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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 2a9edb576727777⋯.png (531.2 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Ammit keeping her legs clo….png)

File: 62c04258cea4aac⋯.png (313.41 KB,350x402,175:201,oldest known pic of Ammit.png)

7ce502 No.376938 [View All]

We missed celebrating October 25th, so why don't we have a thread about writing prayers to Ammit? Today's 11/11, so it's completely ideal for starting this, plus it falls in line with contributing plenty of writefaggotry in time for Reitia's "feast day" of December 6.

I've heard that thanking Ammit for little things throughout the day or asking her to cleanse your heart by consuming your negative emotions/thoughts are good ways of praying to her, so that's someplace to start. I've also heard getting stronger is a good way to add to her strength in turn, so a prayer before exercise might be good too. Additionally, what prayers would various monster girls give to Ammit?

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dd55a3 No.376940

>actually endangering your soul

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3c898d No.376943


>asking her to cleanse your heart by consuming your negative emotions/thoughts

Proof of this? Because damn if I don't need that.

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7ce502 No.376944

File: 7fd8037d5cb411b⋯.png (56.53 KB,741x419,741:419,Ammit sigil examples.png)


Endangering? Or improving?


I don't know how much proof I can give, but out of the very few examples of people outside of this site worshiping Ammit, one person did in fact mention that on some site.

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82f17c No.376945

Thanks Ammit, for enriching this humble anon's life.

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dd55a3 No.376946

File: 8dacd36ff99fb69⋯.png (Spoiler Image,253.59 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


There is only one God, anon

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7ce502 No.376947


You're free to go make a thread for Christian prayers involving monster girls, anon.

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6e95e2 No.376948


/christian/ go and stay go

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caa3dc No.376949


Sorry no. It cleary states in Yahweh's own book that there are other gods but that he is a jealous god and wants to selfishly be worshipped alone.

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b25563 No.376952


Ammit is a crocodile demon from Egypt. Why do you weirdos think she's going to be giving waifus to lonely Canadians?

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7ce502 No.376956


>goddess that knows more about the hearts of man than any other being and is the epitome of JUSTICE

>not being the one to grant this world the ultimate JUSTICE of monster girls

Not to mention bringing Liru back from the dead and getting Guts off the boat.

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3c898d No.376957


We live in a fucked up clown world. Ammit sounds pretty damn reasonable right now.

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f1d684 No.376959

File: 0cd312bca4f1ba4⋯.jpg (167.81 KB,1240x1240,1:1,0cd312bca4f1ba4b69f12f9742….jpg)

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763740 No.376961


How many more times will you *have* to bother people over this?

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6e9490 No.376962


She doesn't know anything about JUSTICE. She just eats the hearts fed to her by anubis. If you want the Egyptian goddess of JUSTICE, that's Maat.


If you want her your meme mascot, that's fine. If you actually think praying to her will do anything I feel I need to intervene. There are a lot of vulnerable autists in the board, sadly, and they may confuse ironic worship with real worship. I'm here to keep the retard levels low

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7ce502 No.376964


>She doesn't know anything about JUSTICE. She just eats the hearts fed to her by anubis. If you want the Egyptian goddess of JUSTICE, that's Maat.

The unredeemable spiritual hearts, or "ib"s, that are too black for her to gain anything from eating are thrown into the lake of fire, while ibs that at least have some unused merit in them are consumed by her. Try to imagine how much she may have gained over many centuries from doing that.

Keep in mind, in the 2nd OP pic of her oldest known portrayal, that symbol on her shoulder represents being at the center of things. Have you considered that, perhaps, she always was quite a powerful being, but purposely gave up her divinity for a time out of love for humanity?

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6e9490 No.376967


no, because your just making up things you think sound cool. She is not a god you worship. her cult was small even in the land she was actually conceived in

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7ce502 No.376968


>her cult was small even in the land she was actually conceived in

Anon, she didn't have a cult in her land, the one making things up is yourself. Her image was considered to have warded off evil, but outside of whoever was responsible for King Tut's funeral bed, who actually worshiped Ammit back then? Ammitism is inherently a religion that doesn't consider the ancient egyptians as having been right about everything.

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5f42cd No.376976


I really don’t wanna get in the middle of this argument, but wasn’t it Anubis that judged the souls of the dead and not Ammit? She wasn’t really doing any judging herself and was moreso just eating the souls that Anubis told her to eat.

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82ca0b No.376978


Who serves more JUSTICE to the Wicked

The judge who sentences or the executioner who carries out the sentence

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7ce502 No.376982


Not to mention, playing along and staying around to carry out proper judgement rather than simply being a rebellious being that desires to eat all the hearts she can like jewish-owned media portrays her as heavily implies her true character.

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a717b5 No.376985

I'm not gonna judge you ammit-worhipers, but can I make a prayer to my own God, Yod-Hey Vav-Hey, on this thread?

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7ce502 No.377018


I don't think YHVH likes monster girls that much.

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107004 No.377020


>can I make a prayer to my own God, Yod-Hey Vav-Hey, on this thread?

No. See:


>why don't we have a thread about writing prayers to Ammit?

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f1e424 No.377039

I don't really see how some anons can desire to be raped and soul bonded to sucubusses while having a Christian faith.

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a717b5 No.377055


Okay, in Christan philosophy demons have no physical bodies, no gender, and are incapable of love or reproduction, tree things Monster Girls from the Grand Maou on down, should they be made real, cannot be.

In mge lore, the love beween Monster and Man reflect the Christian ideal for marriage, with some parts automated and expanded (physical and mental changes being extensions of the whole give your partner what they want and you get what you want ideal that Christan marriage strives for). Besides, if a manticore rapes me and I forgive her, we are now married and I didn't fornicate before marriage.

To prevent the thread from being derailed I'm not responding to anyone on this subtopic.

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c8326b No.377056


It seems you're being disengenous even of we where to say that monsters are not Christian demons they are still magical creatures. The old Testament is clear that that is not something good before the eyes of your god.

My point is you are not saying Christianity is ok with monster girls you are playing semantics with the term demon and saying marriage is good.

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6e9490 No.377059


the bible doesn't touch on "monsters" and ancient tales of early Christians have christian monsters. The sea bishop, for example

But guess what? Monster girls are all pretend and are all only tangentially related to their myth of origin.

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7ce502 No.377061

File: 8dcce40ca16d053⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x768,4:3,qt beastgrill dollo smuggi….png)


>Monster girls are all pretend

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0ed5de No.377074


>lifelong monogamous marriage

>mutual love

>fusion of spiritual energy with your wife

>lots of children

Sounds pretty Christian to me.

Sage for offtopic.

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4d1ae8 No.377080


Leviticus 19:31 "‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God."

There's quite a few other passages similar in nature. I don't have anything against Christianianity inherently but can you honestly say Yahweh would be ok with demons raping to get husbands?

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0ed5de No.377082

File: 686edfd59b9efd7⋯.jpg (133.33 KB,900x950,18:19,sage.jpg)


As far as I know that refers to fortune-tellers, sorcerors and that stuff. I don't see what it has to do with monstergirls.

Also much of the Old Testament was repealed by the coming of Christ and does not bind Christians. This is what atheists don't understand when they say "hurr if you think being gay is a sin then why are you wearing mixed fabrics checkmate"

I don't think I'm going to meet my waifu in this life - what comes after is something else. I trust.

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2447b5 No.377113


I'm not an atheist, so what no witch lich ryu or any other magic infused monster girl then? Also what's the point of including the old testament is you just pick and choose what to use from it. Where does the new estimate say it's ok to do these sort of things?

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436558 No.377133

>Having a pretty good week, work is slow, weather is nice, etc

>Schedule opened up the other day and looked like I had the opportunity to stop by a GW and pick up some paints for my Warhammer army

>Offhandedly thank Tzeentch instead of Ammit

>Work immediately picks up, a bunch of shitty tasks that need to be done ASAP

>Starts raining and eventually pouring by the time I get out

>Stuck in traffic on the way to the hobby store, takes an extra hour to get there, store closed that day anyway due to staffing issues

>Food I planned to make for dinner went bad while it was defrosting

>Woke up with a cough the next morning that has since turned into the flu

Reminder that Ammit is a concept that held a lot of power over a lot of people once, and should be treated with respect

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7ce502 No.377136


To be fair, you deserved it for thanking the forces of /chaos/.

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436558 No.377138

File: 643e3208392b562⋯.jpg (137.86 KB,1300x921,1300:921,TzeentchPinup.jpg)


Hey, I do the /fringe/ chaos. /chaos/ can keep all the dicks and furries and such to themselves.

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30ea12 No.377141

Creating a prayer for Ammit and Reitia would help efforts immensely. They're already on your side but they probably need more mental effort to get the job done. A trick occultists have is that of the positive affirmation, that you proclaim that what it is you need is already satisfied. Not "I am going to get happy" but rather "I am happy". Most prayers in Christianity do this by thanking god for giving them something rather than asking for it.

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7ce502 No.377142


>A trick occultists have is that of the positive affirmation, that you proclaim that what it is you need is already satisfied. Not "I am going to get happy" but rather "I am happy". Most prayers in Christianity do this by thanking god for giving them something rather than asking for it.

A remember there was a point right in the bible where Jesus told people to pray as if you've already received what you're asking for. It's pretty interesting to see patterns like this across multiple religions.

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436558 No.377143


Also look for results in literally everything that happens to you. Making connections between the cause of praying to a deity and the effect of whatever you believe happened because of it is integral to spiritual thinking.

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6520f7 No.377174


Incidentally, can any genuine occultists in this thred recommend some books?

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b119bb No.377175


I'm a complete newfag to occult stuff as well, but this post and the few below it are useful. >>340261

Also go to /fringe/, look for the library at their links section, download the books, and start with The Kybalion.

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436558 No.377181


Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine is a great place to start, if you're not into the chaos magic proper then it will get you in the mindset to start thinking all occult-y.

I use the halfchan/x/ book repository from the occult magic general, the selection is huge and they have it organized pretty neatly.

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7ce502 No.377316

File: ed010c1867cb527⋯.gif (2.17 MB,500x281,500:281,smug gun.gif)

I just realized something. Notice the second pic in the OP? If the arm hieroglyph really denotes the same sound as "a with a line over it", and putting a line over a letter is used to emphasize pronouncing the letter exactly as its name, does that mean the proper prounciation of Ammit was "Aim it" all this time? Can we get a variety of /k/ content of Ammit and ensure that Ammitist temples generally include ranges in the future?

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c66ee9 No.377429

File: 1d4df1152ac96b0⋯.jpeg (440.59 KB,1166x1464,583:732,C938B9D8-17FE-4212-8D7C-2….jpeg)

File: bdf7f9e40cc503a⋯.jpeg (265.02 KB,1133x1446,1133:1446,53AF1E31-8DDC-4893-8A25-9….jpeg)

Neophyte reading list. If you aren’t quite ready for the neophyte stuff, the book “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot serves as a good primer.

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c66ee9 No.377430


What did you expect when you thanked tzeentch?! He’s the god of change. If you really wanted things to stay the same then you should have hit up nurgle.though you’re still a filthy heretic who should be given a bolter round to the head

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75657e No.377518


This is what you get for not thanking the Emperor/Gork&Mork

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b80ff5 No.377523

File: a176a2210ac32d2⋯.png (970.41 KB,723x1023,241:341,87D33838-5B7A-4ACE-A6F2-95….png)


Gods are jealous things. Do not let their petty attempts sway you from the true path.

We need another 40k thread.

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c66ee9 No.377529

File: 3cd12f21eec398e⋯.jpeg (116.89 KB,842x725,842:725,A4A8210F-10FE-40C1-B40D-F….jpeg)


Quite right, there has not been anywhere near enough praise of the emperor as of late.

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e20332 No.377543


ammit was a hippo lion crocodile

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567aa2 No.377587


You can't tell me you wouldn't be drooling over a fit bloodthrister going berserk on your dick, just think of that warp powered vice between her legs.

I'm never going to phone post again,

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c66ee9 No.377651


I sure as hell can. Besides which you’re forgetting the living saints

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