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File: 9221064e8e6ee91⋯.png (372.1 KB,750x445,150:89,ClipboardImage.png)

a03c68 No.390024 [View All]

Interesting news for you, Anon. Just after you finished moving in to your new house, you found a bright purple portal opens for a split second and you find an unusual stranger in your home. A monstergirl.

She has been sent over from "the other side" with the intent to open a portal connecting your world with hers. In order to do that however, she requires approximately a year's build up of spirit energy to fully open it. The problem is, however, paranormal investigations agencies across the globe detected the spike in activity when she appeared and know her general location of entry.

Lucky for you, these agencies were caught with their pants down during event, which has bought you some time to get out of there with your visitor. You have about one day until the various MIB show up at your doorstep. Your opposition doesn't want to create a big incident, so you won't see tanks coming down the street to take you down, but if you turn this into a big enough incident, that very well may happen. Your visitor is capable of some magic usage, but the passage cost her most of it and it will take a week for her to recover her skills fully. What's the plan and how are you going to escape, hide, and make sure the DOTR happens?


Roll for who gets sent over as your conduit, reroll characters and non-monster pages. The agencies don't know what species she is, and the moving truck can be used to transport her stealthily if she fits. The agencies will find out it's your house, and will do what they need to to prevent an alien invasion. Your opponents have somewhat more advanced technology than you've seen and have spies virtually everywhere, but are not all cooperative, as other agencies want her to be their specimen. She has a unique magical property that let her travel here that no other monster has had before. Don't mess this up.

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c5d6ff No.390153

File: c5216ea62a7dda2⋯.png (194.23 KB,700x600,7:6,088372dd209a6267a8ebace503….png)


Lord knows a portal is needed on the west coast of the United States, even if it means there will be a lot of alps in east Hollywood.

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14a48c No.390160


kek, i felt it a smart idea to open it in a place with the most concentrate level of degeneracy

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9f276a No.390164


Get washed

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c5d6ff No.390170

File: 7a827b53e9e816b⋯.jpg (102.11 KB,640x480,4:3,7a827b53e9e816b6e1758eff15….jpg)


Do you think she would have a big enough energy signature to be detected by the CIA niggers?

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23be20 No.390180


I'm pretty sure fighting tanks and the like head on would count as "getting out of control" and "a major incident." Monsterizing is a major distraction for the MIB but it also serves another function if the new monsters can avoid getting caught, spreading love and mana to slowly turn more people to the mamono side and passively build a support base to make things easier. We could basically turn ourselves into a massive fucking beacon to maybe have the slightest chance of triggering something hidden in someone that might be able to also make the portals happen (won't count on that though). Though if enough people get monsterized and start spreading mana everywhere, we might even be able to establish a demon realm before the portals open, which in turn might reduce the time needed to build up energy for our end goal.

But again, the worst part would be trying to hide the first week. I don't think anybody would argue that and I'm actually at a lost on how to make it through that.

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50f95b No.390187


It all depends on how much power she has on day one, but if she can disguise two people then you could take a train to another city and sleep rough for a few days. They can't track you on cameras if they don't know who to look for.

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bc254c No.390199


I think it also comes down to how autistic the feds are about digging into your personal life; if they didn’t have a way to tell if you’re bullshitting, you might be able to pass her off as your girlfriend.

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47c13a No.390216


Oh, snap.

To be trusted with such a mission must make her quite the smart Wurm indeed. Dare I even say… a Bookwurm.

Right. Big problem right off the bat - keeping her off my dick long enough so I can grab all my shit and proceed to go innawoods for atleast a week. Hiding out long enough in a nearby national forest will probably be alot easier if she doesn't mind carrying my sorry ass around.

Said week spent innawoods will likely involve ferocious amounts of recovering all her spirit energy, so once she's back up and topped off, hiding out will likely be alot easier. Transforming into a human woman and somehow obscuring her energy from potential scryers will likely be fairly simple, though there's going to be that entire awkward situation involving me disappearing for a week and returning with someone who's likely glued to my crotch near 24/7.

Anyone who tries to get physical will have to deal with the fact that she's still a fuck-mothering Dragon, so good luck with that. Won't help my squishy ass, though.

Shit. Thinking on this more, it might end up with me getting kidnapped and hauled off to somewhere safe for the next year once she gets her energy back up.

Oh, well. Guess I'm taking a year off from work.

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c15a49 No.390223



There is a well-concealed part of my backyard, so I just need to move her back there, then play some outdoor airsoft for plausible deniability. After cleaning up my room, I get to the real dirty work, after a week of putting my stick in the mud, she can go under ground at any time and avoid detection. I just hope a surprise raid won't muck up my plans, or else I will have my name dragged.

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23be20 No.390270


>disguise two people

>rough it on the trains

Not a bad idea, just need to make sure to find a place where I can buy a few tickets with cash and organize it within 2 hours of her and her husband arriving.


>comes down to how autistic the feds are about digging into your personal life

Unfortunately I'm also technically a fed employee so they probably keep tabs on me, but I'm so far down the totem pole I might still keep my job even if I don't show up for a few weeks. And living in a house filled with other feds (though still just as low level) makes an even bigger mess of keeping the lies straight and making sure they're all in on it. Especially when none of them know what the hell is actually going on.

>you might be able to pass her off as your girlfriend

<Passing the demon lord as your girlfriend when her husband is right there

Maybe, depending on how she disguises us, I can pass her off as my sister.

Although thinking more about her powers, it might be possible that after the first week that I could convince the two to hide under their noses by working in the same plant as me with hypnotism and basically having everyone one of us playing whack-a-mole, except we're the moles here.

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2679b7 No.390341


Since I live in Montana I guess I'll just slip over the border to hongcouver, they'll never find us there on account of how facial recognition tech has problems with Asians, and besides it's one of the places that DESERVES a ground zero threshold event for dotr.

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c15a49 No.390352


Easy! Just show her LOTR, have her read the books, teach her that version of elvish, and go to nerd conventions! Once she.gets her power back, just head to the forest and prepare for the DOTR

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adde6b No.390361


Is anyone going to blame me if I take her out myself?

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cdd51c No.390362


As long as it's to a nice seafood dinner

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50f95b No.390375


>not filling envelopes with matango spores and mailing them to China

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0f1b8d No.390378


Oh boy, now we can have more Matangos AND more Chinese!

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d016e5 No.390379

File: 01b9103c9b4381a⋯.jpg (105.88 KB,1202x677,1202:677,47dfcdfdacba0706aa8f48a897….jpg)


But would white phosphorus or napalm burn hot enough to remove mantango spores?

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c15a49 No.390380


Or, just mantagos since they haven't fixed the "no sons" thing. Also tell Taiwan, Japan, both Korea's and those countries in Indochina, they would be more than happy to contain the Mushroom People's Republic of China

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76b458 No.390382



Well, she seems topical at least. Fucking for power is literally her thing.

Guess it's road trip time off the grid to buy time while we pound all day. At least she's easy to work with on the disguise o' meter.

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fc5088 No.390386

>dark Valkyrie

Shit. I’ll have more trouble with her than I will any MIB. I guess I’d try to run innawoods somewhere. At least she can fly.

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5feb32 No.390388

File: 67dc051061eb8b0⋯.jpg (455.15 KB,3000x3600,5:6,EtFIH6k.jpg)


Well so much for subtlety. Time to found the Terran Mamono Empire so it's prepared for the DotR.

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6413d4 No.390389


> Shit. I’ll have more trouble with her than I will any MIB.

Why though?

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fc5088 No.390397


its kind of hard to run away from government spooks if she’s always trying to have sex

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6413d4 No.390402


But isn't that literally every girl in MGE?

Imagine you got the Gargoyle. Literally impossible to win.

>Get home

>Gargoyle time!

>Get pounced and mounted

>Fuck till you both get turned into stone

>Wake up in a secret government lab the next morning after you turn back to normal

>You'll still finish cumming in front of all those strangers

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fc5088 No.390403


I always viewed the “dark” monsters as ratcheting the sex drive up to a 20. The others at least don’t demand sex 24/7

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c15a49 No.390408


Well, she's not going to be happy about the lightbulbs, that's for sure…

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a03c68 No.390420




Just as in KC’s canon, the sex part is overstated, but the monster is also aware of her high priority mission, and how she can’t just immediately hop on some dick until the glowsticks show up.

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b66563 No.390426


Look man, if we need to be fucking as often as possible, any way to continue the fucking while getting groceries, preparing anti-MIB defenses for the house, or otherwise continuing to blend in to normal life, is a way to make sure we get the job done quicker and shortens the amount of time I have to juggle these responsibilities. Besides, I’m thinking of it more as a portal leading directly to her vagina, so nothing’s really out of place.

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b66563 No.390429


God imagine how easy this would be with a Pharoah

>literally just command the agents to stand down, return to base, and tell their superiors it was a false alarm

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aa0d51 No.390440


You haven't read enough of SCPprepozzing/RPC if you can't see how this might play out.

>agents return to base

>report false alarm

>superiors understand that means the entity that passed through has some level of mind influencing power

>orders shift to focus on remote observation via drones and long-distance methods

>all personnel intended to make direct contact are to wear mics

>these microphones are to be listened into by a secondary team, who listens for anything unusual such as a suspect giving them orders to report a false alarm

>if they pin your location down, all assault team members are to wear noise cancelling headphones, personal oxygen tanks and mirrored eye protection

>all team communications will take place via built in radios

My friend once ran a tabletop game set in a "monstersgirls/boys-in-the-real-world" setting. I created a character who was basically a redneck version of the anti-monster SWAT team described above.

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fc5088 No.390441


How did your character deal with the monsters of the eldritch type?

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c15a49 No.390493


Well, guess who's getting into craft beer.

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c15a49 No.390494


To the nearest coast!

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50f95b No.390520


At least it's not a sandworm.

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d38e5b No.390578

Does it really matter what Monster you get?

Just make the honey go back to their side of the portal and threaten to call the police if the G-Men harass you too much. Set up security cameras around your home to watch them doing things so you can prove it in court if they do anything illegal.

Nothing short of a SWAT team is getting in to your home, which is uncalled for by their own rules since you're not doing anything illegal. Seems like a pretty easy condition to meet to me.

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14aae6 No.390581


Youre assuming they wouldn't pull out some MK ultra style denial of rights campaign to "protect" the world. Governments are sp00ky m8.

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fc5088 No.390585


>Just make the honey go back to their side of the portal

Are you saying that you’d send your potential waifu back to her world and have the world exist without waifus? Are you evil or something?

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c2714e No.390588


We're talking alphabet soups, anon. The CIA doesn't give a shit about law enforcement, MIB would probably care even less.

You won't be SWATed, you probably won't even be SEALd, you'll be SAD/SOGed

If you're very unlucky, you'll be Delta Greened.

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d38e5b No.390589


That would be a very big incident that the entire neighborhood would be aware of, and how hyper competent do you think these people are? Are they so scary if you keep in mind that it would probably be the UN that oversees them? Big operations to invade a country and take out a law-abiding citizen takes time to set up and get everyone to agree to do it. The only thing they have to go on is a blip on their machines that they could even deem faulty if nothing comes from investigating.


Nowhere in the rules listed does it say she has to stay over here to keep the portal up. I'll see her again in a month.

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d38e5b No.390590


The CIA has informational seminars about the dangers of Incels using Mumkey Jones videos as training aides. I'm not worried about the CIA as long as I act like a normal human being.

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b66563 No.390598


Anon, if she could make the full portal without being on our side of it, they wouldn’t have risked sending her over early in the first place.

And also OP says the portal was only open for a split second. By the time she’s there, it’s already gone. You can’t send her back through because it no longer exists.

Also she needs a year’s worth of spirit energy for the permanent portal. If there was a way to go back, you would have to go with her in order to get the job done.

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d38e5b No.390601


How do you know that? Maybe she was just happy to see me? I'm a pretty charming and likeable guy. If I was on the other side of a portal I wouldn't wait to come and see me either.

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b66563 No.390613


Well now you’re just arguing for argument’s sake

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d9cb3f No.390625

File: 55ec25290bab381⋯.png (1.66 MB,1000x1590,100:159,1543354965915.png)


Would probably take the moving van and drive to my dads summer cottage in the archipelago. On the way there we would stop for camping supplies (its still cold here) since we cant stay at the cottage since it would be too obivious if i dissapear and dont show up for work. Once we cant drive further we would take my dads boat if it isn't up on dry land because of ice. If the boat is a no go then we could just fly between the islands at night (shitload of islands in close promixity to eachother in the finnish archipelago) untill the week has passed. After that we would probably keep moving regularly at night only now we can go pretty much anywhere on the globe.

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b955f0 No.390652


You should be more worried, if you had paid attention you would have noticed that seminar was for women with no skills to waste tax payers money. There are plenty of agents who have already perfectly infiltrated this place, it was mentioned in the Dick Show.

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d38e5b No.390653


It's not exactly hard to infiltrate an anonymous image board. Hell, I could be a CIA infiltrator. Wooooo, spooky.

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b955f0 No.390656


Exactly, the fact that it's so easy guarantees that we're almost certainly constantly being monitored.

It also means there are Agents in the CIA fully dedicated to studying memes and are apparently even good at it. Nothing stopping them from manipulating the site with enough effort.

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d38e5b No.390690


I feel as if we both know what you mean by "influencing the site," but you think it means way more than it actually does. A couple of trannies on a discord can influence an imageboard for christ's sake, it's not impressive.

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0421da No.390701


Still makes it a honeypot though. Can you deny that? Hell, they could even make a new honeypot board, wouldn't be surprised if they already have.

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d38e5b No.390704


Uh, I don't really see what this has to do with the men in black wanting to break my door down but being unable to because of laws but sure? They can bait people in to breaking laws over anonymous image boards? I could make a honeypot board.

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