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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: fd0485e589dddee⋯.gif (222.75 KB,295x210,59:42,banespmonster alliance.gif)

d5c0b7 No.341175 [Last50 Posts]

Here's a new one since the old thread has reached bump limit.


half/biz/'s GET is today in maybe 5 hours or less.


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e49699 No.341208

>>>/a/ will have their 800,000 get shortly.

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a24d9f No.341221


Maybe I could try posting Reimoo to claim it for both /monster/ and /animu/.

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d5c0b7 No.342534

File: f81cb69303bb037⋯.png (98.22 KB,898x307,898:307,monsterhtgget.PNG)

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d5c0b7 No.342546

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d5c0b7 No.344809

File: ed25814d47619a4⋯.png (159.98 KB,749x280,107:40,monstercafechanget.PNG)

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cdd57c No.344827


Careful anon, we might be attacked by those evil russians trying to hack our board.

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084009 No.352177

There are a few 8chan GETs coming up, just bumping the thread.

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d5c0b7 No.352287

File: dbf79e98f128921⋯.png (95.6 KB,853x295,853:295,monsterdeliciousget.PNG)

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cdd57c No.352288

File: aef31fe8ae978eb⋯.png (313.43 KB,714x461,714:461,4979DBF5-5E5C-49E5-A3AB-0C….png)

File: 59788f7485baa36⋯.gif (355.65 KB,500x420,25:21,6DA3535B-03FC-48CE-980D-76….gif)

/fur/‘s got one coming up in a few days


Great work, may /monster/ be the best GET stealer in the history of image boards.

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d5c0b7 No.352289


>Great work, may /monster/ be the best GET stealer in the history of image boards.

I can't do it alone, anon. Let's work together to make that finally happen.

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cdd57c No.352290


I would love to, but I have no clue how to GETs

is it just autistically watching the refresh on getwatcher and posting?

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d5c0b7 No.352291


That and learning the way certain boards work to prepare yourself accordingly.

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d5c0b7 No.352292



Oh, and making sure to always archive your get, and delete failed gets afterwards out of courtesy. And maintain good sportsmanship.

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cdd57c No.352293


>learning the way certain boards work to prepare yourself accordingly.

Have an example?

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d5c0b7 No.352295


Very simple examples are remembering that you can both make a normal post and new thread for halfchan get attempts and remembering not to trigger one of /leftypol/'s several thousand wordfilters.

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cdd57c No.352298


Gotcha. Is there any way I can check a board’s wordfilters or is it hidden and can only be discovered through lurking the board

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d5c0b7 No.352299


I think there was a way of checking but I forget how it's done.

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cdd57c No.352301

File: cc9b1b196f38a75⋯.png (251.11 KB,665x574,95:82,39095300-97AD-4484-9C44-BA….png)


Last question. I was testing post deletion on cuckchan and it seems to be that I can delete individual posts but I can’t delete threads. Do I just leave it if I failed the attempt or is something wrong with my cookies/device?

currently posting on mobile, so perhaps this is the problem. Will not be the case when actually trying to claim GETs

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d5c0b7 No.352302


If you can't delete it on your own on cuckchan it'll get deleted by the mods anyway.

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a448fb No.353001

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8c0611 No.353040


>53 posts left

>5 hours left

That board's gotten really slow since piss man stole it.

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8c0611 No.353055


Whoops, was thinking of cuckchan /vg/ by mistake.

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8c0611 No.353058

File: 480cb58bf161fa0⋯.png (123.19 KB,1497x198,499:66,monstervgget.PNG)

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a448fb No.353061



tfw trying to into GETball but have busy schedule where I can’t be stealing gets

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8c0611 No.353574

File: c7ea6512b9b0f38⋯.png (91.55 KB,1015x220,203:44,monsterkcget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.353961

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8c0611 No.354310

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8c0611 No.354992

File: 46989ba5e46a06d⋯.png (573.71 KB,1168x399,1168:399,monstersget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.355099

File: 3a87ffdcb4fcb9e⋯.png (209.77 KB,1362x628,681:314,monsterdoctorwhoget.PNG)



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8c0611 No.355314


Hopefully this speeds up, I want us to be able to get this get today instead of it happening in the middle of the night or something.

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8c0611 No.355388


It's now sped up to less than five hours left. Hopefully someone else can get this one for me.

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5116c3 No.355678


We missed the 50000 GET

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8c0611 No.355680


For which board?

Either way, we have a couple gets we can nab today at least.

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40c16a No.355685


Considering it was /vg/ that was linked which one do you think anon?

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a448fb No.355688



He’s only one person (unfortunately), you can’t expect him to catch every GET

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a448fb No.355751

File: 0d9503f9b9e5304⋯.png (597.25 KB,1447x369,1447:369,Capture.PNG)

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a448fb No.355752

fucked it up


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8c0611 No.355753


Hey, somebody besides me tried this time. Good job, anon.

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cf68cf No.355798


>It partly depends on one's personal opinion. I'm the sort of degenerate who's ok with truly monstrous girls and even those that are dangerously cheesy but I am aware of the fact that most people dislike them

If you are still here, faggot, get the fuck over to /chaos/ and never fucking show your face around these parts again.

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8c0611 No.355814


This get seems to have heavily sped up over today. Maybe it might even happen by the end of the day. Maybe.

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8c0611 No.356033


2-3 hours left

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8c0611 No.356053


30 minutes or less left

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8c0611 No.356059

Got blocked at the last second by an expired ban message.

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8c0611 No.356325

File: 49777f980ed2bfe⋯.png (851.77 KB,1640x544,205:68,monsterfilmget.PNG)

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2244a1 No.356329

File: fc9afbdbebf8ff3⋯.gif (3.96 KB,640x400,8:5,2b18ac080afd60ea8c6a8c411f….gif)


this was impressive fam, I dropped 4-5 quick posts to bring it up and you snuck right in there while I was uploading man

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8c0611 No.356330


I forgot to have my image ready when I noticed there was 1 post left from your saging, I'm really surprised I managed to get it in time.

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2244a1 No.356333


thems the breaks I guess everybody's been slackin on the gets on my end anyway you put some good work in though

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8c0611 No.356336

File: 036fa0e60364314⋯.png (2.86 MB,1280x1440,8:9,very hapy spe-chan moving ….png)


thanks friend

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2244a1 No.356342


so you guys actually jerk it to monsters or is it like just an elaborate in-joke?

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8c0611 No.356346

File: 44ebb91374b2774⋯.png (213.46 KB,1153x788,1153:788,ushi-oni anti-condom psa.png)


Like I said, best to lurk the board and find out.

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2244a1 No.356349

File: 230c919a6709a0d⋯.jpg (11 KB,372x312,31:26,230c919a6709a0d8c9dc9a7328….jpg)

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8c0611 No.356658

File: 2494612a491c339⋯.png (110.34 KB,971x225,971:225,monsterhisparefugioget.PNG)



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a448fb No.356659

File: 49fd13f8afeb169⋯.png (220.97 KB,1042x257,1042:257,monster magali GET.PNG)

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8c0611 No.356660

File: d28888bb6f2bb8d⋯.png (202.69 KB,700x700,1:1,otter girl hates watermelo….png)


Oh hey, thanks for grabbing the other one again for me while I wasn't paying attention.

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8c0611 No.356664

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8c0611 No.356719


Here's to hoping this slows down somewhat overnight, or I might not have a chance to try for it.

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8c0611 No.356779

File: 8fde527d4e89bbb⋯.jpg (884.59 KB,789x1200,263:400,gazer charging optic blast….jpg)



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8c0611 No.356906

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8c0611 No.356915


Less than an hour left.

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8c0611 No.357287

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a448fb No.357288


Keepin an eye on it

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a448fb No.357300

>off by one

Wish I could do better than sagebomb a dead board.

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8c0611 No.357935

File: 245a02400500f85⋯.png (97.14 KB,1149x187,1149:187,monsterhadget.PNG)

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380484 No.357940

File: a562e1e81d91b7a⋯.png (183.9 KB,1851x302,1851:302,monsteronesixtwoscvget.png)

Also, whoops, forgot to post this here yesterday.



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8c0611 No.358454

File: 3ab3a0ff1de0580⋯.png (167.61 KB,942x305,942:305,monsterwizchanmetaget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.361132

/hisparefugio/ get tonight.

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8c0611 No.361678

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8c0611 No.362194

File: bd2460f080a73fb⋯.png (65.55 KB,872x217,872:217,monster420chanmtvget.PNG)



Didn't know until now that 8ch wordfilters to stormfront on 420chan.

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8c0611 No.362586

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8c0611 No.362614


3 hours or less now.

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8c0611 No.363225

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8c0611 No.363678

File: 8211c187df10682⋯.png (354.12 KB,800x1000,4:5,demiurge girl.png)

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8c0611 No.363736

File: 79b4c7730107186⋯.png (107.32 KB,1088x292,272:73,monsterhomosuckget4.PNG)

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8c0611 No.363940

File: 60b99136b595480⋯.png (112.63 KB,1831x518,1831:518,monsterendchannewsget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.365971

File: cdde398e50df95e⋯.png (85.98 KB,910x302,455:151,monsterwhat-chwhatget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.366012

File: 2a9edb576727777⋯.png (531.2 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Ammit keeping her legs clo….png)


Cuckchan /b/'s GET is coming up in less than 2 weeks, I need as many people willing to try for it with me as possible. In 8ch's getball history, nobody has managed this yet, with the closest to it being /sp/ being 3 posts off.


If you're willing to try for it, make sure that you put /monster/ in the title of the thread, don't get fucked over by the 8ch wordfilter, solve the capcha with good timing to prevent having to do it over again, and have archive.is attached to your browser so that you can just click it to immediately archive it (though screencapping it is the most important part, go about doing it immediately AFTER you click that).

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8c0611 No.366399

/islam/ is in 7 posts, but getwatcher is busted.

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8c0611 No.366404

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8c0611 No.366872

File: 363f836cbb343bd⋯.png (99.45 KB,947x294,947:294,monsterfurget.PNG)

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0c3884 No.366877

File: 505b52aa5cea0a8⋯.png (217.35 KB,537x463,537:463,mfw the hero is walking ga….png)


Alright, you did it for a get but that doesn't change the fact that you were

>posting on /fur/

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78e191 No.366881


if you got better GETs than me then my treks through trash would not be necessary, anon

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8c0611 No.366894

File: ebc3775f75f707e⋯.png (227.68 KB,630x255,42:17,monsterdoushiomoeget.PNG)



This imageboard updates in real time, so keep in mind that as soon as you upload your image/put in the subject for the thread you're making, you're given a post number, meaning you can't really prepare posts beforehand.

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8c0611 No.366904


This halfchan get is in under 5 hours or so, but I doubt I'll be around for it.

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8c0611 No.367218


I'm really hoping I can at least be around to try for this, but I don't know.

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8c0611 No.367399


halfchan /b/'s get is in 14 or so hours. But I'm not sure if it'll speed up or slow down by then.

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8c0611 No.367454



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8c0611 No.367455



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2244a1 No.367464

File: cc069ec19f2f669⋯.png (18.69 KB,518x100,259:50,gulp.png)

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8c0611 No.367525

File: 2f1934621220b0b⋯.png (78.29 KB,847x299,847:299,monsterhisparefugioget2.PNG)



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8c0611 No.367833

File: 485da7f2e25ca47⋯.png (3.03 MB,1800x1800,1:1,2hus with lots of food.png)

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8c0611 No.369061

File: 667660ef3d3bd42⋯.png (514.3 KB,1349x381,1349:381,monsteranimuget3.PNG)

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8c0611 No.369064


Oh hey, it got stickied.

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8c0611 No.369390

File: 4762f8d65520ee3⋯.png (148.8 KB,958x299,958:299,monsterrule34get.PNG)



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8c0611 No.369848

File: 494e2df86e772f9⋯.png (115.37 KB,911x298,911:298,monstererpget2.PNG)

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a34193 No.370072

>>>/arepa/'s about to have it's 20000 get, watch out.

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a34193 No.370073



lel fucked up

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a34193 No.370076


Welp, it's over now, but 22222's happening soon I guess.

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8c0611 No.370087

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8c0611 No.370284


It's coming up in under two hours now.

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8c0611 No.370633

File: ff66c8758c2432a⋯.png (126.83 KB,975x397,975:397,monsterhydrusget.PNG)

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0cc982 No.373775


I quit getball but i always wanted to get /v/. NOW i can retire in peace

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a448fb No.373811

File: 39020d2788f18cb⋯.gif (291.86 KB,133x128,133:128,D5930141-B7DB-47AC-A9B2-12….gif)


Congrats man. I wish I could be as dedicated as you at stealing numbers.

GETball is going to die now isn’t it?

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8c0611 No.373830


lmao, nice job, Mantistic. Hopefully one day I can grab a getball-regulation GET from /v/ for you.

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8c0611 No.373831


>GETball is going to die now isn’t it?

Not so long as I'm around it's not. You should start participating too though.

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8c0611 No.375639

File: 8a1eee4222412e4⋯.png (121.54 KB,903x303,301:101,monsterfascistget.PNG)



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00f705 No.375702


You'd think they'd be better sports about having lost their get and not be so butthurt.

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6ac4d1 No.375708

File: 33b4b6ab3666517⋯.jpg (115.4 KB,540x546,90:91,33b4b6ab36665179969cbaae97….jpg)



>not butthurt

Only when their leader commands them not to be.

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8c8a77 No.375919

File: f45187f162b9d6c⋯.jpg (21.62 KB,400x400,1:1,1453405723726.jpg)



It was two anons that bitched about it. One was fine with it and the other one didn't care.

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8c0611 No.376018

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8c0611 No.376796

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00f705 No.376816



They can keep that get.

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8c0611 No.376822


>being this new

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8c0611 No.377276

File: 0dd454014f74170⋯.png (211.21 KB,452x726,226:363,monstercuckchanlgbtget.png)

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8c0611 No.378454

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8c0611 No.379538

File: d95f5c433b0d2e5⋯.png (53.23 KB,1004x300,251:75,monstertruthlegionget.PNG)



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28b711 No.379539

File: 34a44dd8dbfc794⋯.jpeg (149.46 KB,1600x1120,10:7,B6ACBDC8-3B78-4891-9CD4-8….jpeg)

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28b711 No.379595

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28b711 No.379618

I had pick up my sisters and I missed it. I’ll try for the next one

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8c0611 No.379642


Thanks friend.

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8c0611 No.379884

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7c7381 No.379999

Quads say shoggoth are superior to Kiki's

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8c0611 No.380322

File: 5d8596b810b23e6⋯.png (566.63 KB,1352x524,338:131,monsters8sget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.380694

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8c0611 No.381380

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8c0611 No.381681

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8c0611 No.383950

File: dee94436636fed0⋯.png (123.45 KB,884x251,884:251,monsteragatha2get.PNG)



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8c0611 No.383965

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8c0611 No.384528

File: 9b82a25c59eb23c⋯.png (56.85 KB,723x258,241:86,monstercrystalcafefeelsget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.384531

File: 0fd586a69a8d110⋯.jpg (76.48 KB,786x602,393:301,(((pistachios))).jpg)

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28b711 No.384537


There’s gonna be a lot of competition to get that get. Plus it’ll probably bring a lot of them over here. Do we want to try for it?

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8c0611 No.384538


>Plus it’ll probably bring a lot of them over here

At most it'll cause a temporary shitstorm and then that'll be it. We do want to try for it, just as boards have tried for other big cuckchan gets in the past.

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8c0611 No.384578


Getwatcher says 40 minutes, but obviously it's going to speed up now.

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8c0611 No.385828

File: 1029d3e24fbeffb⋯.png (50.99 KB,1005x266,1005:266,monsterleftpolget.PNG)



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8c0611 No.385996

File: 4e20af981ba2113⋯.png (61.89 KB,645x294,215:98,monsterfastget.PNG)



archive.is is currently busted for me so I used this instead.

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763f03 No.386035


Someone is trying to steal the archive.is domain. For the time being, use the other ones like archive.li or archive.fo

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8c0611 No.386152

File: afd0f8193bdc19e⋯.png (59.8 KB,693x238,99:34,monsterkindget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.387400

File: 1a7b3817a1c6c42⋯.jpg (52.89 KB,540x756,5:7,goast with momo.jpg)

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8c0611 No.387413


60 or so posts left, it's rapidly speeding up.

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8c0611 No.387415

File: 2576a9db2e69832⋯.png (92.5 KB,641x293,641:293,monsterkemonoget.PNG)

Failed the /x/ get but got this as consolation.


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8c0611 No.387456

File: d90571623754613⋯.png (96.95 KB,694x296,347:148,monsterzooget.PNG)

New get, when I attempted to archive it this happened: http://archive.li/hmwUn

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8c0611 No.387897

File: 45acb7fb10037bf⋯.png (355.18 KB,1443x435,481:145,monsterdoomerget.PNG)



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8c0611 No.387898

File: ade269b7e79aff3⋯.png (512.04 KB,1329x377,1329:377,monsteragdgget.PNG)

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241762 No.388685

File: db160c271ab796c⋯.png (56.36 KB,673x499,673:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Sportschan /sp/ 1 million get is coming up soon, less than 600 posts to go.

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ed69dd No.388686




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241762 No.388687

File: b84df6e842fce59⋯.png (62.43 KB,912x960,19:20,ClipboardImage.png)


>being afraid to play with the big boys

How the mighty have fallen /sp/

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ed69dd No.388688




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241762 No.388692

File: 6e7baedf8c2f1b7⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,911x319,911:319,sp million get.jpg)

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8c0611 No.388721


see you at the 1111111, budy

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8c0611 No.389127

File: 05e3a6ca7c68bb9⋯.png (858.71 KB,1000x889,1000:889,the final solhootion.png)

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8c0611 No.390351

File: f361868dbb753ef⋯.png (138.17 KB,1017x387,113:43,monsterdoomerget2.PNG)



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8c0611 No.391767

File: f6f09f0ba166d3d⋯.png (84.26 KB,1135x312,1135:312,monstercyberget2.PNG)

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8c0611 No.393719

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8c0611 No.394322

File: 1b14996e17fa214⋯.png (728.66 KB,984x1336,123:167,bee jealousee.png)

/b2/'s first "true" get is coming up in less than 2 hours.


I doubt I'll manage it, but I really wanna try for this one.

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8c0611 No.394328





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8c0611 No.394329

File: 2f93636a63edc1a⋯.png (84.38 KB,1444x287,1444:287,monsterb2get.PNG)

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8c0611 No.394334

File: ed8b373c614df43⋯.png (167.88 KB,645x272,645:272,b2 monster girl threads.PNG)


They actually did it, the absolute madmen.


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8c0611 No.395167

>tfw getwatcher is almost completely broken and I may have to permanently go back to the days of manually identifying what gets are coming up

>tfw sportschan hasn't had a getwatch thread up in a long time

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8c0611 No.396043

File: a8b04bae21c52f7⋯.png (92.3 KB,1896x263,1896:263,monsternget2.PNG)

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28b711 No.396057


Now we’re front page news. Bravo anon!

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8c0611 No.396060

File: d0fabbdde65b529⋯.png (20.97 KB,1124x175,1124:175,Latest Headlines.PNG)

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8c0611 No.396184

File: 23ff2ec1b22faa8⋯.png (175.44 KB,1837x235,1837:235,monsterb2get2.PNG)

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28b711 No.396194



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8c0611 No.396621

File: 53356cb37c30f7e⋯.png (84.75 KB,869x209,79:19,monstercuckchanckget.PNG)


Another halfchan get after a long time.

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a448fb No.396627

File: ef5983dbcaca9e6⋯.png (340.52 KB,964x702,482:351,CE110B7A-5415-4B99-A371-EB….png)

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8c0611 No.397808

>try to get /dempart/ get

>post gets jammed at 21% for some reason


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8c0611 No.397813

File: 82f68f6f955dea1⋯.png (87.33 KB,948x190,474:95,monsterwxget4.PNG)

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f6534d No.397815

File: 6a5db7c317010af⋯.png (134.97 KB,464x320,29:20,13333333 get.png)

>/pol/ had it's 13333333 get

>not actually sure if it's from here

>implying /monster/ isn't /pol/

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8c0611 No.397816


There is no monster girl in the image and it was not blatantly mentioned to be from /monster/, so no.

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8c0611 No.398799

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d6fa8a No.398888

File: c873ad809266402⋯.png (25.02 KB,1107x362,1107:362,I need it for research.PNG)

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8c0611 No.400806

File: a8e729db57c4a60⋯.png (98.28 KB,918x351,34:13,monster2ch.hkasmrget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.401209

File: 86136de93c53194⋯.png (44.72 KB,905x298,905:298,monstertrapget.PNG)

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8c0611 No.406204

File: 1526c5de37b1e08⋯.png (351.09 KB,766x869,766:869,monsteruboachanotget.PNG)

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892f4f No.406367

Traitorchan's /GET/ is going to have their >>40000 soon-ish.

Let's start grabbing the GETS for the glory of the revived 8/monster/!

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