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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 99c81e7553794d7⋯.png (1.2 MB,2830x2493,2830:2493,Ammit sigil bumpah white f….png)

File: fe609f6610f74a7⋯.jpg (79.26 KB,652x810,326:405,Reitia's Key with extra de….jpg)

File: e79c9a3f7d3d968⋯.png (3.15 KB,500x548,125:137,Arachne sigil.png)

File: c3cf4512c9b5394⋯.jpg (65.4 KB,675x900,3:4,poliahu-the-snow-goddess-a….jpg)

File: 8106a7605acde26⋯.png (1.05 MB,1386x966,33:23,I loved Ebola-chan so much.png)

678771 No.393627 [View All]

This thread is for the glorification, research of and OC creation centered around the goddesses /monster/ worships and may be interested in worshiping.

Currently, I think that anyone who can truly communicate with Ammit should ask what the conditions that need to be fulfilled for monster girls to arrive in our world are, as that's what would most likely get the ball rolling a little faster for all of this.

Techniques and diet for better dreaming and meditating are also a worthwhile topic.

Additionally, here are the archives of the past Reitia threads:



134 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c1d76e No.402207


How do I do it correctly though? Each time I try, I get a big pile of nothing.

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9dc6c0 No.402212


Just do it. Meditation isn't something you master in a day, you need to keep doing it over and over

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bcfea1 No.402422


I'd love to see imagery of Reitia and Ammit in this style.

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678771 No.402428


We could definitely use some stained glass art of our goddesses.

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848559 No.403500

For the past couple of days, when I pray to Mama Reitia for her blessings, her image feeds me from her right breast. I feel a bit uncomfortable with this, but it has actually helped, since I've been energetically working on my writing projects recently.

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678771 No.403507


>since I've been energetically working on my writing projects recently.

Which have been?

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848559 No.403510


Still in development, because of my Tolkien-tier worldbuilding autism

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678771 No.403513


What have your past works on the board been, then?

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848559 No.403515


A couple of one-shot greentexts here and there, and a poem for Mama Reitia. My writing projects, I've mentioned before in some other threads a long while back, which are probably in the archives now.

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0b4132 No.403527


Energetic connections manifest symbolically. I wouldn’t worry about it.

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dcc87a No.403528


I'm not worried about it too much; it just feels a little uncomfortable, even if she is a motherly goddess.

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678771 No.403535


what do Reitia's milkies taste like haha

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d30e9b No.403541


Dunno, but i'd think she'd have pure milk.

Little bit of blasphemy given what we know of her, but i'd drink her tit milk.

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360af9 No.403576

File: 11de360f6b2f38b⋯.png (1.44 MB,1988x1280,497:320,Perfect holstaur.png)



Does Beardicus count as a saint?

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1434c5 No.403578


Maybe someday he'll be one. Cathyl is a thot though.

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7ffb66 No.403579


>slow to develop monster teens have a tradition of rubbing their chests against the statue of St Beardicus, Patron Saint of Oppai, in the hopes that their bodies will fill out quicker.


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848559 No.403580


I didn't even taste it tbh. I'll try to notice the taste when I do it next time.


Ain't blasphemy if it's a blessing from her. Drink up, my dude.

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e28fd0 No.403602

File: 4e8421c274ce3f3⋯.png (1.01 MB,950x712,475:356,__igawa_sakura_taimanin_as….png)


those tits are /d/-tier

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678771 No.403629


I think that you should ask her to explain that scenario for us in general.

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848559 No.403636


The idea is that Reitia is a goddess of the family and motherhood, and breasts are the great symbol of mothers, after all. So when that's how the scenario works.

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b0b546 No.403832


After meditating on that, I realized it tasted really sweet, like strawberry milk.

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848559 No.404304

Would the goddesses ever try to take a husbando for themselves post-DOTR? asking for a friend haha

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678771 No.404307


From what we can gather thus far, depends on the goddess.

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848559 No.404312


That makes sense. I don't think Reitia would, from what I would understand, because she's more of a loving, non-sexual mother goddess. Maybe Ammit and Arachne would take a suitable husband each. For Ebola-chan, I don't think she would, because the way I see it, she's a force of nature, and I don't know enough about Poliahu to make a reasonable decision.

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678771 No.404316


Has there been any further interaction/understanding of Arachne since the claimed story where the anon got that sigil from the OP post out of it?

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848559 No.404321


Not that I recall here on /monster/, but in my own experience, I've had spiders form webs all over the outside of my house, especially one above my door, after praying to her, if that is anything more than synchronicity.

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678771 No.404583

File: 74149cf6f04fac1⋯.jpg (155.76 KB,488x600,61:75,Nightmare KC.jpg)

Something regretful has happened. Remember how /mg/ was eventually turned into a shrine board for Ammit? After a good amount of time of images breaking on the site and nobody posting on it, someone suddenly deleted everything on it and turned it into a furry board: >>>/mg/1459

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fa289e No.404589


Good, now we can send all the redditors and 4cucks over there and they can leave us alone

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848559 No.404596


A fucking shame, but as >>404589 said, newniggers can be redirected there. Besides, I've never been one to rely on shrines. The worship of the gods and goddesses should be tied to acts and faith.

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678771 No.404597


>Besides, I've never been one to rely on shrines. The worship of the gods and goddesses should be tied to acts and faith.

You say that like building something nice in a goddess's name is neither an act nor faith.

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848559 No.404598


Good point. In my view, though, shrines are something meant more for humans, as a physical place of worship. I just don't see why the gods and goddesses would need a physical place of worship, considering their metaphysical beings.

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678771 No.404599


>In my view, though, shrines are something meant more for humans, as a physical place of worship.

If you're not human, then what are you?

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848559 No.404601


>If you're not human, then what are you?

An ayy lmao, obviously. Gotta get that exotic Earth monstah pussy

I meant that shrines are places of human worship, built by men to serve as a physical reminder and worshipplace to worship the gods.

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136b39 No.404635


Is Ebola one of the few, if not only, post-industrially born deity or is she a manifestation of something older?

What's /monster/'s opinion on Abrahamic deities?

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848559 No.404648


I would say so, since ebola was first discovered in 1976, but I can't say if there's any historical record of disease worship.

>What's /monster/'s opinion on Abrahamic deities?

Jewish trash.

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931b0d No.404681


The folks over at /ebola/ call her "Daughter of Nergal" on occasion so maybe there's some Akkadian legends about Nergal's kids? Or maybe it's just another play on the whole "Papa Nurgle" thing.

>abrahamic religions

long as they refrain from Larpsader or Durkahadeen shitposting I could give a fuck less. Jews are not welcome, but that's got nothing to do with their stolen Sumerian war-god.

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136b39 No.404699


I tend to defend cuckstianity solely on the grounds of its post-Roman historical significance for European peoples and due to utter spite the (((mainstream))) is demonstraating against it since the (((Enlightment Era))), but I can't shake off the feeling that Yahvee and Allah were just more prudish and egomaniac siblings of their fellow bloodthirsty child-eating sand demons of the region, like Baal and Moloch, driven by genocidal envy for the laters' then popularity.

If etymology, linguistics and cultural perception are as important as they seem to be into manifesting form to primordial powers we call deities, then the European "Christian" God is more likely to be Dyeus P'ter (aka its etymological derivatives: Odyn, Zeus, Jupiter etc), which is proto-European for "Heavenly Father". After all when White people used to put their vile saracen enemies to the sword they roared "DEUS VULT!" not whimper "J-jewhova vult".

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136b39 No.404700



>but I can't say if there's any historical record of disease worship

The oldest recorded European literature, the Iliad, mentions Appollo, normally a healing solar deity, as a "bringer of plague" through rat proxxies and gives him the title "Smintheus", (of the rodents/ of the vermin).

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136b39 No.404701

File: 311ebe0c5640600⋯.jpg (37.22 KB,640x455,128:91,hoplophagos sminthos (weap….jpg)



>gives him the title "Smintheus", (of the rodents/ of the vermin)

Here's another intriguing fact. Jewikipedia and Jewgle seem for some (((inexplicable reason))) to be trying to memoryhole the meaning of "σμίνθος", even in Greek language search results, as of "uknown pre-Hellenic term that buffled even the ancient Greeks" which is partially true but "thallassa" is also a pre-Hellenic term and yet even modern Greek downies know what it means in spite of the fact that up to two decades ago every high-school educated Greek with a three-digits IQ knew what it meant.

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678771 No.404710

File: 48162e76a1533e1⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB,640x360,16:9,Ebola-chan the Metal Maste….mp4)


>Dyeus P'ter


Interesting thing to learn about. Thanks, Ebolanon.

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848559 No.404731


Shit, I can't believe I fucking missed that, since I loved the stories of Greek myth. Although I guess I just remember the great tragedies and victories of the heroic mortals, rather than the gods' bickering.


While your argument is convincing, for the most part, your argument 'they roared "DEUS VULT!" not whimper "J-jewhova vult' is BS, because the Crusaders equated Deus/God to Jehovah.

But I would love to see a return to the old Indo-European religion, with an Allfather and Allmother at the top, and the rest of the gods as subordinates/children of theirs.

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360af9 No.404808

File: c34dadb95f1abc5⋯.png (56.74 KB,334x338,167:169,question_senko.PNG)


>Earth monstah pussy

Wait, are there mamono on other planets?

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360af9 No.404809

File: aba51af913014e1⋯.png (2.21 MB,2003x1567,2003:1567,Leviathan_paizuri_CG_test.png)


Different religions tell the same stories.


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848559 No.404845

File: 1b72831d3446b42⋯.png (100.67 KB,256x293,256:293,smug fukken xeno.png)


>he doesn't know about ayy pussy

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b85539 No.406055

So to help clear up some of the possible confusion surrounding the concept of worship, I'll try to explain how to go about it.

Reitia and Ammit are goddesses of antiquity which have decided to ensoul their ancient forms once again. We've got a good idea of what their personalities are like. Reitia comes off as motherly, her motivations are to assist her followers in the acquisition of their waifu and to comfort them in times of unrest. The best way to honor Reitia is not by sacrifice of wealth or resources but by doing good works in her name, and by honoring her as a goddess of writing by writing romance tales. Don't lewd Reitia, she wants you to get married, not lost by being attracted to her.

In contrast to Reitia you have Ammit. Ammit is Goddess of JUSTICE and Fear, a hallmark from her reputation as beast of the underworld. She seeks JUSTICE for those scorned by the cruel reality of fate. She likes fruit, so eating fruit after silently offering it to Ammit first is a good way to honor her. Otherwise you should seek to be just in your life, and never screw someone over. Trying to rectify your past deeds is good too, and remember that if you're still beating up yourself about things in the past, then you should learn to forgive yourself for them.

From what I can tell, Ammit is the one who is most actively trying to make monstergirls a thing in reality but it's rather tricky to pull off. An idea of what exactly should happen physically on the DotR would help towards that. Silently saying thanks to one of the deities when things go your way is a good way to give them a boost.

I see the two as the Goddess of Severity (Ammit) and the Goddess of Mercy (Reitia).

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cb6f34 No.406061




Remember that She is JUSTICE, not Vengeance, and the Prosecution of Thoth is not harsh.

Also remember when we first discovered her, the 'Deus Vult' equivalent was "Praise Her fucking Thighs, you faggots"

I don't think Ammit's severe at all.

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f3b1f8 No.406082



JUSTICE is working to create the best outcome. That may involve severity or mercy.

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678771 No.406104


>From what I can tell, Ammit is the one who is most actively trying to make monstergirls a thing in reality but it's rather tricky to pull off. An idea of what exactly should happen physically on the DotR would help towards that.

We should also try to get a clearer picture of how she plans to go about making them real, what conditions she needs for that, and how we can aid her in it. As far as I can tell, it seems various female spirits that also romanticize the idea of marrying human men for a noble purpose are being drawn to her, but we don't quite have the full picture of how they'll eventually physically manifest among us.

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86d658 No.406597

Well, I'm not sure how this bodes, but I got a rather unexpected reaction from mam Reitia this evening. Enough to warrant a post here,considering the recent, out-of-fucking-nowhere rise of /sunflower/ as a "replacement" for /fringe/.

>doing daily rituals.

>/shitpost/ on this new board, because I miss going to /fringe/

>get done

>imagine mama Reitia's sigil for channeling and mental snuggles

white holy fire out of fucking nowhere

>but it was not aimed at me.

>wait, there's something fucky about /sunflower/?

>get a mental imagine of disdain from mama Reitia and concern for me.

>instincts are on the fritz, not sure if it's me, so I ask for confirmation in a dream-vision.

>get the scene of neo's terminal from the matrix in the daydream stream.

>terminal screen changes various gibberish lines, occasionally flashing Reitia's sigil.

>stops on an email interface, with the sigil in the upper-left corner.

>the body of the email is very short, just one sentence,

Out of the words on the screen this was most apparent:


My instincts are in a phase, I think this might be an allegory for something, but I'm not sure of the details.

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dd946f No.406598


you probably got hit by a cult of alpfags(asmodeus) that thing seems to encite faggotry in men.

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