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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 1922b11d357ff35⋯.jpg (289.96 KB,742x746,371:373,064BAiJRTewi.jpg)

f7199e No.341038 [Last50 Posts]

Another month comes and goes; it's time for another rabbit rabbit thread! Can you believe we've finally reached thread #2?

When you wake up on the first of the month, if the first thing you say out loud is "rabbit rabbit rabbit", you'll be blessed with good luck for the month!

Come in, take it easy, and post cute rabbits!

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d66a46 No.341046

File: 850f68e7f626596⋯.png (1.44 MB,256x192,4:3,1437728946497.png)

I fell for the rabbit meme once several years ago and my life still hasn't recovered.

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66211e No.341050

Hong Meiling is shit and should be brutally tortured to death. Go kill yerself, Tewinigger.

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4de770 No.341051


>Tewinigger is shit and should be brutally tortured to death.

fixed that for you.

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30b2e7 No.341052

It’s nice to have a clean, unbroken thread for this again.

Do your best Tewi!

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0fe335 No.341053


Elaborate, anon.

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7f45f1 No.341054

File: a00631c07fcf824⋯.png (401.29 KB,1200x1800,2:3,a3aa54271439ebb0ceb854da13….png)


Sorry that things didn't go well for you at the time.


What the fuck dude.


No bully.


Thanks anon!

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872c54 No.341105

File: 859d4017e12a25d⋯.jpg (45.3 KB,636x500,159:125,tewi you cheating fuck.jpg)

I will need all the luck I can get for my trip to Vegas over spring break. I've got a bunch of government bonds my grandmother bought me when I was a baby that just matured.

Counting on you, Tewifag.

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f7199e No.341107

File: 8ced7f731de68d4⋯.jpg (116 KB,700x640,35:32,8ced7f731de68d4218f672f113….jpg)


I have always advised against gambling. Going to Vegas sounds even worse. Imagine those fables were the guy takes advantage of a good thing end it blows up in their face. A bit of good luck is nice, but don't think of yourself as utterly invincible.

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872c54 No.341108


Nah man that's quitter's talk, I'm gonna be rich and use the money to fund android research so we can all get robo-waifus

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f2bf2e No.341113


Buddy, you're not going to get rich that way. First off, it's all rigged. You may win decently enough sometimes, but it's all to make you think you're on a winning streak. You're not. You'll lose money if you keep going.

Now let's say you do manage to win big and get rich. Do you think the house will simply let you walk off with that dosh? Hell no. You'll either find your hotel room robbed or some gentlemen will have some hard words with you at the worst.

You want to make money? Use the money from those bonds and put them in investments. Make sure to keep a diverse portfolio in case things don't work out.

Put a portion of that money in safe investments like bonds, certificates of deposit, or stable stocks that pay decent dividends. You need safe investments to balance out riskier ones. https://investorplace.com/2018/01/10-retirement-stocks-already/#.WpTbP9FOmf0

Put another portion into stocks with high dividend rates. Dividends make money for you. https://www.nasdaq.com/dividend-stocks/ for good dividend yields.

Lastly, have some momey for gambling on the market. This can be for stuff like options, futures, venture capital, REITs, etc. this stuff can make a good amount of momey, but are riskier.

Alternatively, try to make something truly groundbreaking. If you can't, then invest. Don't just dump it all in Vegas like a dipshit then say tge rabbit cursed you.

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d3149c No.341135

Hey tewi, good to see you around. How's /loli/ doing?


Thats absolutely retarded. Do what this anon suggests. >>341113

Going out and losing your money at Vegas is stupid. Save and invest it so that it makes more money for you.

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f7199e No.341164

File: 19b484d801780f4⋯.jpg (297.01 KB,2000x2000,1:1,19b484d801780f456ca078a51b….jpg)


It's doing okay, I suppose. Slow as ever. Wanted to try doing a loli anime stream at some point.

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64c17b No.341179


>certificates of deposit

>when the fed exists

Na. You're right about gambling though.

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e89d40 No.341182

File: a4af6f6683e8e68⋯.jpg (101.16 KB,576x1280,9:20,burrows behind you.jpg)


hi mark, fuck off mark.

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847533 No.341188


Trust nobody, not even your prey

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4ef9ce No.341204


"pap pap pap" That is some kind of special shotgun.

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872c54 No.341206


It's got one of those silencers on. The pap isn't from the gun, it's from the bullets hitting the dirt around the rabbit

You can trust me, I'm a California Senator

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4ef9ce No.341209


Sounds legit. Will vote for you again!

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f2bf2e No.341210

File: b9f7a19cb97791d⋯.jpg (40.24 KB,1023x296,1023:296,IMG_0459.JPG)


I think it's a tacticooled pump action .22.

Browning used to make some.

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f7199e No.341229

File: 1ea7ef400952b64⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x750,8:5,1ea7ef400952b6468623ce0c50….png)

I just realized I have virtually no art of Tewi thigh jobs.

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872c54 No.341248


Is that a knee job or a calf job?

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f7199e No.341271

File: b14dfbb49c0f804⋯.jpg (305.5 KB,850x1200,17:24,b14dfbb49c0f804b8800fbb763….jpg)


A knee job, by the looks of it. A shame her legs aren't put to good use.

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f7199e No.341367

File: 935b06e7fa34896⋯.png (614.37 KB,927x1080,103:120,935b06e7fa3489635cf754daca….png)

File: a37e29316e9f517⋯.jpg (541.95 KB,555x785,111:157,a37e29316e9f51786aea165454….jpg)

File: e795f04a45cc695⋯.jpg (164.14 KB,850x1374,425:687,e795f04a45cc6950e58f1ecce8….jpg)

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f7199e No.341450

File: e2ac6dbf3b0f19f⋯.png (261.83 KB,800x600,4:3,tewi_rabbitrabbit2.png)

Hope you remembered!

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66211e No.341459


Not Mr. Cake-Kike. Just a bully of Tewinigger tbh.

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d3149c No.341491

I said it this month! And now to see if it actually works.

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721ce6 No.341492

File: 200ff9c29469265⋯.jpg (65.25 KB,549x800,549:800,3a3d9e01373f12d6bd1c6bf787….jpg)

i found my decade and a half old four leaf clover. im amazed it has any green left in it

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7d822f No.341493

File: 51cab5e4edaf2a6⋯.jpg (17.55 KB,472x472,1:1,0c33f58a78569273edceee2a41….jpg)


Nice job!


That's amazing. I've yet to find one myself.

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f7199e No.347305

File: 016fccff26b9594⋯.png (611.73 KB,650x939,650:939,016fccff26b9594d0ef69b2376….png)

It's bun time!

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3d9670 No.347306

File: 2be5963dc55b358⋯.jpg (74.89 KB,400x400,1:1,2be5963dc55b3588b922db4a3d….jpg)


Is it? I think you're a couple days early!

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f7199e No.347307

File: 69a8f1df8d0ff2e⋯.jpg (98.79 KB,720x960,3:4,69a8f1df8d0ff2e49336226412….jpg)


I always start up three days in advance. That way everyone has a good amount of time to be ready.

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3d9670 No.347309

File: b36fc1157ab4bf5⋯.png (1.05 MB,1228x868,307:217,b36fc1157ab4bf5d9409da02fb….png)


Well, someone's out of touch. It's me. Carry on then.

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f7199e No.347478

File: 7ec45691bf61f4a⋯.jpg (67.15 KB,850x638,425:319,7ec45691bf61f4aa8373b03c11….jpg)

File: 06f62231591b14d⋯.jpg (144.35 KB,723x943,723:943,06f62231591b14d8615db2d889….jpg)

File: e237048d0f98e48⋯.jpg (165.65 KB,850x677,850:677,e237048d0f98e48ba10bf011e3….jpg)

Give your rabbit a carrot.

Do not feed your rabbit only carrots.

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f7199e No.347554

File: 6a333f21333dcc9⋯.jpg (42.95 KB,750x350,15:7,6a333f21333dcc933c140436dd….jpg)

File: 3ade1593208e629⋯.jpg (367.77 KB,1400x840,5:3,3ade1593208e6296465cba6e77….jpg)

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f7199e No.347698

File: c37c00999c28c84⋯.jpg (119.1 KB,850x1133,850:1133,c37c00999c28c8460a8576da1a….jpg)

File: 18d504a2f41e242⋯.jpg (95.47 KB,850x708,425:354,18d504a2f41e242c211d871509….jpg)

File: c029d8a7a70f602⋯.jpg (132.2 KB,850x1201,850:1201,c029d8a7a70f602055e47ff98b….jpg)

We're only a day away now. Don't forget!

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7ee9ff No.347854

File: 47b01de17608221⋯.jpg (157.7 KB,900x1440,5:8,2dd0e2a225ee038ad3d8fbf1ea….jpg)

File: c69304ae2d31154⋯.jpg (352.66 KB,953x1100,953:1100,tumblr_ni5idnmU911u72749o1….jpg)

>be sitting in the dark listening to tunes drinking

>Just happens to strike midnight as I go to switch songs

>hesitate, but go and give the three words

Happy Easter Twei-fag. Have some bun feet.

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360721 No.347859


I live in vegas

Run far away, get out while you can anon.

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f7199e No.347862

File: 9fd72435c8c4695⋯.jpg (272.19 KB,687x870,229:290,9fd72435c8c4695616cac35059….jpg)


Happy Easter!

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487ba8 No.347888

File: 182ec4209b9c7c5⋯.jpeg (127.75 KB,1024x791,1024:791,B4ECC0D5-2F03-4341-8DC4-C….jpeg)

Good morning and happy easter. Said rabbit rabbit rabbit. Momiji a best girl. Good luck fellow monster girl enthusiasts.

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872c54 No.347921

Managed to say my rabbits this morning. Happy Easter everyone.

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f7199e No.347922

File: 8b7c718e3199b31⋯.jpg (118.76 KB,1224x522,68:29,8b7c718e3199b31570850d7999….jpg)



Happy Easter, and good luck!

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872c54 No.348897

Alright I know we're nowhere near the end of the month but I gotta share this

>Be filling up bike with gas

>Pay with cash and get change

>A dollar and some coins

>Notice lottery tickets and remember I said my rabbits this month

>Figure to hell with it, buy $1 scratch off with $10,000 jackpot

>Scratch off prizes in parking lot

>Holy shit

>Last one I scratch off is a winner

>I won fucking two dollars

>Come back and post this

I'm still riding on the adrenaline. Guys, the rabbit works.

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f7199e No.348926

File: a63e3066f0fb8fb⋯.png (247.01 KB,854x480,427:240,a728fdd3ee909bf0b65f26c303….png)

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f7199e No.352625

File: 18e268a447c21d1⋯.png (142.68 KB,606x800,303:400,18e268a447c21d1e8831fdc566….png)

Another month, another rabbit rabbit!

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e4abba No.352676

File: 30283473cbdaf11⋯.gif (677.01 KB,200x200,1:1,03880551d7154171c7585e7ad3….gif)


Gambling is for degenerates. Your rabbit rabbits gave you a minor blessing in which you got your money back and one dollar for your time. You came out ahead.

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837b32 No.352678


>losing is for degenerates


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c92780 No.352731

File: 7e6180388a1b673⋯.jpg (94.51 KB,850x714,25:21,7e6180388a1b673e94cffd5bda….jpg)


Giving up is for degenerates. Losing is for those still working towards their hard-earned victory.

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c92780 No.352883

File: 0ee55e55f40a2a5⋯.jpg (157.98 KB,850x1201,850:1201,0ee55e55f40a2a5c57efe04133….jpg)

File: 4a49a5a3ad204aa⋯.jpg (168.81 KB,850x1134,425:567,4a49a5a3ad204aa91a6181817e….jpg)

File: c027d5abddd55b5⋯.jpg (223.14 KB,674x1100,337:550,c027d5abddd55b5fdad0b02177….jpg)

Cosplay Tewi.

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c92780 No.352960

File: 20fe5f945d500a9⋯.jpg (126.96 KB,600x888,25:37,20fe5f945d500a904f1dfb2cde….jpg)

Good luck everyone!

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9a6514 No.352971

File: 05f8324a3c62fe7⋯.png (121.56 KB,439x443,439:443,dying inside.png)

I'm about to go to bed for the last time this month, I'm doing alright with reduced number of nightmares. Though my dad was a dick for my birthday again. Hopefully I can find a waifu and new friends irl soon if I keep this up. Here's to another irrationally hope-filled month.

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0a279e No.352974

File: e989a3f6597f2c6⋯.png (382.32 KB,1447x1447,1:1,bad id (deleted) pixiv_777….png)

File: 3a5f25c80315012⋯.png (427.73 KB,989x1018,989:1018,7098174a27e193ba2d0efe2951….png)

File: 1409f45c9f43a63⋯.jpg (820.79 KB,1000x1100,10:11,29106134_p0.jpg)

File: cafec67656c8623⋯.jpg (667.33 KB,1000x1000,1:1,29106134_p1.jpg)

File: e6ceb3e930e4c8c⋯.png (189.01 KB,600x900,2:3,bad id 1479879284259.png)

I refuse to save images of Reisen where her ears are pinned on with buttons.

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837b32 No.352975

File: c81bff4d6cb85ce⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.9 KB,700x554,350:277,__reisen_udongein_inaba_to….jpg)


Well how else is she going to keep her ears from falling off

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c92780 No.352976

File: 4fb992c03fc0e7d⋯.jpg (30.57 KB,472x472,1:1,4fb992c03fc0e7da5e0501fa4b….jpg)

File: c9992857e61e67d⋯.jpg (197.17 KB,850x891,850:891,c9992857e61e67dd0424400674….jpg)

File: d259eb7c0cea7d5⋯.jpg (169.35 KB,600x846,100:141,d259eb7c0cea7d5450a49dffba….jpg)


Good luck, and cheer up dude.


Aren't they meant to be earrings/accessories?


Reisen had a hard life, but she's safe now.

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71e67c No.352978


It says it's a deccoration on the wiki but I still won't save them. I think it's a LIE.

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cbc41f No.353103

I forgot this month so no lottery tickets for me

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e40a03 No.353217


umm happy belated birthday? also where do you live? I can maybe help with the irl friends

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c92780 No.356888

File: 3e11d98e0ce94d3⋯.jpg (231.07 KB,765x850,9:10,3e11d98e0ce94d32d74f6b9568….jpg)

It's that time again!

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9db66a No.356890


>It's that time again

>Gets hitler trips

Tewi really does love you, Tewifag. Hippity-hop.

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c60114 No.356895

Thursday is the last of the month, set a reminder by then so you don't wake up saying "fuck life" instead of your rabbits.


Being paranoid, i wont give an exact location. But somewhere between the corrupt throne of false gold and the unholy city of faggots. i need to gtfo



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c92780 No.356986

File: a2fa8707f578679⋯.jpg (152.99 KB,850x850,1:1,a2fa8707f578679d5a17d8625e….jpg)

File: 361ce0a0d267697⋯.png (109.39 KB,916x405,916:405,OFFICIAL TEWI-APPROVED RAB….png)


I wonder if she would approve of my effort, or complain that I don't prank people enough.


>set a reminder by then

There are a few things that may help you guys remember.

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ce5d53 No.357002

What do people who work the graveyard (9PM-7AM) shift do?

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9a6514 No.357005


>tenderly and passionately

Tewi needs a corrective spanking for her pranks

I thought I had the "if your waifu was real…" pic saved

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c92780 No.357042

File: 14bc0f5a2d4ddef⋯.png (260.58 KB,936x662,468:331,1438229220819.png)


Try saying it at midnight, sunrise, and when you wake up anyways. It's what I used to do.


I've got this one.

Corrective spankings are all well and good, but don't forget to cuddle with her afterwards and let her know you still care about her.

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218068 No.357052


Not the one i was thinking of, doesnt go well with the corrective spanking comment.

Saving anyways.

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0465d2 No.357070

File: 8450f173e9567cb⋯.png (23.25 KB,411x550,411:550,rabbi.png)

Another month comes and goes; it's time for more rabbi rabbi posting!

When you wake up on the first of the month, if the first thing you say out loud is "rabbi rabbi rabbi", you'll be blessed with good finances for the month!

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c92780 No.357077

File: d551bcd35cb0c75⋯.jpg (395.55 KB,419x596,419:596,d551bcd35cb0c75308ad126398….jpg)


I know the one you're talking about, but I don't remember where I left it. It was pretty rude anyways.


No jews please.

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c92780 No.357171

File: 1dfb4b62af76f62⋯.jpg (115.57 KB,850x1032,425:516,1dfb4b62af76f6289d9eadc884….jpg)

Had a minor scare this morning, forgetting whether May had 30 or 31 days in it. We still have another day to go!

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a3decc No.357195


That is an adorable Tewi.

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c92780 No.357202

File: f6bd2ab3b465035⋯.jpg (179.95 KB,480x640,3:4,f6bd2ab3b4650356d704598bfd….jpg)

File: 84cdc3dac52e7ca⋯.jpg (589.14 KB,1100x1100,1:1,84cdc3dac52e7ca5ba632ae760….jpg)

File: a3b5f2c075e8647⋯.png (283.88 KB,600x687,200:229,a3b5f2c075e8647394eaddef32….png)

File: 823f06c2daafbf6⋯.jpg (145.16 KB,850x850,1:1,823f06c2daafbf6a7baeecf86a….jpg)

File: 3d2b3c7b79ff15d⋯.jpg (109.13 KB,850x602,425:301,3d2b3c7b79ff15d3adda78e374….jpg)


Seeing Tewi with normal bunnies is always cute.

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3e3208 No.357204

File: 53b296cfd2016e5⋯.jpg (76.74 KB,600x400,3:2,carrot-cake-6001.jpg)

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c92780 No.357289

File: a12500d71ff8475⋯.jpg (71.7 KB,507x364,39:28,a12500d71ff8475c42b79cdbc1….jpg)


Carrot cake is pretty tasty.

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c92780 No.357329

File: 1441dc74db90990⋯.png (462.15 KB,942x1170,157:195,tewi.png)

Hope you remembered!

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c92780 No.361330

File: 6ffefdfd9885e81⋯.jpg (213.7 KB,850x850,1:1,6ffefdfd9885e814c002fc72a7….jpg)

The best time of the month is back again!

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eb6c28 No.361351

>Have exam for driver's license tomorrow

>Can't remember if I said my rabbits or not this month

Can I borrow some luck from you guys? It's only for tomorrow, I swear I'll give you guys back with every mosqito bite, every stubbed toe, all the small unlucky incidents until you have been paid back. Seriously, it's just for one day! No, for about three hours! Just three hours worth of luck, just enough to pass my exam, starting at ten o'clock tomorrow morning! It's about fourteen hours from now, I promise I'll pay you back over the course of July! I'm sure I can pass it on skill alone, but I can't account for every other human being in my country.

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837b32 No.361384


Just drive a bit slower and keep your eyes open. Problem solved.

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c92780 No.361396

File: d3cc08943178738⋯.jpg (775.71 KB,1000x1315,200:263,d3cc08943178738ec601139f84….jpg)


Good luck with your exam! Hopefully you won't end up with a dick for a judge like my friend did.

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c92780 No.361456

File: 9da7bae47462dab⋯.png (543.55 KB,586x986,293:493,9da7bae47462dabaf8f979d3dc….png)

File: 8e27b6540cd3bba⋯.jpg (93.7 KB,724x1023,724:1023,8e27b6540cd3bba68dfaba2114….jpg)

File: 3179fd47d8933f7⋯.jpg (67.46 KB,600x788,150:197,3179fd47d8933f7fad852973d6….jpg)

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016834 No.361472

I want Tewi to do a drop bear impression on me. I also want her to "forget" to wear panties on that occasion

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f69934 No.361477

File: f94a63b095e2217⋯.jpg (113.25 KB,500x485,100:97,drop bear.jpg)


Sounds like a decent thing to request in the drawthread.

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c92780 No.361619

File: 2ed81863ce5b68d⋯.jpg (206.09 KB,800x800,1:1,2ed81863ce5b68d45a638c41e5….jpg)



I like the sound of this.

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f3859f No.361631

Quit stealing my luck, Tewifag.

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933dad No.361711

File: 0df1a8fcde85cf4⋯.webm (2.91 MB,1280x720,16:9,c8db6beed8b52f4c7a46a5b3e….webm)

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0465d2 No.361714

File: 8f17e36318589ff⋯.png (706.83 KB,742x1182,371:591,rabbit rabbit wellbeing.png)

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c92780 No.361736

File: 5dfb70b15e10558⋯.png (594.56 KB,847x600,847:600,5dfb70b15e10558bc81a318d2b….png)


I don't steal luck.



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c92780 No.365115

File: 193e222264db1e5⋯.jpg (108.82 KB,850x574,425:287,193e222264db1e55e309f5fce7….jpg)

Hope you've been having a good time this Summer!

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a30c09 No.365116

File: 2b105c59908bdd7⋯.png (114.73 KB,1302x970,651:485,7d3e2cb9bea83f36799d2fa9e6….png)

File: a485cb2f3094c7e⋯.png (90.9 KB,1302x970,651:485,aebd4cb52467fa3a38f2c25b11….png)

File: 5612c5afe75b516⋯.jpg (91.56 KB,850x899,850:899,5612c5afe75b516cc6d91bc9f2….jpg)

File: 7cfcd1f82b76f97⋯.png (1.75 MB,1500x1419,500:473,7cfcd1f82b76f9731737e0229b….png)

File: af46fd5123fe53e⋯.jpg (951.92 KB,1000x1590,100:159,79063964eef45b58adde632ca4….jpg)

>/loli/ won the Attention Hungry Games


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c92780 No.365117

File: 4fc51895800a439⋯.jpg (115.05 KB,849x925,849:925,4fc51895800a4393d12215a86c….jpg)


I wonder how much impact it'll have, or what I can do from here to really make it effective.

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c92780 No.365193

File: b0f596dcb289537⋯.jpg (250.78 KB,900x1000,9:10,b0f596dcb2895377a1b072860f….jpg)

File: caad45c0e8cc3a2⋯.jpg (352.86 KB,1121x1200,1121:1200,caad45c0e8cc3a234f567f60ce….jpg)

File: 289886568109576⋯.jpg (512.45 KB,1280x921,1280:921,289886568109576167a3e3d547….jpg)

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c92780 No.365276

File: 5b84c51f84e916c⋯.gif (37.79 KB,484x666,242:333,5b84c51f84e916cfd6ae8ee495….gif)

File: 84dccf649583dd2⋯.jpg (51.56 KB,571x800,571:800,84dccf649583dd2f353a4cff20….jpg)

File: 6b60678454f535c⋯.jpg (75.21 KB,414x600,69:100,6b60678454f535c16de87aac2c….jpg)

File: 5d5a1e810cddb8b⋯.jpg (57.46 KB,600x800,3:4,5d5a1e810cddb8bc45d5c05816….jpg)

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c92780 No.365354

File: fcb571dd58eca7e⋯.jpg (85.78 KB,850x515,170:103,fcb571dd58eca7efa66ddf0a0b….jpg)

Hope you won't forget!

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c92780 No.365389

File: dfd1d7479b88be4⋯.png (558 KB,1200x900,4:3,dfd1d7479b88be45a9f94e1b70….png)

Did you remember to say it? Even quiet as it's been, I wish you guys a good month!

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712114 No.365404

File: e972b072aa04dab⋯.mp4 (36.03 KB,330x498,55:83,Tewi and reisen Ear adjust….mp4)


Does going to sleep past 1 AM and then waking up and saying it count? If so, then I got it. Thanks for the monthly reminders anon!

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c92780 No.365407

File: 6a3b454a11d3456⋯.jpg (165.26 KB,800x900,8:9,6a3b454a11d34569a32f64832d….jpg)


I normally go to bed really late, but I also try to say it at midnight just in case. Good luck anon!

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62870b No.365414


I woke up, went to the bathroom, came back, fell asleep, woke up, said my rabbits. Didn't say anything in between. Hope it counts.

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57f5c4 No.365498


I got a positive answer for a job in another city one hour from the sea, and so far I haven't fucked up the long-distance mails, hopefully I don't fuck up once I'm actually in.

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0b8b9b No.368506

File: 1e67dbd69792c5b⋯.jpg (470.42 KB,1536x2048,3:4,illust_70293589_20180829_0….jpg)


How did it turn out?

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c21b2a No.368508

File: b4fa752ee357f2e⋯.webm (11.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,it's_time.webm)

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cbc41f No.368547

File: 4eb1d1db5f36296⋯.png (179.07 KB,520x479,520:479,Tewifag.png)

Excited to spend $100 on lottery tickets if I get the rabbit this month. Wish me luck guys!

Tewifag, I am holding you personally responsible if I don't at least break even. Looking forward to that Mega Millions jackpot!

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b2ce86 No.368558


>banking on the lottery

The rabbit will only help so much

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c92780 No.368559

File: ce365d119277930⋯.jpg (215.53 KB,2480x2840,62:71,ce365d119277930a02cf6b2998….jpg)


Please do not gamble away large sums of money. Foolishness will only get you hurt.

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c7ad9a No.368561


>luck demon isn’t even faithful in its own powers

Figures it was scamming me of my chances

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837b32 No.368562


Remember the golden rule of gambling: Only gamble as much as you're willing to lose.

Picture in your mind taking a lighter to a $100 bill. If you're fine with that, go ahead. If not, reduce that amount. Don't go blaming a fun little luck tradition just because you were stupid.

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cbc41f No.368564




You guys do realize I'm not actually going to spend $100 on the lottery, right?

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837b32 No.368572


It's hard to tell between joking and true stupidity these days.

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c92780 No.368606

File: c1ff4fd18a8777b⋯.jpg (227.98 KB,1000x887,1000:887,68742362_p1_master1200.jpg)


I usually end up responding to everything seriously. It's a bad habit.

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718843 No.368631

Don't believe her lies

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718843 No.368632

File: 261827ec6e39a0f⋯.png (11.14 KB,484x248,121:62,Oekaki.png)


>draw oekaki doodle

>doesn't upload

thanks cunt

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c92780 No.368686

File: dbc5c01b9892d61⋯.jpg (92.14 KB,850x680,5:4,dbc5c01b9892d61f83d543794c….jpg)



Nice art dude.

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f69934 No.368710


Nice art, but this is more of a roman nose and kikes have more of a hooknose to them. That said, what is Italian Tewi like?

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c92780 No.368784

File: da2c4f8610e9021⋯.png (1.41 MB,768x1068,64:89,da2c4f8610e90214376c559f40….png)

Hope you won't forget!

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17288f No.368786

File: 182ee1a7dc9ecad⋯.jpg (152.04 KB,1400x984,175:123,sample-bd9b9b673f783647ad9….jpg)

File: 88c7dcbe0ee41c7⋯.jpg (151.53 KB,1400x984,175:123,sample-5796197163e40367a6f….jpg)

File: c803b44049954b6⋯.jpg (155.3 KB,1400x984,175:123,sample-ea1df5575aa0d6f2c9a….jpg)

File: 1c42d0c6aa27fe4⋯.jpg (155.07 KB,1400x984,175:123,sample-0c621cb1318bfd01b83….jpg)

what the fuck is going on

posting samples on purpose, theyre individually 8mb+

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17288f No.368787

File: 4767e2124a220cb⋯.png (540.03 KB,600x839,600:839,bed8ffa1de044c6ede3362385c….png)

also which rabbit has the best buttpussy?

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c92780 No.368788

File: 807e1479ef52066⋯.jpg (580.39 KB,1600x900,16:9,807e1479ef52066c9531f256af….jpg)

File: bea5e38ebb84ecb⋯.jpg (607.32 KB,1600x900,16:9,bea5e38ebb84ecb46cfe5bb325….jpg)

File: ec5770079dfd636⋯.jpg (83.72 KB,840x1000,21:25,ec5770079dfd636c9bf9d3a454….jpg)

File: b40e46b77bf73e1⋯.jpg (143.31 KB,1400x1100,14:11,b40e46b77bf73e11281123f2d3….jpg)

File: 3fbcbf554aff213⋯.jpg (159.92 KB,850x1052,425:526,3fbcbf554aff21385d49cfd432….jpg)


I have the perfect answer for this, from some anon years ago.

Sole Tei anal porn is also god tier, but holy fuck that ass, she got the body of girls who are being fucked 24/7 by their fathers who could not control their loli urges, her body ripe before she sprout, her ass is only made even better by her hips, her bunny tail make you wanna impregnate all her holes, and rail her anally like she digs her holes deep, rendering her shitter into out of orfer status for being too fucking lewd, good god my nigga, is there any animated tewi content aside from that one done by the guy who did the remilia sakuya dom cullingnus shit and the erien on reisen shit, my god that ass.

Literally all day every day, breeding with den mother loli tewi ass my only prayer in this world.

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f69934 No.368790


Tewi is the chadrabbit because she has the smollest buttpussy

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17288f No.368792

File: 4f1e899fff77a99⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,2200x1650,4:3,2603999 - Reisen_Udongein_….jpg)

File: e45dc1bf33658fb⋯.png (2.2 MB,1827x1937,1827:1937,2618484 - Reisen_Udongein_….png)

File: 26d68d9d92d6038⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1200x1600,3:4,d4c6783fe2d52c06cd493a82cd….jpg)

File: 9a4420ca3f172f2⋯.jpg (528.52 KB,1280x1819,1280:1819,10.jpg)

File: df34a1dabaa155e⋯.jpg (471.06 KB,1280x1822,640:911,16.jpg)



they all seem pretty in to it though. at first i thought it was just reisen as some sort of joke about her "suppository" bullets. but now im back to wondering what it is about these rabbits that make their ass holes hungry

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718843 No.368800


Oekaki was shitting itself and the undo button wasn't working, so most of that drawing was done in one shot.

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c92780 No.368811

File: ef85545577c2fdc⋯.jpg (291.29 KB,600x800,3:4,ef85545577c2fdc55cff3a74e4….jpg)

Hope you remembered!

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f69934 No.368819

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c92780 No.372703

File: 62ab78b9df9a151⋯.jpg (200.09 KB,850x850,1:1,62ab78b9df9a15128a2fe2e27c….jpg)

A new month approaches!

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c92780 No.372809

File: 06acf4bdc6eb96c⋯.png (201.54 KB,467x848,467:848,06acf4bdc6eb96c8a19b797928….png)

File: 9d73a73f4888e82⋯.jpg (163.98 KB,850x519,850:519,9d73a73f4888e821afb52bf646….jpg)

File: e44721aea5671ee⋯.jpg (188.46 KB,554x532,277:266,e44721aea5671ee0b3b14c2d43….jpg)

File: 8aafe9133a6d0cb⋯.png (812.01 KB,625x725,25:29,8aafe9133a6d0cbbe79b71a4b8….png)

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c92780 No.372945

File: 545fd4c0c48e983⋯.png (638.7 KB,1274x902,637:451,545fd4c0c48e98317f6556a35a….png)

File: e0a9af4652eb97c⋯.jpg (204.49 KB,557x446,557:446,e0a9af4652eb97cc02050bdc97….jpg)

File: ae8b2fca6c38a2e⋯.png (367.13 KB,1000x1414,500:707,ae8b2fca6c38a2e7f896cc3e6a….png)

File: 2496356bd2ffce7⋯.png (710 KB,891x1414,891:1414,2496356bd2ffce76afa68cd2d5….png)

File: 083009d65c639e6⋯.jpg (680.15 KB,1200x958,600:479,083009d65c639e6b41ed44ed33….jpg)

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e271a0 No.372947

File: 3c14d4ade58de07⋯.jpg (42.27 KB,438x720,73:120,3c14d4ade58de07061147d9482….jpg)

Dont forget to say Yuyuko three times first thing you do when you wake up, that way she knows to come take your life peacefully, maybe even take you to your waifu in the next life.

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c92780 No.372948

File: 59f1a1f796ede69⋯.jpg (81.81 KB,600x660,10:11,59f1a1f796ede69348bde37406….jpg)


>maybe even take you to your waifu in the next life

Unless your waifu lives in Hakugyokurou, I'm pretty sure anything beyond the life-taking is beyond her jurisdiction.

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e271a0 No.372951


I'm not gonna let a little thing like cannon lore get in the way of finding a waifu.

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c92780 No.372979

File: d7cf3ef9ffaafdd⋯.jpg (602.8 KB,600x850,12:17,d7cf3ef9ffaafdd95dbd18a141….jpg)

File: c918d9db00fc0e0⋯.jpg (1.63 MB,1971x2775,657:925,c918d9db00fc0e0cb0ead96910….jpg)

File: fab7b7731412c54⋯.jpg (313.73 KB,718x919,718:919,fab7b7731412c545baf88553e0….jpg)

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cbc41f No.372997

File: d049dfee5519890⋯.jpg (97.46 KB,750x460,75:46,giant rabbit.jpg)

Going for it tomorrow, got the reminder on my phone and everything. Mega Millions here I come!

Don't have any pictures of rabbit girls, so instead here's a picture of a huge fucking rabbit that I'm sure I saved for some reason but I can't remember why.

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eb6c28 No.373013

File: 515d819fc7d192d⋯.jpg (435.46 KB,800x800,1:1,7298411998cdc218ecd7173c40….jpg)

I think I remembered it today. Posting my favourite bunnygirl illustration. Hopefully the luck will apply to my writefagging. Looking forward to exciting a lot of anons

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17288f No.373043

File: 66891edcfb33780⋯.jpg (659.48 KB,3280x3507,3280:3507,75882f5a5f67e9cb1a30633b51….jpg)

File: 826688c724ff275⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,1448x2532,362:633,311a28273df88404654e783d47….jpg)

mini bune squiddy bune

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c92780 No.373050

File: e239d1eb1af0c9b⋯.jpg (89.34 KB,500x591,500:591,e239d1eb1af0c9bbaf643b0fef….jpg)


Because giant rabbits are cute?


Nice bunnygirl. Good luck with your writing!


Mini buns are great.

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c92780 No.375860

File: 3dbea37338583af⋯.jpg (163.88 KB,1012x716,253:179,3dbea37338583afd9b11a41bd5….jpg)

Halloween soon!

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17288f No.375964

File: 32f0c48d5578a89⋯.mp4 (13.55 MB,1920x1080,16:9,e45dce676a67bbeb571775231b….mp4)

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69381b No.375965

File: 6ffefdfd9885e81⋯.jpg (213.7 KB,850x850,1:1,6ffefdfd9885e814c002fc72a7….jpg)

File: 5120dd08ecd9193⋯.jpg (538.37 KB,908x908,1:1,reri-054.jpg)


Going to do anything for the occasion? Handing out candy, dressing up, watch scary movies?

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c92780 No.375966

File: 428cdb725fc8c39⋯.png (262.48 KB,650x550,13:11,428cdb725fc8c39b76ff302365….png)


I'll be dressing up and passing out candy. Never liked scary movies.

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c92780 No.376019

File: d00e3d0ee0f8255⋯.jpg (100.72 KB,850x1190,5:7,d00e3d0ee0f8255c5971b101f5….jpg)

File: 85e2dad2bc0c1a0⋯.jpg (140.5 KB,850x1206,425:603,85e2dad2bc0c1a07f34a02c23a….jpg)

File: f73a2d24e389eea⋯.jpg (127.58 KB,850x601,850:601,f73a2d24e389eea70f6a2911b9….jpg)

File: 46cda7150eb6924⋯.jpg (687.11 KB,700x1200,7:12,46cda7150eb692448346986440….jpg)

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c92780 No.376058

File: 7034815f3b918f9⋯.jpg (416.17 KB,1600x1200,4:3,7034815f3b918f9a18214bbbe9….jpg)

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17288f No.376140


so is halloween for monsters still neat and magical/spooky or would it be like a day where everyone dresses up as mailmen and cashiers to them?

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f09589 No.376142

File: dcce71771389299⋯.jpg (45.03 KB,600x600,1:1,dcce717713892991c56d66c5ba….jpg)

Rabbit rabbit rabbit.

pls help

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35bdc2 No.376147

File: 8fbe102724142b0⋯.jpeg (31.89 KB,550x750,11:15,DTy3iLMVwAA8rZz.jpeg)

I think I remembered it. Not entierly sure. Have a cute white bun clad for cold days. She is adorable.

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fa41ce No.376148

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.

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c92780 No.376152

File: c050f480a050573⋯.jpg (91.25 KB,800x600,4:3,c050f480a050573179b49e25f4….jpg)

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cb475c No.376199

File: 5608334e84a16f2⋯.jpeg (79.77 KB,600x338,300:169,8B78801E-6792-47A2-82AB-8….jpeg)

I got my rabbit rabbit rabbits in this morning. Good luck and stay safe!

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74cd06 No.377525


dude that pic

looks like both a baba and a loli at the same time

baba stare/ sagging tits but loli physique

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c92780 No.377533

File: d0d4144807deb1c⋯.jpg (850.94 KB,1500x1060,75:53,b6f1b1ae79ae1e554a07be1fac….jpg)

File: c4beb2819caff25⋯.png (4.77 MB,3259x1984,3259:1984,1998a94e16bd9f61397dd1dcf7….png)

File: 1191c3fd5b9566f⋯.png (1.3 MB,3259x1984,3259:1984,67d27c76bc4343a5ffc620f986….png)


Well to be fair, she is a lolibaba. She's well over a thousand years old at least, given that she's older than the entire bamboo forest. She may even be the actual rabbit from the tale of the white hare of inaba, which estimates would put her at roughly 1.7 million years old. She'd be one of the oldest characters in the series, being beaten only by the original Shinto gods and the Lunarians.

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74cd06 No.377534


y your post make me sad?

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c92780 No.378665

File: 9fb3705b7651371⋯.jpg (71.9 KB,600x450,4:3,9fb3705b76513716d52a561262….jpg)

Good morning /monster/!

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e12c66 No.378666


Good morning tewi. I hope your morning is going better than mine so far

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c92780 No.378668

File: 069baae03fb4aa2⋯.jpg (155.85 KB,464x700,116:175,069baae03fb4aa2d78c45e4db9….jpg)


It's been pretty smooth so far. Hope your day improves!

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69381b No.378704

File: e944804350ea8e6⋯.jpg (105.09 KB,510x709,510:709,e944804350ea8e652126ef34aa….jpg)


Good morning! Hey, I've got a question for you. Did you frequent /kind/ before it became a dead board? You seem like the type that would.


Hang in there Satan! Surely, things will get better!

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c92780 No.378772

File: c79c7e2a69dc8ce⋯.jpg (312.71 KB,1100x881,1100:881,c79c7e2a69dc8ce324696a65f2….jpg)


I've checked the board out a couple of times, but I never really lurked or posted there.

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c92780 No.378846

File: a9d70f1373ef46b⋯.jpg (201.92 KB,600x390,20:13,a9d70f1373ef46b8199f6c716a….jpg)

File: 06936454f300a88⋯.jpg (355.33 KB,836x1000,209:250,06936454f300a88618967a0007….jpg)

Do you prefer your Tewi with large breasts, or a large ass?

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0fad9a No.378852

File: 9da7bae47462dab⋯.png (543.55 KB,586x986,293:493,9da7bae47462dabaf8f979d3dc….png)



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06ddfd No.378856

File: cb3e1c07c7cf63c⋯.jpg (309.73 KB,1884x1996,471:499,1462963296100.jpg)


The later.

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c92780 No.378885

File: 719721e0f65b199⋯.png (2.39 MB,2000x1500,4:3,719721e0f65b199c7a7d5c7932….png)

File: 5d7fdf86e6ca913⋯.jpg (3.82 MB,2149x3035,2149:3035,5d7fdf86e6ca913035d91824fa….jpg)

File: 25a7e6cdd6d9611⋯.png (1.57 MB,1200x1600,3:4,25a7e6cdd6d96115f926eeb3ff….png)

File: 074229468f48008⋯.jpg (626.29 KB,810x945,6:7,074229468f48008162ade8962b….jpg)



Fair enough. Inabutt is very naisu.

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c92780 No.378920

File: 740fcc989dbd31f⋯.jpg (152.48 KB,500x650,10:13,740fcc989dbd31f7ee138e4ad3….jpg)

File: 28185471be28a2e⋯.jpg (232.59 KB,672x867,224:289,28185471be28a2e227b610616e….jpg)

File: 3a194a2f1c8fd91⋯.jpg (315.82 KB,800x611,800:611,3a194a2f1c8fd9124f66bf260c….jpg)

File: ba738113f209c2f⋯.jpg (479.75 KB,712x938,356:469,ba738113f209c2f7d38620a7ae….jpg)

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17288f No.378928

File: bdbe78c479d5820⋯.gif (1.18 MB,320x288,10:9,4a842b99bc66f5a39b45d6a807….gif)

File: 3e61a657c66de3a⋯.gif (2.4 MB,644x583,644:583,3bb2ae6b3ba5935ca2d038c8bb….gif)

File: 0918e8e03dec667⋯.png (2.51 MB,2700x2700,1:1,89bbb0911329d0138e05156514….png)

File: da49a8f32f4f727⋯.mp4 (125.75 KB,448x480,14:15,2ca2eb42c892561acd711ccb5e….mp4)

File: 84df63de11c3433⋯.mp4 (120.04 KB,448x480,14:15,9a2f38db20f8201a1dcc183e87….mp4)


oppai loli is a monster girl of its own, obviously a titty monster.

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17288f No.378933

File: f98e7d69b6a9cf4⋯.mp4 (152.58 KB,320x288,10:9,80b22d08a0fbba50d5e2946168….mp4)


sorry, i thought one of the first 2 would be looping

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c92780 No.378973

File: 622dc30ecf63d42⋯.png (699.47 KB,950x1000,19:20,622dc30ecf63d42b404809ff29….png)

File: 3b4a51b45c3de8f⋯.png (449.81 KB,709x1022,709:1022,3b4a51b45c3de8f38eb502cdad….png)

File: abd67149c90869e⋯.jpg (190.81 KB,850x1202,425:601,abd67149c90869eb463e945d58….jpg)

File: 40a25f4d43498a0⋯.jpg (272.76 KB,800x800,1:1,40a25f4d43498a0f4b5e8f06c2….jpg)

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c92780 No.379001

File: 1b5e9ce5fe59cc5⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,1260x1800,7:10,1b5e9ce5fe59cc57a3b9b7aef6….jpg)

Hope you remembered to say it!

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4a52f8 No.379004

File: e254b9a56df267f⋯.png (107.56 KB,832x1068,208:267,Screenshot_20181201-075229….png)

Forgot to say my rabbits and I can already tell it's gonna be a shit month.

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c92780 No.379008

File: cd69050fecc8329⋯.jpg (499.41 KB,633x1000,633:1000,cd69050fecc8329ce275a2fa48….jpg)


That totally sucks. Hope that'll be the worst of your problems and the rest of your month goes more smoothly.

Why would that dog even think it would help to climb up on the counter and run around? How did it get up there?

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4a52f8 No.379009


She probably got on the toilet and then the counter from there.

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82c206 No.379010

File: 100074ac007a10d⋯.jpg (442.92 KB,1450x1225,58:49,reisen_and_tewi.jpg)

I've already said it, but it's only meant for Reisen. Tewi's an annoying cunt.

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e12c66 No.379022

>forgot it again

Ffs every single month I forget until a couple hours pass.

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c92780 No.382527

File: 7cc5eba7e4c710b⋯.jpg (262.34 KB,600x800,3:4,7cc5eba7e4c710be70cb6c063f….jpg)


You're next chance is right around the corner!

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c92780 No.382602

File: 612d644766563ef⋯.jpg (96.4 KB,583x1000,583:1000,612d644766563efc67b8843bc4….jpg)

File: 687c8bc5be844dd⋯.jpg (475.44 KB,714x1000,357:500,687c8bc5be844dd5e1ec180bfd….jpg)

File: b6874fdbd49d601⋯.png (705.4 KB,990x1600,99:160,b6874fdbd49d601db30a6c2684….png)

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c92780 No.382674

File: cb28236738dce82⋯.jpg (357.68 KB,2370x1681,2370:1681,cb28236738dce823460e557b23….jpg)

File: 5dfb70b15e10558⋯.png (594.56 KB,847x600,847:600,5dfb70b15e10558bc81a318d2b….png)

File: 11963d987b2418c⋯.jpg (154.55 KB,900x1400,9:14,11963d987b2418c0ce0f149b20….jpg)

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c92780 No.382706

File: 799ed7a018aa2f2⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1748x1181,1748:1181,799ed7a018aa2f27740d77df0d….jpg)

File: a14f653031ceb65⋯.png (1.36 MB,1000x964,250:241,a14f653031ceb655bd269c17e0….png)

File: 7b50a471980ae95⋯.jpg (886.69 KB,1300x950,26:19,7b50a471980ae950c1b900a59f….jpg)

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4df12f No.382750

File: 30c316f248017b2⋯.jpg (122.94 KB,599x800,599:800,30c316f248017b2bb8987d7c49….jpg)

File: c2a8cc62f722ffe⋯.jpg (214.47 KB,797x800,797:800,c2a8cc62f722ffe93a2b283506….jpg)

File: 00cf97fa4949e2f⋯.jpg (290.55 KB,850x1133,850:1133,00cf97fa4949e2f5284d9d95c0….jpg)

The time's coming!

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fa41ce No.382794

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

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4df12f No.382803

File: 8aef500ae59d7a7⋯.jpg (378.2 KB,1398x1053,466:351,8aef500ae59d7a7b3672b225b6….jpg)


Good luck and Happy New Year!

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3040c6 No.382848

I forgot to say my rabbits again because I was still kinda buzzed from last night when I woke up.

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f69934 No.382855

I said it as soon as it turned midnight. Does that count?

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c92780 No.382861

File: c516e0ff280ef39⋯.png (608.09 KB,768x1024,3:4,c516e0ff280ef3921f72d3136d….png)


That's a shame, but don't feel down about it. I'm sure you'll remember it next time!


I said it at midnight along with some RL friends of mine, as well as when I got up today. It should count, but it never hurts to be doubly sure.

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eb6c28 No.382864

I forgot, I had a hangover.

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c92780 No.382867

File: f2ae59cf84ae4e6⋯.jpg (655.27 KB,920x1099,920:1099,f2ae59cf84ae4e6761dc552fba….jpg)


Celebrated a bit hard, huh? It's understandable. Get well soon, and Happy New Year!

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eb6c28 No.382886


I don't know if drinking alone while drunkenly chatting with the only faggot I can call a friend constitutes as celebrating, but sure. My stomach is still upsett, but it's getting better. Now I just need to fix my sleep schedule.

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fc5a15 No.385467

File: 85e0aef7608e59c⋯.mp4 (12.32 MB,640x512,5:4,rabbit hole intro a500 cap….mp4)

New chance soon! Here's something to help us remember.

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c92780 No.385655

File: 64c2ae2dde6a263⋯.jpg (55.96 KB,587x922,587:922,64c2ae2dde6a263f7f753cd9e8….jpg)

The best time of month has finally come!



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ea5441 No.385662


>attempt to look up Floodweave Software

>can't find any record of their existence outside some dev group associated with /cuckquean/ that appears to be attempting to reupload all of their past amiga games to the internet

anon pls

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e3643d No.385664

>say rabbits this month

>still alive

>find out taking any initiative to learn at work is punishable

>find out non-maintenance coworkers can report maintenance for being in the same room as them

>one coworker i thought i could be friends with is avoiding me

>nightmares every night his month

>still alive

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c92780 No.385712

File: f61b28a0da1cea0⋯.png (1.15 MB,758x1254,379:627,f61b28a0da1cea07a572ebc2ac….png)


I assumed it was a mock up.


>taking any initiative to learn at work is punishable

That's stupid.

>non-maintenance coworkers can report maintenance for being in the same room as them

That's even stupider. Man, your workplace sounds terrible.

>one coworker i thought i could be friends with is avoiding me

>nightmares every night his month

That sucks dude. Hope things will get better for you.

>still alive

Hopefully in good health too.

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f69934 No.385721

File: c7052a93446d338⋯.jpg (187.63 KB,800x755,160:151,commodore gem.jpg)

File: df3866aac14d1c3⋯.png (1.45 MB,2688x1680,8:5,foxwife and catwife.png)


>I assumed it was a mock up

Considering the armband, it probably is, but whoever made up Floodweave Software has some seriously dedicated autism.

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c92780 No.385762

File: f129f8634c615c0⋯.jpg (628.22 KB,1115x1212,1115:1212,f129f8634c615c00002fe18bcc….jpg)

File: ce115c97a16efe9⋯.jpg (66.79 KB,563x600,563:600,ce115c97a16efe9ed81062c46c….jpg)

File: efeeb34c6abe580⋯.jpg (88.93 KB,600x839,600:839,efeeb34c6abe5800fde75fcf79….jpg)

File: 58e96adc634c39e⋯.jpg (73.11 KB,572x800,143:200,58e96adc634c39ebd374b526cf….jpg)

File: fc77825f4fd3389⋯.jpg (344.16 KB,903x1195,903:1195,fc77825f4fd33893305bbb1225….jpg)

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9496d7 No.385821

File: 72bcac23a9d17ec⋯.png (1.31 MB,2688x1680,8:5,C7E8262B-EB76-4393-9FBD-81….png)


I think that game was a different studio, not Floodweave. Vulpesoft?

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c92780 No.385824

File: ad1633a785ec4de⋯.jpg (636.25 KB,933x800,933:800,ad1633a785ec4dec8ede20160f….jpg)

File: 57a508f66545ade⋯.jpg (265.86 KB,1280x1024,5:4,57a508f66545ade68896759055….jpg)

Not much in the way of lewd Tewi in snow.

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c92780 No.385866

File: 48b8f1163a1b011⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1252x1907,1252:1907,48b8f1163a1b011de465233388….jpg)

File: 1105d4d3a3354e9⋯.png (424.06 KB,900x1200,3:4,1105d4d3a3354e91e94f117142….png)

File: 428bf88c061cab3⋯.jpg (669.32 KB,1286x1800,643:900,428bf88c061cab31ce6a238323….jpg)

File: 4cdf063306bcf5b⋯.jpg (134.88 KB,650x537,650:537,4cdf063306bcf5becf9f390e28….jpg)

File: 003567aba018851⋯.jpg (715.55 KB,900x780,15:13,003567aba0188513e914278e7c….jpg)

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c92780 No.385912

File: a8dcc0166fbf762⋯.png (2.56 MB,2547x2783,2547:2783,a8dcc0166fbf762be853c80912….png)

Hope you'll remember!

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23704f No.385922

File: f0f9edf7ae84e72⋯.jpeg (494.92 KB,850x531,850:531,E6FA12D1-5D32-4983-B87B-1….jpeg)


Half-submerged rabbit butts drive me nuts.


I didn’t remember to do it immediately but I did it when I remembered.

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c92780 No.385925

File: e0381fa865d1488⋯.jpg (845.11 KB,1496x1352,187:169,52173255_p0.jpg)

File: 3f2056426a99bb7⋯.jpg (275.42 KB,715x1000,143:200,3f2056426a99bb7c8d6c2e185d….jpg)

File: 78f3ef1ab23b8d4⋯.jpg (478.47 KB,1181x1771,1181:1771,78f3ef1ab23b8d4114c124ff9b….jpg)


>Half-submerged rabbit butts drive me nuts.

There isn't too much of that sadly.

>I didn’t remember to do it immediately but I did it when I remembered.

As long as it's the first thing you said, then it's a-okay!

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c92780 No.385956

File: 53a9b84ae1b7231⋯.png (3.34 MB,1979x2034,1979:2034,53a9b84ae1b72315464cf5972b….png)

File: 55f72653f30e253⋯.jpg (424.85 KB,1000x1500,2:3,55f72653f30e25369fbc980eb5….jpg)

File: 7d1b3aa7f514061⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,1971x2775,657:925,7d1b3aa7f51406173a97ff41a7….jpg)

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3bea5d No.385957

Said my rabbits this time

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c92780 No.385958

File: 0a5dba79d469903⋯.jpg (1.5 MB,2000x1800,10:9,0a5dba79d4699031a55d6b4cbe….jpg)


Good job!

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f4c472 No.385966

File: 4e4d2191fea8883⋯.jpg (131.38 KB,750x1000,3:4,7d3338248959d10e4ec86beb1d….jpg)

>finally got moved off of the shittiest team I've ever been on

>wanted to say my rabbits to give me good luck in the new one


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c92780 No.385992

File: 25819eca12f14c1⋯.png (2.88 MB,1200x1470,40:49,25819eca12f14c19341eb94a3a….png)


Hope your new group is a great one!

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c92780 No.388181

File: ba64e285fff534f⋯.jpg (894.94 KB,817x1094,817:1094,ba64e285fff534fc33888c700a….jpg)

The end of the month is near once again!

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c92780 No.388279

File: 0222151398c1421⋯.webm (14.36 MB,480x360,4:3,Tewii.webm)

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f69934 No.388285

File: 5abcaa8e4f5a05c⋯.png (45.3 KB,820x570,82:57,Tewi dream.PNG)

File: b852947becde1ed⋯.png (935.12 KB,1807x600,1807:600,possible tewi dream follow….PNG)

Does anyone here have the followup to the Tewi dream on the left?

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c92780 No.388286

File: 626549b7345a76a⋯.png (303.72 KB,1204x1606,602:803,a hero fugs the bun.png)

File: d4acb3f24c3f130⋯.jpg (129.05 KB,600x846,100:141,d4acb3f24c3f130235f6391668….jpg)


I've got it!

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f69934 No.388287


Big thanks, Tewi.

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c92780 No.388320

File: 4c04143b0f70775⋯.jpg (105.62 KB,500x500,1:1,4c04143b0f7077568b4413a81e….jpg)

File: f084473c5670f38⋯.jpg (150.75 KB,850x1056,425:528,f084473c5670f38d9787dc4bd0….jpg)

File: 46e597bed991576⋯.jpg (229.53 KB,850x993,850:993,46e597bed99157695a14c654c4….jpg)

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c92780 No.388361

File: b74e11aa2690475⋯.jpg (145.25 KB,900x1400,9:14,b74e11aa26904752af46871660….jpg)

File: d2b2a6c6d738664⋯.jpg (103.54 KB,850x709,850:709,d2b2a6c6d7386640d321086bd0….jpg)

File: aa6f9fcc5409a56⋯.jpg (138.32 KB,850x633,850:633,aa6f9fcc5409a56c4ca158a2dc….jpg)

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c92780 No.388406

File: 19851b91a25c3b1⋯.jpg (237.34 KB,600x875,24:35,19851b91a25c3b1829c2678c05….jpg)

File: 2e501a4e133e619⋯.jpg (47.31 KB,600x461,600:461,2e501a4e133e61946c01033b91….jpg)

File: 5f687c854667f41⋯.jpg (226.96 KB,700x1051,700:1051,5f687c854667f41b91fd31e437….jpg)

Don't forget it tomorrow!

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c92780 No.388472

File: 7c3ff6443e503d6⋯.png (779.66 KB,1413x1060,1413:1060,7c3ff6443e503d6e92102c6a23….png)

Tonight's the night!

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e12c66 No.388479

Remember your rabbits guys

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59a07d No.388499

if I go to bed at 4 am then wake up midday and say it then will it still work?

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c92780 No.388501

File: 817b6973697ebe6⋯.jpg (174.52 KB,850x936,425:468,817b6973697ebe6270316278e4….jpg)


Give it your all!



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0fad9a No.388510


I'd have forgotten if not for this thread.

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004045 No.388515

File: 1b601972695939d⋯.jpeg (8.31 KB,261x173,261:173,2E11C997-5400-4C78-BF2D-B….jpeg)

Shit, I was too hungry to remember

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c92780 No.388517

File: 6371b38b43571dc⋯.jpg (190.9 KB,525x637,75:91,6371b38b43571dce98a04bf9c3….jpg)


Good luck anon!


That's a shame. Hopefully you can take care of that hunger with a good meal.

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456a84 No.388526

File: 02f5395b18cd324⋯.jpg (46.99 KB,541x800,541:800,Blade_white_rabbit.jpg)

I think I remembered it. Have another white bunbun, this one is ready to be a mother already.

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6aeb9b No.388533

File: a143a5ba02e9d15⋯.png (2.58 MB,1488x1049,1488:1049,45b2de7c369f57d63d76923366….png)


Motherhood in buns is a blessed thing. Good luck!

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c92780 No.391619

File: bede015b1eab469⋯.png (203.35 KB,676x1000,169:250,bede015b1eab469620cd4441dc….png)

How have you lovely folk been this month?

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e12c66 No.391624


Ok I guess. Got my computer harddrive switched out. Works better than it ever did before

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c92780 No.391651

File: 6fd403309b1908b⋯.png (53.03 KB,1215x1005,81:67,6fd403309b1908b11c0d621966….png)


That's good. Would be nice if I had enough money to get some upgrades.

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e12c66 No.391654


The only good thing about income tax is when it’s returned it gives you a nice bit of cash.

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c92780 No.391672

File: 34ca68a8ac87ee8⋯.png (432.35 KB,920x1300,46:65,34ca68a8ac87ee8afb44b3dc3a….png)

File: 1cc1686eb19fd29⋯.png (615.59 KB,920x1300,46:65,1cc1686eb19fd29454c353f80c….png)

File: 55c66c6ff9039d1⋯.jpg (230.33 KB,1437x2048,1437:2048,55c66c6ff9039d1fa69870812c….jpg)

File: bc0a50f97035a0e⋯.jpg (239 KB,1024x1024,1:1,bc0a50f97035a0e82910b2fc06….jpg)

File: db289734d0468c9⋯.jpg (237.56 KB,1024x1024,1:1,db289734d0468c9ff1cd11f012….jpg)

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c92780 No.391715

File: 8894c0a17efc334⋯.jpg (109.23 KB,514x640,257:320,8894c0a17efc3344a187346292….jpg)

File: bc6d584f27fea33⋯.jpg (255.51 KB,640x480,4:3,bc6d584f27fea33d293a0bfe06….jpg)

File: 7b8162aac093e07⋯.jpg (151.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,7b8162aac093e07f9cd9356155….jpg)

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c92780 No.391730

File: 77106a1dfac806d⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1547x1192,1547:1192,77106a1dfac806dc06b1eac56b….jpg)

File: d5ae1bc291acefe⋯.jpg (736.7 KB,1405x1050,281:210,d5ae1bc291acefe5a851dc52c6….jpg)

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e12c66 No.391749

Remember your rabbits guys

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c92780 No.391756

File: 8ff3e6520af1457⋯.jpg (425.08 KB,800x600,4:3,8ff3e6520af1457e18fecc771a….jpg)


Don't forget it!

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17288f No.391820

File: f1eb5c70b388279⋯.png (740.82 KB,1024x1024,1:1,50e544db13443b0ffcbf6d8db1….png)


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82cde3 No.391821


good morning i hate y*ri

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82cde3 No.391822

If doubles y*ri is permanently banned from the board along with mommyshit and kikifags.

rabbi rabbi

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0fad9a No.391825

File: f0166c8e449d4a2⋯.jpg (36.5 KB,570x777,190:259,f0166c8e449d4a284c909f8adf….jpg)



>rabbi rabbi

It's not surprising to see who is against pure love.

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82cde3 No.391826


ok homo

>missing the joke completely

>shilling for kikery

looks like rabbi rabbi injected you with HRT buddio.

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cbc41f No.391834

File: 0039332219cbc94⋯.png (7.59 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Kiki BLOWING THE FUCK OUT ….png)

I think I said it right, I can't remember if any of the groaning noises I made between waking up an saying my rabbits included words


You can ban me, schlomo, but you can't ban the truth

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c92780 No.391842

File: c4d97c828858b9c⋯.jpg (281.54 KB,1200x900,4:3,c4d97c828858b9ccad0db87de0….jpg)





Nothing wrong with cute and loving 2D anime yuri.



Good luck guys!

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837b32 No.391844


"Jokes" and "humor" are for leftist scum and normalfags. It shuts down your critical thinking skills.

If you're not serious all the time, you are part of the problem.

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0f0860 No.391848

File: b878e425e49cea5⋯.png (505.53 KB,1824x3810,304:635,Blade_Kirara_Okami.png)

File: b966c02e062c965⋯.png (262.31 KB,800x1100,8:11,Blade_Ruri_Okami.png)

File: 34222a52ddc95ff⋯.jpg (236.74 KB,551x800,551:800,Blade_Kirara_Ruri.jpg)

I think I remembered it today as well, not sure. More bunnies from Blade. Please don't fight in the rabbit thread, infighting is for the meta thread.

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e12c66 No.391852

I remembered it!

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82cde3 No.391902


Haha nice doubles bro epic!

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c92780 No.391921

File: 8238efe16b361ed⋯.jpg (113.64 KB,850x1078,425:539,8238efe16b361edcf570430e8c….jpg)


Nice buns, and agreed. The rabbit threads are for love and comfy. Good luck!


Nice job!

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837b32 No.392013


Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of, filth.

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8d5ec6 No.392019

I woke up this morning and groggily said it I said it again just in case. Hopefully I can find a job

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82cde3 No.392094


Ok larper. Your waifu will never be real and if she was she would laugh at your spergery and I would fuck her on your bed while you cry and masturbate.

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53cc90 No.392485

File: fa0d614975e2730⋯.jpeg (32.56 KB,341x307,341:307,8B4E9FF1-D6D7-411F-89D6-2….jpeg)


Good luck. I hope you find a job too. I wish I could help you.

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e12c66 No.392506


You are a queer

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c92780 No.394397

File: f7410fd127234f8⋯.png (974.71 KB,1350x1950,9:13,f7410fd127234f8a18ab060d14….png)

It's that time again!

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c92780 No.394494

File: 0c94b16b2f4aee1⋯.jpg (903.36 KB,1619x2178,1619:2178,0c94b16b2f4aee169948d45b18….jpg)

File: a0eb81472c0cd33⋯.png (630.63 KB,1024x1024,1:1,a0eb81472c0cd331cda84fb6f6….png)

File: 49582d476a1ffcd⋯.jpg (503.33 KB,900x1200,3:4,49582d476a1ffcd19269620ed5….jpg)

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05cdbd No.394500

Welp, didnt kill myself this month, mostly because the spot i had was too low to actually do anything. Didnt even restrict air or blood the tiniest bit. Had a chance to spoil an old ass movie for someone this weekend, but roommate wouldnt be my getaway driver because he hasnt seen it yet either for some reason. If someone actually cares about spoilers why do they wait weeks to go see a movie?

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e72465 No.394501

File: 0f1ee41dc74fb99⋯.jpg (456.95 KB,680x961,680:961,14cf15f486b5be902e2a682909….jpg)


>Welp, didnt kill myself this month, mostly because the spot i had was too low to actually do anything. Didnt even restrict air or blood the tiniest bit.

Anon please. Suicide is wrong.

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e12c66 No.394509


What is wrong anon? We’re all brothers here. At least talk to us about what’s wrong.

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67a79a No.394517


M8, go lift and watch some videos about furfags, cucks, and other degenerates to be disgusted and to put you in perspective. Then no matter how depressed you get, you can know that there are people worse off than you.

You might still get depressed but meditation and herbs can help a bit.

t. robot

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c92780 No.394537

File: f0faae719d14948⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1875x2654,1875:2654,f0faae719d14948429d4a4e760….jpg)

File: 00ad9693bae4177⋯.jpg (461.6 KB,2000x2000,1:1,00ad9693bae417726d138d414f….jpg)

File: 662292db82b3295⋯.jpg (177.58 KB,520x1018,260:509,662292db82b3295316927c99e7….jpg)

File: dd430c30271ef6c⋯.jpg (219.17 KB,1200x1600,3:4,dd430c30271ef6cffec813db7c….jpg)

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c92780 No.394559

File: 851e5f1447ab29c⋯.jpg (234.12 KB,850x1133,850:1133,851e5f1447ab29cba40c8e8343….jpg)

File: d27bc1a69f81445⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,753x1063,753:1063,d27bc1a69f8144570ca823a760….jpg)

File: 9b81c7e4dc74f23⋯.jpg (298.2 KB,1200x1862,600:931,9b81c7e4dc74f2330a0c340c30….jpg)

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77e560 No.394566

File: 0f2a6fff5a4b813⋯.png (Spoiler Image,706.83 KB,742x1182,371:591,Rabbit of financial wellbe….png)

Another month is almost over, don't forget to say your Rabbis.

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c92780 No.394609

File: aaa3bbb4fcce8ff⋯.jpg (176 KB,850x1357,850:1357,aaa3bbb4fcce8ff19de1188d85….jpg)

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c92780 No.394649

File: 57330a5806e735e⋯.jpg (252.93 KB,1024x768,4:3,57330a5806e735e7855c2006dd….jpg)

File: 6ce4e6db9c1f977⋯.png (2.5 MB,1950x1830,65:61,6ce4e6db9c1f977e48e4990778….png)

File: 10742af3fc7c4fe⋯.jpg (422.67 KB,887x888,887:888,10742af3fc7c4fe8c49fe17fd5….jpg)

Hope you remembered!

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507d76 No.394651


Rabbit rabbit rabbit

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e12c66 No.394719

I forgot this month. I’m sure I’ll remember next time

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c92780 No.394726

File: 3a896826ed5279c⋯.png (588.7 KB,1100x1000,11:10,3a896826ed5279cfd96a9d309f….png)

File: 3397c56ea48ec94⋯.png (616.11 KB,1100x1000,11:10,3397c56ea48ec94d94c0b49985….png)


Good luck!


I'm sure you will. Have a nice month!

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c92780 No.397798

File: fca43513622b129⋯.png (1.01 MB,1059x1200,353:400,fca43513622b129898a3beb005….png)

A new month is rolling in. Hope you'll be ready for your rabbits!

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c92780 No.397851

File: e1d1cd80e9d0ecb⋯.jpg (202.93 KB,800x800,1:1,e1d1cd80e9d0ecbadf69b97d5d….jpg)

File: 888f9dcf31d2101⋯.jpg (228.36 KB,800x800,1:1,888f9dcf31d2101e723cedf1f2….jpg)

File: e5502fde40b8494⋯.jpg (337.59 KB,600x840,5:7,e5502fde40b8494de76d0bb1f2….jpg)

File: 88e503727983af0⋯.png (446.29 KB,1000x1414,500:707,88e503727983af0f13f5255886….png)

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e12c66 No.397875


Will saying my rabbits let me enjoy life?

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c92780 No.397889

File: 75bc5c68e23005b⋯.jpg (382.59 KB,1000x1200,5:6,75bc5c68e23005b24e0701c1bf….jpg)


Depression can't be cured with a simple charm. Don't let it keep you down and keep trying your best anon. I'll be rooting for you.

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6029a9 No.397936


Thanks Tewi.

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c92780 No.397966

File: 67278ec8431d3b9⋯.png (2.66 MB,1500x1922,750:961,67278ec8431d3b9a523081a359….png)

File: 0d0892612c7c413⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,2893x4092,263:372,0d0892612c7c413fb1d5ff8002….jpg)

File: 153091cf70e2d0f⋯.png (3.3 MB,2893x4092,263:372,153091cf70e2d0f6fce861f39d….png)

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c92780 No.397998

File: d0128abb03e988c⋯.jpg (180.77 KB,850x1100,17:22,d0128abb03e988c1525595f253….jpg)

File: 0b6505c88d9bc8a⋯.png (458.07 KB,717x1012,717:1012,0b6505c88d9bc8a49f52ac752e….png)

File: 76d159e480b45f8⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,1447x2047,1447:2047,76d159e480b45f8819aff21cba….jpg)

Hope you'll remember the charm tomorrow morning!

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e7bc02 No.398015

File: cd8bc6e0369a8ef⋯.jpg (182.64 KB,850x595,10:7,5411132465345674.jpg)

File: de9e6b054bbe71c⋯.jpg (116.14 KB,850x605,170:121,51234653465765.jpg)

File: 7a4101eb8ebdc4f⋯.jpg (198.46 KB,850x1275,2:3,151463214654123.jpg)

File: 16e6571cc715602⋯.jpg (481.12 KB,707x1000,707:1000,122315645641567.jpg)

What happens if you say "robot robot robot" instead?

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a52fa8 No.398016


You called?

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45ab50 No.398031


You just started the robot roll call.

Robot reporting.

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c92780 No.398068

File: 4482151ca52e589⋯.jpg (83.33 KB,900x1440,5:8,4482151ca52e589e300526f0c0….jpg)


Robo-Tewi would be neat.

Would you rather have a Robo-Tewi that obeys your every command, or the real thing?

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e7bc02 No.398129

File: 871eed3d944c187⋯.jpg (114.45 KB,850x638,425:319,5415216547657.jpg)


Both. One good Tewi deserves another, as they say.


>robot roll call

So rabbit versions of the MST3K robots, then?

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507d76 No.398131

Rabbit rabbit rabbit

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c92780 No.398134

File: 19daa5849a5c47e⋯.jpg (6.39 MB,2508x3541,2508:3541,19daa5849a5c47e6046d8134ea….jpg)

File: 1cda542d98c3f18⋯.jpg (797.56 KB,741x1069,741:1069,1cda542d98c3f187f1b19a19dd….jpg)

File: ab460d015861d50⋯.jpg (906.81 KB,752x1062,376:531,ab460d015861d50eaf89d8dd1b….jpg)


>Both. One good Tewi deserves another, as they say.

Good call.


Good luck!

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c92780 No.401487

File: 001abd12f851513⋯.png (967.45 KB,1000x1414,500:707,75304758_p0.png)

The bun times are back!

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c92780 No.401576

File: 41e0d0748f7581e⋯.jpg (48.4 KB,659x1001,659:1001,41e0d0748f7581e41124e3d6ce….jpg)

File: 170f8762ff08137⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2000x2255,400:451,170f8762ff081376ad1554634c….jpg)

File: 9c7974ae36b764b⋯.jpg (724.52 KB,891x1180,891:1180,9c7974ae36b764bd75b00746ca….jpg)

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f69934 No.401578

I wonder if the anon from these threads that canonically claimed Tewi as his waifu still browses these.

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c92780 No.401626

File: dd38690abb84196⋯.jpg (511.53 KB,1000x1281,1000:1281,dd38690abb84196f8738b8ecda….jpg)

File: 0e6856638ecb9b5⋯.jpg (474.1 KB,707x800,707:800,0e6856638ecb9b5ed8d4a7f779….jpg)

File: c0f01c700f4ea2b⋯.jpg (91.26 KB,800x1117,800:1117,c0f01c700f4ea2bb867370c8ef….jpg)


Just an anon with Tewi as his waifu, or the dude that was obsessed with me in particular?

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f69934 No.401639


The one that got to fuck Tewi in his dreams.

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c92780 No.401689

File: c3716e97e27a1ef⋯.jpg (122.06 KB,850x642,425:321,c3716e97e27a1efa51d9c123fa….jpg)

File: e4678ca5cced002⋯.jpg (126.31 KB,850x555,170:111,e4678ca5cced00245283b91b3b….jpg)

File: e7ae10d3f18cc07⋯.jpg (133.82 KB,850x1155,170:231,e7ae10d3f18cc077e231395123….jpg)

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c92780 No.401740

File: 34f6706c393436a⋯.gif (812.74 KB,500x375,4:3,34f6706c393436ac483f023731….gif)

File: 02ec09df70dc876⋯.png (716.42 KB,1094x1008,547:504,02ec09df70dc8769c74b441a8c….png)

File: 3984e7a9fac8ffd⋯.jpg (298.85 KB,800x800,1:1,3984e7a9fac8ffd1a3ca053819….jpg)

File: e3b8d77e5ab3923⋯.png (2.16 MB,1311x1638,437:546,e3b8d77e5ab392304a73d56dcb….png)

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c92780 No.401797

File: f10cbdd6465c55d⋯.jpg (198.45 KB,850x1206,425:603,f10cbdd6465c55d99c7bd4e391….jpg)

Don't forget to say your rabbits!

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f3c968 No.401804


agreed, the lottery is just the poor person tax

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805bf8 No.401817

File: f766c5857fc9b7f⋯.png (743.41 KB,752x1062,376:531,f766c5857fc9b7f884bc9d24ce….png)

File: ff7afd3b05da98f⋯.png (408.54 KB,875x595,25:17,74fa2ef914a28efa114f5c97fc….png)

File: bbd4645b3f67f7e⋯.png (412.66 KB,875x595,25:17,8c3cf8a8043c85b6224e0b3875….png)


Why is Tewi so fucking sexy? I just wanna pick her up, bend her over, slam that pussy, and knock her up. Then we'll raise a large happy and healthy family playing pranks on foolish humans and reisen in the bamboo forest. And occasionally have a cookout under the stars with everyone. The kids play or make mochi as I work on the fire pit until it caught fire. It'd be so hot, but it'd feel so good in the cold air of the night. We'd all snuggle up and watch the fire until it was time to put the kids to bed and then tewi and I would make another baby. She'd be concerned because it's already so big, but we know she can take it.

Maybe this month I can finally get to gensokyo.

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c92780 No.401840

File: 19091422c951ea6⋯.jpg (185.97 KB,720x900,4:5,19091422c951ea6804789b9823….jpg)

Hope you remembered your rabbits!


A wonderful and admirable desire.

>Maybe this month I can finally get to gensokyo.

I hope you won't use the suicide route to get there.

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805bf8 No.401847

File: 4f3f18a0b327de1⋯.jpg (99.27 KB,1000x694,500:347,imnotok.jpg)


But how else are we supposed to get there without Yukari's help?

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327b47 No.401854

File: 47440e51285bed2⋯.jpg (5.17 MB,2508x3541,2508:3541,81899efe12f4fdf50bf6d96d32….jpg)

File: af8d491b577b335⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1367x1003,1367:1003,a9ebb2a794584661b0fe9d4ebc….jpg)

File: 282ea2bc63b972f⋯.jpg (2.62 MB,2039x2039,1:1,b5aeac04c35385c218edf0dbf6….jpg)

File: 02ebe62c9ebe7d5⋯.png (1.46 MB,1000x1176,125:147,57a584612ef6e2a1610d0af76a….png)

File: 7ac5390938feb4c⋯.png (356.77 KB,591x589,591:589,30def6b115b1cea823490bc29c….png)


Ask these lovely ladies.

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395b02 No.401860

>Say rabbits

>Go to work

>Come back to car after work

>Car won't start, battery dead

>Have to spend $150 on new battery

Thank you Tewi, you are truly my greatest ally

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507d76 No.401866

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit

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b7e5d9 No.401867


Yes, tewi is indeed our (((greatest ally)))


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e12c66 No.401878

>wake up at 6am vomiting

>clean up and go back to bed

>remember rabbits

>actually feel better

Truly tewi is our greatest ally

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c92780 No.401913

File: da332aaf14771ac⋯.jpg (541.57 KB,768x1024,3:4,da332aaf14771acd8e92c4d92e….jpg)


As much as it sucks for a car battery to die, it's lucky that you were able to get to work before it went. Hope your month will improve!


Good luck!


Glad you're feeling better. Hope you're over your ailment entirely.

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805bf8 No.401916



I guess I could be their dinner, but I don't want that, I'm not a vorefag.

>Moriya shrine

I doubt they'll actually tell me anything without pledging myself to them. Suwako is cute though

>Renko and Young Yukari

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they decide they'll only let people see into gensokyo through their magazine? I'll need to reread the stuff about their albums.


I won't live long enough to meet them.


Probably my best chance but trying to figure out which of her, her dreamself, or her doppelganger would do it leaves me a 1/3 chance I'll get pulled into some great scheme I'm probably gonna be used as a sacrifice for.

Honestly, there's a very short list of 2hus that I do not immediately want to impregnate. Tewi is top 5 for who I would knock up. Kanako is on the other list.

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d2a399 No.401941

I said my rabbits! Good luck friends!

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c92780 No.401954

File: 786b5c87cd00396⋯.jpg (44.23 KB,600x800,3:4,786b5c87cd00396dcb20587a3b….jpg)


Good luck!

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e12c66 No.402003


>I won't live long enough to meet them

Are you ok anon?

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805bf8 No.402005


No, but isn't these particular pc-98 characters supposedly far future to us?

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e12c66 No.402006


I don’t know actually.i though you meant you were dying or something

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805bf8 No.402012


We're all dying, some of us will just get there faster.

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25f514 No.402127

File: 2162fd0b5d77ff3⋯.jpg (636.04 KB,1280x1659,1280:1659,bunnysnek.jpg)

Cold Hard Facts.

1. Tewi is our greatest ally.

2. Saying your rabbits is healthy.

3. Sneks can be rabbits too.

4. Immerse yourself in a hobby.

5. You are important.

6. Keep it up!


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507d76 No.402131


>Sneks can be rabbits too

I approve of this. I also approve of sneks in bunny costumes

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805bf8 No.402141

File: 8fa36ed366b981e⋯.jpg (41.38 KB,640x480,4:3,eds laughing original.jpg)


>5. You are important.

>not being disposable to everyone from your toddler years

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c92780 No.405607

File: 716288b510a378f⋯.png (683.02 KB,1000x1400,5:7,716288b510a378f3ad73e74b15….png)

Wake up /monster/. It's that time again!

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898afe No.405640


I will remember this month.

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c92780 No.405687

File: c07bce28d43cfa3⋯.png (4.46 MB,6071x4299,6071:4299,c07bce28d43cfa39b18648291e….png)


Hope you'll succeed!

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c92780 No.405718

File: 226fda3eae7f4a3⋯.png (672.9 KB,1024x768,4:3,226fda3eae7f4a3b52ec703c55….png)

File: 0536e9682187ea6⋯.png (756.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,0536e9682187ea60a0169957c0….png)

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c92780 No.405789

File: 6838d60e3afbf16⋯.jpg (305.08 KB,1500x1414,750:707,6838d60e3afbf160a1b583b052….jpg)

We're only a day away!

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c92780 No.405865

File: 6f01179de60bb6a⋯.jpg (80.06 KB,850x794,425:397,6f01179de60bb6acee9f004a1b….jpg)

Hope you'll remember to say it!

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2e1898 No.405880

Go Tewi!

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c92780 No.405881

File: abc25d2a42e7543⋯.jpg (268.79 KB,1000x1200,5:6,abc25d2a42e754380b18e4f2e1….jpg)

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507d76 No.405882


Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit

Might not be the other anon but saying dem rabbits.

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2e1898 No.405912

Did you say it??!!!

Good luck!!

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c92780 No.405917

File: 6cdac6360702f2e⋯.jpg (174.23 KB,850x1201,850:1201,6cdac6360702f2ef4c59aff796….jpg)

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898afe No.405948



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f69934 No.405949

Finally said it this morning after a long time.

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c92780 No.405956

File: 305fe1677c91e32⋯.jpg (159.67 KB,850x835,170:167,305fe1677c91e32767e5facc12….jpg)



Great job! Have a wonderful month!

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f3c968 No.405964

>I forgot to say my rabbits

where's the reset life button?

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2e1898 No.405966


You get the awesome opportunity to try again in less than 32 days! Keep Tewi on your mind and say it then.

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a445c5 No.406309

File: ae12e73974ab9ff⋯.png (253.52 KB,815x987,815:987,ae12e73974ab9ff22b3e47c239….png)

Awaken my old thread!

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a445c5 No.406330

File: 3428b2fabcd2c3c⋯.jpg (236.91 KB,850x1352,425:676,3428b2fabcd2c3c10ba17265d5….jpg)

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a445c5 No.406344

File: 73c1d3a47587cc3⋯.jpg (171.05 KB,779x958,779:958,73c1d3a47587cc3db593479265….jpg)

Hope you'll remember your rabbits!

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a445c5 No.406353

File: 06c76b6776c7c2c⋯.jpg (486.68 KB,850x1200,17:24,06c76b6776c7c2c66dac86acd0….jpg)

Did you remember? I hope you did!

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a445c5 No.406551

File: bdbe78c479d5820⋯.gif (1.18 MB,320x288,10:9,1571546229554-1.gif)

Hope you'll be remembering your rabbits!

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a445c5 No.406561

File: 86d1c364a87794b⋯.webm (252.47 KB,810x1080,3:4,86d1c364a87794bcf8fec1cc0….webm)

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a445c5 No.406576

File: 21e787abb9705e0⋯.png (150.67 KB,1000x972,250:243,21e787abb9705e0fee7bc8793c….png)

Don't forget!

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