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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 532cd4c4ca2197f⋯.jpg (186.61 KB,500x667,500:667,a Fairy.jpg)

0c7173 No.395526

based on a concept from these posts >>393706 >>393707 >>393711


Basic wish granting protocol

1. Confirm ticket as "open" status and engage transportation portal via your wisher application.

2. Make contact with the ticket holder and confirm their wish.

3. After the wish has been granted the ticket status will change from "open" to "processing" until the wish has been successfully completed. This processing time can take as little as a few minutes to several hours depending upon the complexity of the wish.

4. Proceed to the next ticket.

Advanced protocols

<"My ticket holder is deceased, what do I do?"

First, check the ticket holder's vital signs. Once death has been confirmed notify the authorities, then mark the ticket as invalid and proceed to the next ticket.

<"My transportation portal did not deliver me within 500 feet of my ticket holder."

In the event your transportation portal has failed to successfully deliver you to your ticket holder please file a 'failure to connect' notice on your active ticket. The support team will assist you with logistical corrections to properly place you within a reasonable distance to your ticket holder. If you arrive at a graveyard check the surrounding tombstones to determine if the ticket is actually invalid status.

<"I encountered a ticket holder hanging themselves, what do I do?"

Cut them down promptly. Resuscitate if possible. Proceed with standard wish granting procedure. If resuscitation fails or if the tick holder has already expired notify the authorities. DO NOT leave them hanging.

Da Rules

1. No wishes to bring someone back to life. If they're dead. That's it.

2. No wishes on behalf of a ticket holder. If the ticket holder is incapacitated or otherwise unable to make a wish then no wish will be made. Attempts to wish on behalf of a ticket holder will result in an invalid ticket and is grounds for termination.

3. No "isekai " wishes. We don't hold power over any alternate universe and we can't dump every ticket holder into an alternate reality just because ours isn't perfect.

4. No Malicious wishes. Criminal investigation and punishment are handled by the proper authorities. Malicious wishes won't be granted and attempting to do so is grounds for termination.

6. Fraternization is strictly prohibited between the wish granter and ticket holder. Incidents of such will result in a write-up and final warning on the spot. Additional occurrences are grounds for termination.

Standard loadout-

<Smart phone app- Wisher ver 2.6

Wisher is your ticket manager, Transporation calibration unit, and ticket holder GPS locator all rolled into one. It also will update you on rolling outages, system updates, and new protocols for various service regions so if you receive a notice read it promptly to stay up to date.

<Wish granting fairy wand- Mark 4 "last hope"

This state of the art collapsable baton features a small number of life-saving utilities. To start, it has a built-in mini-defibrillator in the event the ticket holder is suffering cardiac arrest. The end of the wand is capped with an easy pull tab that covers a vomit-inducing agent (patent pending) that can effectively empty a ticket holder's stomach contents in as little as 6 seconds. It also features high-intensity emergency signal strobe built into the star apparatus that is visible up to 30 miles away. (the strobe shares the space of the mini-defib unit.)

Auxillary loadout-

<First aid kit

While there's no hard and fast specification for first aid kits in the field, a bare minimum we advise would contain; quikclot clotting gauze, pain killers, Splints, emergency blankets, assorted bandage and bandaids, heating pads, cooling pads, and burn ointment. You can never be too prepared.

While wish granters are not required to have first responder training it's not uncommon to interact with and assist with first responders in critical situations. Having a rudimentary knowledge of medical terms and procedures may serve you well during your work.

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0c7173 No.395527


<History of our organization to present

Our founders were aghast at the hopelessness humanity faced in time since passed. They sought to alleviate that hopelessness and bring with it a renewed focus on life and happiness. While time has advanced forward the nature of our work remains almost entirely unchanged. The true change comes from the society we live in. It is one of isolationism and social ostracisation from one's peers. It's no longer the village that raises a child but wayward parents and an occasional nanny if that. Despite tremendous advances in science and technology humanity has not managed to shore the gap these new technologies present in regards to social interaction. It is because of this logistical oversight that depression and hopelessness have grown rampant and few people are willing to confront this growing problem. This spawns self-harm, self-imposed isolation, disillusionment, even suicide. The very heart of humanity is rotting from within. Despite it all, we strive to pull humanity up no matter how eager they may be to tear themselves back down.

<Recent changes due to staffing shortages.

The role of "wish granter", historically reserved exclusively for fairy folk has been suffering from staffing shortages for over a decade. Long hours, middling pay and sparse benefits have done little to improve employee retention. At present, the combined staff that comprise our wish-granting organization at all levels numbers slightly over 100. A majority of this number work in supporting roles as well as tiered management and of course our executives. Currently, our field agents number less than 40 in total and are ill-equipped to handle the recent influx of ticket holders in our modern world. Because of this, we have made adjustments to our hiring policy to allow for the inclusion of more diversity into our ranks to bolster both our support as well as our field agents' numbers. While some might balk at the notion of non-fairy-folk engaging in wish granting the fact of the matter is there simply aren't enough qualified agents to effectively manage our business obligations.

<Diveristy is our strength

The new inclusion directive is already being inserted into our charter. We expect new hires within the week. Given our current staffing situation, training will be carried out with senior field agents during live ticket handling with trainees acting as quasi support roles. We expect them to be field capable ready in half a month or less.

>what's going on here?

This is basically a story prompt thread to allow for people to expand on and play with the "wish-granting fairy" premise. If it gets too wild it may move to /human/ as necessary but I think the below question kinda safeguard us.

> What about this Diversity crap?

Just a way to insert different kinds of monster girls into the wish-granting role since fairies are pretty vanilla I think. No Humans allowed though. The organization isn't THAT inclusive. It also doubles as a good way to introduce a bunch of new greenhorn wish granters into the universe for lots of fun expectation subversion.

<"this isn't what I had in mind when I signed up for being a wish granter…."

>why the wish-granting fairies premise?

The overarching theme to keep in mind when playing with the wish-granting premise is wish granters are dealing with at-risk characters who've lost hope and don't care anymore so they're not going to be receptive to making a wish. The real trick of a good wish granter is talking to their ticker holder and restoring their hope in life so they'll be receptive to making a wish.

I like the gallows humor aspect as well as actual sad and tragic tales you can weave. Since /monster/ loves a happy ending the wish-granting aspect is a nice cherry on top of whatever bad circumstance the wish granter stumbles across.

The meta being the wishes are ancillary to ticket holders happiness and it's more about counseling them through rough times

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a016ec No.395547

File: 8b338692bcfd937⋯.png (613.17 KB,800x600,4:3,fairy_kissing_you.png)

I wish to marry you

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10e57f No.395548


>Fraternization is strictly prohibited between wish granter and ticket holder

What happens if the ticket holder wishes for fraternization with the wish granter?

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0a11c1 No.395554


The first post that this thread was based on showed the wish granter refusing wishes because they weren't allowed, and telling the ticket holder to wish for something else. I think it's safe to assume this is how all rule-breaking wishes are handled.

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e85680 No.395556

>No isekai

>No suicide

>No punishment for bullies, niggers, mudslimes, kikes or commies

These wishgranting fairies are fucking useless.

0/10, my wishes are probably too complicated for these miniature creatures.

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5e46a0 No.395559


I don't know how this works but I wish to be omnipotent.

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18b14d No.395565

What's the fifth rule?

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0c7173 No.395567



>"thank you, but I can't grant that wish…"

Then again, there's no rule stating that the wish granter can't fraternize with someone when they're no longer a ticket holder.



I'm not saying isekai can't make for an interesting story in and of itself, but for the sake of this world it seems like an easy out. It's essentially


which is worse but mechanically not that much different from isekai in so far as you're removing yourself completely from reality.

>No punishment for bullies, niggers, mudslimes, kikes or commies

Trying to take work from ammit? May as well wish for "world peace" or just say "I wish for 100 wishes" or some such nonsense. If there's no limit to the power of the wishes then resolutions to the problems become too easy.


My take on the "MamonoCorp" for a workplace setting that deals heavily with mamono magicks in regards to the wishes while also being grounded with the grim drudgery of what the work actually entails which is dealing with chronically depressed people.

I'd recommend checking my original green text to get an idea of the kinda stories I'm wanting to tell. It's a real sandbox of sadness in terms of the kinda stories you can jump around to without having to worry about too much character development or world building. I think it allows for more compact and digestible tales about valuing life and learning to overcome adversity which are themes that typically resonate with people I think.


No omnipotence (hue) or maybe don't talk about fight club. These ideas were bouncing around in my head for a while so they kinda spilled out yesterday. I probably should have let it simmer longer. I didn't delve into ticket types, the nature of the support teams that work behind the scenes, or more the world building stuff I probably should have. I'll work to update and fill in blanks for various story elements as we go along.

The rules effectively exist to make for a good story and are there to keep people from wishing for the world to explode or some shit. End game, I think it'd be interesting to introduce new rules or protocols over time as the nature of the work evolves.

You definitely can't have humans working alongside wish granters(read; monster girls) though. Otherwise, everyone is gonna be fucking in broom closets instead of going out to grant wishes. This isn't some MamonoCorp we're running here. Especially after the recent diversity initiative.

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6d03e6 No.398758

I wish that all the niggers and jews die

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6d03e6 No.398759


Clarification: immediately

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458e10 No.398764

I wish for the portals to open and the lovely rapegirs from monster girl Encyclopedia to bring about some "vibrant diversity"

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