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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 1922b11d357ff35⋯.jpg (289.96 KB,742x746,371:373,064BAiJRTewi.jpg)

f7199e No.341038 [View All]

Another month comes and goes; it's time for another rabbit rabbit thread! Can you believe we've finally reached thread #2?

When you wake up on the first of the month, if the first thing you say out loud is "rabbit rabbit rabbit", you'll be blessed with good luck for the month!

Come in, take it easy, and post cute rabbits!

266 posts and 313 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c92780 No.401576

File: 41e0d0748f7581e⋯.jpg (48.4 KB,659x1001,659:1001,41e0d0748f7581e41124e3d6ce….jpg)

File: 170f8762ff08137⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2000x2255,400:451,170f8762ff081376ad1554634c….jpg)

File: 9c7974ae36b764b⋯.jpg (724.52 KB,891x1180,891:1180,9c7974ae36b764bd75b00746ca….jpg)

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f69934 No.401578

I wonder if the anon from these threads that canonically claimed Tewi as his waifu still browses these.

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c92780 No.401626

File: dd38690abb84196⋯.jpg (511.53 KB,1000x1281,1000:1281,dd38690abb84196f8738b8ecda….jpg)

File: 0e6856638ecb9b5⋯.jpg (474.1 KB,707x800,707:800,0e6856638ecb9b5ed8d4a7f779….jpg)

File: c0f01c700f4ea2b⋯.jpg (91.26 KB,800x1117,800:1117,c0f01c700f4ea2bb867370c8ef….jpg)


Just an anon with Tewi as his waifu, or the dude that was obsessed with me in particular?

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f69934 No.401639


The one that got to fuck Tewi in his dreams.

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c92780 No.401689

File: c3716e97e27a1ef⋯.jpg (122.06 KB,850x642,425:321,c3716e97e27a1efa51d9c123fa….jpg)

File: e4678ca5cced002⋯.jpg (126.31 KB,850x555,170:111,e4678ca5cced00245283b91b3b….jpg)

File: e7ae10d3f18cc07⋯.jpg (133.82 KB,850x1155,170:231,e7ae10d3f18cc077e231395123….jpg)

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c92780 No.401740

File: 34f6706c393436a⋯.gif (812.74 KB,500x375,4:3,34f6706c393436ac483f023731….gif)

File: 02ec09df70dc876⋯.png (716.42 KB,1094x1008,547:504,02ec09df70dc8769c74b441a8c….png)

File: 3984e7a9fac8ffd⋯.jpg (298.85 KB,800x800,1:1,3984e7a9fac8ffd1a3ca053819….jpg)

File: e3b8d77e5ab3923⋯.png (2.16 MB,1311x1638,437:546,e3b8d77e5ab392304a73d56dcb….png)

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c92780 No.401797

File: f10cbdd6465c55d⋯.jpg (198.45 KB,850x1206,425:603,f10cbdd6465c55d99c7bd4e391….jpg)

Don't forget to say your rabbits!

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f3c968 No.401804


agreed, the lottery is just the poor person tax

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805bf8 No.401817

File: f766c5857fc9b7f⋯.png (743.41 KB,752x1062,376:531,f766c5857fc9b7f884bc9d24ce….png)

File: ff7afd3b05da98f⋯.png (408.54 KB,875x595,25:17,74fa2ef914a28efa114f5c97fc….png)

File: bbd4645b3f67f7e⋯.png (412.66 KB,875x595,25:17,8c3cf8a8043c85b6224e0b3875….png)


Why is Tewi so fucking sexy? I just wanna pick her up, bend her over, slam that pussy, and knock her up. Then we'll raise a large happy and healthy family playing pranks on foolish humans and reisen in the bamboo forest. And occasionally have a cookout under the stars with everyone. The kids play or make mochi as I work on the fire pit until it caught fire. It'd be so hot, but it'd feel so good in the cold air of the night. We'd all snuggle up and watch the fire until it was time to put the kids to bed and then tewi and I would make another baby. She'd be concerned because it's already so big, but we know she can take it.

Maybe this month I can finally get to gensokyo.

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c92780 No.401840

File: 19091422c951ea6⋯.jpg (185.97 KB,720x900,4:5,19091422c951ea6804789b9823….jpg)

Hope you remembered your rabbits!


A wonderful and admirable desire.

>Maybe this month I can finally get to gensokyo.

I hope you won't use the suicide route to get there.

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805bf8 No.401847

File: 4f3f18a0b327de1⋯.jpg (99.27 KB,1000x694,500:347,imnotok.jpg)


But how else are we supposed to get there without Yukari's help?

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327b47 No.401854

File: 47440e51285bed2⋯.jpg (5.17 MB,2508x3541,2508:3541,81899efe12f4fdf50bf6d96d32….jpg)

File: af8d491b577b335⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1367x1003,1367:1003,a9ebb2a794584661b0fe9d4ebc….jpg)

File: 282ea2bc63b972f⋯.jpg (2.62 MB,2039x2039,1:1,b5aeac04c35385c218edf0dbf6….jpg)

File: 02ebe62c9ebe7d5⋯.png (1.46 MB,1000x1176,125:147,57a584612ef6e2a1610d0af76a….png)

File: 7ac5390938feb4c⋯.png (356.77 KB,591x589,591:589,30def6b115b1cea823490bc29c….png)


Ask these lovely ladies.

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395b02 No.401860

>Say rabbits

>Go to work

>Come back to car after work

>Car won't start, battery dead

>Have to spend $150 on new battery

Thank you Tewi, you are truly my greatest ally

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507d76 No.401866

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit

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b7e5d9 No.401867


Yes, tewi is indeed our (((greatest ally)))


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e12c66 No.401878

>wake up at 6am vomiting

>clean up and go back to bed

>remember rabbits

>actually feel better

Truly tewi is our greatest ally

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c92780 No.401913

File: da332aaf14771ac⋯.jpg (541.57 KB,768x1024,3:4,da332aaf14771acd8e92c4d92e….jpg)


As much as it sucks for a car battery to die, it's lucky that you were able to get to work before it went. Hope your month will improve!


Good luck!


Glad you're feeling better. Hope you're over your ailment entirely.

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805bf8 No.401916



I guess I could be their dinner, but I don't want that, I'm not a vorefag.

>Moriya shrine

I doubt they'll actually tell me anything without pledging myself to them. Suwako is cute though

>Renko and Young Yukari

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they decide they'll only let people see into gensokyo through their magazine? I'll need to reread the stuff about their albums.


I won't live long enough to meet them.


Probably my best chance but trying to figure out which of her, her dreamself, or her doppelganger would do it leaves me a 1/3 chance I'll get pulled into some great scheme I'm probably gonna be used as a sacrifice for.

Honestly, there's a very short list of 2hus that I do not immediately want to impregnate. Tewi is top 5 for who I would knock up. Kanako is on the other list.

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d2a399 No.401941

I said my rabbits! Good luck friends!

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c92780 No.401954

File: 786b5c87cd00396⋯.jpg (44.23 KB,600x800,3:4,786b5c87cd00396dcb20587a3b….jpg)


Good luck!

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e12c66 No.402003


>I won't live long enough to meet them

Are you ok anon?

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805bf8 No.402005


No, but isn't these particular pc-98 characters supposedly far future to us?

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e12c66 No.402006


I don’t know actually.i though you meant you were dying or something

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805bf8 No.402012


We're all dying, some of us will just get there faster.

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25f514 No.402127

File: 2162fd0b5d77ff3⋯.jpg (636.04 KB,1280x1659,1280:1659,bunnysnek.jpg)

Cold Hard Facts.

1. Tewi is our greatest ally.

2. Saying your rabbits is healthy.

3. Sneks can be rabbits too.

4. Immerse yourself in a hobby.

5. You are important.

6. Keep it up!


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507d76 No.402131


>Sneks can be rabbits too

I approve of this. I also approve of sneks in bunny costumes

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805bf8 No.402141

File: 8fa36ed366b981e⋯.jpg (41.38 KB,640x480,4:3,eds laughing original.jpg)


>5. You are important.

>not being disposable to everyone from your toddler years

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c92780 No.405607

File: 716288b510a378f⋯.png (683.02 KB,1000x1400,5:7,716288b510a378f3ad73e74b15….png)

Wake up /monster/. It's that time again!

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898afe No.405640


I will remember this month.

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c92780 No.405687

File: c07bce28d43cfa3⋯.png (4.46 MB,6071x4299,6071:4299,c07bce28d43cfa39b18648291e….png)


Hope you'll succeed!

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c92780 No.405718

File: 226fda3eae7f4a3⋯.png (672.9 KB,1024x768,4:3,226fda3eae7f4a3b52ec703c55….png)

File: 0536e9682187ea6⋯.png (756.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,0536e9682187ea60a0169957c0….png)

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c92780 No.405789

File: 6838d60e3afbf16⋯.jpg (305.08 KB,1500x1414,750:707,6838d60e3afbf160a1b583b052….jpg)

We're only a day away!

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c92780 No.405865

File: 6f01179de60bb6a⋯.jpg (80.06 KB,850x794,425:397,6f01179de60bb6acee9f004a1b….jpg)

Hope you'll remember to say it!

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2e1898 No.405880

Go Tewi!

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c92780 No.405881

File: abc25d2a42e7543⋯.jpg (268.79 KB,1000x1200,5:6,abc25d2a42e754380b18e4f2e1….jpg)

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507d76 No.405882


Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit

Might not be the other anon but saying dem rabbits.

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2e1898 No.405912

Did you say it??!!!

Good luck!!

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c92780 No.405917

File: 6cdac6360702f2e⋯.jpg (174.23 KB,850x1201,850:1201,6cdac6360702f2ef4c59aff796….jpg)

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898afe No.405948



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f69934 No.405949

Finally said it this morning after a long time.

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c92780 No.405956

File: 305fe1677c91e32⋯.jpg (159.67 KB,850x835,170:167,305fe1677c91e32767e5facc12….jpg)



Great job! Have a wonderful month!

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f3c968 No.405964

>I forgot to say my rabbits

where's the reset life button?

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2e1898 No.405966


You get the awesome opportunity to try again in less than 32 days! Keep Tewi on your mind and say it then.

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a445c5 No.406309

File: ae12e73974ab9ff⋯.png (253.52 KB,815x987,815:987,ae12e73974ab9ff22b3e47c239….png)

Awaken my old thread!

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a445c5 No.406330

File: 3428b2fabcd2c3c⋯.jpg (236.91 KB,850x1352,425:676,3428b2fabcd2c3c10ba17265d5….jpg)

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a445c5 No.406344

File: 73c1d3a47587cc3⋯.jpg (171.05 KB,779x958,779:958,73c1d3a47587cc3db593479265….jpg)

Hope you'll remember your rabbits!

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a445c5 No.406353

File: 06c76b6776c7c2c⋯.jpg (486.68 KB,850x1200,17:24,06c76b6776c7c2c66dac86acd0….jpg)

Did you remember? I hope you did!

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a445c5 No.406551

File: bdbe78c479d5820⋯.gif (1.18 MB,320x288,10:9,1571546229554-1.gif)

Hope you'll be remembering your rabbits!

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a445c5 No.406561

File: 86d1c364a87794b⋯.webm (252.47 KB,810x1080,3:4,86d1c364a87794bcf8fec1cc0….webm)

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a445c5 No.406576

File: 21e787abb9705e0⋯.png (150.67 KB,1000x972,250:243,21e787abb9705e0fee7bc8793c….png)

Don't forget!

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