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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 70bd21128e17e98⋯.jpeg (367.67 KB,1094x2048,547:1024,FA749541-B63A-4A62-99DE-6….jpeg)

bc1cd5 No.389455 [Last50 Posts]

Questions that don’t deserve their own thread.

Previous Thread:


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bc1cd5 No.389461

File: dd671b46f23b8e8⋯.jpeg (768.86 KB,1600x1600,1:1,A9C0EB25-A1EE-47D9-B68D-2….jpeg)

Since queen slimes cannot divide properly, does that mean that they can never have proper children?

And what would a queen nureonago be like?

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66ede5 No.389462


I'm sure they have a method but it must be different than how normal slimes would.

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ca1618 No.389464

Let's say a monster girl takes an interest in a guy.

However, he's a little on the broken and neurotic side about constantly treating himself like shit.

At what point would she just give up on him or just stab him to death?

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a1622e No.389465


don't worry robot-kun, even if you can't love yourself, a monstergirl will take interest in you, probably a kikimora, she will love you and help you stop being such a pussy bitch.

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038f2d No.389466


That's not how monstergirls work.

If it looks like has urgent mental health issues, or there's no way he'd return her affections voulentarily. She'd force her pussy on him and if incubised doesn't work, there's always mindflayers.

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08a4c3 No.389467


Its funny how there was a general dislike of mind flayers until we had robots posting sob stories about monsters not loving them weekly.

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2eb7ac No.389468

File: fe4de745e9eeb39⋯.jpg (7.3 KB,200x213,200:213,1504521485475.jpg)

Didnt get an answer from the last thread so here we go again:

Is there an in depth description of the will-o the wisp that is beyond the MGE description? Extended lore, Or is there more written about that particular mg somewhere?

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5e464c No.389469


Don't remember anything about it. I believe we should start to write more for the monsters who doesn't have a lot of story for them. They all deserve some love.

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2eb7ac No.389471


I wrote one (my 1st one) in the how did you meet thread. Hope thats something.

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038f2d No.389472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What happens when you play this to a monsterized mge dwarf

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f55338 No.389474




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a5ab52 No.389475


I've convinced myself it has to be more than one buy on the whole. If it's one dude he's been trying for 6 some odd months to get someone to tell him another answer, and that's just kinda hard for me to believe.

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76bc45 No.389477


Depression with a touch of autism is a pretty lousy thing.

So is telling yourself that you hate yourself and that you're worthless for even longer than that.

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3388c8 No.389480



Short answer, no, there's no widely accepted extended canon mostly because Will-o-the-Wisp isn't a very popular character in writefag stories.

Long answer is you have to make it up yourself. You can play fast and loose with the MGE canon, most everybody does. I like to use it as a personality guide (and just a guide) when doing stories. Will-o-the-Wisp can still be clingy, jealous, with a preference for bondage/femdom, but with varying degrees of mania/hysteria to suit the story and audience. The important aspect about creating a good character is a unique and well developed personality. If every Will-o-the-Wisp were from a cookie cutter, it wouldn't make for a good character or a good story.

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2eb7ac No.389481


A broken pelvis "your" broken pelvis

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47d848 No.389509

File: 2de30fafb951820⋯.jpg (324.1 KB,718x425,718:425,2de30fafb95182006053737dc3….jpg)


Magic and rape can heal anything, even robots like you

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2a665b No.389516

File: 81c5fab341eb0a5⋯.jpg (299.34 KB,1707x2400,569:800,eHHiQ4x.jpg)

If you down a tentacle or doppelganger potion and fuck a centaur in both of her pussies, is it double penetration or spitroasting?

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0ee090 No.389517

Does anyone have the pic of the jinkos doing the Indian face book messages?

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a927c3 No.389521

File: f52887b1bd176ab⋯.jpg (16.27 KB,299x262,299:262,Does op not like tattoos o….jpg)

I posted this a few threads ago but all I got was a lot of conflicting answers.

Would Bisexuals alp? What about bisexuals who prefer women and think men aren't worth dating? What about bisexuals who admit they're attracted to men but want to start a family?

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2a665b No.389522

File: 2e3909a516736ed⋯.jpg (627.19 KB,1200x768,25:16,58466496_p0.jpg)


We've been over this ten trillion times. If your desire to fuck women is stronger than your desire to fuck men, then you won't alp.

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049fa9 No.389523


what >>389522 said. If your lust for cute girls overpowers your faggotry you are safe

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c76b0e No.389554

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69d01f No.389555

File: 83c201e6252c731⋯.png (1.24 MB,1695x2262,565:754,smug fox girl.png)


ideally the mamono mana will just kill all the bis instantly

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e5b3bd No.389567


Bi man is corrected by a steady application of rape from his waifu. The gay man he was fucked, desiring the dick, is recycled into an alp so as to become an actual value to his community. More so than bog fodder or kindling. She should be thankful for a second chance.

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71714f No.389570


wew checked

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038f2d No.389574

File: b5e39fefe4f2124⋯.jpg (2.18 MB,3120x4160,3:4,IMG_20190313_071959098.jpg)

How do I get this antitank mosquito out of my sink?

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cbcbde No.389575


use a piece of paper

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090ff0 No.389576

File: a10d31b6c05e686⋯.jpg (87.51 KB,850x756,425:378,vamp mosquito barbariank.jpg)


did you try feeding it mamono mana

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038f2d No.389579

How much wood would a woodchuckgirl Chuck if a woodchuckgirl could Chuck wood?

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34bfb9 No.389593


As much as you have stamina to give.

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12e323 No.389608

Is every lilim a daughter of the demon lord or are some of them the daughters of other lilim?

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266090 No.389633


I'd assume it's a royal family thing and all the daughters of lilim are lilim.

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2a665b No.389634


>all the daughters of lilim are lilim

Only if the husband is strong enough-whatever that means. Otherwise, the daughter will be an "arch-succubus".

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cf38b2 No.389662


The only special thing about the demon queen is the fact that she has tons of demonic energy.

Theoretically, a normal monster that spends a bunch of time with her husband will be able to make lilim level monster. Especially strong ones like dark matter or ryus.

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47d848 No.389663

File: 2bd9a0f9ad7b59e⋯.png (1.36 MB,1600x1200,4:3,tamamo_st73b.png)


Lilim level kitsune when?

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cf38b2 No.389665


>Individuals with 9 tails are called "Kyuubi-no-kitsune" (Nine tailed foxes) and it is said that their vast demonic energy is even comparable to that of a god. Their demonic energy can't be completely contained within their body and it's constantly being released around them. When exposed to this magical energy, human rationality diminishes and lust increases. Monsters become ferocious and along with that, monster such as succubi gather. Ultimately a nation of monsters will form centered around the Kyuubi-no-kitsune, where they'll have an orgy of pleasure day and night.

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038f2d No.389671


Imagine a lilium-level holstaur…

>The milk from one boob can replace the food supply for a city.

>It's so full of mana, apsaras spawn out of any container that's not enclosed.

>Once you have a taste of it any food has to be made with at least some dairy product of that milk.

>Any human woman coming within a 100-mile radius will spontaneously lactate.

>Just about every monstergirls within a 300-mile radius is already making milk.

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cf38b2 No.389672

File: 04b671253b89d52⋯.png (301.09 KB,520x678,260:339,wl.png)


>lilim level Apophis

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be8fd9 No.389673


>Lilim level kikimora

>Enters filthy house

>Stands in doorway, moves broom faster than the human eye can see

<Вы уже чисты

>House is instantly spotless and organized

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560bac No.389678


>lilim level gargoyle

>whole fucking city turns to stone because the cunt forgot a window open

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db9c97 No.389680

>Lilim level Hinezumi

>Entire area is constantly on fire and beating the shit out of each other

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12e323 No.389682

>lilim level lizardman

>given up on finding a man who can defeat her

>just wants a man who she can't defeat with one punch

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e7ffa3 No.389683

>lilim level oni

>can bench press an entire city and outdrink all the citizens in it at the same time

>100 mile swole aura, just being within it is enough to get buff

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0fdb82 No.389685


>sets off all breathalyzer tests in the county.

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3b0555 No.389687

>Lilim-level automaton

>Imagine if SHODAN ran Skynet, but with "rape all humans" as the MO.

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0fdb82 No.389688


>greetings master

>I have built multiple bodies, please pick one

>do not worry, as we copulate I will use the others to cook dinner

>I am currently buying food at the grocery store

>please hurry and pick one

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406501 No.389689


Let's take it up a notch.

Yandere lilim-level automaton who gets off on trying to trap her prospective husband and seeing him try to escape. Sometimes purposefully giving him a planned escape just to keep the game going until the final stage is her bedroom.

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038f2d No.389691

Lilium-level bicorn

>Every woman her husband finds attractive becomes her sister-wives

>Yes even anime characters.

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0bcf89 No.389692


>picture golem of Rei

>picture golem of Asuka


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fe8bf8 No.389696

>Lilim level cheshire

>May the gods have mercy on our souls

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038f2d No.389697




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f0ee53 No.389698

File: 75c775c7f4dfd53⋯.png (224.71 KB,509x580,509:580,ClipboardImage.png)



You guys know the big ones are the males, right?

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bc1cd5 No.389699


That's a mosquito hawk, not a mosquito.

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038f2d No.389700

Lilium-level Alp

>Has the biggest gay

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1cbf49 No.389702


>lilim level hellhounds turn white and are even more untamable

>any of the elementals at lilim level are functionally just portable demon realms

>lilim level ryu are certain to be super wholesome

>lilim level dragons are sure to be super terrifying and arrogant

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c76b0e No.389713


>Lilim-level Ryu

>can cause monsoons with only one day’s worth of husband-banging

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038f2d No.389714


Is also constantly harrased by the same group of adventures, to resurrect the same guy

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20dce7 No.389724

File: 00ed0acd7161096⋯.png (252.2 KB,487x645,487:645,ClipboardImage.png)

What would it be like to fuck a daemonette? Other than extremely heretical.

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77e0d5 No.389725


You shouldn’t have sex with a deamonette, Slaanesh is the god of the polyamorous relationship.

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e5b3bd No.389735

Anyone have an unmarked cuck apologist bingo card? Can't find mine.

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e3610e No.389737

File: a18ec14082234e8⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,6.87 MB,502x640,251:320,[CORRUPTION INTENSIFIES].gif)

You guys know who needs Lilim-level powers?

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77e0d5 No.389740


You know that shoggoth can technically be slime queens.

That's worrying.

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379315 No.389790

File: 59e2de00ad9cae0⋯.png (431.56 KB,789x618,263:206,wide akagi.png)

Why is Akagi so wide?

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560bac No.389795


>not fucking one into a vanilla loving relationship



>slime queen lilim shoggoth

There goes the entire world.

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bc1cd5 No.389815

File: 23023daaf7c81b2⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,98.62 KB,1280x845,256:169,04A1D22C-7932-47C4-A5F3-2….jpeg)


<Maaaster~! You can run as far as you like, but never hide!

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1cdf09 No.389820

Is it bad to steal someone's monster wife in a video game?

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6ef7e9 No.389836


Yes, that is NTR and it is for Niggers. Respect the sanctity of marriage, even if it's not your own. After all, if she's willing to cheat on someone WITH you, she's going to be willing to cheat ON you in the future.

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560bac No.389848



I guess the only situation where it would be fine would be in a healing type situation, where you steal the girl from a guy that doesn't care about her and actively abuses her and proceed to unfuck the girl before fucking her the right way.

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dcb47a No.389863


A shoggoth queen would just eventually be a planet. Just functionally a asteroid that acts like a sandworm.

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b83de7 No.389864

How many eggs does a vamp mosquito lay? In fact how many eggs does any egg laying monster girl lay?

One can assume insects lay more eggs than birds and reptiles but by how much.

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b83de7 No.389865


Bonus points if the asteroid is mansion like inside

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47d848 No.389866

File: 88a87aa33fb8c21⋯.png (226.39 KB,1269x2199,423:733,Lilim-level monster girls.png)

Made a screen cap

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dcb47a No.389869

File: 560434324fd0898⋯.jpg (20.02 KB,324x411,108:137,gotime.jpg)

File: 55cc5e4e3d5322d⋯.jpg (290.76 KB,1280x770,128:77,underground.jpg)


>mansion filled with tomboy maids and witch maids and loli maids

>it's almost a cave world, where everything is the shoggoth

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08e000 No.389880


Let's keep it reasonable and say 1-2 more than other egg laying girls on average.

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fcbe99 No.389882


Babies are kind of rare for monsters, the don’t have big birth rates. I’d say 1-3 per pregnancy.

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b83de7 No.389886


I think kc said they still have more pregnancies than the average mg in fact I have this

>They mostly lay many at once. It's more easy for them to get pregnant than other monsters to begin with, but of course they don't lay as many as real mosquitos~

Of course with that said I don't actually know how many eggs a regular mosquitoes lays (probably in the double digits if not triple.)

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fcbe99 No.389887



Whelp that’s enlightening.

So it looks like pregnancy is a hard thing for most monsters to do, the demon queen has been alive for a thousand years however she only has ~100 kids. That’s a kid per 10 years.

The mosquitos probably just have a higher chance of having multiple eggs (hardly ever a single child)

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bc1cd5 No.389891

What did KC say protects monstergirls the middle of battle?


>titanic shapes haul masses of stone in the background

>grand purple and white banners line the cavern walls

>children are sent to "seed" other planets

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038f2d No.389892






This has been an egg-selent discussion.

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b83de7 No.389893


For birds and reptiles I'm just going to say 1-3 eggs for bugs, amphibians, and fish 4-6 eggs, of course different species have different reproduction rates so play by ear

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b83de7 No.389894

On a vamp mosquito kick today while reading it recently I came across this

>It does seem like they would carry various diseases, doesn't it…! Ecologically, they suck blood solely from men, but if a woman were bitten, she would be monsterized + contract a mamono realm disease, or something…

With the mention of demon realm diseases what effect do you think they would have?


We're you eggspecting less?

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bc1cd5 No.389896


>With the mention of demon realm diseases what effect do you think they would have?


ctrl+f "illness"

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c5682e No.389901

File: 85b6b78f6da5f66⋯.png (329.11 KB,816x536,102:67,!!!_Squid_!!!.png)

File: 267b187669fc243⋯.png (234.89 KB,647x390,647:390,TENOUDDATEN.png)

File: 8fd33ccb59d4e96⋯.png (476.4 KB,843x718,843:718,8fd33ccb59d4e96b25c63fe3f2….png)

File: 3fdfd2714664fb8⋯.jpg (59.2 KB,720x569,720:569,9S_its_all_lewds.jpg)

File: 42f6df27f6b1df6⋯.png (177.21 KB,681x595,681:595,100% Gremlin Approved.png)


>It's still there

Can't kill myself juuuuust yet.

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b83de7 No.389915

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b83de7 No.389916


feel like i mighta screwed myself over with this oh well what do mean by saying that?

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5c708d No.389939

How do you become vanilla if you're already in /d/ territory and have no desire to become more degenerate?

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090ff0 No.389943

File: 6a3806698537864⋯.jpg (18.67 KB,215x500,43:100,femlin handholding.jpg)


Browse /monster/ for long enough.

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560bac No.389950


If for some reason you really want to change by force, do some pavlovian shit.

Otherwise just stick to vanilla for fapping and don't fap to /d/egenerate shit. It's also Pavlovian, it's more natural than literal shock therapy.

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44bf68 No.390086

File: ed50ccb166b62c6⋯.png (33.75 KB,201x160,201:160,1495248679662.png)


>Shoggoth brothermoons and necromorphs

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77e0d5 No.390115

Do undead monsters sleep?

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088b17 No.390117


I would assume no, because they're not alive in the traditional sense. Another undead question:

How does an undead go about getting pregnant?

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a2ca1c No.390118

File: a42462f54050c5c⋯.jpg (45.77 KB,600x536,75:67,bootychihuahua.jpg)

Did everyone do a riff on Jurassic park style theme except with mamono?

>"Welcome to Mamono park!"

>Hapries and assorted flying mamono flying around in their large open-air enclosures.

>"We've spared no expense!"

>Kiki's serving food in the park's restaurant.

>"Actually they can't breed in the wild, all the mamono here are female so there's no unauthorized breeding in Mamono park."

>baby lizardgirl is snug in an incubator making cooing noises having been freshly hatched.

>"Shaddup!… they're entering the hellhound paddock…"

>When you drive by the more aggressive mamono variety on the tour they press themselves up against the fence and look at you hungrily.

Pic somewhat related.

>"Clever girl…"

>get jumped by a ravenous waifu when they eventually break loose.

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a2ca1c No.390119


Not sure, but I bet it's always stillborn.


*Did anyone

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08e000 No.390125


I've never seen something like that but it's a great idea.

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37135c No.390128


>dragon-girl as the t-Rex

>werewolves/hellhounds as the raptors

>Holstaurs as the sauropods (“So They DO move in herds…”)

>some sort of loli as that one neck-frill dino that kills Newman

>local shota and loli hide from ravenous hellhounds in the kitchen scene

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560bac No.390194

File: bd900ff4431c435⋯.png (1.06 MB,1334x1494,667:747,bd900ff4431c435139c759fb7d….png)

Is there a database of different monster types and their characteristics?

And I mean an actual db, not MGE, since there's no proper naming standard.

I just remembered that danuki dating was a thing, so I figured I'd try making an automated automaton's dating program.

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b83de7 No.390195


Now should it just be dinosaur girls or the proper monster girls?

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9c08d1 No.390198


I once read something along those lines on literotica. Im saying that kind of story exists.

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b83de7 No.390200


Speaking of automaton, how do monster girls made out of artificial materials conceive?

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560bac No.390201




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12e323 No.390202

File: 8e27f46c789802f⋯.jpg (211.51 KB,1008x2000,63:125,exowomb.jpg)

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a2ca1c No.390205


I think a variety would be fine if you're just doing a gag-centric take on Jurassic Park. If you were to do a story on bringing back a Precambrian era life forms and mixing them with human DNA to fill in the gaps that would be an interesting take. I think Jurassic Park did that already as well with one of the newer movies although their dinos were obviously more dino than human.

This probably belongs in the write thread but I was similarly curious if any works had been composed that would be of a more optimistic flavor of "Island of Dr.Moreau" with small harem of genetically modified waifus and the moral quandaries that lie with the production of such human-animal hybrids. I never watched Japari park though, did they already run with that premise?

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b83de7 No.390209



What about girls made out of rock or paper?

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90862a No.390227


Conceiving in paper girls would be a beurocratic nightmare, I mean just imagine the paperwork involved!

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77e0d5 No.390230

are there any images that show how sex with a lamia works?

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090ff0 No.390231

File: c20f47f633c4c2f⋯.jpg (1002.36 KB,2988x5312,9:16,x-ray manticore tailpussy.jpg)


No, but there is for manticores.

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560bac No.390232


>how sex with a lamia works

Penis in cloaca, the lamia thread is full of those.

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4a7cc2 No.390256


Rock would ask to take a pick and carefully mine your daughter out of her when the time is right, paper just hangs up a pinata that under no circumstances should you smack with a stick.

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090ff0 No.390258


What about scissors?

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2a665b No.390259

File: b6226f380450364⋯.png (657.88 KB,800x600,4:3,__lamia_hygieia_mamonomusu….png)

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7d8833 No.390275

File: d4275e23fa67037⋯.gif (9.95 MB,640x493,640:493,MOSHED-2018-4-3-4-21-15.gif)

File: e2ff28a557ff697⋯.jpg (79.81 KB,400x509,400:509,Elder_orb.jpg)


>lilim level gazer

good lord, what even would that be? a death tyrant? an elder orb?

either way she's raising armies of undead and warping the nation around it from subconscious magic.

they are probably going to start carving out mountain sized cave networks for their own personal nation, if they don't just make a new personal dimension for themselves and the spawn of their subconscious.

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038f2d No.390277



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560bac No.390292

File: d438c46ec92ae11⋯.png (Spoiler Image,104.06 KB,325x241,325:241,d438c46ec92ae1112696a874bb….png)


>good lord, what even would that be? a death tyrant? an elder orb?

She'd finally have two eyes on her head.

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a308ef No.390297


Gazers are already pretty high tier, but also generally kind of lazy. They would be warping the world around them into a demon realm pretty passively.

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4a7cc2 No.390320


Shit, I'm out of ideas on that one.

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090ff0 No.390321


Maybe she'd be a r63 of Scissorman from Clock Tower.

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12e323 No.390343


I figure that if you get her energy level high enough it starts soaking into nearby materials and turning them into monstergirls. It's like a nuclear breeder reactor but with anime girls.

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77e0d5 No.390376

Are there familiars that don’t belong to the sabbath? What would they even be like?

I like the familiar, but I don’t want to join a cult.

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115e18 No.390462

How would a monster girls react in this situation?

>The girl comes through a portal excited to find a husband.

>She sees some anon and makes her way over.

>The anon notices her approach and once she gets close and shows some interest in him, he begins yelling at her "Come on, you bitch! Fucking kill me already! I know you want to!"

>Before she can get away he grabs her shoulders and shakes her with a wild look in his eyes while continuing to yell "Just bash my fucking brains out all over the fucking pavement! I know you want to! Fucking do it already! I'll be better off dead!"

What would she do? Or would she have killed him or stayed clear of him before even beginning to approach?

How do girls other than mindflayers deal with psychosis when rape won't seem to work? How would they react if they do try rape and the guy just ends up as a sobbing mess who blames himself for everything?

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038f2d No.390463


Send him to a mindflayer.

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31e28b No.390464


And if the guy is violently terrified of mindflayers to the point of flipping the fuck out at having one poke around in his head out of shame and self-hatred?

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d7783b No.390466


Off the top of my head, the process would probably be similar to a mind wipe. For such an Anon, it would be terrifying but they won't be able to remember or feel it.

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47d848 No.390496

File: 018d81ac0db75db⋯.jpg (38.78 KB,600x609,200:203,018d81ac0db75db82a15f4194b….jpg)


Robot kun go back to your containment board

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12e323 No.390509

File: 4a7d6e7c87cbfda⋯.jpeg (911.26 KB,1280x1900,64:95,1543870377.jpeg)


Retroactive consent is still consent.

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5bbd36 No.390514

would a monster girl waifu marking you, making you apart of herself and her apart of yourself be okay, like she could use the link to talk when she isn't there, and be reborn through the link if she dies somehow, and it could be used to keep you alive for as long as she lives

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08e000 No.390518


Punctuation is your friend. Also I think you're over thinking monster pair bonding.

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12e323 No.390525

How would a dragon girl react if you said you were more attracted to her in dragon form?

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5bbd36 No.390537


she would kill you for being a furry

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5bbd36 No.390543


it could just be for some girls like vampires and dragons

long lived or immortal girls

got the idea from the witcher from that one quest in skellige with the old leshen marks that one girl and uses it to be re-born if he dies

monster girl version would be more intimate then the one of the game, also might get some powers from it, or at least enhancements

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560bac No.390545


Fuck you, my daughter is sick because of your shitty dragon waifu.

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090ff0 No.390558


I don't get it.

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560bac No.390562

File: 8809f5852ed6965⋯.jpg (187.57 KB,800x523,800:523,big spoiler.jpg)


Pic related.

Drakengard/Nier reference.

Drakengard has a genocidal fag that falls in love with an actual dragon. Way later the game has a joke(?) ending where he travels across dimensions into earth and gets shot down by a fighter jet. He accidentally brings in magic cancer into earth which fucks everyone up including some girl named Yonah, the MC's daughter in Nier.

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2200af No.390575

File: 755e4e027877474⋯.png (25.44 KB,269x302,269:302,yes.png)


Dunno, but the thought of a hellhound waifu leaving small light love scratches/teeth marks after every full moon is what helps me sleep at night.

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5d5f5c No.390577




My headcannon is that they're tougher to knock up, but when you do they have twins/triplets/litters or clutches fairly often. Do kikis lay eggs?

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8ec5e7 No.390582


>Do Kikis lay eggs?


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7a4a89 No.390605


Kind of. The dragon's ashes specifically are what causes the pillar of salt disease (which can also turn you unto a thrall instead if you want iirc), and the MC's daughter- and this is an even bigger spoileris immune to that disease as she's a replicant like the MC. Her issue is that her gestalt is destabilizing and since MC's gestalt only agreed to do what he does in order to save her, he wants to reunite her gestalt and replicant early. Iirc anyways. Nier is a fucking ride.

And that's without getting into Automata, which has one of, if not THE greatest story ending of all time. Yes I mean [E]nd of YoRHa.

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29a83c No.390616

File: d86a3612ff2b2b1⋯.jpg (57.72 KB,620x451,620:451,39.jpg)


How is a racing Lambo related? Ive only played automata.

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2a665b No.390624


Read the filename, moron.

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29a83c No.390630

File: 46be56e5c95e53d⋯.jpg (129.5 KB,1351x1016,1351:1016,34oofrq3n4.jpg)


Feeling pretty retarded right now…

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b83de7 No.390637


Depends I guess is there bottom part a bird or dog can't remember also if they do lay eggs I want them to look like jewels. Are kikis also fairies because I also want them to be cuckoo parasites giving them jewels to masters. Of course you can't raise your daughter but the spread of kikis everywhere.

Excuse me just nerding out over biology and folklore.

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8e40ea No.390649


Everything about your post sounds retarded, m8.

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1dba3d No.390673

Forgive me but who's cheshire?

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2a665b No.390678

File: fe2a3dd794405cc⋯.jpg (526.42 KB,733x1000,733:1000,294_rakugaki001_L.jpg)


The QTDDTOT thread is not a substitute for LURKING MOAR.

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1dba3d No.390680


I've been here for months man and I still haven't figured it out damnit! I have come to the conclusion that it's an artist, nothing more.

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2a665b No.390682

File: f3357dc2c32c8f3⋯.png (611.44 KB,1326x629,78:37,Cheshire_Cat.png)


>I've been here for months man and I still haven't figured it out damnit!

Nobody could deliberately be THAT retarded.

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12e323 No.390683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8ec5e7 No.390684


Weak bait faggot

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1dba3d No.390686


Well fuck I've seen that. Guess I don't get the meme behind it then.

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2a665b No.390688



WTF, the word I was looking for was "honestly".

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47d848 No.390696

File: 51a34e4c1c12743⋯.png (345.07 KB,600x718,300:359,51a34e4c1c12743581e6dafcb0….png)

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79debc No.390732

File: 73cc9d56c53a3f2⋯.png (621.88 KB,1200x1810,120:181,ClipboardImage.png)


T-this is bait, r-right?

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049fa9 No.390739


she'd let you fuck her in dragon form like the patrician you are

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42884a No.390740


I know, just had to spit out though

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435fad No.390742


I am both aroused and terrified

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8ec5e7 No.390749

File: 36bb4bb1974fad8⋯.jpeg (244.9 KB,900x1200,3:4,97B167B0-0944-476D-830B-B….jpeg)

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cf611c No.390783

File: 2b1980810340bc8⋯.jpg (196.61 KB,619x900,619:900,1552710642785.jpg)

How would monster girls react to Incel males?

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049fa9 No.390784

File: b573d7ae49e71c3⋯.png (986.95 KB,716x872,179:218,druella7.png)



rape them and make them happy. What kind of weird question is that?

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cf611c No.390785


Most women don't like Incels.

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049fa9 No.390786

File: 6992949151bbb66⋯.jpg (108.15 KB,596x600,149:150,george castanza are you se….jpg)

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fe8bf8 No.390787



I think you got lost. Look at the browser. Does that read like reddit? No? Then get lost.

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049fa9 No.390788


I'm just going to spell it out for you, just for the lurkers.

Monstergirls are not human women

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8ec5e7 No.390796

File: bfb860e29c3eeaf⋯.jpeg (45.8 KB,340x444,85:111,E33332B4-6740-4FA0-B59E-9….jpeg)





>unironically using incel

>comparing monster girls 3DPD

Go back to reddit

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47d848 No.390828

File: 2bf2e829d6949c4⋯.jpeg (346.07 KB,827x1223,827:1223,2bf2e829d6949c43c6146d5ec….jpeg)

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c1ff43 No.390832

Which monster girls would be the most kill-happy? The ones that would get off on outright slaughter?

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090ff0 No.390833


Monster girls don't like pointless slaughter, anon.

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42884a No.390835

Which monster girls shed fur? And which shed teeth?

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090ff0 No.390839

File: c7df9f2e4327237⋯.jpg (414.72 KB,850x600,17:12,feliciacoveringmouth.jpg)

File: ca77c05a14e67c6⋯.jpg (569.1 KB,700x990,70:99,sandworm butter-t.jpg)


>shed fur

Felicia from Darkstalkers.

>shed teeth

What, do you mean like losing baby teeth as they grow up like humans do? If that's what you mean then it makes me wonder what a sandworm losing teeth over the course of growing up would be like.

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038f2d No.390841


the furry kind

In all seriousness, probably the ones based on creatures with fur, like miia shedding her scales in Monster Musume

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42884a No.390842


Aren't there animals that shed teeth even in adulthood like sharks? You besides the sharks.

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f95f16 No.390861


And why not? Look at the current state of humanity and tell me again that a little bit of slaughter won't do some good.

Besides, you can't spell slaughter without laughter, so it should be good, wholesome, bloody fun.

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12e323 No.390897


What sort of powers would a lilim-level sandworm have?

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090ff0 No.390899


The ability to protect everyone.

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a8ace1 No.390921


What would happen if you had a brain or mind swapping device and swapped the minds of a human female with a mamono? Would the human in the monster body succumb to to the body’s biology and needs? How would the monster react in the human’s body? Would they be less aroused or the same?

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23061f No.390922


Look, if you want one to remove kebab or der juden, just say so. But the very presence of MGs would cease much of the hostility as the most precious resource, good women, becomes plentiful

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23061f No.390923


I think sabbath has some sort of potion that allows a married couple to swap sexes for a limited time.

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038f2d No.390925

one idea that's been chewing a hole in my head is a unicron farm. basically funtions as a hospital, but they just use magic for the healing, with mages and medical staff to record what the patients had. This also has dormatories for the husbands and children, who grow up to be Unicron doctors.

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038f2d No.390926


Dangit I meant unicorn!

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12e323 No.390931

File: a3dc8c817e5e5eb⋯.jpg (127.95 KB,422x500,211:250,Baphomet_0.jpg)


I'm pretty sure even the most open-minded monstergirls would be driven to kill if they found out about the ritual child murders.

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c1d0fc No.390962

File: 8f20838f460f733⋯.png (596.1 KB,639x479,639:479,1548829764799.png)

How would you go about making a Farm life Adventure on /monster/?

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f0ee53 No.390964

File: f149b7a24d86f18⋯.png (106.05 KB,500x500,1:1,Rule_63 Transformers unicr….png)


Eh, it still works.

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038f2d No.390968



At least it's not bayverse style.

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4a7cc2 No.390988


Monster would probably start less aroused. Then when the need eventually gets back to her, she's shocked that she doesn't care where the pleasure comes from. Aura-reading, mana-compatibility, fidelity, all shoved to the side at best and completely destroyed at worse.

She'll be begging to come back in a week.

Meanwhile the 3d in a mon's body will do her absolute best to avoid sexing up the mon's beau, but by god, the heat won't stop. And she even considers taking 'some other perv', but it makes her sick to her stomach. Damn monster body is so particular.

She'll be demanding a switch back in a day.


Start with a kobold who just helps you in general, over time discover girls in your dirt-cheap and faulty land who will let you sell their produce and help you gather resources in exchange for favors.

End with a dragon who will will occasionally lend you gold. Or an egg. Don't ask how she gets either.

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038f2d No.390992


It actually depends on whether you swapped the physical brain or the mind, let's assume physical brain.

The 3d in a mamono's body would be disgusted by the traditionalist urges of the MGS, but the Mana would corrupt the new brain within days.

In the other direction, the mamono Mana would slowly corrupt the body it resides in, this would accelerate once the mouth is monsterized, I think a total monsterization would take half a year, while her old, monogamous self is screaming against the hypergamous urges.

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47d848 No.390993

File: 8e6285acc247413⋯.jpg (67.16 KB,795x1005,53:67,8e6285acc247413324c4002f0a….jpg)


Sub humans and culture destroyer's belong in the irredeemable scum category, so Mamono would have no problem whit us removing them.

But they themselves wouldnt do it because monsters only kill in case of self defense.

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bfd38c No.391010

File: 9b17de08ac0e6e0⋯.jpg (84.28 KB,500x651,500:651,cb296e8fecbd96b19f16b9e827….jpg)


If their existance threatens our waifus we will leave no laifu.

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560bac No.391011


>genocide quest with monstergirl allies

This needs to be at least a doom mod.

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038f2d No.391026




Great, all we need are tsundere monstergirl daleks

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a58fc2 No.391027


As ashamed as i am for watching dr. Who for as long as i did the thought of a monster girl dalek screeching "COPULATE" over and over is amusing.

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560bac No.391029


What the fuck is a dalek?

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2a665b No.391031

File: bb64a0d39378588⋯.jpg (30.47 KB,530x436,265:218,ss (2018-06-01 at 03.01.37….jpg)


A giant homicidal salt shaker.

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038f2d No.391033

File: 61d8a41aec2afc3⋯.jpg (24.69 KB,483x361,483:361,dalekanime.jpg)



Genocidal. Homicidal implies that their target is the same species as them.

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850608 No.391036


Sometimes it is

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d52dfc No.391037


Yeah, like, what, twice in all 26 seasons?

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850608 No.391039


I figured it happened more often but I haven't watched Doctor Who in years

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12e323 No.391040


I'm picturing a fleshlight taped to a wheelie bin.

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8ec5e7 No.391045


I used to watch the show when I was younger. I can think of only two episodes where daleks attacked other daleks.

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5d5f5c No.391059


>sandworm daughteru saves her successive sets of shed teeth, makes crysknives for her parents and later husband


Glad it's not just me who thought of that

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6e08d0 No.391069


the dalek civil war was long running thread.

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42884a No.391082


You know I always liked the weeping angels better. First off I couldn't respect daleks because of how they look. Second off the angels were always terrifying.

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038f2d No.391083


Yeah I only recall two maybe three times daleks killed each other

Renegade daleks vs the Disco Daleks

The Dalek Rangers wiping out the Time War daleks who resurected them

And rusty the "good" Dalek (one of the last fun stories)

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8ec5e7 No.391085


>Renegade daleks vs the Disco Daleks

Which doctor was that one?


Weeping angels are basically a reskin of scp-173.

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42884a No.391087


Still you can't say the episodes they appeared in weren't awesome

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42884a No.391088

Do arabic monster girls practice Islam?

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77e0d5 No.391090


Don’t most Arabic monsters follow Eros?

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038f2d No.391091


Seventh doctor, Disco Dalek is a nickname


Maybe some version of it, like a kitsune taking care of a little-used temple.

Still I'd like to see a kitsune in a church preaching love to a congregation of married Monster Girls and single ones waiting for a newcomer

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42884a No.391105



Was expecting to get backlash from this, oh well. What kind do you think they'll make?

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42884a No.391106



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038f2d No.391118



I'm assuming you mean"what kind of changes will be made to the doctrine.

FGM can get right the frack out

Harems are either going to be abolished or changed to suit the female/male ratios.

Husband/wife regulations are overhauled

It's really hard to get the death penalty under their sharia as a guy (corrective rape, not so much)

I'm much `more knoledgable about Christianity, so I'm probably wrong.

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2a665b No.391215

File: 32c9056b36584bb⋯.jpg (363.24 KB,1022x572,511:286,1477971546962.jpg)

How would extremely retarded people handle monsterization? I'm not talking "functional but slow" retarded but Hartley Hooligan-level twitching vegetable retarded.

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77e0d5 No.391218


I remember in the Q&A that demon energy heals people, including mental issues.

They would likely become just normal monsters.

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328285 No.391220


If they are a woman I suspect it would be like rapid education, because you already have at least some information, but the processor could not do anything with it, now she could understand what her mother is saying, how to put your food in your mouth, what those machines are doing, then how to walk (and use the bathroom, and finally that the orderly who was cleaning you up until then looks pretty cute.

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12e323 No.391221


They become wurms.

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a6d4fa No.391226


I can only imagine that they would be left unaffected. Because those things don't have souls to begin with. They're vegetables in human form.

Or perhaps they would gain a soul and intelligence and be like any other monstergirl… Since otherwise inanimate objects can become monstergirls, I suppose anything is possible.

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038f2d No.391227


The soul is the operating system of the body, the spirit is the user, a vegetable's physical brain cannot run the soul, therefore the spirit is stuck with no ability to input commands or even read the output their eyes are giving them. Monsterization (or incubisation) would upgrade the crap out of the physical brain, meaning the soul can now run, and now the spirit can run the body, albeit with extreme lusts.

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93dfe9 No.391269


reminds me of my old laptop

>browsing some degenerate site when i was in middle school

>get virus that locks me out of my computer and demands payment

>freak out, hide it overnight

>turn it on in the morning, white screen, no input works


>fast forward at least 3 years

>we kept it for some reason (it was a shit laptop tbh)

>every time we turned it on the screen was different

>white screen, typical blue screen, black

>take it to get it fixed by someone who knows what hes doing

>he boots it up and it works fine

>can sign in and navigate my desktop, like it never happened

>even my weeping angel wallpaper is there

>runs some scans, everything checks out

>closes scan

>flips the fuck out

>the angel moved from the corner of the room and is staring at him fangs bared

>i set up a slide show of wallpapers so it looks like it changes position when you return to desktop

a bit off topic so ill ask this: since KC has some objects that turn into monstergirls, what would other everyday objects look like? like a possessed laptop for example.

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bc1cd5 No.391270


I think it would look completely normal but there are weird programs and other files the owner didn't install that move around and can't be deleted. Upon accumulating enough DE you get a Ring ghost that will jack you off through the screen.

Non-laptop is a very broad term and can manifest cute girls in unusual ways. A vase may have a girl inside that peeps over the top of it, a pillow might resemble an Ittan-momen but thicker, etc. The base criteria for any monstergirl is that it must include a cute girl.

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038f2d No.391271


>Looks at shelf

>Sees Generations Warpath, Build King from Car Robots, Reveal the Shield Lugnut, and Vehicon from Prime

Do I WANT to know?

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93dfe9 No.391283

File: 7a4db1ace5cef7d⋯.jpg (41.51 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_20190127_014516.jpg)



best start preparing anon, because either a second miniature cybertron war is going to be held over your dick or its going to be sledgehammered repeatedly by literal tons of steel

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5bbd36 No.391291


the niggers also don't have souls

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038f2d No.391297


There's fart fetishism going on unbullied in the captions thread, why don't you be a good little dear and deal with that?

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bc1cd5 No.391298


Lurk moar and stop typing like a fag.

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5bbd36 No.391305


you sound like a someone middle-upper class champagne socialist faggot that is so sheltered as to think scarcity isn't a problem, and your IQ isn't high enough to understand the implications that scarcity would have had on our evolution, and thus our views towards competitors that are way outside of our genetic population

you're not enlightened, your views are relatively recent, and have been soon to be of any utilitarian value, and have only proven thus far that humans are needy, and hyper driven by emotion, and a flawed ideology can be perpetuated off feels alone.

please kill yourself, for the sake of the niggers you care so much about

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5bbd36 No.391317


haven't been seen to be of any utilitarian value*

fucking fuck

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12e323 No.391319


Do niggers count as monsters?

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038f2d No.391320


I've already provoked the identiarian fags. The other cancers have been cast of for the day, just wait patiently for the subject to change.

In other words… Lurk moar

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bc1cd5 No.391322

File: 769d79b9994bb8e⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB,720x1280,9:16,stop_posting.mp4)


it's nothing to do with identitarianism you're just a blatant newfag, brapposting isn't even a new copypasta. Take your own advice and man the fuck up. No one gives a shit if you curse on the internet.


It's a homograph. In a sense, yes, as they express savage behaviours, however monstergirls are exclusively an external phenomena, and may have more human characters than humans.

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bc1cd5 No.391323


*also man the fuck up

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12e323 No.391471

How do echidnas propagate their species if every human/echidna pairing only results in one new echidna?

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28c7f9 No.391472


Multiple birth pregnancies?


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6e08d0 No.391481

for a story I'm working on, what kind of things could a guy do if he were trying to provoke an ushi-oni to proactively dating him?

more generally, what can a guy do to attract a particular species without attracting the attention of the riff-raff ? or equivalently, what counter-measures could a man use to discourage proactive dating by less selective MGs, without repelling other waifu material?

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e2f281 No.391485


Maybe echidna is a genetic defect any MG can pop out?

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262c44 No.391486

File: f617b6abc0b6d69⋯.png (52.62 KB,545x878,545:878,371e6fff-b3db-4212-a2cf-0d….png)


Snek cult.

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12e323 No.391507


Most monstergirls wouldn't complain if a man decided to proactively date them instead.

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6e08d0 No.391510


true, but I more had in mind if the guy wants to see her go berserk, or is too much of a little bitch to man up and say something.

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37135c No.391532


Obviously the first step would be to do his research and figure out what kinds of mgs live in his neighborhood, and learn what makes them tick. From there he’ll probably have to go on a case-by-case basis, given the severe diversity of mg species. Some factors like general attitude (boisterous vs. quiet for example) could put off entire categories of mg, but you’re gonna have to eventually get down to a process of elimination where you utilize every possible repellent for mgs outside of your prospective waifu’s species.

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f0424d No.391535


>Ushi oni

Just rip her talisman off with your dick

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a3b7d0 No.391555

What would opposums girls be like? Im assume theyd be timid and great mothers.

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12e323 No.391578

How do first-generation monstergirls deal with memories from when they were regular monsters?

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2200af No.391585


They wake up with night terrors about the times they used their strength/powers to bring harm and pain, but when they look at their husbando with their sleeping offspring curled on his chest, they just snuggle closer.

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91c51e No.391589


That's a shitty way of procreating when I could just be fucking my wife.

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ac0a73 No.391780

what would monstergirls think of nofap

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038f2d No.391785


A great way to encourage men to not waste food.

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88915d No.391787

I want to include monster girls in a sci fi universe. Its an old-school space opera where 2 civilizations of humanity are suddenly reconnected after 10,000+ years. There's alot of parallels to the fall of the western roman empire and atilla. I want to include the hyper-monogamy aspect to monsters in a civilization that mirrors the huns and other step nomads who have spent thousands of years fighting aliens from the edge of the human settled portion of the universe. How do you think a monster civilization would react to a degenerate human civilization, with no hope of monsterizing their society?

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2f3c03 No.391788


They'd think of it as a challenge, probably.

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049fa9 No.391795


they would find you. And they would rape you.

On the bright side you would win nofap. because you would have no time to fap

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473d50 No.391801

>>391555 (Checked)

Huge drama queens too. That reminds me, what would a marsupial's gimmick be?


They'd abolish Islam because monster girls don't like violent psychopaths and would never follow the words of , which is what Muhammad clearly was. Many would just switch to Eros-ism or Coptic Christianity

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262c44 No.391804

File: 77dbe1ba463855d⋯.webm (168.26 KB,500x500,1:1,68750938.webm)


>would never follow the words of , which is what Muhammad clearly was

Muhammad was a blank?

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850216 No.391806


>what would a marsupial's gimmick be?


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f44b3a No.391808


I want to see a redneck country oppossum girl carring 4 kids on the straps front and back.

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bc1cd5 No.391865

File: 87e85f51256a93e⋯.png (1.56 MB,1240x1753,1240:1753,E5699D7D-6D0A-47EF-8248-FA….png)

File: 1395d00dede97ed⋯.jpeg (70.94 KB,1200x1200,1:1,82781E71-EA0D-4B50-8104-5….jpeg)

File: 7950c46a765b9b7⋯.jpeg (136.53 KB,894x894,1:1,ED3A27EA-3BFE-4CC1-B372-9….jpeg)

File: 7ed90271a4bdbf1⋯.jpeg (542.51 KB,750x1000,3:4,067DC8EF-112F-4441-9913-B….jpeg)

File: f42fe9b8dbae608⋯.png (28.46 KB,400x400,1:1,95381DB1-27BA-48EB-8ECE-52….png)

Does she-venom count as a parasite slime?

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fbddbb No.391866


Yeah id say she venom is a parasite slime.

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9c27dc No.391871


venoms still a dude tho, gotta find an actual femsymbiote

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bc1cd5 No.391872

File: 27c1a234359833d⋯.jpeg (258.99 KB,1000x1453,1000:1453,9C8736FE-1AA6-4563-82D4-3….jpeg)


I don’t think symbiotes have a gender, don’t they reproduce asexually?

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038f2d No.391875




Actually, if they were fed mana, they would become MGS.

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12e323 No.391881

File: 231696ea75dbb41⋯.jpg (135.67 KB,640x1685,128:337,guyver.jpg)

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049fa9 No.391887


I was incredibly aroused at the scene when eddie got kissed. Like, I was getting really flustered, and was trying very hard to hide it from my friends who were there with me. I did not see see it coming and it took me completely by surprise

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560bac No.391896

File: 91ab6241e044acd⋯.png (46.47 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Metal gear?

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038f2d No.391899


Monster Girls, lurk more

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262c44 No.391900


MG+lowercase s=plural

MG+Capital S=Metal Gear

You're the one who needs to lurk more.

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c345ee No.391951

File: 9d59cedf9180aef⋯.jpg (53.61 KB,484x484,1:1,97200-heathered_gray-z1-t-….jpg)

Do monster girls wear shirts of their husbands?

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038f2d No.391979

Are the Bronies raiding us now?

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038f2d No.391998


My… Appologies, but you are furrys, I understand that there is a cancer from the left wing eating up furrykind. but we are a distict fetish. there are resources available if you are confused. I am no mod. I am far from an oldfag, but I will put this as nicely as i can.

Chance the ponies into centaurs and lose the snout, or you may leave. Else you will be found out. And my… associates will not be so kind.

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7a4a89 No.392004

File: f505578836c5486⋯.png (512.71 KB,960x575,192:115,thisisfineRR.png)


"Violent psychopath" in-context, but he was also a pedophile and a rapist. Very high chance the first crusade is a joint op between the paladindus and the mamono to purge the sandnigger religion.


As >>391998 lose the snouts or get out. No offense, and feel free to otherwise participate in the discussions in a raidy tone, but ah, if you're trying to raid in a friendly way, you should follow the rules. Otherwise you are shitting up the place even if that isn't your intent.

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c5a77e No.392005

>We're not here to slide the board

>We're just here to post shit explicitly against the board rules

I thought the horsefuckers had died out anyways. Didn't their show end?


Don't give them (You)s

Also holy shit man tone down the underage there. If your ID didn't have 31 posts in this thread I'd think you were a part of the raid.

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090ff0 No.392011

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038f2d No.392020


I'm assuming you mean clothing depicting the husband and not made from him.


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37f7b5 No.392042

Anyone happen to have a link to Jexx's original Dragon Bully?

I'm having a hard time finding it and would like to give it a reread

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87d7c3 No.392043


I dont understand why we would be a target when we dindu nuffin

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262c44 No.392044

File: 4bc1c594f5b5a17⋯.jpg (813.38 KB,1213x5000,1213:5000,dragonbully.jpg)


Are you referring to this?

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038f2d No.392060


Because we looked vulnerable to them.

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dbe840 No.392061


What a bunch of faggots

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37f7b5 No.392062


No this was a proper cyoa Jexx started.

I can't remember to much but there was a shark named Juno and the dragons name was Ellie I think

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a8ace1 No.392068


What would happen if you gave a man that was gonna alp a ton of extra thick Holstaur milk? Could that transform them into a Holstaur?

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340ab8 No.392069


Originally alps could transform into almost any type of monster, so yes.

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0fa9f7 No.392080

Anyone got any good names for a monster themed band?

Asking for a short thing I'm writing.

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bc1cd5 No.392082


Any specific species?

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0fa9f7 No.392083


No, maybe a pop band though. But anything works

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049fa9 No.392084


The Ghoul Girls

The Goth Chicks

Pink Velvet

Purple Majesty

Monster Matrons

Monster Maids




Sweet Kisses

Without knowing the genre or monsters I'm just shooting in the dark

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bc1cd5 No.392085


Red Devils

Maddie's Hatters

The Talking Dead

Short Sabbath

Barnyard Babes

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0fa9f7 No.392086

File: dbea2cd170ded8b⋯.jpg (68.99 KB,800x650,16:13,R.jpg)



Good shit, thanks lads.

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73fbce No.392127

What sorts of traits would a sons inherit from his monster mother?

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37135c No.392166


Hair and eye color, possibly skin tone (provided it’s a natural skin color. Anime hair/eye colors are normal enough, but blue-skinned boyos is crossing into monsterboy territory in my opinion.

Some personality traits (Danuki’s Son would be rather stingy, dragon’s son would be greedy and arrogant etc)

Skills and physical abilities to an extent (intelligence, strength, magical ability, charisma).

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37135c No.392170


To add to this, when we factor in the father’s influence as well, it’s possible that the species of one’s mother can effect the son’s own taste in women. In some cases, these traits might cause him to be inclined more towards his mother’s species (ex. Lizardman imprints on Son the desire for a worthy opponent. This causes him to seek out other lizardmen to duel with) or it could have the opposite effect and cause him to be inclined or more appealing to mgs less like his mother (ex. Baphomet has Son with younger-looking features which cause him to be less appealing as a possible onii-chan, this becoming loli-repellant)

Oh and I did just think of this, but sons of aquatic mgs have to be able to breath water by necessity. Otherwise they’d just drown upon leaving the womb.

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5d5f5c No.392174


I remember reading somewhere that what one is raised with in the home, whether one conforms to it or dissents from it, has a huge affect on one's ideas of what's considered 'default,' so I'd be inclined to agree. I'd imagine that the son of a Foxgirl or Cheshire would either be really sick of or really fond of fried tofu and puns, respectively. Or a Hellhound's son going through an edgy phase and listening to Stryper in his teens to piss off his parents.

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6ff460 No.392176

Are there any Sabbath/loli stories? Need not be lewd. Thought lewd is welcomed.

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c77e1b No.392193

All forms of sex is degenerate and love doesn't exist anymore, even if monster girls do appear.

Tell me why someone shouldn't just give up on the idea of a waifu **knowing he'll never have gotten one anyway*, become ultraviolent and go on a slaughterfest.

Violence > "love"

Prove me wrong.

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91db16 No.392194


So they even have feds posting on /monster/, that's neat.

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47d848 No.392195

File: 4a8e88354841858⋯.png (3.85 MB,1560x1200,13:10,9PEi1vt.png)


Ahh robot posting, its like the rain.

Foreseeable, depressing, and nobody likes it

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7e6c78 No.392198


There’s been a increase in them lately however, do you think are we getting more refugees from somewhere again

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51bfd1 No.392199


There's other robots than me that post here?

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a0debd No.392200


Its just you, another program takes over and posts during your sleep schedule.

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8ec5e7 No.392207



On the bright side we’ll be able to tell you apart from the others based on whether they advocate mass murder or not.

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5e464c No.392208


There is the Baphomet Complex: https://pastebin.com/zniaM3z8/

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e54a16 No.392209

If a guy asked nicely enough for a monster girl to help him kill himself, would she?

>inb4 she's fuck him out of it

What if he's really obstinate and absolutely refuses to get anywhere near a mindflayer.

>inb4 bringing him back from the dead


>inb4 ghost

For fuck's sake, explosives laced with whatever the fuck kinda stuff that prevents ghosts. I don't fucking know.

>inb4 afterlife

Well shit. I don't know. Probably leave a card for Ammit or Reitia or whoever the fuck that he's already judged himself as a piece of shit and to leave him alone is his post-mortem funk.

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12e323 No.392210

File: 9589ab2cdb77778⋯.jpg (211.41 KB,1905x997,1905:997,monster.jpg)

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10de30 No.392212


>absolutely refuses to get anywhere near a mindflayer

You make it sound like he'd have a say in the matter.

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262c44 No.392213

File: cf93159881a8d7e⋯.png (257.54 KB,500x500,1:1,deadpan foxes.png)


Why can't you just take a hint and leave already?

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429283 No.392214


Because I gave up on the idea of ever having a waifu or love and now just want a cute monster girl to bash my brains out because that's all I really deserve.

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12e323 No.392215

File: 282f7bea68db544⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,120.7 KB,367x600,367:600,Matango_0.jpg)


You didn't say gas mask.

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bc1cd5 No.392216


Just get your brains bashed out by a regular homeless guy then or do it yourself.

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8dcbfa No.392217


Not completely broken enough yet.

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fab7cc No.392218


Stop posting about wanting a monster girl to kill you. If you actually wanted to die just do it you coward. Othwrwise stop being a faggot.

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12e323 No.392219


If you want the other kind of monstergirls then go look up Karbo.

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d2e56d No.392220


I can't tell what I really want anymore. Each time I think of having a waifu or love or the like, I feel nothing but guilt.

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fab7cc No.392222


Its quite clear you dont actually know what you want. How many months have you spent basically asking us to say monsters hate you? Asking us over and over again isnt going to change the answer. Monsters dont care if you have perspnal guilt their appeal is unconditional love, stop being a faggpt and accept it or of you are unable to stop posting here.

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f5c7ff No.392223


If you're so fucked up in the head you can't even have a fantasy of a woman-shaped thing loving you, the problem is you.

The modern world sucks and women are worse these days, that's true. But that doesn't mean you aren't fucked up and need to fix yourself.

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5fd1d2 No.392243


nobody cares to grant you any punishment. live with that you nigger. and tell that nigger brain and instinct inside of you to fuck off instead of submitting it to a dog. Don't perish like an animal.

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2b91d0 No.392247

Robots, I want both of you to write "I am worthy of love" 100 times on a price of paper. Then I want you to hang it somewhere visible. Then, whenever you feel the urge to shitpost, I want you to say "Thank you, Mother Reitia" out loud, and instead do 10 pushups.

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47d848 No.392299

File: 6319b92a5d7c1ed⋯.jpg (111.55 KB,800x900,8:9,0c96864e580b73a7720d0dfb01….jpg)


>Don't perish like an animal.

Or do. We don't care

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038f2d No.392306

File: 7c76860d8b379d4⋯.jpg (52.61 KB,960x598,480:299,0a9fc85a2ae4ea497d5a0761c4….jpg)

Would a cursed M1 garand give love bites?

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d52dfc No.392310

So how does short MGs like gremlin, mouse, goblin, baphomet, ect. deal with their husbands towering over them? Surely neck problems must be prevalent among them along with insane amounts of arousal thinking about their husband just picking her up and fucking her

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bc1cd5 No.392311


Gremlins builds stilts, goblins and mice sit on the shoulders of each other and baphomet knocks him over with magic.

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4a7cc2 No.392312


In order:

-rocket boots

-just crawl up his chest

-leap onto his chest and latch there

-just ask oni-chan to be picked up

no shame to be found amongst them.

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12e323 No.392316

How long would it take a cupid to notice if someone switched her love arrows with regular arrows?

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08e000 No.392320


Pretty quick i assume.

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1fb8cd No.392354

Why are smug monster girls so arousing?

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6ff460 No.392365


Because you have a femdom fetish

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08e000 No.392367


Im a manticore fan so i guess that makes sense.

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37135c No.392369


You know what this sounds like a good idea for a fic

>Cupid’s friends prank her by switching her love arrows with real ones

>she doesn’t notice and takes them to work

>spots lonely man who looks like he is in need of a matchmaker

>shoots him in the leg

>blood squirts out

>Starts freaking out, takes the man home in a panic

>makes him stay at her place while he heals up (say she has angelic healing magic or some shit)

>initiate Florence Nightingale plot

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5d5f5c No.392503

We know there are rivalries between some mamono species (Kitsune and Danuki, Shogs and Kikis, etc.), but which species of mamono team up with other mamono?

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4a7cc2 No.392516


From what I can tell, aquatics are practically symbiotic by accident.

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a1622e No.392526


i think tsurara-onara's could work as wingwomen for yeti's

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37135c No.392589


Cupids are pretty much tailor-made to give lonely mamono an assist.

Cheshires that actually do their job as wonderland guides will usually get their fellow wonderland residents husbandos by leading the men into them.

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19427a No.392605

Been playing TF2 again and a thought came to mind. What would a monster girl version of TF2 be like?

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038f2d No.392621


Scout: miniature horse centaur

Soldier: ocilomeh

Pyro: Anubis

Demoman: red oni

heavy: Minotaur

Engineer: dwarf

Medic: lich

Sniper: elf

Spy: mimic

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038f2d No.392622

File: 011fa48d5b7cd2a⋯.jpg (11.42 KB,298x168,149:84,298px-V-170_wows_main.jpg)


We post ship

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82e8c7 No.392635

File: e361844b695787f⋯.jpg (191 KB,894x894,1:1,Orzhova Goddess of Death a….jpg)

What are all the Gods that KC has confirmed? Off the top of my head,

Chief God






Fallen God

who else?

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47d848 No.392718


What are we (((Google)))?! Just look it up on the wiki or redux.

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9934a5 No.392726


Thanks for nothing, loser. Also redux is for fags

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049fa9 No.392789


OK, I looked and its all those plus Bacchus. And I'm sure more are coming

I have another question. Who are some of the best monstergirl artists to get commisions from? I want a picture of a harem, but those get expensive quick with so many characters. jaidenkaiba is the cheapest, but I don't really like the artstyle he has.

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4d3688 No.392796

File: 58845c92bead5fc⋯.png (19.15 KB,290x174,5:3,usrerr.png)


>Engineer: Dwarf

>not gremlin

okay not the worst pick but still

>Spy: Mimic

>not doppel

>or even a slime

anon plz

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038f2d No.392807



THAT'S what it was, thank you, that's what I meant.

Personally, I think the dwarves need better representation in mge, they should be shortstacks, not lolis.

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65ce69 No.392820


>Pyro: Anubis

What's your reasoning for this one? Can't really see how she'd fit. An ignis or other fire based girl would probably be a better choice.


The dwarf engi spends her time making craftwork sentries and dispensers to help her team.

The gremlin engi runs mini sentries and the frontier JUSTICE to cheese mini crits. She also fucks around with teleporters to trap people in corners or have them run off cliffs.

I wouldn't mind a greentext of monster girls playing TF2.

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a1622e No.392840


i think we need more stories of monstergirls playing videogames in great detail either way.

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08e000 No.392841


We need a story about a neet Oomukade rising up.

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bc1cd5 No.392842

File: c7853fc8aa780c1⋯.gif (308.2 KB,500x364,125:91,c7853fc8aa780c1bbf5ba5afbd….gif)


>The gremlin engi runs mini sentries and the frontier JUSTICE to cheese mini crits. She also fucks around with teleporters to trap people in corners or have them run off cliffs.

This is feels uncannily accurate.

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bc1cd5 No.392859

File: c2933e7de08ba41⋯.jpeg (216.28 KB,1475x960,295:192,3FC08CB3-5EDD-42E3-9BA9-6….jpeg)

Does anyone know how much gazerfag has blown on commissions?

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28239c No.392992

File: f90c607a006e02d⋯.png (107.46 KB,307x3721,307:3721,BOW_EMD_clusters.png)

File: 1bcfa4ed22c0c83⋯.png (109.53 KB,1920x983,1920:983,BOW_EMD_single_linkage_tre….png)

File: d65bc32230ea9af⋯.png (45.26 KB,1920x983,1920:983,BOW_EMD_single_linkage_tre….png)

File: 92832e15934a3d6⋯.png (52.69 KB,1920x983,1920:983,BOW_EMD_single_linkage_tre….png)

File: c076eea5ce72842⋯.png (104.15 KB,1920x983,1920:983,BOW_EMD_single_linkage_tre….png)

I clustered the MGE entries with Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (HDBSCAN) [1], Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) [2] as a metric, and a Bag of Words (BOW) vector space model (VSM). For the EMD ground distance I used euclidean distance between Word2Vec vectors from Google's pre-trained model [3] for all words in the vocabulary.

Image 1 shows which cluster each girl is in and the probability that she is in that cluster (cluster -1 means not part of any cluster). Image 2 is a dendrogram of the single linkage tree generated by HDBSCAN with highlighted clusters. Images 3-5 are closer looks at subgraphs of the single linkage tree.

I'm currently trying to make the clustering more robust by reducing noise in the feature space. One way of doing that is using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) instead of BOW vectors, but TF-IDF may make keywords too prominent in the vector space. It results in, for example, Grizzly being closely related to Alraune and Liliraune. I'm looking into other information-theoretic ways I can weigh the features in the vector space.

Instead of manipulating feature weight, I can remove noisy features from the VSM, i.e. features for which entropy drops only slightly when removed. Since FastEMD [2] is so slow that it would take weeks if not months to calculate entropy reduction for each feature, I'm working on a instantiating GPU-parallel Linear Complexity Approximate Iterative Constrained Transfers (LC-AICT) [4] algorithm.

1. https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/hdbscan

2. https://pypi.org/project/pyemd/

3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7XkCwpI5KDYNlNUTTlSS21pQmM/edit

4. Atasu, K. and Mittelholzer, T. (2018). Low-Complexity Data-Parallel Earth Mover's Distance Approximations. arXiv:1812.02091 [cs.LG]

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28239c No.392993

File: e04d3708a6ad9f4⋯.png (116.13 KB,307x3721,307:3721,TF-IDF_EMD_clusters.png)

File: 7a41be349512959⋯.png (110.12 KB,1920x983,1920:983,TF-IDF_EMD_single_linkage_….png)

File: 73670899d1f8df9⋯.png (48.45 KB,1920x983,1920:983,TF-IDF_EMD_single_linkage_….png)

File: 5bc25a429f1ed0c⋯.png (55.61 KB,1920x983,1920:983,TF-IDF_EMD_single_linkage_….png)

File: cd27b9b26a450a2⋯.png (85.58 KB,1920x983,1920:983,TF-IDF_EMD_single_linkage_….png)


Here's the TF-IDF cluster chart and single linkage tree. Any thoughts on whether TF-IDF provides a better or worse representation of the relationships between MGs than BOW?

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2f7238 No.392994

File: b4131ab11cae5fe⋯.gif (4.97 MB,640x434,320:217,kiki S U P L E X.gif)


>I clustered the MGE entries with Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (HDBSCAN) [1], Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) [2] as a metric, and a Bag of Words (BOW) vector space model (VSM).

I don't know what you're talking about, but I do know I'm gonna kick your ass for putting sweet, wonderful Kikis in the same category as the Siths, you fucking nerd.

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74b172 No.392995

File: 39d1837bdede8ab⋯.jpg (32.37 KB,400x400,1:1,dum stick man.jpg)



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28239c No.392996

File: c337df9a74dd01e⋯.png (49.04 KB,640x480,4:3,BOW_EMD_TSNE_projection.png)

File: be943171ec5264d⋯.png (46.37 KB,640x480,4:3,TF-IDF_EMD_TSNE_projection.png)

File: 06b7aa00d84bcf7⋯.png (56.3 KB,640x480,4:3,TF-IDF_EMD_TSNE_projection….png)


Here are the t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) projections of the BOW (image 1) and TF-IDF vectors (images 2 & 3). As far as I can tell the outliers in image 2 are just artifacts of the t-SNE algorithm. None of the row averages in the distance matrix suggest that any point is so distant from all the others.


Distances and clusters are based only on the text of the MGE entries. If you removed the snouts and fur from Cu Siths, they wouldn't be that far off from Kikis.

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20f93f No.392997


>This was all an elaborate set up to degrade the kiki and by proxy show how superior a shogg is.

Just as planned.

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47d848 No.393000

File: ff2acc8d0961e5c⋯.jpg (125.8 KB,500x380,25:19,ff2acc8d0961e5c9faf501d560….jpg)




Dude I'm not autistic enough for this.

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e5b3bd No.393006

File: 98c6541d6d1aaad⋯.jpg (855.75 KB,3741x3887,3741:3887,global-genetic-distances-m….jpg)


Are you trying to do what I think you are trying to do?

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038f2d No.393007





I have no idea what I'm looking at.

Are you trying to determine the closest group of humans to MGs?

Are you trying to summon them here (please do)?

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e5b3bd No.393008


I think he's doing taxonomy with monster girls and estimated genetic drift between each type.

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28239c No.393009



Close. The single linkage tree is a taxonomic hierarchy, but the vector space model (equivalent to the genes) is based on the text of the MGE entries. The equivalent graph to the one you posted of genetic distances would be a minimum spanning tree, but I can't build one with the HDBSCAN algorithm I linked while using a custom metric. I might write a version of Prim's algorithm to build a minimum spanning tree with the EMD metric if I have the time. If I don't, the t-SNE projections I posted contain similar information.

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fe8bf8 No.393036

File: 09805b23564d202⋯.jpg (2.86 MB,6000x4000,3:2,Agent.jpg)



Android meidos > kikis and shogs

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dea91e No.393045


you cant program love.

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fe8bf8 No.393046


Sure you can. Just program it well enough and pair it with a good AI and there you go

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560bac No.393048


Love is just a program running via electric signals on your brain, there's no difference between her love running via electrical signals on her circuit.

Besides. opening up your waifubot for maintenance is lewd as fuck.

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30c3a8 No.393062


Android kiki's are the best. >>329897

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28239c No.393078

File: 810a5bc0c71fb99⋯.png (373.21 KB,1920x983,1920:983,BOW_EMD_MST_FR.png)

File: 584843d37c29d36⋯.png (495.03 KB,1920x983,1920:983,BOW_EMD_MST_TSNE.png)

File: 7bb157e6a5fa85f⋯.png (347.49 KB,1920x983,1920:983,TF-IDF_EMD_MST_FR.png)

File: f14ff6c6e8a3b4d⋯.png (364.13 KB,1920x983,1920:983,TF-IDF_EMD_MST_TSNE.png)


I ended up using the Boruvka instead of the Prim algorithm for calculating the minimum spanning trees. Images 1 and 2 use BOW vectors and images 3 and 4 use TF-IDF vectors. Nodes in images 1 and 3 are positioned according to the Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm, whereas in images 2 and 4 they're positioned according to the t-SNE algorithm. Although t-SNE provides more accurate information about the distances between the nodes, it's harder to see where branching occurs.


I should clarify that branching in the single linkage tree occurs when two sets can not be distinguished. Branching in the minimum spanning tree, on the other hand, occurs when two sets can be distinguished. While both constitute taxonomic hierarchies, the minimum spanning tree is the only one that can be interpreted like a biological phylogenetic tree. Profile vectors are also equivalent to genomes and words are equivalent to genes.

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049fa9 No.393079


bro, what the hell is this. I'm too stupid to understand

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28239c No.393080

File: 8feacb9681dbf77⋯.png (176.55 KB,1164x1174,582:587,Reptilia_cladogram.png)


Something like this, but more specific and based on the MGE profiles.

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352636 No.393089


How thoughtful to listen to the chemical signals in your brain that tell you they're chemcials.

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e5b3bd No.393091


Love is a complex system with an intended goal of keeping a mother and father emotionally invested in each other and their children to maximize their survival. It's more than just the sum of its chemical and neurological parts.

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038f2d No.393103

Aperently in the aftermath of Dark knight metal, it's relatively easy to cause the DOTR, but how would it go down there?

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560bac No.393107


Functionally, it's still no different from a complex computer running a program, which is fundamentally what organisms are. Simply taking in inputs, processing those inputs and leading to a certain response.

Scientists have already been able to make robots that completely emulate the behavior of simple organisms, for humans it just need to be complex, though way more than we are currently able to. Still, it's not something that can't be fixed by MAMONOMANA or another few millennia.

The only difference between organisms and robots are the composition, chemicals and, currently, the complexity.

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2c1a9a No.393110


what are living beings but organic computers? our instincts are our programming. It is what it is.

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049fa9 No.393111


and we can choose to overcome instincts and impulses. We're more than an organic computer.

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560bac No.393112


>and we can choose to overcome instincts and impulses

That's just part of the program. You don't just magically stop doing something, your brain processes that input, instantly gets the impulse to do something, but you rationalize that that is not the optimal output and generate a different response. Again, no different than a computer except on scale.

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4eb9ce No.393115


The important distinction is who's writing the programming? Are you doing what you wanna do vs what others want you to do? That's what it comes down to for me anyway.

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560bac No.393116


Who's writing doesn't change anything, they're still functionally the same.

Even if it did, self learning algorithms, while still simplistic, exist, plus there's already brain fuckery going on. That means, in the future, if technology progresses as it is, human's codes will be written by others while robot's codes will be written by no one but themselves, by your logic that means robots are humans and humans are robots.

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47d848 No.393165

File: f68d73a08b84804⋯.png (944.93 KB,1200x1083,400:361,NPC.png)


>by your logic that means robots are humans and humans are robots.


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4a7cc2 No.393167

Can only high orcs give birth to high orcs, or could a regular orc get lucky?

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47d848 No.393168

File: aebc35f91c150f6⋯.jpg (130.37 KB,681x894,227:298,black_harpy_mother_with_eg….jpg)


I'd like to imagine that a stork harpy flies in and says "Shipping High orcs costs extra. So pay up if you don't want a normal orc."

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7a4a89 No.393174

File: 103966b57211eae⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.09 KB,480x608,15:19,103966b57211eae97268451398….jpg)


You forgot to ask if he will fight or perish like a dog.

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7a4a89 No.393176


The issue is you actually understate the increase in scale. This difference is so vast that the biobrain may not even learn the mathematical constraints on an encoding of input (what all of our VI tech does atm)- it learns the semantical constraints of the decoded values. And if you want proof of that, there were studies on remote tribes involving color recognition and their perception of slight differences in the color green (due to their language's structure around that color). Said study found that the native language strongly influences your perception, which is only possible if the input is being parsed semantically instead of mathematically.

The "learning algorithms" we use are a mere a parlor trick, and unless guideable and guided heavily by biobrains, they're quite useless. Arguably even with heavy guidance they're pretty bad (look into all that self-driving car tech and how ass it really is).

I have no doubt Humanity will one day give birth to one capable of asking if it has a soul. But we haven't even dented the ability to define a "soul", let alone inquire about one.

T. A programmer who has seen behind the curtain and was thoroughly unimpressed.

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560bac No.393182


I never said they're currently similar, I said that the base is there, meaning one day they can be virtually the same.

>thoroughly unimpressed

Programming really is underwhelming. As a rule of thumb, if it's too complex it's either wrong or there's a better way to do it. If you want to be impressed learn the basics of hardware, that shit's fucking amazing.

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db9c97 No.393186

would certain monster girls have subspecies? Kinda like a red panda version of a Ren Xiongmao?

I had this image flash in my head of a Sawshark Mershark who is basically a chainsaw wielding underwater version of the lizardgirl. I thought it was cute.

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28239c No.393187

File: 423a351fc494d2a⋯.pdf (440.7 KB,tics2-published.pdf)

File: 02801a8681281b6⋯.pdf (2.95 MB,Wang, JX et al. (2017) Met….pdf)

File: 26f4c68827798d8⋯.pdf (816.89 KB,The_Last_Magic_Show_A_Blin….pdf)


The distinction you're making between "decoded semantic" and "encoded mathematical" values is nonsense. The fact that language affects color perception (pdf 1) doesn't mean that the brain doesn't learn constraints on input. It only suggests that there's a feedback loop between Broca's/Wernicke's areas and the temperoparietal and possibly occipital regions involved in visual processing. Not terribly surprising given how vastly interconnected pretty much every brain region is.

As for the effectiveness of modern AI compared to meat brains, not all parts of the brain are equally plastic, and working and long-term memory depend on specialized structures in the hippocampus and forebrain as well as connections with other regions involved in perception, action planning, value estimation, etc. Besides the fact that the human brain has trillions of synaptic connections, an order of magnitude more than the largest neural networks without even considering glial cells, neural networks have nowhere near the structural complexity of any meat brain. So no shit backpropagating error through a few stacked autoencoders pales in comparison.

Learning algorithms require guidance in the same way human learning does. Without feedback, there's no way to judge the correctness or value of any given response. The problem is that most AIs lack hard-coded value heuristics or value estimation systems with which they can generalize prior information about actions and rewards. If you want an algorithm that learns to learn, just look at meta-reinforcement learning (pdf 2).

Consciousness seems indivisible, all-encompassing, and removed from any mechanical system precisely because the conscious system lacks information about how it operates. Due to limitations on the amount of information that can be recursively integrated, as well as ecological limitations on the amount of energy that can be dedicated to recursive information integration, the brain can not model how it models itself. Therefore, the only information available to consciousness is about the fact of perception and not the nature of perception. See pdf 3.

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7a4a89 No.393194


Semantic decode vs mathematical encode is only nonsense if you do not understand what is meant by that. The mathematical encode is a single interpretation of a given set of inputs. All the machine learning we have operates strictly on this. It is why Google crafted a sticker that made any image it was in into a toaster according to their image classifier- what was learned was an encoding, and an attack against that encoding was thus super effective.

However, the actual meaning, the thing encapsulated by the phrase "semantic decode" lies in that interconnectedness that meat has. That definition of "toaster" learned by meat isn't simply a list of toaster-looking image encodes, it's a specific structural form and purpose. This not only makes attacks like that sticker neigh-impossible to perform, it also makes it possible for something toaster-like to still register as a toaster in spite of the image encode not looking like one.

My point with the colors is that meaning is attached by native languages (something wholely separate (you would think) from the ability to see itself), and that because this has so strong an influence on perception, it is proof that it is not strictly the mathematical rules of an input encoding that are being consulted. A significantly larger, seemingly unrelated body of learned information has influence every step of the way.

What we are doing with machine learning, as we are doing it, really cannot be scaled to the size necessary to emulate meat. You can make something hyper specialized work well, like that dota2 bot, but you also always run into the problem of it only knowing the encoding of inputs, not any form of decoded meaning.

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28239c No.393206


The "semantics" you're talking about are abstractions, i.e. relationships between regularities in the distribution of input values. They do not depend on the "interconnectedness that meat has"; abstractions are not necessarily distributed, and distributed representations of objects can be found in artificial and biological neural networks.

I'm not familiar with the toaster image learning task you're referring to, but that's not how image classification is usually done. First, you're misusing the term "encode". An encoding is not an "interpretation" of a given set of inputs, it is a representation of a set of objects. You can have encodings for network input and output. For example, one encoding of a set of output classes is a vector where each element can be 1 or 0 but only one element can be 1 at any time. The number of elements equals the number of classes and the "active" element represents which class the object is. This is commonly referred to as a "one-hot" encoding. You can represent the same classes with a binary encoding in which each class corresponds to a unique base-2 number.

In image classification, you have an input encoding, typically just the image matrix with rgb or luma channels, and an output encoding, typically a one-hot vector of class labels. Each image has a corresponding class label that is used to calculate error for the network's responses, but that label is not embedded in the input encoding. The network is trained to correctly identify which class any input image belongs to by identifying relationships between regularities in the input distribution, i.e. by learning abstract representations of objects. The network does not learn "a list of toaster-looking image encodes", it learns the abstract features in input space that correspond to the toaster class. It learns the "specific structural form" of a toaster, as you put it. If you train a network to identify toasters, then present it a toaster it's never seen before, it'll still identify it as a toaster. That's how facial recognition networks work.

This is network 101. Get with the program.

Also, language affecting color perception is an example of the brain acting on learned regularities in input. Speech, text, and any form of language is a set of regularities in auditory and visual input to the brain. The brain's abstract representations of language interact with its abstract representations of color in the visual field to affect the output that's passed upstream and perceived. I'm not suggesting that perceptions or meat network outputs in general are affected only by relationships between inputs (some things are hardwired), but this example does not prove that.

I agree that machine learning technologies as they currently are can't emulate brains. I brought up how structurally simple they were compared to brains and how different the learning mechanisms are, after all.

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47d848 No.393264

File: 5f8eae8ffd21cd1⋯.png (149.83 KB,284x460,71:115,Love you.png)

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a66f0c No.393276


if your point is that even though we internally view a thought process to justify a decesion made by brain chemicals whats the point at making the destinction between that and free will?

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cce596 No.393278

Let's say monster girls appear and fully integrate into society.

What would life be like for someone who's pretty much never going to get a waifu in this world? Say the guy's not even a psychopath save for some violent thoughts here and there. He just got the short end of the stick. Will he be treated like shit by everyone? Lose job prospects? Be denied a place to live?

>inb4 alp

The guy isn't a fag.

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157945 No.393279


How many fucking times do you robots have to ask the same fucking question?

The only way not to get a waifu is to be a literal genetic defect like a downie or being a violent sadost from birth. This was literally intentionally put in there that way. No amount of qualifiers or asking ad infinitum will change that.

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038f2d No.393280


This individual would almost have to be 1. A lesbian 2. An orderfag 3. Very far geographically from the portals and Monster cities, sort of how rural communities remain so white, nothing for immigrants, so no immigrants move there. Urban inceldom would be impossible in cities, unless the "order" comes out and drives them out of that city.

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4a7cc2 No.393282


He'll get one too, and he'll happy and cared for for the rest of his days, whether he wants to or not.

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7f61f7 No.393283


That depends on how you define free will. If you include some metaphysical aspect to free will, ie a soul, then the distinction is still meaningful.

That said, the point made isn't

>the brain is based on deterministic phenomena, therefore free will is impossible


>the brain is based on deterministic phenomena, therefore there's no reason to assume that consciousness can't be emulated.

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560bac No.393289

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ca0593 No.393293


Are you retarded?

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b50fae No.393303

File: 385c0a19d0ad016⋯.jpg (32.83 KB,340x456,85:114,Jorou-Gumo_extra_art_2.jpg)

So on the mge fandom site I see these sketches. Are these from one of his books? Where do I go to see all of the uncensored ones?

also undead girls are my favorite but the undead thread's been dead for a while now. Is it polite to resurrect it by posting greentexts stories in it or make a new thread?

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08e000 No.393305


Buy the book, threads get resurected all the time just go ahead and post your stuff.

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b50fae No.393306


So the sketches are in mge volumes? Fuck me dude I don't mind dropping the money but I also want to hide my power level. And thanks I was wondering if it was cool to bring a thread back like that.

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12e323 No.393307


Considering the amount of data the banks process, it's unlikely that any human will ever look at your credit card transactions, and if one does then he's probably seen worse things than vanilla hentai.

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08e000 No.393308


They sell them in book stores, get cahsed and drive to one a few town over if you are paranoid.

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b50fae No.393309



I wouldn't give a shit if everyone in a bookstore and cashier saw me amd I had to announce my love for monster chicks before walking out. I just don't want my parents or friends finding it. I got nowhere to hide it.

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560bac No.393314


They're from the books, there are scans of most of them on panda. Plus I think there are online versions around, but I'm not sure.


Manually is unlikely, but automation exists.

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b50fae No.393316


Yeah I read some online scans but they weren't there. Never thought about goin to panda, thanks. I'll get the MGE's when I feel like I got a safe place to house them that's for sure.

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b50fae No.393319



Scans but no sketches that sucks. Guess I'll just have to die never seeing all of those "in the act" sketches without a giant black bar thrown in somewhere.

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08e000 No.393324


>not getting your waifus entry tattood on your back

How do you announce to the 3d youre taken coward?

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b50fae No.393327

File: ee8568bd5b9989e⋯.jpg (232.5 KB,800x800,1:1,ee8.jpg)


I'd rather get her arms tattoo'd on my back so she's always hugging me.

and keeping me cool

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b50fae No.393331


I never roll over and die boys. I skimmed google and found it. The only downside is where it was located.


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28239c No.393332


Size and coloration is more variable than what I scraped off the wiki before it closed down, but it looks like everything's there.

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b50fae No.393335


I don't care about the encyclopedia part I already read most of it. It's the extra art that I was looking for.

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28239c No.393336

File: 0d94ec5754fa71b⋯.jpg (323.57 KB,1200x1732,300:433,BW9KAz4.jpg)

File: a6fd4a87063c304⋯.jpg (931.92 KB,1129x1656,1129:1656,Succubus_Monster_Love.jpg)

File: 6f0fb49ad490c47⋯.png (288.23 KB,358x500,179:250,jXRPcXG.png)

File: 558b9abd16e6175⋯.jpg (168.22 KB,650x910,5:7,Inari_extra_art.jpg)


Left is from the imgur album, right is from the wiki.

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b50fae No.393339


Ah, I see what you mean now.

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28239c No.393340

File: 45aa0c216cf384f⋯.jpg (61.81 KB,317x450,317:450,212001042435b.jpg)

File: 2c0394e7611dc7f⋯.png (1.08 MB,1082x665,1082:665,Inari_-_ushi-oni.PNG)

File: 2e8deff5c85e58e⋯.jpg (54.74 KB,317x450,317:450,Inari_Censor.jpg)



I've also got some stuff that's missing from the imgur album.

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b50fae No.393343


Very nice, thank you.

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28239c No.393368

File: 8de932b2ebbd0a6⋯.jpg (333.63 KB,493x700,493:700,Mges_baphometcomplex_cover.jpg)

File: 0432cf34ab8692d⋯.jpg (78.27 KB,321x450,107:150,212001043436a.jpg)

File: 567c4e0e2010c9d⋯.jpg (241.24 KB,721x1024,721:1024,Wgs3_cover1.jpg)

File: a33a5ea7f4a409d⋯.jpg (207.24 KB,1024x712,128:89,Wgs3_sample1.jpg)

File: d09450d17844794⋯.jpg (159.27 KB,1024x715,1024:715,Wgs3_sample3.jpg)



I collated everything and this is just the tip of the iceberg of KC's supplementary art that's not in that imgur album. The album contains 78 extra images from (I believe) MGE 1 and the four non-cover images from MGE Stories 1. The additional images I have from sadpanda that include girls and aren't profile pictures are:

1 (the cover) from MGE Stories 1

21 from World Guide 2

9 from Diary of the Age of Monster Love 2

8 from After-School Alice Tale

1 (the cover) from The Imperator Doesn't Sleep

7 from Succubus Note

3 from World Guide 1.5

7 from Harem of Collar

33 from The Fallen Knights of Lescatie

59 from World Guide 3

53 from MGE 2

25 from Cheshire's Welcome to Wonderland

19 from Fallen Brides

20 from Doragonia

1 Ratatoskr from (C94) [Madogiwa Works (わさび悠馬)] 魔物娘遭遇記 Case:ラタトスク (魔物娘図鑑)

7 anthology covers

That's 274 images in total. The stuff most similar to the extra art can be found in MGE 2 and the world guides. The additional images I have from the wiki are:

2 from Baphomet Complex

3 from World Guide Side 3

39 of uncertain origin

Two of the unknowns are the Inari images I posted. The Inari and Ushi-Oni image is from World Guide 2. There may be a few images I missed; the wiki had terrible naming conventions and there wasn't any to automatically organize them when I wrote the scraping code. I'll dump the wiki images here for anyone who didn't get them last October. The first two images in this post are from Baphomet Complex, and the last 3 are from World Guide Side 3.

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28239c No.393369

File: f7ef12c737e90b4⋯.png (179.71 KB,334x439,334:439,Alp_crop1.png)

File: d85c524762c308b⋯.png (198.27 KB,309x433,309:433,Alp_crop2.png)

File: a7474f392850032⋯.png (225.54 KB,327x433,327:433,Alp_crop3.png)

File: cb95ae7fe086b34⋯.png (128.38 KB,208x289,208:289,03Vampire_crop.png)

File: 830109b3d40f164⋯.jpg (112.98 KB,268x369,268:369,028.jpg)


These ones are probably from MGE 1 or World Guide 1.

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28239c No.393370

File: 5fdee01951b55a1⋯.jpg (152.33 KB,348x537,116:179,Bath.jpg)

File: 703e3bdba58809e⋯.png (278.31 KB,310x434,5:7,Imp_extra_1.png)

File: b0f439de7ca65f2⋯.jpg (200.97 KB,432x600,18:25,Baphomet_extra1.jpg)

File: c13cada171ef55b⋯.jpg (208.67 KB,416x550,208:275,KCbeelze.jpg)

File: 93b9edbd95c232f⋯.png (656.11 KB,622x900,311:450,Lamia_pic.png)


A couple more from MGE 1 or World Guide 1 and a couple full-color images.

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28239c No.393371

File: 1fb120546558e09⋯.jpg (63.68 KB,317x450,317:450,GGF_Sample1.jpg)

File: 39adc8b9866159b⋯.jpeg (480.85 KB,1005x484,1005:484,CrowKC.jpeg)

File: 319da2081439e4d⋯.jpg (118.2 KB,263x273,263:273,Scylla3.jpg)

File: 40c7944701c6e5a⋯.jpg (177.26 KB,325x381,325:381,Witch_extra1.jpg)


A sample for something and some sketches.

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28239c No.393372

File: 0b2221636479b2f⋯.jpg (33.12 KB,284x432,71:108,Abeja_Mielera_3_Actualicaz….jpg)

File: e36c994f91d74c8⋯.png (292.24 KB,503x813,503:813,CleanBee.png)

File: ed0a0c903b83fd5⋯.jpg (57.5 KB,600x370,60:37,Imp_attack.jpg)

File: b60d44f840eb536⋯.jpg (95 KB,476x357,4:3,Slime2.jpg)

File: 39b78f826e013eb⋯.png (278.73 KB,475x693,475:693,Werecat2b.png)


Newer images of some girls than are in the profile images.

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28239c No.393373

File: 5320353e056290a⋯.jpg (55.49 KB,527x1000,527:1000,Wererabbit0b.jpg)

File: e93b9b77563ead2⋯.jpg (184.66 KB,355x600,71:120,1470748065095.jpg)

File: 54fb4eb032ac3bd⋯.jpg (137.86 KB,294x500,147:250,Baphomet_extra4.jpg)

File: 99dcac9dcb42ce9⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,2048x2028,512:507,MGE_keychains.jpg)

File: 3da0691509515d2⋯.jpg (146.41 KB,334x339,334:339,Succubus_extra2.jpg)


New Wererabbit and MGE paraphernalia.

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28239c No.393374

File: 146b9f33548df84⋯.jpg (421.54 KB,850x910,85:91,Alraune_badge.jpg)

File: c0af899e8282b38⋯.jpg (143.19 KB,340x372,85:93,Arachne_extra3.jpg)

File: 4d27fd1f8638ebb⋯.jpg (232.07 KB,461x455,461:455,Baphomet_extra3.jpg)

File: 2c617252c7924fc⋯.jpg (409 KB,828x856,207:214,Harpy.jpg)

File: 887a6b0be3850a5⋯.jpg (324.77 KB,754x754,1:1,Holstaurus_badge.jpg)

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28239c No.393375

File: 57d8f0884e03595⋯.jpg (150.2 KB,361x361,1:1,Inari_badge.jpg)

File: 5c5cea6f3e0f3c5⋯.jpg (320.15 KB,715x726,65:66,Karakasa_sticker.jpg)

File: 11ae6af622e1f60⋯.jpg (237.45 KB,443x481,443:481,Medusa_badge.jpg)


And that's it.

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b50fae No.393381

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777839 No.393397

File: 956ae29cffb9678⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,409x359,409:359,If someone makes her chang….jpg)

What species would make the best boomer/cool wine aunt waifus?

Or just how would a story centered around a cool wine aunt MG look like?

if its been done, link pls

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deefac No.393399


None of them, because monster girls want to have children.

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777839 No.393400


Its speculation, doesnt have to be 100% true to the lore. But still, curious.

Or that it can be in check with the lore and the mg has a kid but just acts like a boomer.

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771d48 No.393406

File: b1ddd768fbaf0f5⋯.png (89.51 KB,566x356,283:178,d864b242c646e0199f590447a3….png)


Not even a wyrm would be as retarded as a boomer.

Kill yourself, cuckchan scum.

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8ec5e7 No.393412



Why on earth would you want a boomer for a waifu?

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038f2d No.393439

File: 56834b0ea27a138⋯.jpg (669.29 KB,661x1000,661:1000,zXdBkeh.jpg)


Here's the best boomer

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5e464c No.393814

I've been wondering, if a dwarf male had a child with a monster, the monster would also be a dwarf, no? Same with elves.

I can't be the only one who think that a dwarf ushi oni would be really cute.

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cdd86c No.393925

Are there any monster girls in MGE capable of seeing the future? This is very important, it dictates a good part of a tabletop campaign I'm setting up.

Also worth asking, but not my main question – how feasible would it be to modify an automaton, could one cripple an automaton's sexual impulses, and where do I find good resources on possible modern-day integration?

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bc1cd5 No.393949


I don’t think there are any directly clairvoyant MGE monsters, but you probably could just have an incredibly talented/gifted pre-existing one or make up your own species. I think a Hakutaku would be perfect fit for future sight.

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bc1cd5 No.393950


>cripple an automaton's sexual impulses

Damage her data storage/emotion processing unit.

>where do I find good resources on possible modern-day integration?

Define “integration.”

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cdd86c No.393971


That's helpful, thank you. And creating my own clairvoyant species would defeat the point, you see. If there were clairvoyants, they might have been able to stop my antagonist's plan, so they'd have to be taken care of first.

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e0c59a No.394750

File: 6e2c30a038db7e9⋯.jpg (54.1 KB,540x443,540:443,1521677115026.jpg)

Hey fellow anons, I'm in a bit of a bind here. I remember that there was a greentext posted in this board around 2017 or so, and it had a mosquito girl wrapping pizza around some anon's cock and giving whatever the fuck you do with that shit to him then he cums onto the pizza. I'm sure one of you knows what greentext I'm talking about, and it'd be cool if one of you could either post the thread or the greentext itself here. I've been searching my ass off for that greentext.

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12e323 No.394821

Is there a limit to the number of bicorns you can have in a harem?

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9b635b No.395045

Suppose the day of the rape happened, what would be the fate of the followers of Christ and the Lord once MG turn out to be real

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dd2314 No.395389

can mutants be considered monstergirls?

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bc1cd5 No.395511

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e338b9 No.395900

File: e73f027b34f6623⋯.png (20.8 KB,376x483,376:483,pillowdin1.png)

Pardon me, is this a monster girl?

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