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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 727ac2a133ba638⋯.png (2.55 MB,1700x2432,425:608,Simon Belmont.png)

4e4e9b No.308360 [View All]

Die, /monster/! You don't belong in this world!

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d6154b No.397937

File: 13ee4c4d2b5431b⋯.png (287 KB,540x718,270:359,slaughter begins.png)


>a chainsaw can't beat a schmupship

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9155a6 No.397939


Delicious vampire milk

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7d80ff No.397949

File: 9e04b1f8df52c78⋯.png (53.56 KB,512x416,16:13,umm.png)

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db92bc No.397956

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d6b67e No.397971


I would ask what vampire titty milk tastes like, but I don't even know what regular as breast milk tastes like.

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f0ff11 No.398033


Salty milk and pennies

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f0ff11 No.398034

File: 0ff5ef150177986⋯.jpg (48.92 KB,620x620,1:1,1416448505170.jpg)

Fucked up my sage, time for sudoku

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d4a91f No.398038


Human breast milk tastes really sweet and has a bit of a runny and smooth texture.

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14e203 No.398039


>Human breast milk tastes really sweet

Wouldn't that heavily depend on the diet of the female? I've heard fried foods are bad for the taste, is that true?

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6500c2 No.398264


this is one of those fetishes that /monster/ needs more of.

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cab2ea No.398273


Copper and salt

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7196b4 No.399504

File: e31ede7f53c92c6⋯.jpeg (231.07 KB,850x1214,425:607,921D3663-5785-4A45-AC1D-7….jpeg)

File: 2eeed8e8c16012b⋯.jpeg (257.65 KB,850x1199,850:1199,DB0E6EC1-9E87-4805-8269-F….jpeg)

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c12a30 No.399507


Dumb drunk vampire.

Look at her. Flopping her tits all over the place and spilling wine on herself.

What's a vampire hunter supposed to do seeing her in that state? Probably insult her for wasting his time, pick her up, carry her to her bed, and unceremoniously dump her on it before leaving while giving her the finger.

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7196b4 No.399509


I could see the drunk vampire teaching up and grabbing his arm telling him to stay in bed with her for the night.

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4d5c37 No.399516


>Vampire Hunter ends up reading the drunk vampire bedtime stories like she's a child or something

>Nothing sexual whatsoever

>It's sorta frustrating at first, but she learns to enjoy it

>Wears a pajama with panda-print, complete with nightcap, bunny slippers, and teddy bear

>Vampire hunter just goes along with it

>She's old enough to be his great-great-grandma

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7196b4 No.399519


I really do love this, if love to see a picture of a vampire hunter sitting in a chair beside her bed/coffin with her cuddled up in her covers and pajamas, having some weird stuffed animal, I guess a bat would work.

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1cc4df No.399523


>She manages to convince the hunter into doing this regularly

>She has to pay him, but she has plenty of money

>Eventually she becomes so used to the bedtime stories that she finds it difficult to sleep without them

>One day she and the hunter leave for a family reunion

>Plays herself up to establish her position as the top vampire among her siblings

>As time goes on, it gets late and she tells the hunter that she is going to bed

>He asks her if she wants the usual before bed

>She blushes at his words, before telling him yes

>Some of her siblings look on in jealousy, others in amusement

>Her mother asks the head butler to check on her to make sure everything is alright

>The butler heads to her room, and opens the door to find her not in her fine garments but a rabbit onesie with matching nightcap

>She looks terrified as she notices that she's been spotted

>The young man beside her only takes a moment to glance away from his book and toward the butler

>"Sorry, sir, but could you leave? Today is rabbit Thursday, and I'm tell her favorite today."

>"Ah, sorry my good man. Continue on."

>The butler closes the door and smiles to himself as he hears the woman start yelling at the hunter to which the hunter laughs in reply

>"How nostalgic. Reminds me of when I told stories to her mother.

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7196b4 No.399527

File: 2ad536569f55e95⋯.jpeg (309.18 KB,2048x2048,1:1,DF7A2F20-9B79-4500-8863-2….jpeg)


Now that’s some lovely stuff.

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4e6420 No.399542

I kinda wish we had more stories exploring vampires being tsunderes who only go full dere once their husband incubizes. It was one of the more interesting aspects of their MGE profile and I think it could make for good stories.

I’ve had a long-running idea for a story about a man getting kidnapped by an especially bitchy vampire and running away right as he unknowingly incubizes, causing her to start chasing after him.

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1cc4df No.399545


Would there be regret?

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638c77 No.399555

File: b0d9e9c3c64b01e⋯.jpg (10.8 KB,236x236,1:1,thinking kaku.jpg)

Can other monster girls catch vampirism too? If say, a kikimora were to get bit by a vampire, would they become a vampire kiki? If you fed a slime vampire blood, would you get a blood slime or vamp slime of some sort?

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7196b4 No.399561


I don’t think a vampire would drink the blood of a monster girl. It would probably not be that good, there wouldn’t be any reason to either. Vampires need that spirit energy they get from human blood to survive. Also with how the mge stuff works becoming a vampire would do more with getting that vampire monster mana.

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33fdcb No.399564

File: 60cdb3d96e3f284⋯.png (686.16 KB,1367x629,1367:629,Vampire ency.png)


In MGE there is no such thing as "vampirism". Vampires are a type of succubus, a fiend.

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cd4ff8 No.399566


In a world where monstergirls, especially succubi, work like vampires.

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4e6420 No.399576


yes, for the vampire realizing that treating your future husband as an inferior race until such time as he incubizes is a terrible idea

The trick would be the characterization of the vampire. She’d have to be mean enough that the mc has a credible cause for running away, but also not so mean that she seems irredeemable. A combination of patronizing and bullying might be good to hit this sweet spot. The mc’s also gonna have to be somewhat dense or uninformed as to how vamps work.

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312258 No.399597


I'm tired of male soylent characters who don't have a male sex drive and who don't behave like men at all.

But dick bullying sounds good, if she swallows.

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e58e77 No.399621


Most men would be pretty angry about being forced into servitude, sex or no.

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312258 No.399651


Most men would gladly give up any fake freedom if they could have exclusive access to a super-hot pussy.

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4e6420 No.399666


Well KC vamps actually try to withhold the pussy until the guy incubizes. They bite him for energy instead in the meantime.

Being kept in servitude to a confusing and obtuse monster-lady who keeps sucking your blood and doesn’t seem keen on boning you (Until you lose your humanity) would get on most men’s nerves.

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7196b4 No.399667


She does get kinda drunkish off men’s blood and they have to resist heavily bot to just go and ravish the man there.

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e58e77 No.399670


A man who's willing to listen to a woman just because she gives him pussy is at the mercy of the 3DPD.

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415812 No.399681

File: f20d2786ed9886d⋯.jpg (172.92 KB,790x1200,79:120,f20d2786ed9886dde67a0178f8….jpg)


It does feel very good to be sucked by a vampire though, one way or another. Plus as a monster girl she's actually benign and loves her "servant"; unlike 3dpd, who can only truly love tall handsome man or the resources men can provide them.


Welcome to reality, kid.

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33fdcb No.399690

File: 7e443a98008d4e9⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,1133x1600,1133:1600,1551101148907.jpg)


But we are talking about monsters.

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e58e77 No.399696


He said that men who don't give into women because they have the pussy aren't real men. I'm saying men like that are slaves of terrible women who don't care about their "lover's" well being just because they put out occasionally. That sounds less like a man and more like a soyboy who's too afraid of their master to have any free will of their own.

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48d384 No.399704

File: 26e957fb0623625⋯.jpg (8.67 KB,181x255,181:255,400_thousand_keks.jpg)



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622c6b No.399770

File: c3165317e829d25⋯.jpg (154.21 KB,1024x768,4:3,r-nduu9cw4.jpg)


Why do you assume that beggars can be choosers?

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0c6ed5 No.399779


Every man has a choice. Even the bigest robot can choose self dignity and get out of a shitty relationship.

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622c6b No.399780


Except you don't get into a relationship in the first place if you don't look good enough. The best you can hope for is chad's leftovers.

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ca90d6 No.399793


you do know that cheaters stick with cheaters, "chads" made up that cuck shit in order to not feel shitty and get new lays from retarded redditors.

if you go at the top bracket of anything its nothing but paper tigers and cheaters. so at one point you cant blame anything other than ones own shit taste.

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46461e No.399806

File: e2e7ed35b453da1⋯.jpg (256.44 KB,707x999,707:999,r-j3tp7san.jpg)


You sound really inexperienced.

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ca90d6 No.399811


not really no. you have to know what company you keep because if you are surrounded by faggots with shit taste you will catch their virulent faggotry.

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bfd3b7 No.399838


How many relationships have you had so far

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ca90d6 No.399873


more than the vn poster, and also a relationship doesn't just mean fucking. so your definition and understanding can be different than mine due to generation and social plattitudes. I feel sorry for you faggots because you have to deal with dabtards now.

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578eb4 No.400442

File: 3af455d398af975⋯.png (297.16 KB,356x579,356:579,VKrevisedPg74.png)

so I was flipping through Rifts Vampire Kingdoms "New Revised Edition" from 2011 (original was 1991) and came across this pic and I have the weirdest feels. Is this too monstrous to be allowed here? It seems like most vampires are "cute" vampires but I kind of want to see the whole bestial "nosferatu" type explored a little more.

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4e6420 No.400445


I think a nosferatu girl could work, but not with that thing’s face.

I’m thinking it could be a more reclusive subspecies of vampire that’s abnormally tall and gangly (while still having a rockin body).

They’d be very shy and try to avoid crowds, Unlike regular vampires, who tend to be more elitist socialites.

They also try to drink their prey’s blood while he’s asleep, so he won’t notice her and freak her out.

Once they’ve done so enough times, they gain enough confidence to properly kidnap the man and take him to their lair.

I just realized this is kinda similar to the nightmare, but oh well.

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578eb4 No.400448

File: 9a5b3ec3c7e54b5⋯.png (262.89 KB,1060x1139,1060:1139,Nosferatu 63.png)

File: 5e791d45b4f9004⋯.jpg (83.95 KB,577x850,577:850,hi def.jpg)

File: 84f6590dc19c248⋯.jpg (60.22 KB,895x987,895:987,zoom.jpg)

File: 1712cd68f18c27a⋯.jpg (85.7 KB,801x1200,267:400,cute.jpg)

File: ad296052a188ee1⋯.jpg (56.24 KB,1200x1200,1:1,fishnets.jpg)


>not with that thing’s face.

Gotta start somewhere. I'm sure we can tweak it… or maybe it's just seeing her in fear/pain that repels us and she might actually look cute if she was happily slurping on a neck.

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7196b4 No.401858

You know I don’t know why but I feel like I could see a vampire being the owner of some movie theater. Like you get a job at some random theater in town and never see the owner except in the rare occasion that you’re working midnight premieres.

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4e6420 No.401862


>superior tells you the boss wants you manning the projector for some chick flick at midnight

>it’s bullshit, but you need the money

>that night, you slumped down bored out of your mind as the movie plays

>a seductive voice calls out from behind

<“not the most riveting feature, is it?”

>you jump a little, turn around and see a beautiful, porcelain-toned woman behind you

>”Uh, miss? I-I don’t think you’re supposed to be here.”

<“Oh Pish-Posh, I’m the owner, I can go where I please”

>the realization of her identity sends you rushing to apologize

>”Sorry mis-er-mam, I didn’t know!”

>she chuckles confidently

<“It’s okay anon, I know you’ve never taken this shift before. I like to cycle the employees through it so I can meet each of them face-to-face”

>”O-oh, well how am I doing then?”

<“quite satisfactory, I must say. There’s just one thing that needs to be taken care of”

>”And what’s that?”

<“Well you see anon, I’m a little thirsty at the moment…”

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eb608a No.401871

File: 020490a4a5bca18⋯.jpg (28.23 KB,275x275,1:1,Dense.jpg)


>"Oh, I got some Caprisun here, if you want."

<"Thanks, but not what I had in mind…"

>"Water then. Important to stay hydrated."

<"Oh, I'm looking for something much sweeter than water~"

>"Ma'am, sugary drinks are bad for you."

<"What I want is healthier than that."

>"Really? Because there's a lot of sugar in juices as well. I reccommend squeezing it yourself."

<"Oh, I'll squeeze it, all right."

>"We have a juicer here?"

<"I have my juicer right here~"

>"Ma'am, why are you flashing your panties at me? I'd rather not have to file a report for sexual harrassment."

<"Dear lord…" She pinches the bridge of her nose, and a bright idea lights her proverbial lightbulb. "Would you prefer milk instead?"

>"Not this late, thank you."

<"But I want some."

>"I don't have any, but if you watch the projector for a minute, I'll go get us some. Need to stretch my legs anyway. Be back in a jiffy."

>Anon leaves, grabbing his coat on the way out, leaving the dumbfounded vampire behind.

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7196b4 No.401879


Thus started the story of why anon never got any shift rather than night shifts.

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