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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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adac6f No.385003 [View All]

Just like last thread, post the purest of Monsters such as



>Living Saints


>Even Corrupted Counterparts.

And show them doing unspeakable degenerate acts such as:

>Going on a romantic date and Not have sex immediately afterwards.

>Cuddling together under a blanket during a cold night while watching/playing your fav stuff together

>Whispering to their partner how much they love and mean to them before their wedding, and saying the words "I Do."

>Hugging together in public

>Hand Holding

>And more.

123 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0cee11 No.388715


This makes me want to writefag a bit.

>Be knight. Loyal to your kingdom and serve the monarchy well.

>You've served for so long, that during your time of need, an angel (valkyrie) came to save you from death, and lived long enough to see your kingdom be at peace at last.

>Even with this peace, someone needs to be there to keep it. So you stick to your duty as a knight, and stay guard.

>The angel never left you, though.

>In fact, ever since you both first met, she's been living with you and since then has been your wife.

>Guard duty is boring. You stand around all day doing nothing but at least have time to train.

>Literally nothing happens and you still can't smuggle a pocket book or something because the presses haven't even been invented yet.

>But every now and then, your angel flies to whereever position you are and hands you something to make it through the day.

>Whether she wanted to give you some homemade bread and lunch, or a tankard of fresh water she got from a hidden spring, or just wanted to be with you when not tending the house, it always made you happy.

>Though she does have a rabbit of unintentionally gloating you how great it is to talk among the wives in her free time while you have to work.

>At least she's always there for you to make you happy. That's what counts.

>Lately, she's been talking about wanting to not feel lonely in the house, and wants to have little ones that'll look up and be proud of their big strong dad.

>Hope the king would be fine for me to ask a raise of a few bits of gold and silver more than usual.

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813232 No.388718

File: 5f9f5c20bc74193⋯.jpg (109.79 KB,682x600,341:300,058.jpg)


>>Literally nothing happens and you still can't smuggle a pocket book or something because the presses haven't even been invented yet.

I don't know why this made me chuckle the way it did

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81c7e4 No.388746


>can't bring a pocket book to work because the printing press is still a century and a half away

>have to shit in hole in the ground or a bucket because flush toilets are three times that wait

>fellow guardsman whines about how the commander put out a notice saying cellphones are banned from personal usage at work

>have to remind him that the waiting time for cellphones is nearly an entire millenia, and the commander's just doing it to look proactive in front of the other garrisons

>"Fuck, how long until imageboards become a thing?"

>At least 8 more centuries man

>8 more centuries…

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88597f No.388752

File: 5115d0b9f1d8e45⋯.png (6.55 MB,3100x6280,155:314,ancient shitposting.png)


>Guess we'll just shitpost on these walls 'til then

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c446a7 No.389588



Don't worry, Angela will return. I'm just trying to flesh out the characters a bit more.

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c446a7 No.389589


>The tunnel was dimly lit and began to glow pink and red. The first one was just… boring. Hearts everywhere and a pink mermaid on the side playing the harp to set the mood I guess. I turned to Lucy, who was cracking a smile and hiding her excitement.

>"You okay, Lucy?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

>whatever she had in her mouth, she swallowed, then turned to me with that same friendly smile and calm look. Her crimson eyes shined better than those LED lights in this goddamn place. It was starting to give me a headache.

>"I've never felt better, Anon. I'm just hoping you're as excited as I am. Remember to not stress yourself. Ok?" She said in a pleasant tone.

>Whatever. I'm sure it was nothing. 1 tunnel down, a couple more boring ones to go.

>The 2nd one was just as boring. Literally nothing changed. Except for maybe the fact that there was no harp playing mermaid, but instead, there was a tree that branched out in the middle to shape a giant heart, and bloom a bunch of perfect flowers in seconds, as the dryad on top have a faint smile, while terrible audio of lovebirds played by. This just made my headache worse.

>"So," I said, breaking the ice. "Tell me, did you always ride here alone?"

>Lucy sighed, looking away as she rekindled her fingers.

>"Yes, sadly. I used to go to this park with a good friend of mine. But because of whatever circumstance, he ends up leaving before we could ride here together. And I'd go with him every time to this park, and I was always happy with him. But then, things came up last minute every time. His mom had to pick him up, he was tired, he was not in the mood, you know, kids' stuff." She said, red nose and teary eyed. I didn't know how to respond.

>"Oh look at me bigger on." She said, wiping her tears with a fake smile. "I'm just a hopeless romantic talking about a distant memory when I was a kid. Quite embarrassing, really. He doesn't even remember me by this point. Sorry you had to see that."

>"Hey, it's fine. Just let it all out. Ill be here for you, anyway. Anything else you want to tell me?"

>She turned to me slowly, showing a smile. A real one. One that had meaning to it.

>"Y-you're right." She stammered in tears before exhaling. "I'm just glad. You're here now, and that's what counts." She continued, resting her head on my arm.

>This shitty audio is driving me crazy. What is this, 144p in quality?

>what's moving under my butt?

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bc4015 No.389590


>under his butt

I don’t like where this is going

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15b3ee No.389627

File: 03908c8c2f37ce6⋯.jpg (26.76 KB,299x375,299:375,danger.jpg)




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bda163 No.389649


That robot has some pretty fucking thick thighs.

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0d6c7e No.389677

File: 480b5e0d2dcd140⋯.jpg (155.06 KB,650x946,325:473,leliel.jpg)

I love angels.

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7ce1b9 No.391162

File: 4866def0d42d99f⋯.jpg (5.22 MB,2721x3784,2721:3784,63d361_6929235.jpg)

File: 0e34d9910c4ec84⋯.mp4 (985.65 KB,476x268,119:67,Blank _6b861c5010ecbe780ea….mp4)

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aa0047 No.391237


>"Wait a minute, Lucy." I said, shaking my pounding head. "This isn't right."

>"And how could it not be?" Said Lucy, nuzzling more to me.

>Each second, I felt myself getting more stressed. And the tunnel itself didn't help whatsoever. I could feel my blood pressure rise. And I don't know if it's the lighting in this place, but I swear I think my vision is blurring. And I could feel whatever's moving under my butt get more intense.

>"This is not right. Not at all." I said, standing up, holding my head. I could feel our boat shake a bit because of me.

>Lucy fell to my seat and shook her head from the impact. "Hey!" She yipped, looking at me with worry. "What was that for?"

>I reached in to my butt, feeling the pocket.

>Oh thank fucking Christ, it's just my phone vibrating.

>I pull it out and looked at the screen. Slowly, I sat down, seeing that I'm being called by my mom.

>"What's the matter, Anon?"

>"I think I'm finding out where this headache's coming from. Lucy, I'm sorry, but could you give me a moment?"

>"Aww come on, Anon." She said, holding my hand. Was she always this disorienting? "Can you ignore it for a bit and focus on the now? I'm sure she won't mind waiting a bit, would she?"

>"Even so, I told her to call me only in emergencies. It must be important."

>"Oh Anon, but won't you maybe just let it go for now? Maybe just for once only? Maybe just for me?"

>And like that, I get a missed call from her.

>"See? She can wait. Won't you?"

>This… is not making it any easier. If anything, my headache's getting worse. I might actually need to see a doctor tomorrow. But still…

>"No… what if it's critical? I can't take the chance. I'm sorry, but just give me a minute. Alright?"

>"… fine."

>"Thank you." I sighed.

>I redialled the number. Hopefully some clearance can help relax me a bit. Whatever she wants to tell me, I hope things aren't too bad.

>And before the ringing began, I quickly put the phone beside my head.

>Did… did something just pierce my cheek?

Short update. Sorry about that.

Lot of things going through life right now. Promise the next update will be a lengthy proper one. 2.5k words long

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3d2a20 No.391238

File: c30552cf548f00b⋯.jpg (39.51 KB,599x600,599:600,Knight_rider.jpg)


>pierced my cheek

There goes anon's jaw. He ded nao. Looking forward to the update. Good luck, and godspeed, angel-chan!

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447184 No.391251

File: 98687c3d8a0f464⋯.png (187.03 KB,500x369,500:369,1471486374630.png)


>Anon's teeth when

Don't let life get you down too much.

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914779 No.392546

File: c6e643577ce26d0⋯.jpg (135.5 KB,1280x960,4:3,cupid_enjoying_the_view_by….jpg)

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4b64f4 No.395822

>I slowly turned my face, looking for where that sharp pain was coming from. It was my phone? I took it away from my face, and took a good look at it. The screen was cracked. Even more than that. It was pierced? Huge chunks of the screen was missing because of the giant arrow head through it. My fingers were bleeding, yet, felt numb and warm.

>My face however, was not. In fact, the pain was starting to worsen. I stroked my cheek with my free hand to find blood and other matter on it.

>Is… is that glass?

>I screamed in pain as the feeling of shock ended. Apparently that scream was enough to stop our ride and turn on the emergency lights of this goddamn ride.

>The workers in the area were shocked by this, some rushing to me.

>"OH MY GOD!" One of them yelled "CALL E.R."



>"OHMYGODOHMYGOD I'M SO SORRY! I swear this shouldn't happen!" came a voice to my left. It was the cupid. She dropped her bow as she came running to me with a first aid kit. "Don't panic! Let me fix this! I am SO sorry!"


>"I-it's not supposed to do that! I swear!"

>"Anon," said Lucy in a worried tone. "Calm down. Don't make your wound any worse. Let her trea-"

>"You think I can calm down now? SHE TRIED TO KILL ME!"

>My head's starting to feel light. My hand however, was still numb, but getting warm.

>"Oh god, everything hurts." I said, losing my balance. I felt like puking.

>Lucy, however, grabbed my phone from my hand to my dismay.



>What? What did that mean?

>As I felt the cupid grab hold of my bleeding hand and start treating it, I turned to where my phone was thrown. It started burning. Releasing fireworks from its small area. Immediately, I heard sirens as our boat was being pushed to the side and security came for us.

>I can't think straight, it feels like everything is collapsing.

>"Sir, we need you to come with us, E.R. is here to help you"


>"ANON PLEASE LISTEN TO THEM!" said Lucy as she tried pushing me out of the boat.

>I tripped on the edge, immediately putting my next foot between the gap of the boat and the ledge. And to no surprise by the laws of physics, I fell. And by my health, I couldn't react fast enough to cover my face as I fell headfirst on the concrete.

>The impact was painful. Everything was fuzzy. I could hear screaming and panic everywhere but I couldn't make out what the ones nearby are trying to say. I did, however, feel people pick me up, and I could still feel my lips somewhat.

>"Are you people LOOKING for a lawsuit?" I tried yelling. All I heard where blurred responses, as faces where all indistinguishable. Then, I felt something heavy in my gut, making me fall again to my knees and bend over, accidentally breaking free from their hold.

>And without even holding it, I puked out everything. All that I ate in the past couple of hours. I felt the smell of stomach acid mixed with junk food making me like more till there was nothing left. I felt people get me one more time till everything faded to black.

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4b64f4 No.395823


>By the time I felt recovered, I was on a restrainer behind an ambulance. My vision was clearer now, and I could see the unicorn and elf working with their medical equipment. Lucy squat on my left, looking worried and defeated, staring at the distance, as her head laid on my arm.

>“What happened?“ I moaned, still feeling slightly dazed as I put my hnd over my head.

>Lucy turned to me quick, eyes widened in surprise and sorrow, springing from where she sat just to come near me.

>“Anon, oh my god, I‘m so sorry! I didn‘t mean for any of this to happen.“ she said, holding my hand and nearly in tears.

>“Lucy, what happened, and what are you talking about?“ I asked.

>“Uh, well, how much do you remember?“

>“Well, up until the part where SOMEONE SHOT ME WITH A GODDAMN ARROW-!“ I yelled at the attraction‘s general direction until Lucy interrupted, tugging on my arm.

>“About that, Anon. I want to apologize on her behalf. That arrow was not supposed to hurt, you know? This was all an accident, and she‘s willing to make up for i-“

>“And she can‘t tell me this herself now because?“

>“I-I was getting to that. Janice is talking to the park manager right now. Things are getting pretty heated for her and she‘s in enough trouble as it is. I know you would rather hear an apology directly from her, but please. She’s a good friend of mine. I just want to soften the blow. Please, Anon. I’ll make it up to you. We’ll make it up to you. Just please go easy on her.“

>I groaned, stroking my patched cheek, still feeling a bit of the pain that was from the wounds. Of all things, this happened because Lucy wanted me to go with her to that ride. I never should’ve said yes, and I’m never going there again.

>”Fine.” I said.

>”Good thing that the glass shards were small and only skin deep, Anon. They said that you’ll be fit again as of Monday.”

>”Well that’s nice, but it’s still hurting.”

>”That’s what the painkillers are for.”

>But something was bugging me. I feel like I forgot someth-

>”MOM!” I blurted out. “Where’s my phone!?”

>”A-about that, Anon. The reason you got hurt was because of the glass FROM your phone. The arrow, err, kinda pierced through a bit, you see-.”

>”Look, I just need to call my mom. I’ll complain about my busted phone later. Do you have a phone I can borrow?”

>”Y-yes! Of course!” said Lucy, reaching to her bag and pulling it out. “Do with it as you wish. Think of it as a way for me to try paying you back.”

>”Er, thanks. But I just want to make 1 call.” I said, With her phone on my hand.

>"Don't worry about it. Take as much time as you need. I need to make a call as well anyway."

>I raised an eyebrow and turned to her "Wait, you need to call someone now? Then why-"

>"Relax, Anon. It's fine." She said, getting a phone from her bag again. "Besides, any smart businesswoman knows to always carry 2 phones. One for business, and one for her private life."

>"Oh," I said, looking back at her phone. "That's resourceful."

>"Anyway, Anon." She continued, looking down and turning from me and leaving the ambulance. "Go call your mum. I'm sure she's worried sick about you. The password is 0214."

>"Thanks, Lucy. But where are you going?"

>"I just have to give my family a quick call. Just to tell them I'm alright, you know. Besides. It'd be rude to eavesdrop, and even more so to talk loudly while you're on a call."

>"That's, that's generous of you. Thank you."

>"You're welcome, Anon. Anyway, I'll join you soon. They're taking you to the hospital anyway. You'll have plenty of time to recover there."

>"What? Why there?"

>"Standard procedure sir." Said one of the medics behind me. "Just for some checkups. Nothing more."

>"Oh, and Anon," said Lucy, turning to me one more time. "I just wanted to say that, I'm sorry."

>"It's fine. Thanks for letting me have your phone in the meanwhile."

>"Think none of it, love." She said with a fake smile before disappearing.

>I sighed. How did my day end up like this. Back of an ambulance, cheek wound, and a broken phone.

>"You're really lucky to have a girlfriend like that, always ready to help you in any way she can." Said the unicorn

>"She's my boss, not my girlfriend. We're just hanging as friends at most."

>"Sure." She chuckled and closed the ambulance door.

>I couldn't help but groan as the ambulance drove as I didn't want to argue anymore. I just unlocked Lucy's phone and dialled my mom's number.

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4b64f4 No.395826


>I was nervous as the phone rang. What could've happened to make her call me? Did something happen to her? To dad? To the house? I haven't called her in over an hour. She must be panicking. Especially since my phone is busted and I can't be reached.

>Then it got picked up.

>"Hello. Abigail Segelstein here."

>"Mom? Mom it's me-"


>"I'm at the amusement park, my phone got shot by an arrow, and I'm in an ambulance, heading to the hospital."

>"YOU WHAT!? WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT HOSPITAL? WHY WERE YOU GONE!? YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO TELL ME THESE THINGS!" Yelled my mom loud enough for the medic beside me to chuckle about it.

>"Mom. I didn't plan for this to happen. Ok? Besides, I'm fine. The doc will just do some checkups on me, and I'm good to go tomorrow. Ok?"

>"Honestly, Anon. You know how to give your mother a heart attack. So which hospital are you going to? Your father and I are gonna visit you there."

>"Were heading to St. Maria Hospital. It's the nearest one from the town square." Said the unicorn.

>"Who was that?"

>"Just the paramedic. Look, I just got some cuts, and I'm fine. Alright?"

>I headed a heavy sigh, and hebrew cursing again. "Alright. Don't scare me like that again, ok?"

>"Got it mom."

>"Good. Call me when you're at the hospital and the room number. We'll be there soon."

>"Hey mom, I have a quick question. What did you call me for earlier? What was the emergency?"

>"Emergency… OH YEAH! Why weren't you home? Your first day on the job is on Monday! You should be studying and preparing. You don't want to spend your first day standing around and acting like you're nothing. You should be prepared for whatever comes at you on the first day. Do you want to leave a good first impression to your boss? Imagine how surprised he'd be when he sees you confidently know what you're doing on your first day."

>"Mom. You have no idea…"

>"Of course I have no idea. You never tell me anything. Is it so hard to tell your mother what youre doing?"

>"Look, mom. I'm a grown man. I have my own life, and my own responsibilities. I'm fine. Can't you trust me?"

>"Yeah." Sighed my mom. "I trust you. But I'm your mother. I only want what's best for you, and sometimes I can't help but worry."

>"I know that, mom."

>"Before I forget, who's phone is this?"

>"Just a friend's, mom."

>"Anyway, we're getting ready now. We'll see you as soon as we can. Tell me everything once we're there. I love you."

>"I love you too, mom." I said, before hanging up the phone.

>I just want to go home and sleep, but I couldn't. Aside from the ambulance lights, something felt off, like I was missing something.

>Angela… I have yo check at least.

>I dialed her number and waited as the phone rang. Please, please, PLEASE god, let her pick it up. I want at least something good out of this experience.

>And then she answered.

>"Good evening, Angela Vixeniel speaking. Who's this?" She said with a voice so heavenly that I was so deprived of. I was almost in tears of joy.

>"Angela? Angela, it's me, Anon." I said with a smile on my face, getting wired looks from the paramedics.

>"Anon? What do you want? Still enjoying your weekend, I hope." She said in a disappointing, passive aggressive tone.

>"Angela, please listen to me. I'm sorry, OK?"

>She was silent on the other end.

>Please tell me I didn't blow it.

Sorry for not making this as long as promised. No net in the barracks and like he'll I'd use work computers/tracking computers to go to 8chan, so I'm posting this on my phone. A lot of changes happened with the first draft of this alone. Like the last name was supposed to be izikiel but changed to vixeniel because a friend asked. See you next week-month. Hopefully!

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9ddc1f No.395847


Glad to see you're still alive dude, always looking forward to see this story continue

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ebbea7 No.395854


Holy shit he lives


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5753eb No.396263

File: 53315f13f04581b⋯.jpg (57.51 KB,720x540,4:3,cats holy shit.jpg)


He liiiiives! what an update

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5c3367 No.396668

File: efd900889976e6b⋯.jpg (130.55 KB,1200x1751,1200:1751,0f8fb3_7073362.jpg)

File: a9bd32b8361d690⋯.png (556.25 KB,1270x862,635:431,698f8c_7083534.png)

File: 7d1547d09cd5e56⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,1320x1000,33:25,94f785_7050328.jpg)

File: 2f1da4ff130375b⋯.jpg (271.18 KB,1200x900,4:3,a57745_7064040.jpg)

File: 5c6124c60e40cfb⋯.png (4.65 MB,4700x4700,1:1,b3979e_7075320.png)

In an attempt to revive this thread, here are some more best girls.

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79aa77 No.396679


So, any particular reason you wrote anon as a filthy kike? The "tribe" isn't welcome around here, you know that, right?

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d5496e No.396812

If you lost faith in the Chief God because you think mamono are more loving, would an angel come down to show you the love of God?

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4e2a18 No.396813


Glad you are back writefag.


Stormfagging in a thread dedicated to monster girls from Semitic religious mythology.

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64b404 No.396818


>wanting kikes to breed at all

>with a white woman no less

Top cuck, anon, but the cuckshed >>>/leftypol/ is that way. All mamono deserve to be protected from the jewish menace, regardless of religious connotations.

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9f9bcd No.396822


The Jew is a destroyer and despoiler of purity and goodness.>>396679 is right, the synagogue of Satan has no place here.

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64b404 No.396823

File: 16a640f284da2da⋯.png (3.91 KB,232x266,116:133,Spurdo ebin.png)


Dubs of truth right there.

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447184 No.396829

File: 84d79e39559169c⋯.png (103.16 KB,229x258,229:258,734421dc569eca74ae69ffdb20….png)


Lord that last pic hits me in all the right places.

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c0a479 No.397081


Check the last thread. They were all just blank slates at the start till it branched out more. It's just 2 random German words to make a last name and when they made the Mc sound like a jew, the reaction was "Fuck it, I'll just add that" and it went on from there

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e5f7d7 No.397173

Serious topic:

Why do you like angels? What is it about them that makes them THE best girls?

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d5496e No.397187


I like them because they seem pure and are in a sense above you. An angel is expected to be chaste, and are considered to have superior morals. So the idea of a benevolent, loving, seemingly pure being pushing you down and having their way with you is very interesting to me. They wouldn't even act any differently while doing it, no clear sign of lust, no seductive gaze, they'd just give the same kind loving smile that they always seem to wear.

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013149 No.397334


To trigger you probably

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608eeb No.397561


I like the idea that they can see your moral worth and want to do their best to make a better person out of you. Despite your past mistakes, an angel will overlook them all and offer you redemption/salvation. And from then on, kind of like a baptism, you start from there to get a better, happier life with someone guiding you and supporting you.

I also like the idea that it wants to strengthen your spiritual bond and find deeper meaning in life, maybe give more hope and be a shining beacon of morality.

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013149 No.397651


The answer is quite simple

Trad waifu

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9858bf No.399893

>Without writefags, this thread is as dead as Jesus, and only a miracle can resurrect it.

>Or a topic.

Here's one.

You know how there are a lot of monks, priests, and pastors who sworn to celibacy for god, and take it seriously, without paedophilia, masturbating or anything illegal or cheating?

What would an angel or valkyrie think of those men? Imagine an angel seeing and falling in love with a young church boy acolyte, growing up together, trusting each other, and then when she can't take it anymore, the acolyte said no and responded by showing specifically in the code that he can't be in a relationship.

Kind of like a smack of irony to the face.

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95fd9b No.399915


I can see it being a massive fetish for angels. Piety and innocence making for a great forbidden fruit, one that they might eventually end up eating as they grow more desperate.

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3ada1b No.400422


>No net in the barracks

sucks to suck nerd

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447184 No.400423



Do you


Like this? Guess what gave you away as an outsider

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385f3f No.400427


Could be phone or tabletposting. Don't rush to declare reddit over spacing alone.

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16e34b No.400430


I phonepost and that has absolutely nothing to do with spacing.

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447184 No.400453



I will rush because I have a duty to expose faggots like you to others. Not saging if you don't contribute in a post, or redditspacing.

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385f3f No.400454


>everyone who disagrees with me is reddit

Stop trying so hard.

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43153c No.400456


Phoneposting does not do that


To be fair you type like a redditor

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447184 No.400458


and I was about to give you a second thought. Get the fuck out of here faggot

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013149 No.400527








I find it entertaining to imagine this is an argument between two angels on angel.net

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95fd9b No.400529


While demons are having a polite conversation on the best way to trap men with their contracts, the angels are arguing whose charge is the holiest.

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17841f No.400869



>Angels are permavirgins shitposting on angel.net because they have nothing better to do and because they cherish for a man with piety, chastity, and virtues.

>They are often filled with sexual frustration, so they lash it out on other board posters.

>Meanwhile, the Stacy demons aren't afraid to get their man any means necessary, even playing dirty.

>So they just use hellbook, dwitter, or whatnot to chat, get tips, and scheme with even already married demons on getting their man.

>Every now and then, a demon will visit angel.net, see what's going on, post bait, and angelposters take it easily

>"Hornies get out, REEEEEEEEEE"

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3ada1b No.400874


>Stacy demons arn't above summoning themselves into their future husbands house or kidnap them

I imagine something like a slightly more demonic and terrifying bed-knobs and broomsticks when one decides to claim you one night

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a4fae5 No.401512



>Be Angel

>grew up with childhood friend

>never had the courage to tell him how I feel

>one day decide to woman up and ask him out to come with me to a candle lit dinner and hold my hand after church

>"I'd love to, Anon, but this chick asked me out a week ago. Maybe next time! I heard we're going to sea world to see a blimp sized dolphin. We can do your thing the week after. Is that alright?"


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