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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: f99ebbd9f1466a6⋯.jpg (475.36 KB,1021x1200,1021:1200,341_owl_mage_L.jpg)

File: 6e522371fd5cba4⋯.jpg (588.08 KB,934x629,934:629,owl_mage.jpg)

5fb256 No.369997 [View All]

Hoot hoot.

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95e90e No.370177


You can see the eye from looking into the war freaky

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086ff5 No.370206

File: 061843260cb7439⋯.jpg (39.33 KB,640x475,128:95,1499100243276.jpg)


The only wings and thighs I want are hers around me

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e6e91f No.370208

File: d3ca742d1eb925a⋯.png (748.57 KB,1332x629,36:17,E9B5BA20-0227-4B38-9EEF-D9….png)

Here’s the hard translation of the profile.

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e6e91f No.370209

File: c87f152b9f1567e⋯.png (362.2 KB,1280x1342,640:671,F3719081-F0E6-44B1-9860-38….png)

And here’s another piece of art.

Gotta admit, as much as I love fluff, Owl Mage definitely benefits from having her plumage smoothed down a bit.

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086ff5 No.370211

File: fe2c6132fa3036f⋯.jpg (45.6 KB,600x600,1:1,1499100587528.jpg)


>implying you wouldn't want a thicc MILF owl mage gf to have sweet, loving cuddle sex with

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e6e91f No.370212


Believe me Anon, I very much want that.

What I don’t want is to have a messy out-of-control fuzzball whose womanly bits I have to dig for.

>Unkempt NEET Owl Mage gf with bad sleeping habits who you lay out every month to trim and clean her feathers while she sleepily whines

Just imagine.

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086ff5 No.370213


>little owl mage sister finally gets home

>it started to rain while she was flying so she had to walk the rest of the way

>dry her off with a blow dryer


>after drying, her feathers poof out as if she was a puffer fish

>some of the fluff is blocking her vision

>she starts to panic

<anon! I can't see!

>she starts trying to fly out of panic

>parents come back to find the house trashed and you trying to catch a flying ball of fluff that's skree-ing uncontrollably

>just imagine

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0fb31a No.370219


>MILF owl mage gf wearing a turtleneck sweater

>her floof pops out around the collar and sleeves kinda like a kikimora's wrist feathers do

>she's almost always tired/sleeping, so she hardly ever catches you staring at her (large) sweater puppies

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87d900 No.370223

File: fb95b5633acd4bf⋯.png (3.09 KB,169x147,169:147,dactyly.png)


Just saw some footage of a eurasian eagle-owl with a zygodactyl digit arrangement, so I looked into it and it turns out owls can rotate their 4th digit to be anisodactyl when flying and zygodactyl when perching. KC should still draw bird feet with 4 digits instead of 3.


>hunt success rate

Without having read up on owl's hunt success rate, I'd guess that it's high due to their ecological niche. Besides burrowing, rodents, lagomorphs, and other small mammals have no defence against owls' keen vision and nearly silent flight, especially at night (though only about 30% of owls are strictly nocturnal[4]). Their niche may also have let them avoid selection pressures for intelligence. The most recently evolved corvids, on the other hand, are omnivorous and appeared around the same time as the great aped (5-10 Mya) during a period of climatic instability when intelligence could have helped acquire scarce resources[3].

>bird brains

Relative brain volume is a predictor of intelligence in mammalian carnivores[1], and absolute brain volume has a 0.3-0.4 correlation with human intelligence[6]. This is most likely due to intelligence being highly correlated with prefrontal and parietal gray matter volume[5], and to total gray matter and region-specific gray matter being dependent variables. Instead of increasing brain volume, however, corvids show an increased neuronal density in the forebrain compared to at least pigeons[3]. The relationship between the avian forebrain and intelligence can be shown by lesioning the caudolateral nidopallium, thereby decreasing performance on working memory tasks[3]. Working memory is highly correlated with human intelligence[2].


1. Benson-Amram, S., Dantzer, B., Stricker, G., Swanson, E. M., & Holekamp, K. E. (2016). Brain size predicts problem-solving ability in mammalian carnivores. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4780594/

2. Colom, R., Karama, S., Jung, R.E., Haier, R.J. (2010) Human intelligence and brain networks. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181994/

3. Emery, N. J. (2006). Cognitive ornithology: the evolution of avian intelligence. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1626540

4. Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, C., Iwaniuk, A. N., Lisney, T. J., & Wylie, D. R. (2013). Comparative study of visual pathways in owls (Aves: Strigiformes). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23296024

5. Haier, R. J., Jung, R. E., Yeo, R. A., Head, K., & Alkire, M. T. (2004). Structural brain variation and general intelligence. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15325390

6. McDaniel, M. A. (2005). Big-brained people are smarter: a meta-analysis of the relationship between in vivo brain volume and intelligence. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289604001357

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42d7f2 No.370225

File: a4d44ca552cfecb⋯.png (709.61 KB,1200x1300,12:13,How perspective.png)

File: e3dd80eddac1e24⋯.png (557.18 KB,1200x1200,1:1,owlsls.png)

File: dce0e9a20bc807d⋯.png (320.38 KB,1111x1000,1111:1000,weaew.png)

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20e795 No.370230


Absolutely adorable. You're too good to us.

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a4d106 No.370246

File: 816cb430ddd515a⋯.jpg (73.58 KB,600x773,600:773,bf9b23b22039e6117d8ea1d3d4….jpg)

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086ff5 No.370250

File: a46a21e1c69ca9c⋯.jpeg (36.22 KB,600x600,1:1,3f1.jpeg)


There is no words to describe how hot/cute these are

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086ff5 No.370541


>3rd pic


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06e764 No.370553


I'm sorry, anon, but putting the first and third images in conjunction just makes me think of this:




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c6fdcc No.370564

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e6e91f No.370568



Those girls better have an Echidna mother.

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90e127 No.370570


they are half-sisters but they still dont know it yet.

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06e764 No.370572



So they're the daughters of a cuckhorse harem?

Sage for possibly off-topic.

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5989b2 No.370576

File: 27e1ff509dc67cf⋯.jpg (45.23 KB,800x680,20:17,27e1ff509dc67cf7ed72f78f14….jpg)


>tfw no waifu

>/monster/ has walls upon walls of lovely waifus

>can't choose

>if they became real, I'd have to live in a fundamentalist mamono state in order to impregnate so many lovely girls deserving of warm cuddles, headpats and loving procreation sex

>tfw it'll never happen

my soul hurts so goddamn much looking at various iterations of perfection and knowing I can't interact with any of it at all

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06e764 No.370578



>dead meme

Forever Ever, robo-kun, now go back.

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17f66d No.370579


Eventually you'll reach the point where your heart hardens over and you deaden yourself. Then you'll find that you don't really need a waifu.


>implying it isn't true

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7e0116 No.370592

File: c083d7599d93fa8⋯.png (1.2 MB,635x857,635:857,perfection sigmarine.png)



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0fe5bd No.370593



If only it were true ;_;

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ea3aa8 No.370601




It's like saying 'bro'. Don't take it literally.

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7e0116 No.371678

File: d080543e8ef9afb⋯.jpg (200.68 KB,458x1670,229:835,midnight snack.jpg)

I have no experience and I must draw

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8d1a02 No.371679

So, when's owlbears?

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16f9be No.371681

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086ff5 No.371684


Imagine trying to get a midnight snack with an owl mage momster.

Essentially the comic, but monster eats your food and gives you an earfull about how sleep is important

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5ab929 No.371686

File: 3ec4e6c50d118ad⋯.png (293.28 KB,559x781,559:781,owl harpy.png)


She goes Kaepora Gaebora on your ass about how sleep is important until dawn.

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16f9be No.371690

File: bffdc68205227db⋯.png (574.28 KB,886x1394,443:697,owl harpy knockoff with no….png)

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086ff5 No.371692

File: 53a5a511535a710⋯.jpg (153.73 KB,955x701,955:701,laughing-buddha.jpg)


The fuck?

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4c1994 No.371693

Give a hoot, boop her snoot.

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17f66d No.371695


Sex was ruined that night due to anon laughing too bard to fuck.

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7af781 No.371696



And then you give her a big kiss.

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086ff5 No.371697

File: 23c08e18cacab15⋯.jpg (61.83 KB,612x682,306:341,1537669414015.jpg)


Her owl senses were tingling

I'm so sorry, I couldn't help myself. I'm laughing harder than anyone should be right now and I'm disappointed in myself

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b14c12 No.371713

Shes perfect,

Thick while petite

Yoga pant leggings


Shes perfect

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086ff5 No.372310

File: 65ad2be15f78cc8⋯.jpg (248.56 KB,1080x1279,1080:1279,tumblr_p51yglKePq1vt0fxjo1….jpg)


A man of culture I see

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7b81bd No.372380

File: 5f0596f328ec6b6⋯.gif (8.58 MB,650x276,325:138,laugh.gif)


I laughed at this way harder than i probably should have.

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1a77a2 No.372402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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71fa8f No.372411

File: 8d9a73b843d56fa⋯.jpg (202.19 KB,1021x1200,1021:1200,341_owl_mage_L_weakness.jpg)

Cover this unfluffed spot and she'd be perfect.

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086ff5 No.372419

File: caa52f12d0b71f3⋯.png (182.53 KB,383x513,383:513,1506894718364.png)


>wanting to get rid of the spats/yoga pants

Sport girls, nonetheless spats/yoga pants, is a dying fetish, anon. The way the material hugs and flaunts the curves shouldn't just be killed off.

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71fa8f No.372422


She can keep the spats, just hide them under excessive fluff.

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086ff5 No.372425


Then what would be the point?

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0efa76 No.372427



Description says she's "voluptuous" but she looks so skinny.

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086ff5 No.372430


That's if you compare her feathers to her actual body

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9fe3f2 No.372439


my poor sides aside


>can look in each others eyes no matter position

Owls are pretty cool

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a374d7 No.372441


I'd be okay with swapping the belly fluff for hip fluff, though looking more closely at it I think the leg and belly fluff are supposed to form a shield wall/heat barrier dealie when she's perching or sitting, so it might be fine as-is.

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3febc1 No.376670

File: 32874fd724d38c2⋯.jpeg (86.8 KB,455x434,65:62,693DCB28-4E76-4540-980B-5….jpeg)


Underrated post. I laughed.

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4c6f0c No.376746

File: 46a8de882131a85⋯.gif (511.8 KB,500x400,5:4,Donald duck's rage intensi….gif)

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