only ever cause problems. Just nurture the talent that's here and let the uninitiated discover us as they will.

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d96277 No.398217


Those "people" are vile things that deserve to be cured.

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d8af98 No.398220

File: 60ea1a78e1e4c7f⋯.jpg (123.36 KB,785x449,785:449,Nag Considering.jpg)

Why are there so many vorefags lately?

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e07bd5 No.398221


Maybe they were hungry for something new.

Maybe they wanted to corrupt another board and we were NOMinated.

Perhaps they thought we would let them in.

Either way, if they don't reform, they must leave.

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b93986 No.398225

File: ea7a20244ee4600⋯.jpg (23.14 KB,500x358,250:179,I am not nice.jpg)



They can do so in their next life. After they off themselves in this one.

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438dc6 No.398233

File: 85fdb328926cd0c⋯.png (84.25 KB,365x473,365:473,enabled by kamphy the turk….png)


Ironic zoomers and autistic furfags who are going to places that don't like them. Degenerates always go to places that hate them so they can turn that shit around and make the place accept them.its a behavior that is similar to duginism and progressive stacking but done at an autistic ineffective level.

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c4c018 No.398235


>Get lost in a Florida swamp

>wake up and see that

You're about to get snu-rolled boy

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d55499 No.398239

File: 1be87959c147f35⋯.jpg (333.96 KB,800x593,800:593,1be87959c147f354b5ee77c26a….jpg)


>Those "people" are vile things that deserve to be cured

Anon I hope "cure" is a metaphor for painful death delivered via high speed led.

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d55499 No.398240


Fug, I meant lead. You can't kill degenerates with cheap electronics, sadly. Or can we?

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24b1ad No.398243


Stop putting subjects on every post you make you’re practically namefagging at this point.

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7883f4 No.398245

Vorefags and similar degenerates deserve to be decapitated and have their heads paraded around as an example.

As for the body, impale it and leave a sign noting their degeneracy.

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dff732 No.398246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's just a question of power.

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d96277 No.398269

File: 05a01ea142c95ae⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.57 KB,399x599,399:599,the_cure.jpg)



What do you think I meant when I said "cured"? It's obviously the most efficient thing to cure their degeneracy.

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ec0ccf No.398276


>Gift gas

Does it come in larger packages? Gift-sized won't do.

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1aef61 No.398277


It would be large enough to send it in a delivery drone.

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7d2b60 No.398293


this image is all taking place in a giant fucking worm right?

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ed6fbb No.398294


it largely depends on why you are asking that question

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d55499 No.398321

File: ecc19d37e5ab137⋯.gif (1.88 MB,480x264,20:11,Planet destroying think.gif)



Jokes aside, KC has established that sandworms can magically shrink their lower body, thus becoming a pseudo lamia.

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01fff7 No.398325


Yes. You live inside the worm's mouth, and you fuck her tongue.


This is true. But one of the biggest appeals to sandworms is living inside her mouth. The pseudo-lamia form is just a way for her to go to town with you for a date. Without it, she'd destroy everything in the process due to her colossal size.

I personally think that if you're just gonna force her to constantly keep herself shrunk down then maybe sandworms aren't for you. If I married a sandworm, I'd be inside her for the vast majority of my time. Shrinking her down would just be a rare occasion. It's like wanting to marry a hellhound, but you don't want the constant rape. Or marrying an ushi-oni and never taking the seal off of her.

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7b5d5f No.398331

File: 05bd92426f6253b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.02 KB,800x551,800:551,Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1969….jpg)


You should use something that has actually been tested on humans anon

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01fff7 No.398336


>that's her main body.

When I think main body, I'm talking about where just about all the biological processes are going on. There's no way the "tongue" can support the "shell". The heart wouldn't be big enough to pump blood throughout the entire body. Same goes with the brain and the neurological system; it wouldn't be able to fire off signals to control the entire body. All the vital organs and brain has to be worm part if you want it to make sense biologically.

>Inb4 using mamono mana and magic to explain it all

That's a cheap cop-out.

In my headcanon though, it's just the reproductive system and mammary glands that're contained within the tongue. The rest of the tongue is just specialized for sex and communication.

In truth, we really need a biologist drawfag to draw all monster girl anatomies for all the more exotic species like lamias, arachnes, centaurs, sandworms, alraunes, and so on.

>because having the man be naked would make the scene with the baby creepy,

To monster girls, it wouldn't be creepy. Remember, they've got a completely different set of values compared to humans, and as you incubize, your values will begin to align more with theirs. They don't find nudity creepy. In fact, they only wear clothes for sexual appeal. And sex isn't a taboo subject, even to the monster girl kids.

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b93986 No.398370

File: 5915d7dfe580ce4⋯.jpg (101.67 KB,512x802,256:401,1452238806564.jpg)


>it's a cheap cop-out to use magic to explain something supernatural in a fantasy setting

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b00393 No.398372


>can't into MAMONOMANA

Look at this man, look at this man and laugh

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783a3d No.398373

>/b/'s been removed from the list of boards

Even in it's current state that's pathetic.

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72a852 No.398384

File: 894bb1e629e0afc⋯.png (929.38 KB,1012x751,1012:751,ClipboardImage.png)

terrorists win

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290f2b No.398386


Didn’t they arrest a bunch of military guys planning a coup? I guess they missed one.

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01fff7 No.398388


It's lazy and low-IQ to default to "mamono mana" and "magic" for every explanation. It's much more fun to activate those almonds and attempt to inject some logic into discussion. You get some interesting scenarios, stories, and headcanons this way

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438dc6 No.398398

File: 5a6eaae8ab3213d⋯.jpg (243.49 KB,750x728,375:364,fc15a5e970986d72dcbe13aab0….jpg)


>big braining a porn setting.

nigger have you even read what you typed, it sounds fucking stupid. fucking clown ass nigger post.

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41751e No.398405

File: 659f5bea5deb470⋯.jpg (14.49 KB,225x225,1:1,I can't stand life anymore.jpg)


thinking too hard about an escapism fantasy world where things are great will lead to turning it into a nightmare reflection of our reality that will slowly creep into everything and no longer make it preferable.

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41751e No.398406


I should have added "do so at your own risk, and don't be surprised if anons don't like you going there."

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59b535 No.398425

File: f6885ffe4a0d241⋯.jpg (33.3 KB,570x385,114:77,o-EMPTY-TIANANMEN-570.jpg)

Happy 4th day of June fellow gweilos, remember that this is a normal day like any other.

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01fff7 No.398428

File: 7868a8352bded7d⋯.png (6.28 KB,235x215,47:43,download.png)


>"I'm a brainlet that's intimidated by logical discussion and can't string together a sentence without repeating negative epithets"

See pic related, it's you.

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24b1ad No.398431


Go back to 4channel already.

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438dc6 No.398432

File: e22b83522c8ee95⋯.jpg (34.06 KB,449x481,449:481,1423850772924.jpg)


ok retard.

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3f3a41 No.398433


4um pls

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ed34fa No.398440

File: e09578d2fe699dc⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,854x480,427:240,nice.mp4)


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7883f4 No.398442

File: e36d591417b3812⋯.png (45.14 KB,247x320,247:320,IMG_1566.PNG)


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d96277 No.398445

File: bdf5f8fd6ca437f⋯.jpg (44.87 KB,312x312,1:1,This quotmemequot its so h….jpg)


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2fdfb1 No.398446

File: 7eeed7da5f790cc⋯.gif (288.05 KB,485x481,485:481,literally shaking.gif)


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b00393 No.398452

File: ec89cb915bc04f5⋯.jpg (17.07 KB,195x258,65:86,HERESY.jpg)

File: 523c21b435f3d5a⋯.jpg (258.81 KB,600x600,1:1,heresyheresyheresy.jpg)


I remember the thread where someone was asking for trans Miia cosplay advice

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b4aa37 No.398453

File: 73a48cae8a6714e⋯.jpg (41.11 KB,313x343,313:343,61d2d1178820edf299d5792d7d….jpg)


Vaguely recall that as well now that you've mentioned it.

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0b0fe6 No.398454

File: 8e6a6bd8e541446⋯.jpg (443.92 KB,1600x1600,1:1,8e6a6bd8e541446a1c45ad8ee8….jpg)


Not even spoiling this helps

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59b535 No.398457

File: bc3ab08429f25ac⋯.webm (992.84 KB,752x576,47:36,Quark Trap.webm)


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fd80df No.398458


I remember that too, and it was hilarious how quickly the board flipped on the faggot.

<trannyfucker: "hey /monster/ my girlfriend's into display and wants some advice on how to do miia."

>/monster/: "comfy as fuck, lucky cunt, relationship goals, pics or it didn't happen, etc"

One erudite anon: "she looks a little… mannish…"

<trannyfucker: "Well I mean she is trans and…"

>[Inarticulate sounds of disgust and fury]

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ed34fa No.398459

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b00393 No.398460

File: 4d81b991638a4e8⋯.jpg (20.06 KB,292x257,292:257,kaiokek.jpg)


>mfw I forget how bad the tranny was BTFO

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3f3a41 No.398469


I didn't remember until now that he not only namefagged but also actually put his email in the email field.

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9150db No.398471

File: 252cb30551ce00e⋯.png (459.06 KB,513x649,513:649,the fuck's wrong with you.png)


>my girlfriend wants to dress up as miia

>BTW my girlfriend is a man

>i'm also a brony

Why do so many degenerates think they'd be in good company on this board?

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b93986 No.398472

File: 078fbb95fb2a28c⋯.png (150.75 KB,854x480,427:240,1436336513870.png)


This is what happens to all communities that are not as proactively defensive as ours. Lots of nerds swallowed the "can't we all just get along" kikeshit and that meant they allow anyone into their circles so long as they profess a shared enjoyment of a thing.

We demand more here and don't ever let that fucking change. Not even for a moment. No fags. No trannies. No degenerates.

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290f2b No.398477

File: 58028d302e5339e⋯.jpeg (123.69 KB,300x370,30:37,7253B064-F7C6-45AA-B0A0-B….jpeg)


What in the name of all that is holy is that disgusting creature?


>that whole thread

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ed34fa No.398479


I mean you're already attracted to 2D fictional animal girls, might as well like furry too.

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b93986 No.398481

File: 91a2c2f77e4e293⋯.jpg (93.51 KB,720x439,720:439,bait.jpg)

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368241 No.398491

File: 281240871143ada⋯.jpeg (27.64 KB,500x491,500:491,7A439BE0-3887-4FE9-A615-9….jpeg)


>that Jabberwock Protomen reference at the start of the thread

Been a while since I’ve seen one of those

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438dc6 No.398507


ok retard.

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d55499 No.398535

File: 838d68b2adc345e⋯.jpg (31.92 KB,600x600,1:1,Low energy bait.jpg)

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a29ccd No.398537


The Swiss have their own board now. Anyone still have pics of those tatzelwurm girls we designed a while back?

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01fff7 No.398542

File: 34b730741662fbf⋯.jpg (162.49 KB,692x968,173:242,Vampire53.jpg)



I wanna feed my vampire waifu fake blood once just so I can get that reaction out of her.

Does that make me a bad person?

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343b8d No.398544


it means you'd probably fit better with a cheshire.

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3f3a41 No.398547

File: b613446b30f645d⋯.jpg (114 KB,600x474,100:79,tatzelwurm.jpg)

File: 250a1e3f875671d⋯.jpg (127.16 KB,869x1003,869:1003,Tochi the Tatzelwurm.jpg)


What, these?

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01fff7 No.398548

File: db3881e8fe6a1b2⋯.gif (507.76 KB,548x558,274:279,cheshire97.1.gif)


I do enjoy cheshire cats a lot.

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343b8d No.398551

File: 53e683ca6abdb27⋯.png (358.81 KB,600x604,150:151,brain damage.png)

File: 2546d4d22eed466⋯.png (128.74 KB,500x600,5:6,cheshire.png)

File: 4fb4f72a2cfe195⋯.png (1.19 MB,964x714,482:357,smug.png)


i just want to have a prank war with my cheshire waifu and then make peace by pranking our friends together. is that too much to ask?

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01fff7 No.398553


Unfortunately, it is.

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343b8d No.398554

File: e84d9e32a60f3cb⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,294x295,294:295,crying leo.jpg)

File: 02bb25d4fd332d0⋯.gif (370.91 KB,322x240,161:120,sadness increasing.gif)


there is no god

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3f3a41 No.398560

File: be6b8f221e6d49c⋯.png (205.13 KB,789x737,789:737,Ammit marker.PNG)


Maybe not, but there is a goddess.

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a29ccd No.398561


Thanks anon

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343b8d No.398570


you're right, we must keep faith in ammit

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d55499 No.398660

File: 79b6d2bff5a88e2⋯.png (Spoiler Image,51.04 KB,1319x174,1319:174,Take a load of this goy.png)

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343b8d No.398682


inside the mind of a jew/fag

they literally get off on corrupting things

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b93986 No.398683

File: 0490f602f18ccb0⋯.jpg (23.11 KB,506x442,253:221,0490f602f18ccb057fa2386c12….jpg)


These are the barbarians at the gate.

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11560c No.398974


What a pathetic faggot.

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368241 No.398998


>massive hateboner for yuri

But that’s not true? We’ve had 300+ image yuri threads on this board as recently as last year. It wouldn’t have gotten so big if we saw it in the same light as furfaggotry or futas.

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8833cc No.399009


Lol, to be fair you guys do get pretty autistic about shit sometimes. i love it

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57ea76 No.399239

Do we need a catalog this huge?

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a5e2ea No.399241


Yes. Go back to lurking.

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3f3a41 No.399242

File: a43cb82fda52a95⋯.png (357.75 KB,976x1602,488:801,FOREVER. EVER..png)

Did anyone else here wish Liru a happy birthday yesterday?



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783a3d No.399254

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a18121 No.399269

Why does it feel like we have a sudden influx of patriot chink posters? Does anyone have that anti-chink Tiananmen kanji copypasta?

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3f3a41 No.399272


It's more like we have that one /k/iddo that won't stop saying mutt in each and every post here.

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b00393 No.399287

File: 62923d4b951270a⋯.gif (3.77 MB,483x556,483:556,chinese counter spell.gif)


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 東突厥斯坦 Free East Turkistan 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

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dff732 No.399289


I think he's Vietnamese.

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11560c No.399293


To be honest, its not hard when everything that comes out these days is yuri

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438dc6 No.399297


its because china is nationalizing videogames, and /v/ is notorious for having shills.

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d55499 No.399488

File: 2ef928851608fb3⋯.png (4.61 KB,895x84,895:84,encore.png)


The reply to the post.

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b4aa37 No.399489


Checking those and holy shit do you not need anymore evidence that cuckchan deserves its name

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b93986 No.399493

File: c668ed77aab75d4⋯.png (187.12 KB,544x400,34:25,c668ed77aab75d42e780124af9….png)


>use of the word 'Normalfags' in lieu of 'normalfags'

This tells me everything I needed to know.

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438dc6 No.399494


As expected of tumblrized faggots. Looking at weird shit broke their dicks now they want content from Reddit narratives.

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ea1e90 No.399495












1989 Tiananmen Square protests

June Fourth Incident (六四事件)

'89 Democracy Movement (八九民运)

Tiananmen Square Massacre



Tiananmen Square 4th of June Massacre 1989



动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of Chyna 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

中国的军队毫无用处。 他们的装备已经过时了。 他们的航空母舰不可靠。 它们的核导弹比美国少,而且没有导弹防御系统。 他们的飞机失事。 中国没有赢得300年的战争。

中国人吃狗。 他们用汽车跑过街上的孩子们。 他们的政府审查一切。 他们没有历史,也没有文化。 他们的男人有小阴茎,他们的女人去西方国家享受大白鸡巴。 他们的行业是一个笑话,他们的产品是世界上最差的,他们的工厂只适合制造廉价的塑料玩具和电子产品,这些产品将在几天内崩溃。

汉人已经灭绝了。现代的“中国人”是世界的奥秘,其基因库是一种巨大的污染精液。 “中国人”被外国人奴役了一千多年。甚至“光荣的”唐朝也起源于外国统治。在过去的三个朝代中,有两个由外国人统治,即将到来的朝代也是如此。上帝保佑美国。

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

中国人是虫子 上帝保佑美國

殺共匪夺回大陆!1911 will commence again. 1911年將再次發生。The Republic will rise again. 中華民國將復活!The mainland belongs to the republic. 大陸屬於中華民國!Winnie the Pooh 维尼熊 Xi Zedong 终身制Personality cult 个人崇拜Animal Farm动物庄园1984一九八四 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of Chyna 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门









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438dc6 No.399496


also r9k stole that word from furries. so anyone using Norm-mies is a collosal faggot that needs to be ethnically cleansed.

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b93986 No.399501


I cannot begin to fathom how they can take pride in their total lack of self respect that they then project onto others.

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af65c2 No.399503


>Norm*e wordfilters to normalfag

How can we bully newfags if we remove the things that tell us they're newfags?

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b61990 No.399510

>fuck Chyna, fuck hongkong, fuck israel, fuck saudi arabia, and all of the EU(jewposters), we mother base now.

Arright, what promted this? Aux getting spammed or something? Not that I disagree with the statement.

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438dc6 No.399513


we are getting an influx of happa shitposting from /pol/. /pol/ is to stupid to figure it out all the ur not white posts are from /r/hapa and mossad.

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b61990 No.399515

File: 457e00f76931353⋯.jpg (122.89 KB,1200x675,16:9,Just_another_day_slaying_g….jpg)


Greaaaaat, more bullshit to deal with.

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368241 No.399544


Forever ever

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b00393 No.399560



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d55499 No.399565

File: 1e9883a4b69d7c2⋯.jpg (97.54 KB,544x626,272:313,[whoahoahs internally].jpg)


>We mother base now


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b10576 No.399567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'd rather be a zeon remnant

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ad92b5 No.399608

File: df04209fe9e7e26⋯.jpg (129.97 KB,960x876,80:73,1434143188495.jpg)

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438dc6 No.399655

File: 74620f656f0887c⋯.png (381.05 KB,611x621,611:621,glownigger asking people t….png)

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438dc6 No.399656


anyone who replied to op and some people on that thread are part of a warrant. the glowniggers literally told people to read a manifesto.

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7883f4 No.399657


How much longer until the US gets nuked?

Can't happen soon enough with all this clownworld bullshit.

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0b0fe6 No.399659

File: 8ed6e236041773b⋯.png (281.73 KB,398x351,398:351,8ed6e236041773b4d55522ef56….png)

>>399655 (Wew Digits Checked)

We live in a world were memes and shitposting are warrent-and-conviction-worthy. The portals can't open soon enough.

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290f2b No.399663


>you can now be arrested for shitposting

Well fuck. At least I stopped browsing /pol/ a long time ago. I feel bad for anyone who is on this warrant now.

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c4c018 No.399682


>portals can't open soon enough

amen brother

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9d9bea No.399685



Give thanks to Reitia when fallest thou under manifold trials.

Humble thyself before Ammit, for all shall be judged.

Praise Them.

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eda043 No.399688

>FBI is still using low quality scans of low quality printouts of low quality posts instead of putting a fucking screenshot in the report


>tfw mod


>The portals can't open soon enough.

They need to hurry up indeed or there won't be anything left here.

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d55499 No.399689


All /pol/'s and /pol/minors like us for example are under surveillance by a minimum of one CIA nigger at all times already. I don't think they will do anything more than they are already doing.

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408ca8 No.399691


Forever Ever

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7883f4 No.399692


I want the glownigger monitoring us to know that I would find it hilarious watching him get beaten with an alp bat on the DotR.

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438dc6 No.399698


inb4 they are browsing /monster/ for the porn.

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d8af98 No.399701


With luck we can corrupt them into wanting monogamous, loving relationships with their monster waifus, same as the others that come here for porn.

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438dc6 No.399707


they're all going to alp.

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c46355 No.399718

File: 0bdcf36b653ac0d⋯.png (302.06 KB,894x470,447:235,ClipboardImage.png)

What do you fags think of an actual RPG?

I saw someone playing it and I thought it could be pretty fun. It'll probably be a shitfest and I'm not sure how well I could DM given that I've never played a tabletop RPG before but I could try doing something if there's interest.

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eda043 No.399732


Problem with these is that you somehow need to get a group of people to spend many sessions of several hours each across many weeks together.

Now make these people anons with 6 timezones from three continents.

Maybe it's doable but it'll be difficult just getting together.

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408ca8 No.399733


That would be pretty cool, but as >>399732 said it is hard getting together. I would be willing to try though.

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eda043 No.399762


I suppose if you go for weekends… ask everyone what timezone they have, then find a spot that's not too late for the first and not too early for the last

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ad92b5 No.399778

the board's almost at it's 400,000th post

DESIGNATED funposting thread >>399777

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c46355 No.399796


I was thinking of just doing a short two hour session in a weekend. It should be doable enough.

Maybe some in game timer "the ritual to summon furries is almost complete" kind of deal or something to rush the players so it doesn't drag on too long.

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2a2f2d No.399829


do you think the glowniggers label us purification extremists? All we do is shitpost about about wanting a caring, loving, loyal wife who would be happy to see us come home. Cant get any of those qualities in women today.

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dbc283 No.399840


We're bundled in with the "Nazi white supremacists" because we make jew jokes and say nigger

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1288c5 No.399916

File: af321af9af7cf5d⋯.png (637.26 KB,1063x1500,1063:1500,ClipboardImage.png)

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953c4a No.399938


that doujin was 10/10. Best part was when the lamia got turned on and bit him, filled him with aphrodisiac, wrapped around him and his reaction was "yes, this is exactly what I wanted." that ending gave my heart an erection

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3affbf No.399951

File: c9440a651060732⋯.jpg (46.46 KB,800x794,400:397,c9440a6510607320df272c99f3….jpg)


A doujin for the soul

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03ade9 No.400009

File: 18a5c1df6548509⋯.jpg (528.81 KB,1062x1500,177:250,Object.jpg)


Damn that was some good shit.

We're all gonna make it, anons.

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fcd4fc No.400017



I want to summon my waifu as well. Argh, portals when?!

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d8c5ee No.400019

File: 75b05a62f7493dd⋯.jpg (43.34 KB,668x524,167:131,75b05a62f7493dd6ff51de1896….jpg)

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d55499 No.400033

File: 26e03f3184c8334⋯.jpeg (122.81 KB,1200x663,400:221,gun1.jpeg)


>We're bundled in with the "Nazi white supremacists" because we make jew jokes and say nigger

>Implying we are not exactly that

>Saying the stuff we say about sub-humans are just "jokes"

Welcome subverter, now get the fuck out.

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d55499 No.400036

File: 8114069f1791814⋯.png (87.05 KB,298x146,149:73,Woman was god's second mis….png)

Nietzsche was a pretty cool boyim if I say so myself.

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24b1ad No.400038

It looks like a shoggoth doujin may be coming soon.



Also KC is going working on an RPG and some more information will be released soon.


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438dc6 No.400043

File: b28f0da4646164e⋯.jpg (143.27 KB,756x1200,63:100,christcuck posting is fedp….jpg)

more on the fedposting. turns out christcuck posting is fedposting. but thats expected of satanic zog infested glowniggers.

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19bbd0 No.400082


I wouldn't be boasting about how serious you are about gassing kikes when the feds are using posts like that as evidence in court.

All I care about is starting a family with my waifu. I would definitely never participate in a genocide.


>Shoggoth doujin

>No Kiki doujin

You know what, never mind. Arrest me now, give me the chair.

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b00393 No.400085



>KC doesn't do best meido

SIDF has him paid off

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24b1ad No.400091

File: c06fa448624e6cc⋯.jpeg (809.11 KB,1514x2048,757:1024,D9F79CEA-ED89-4A43-A390-3….jpeg)



hapalovers BTFO.

KC isn’t doing it, it’s another guy named Niwatori Gunsou

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6d517f No.400093


Oh this is great. They're trying to turn you from Jesus. Feds are going to hell confirmed

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24b1ad No.400094

Goddammit aux they’re literally dogs.

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d55499 No.400198

File: 0349266f1a03486⋯.gif (1.99 MB,334x250,167:125,We got him.gif)


>All I care about is starting a family with my waifu


>Hey there fellow monster posters, I too would like to start a family with those weird girls

>I would definitely never participate in a genocide

Found the glow in the dark fed negro.

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438dc6 No.400212


what the fuck are you talking about, if mg's were real, jewish women would become psychotic and kill their babies more in order to get black at niggers and their men.

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20cd71 No.400246

File: 0a1deac580e26b5⋯.jpg (5.41 MB,4608x3456,4:3,IMG_20190618_180303.jpg)

Bumping with some OC. Centorea is a good horse.

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e2c20f No.400248


Yeah, Japan has very strict rules with how long immigrants will stay and work. If they remain after their time’s up, they’ll promptly get arrested and deported.


You know that chart’s from a bogus FANZA (DMM’s distributor of adult doujin and eroge) survey, right? It would make a statistician cry at how garbage it was done. They just looked at random Google data views, but don’t explain anything about how they did it. The article is a just publicity stunt; they have no sales data or anything to back up any of this. Fanza doesn’t explain any of their methodology and imply a lot of things without any proof.


I thought this was already established a while back. Was it amended or something? I avoid /pol/ like the plague.

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b631b9 No.400251


I'm not sure if you're trying to be funny or genuinely think this was a good set up. I want to believe that nobody is so dumb as to make this a serious attempt but just yesterday I had to explain that sheep were real to a farmer's son.

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021139 No.400252


> I had to explain that sheep were real to a farmer's son.


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ed0aec No.400254


>If they remain after their time’s up, they’ll promptly get arrested and deported.

You know this is exactly what they said to the Belgian and Dutch people in the 60s when they started to import turks and moroccans as guest laborers.

Guess what, they are all still there and their numbers just keep on growing.

Japan fucked up but there is still a small window of time for them to stop it before the foreign population grows past 5%, at that point governments just stop doing anything about illegals.

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b631b9 No.400255


Not really much of a story. Don't really remember how we got there, but we both mentioned we grew up in farming towns. I'm not actually from a farming family but he was. Guy said he wanted to grow cotton and sell it to wool factories, and when I told him that wool comes from sheep he just said something about the cartoon sheep in the big city. He was dumbfounded that sheep were real and not just some cartoon characters.

I've met a few kids who thought their parents being farmers were unnecessary because supermarkets had food but this was new.

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4c93c2 No.400272


If you don’t have a birthrate of at least 2.1, you'll go extinct eventually (assuming it stays exactly the same as your population size changes; although contrary to popular belief, Japan has no over/undeepopulation issues). The birthrate will stabilize over time, especially for a human population that lives 60-100 years). Japan correctly assumes that immigrants wont help their economy. So they're pushing people to procreate so that they'll have the population to support old people/economy/infrastructure. What they, and many other nationalists don't seem to understand is that women can't have kids if they're working. The correct solution is to reduce Japan’s shitty work culture, which will require a huge effort given their insistence on harmony and whatnot.

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b93986 No.400281

File: ce49bb97b4aacc9⋯.jpg (104.3 KB,500x347,500:347,hitlercrying.jpg)


>that last page

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a6bb98 No.400283

File: 6994aa2fd8277f8⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x1112,150:139,MGFamily.png)



The whole series is pretty good, except the centaur one but centaurs are shit anyway.

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8b9e19 No.400316

File: 4b5310b50ba40de⋯.webm (10.08 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Fairy song.webm)

You better be playing Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. IGA is a man of good taste.

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d55499 No.400339

File: a7869dcecac06cc⋯.png (405.57 KB,513x649,513:649,vampire barf.png)


Panic more.


>You know that chart’s from a bogus FANZA (DMM’s distributor of adult doujin and eroge) survey, right?

In the clown world there is a 50/50 chance of something being real and not. I thought it was real, but I'm happy that you proved me wrong.


>IGA is a man of good taste.

Looking at the assets females possess I would have to agree. But the bloody gameplay makes the shoestring budget CastleVania games he made at Konami look good and polished in comparison. In baking terms : he should put it back in the oven for at least 30 minutes.

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3f3a41 No.400346

File: f7e90b3b2bb0b9b⋯.mp4 (6.42 MB,640x360,16:9,fairy familiar SOTN.mp4)


That's a nice throwback, though I think the original song is nicer.

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8b9e19 No.400351

File: 2e86ccc03e342f2⋯.webm (2.62 MB,960x540,16:9,Wombo Combos.webm)

File: dd49e057cadfd52⋯.webm (2.64 MB,480x602,240:301,Vam Titties.webm)

File: 0383becd9185fa7⋯.webm (3.2 MB,480x624,10:13,Succ Titty.webm)


No amount of polish is going to make a buggy UE4 sidescroller feel smoother than a regular 2D. The kikestarter backer monsters also stand out pretty poorly with the actual demons in the game. That said, the gameplay itself is great.

I say that as someone who doesn't like Metroidvanias and prefers Classicvanias. Miriam's moveset incorporates rekkas, quarter circles, and all manner of input commands specific to that weapon to show off flashy moves. Move variety really helps it flesh out the gameplay. Hard mode gives extra attacks and better placement to the enemies, but normal is made specifically for people who can't get past Zangetsu, IE the game journalist setting. Casuals are still getting bodied by Zangetsu on normal, though, which is hilarious to me.

It's not pretty to look at and the texture quality differs so wildly it's jarring, but it's got a good artistic direction to it. And titties.

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500557 No.400352

File: 6e0fdecf4c060b1⋯.png (660.59 KB,1600x1200,4:3,1454317370335-0.png)

Finally got around to banning sissyfaggotry from /hypno/.

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290f2b No.400356


Good job

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55f12e No.400359


Are you that guy from way back who complained on here about how /hypno/ became filled up with all sorts of degenerates that made their way onto the board through google/reddit? What happened, did you suddenly become its new BO?

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500557 No.400364


Yeah, although I've been a vol for several months and the BO for two.

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2a1930 No.400368


Good luck with the tranny rage, I'm sure they won't react any better than last time.

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438dc6 No.400375


good that shit is reset era trash.


>panic more

Ok retard. just understand that /pol/ is /pol/ and /monster/ is a separate board. Since kamphy had the smart idea to think that his reddit retard rampage had a lockdown on all board culture on 8chan.

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24b1ad No.400429


>KC making a game

>((("""Iran"""))) bombed a Japanese oil tanker, US eager to jump in

>leafland takes single step in correct direction cracking down on bestiality

>chinks still harvesting organs from prisoners

>/hypno/ cracking down on trannies

What else?

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ad92b5 No.400436


the board reached it's 400,000th post >>400000, and it was a wh40k-related one, so everyone went full autism and the board is now a subsect/successor of/to the Imperial Fist spess mehreen chapter

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d55499 No.400491

File: f95875494c55596⋯.png (983.39 KB,1080x824,135:103,Oni vs vampire.png)


Another thing I dislike about the game (and other indi's) is how prominent and intrusive backer and influencer rewards are. Throughout the castle, halls are littered with paintings of IRL people. And very early in the game you can purchase special and some times unfitting items which break immersion.

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d55499 No.400492


>chinks still harvesting organs from prisoners

Is that a bad thing?

also :


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003946 No.400494


>Is that a bad thing?

They harvest prisoners who are against the CCP.

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0d4e0a No.400498


Another thing is that Redamz must have got tired of milking those patreon bux, because Monster Girl Island got its prologue on steam somehow with the first four chapters. As much of a cuck he is for going back on his word and putting the trap and other degenerate shit like watersports in the game, its got a few good scenes, especially with buff shark, as long as you don't stare at the models too hard and notice how glitchy/uncanny valley they can be, especially concerning the monster genitalia. Still would pirate it though when it comes out because fuck Redamz.

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24b1ad No.400502



This guy is an insufferable faggot. Aside from that the bill sounds great, but I do fear it may make normalfags and undesireables less hesitant to visit this site through desensitization.


And practitioners of religion.

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8b9e19 No.400513


On one hand, you're one hundred percent correct. On the other hand, we now have Alucard baneposting because of it.


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f0d08b No.400554


>Still have to wait until next week to get my physical copy

Goddammit Bromont stop making the wait worse

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d55499 No.400629


Well yes, but the idea of making criminals usefull is still nice.


>but I do fear it may make normalfags and undesireables less hesitant to visit this site through desensitization

All the faggots on Tumblr jumped boat when they holocausted all the porn. They came to cuckchan without any hesitation.


>On the other hand, we now have Alucard baneposting because of it.

His voice is not the same, it no longer has charm. Also, David was a horrible choice for zangetsu's voice. He is a good voice actor but people will only hear snake when he talks.

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03ade9 No.400738

File: 53d1139adf7db63⋯.png (600.73 KB,1024x576,16:9,0b7ddf244d12940ef61588ef09….png)


>I've met a few kids who thought their parents being farmers were unnecessary because supermarkets had food

A few, as in more than one? Ammit help us all.

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a29ccd No.400749


Should we go on the steam forums for MGI and tell everyone there that he's a lying plagiarist? There's plenty of evidence and he doesn't deserve to make a single cent more off of that game.

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a29ccd No.400756



Here's an imgur album with all the necessary information on it. The game's free to download, but you need to open it up and go AFK for 5 minutes before you can leave a review.

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a29ccd No.400763

File: b6edcc75aefbb43⋯.png (60.85 KB,620x869,620:869,redamz dm.png)


lmao he remembers us

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23e621 No.400766

File: 488e5f41364cfbe⋯.mp4 (5.1 MB,640x360,16:9,salt level.mp4)

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a29ccd No.400769


If anyone still has the other screenshots from when he spazzed out, post them here and I'll add them to the album. High priority stuff is more screenshots of him reacting badly to evidence and him banning people from the discord.

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23e621 No.400775

File: eb634225dc30893⋯.png (10.08 KB,724x77,724:77,redamz the liar.PNG)


All I have is this since it pissed me off the most.

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003946 No.401001

File: b4ebfe98bddb068⋯.png (1.11 MB,818x1085,818:1085,important question.png)

Pulled some stuff i found from archives on redamz.

The metathread:


From actual thread:


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0d4e0a No.401013


I wasn’t able to be on /monster/ much when Redamz was around, only after when he cucked out for the homobux. Can someone tell me more about before when he was first on here? Like were we the first place he posted his game and we helped to get the game off the ground or something? It’s one thing if he lied to us, it’s another if he lied to us after we tried to help him with his game. It’s also disheartening that his lying and betrayal is never going to come back and bite him in the ass. /monster/ is a small community that’s rare in good taste of not wanting homosexuality in the game, so he’s still raking in all those Patreonbux and will probably make a killing on steam too. I just wish there was something we could do.

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0b95c7 No.401014


/monster/ helped him with muscle shark. Once he got his patreon orbiters he completely changed her.

Originally she was supposed to be strong, but caring. She'd see how weak the MC was compared to monstergirls and pledge to protect him. Instead fagdams changed her into a generic "I ONLY ACCEPT MAN WHO IS STRONKER THAN ME!" character.

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0d4e0a No.401025


Really? Because that does sound so much better than what was in the prologue. Are there any old demos of the game that still have that version of Mako? Something salvageable?

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643adc No.401034

File: b13a7ac00fc5962⋯.png (1.43 MB,969x1400,969:1400,ClipboardImage.png)


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94ade4 No.401059

File: 7f922830bdf90a0⋯.jpg (37.53 KB,471x327,157:109,readan.jpg)


>has fiance

>wins massive tournament and is declared the strongest in the world

>monster girls now want his superior genetics

>gets raped

>blackmailed by rapists for more rape

>fiance is oblivious

>fiance's over-protective dad is looking for every reason to disown him

>rapists use this for further blackmail rape

>he just wanted to get married and have a wholesome relationship

Being Peter Grill is suffering.

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c4c018 No.401060


>Superior genetics always wins


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