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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: b3c6f808d522c40⋯.jpg (95.38 KB,700x600,7:6,muchi muchi pork p'orc tri….jpg)

File: 3d42016e948500c⋯.png (156.66 KB,511x648,511:648,Ammit-chan fan Nina.png)

File: aec158a1fcd5452⋯.jpg (65.85 KB,800x625,32:25,p'orc ice cream.jpg)

File: 4c9f1d1715cc8cb⋯.jpg (78.23 KB,800x1131,800:1131,orc disgruntled.jpg)

File: 9dca400f4ca0066⋯.png (327.41 KB,700x1400,1:2,SMOOTH orc.png)

88d7d3 No.290298 [Last50 Posts]

Which does /monster/ like best, orcs or p'orcs?


>probably the stronger of the two

>chlorophyllic skin leaves their sweat smelling like flowers

>more likely to be able to do /tg/ things with you

>rougher snu-snu



>more plentiful sweat that tastes like bacon grease

>better at vidya than most gazers

>extremely loud in bed

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5696a2 No.290301


Why not both

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88d7d3 No.290304


Because orcs are more of a firm bed and p'orcs are a softer bed, and unless one side of your body prefers firm beds and the other side prefers softer beds, it will naturally be difficult to not end up with a bias towards one of them over the other.

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254e39 No.290306


I like cute ones whether they be KC's P'orc or Funk's Nina. I don't like ugly manjaws that is present in a lot of Western art.

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fc4bb4 No.290314

File: 7b4a0dddfb1628b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,91.71 KB,579x538,579:538,1461693462043.png)


I choose Orkz.

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9b250b No.290322

P'orcs do have the advantage of being more obscure so no one is trying to make them into "muh noble, misunderstood savages".

> Non mainstream

> Hipster P'orcs?

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88d7d3 No.290323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


P'orcs are actually good at video games, so they can't be hipsters.

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219d7f No.290327


Pig girls are fine, the problem is calling them "p'orcs" because it implies they are orcs which they are not.

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9b250b No.290329

File: ed15cb31d77e202⋯.png (147.23 KB,315x393,105:131,1e orcs.png)

File: 87bd16ee3ebb4ab⋯.png (1.91 MB,1184x1324,296:331,ClipboardImage.png)


Wut? They're the original orcs (unless you want to go full Tolkien). Unless you're criticizing the cute anime girl style of p'orc?

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254e39 No.290333


P'orcs are Japanese bootleg orcs.

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9b250b No.290334

File: bb2aab41dcff336⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,300x193,300:193,i was THERE.jpg)


Please be rusing.

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254e39 No.290343

File: a5250277975aa5e⋯.jpg (540.13 KB,800x1183,800:1183,__monster_musume_no_iru_ni….jpg)


I mean, not that there's anything wrong with it. P'orcs are cuties.

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48df45 No.290344


>tfw no "pig is big" shirt

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219d7f No.290370

File: 8ddf4a992302789⋯.jpg (496.74 KB,1600x1145,320:229,dndfags gtfo.jpg)


>Wut? They're the original orcs (unless you want to go full Tolkien)

If by go full Tolkien you mean state the original orcs, then yes, I will go full Tolkien.

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dc5c15 No.290374

File: ad42c0abb349bde⋯.png (80.3 KB,440x400,11:10,1431791228369[1].png)

>Waifu based on an offal eating creature that cannibalizes its young, squeals loud enough to cause hearing damage, and has gained a reputation for eating manflesh.

>And ironically it's not the orc.

Oh p'orc fags, never change.

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88d7d3 No.290407


It's not a ruse, anon. P'orcs are hapas. Though to be fair, Tolkien based orcs on turkroaches.

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a7e1aa No.290416


Tolkien orcs are disfigured, disgusting and blackskinned, closer in looks to what is usually called a "goblin" in modern fantasy media.

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a7e1aa No.290429

File: 5d2aea15d4f5ce2⋯.png (339.77 KB,768x1024,3:4,maid orc.png)

File: 71b7278ae57e7b6⋯.jpg (139.83 KB,404x600,101:150,71b7278ae57e7b6675ff5da02f….jpg)


I do like P'orcs outside of /monster/ content but here green wins. Make her green, give her tusk and you got an orc girl. The rest of her body and personality is up to personal taste, which leaves much more space to variety.

With P'orcs you need the ears and a certain plumpness or you wouldn't even be able to tell what it is supposed to be, the most distinctive feature of a pig would make it >>>/fur/ material.

I haven't even seen any good P'orc art besides KCs pictures.

I'm not a big fan of Nina though

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aa1906 No.290439


Probably because there's way more lore behind greenskin orcs that people can use to worldbuild. D&D P'orcs just kinda serve as xp containers with crude weaponry.

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b716b6 No.290441


they are called GORCS, not orcs.

also, nina is the best gorc.

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c92f9e No.290450

File: 82412745e5b2896⋯.png (Spoiler Image,461.16 KB,700x909,700:909,33822cb8e32cfc10c9a0b3d02f….png)

File: 8caccc0b5629f2c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,298.95 KB,750x788,375:394,72357cef21b3b9cec952d14d1f….jpg)

File: 77a18f0aaf0e939⋯.png (Spoiler Image,238.13 KB,470x629,470:629,bd55b0f8a657924a678f3bfed6….png)


P'orcs are superior /monster/ content, leave green skin to the goblins

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b716b6 No.290460


keep this disgusting western art off this board

midget porn is almost as bad as furshit

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88d7d3 No.290468

File: b95d1b6ee2f2eac⋯.png (234.9 KB,608x693,608:693,thicc gobbo.png)


>midget porn

Midgets don't have human proportions, goblin shortstacks do.

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18b0fb No.290471


Goblins have always been allowed on here.

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254e39 No.290475


That's the only cute goblin posted here.

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88d7d3 No.290477

File: b4466d56210b9d8⋯.jpg (88.5 KB,800x1131,800:1131,gremlin-like goblin.jpg)


Incase's gobbo over here: >>290450 would be worlds more attractive if she weren't wearing hoop earrings.

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72f532 No.290499




you derailed the last orc thread, go posts goblins on a goblin thread you fucking redditor.

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b7b655 No.290519

File: 18db07909a8932e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,247.75 KB,420x577,420:577,orc02.png)

File: a4f88bb3a1feaa5⋯.png (Spoiler Image,55.48 KB,640x480,4:3,orc04.png)

File: 85e24e296ba9bad⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.41 KB,500x600,5:6,orc01.jpg)

File: dc07e3c47fd458c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,88.88 KB,640x480,4:3,orc04.png)

File: fc85a35351083c4⋯.png (Spoiler Image,207.77 KB,750x737,750:737,orc05.png)


P'orcs I feel are setup for harems. In KC's lore, they attack in groups so from that point, it's just a matter of "are you going to be their communal cum pump?" or "are they going to be your sex slaves?" And if you become their master, they're loyal to the point that they will throw their lives away at your command. On a more lewd note, they're not shy about having group sex. They also take me as being much more sloppy when it comes to sex or kissing. But the main difference it seems to me is: do you want a muscular and perhaps more masculine features in your waifu(s), or do you want your waifu(s) to have voluptuous bodies, made for groping, slapping, cuddling, and much more? Personally, the choice for me is clear. I wanna be smothered in pile of sweaty p'orcs every night after a long, passionate sex with all of them.

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804a71 No.290520



Stop reddit spacing.

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5696a2 No.290525


Harems a shit

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ede133 No.290526

P'orcs are cute.


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88d7d3 No.290531

File: a6d55648434fc32⋯.png (368.96 KB,800x600,4:3,marker p'orc.png)


Anon, I do not understand why you have spoilered your p'orc porn. This is not a work-safe board, no matter how many promotions your danuki boss gives you for browsing it during your job.

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219d7f No.290544


Yeah, and Uruk-hai are the regular orcs, I know. Modern fantasy is trash. Also, pig-headed monsters are disfigured and disgusting, so I don't know what you're getting at.

Piggygirls aren't orcs in any way shape or form.

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a687b0 No.290545


I fucking hate greenskins that don't reproduce asexualy through spores, so I prefer p'orcs by process of elimination.

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a687b0 No.290547

File: c61c2cc684b7c8d⋯.jpg (340.76 KB,1600x1158,800:579,b578095993bd6baf2eca634756….jpg)


>least lovely mongol types


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a687b0 No.290551


They're not the original orc.

That's a sea monster from a story written by an Italian in the 16th century iirc.

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adaba6 No.290552


Someone went to the trouble of making a custom spoiler, and it deserves more use than it gets by golly!

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fcda4c No.290557


>based on turkroaches

that is pretty matango-tier

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88d7d3 No.290563


Why would you ever, ever want your waifu to reproduce asexually?

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9cc038 No.290567


I always thought Tolkien's orks were based off of the Germans, considering his naturally Anglo dislike of them, and because they were fallen Elves.

But Turkroaches makes as much sense too.

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f1755f No.290574


He describes them as slant eyed, what German has those characteristics?

If anything they're more like huns with wider bodies, longer arms, and shorter stature.

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49051c No.290583

File: 4b9b95b26fe4e44⋯.png (15.78 KB,691x597,691:597,1437581375538.png)

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b7b655 No.290586

File: 860fe21cf9a90fd⋯.png (38.92 KB,640x480,4:3,orc06.png)

File: 4d37f71db730e8a⋯.png (333.65 KB,800x800,1:1,orc07.png)

File: ba0298f6dc99c7a⋯.png (339.28 KB,800x800,1:1,orc08.png)

File: 6a5605b2c5aedb1⋯.png (165.89 KB,850x1200,17:24,orc09.png)

File: 4972bfce2c47c2f⋯.png (67.53 KB,910x1200,91:120,orc10.png)


The spoiler is there to make my bias towards superior p'orcs not appear so evident to anyone who decided to read my post before opening up the pics.

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8e7ca6 No.290587

File: 733d713597ffcc7⋯.jpg (16.74 KB,275x302,275:302,stop.jpg)


Is that latex on the 5th picture?

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88d7d3 No.290588


It always looked like more of a wetsuit to me.

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5696a2 No.290590


Cat suit

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219d7f No.290621


> huns with wider bodies, longer arms, and shorter stature

Are huns some kind of ape-men?

>I fucking hate greenskins that don't reproduce asexualy through spores

Probably because you're stupid


I thought he got the word not the idea from Beowulf?

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f1755f No.290715

File: 8d04a644e9626cd⋯.jpg (73.99 KB,800x665,160:133,false-curvature.jpg)


Beowulf is an older text, but orcneas were only mentioned once and weren't called orcs proper.

>are huns some kind of ape men?

No, but the orcs are.

"squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types".

The degraded and repulsive version needs to be highlighted, and they have also been described as bow-legged.

In short an angry ugly manlet (they're never as tall as humans, even the uruks are almost man-high and that's considered tall for an orc) that is competent enough to make his enemies need to get bailed out by an angel in many an occasion.

I do love these repulsive little critters too much.

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7161f5 No.290723

File: c063fbc6714fb7f⋯.jpg (245.44 KB,1065x478,1065:478,Turkish girls have Orc nam….jpg)


Tolkien orcs use turkroach names actually.


>inb4 telegraph

It's just to make yourself an idea.

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0db6b2 No.290772

File: 47abbfb298f784e⋯.png (7.34 KB,562x491,562:491,IMG_0758.PNG)


>Hating on short stacks

Disgust is too mild a term to describe the way I feel about you at this moment.

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b716b6 No.290777

File: 538bc5fae5fc95f⋯.jpg (79.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)



>short stack

eh, you should get that brain tumor checked out

also, pic is of an actual shortstack

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88d7d3 No.290782


Nice trips, but gobbos are shorterstacks, anon. Come to think of it, if there was an orc shortstack, how would you be able to tell her apart from a gobbo? Teeth and musculature?

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ab583e No.290792


Ram your fingers up her snatch and see how she sounds or reacts.

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88d7d3 No.290799


Be more specific.

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ab583e No.290801


It's not that difficult to figure out and you'll know immediately. Might have to do some wrestling if it turns out she's an orc. Alternatively, you might have to wrestle if the goblin's a little firecracker.

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88d7d3 No.293663

File: d09c8be3f954a64⋯.png (3.34 MB,2390x3507,2390:3507,orc royalty.png)

File: cfb8d22c860bf84⋯.jpg (409.02 KB,720x540,4:3,p'orc with pigpets.jpg)

Which makes better royalty, orcs or p'orcs?

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a41f4c No.293669

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32468f No.293671


>pale orc royalty

fuck yeah

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df1773 No.293742


> Wanting to date a greenskin Muslim.

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a7e1aa No.293755

File: f9168753d802804⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB,1014x597,338:199,ClipboardImage.png)



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fbb7c3 No.297524





The time hase come to pick your side!

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88d7d3 No.297525

Which is better?





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88d7d3 No.297527


Now we can make it clear which we prefer in any post we make. I pledge to exclusively p'orctext from now on.

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b25936 No.297532


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4c12d8 No.297537


I pick (((Danuki)))

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88d7d3 No.297539


No anon. parenthesestexting is the colors of Israel's flag, thus making it golemtexting.

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4c12d8 No.297541


The golemgirls serve the (((Danuki))) boyim.

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fcda4c No.297546


It doesn't matter who loses the (((danuki))) wins

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88d7d3 No.297548


But anon, golemgirls consistently turn on jews.

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fc35f4 No.297562



Fuck nu-text

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b7b655 No.297670

<p'orcs over shitty greenskins anyday

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830880 No.297747


<Hail to the King, baby.

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51688a No.297782

File: 6b89f54f41d023d⋯.jpg (131.39 KB,892x698,446:349,Orcs for life.jpg)

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2313a6 No.297783


>He describes them as slant eyed, what German has those characteristics?

The Brits also call the Germans "The Huns", because the German Emperor once made a speech to German soldiers during the Boxer Rebellion, that they should tread the Chinese like the ancient Huns that once invaded Germany from Asia. Does that make sense to you?

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a41f4c No.297794

File: d3a128e9d5a4411⋯.jpg (94.34 KB,768x1024,3:4,75d684_6306452.jpg)


Orcs are the only option. P'orcs are only good for sandwiches.

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e70c03 No.297795

File: b7fd6386d5e1971⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,267.42 KB,761x1000,761:1000,Gazer Gold.jpg)



>better at vidya than most gazers

I'll fite you m8.

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88d7d3 No.297798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<implying gazers can even compete

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b7b655 No.297811


P'orcs do make good sandwiches. They're the bread, and you're the one in the middle of them.

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a41f4c No.297813


wew lad

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ca4fa1 No.297815


What exactly is she covered in?

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9d9f72 No.297833

File: ceef56da7f7ac70⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.4 KB,404x600,101:150,1492834928531.jpg)


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88d7d3 No.297835

File: f4aa1ecb4c02575⋯.png (243.06 KB,450x600,3:4,ganguro p'orc.png)


That p'orc seems to have eaten too much spinach. This p'orc is more succulent.

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8b8f91 No.298078

File: 5d0798210c1b265⋯.png (577.61 KB,1280x1280,1:1,5d0798210c1b26573d0b42ed68….png)

Orc is best

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ce4e7a No.298097

Orc. Heavily muscled 2D gets me hard as a rock every time, without fail. Something about a woman who is taller, stronger, and far more dangerous than me but wants and even needs me, despite being physically superior just ticks all the right boxes. Pig girls are fine and all, but they'll never look as tempting in a metalworker's apron, sweat from the exertion and the heat of the forge glistening on their taut skin as they shape a new weapon or armor piece for their husband's use. Plus you can't grate cheese on their abs.

None of that 'noble savage' bullshit, though. I'm not filling some WE WUZ dindu nigger with my seed. My waifu is the purest of the skull splitting shocktroopers with a passion for armorsmithy. So pure that she won't even hold my hand in public; "A-Anon! A husband and wife don't do l-lewd things where others can see!"

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e68c4f No.298109


>Something about a woman who is taller, stronger, and far more dangerous than me

Why you gotta bring femdom into it

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d7a172 No.298111

File: 8c4f027435cd9b3⋯.jpg (198.35 KB,500x357,500:357,raughing.jpg)


>acting like femdom is somehow a surprise

>on /monster/

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ca4fa1 No.298126


But can she break these cuffs?

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abf1e5 No.298138

I like a combo of the two, green and strong but also soft and hungry

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e7fccc No.298158

File: 6c1ec509b432021⋯.png (500.77 KB,918x1000,459:500,8b1d8e4ca627e7f595f407d50f….png)


That's actually not at all what I meant by that – should have clarified, but I'm already a wordy anon as it is. I assume, by femdom, you're referring to some fag who gets off on being humiliated or 'used' by his waifu on account of her being bigger and stronger? That shit's pretty gay for a number of reasons, not the least of which being that it requires a certain attitude from your waifu that isn't exactly conducive with being a waifu in the first place. Far as I'm concerned, that kind of nonsense can remain within the purview of 3DPD. They love feeling superior.

Tall yet flexible. Strong yet careful. Dangerous yet gentle. Brutish in appearance yet calm and thoughtful in carriage. Just as likely to spill the blood of her enemies as she is to lovingly put together a picnic to enjoy with her husband. That's the kind of waifu that expands dong. You just don't get that kind of contradiction, to such a beautiful extent, anywhere but here. It's magic, anon, I tell you hwhat.

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fbb7c3 No.298162



Hell, I'm down for some femdom alright. I want an orc girl to rape my cock with her pussy, hit me, rape my dick some more, force her tits on my face, choking me with them, and throw some money on my tired bruised body, some silver coins would be nice.

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e7fccc No.298167

File: 78e71eb30af8d96⋯.png (45.33 KB,203x200,203:200,the fuck m8.png)


>all this degeneracy

>nigger tier orcs

I'm on to you, Cedargrove. You ain't turning me into some opium gorilla's cum pump.

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51688a No.298208

File: 02eff9064c489e2⋯.jpg (37.2 KB,719x719,1:1,Really.jpg)


>hit me

>choke me

>throw money on my body

Anon I understand you like rough love makin' but this is abuse and whoring yourself out. You're better than this Anon you deserve some cuddling after sex or even handholding

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0ac6e7 No.298218

File: 3cddc90fcfaede8⋯.png (698.51 KB,855x698,855:698,c9d5b55c8e4390205f0cc5b63c….png)

File: 0d3d8836bce0f29⋯.png (459.07 KB,761x434,761:434,45182bb24c8880d92b973b42fe….png)

<guess what kind of girl we'll get in the next chapter of Elf-san wa Yaserarenai?

Too bad that this series is too triggering for /monster/

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72f532 No.298220


> being passive aggressive.

Stop being a little bitch, either post it or fuck off.

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3b0a8a No.298251


>You're better than this Anon

By having such a degenerate fetish he's clearly demonstrated that he's not

>you deserve some cuddling after sex

By having such a degenerate fetish he's clearly demonstrated that he doesn't


Those ears don't look that much like pig ears this artist needs to increase his drawing skilsl

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b7b655 No.298264


>Those ears don't look that much like pig ears this artist needs to increase his drawing skills

They're not too far off from pig ears. They just need to be a bit bigger at base where they meet the head.

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24aca3 No.298286


>chubby piggril

Aside from the one chapter with furry shit this manga's been pure uncut boner fuel.

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8d5d95 No.298359


Green orcs would be better if the depictions of them having literal man faces weren't so frequent.

Take pic 5 for example, she's got the muscly phisique while keeping a cute face, this is a good orc, but right next to it there's a godless abomination.

>Which does /monster/ like best?

The cute ones.

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a6ea48 No.298651


I've said this before, but if you have trouble drawing orcs without making them ugly, look at onis.

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529dd2 No.298670

File: fe36c318e825521⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.42 KB,482x360,241:180,deathstalker porc.jpg)


Orcs were depicted as pigman monsters even in Western media in the 80s. Take Death Stalker for instance. That makes piggygirls, the female counterpart, orcs too.

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37ce99 No.298762

File: 3d44dfa4759898e⋯.jpg (448.74 KB,1920x2585,384:517,sanglim-b-20161228orc-12.jpg)

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a5989e No.298772


>better at vidya than most gazers

what you say

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a6ea48 No.298794


>Orcs were depicted as pigman monsters even in Western media in the 80s

By idiot normalfags

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a6ea48 No.298796


Better than most orc art I'll give it that

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89e450 No.299014


>Too triggering

The fuck? It looks like heart boner and regular boner fuel to me. Did something happen in between chapters?

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c86741 No.306835

File: 26edd8e63dc7896⋯.jpg (90.94 KB,660x780,11:13,26edd8e63dc789656d76dc27d8….jpg)

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956a6d No.306842


That must be a really short orc for the dick to be up to her forehead while she's kneeling.

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6d5516 No.306844


The werewolf has a snout.

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956a6d No.306851


You seem really bad at convincing people of things, anon.

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343953 No.306854

People looking greenish has always stuck with me as them being sick

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848c0a No.306856

File: 7674a310f28e9da⋯.png (8.64 KB,218x218,1:1,orc waifu good end.png)


He's just a little confused. He thinks this is /chaos/.

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9c9f29 No.306871

File: 7c661e93cd68557⋯.png (116.34 KB,640x480,4:3,orc01.png)

File: 2e019952d728db1⋯.png (115.2 KB,640x480,4:3,orc02.png)

File: c2abf97aab34842⋯.jpg (29.99 KB,640x480,4:3,orc03.jpg)

File: d0e0143492cf9e1⋯.png (206.64 KB,640x480,4:3,orc04.png)

File: 0bdc566a06d433b⋯.jpg (31.98 KB,640x480,4:3,orc05.jpg)

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9c9f29 No.306872

File: fb08dd3bae99539⋯.jpg (31.56 KB,640x480,4:3,orc06.jpg)

File: b05d07c0bdcf157⋯.jpg (32.79 KB,640x480,4:3,orc07.jpg)

File: d7b16f46a0c100b⋯.jpg (33.1 KB,640x480,4:3,orc08.jpg)

File: a4f88bb3a1feaa5⋯.png (55.48 KB,640x480,4:3,orc09.png)

File: 2f9b502ff0acf20⋯.jpg (33.42 KB,640x480,4:3,orc10.jpg)

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9c9f29 No.306873

File: 3caec28adb3f1c1⋯.jpg (35.15 KB,640x480,4:3,orc11.jpg)

File: bebb4617c00a8f1⋯.jpg (351.91 KB,1200x960,5:4,orc12.jpg)

File: 18db07909a8932e⋯.png (247.75 KB,420x577,420:577,orc13.png)

File: 85e24e296ba9bad⋯.jpg (162.41 KB,500x600,5:6,orc01.jpg)

File: 7c547f7b7fc5893⋯.png (288.55 KB,640x480,4:3,orc03.png)

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9c9f29 No.306874

File: 586388033f639c0⋯.png (238.17 KB,567x806,567:806,orc04.png)

File: f84d81828f0daf9⋯.jpg (165.54 KB,1000x1000,1:1,orc11.jpg)

File: dc07e3c47fd458c⋯.png (88.88 KB,640x480,4:3,orc12.png)

File: cd4de7af7e96221⋯.png (89.02 KB,640x480,4:3,orc13.png)

File: 968c5544a839779⋯.png (88.69 KB,640x480,4:3,orc14.png)

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956a6d No.307455


What does /monster/ think of p'orc golems?

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ee4ba1 No.307498


And switching between the two can really fuck up your back.


Do you know where exactly where we are?

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1354b9 No.307549

May be a Greenskin guy myself, but P'orcs are cute and deserve headpats and cuddles.

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b8d690 No.309651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




It's time for everyone to submit to their new P'orc overlords.

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956a6d No.309667


Who would win in a smrt-off, p'orcs or kakuens?

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1dcdaf No.333411

File: 1191f3f84d92256⋯.png (42.08 KB,395x689,395:689,D6A93B4D-6850-4D2B-BFE7-E0….png)

Behold; the perfect blending of the greenskin and pigman styles of Orcs.

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0114d9 No.333427


Thanks Crabman.

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09c19d No.333432


Arigatō Crabman

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ae79be No.334443


Needs more floopy ear.

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0114d9 No.334449

File: fa5fe76398e7f12⋯.png (65.5 KB,576x288,2:1,0015_face.png)

File: fc56a93d8506a82⋯.jpg (177.23 KB,960x540,16:9,0015_Affection_A.jpg)

File: f4faa25614358de⋯.jpg (177.34 KB,960x540,16:9,0015_Affection_B.jpg)


You're not thanking Crabman and his canon hard enough.

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ae79be No.334451


Floopy butt is nice but is still not floopy ears. Please change these pictures.

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78b36a No.334460


>Which does /monster/ like best, orcs or p'orcs?

Orcs need to be gassed with no survivors.

All of them a faggot/tranny gateway shit.

If you find an orc sexy then you are ON the faggot scale. Even if it's just the beginning of it.

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78b36a No.334461



A regular woman or whatever with merely green skin is not an "Orc".

That's just some bitch who ate too much seaweed.

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0415ab No.334464


By that logic no monstergirls are actually monsters which I guess is true

Do you have a problem with tusks? If you're talking about manfaced orcs, then yeah, they have no place here, but neither do the original versions of most monsters

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ae79be No.334785

Now that we have boarcs, will they fit in with the p'orcs or become a third faction?

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0114d9 No.334788


I think Boarcs are the leaders of the P'orcs.

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ae79be No.334793


I mean in the context of this thread's banter.

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0114d9 No.334794


They'll fit in the P'orcs as their big sisters.

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83e83f No.334811

File: 441c3812231dd2e⋯.jpg (409.7 KB,980x1200,49:60,kc high orc.jpg)

File: 39aaa4a66169885⋯.jpg (323.44 KB,736x1064,92:133,barbariank high orc.jpg)

File: d99ed6be3819396⋯.png (672.5 KB,1100x1149,1100:1149,high orc bust.png)

File: 9c74b4a06aa05ca⋯.png (557.31 KB,1193x1060,1193:1060,high orc rides.png)

File: fdfa34af9f1c9c2⋯.jpg (97.98 KB,748x690,374:345,high orc oppai.jpg)




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72732e No.334840

File: 995a0774891e200⋯.png (885.79 KB,784x820,196:205,shut up nigger.png)

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e29d3a No.336713


> All this disgusting tumblr art.

Looks like staying on that site makes people polish turds instead of drawing better.

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f8ff47 No.336720

File: 6eefe2ef882f395⋯.jpg (82.98 KB,900x599,900:599,Burned man2.jpg)


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bd5d9b No.336723


Is that supposed to be some sort of self-portrait of the artist?

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3b8fa6 No.336728

File: 0c12d57625840b9⋯.png (379.13 KB,934x1110,467:555,HighOrc9.png)

>write and post writefag about p'orcs and b.orcs

>orc thread bumps

Is someone reading my mind or is /monster/ forming a hive mind?

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0415ab No.336735


We need a new board rule against tumblr art

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577699 No.336926


>maid orc

The only reason I can see for this picture is of the orcess being ordered to do calisthenics in the nude for her master's pleasure.

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490ee0 No.336930


Missing: my head inside those sweaters

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69cddf No.336936


>too triggering

Nigger are you a fucking moron as /monster/ does place updates for this manga out whenever a new chapter shows up.

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25f288 No.337181

File: 43523f97676cbab⋯.png (304.58 KB,748x690,374:345,cute high orc handjob.png)

File: 82e8da794720002⋯.jpg (515.56 KB,2448x2900,612:725,high orc lineart.jpg)

File: 53c493d8a3f3ee9⋯.jpg (206.65 KB,1024x1203,1024:1203,cute high orc doodles.jpg)

File: 5121df77e8025f8⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1061x1500,1061:1500,high orc blowjob 1.jpg)

File: f9f68273e5c4682⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1061x1500,1061:1500,high orc blowjob 2.jpg)


No you.

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b9b274 No.337185


Absolutely disgusting.

Kill this affront against beauty with the incandescent flames of a trillion suns.

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3a9dd1 No.337196


I'm no "muh man face" but that face really is hideous

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aa4dbc No.337203

File: 20eb846a570c7cb⋯.jpg (8.13 KB,314x301,314:301,^0AFB90F9972B81357530DB20F….jpg)


Those last two pics look more painful than anything else.

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cce51e No.337214


And this is why greenskins will never be popular, because nobody draws them as actual waifus.

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ae79be No.337427


This. Testicles aren't meant to be pulled like that.

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f8ff47 No.337497

File: 41fd40c35911f26⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,640x360,16:9,Grandma'sBeard.mp4)


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c79a1c No.337498


>tumblr orcs

As if orc girls didn't have it bad enough.

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5302ab No.337500



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cce51e No.337505


You're the same guy aren't you?

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ae79be No.337577


Do Italian orcs like wine?

If so, should they be called c'orcs?

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f62b9c No.337959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just print one.

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f62b9c No.337961






Why would Crab make male Orcs full blown pigs and female ones gracile goblinoids?

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0114d9 No.337962


Same reason why he had male minotaurs have full blown fur and bull heads. Crazy sexual dimorphism.

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490ee0 No.338002


Having males of a monster race appear more bestial is a Japanese thing

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f3a3ec No.338021

File: ea7588809c902a5⋯.jpg (21.5 KB,255x255,1:1,da ork life.jpg)

>no propah' greenteks 'bout green skins yet.

Alright. I'll bite.

>My caravan had gotten ambushed.

>My protective guards fled and I was left at the mercy of my attackers.

>I found myself gagged and tied up, being toted around on the shoulder of a beefy ork "woman".

>"Ey' girls, lookie wot I got ere'!"

>I was then tossed into the middle of a dead fire pit.

>A shorter more discerning ork lass commented: "D'ain't much meat on 'es bones Gorny, hardly worf nippin' I say." She poked at me with a stick.

>The one who toted me, Gorny, rebutted and stuck out her chest. "We ain't nippin' on dis' one. He'z got dem book smartz." She rapped on my head with her knuckles. "We kan's barter for more dan 'es scrawny arse weigh I bet."

>A more slender tall ork lass with cracked spectacles dangling at an awkward angle surmised: "Oohhhh, he be a scholar den'? You reckon he kan teach Krumpet sumfin' worf knowin'? Hahaha!"

>The shorter one, apparently named Krumpet quipped "Nokka, wuts a schooler?"

>The taller ork, Nokka leaned over and whispered loudly to the Krumpet "Dat means he's good wif books n' wot."

>The shorter one looked angry "Dun' fink ya beddah cus' got dem fancy pants words you uppity git!"

>They started tussling with another and Gorny had to break them up.

>I attempted to crawl away during the melee.

>Krumpet yelled, "Aye Aye Aye, he's making a go of it!"

>Gorny grabbed me by the collar and drug back "Oi, you cheeky cunt! You try dat again an' we'll cripple ya bits we will!"

>I was tossed back into the dead fire pit.

>Krumpet sat on me and nearly crushed me under her weight "Dun' worry, ee' ain't goan' nowhere. We oughta pop em' inna pot an' boil da juicy parts off."

>Gorny chided her once more "I dun tolt's ya, we'z ain't nippin' on him. Ee'z worf mad dosh anna' half he is. He'z got dah royal seal n' everyfing."

>Krumpet stuck out her tongue "Peh, wutta' dinna' den? I hope you dun fink we'z gonna seddle fo' mud pies liok las' time!."

>Gorny didn't miss a beat "Ho', like yo' fat arse needs more food."

>"Caunt! I'll box ya' fookin' gob off!"

>Now Gorny and Krumpet squared off. They vied for dominance smacking each other and tussled like Krumpet and Nokka just were only a moment ago.

>Seems like it didn't take much to set them off.

>Nokka grabbed me and pulled me into her arms "So you'z like books too den? I like em lots. 'Specially dah ones wif pictures n' wot. Wuts jor' favorite book? Deeze gits ere' dun got no culture to em'." She motioned to Gorny and Krumpet. Gorny had Krumpet in a leg lock and Krumpet was tapping out. "Dey not worf much fo' talking 'bout more dan figtan' n' eatan' seems liok". Like her companions before her, she had a pungent salty odor that emanated from her body that seemed to have soaked into her cloths.

>Gorny approached us with a pouty Krumpet holding her now twisted around leg in tow.

>"We'z done decided den. Nokka, you'z got hold of em' tonight seeing as I knowz you won't eat em'. Tomorrow we'z gon' try n' trade em' fo' sumfin' worfwhile."

>Nokka questioned, "Not even a nibble den?"

>Gorny smacked her spectacles off "Nya! You eat em' and I'll give ya a limp worse dan I gave Krumpet. Mark me!"

>Nokka flinched "Aye aye aye, just nobbin' ya I wuz." Nokka hoisted me over her shoulder "I'll use em' as a leg pillow dough. He'z right soft ee' is."

>Gorny approved of Nokka's submission and smacked Krumpet again for good measure. She was apparently the alpha ork of the bunch.

>Nokka tossed me into her lean-to tent.

>"Nya! Now you'z mine. We'z gonna have fun tonight…" She bent over exposing her non clothed bottom. She dug around in some satchel she had for an implent of torture I was sure.

>She turned to face me with a jagged dagger.

>"Now dun move. Uderwise dis mite hurt."

>She grabbed hold of my shoulder and pulled me close, pressing the dagger to my face.

>She then cut away my mouth gag "Id's time fo' readin' some bedtime stories!."

>I was hoisted up and into her lap and presented me with a children's book about kinghts and dragons.

>Her legs snaked around my waist and locked me close to her. Her tits rested heavily on either side of my shoulders and her head loomed over mine

>"Git to readan' den!"


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1dcdaf No.338030



I wouldn’t be opposed to more.

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f952b9 No.338032

File: 388ed96e493dc14⋯.gif (798.94 KB,231x166,231:166,1452411535508-2.gif)



Do eet

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f3a3ec No.338034

File: 29c9156ca65563b⋯.jpg (42.61 KB,564x424,141:106,ashy goodness.jpg)



I'm actually juggling a couple different projects at the moment. I'll see about coming back to this one later. In the meantime here's an actual chillun's book I wrote that I'll use for cross-referencing in other stories. >>331625

This will be my version of Sam Raimi's delta 88.

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0415ab No.338234

File: a96d8399d371fcc⋯.png (685.93 KB,1280x1152,10:9,untitled.png)

File: d6117fa9ba22f8d⋯.png (700.84 KB,1280x1097,1280:1097,untitled2.png)

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a90b47 No.338238


Yes please.

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f3a3ec No.338244

File: 2da07a3bf58e33d⋯.jpg (79.26 KB,500x375,4:3,full butter figners.jpg)




Should it turn into a harem of ORKZ or does he need to end up with a singular ork waifu? I think it'd have to be the latter somehow. They'd probably kill each other if they all decided they wanted the same sweet humie dongle knob.

Then again I guess one way to end up with a singular waifu would be for a battle royal of sorts with the ork women FIGHATAN til' one was able to claim him herself. If Gorny were to win she'd probably be the one to take him on adventures and other hairbrained adventures. If Nokka won she'd probably be the more layabout waifu type who'd demand book readings and would have the highest IQ (at least by ork standards). If Krumpet were to win there's a good chance she may just as soon eat him as fuck him or at least give him a nibble.

I was inspired by the third pic here >>337181

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7a0cd2 No.338257


Monogamy, where the other orcs quickly see how happy the couple is and dedice to each get a man themselves. Maybe force anon to help them in their endeavours.

Bonus points: one of the girls doesn't want to force the guy they have an eye on to be with them and ask anon for help

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ae79be No.338267


Nokka seems to be the only one who genuinely likes him so far, so monogamy seems to make a lot of sense here. The other orks seem like they'd say Nokka has weird taste rather than also being attracted to him.

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63a1c6 No.338312

File: 89b8e73fb4ef1ab⋯.png (309.83 KB,600x2139,200:713,Oh_Lawd.png)


>Ya' bes be goin whif tis tal tel, ya git!

>Kap' Morgi tol don' like we boyz use humie interradis.

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ae79be No.338417

File: ea6a1efe2beb594⋯.jpg (61.74 KB,390x372,65:62,muchi muchi pork p'orc pro….jpg)

File: 96c5228ed8f7cce⋯.jpg (213.44 KB,850x1208,425:604,muchi muchi pork p'orc dou….jpg)

File: 77c98706771b0b3⋯.jpg (151.55 KB,600x800,3:4,barasoto momo - muchi much….jpg)

>the p'orcs from the OP are from Muchi Muchi Pork, which roughly translates to Plump Plump Pork

It's too bad it supposedly wasn't that great of shooter.

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f3a3ec No.338454

File: ae3f38b359f9007⋯.png (63.29 KB,830x900,83:90,grotted.png)




ar' rite ar' rite…git redy den'


>Nokka hung on every word of the story. She turned the pages for me as my arms were bound.

>Mayhaps if I could lull her into a deep sleep with a delicate touch of my tongue.

>I'm speaking of course about reading her the story with a saccharine tone. Not kissing her. Her breath had a rotten odor that would surely gag me upon any intimate exchange.

>I spoke softly from page to page and with my barely free hand stroked her meaty calf using a gentle touch to coax her into a dream.

>Nokka groaned and smacked her lips.

>My plan presented its returns as Nokka's head drooped. She caught herself but a droplet of drool slapped the page.

>As this was a children's book the page count wasn't high to begin with and the conclusion was drawing ever closer.

>Nokka growled "Altrite den', dats enuf fo' ta'nite. Time fa' bed." She attached my bindings to a hook embedded in the lean-to's tree used for support and I found myself most unquestionably trapped.

>Damnable hell. I'd have to use my superior intellect to outwit this dullard and make good my escape. I plied my best and most sincere gaze upon the creature before I began…

>"Madam, before you turn in for the night I must tell you a secret of the utmost importance."

>Nokka slapped her knee "Nya, Chu' ain't got nuffin' I needz knowing."

>I shook my head and needled her further "This is no joking matter I assure you, in fact, your very life may be in grave peril." I maintained an earnest look.

>She came closer, reducing her proximity between us" 'Gettan fresh on me? Dun fink joo kanz scare me wif sum rot liek dat. "

>'Rot' indeed. Her breath smacked me in the face. I continued with the lie.

>"I would never lie, as I cannot. For you see, as a royal scholar I have sworn an oath of…ehh… truth…truthiness. If I were to violate such an oath I would cast indubitable shame on my name and I would be undone. Accepting that, you have no choice but to trust me."

>Nokka pursed her lips "So, wut chu' sayan' es…Joo can't lie?"


>Nokka gave a toothy grin "Nyaha you cherry, Cha' fink I'm easy on dah eyes den?" Nokka balled her first and gripped my shoulder firmly.

>Oh bother.

>A quandary.

>If I give her the truth I would most assuredly offend her sensibilities and she may pummel me for my disposition. On the other hand, would she even believe that I could find a creature as foul as she beautiful? She has no choice but to believe whatever I say so no lie I can tell will betray me.

>My plan could not possibly fail.

>I grinned "I find you captivating. Surely a fine specimen such as yourself has all manner of admirers."

>Nokka covered her face "Oi you cheeky nonce! Youz randy fo' a shag den?" She jiggled her bosom clad with animal leathers in my face as if to tease my falsely proclaimed desires.

>I'd need another lie to escape my previous one "While I would love nothing more than to succumb to your sweet embrace I'm dreadfully tired. Perhaps if you were to undo my bindings to allow my escape I could repay your kindness in turn and help you avoid the aforementioned peril."

>"hol' up den…youz ain't taken' dah mickey ere' are you?"

>"O-of course not. I'm being completely sincere."

>She analyzed me with look suspicion before nodding "Fair play den, you beat jer' feet and hop off inna' night and I git spared dis peril dat chu say 'tis comman' for to gib me wifout mercy. Sumfink liok dat?"

>I coughed, clearing my thought "That is precisely right."

>Nokka cut me down and undid my bindings. I was confident that I had secured my escape and outwitted this foolish ork woman. I thanked her for her confidence "My dear, since you've allowed for my escape I will ensure no peril befalls you. May you sleep well then."

>Nokka grabbed my shoulder "Nyaha, I ain't gotz no fear a' peril n wot chu warned 'bout earlier but I will take youz up on dat…wut chu called it 'sweetz embrace'?"

>"Oh that…I… well you see-" She pulled me close with a hunger in her eyes, her hands dug into my arms and she licked her lips. I reprimanded her "Now just a moment madam, fraternization with an officer of the high-"

>With one swift motion she ripped my robes away exposing my bare skin to the elements "My royal attire!"

>She gave a toothy grin "Dun chu worry, youz won't need dem fo' wot we'z gon' be doan'."

>"Wait-wait-wait! The truth is-" she covered my mouth, her nails digging into my cheeks.

>"Shhhh, You dun toltz me how ya feelz. No need to be bashful 'bout it now you numpty…"

>oh dear.


Do I really need to write the lewd portion of an ORK x humie encounter?

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a90b47 No.338457


"Put it in me gash, ye git"

Entirely up to you, friend. Don't write what you don't want to.

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f3a3ec No.338467


Someone else may need to carry the torch. Part of the problem is the scholar character clearly is in a state of DONOTWANT.jpg so it'd be a relationship built on rape. Considering most people here enjoy MGE style 'fuck first ask questions later' style encounters there's probably someone more adept that sort of writing than me. There's also that ORKY speak which makes it hard for me to make the story out to be anyfing other than gag-oriented.

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63a1c6 No.338470


Nah, just PG us i like the comfy of this so far.

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a90b47 No.338958


You don't have to get lewd. She spoke of an embrace. Considering she ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer she can take it literally and just cuddle

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e583a4 No.338966


I see your take. I'll give you my reasoning.

>Considering she ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

She is smart (for an ork) if you compare her to Gorny and Krumpet who could definitely read road signs and notes. However, they're not smart enough to actually enjoy reading like Nokka can. At the very least she did manage to inadvertently trick the scholar into telling her that he thought she looked like a "fine specimen".

>she can take it literally and just cuddle

I didn't have that take when I was writing as Nokka did rip his clothes off and give him a look of imminent rape, but it would be an interesting twist insofar as it being a nice contrast between Ork and human modesty (in that she wouldn't see naked cuddling as lewd). Nokka and her cohorts don't wear underwear not because they're exhibitionist but rather

>"I dun needz no dainty bit o' rags covering muh minge! I liok ta be able ta breeve down dere'."

My only problem with this take is she would be smart enough to read context clues from the scholar's reactions to see he thought she was going to rape him. Also she did say

>"Dun chu worry, youz won't need dem fo' wot we'z gon' be doan'."

as if to imply there is something to be done that doesn't involve clothes. The twist again could be she was merely teasing him but that's very mean way to tease someone.

>you'll never be bullied by your ORK waifu.

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25f288 No.339010

File: caa28556a4c7ed1⋯.jpg (13.65 KB,378x442,189:221,sanic leave.jpg)


For fuck sake.

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ae79be No.339014

File: c33e6d4bf30925f⋯.jpg (305.53 KB,869x1260,869:1260,ugly.jpg)


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0415ab No.339025


Just stop with the ugly orcs already, this is an animu-waifu board

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0415ab No.341125

File: bb89e82e4bc82ec⋯.jpg (308.89 KB,1280x720,16:9,bb89e82e4bc82ec234e9256396….jpg)

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bf4487 No.341207


I'm fine with either, as long as there's big tiddy QTs. Say, would the two monmusus have a small yet common rivalry with each other?

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8f943a No.342160

File: c83b01f9121b75d⋯.jpg (13.52 KB,236x330,118:165,gyneuk.jpg)


>Night had fallen and I was now in the pungent clutches of the bookworm Nokka.

>She was using me as a body pillow and pressed me close to her bosom.

>She slept on her side with her meaty arm acting as a pillow. The combined funk of her exposed pits and tits assaulted my senses and I recoiled from the stench.

>"Stop squirmin' you runty git or I'll nob you!"

>I coughed, our bodies intertwined in a mess of naked flesh "I can't breathe! Madam, I implore you, let me-! ." she smothered me with her hand.

>"Youz a mouthy humie if I ever knowed one. I'llz put chu alsleep like me mum did me."

>Nokka locked her forearm around my head and put me into a sleeper hold "Shhhh, now go to shleep."

>I continued resisting, pushing against her meaty bosom and smacking her shoulder but my strength faded quickly in her tight sleeper hold.

>she whispered softly "Shhh~ shleep now. Time fo' dreaman' you numpty."

>I passed out in her sweetz embrace.


>I awoke in a fog. The miasma of my mind wrapped around me.

>A stern native American voice connected to me from behind "Hello Chester. I am your spirit guide, Gynuek." startled, I turned to face the voice.

>It was a dolphin laying on its side. He was unmoving in an unceremonious position at my feet.

>"Do not be alarmed. I am here to help you. Now, if you would, please flip me over. I cannot see you, my friend."

>A capitulated and flipped the spirit guide over.

>He stared intently at me before speaking "You're… not an Ork?"

>"Do…do I…do I need be for this?"

>He shook his head and squeaked "It is not necessary. I was just…nevermind. You have recently been inducted into the tribe of the misfit orks have you not?"


>"I'm pretty sure you have."

>"Well, I'm pretty sure I haven't!"

>He stared intently once more, shut his eyes and whistled through his blowhole

>"You were chosen by the warchief Gorny, you have shared a fire pit with the tribe. As we speak you now consummate a relationship with the one called Nokka. You most undoubtedly are part of the misfit tribe as I see it."

>"That's…listen, you're mistaken!"

>The dolphin shook its head "No my friend. You are the one who is mistaken. The tribe of the misfit Orks needs your help. Thier fate is yours and if you abandon them, well… the consequences will be very… as you put them grave.

>The spirit guide dolphin squeaked once more before half-heartedly attempting a flip and hurting himself. "Ooomph!"

>He looked defeated. It was as if he had been practicing the flip for a long time and was wanting to show off. "There was supposed to be water here…I…I think we're done then. Good luck Chester and drink more water!"

>I could feel my vision quest drawing to a close.

>It was at this point I knew what I had to do.

[ ] The dolphin hath spoken. I must work to aid the tribe of the misfit orks. I don't know what that might entail but I know I must help them (Turn This into a CYOA or similarly styled long-running story.)

[ ] Do not help the misfit Ork This dolphin is crazier than they are. I'm escaping the first chance I get!

(Pungent ork odors? Talking dolphins? This story is fucking bananas. Kill it before it gets out of hand.)

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e87d66 No.350828


[x] The dolphin hath spoken. I must work to aid the tribe of the misfit orks. I don't know what that might entail but I know I must help them

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ae79be No.350976


>[X] The dolphin hath spoken. I must work to aid the tribe of the misfit orks. I don't know what that might entail but I know I must help them

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0415ab No.351156


You don't usually see greenskin art that isn't manfaced, pretty good

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75a9b7 No.351187

File: e042e1e442776d3⋯.png (720.06 KB,1392x1215,464:405,Oinksen.png)

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ae79be No.351242


Steamed hams?

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0df1cb No.351243


>That's a sea monster

Dude i just had an idea

What if orcs had seagoing relatives called orcas?

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51ae02 No.351246


Ah yes, the famed traditional Japanese inns and hot springs of upstate New York.

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25f288 No.351256

File: d6ab131a8813809⋯.jpg (13.96 KB,480x360,4:3,really.jpg)


…Well, I'm from Utica myself and I've never saw any traditional Japanese inns and hot springs.

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a389a0 No.351267


Weren't the original orcs Italian sea monsters to begin with?

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51ae02 No.351279

File: 63ce9625909fb33⋯.png (89.85 KB,268x261,268:261,Upstate New Pork.png)


Oh no, not in Utica. No. It's Albany architecture.

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25f288 No.351280

File: 9b01169f4bb68c9⋯.png (122.86 KB,712x770,356:385,chalmers suspicious.png)


Hm-hm, yes, and you call them Albany architecture despite the fact that they are obviously Japanese.

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0415ab No.351287

File: eaaed8c18644923⋯.png (9.69 KB,230x371,230:371,Orc.PNG)


I think "monsters" "demon monster" and "hell" is what Tolkien was thinking of when he named orcs "orcs"

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438156 No.354864

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

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a71645 No.354867

File: c7f09ca54d07efe⋯.gif (777.33 KB,326x226,163:113,ManletSurprised.gif)


>The girth 'as gotta be there

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e00fa3 No.354952


Porks, because only unironic gayfaggots are into the greenskins.

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f84708 No.354957

File: e809be9828008ce⋯.jpg (61.28 KB,640x640,1:1,1454358943631.jpg)



>originally from Herkimer county

Oh fuck, I'm not alone

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6f4c82 No.354962


I escaped that hell hole, started in Oneida County though

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342fd0 No.372977

File: bdc6db24f10e0db⋯.png (9.04 KB,225x255,15:17,awesome.png)


[x] the dolphin hath spoken. I must work to aid the tribe of the misfit orks. I don't know what that might entail but I know I must help them

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a702b1 No.373155


I don't even know what's going on anymore. This is some next level shit right here.

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d891c7 No.376926

Orcs were once elves, but they were captured by the Demon, Sauron , and were forcibly changed into another creature by dark magic, they were also brainwashed so that they would fight and die for the Devil, Melkor.

Orcs and goblins are merely two names for the same creature, often goblin refers to the smaller varieties, while orc refers to the larger ones.

Later, the fallen angel, Saruman, had created a process that infused Man-Blood into the orcs that were given to him by Melkor in order to create the Uruk-hai, who, unlike regular orcs, could walk and fight in the sun.


Melkor also created the Trolls by twisting yet another kind of creature into a race of monsters loyal only to him, what race this was is lost to time, just like the origins of the Hobbits or the Giants.

Just as with the orcs, Saruman later infused them with the blood of men to create Oleg-Hai, which can withstand the sun without dying.


Pure-blooded Orcs and Trolls usually turn to stone when exposed to the sun, this is because of Melkor's attempts to create life by altering that which was already made by the all-father and his children, and to do so against his will and thus without his light, this can only be done with impure and unholy magics, thus the results are doomed to imperfection and failure, especially when meeting the light of the sun, which was set by the all-father to purify the earth.

They only lost this weakness when an angel had defected to the side of Melkor, Saruman had learned the ways of making from the all-father, and reverse-engineered this process to determine a way to remove the curse of stone from melkor's creations, man was the creation most loved by the all-father, and so by killing men and infusing the blood into the creation process, orcs and trolls could be transformed into a being that was smarter, stronger, larger, better-looking, immune to the sun's curse, divided into men and women (instead of lacking sexes), and capable of sexual reproduction (something normally reserved for the creations of the all-father and his children).

when you think of an "orc" or "goblin" or "troll" you are typically thinking of an uruk-hai, a smaller variety of uruk-hai, or an oleg-hai.

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95aaeb No.376933


As somebody from Southie I completely understand this man and everything he stands for

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d1eec5 No.383428

File: 9d439f903ebc05a⋯.jpg (122.48 KB,1034x1200,517:600,Dv5bjiDVAAcrDOC.jpg)

File: 730c1e782e444a1⋯.jpg (982.69 KB,1250x1700,25:34,DesMichi_High_Orc.jpg)

File: 67fff8c03c4aaaa⋯.png (562.86 KB,830x1016,415:508,High_Orc_L_Pnk.png)

File: 6a5605b2c5aedb1⋯.jpg (165.89 KB,850x1200,17:24,4.1.jpg)

File: 1e02c51cbeafd5f⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x1029,400:343,image.png)

This is gonna be their year for once

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a71645 No.383433

File: 9183fc31ecdab94⋯.png (3.65 MB,2304x3200,18:25,IMG_0109.PNG)


>Non dark-skinned h'orc

That deserves to be in a cursed images thread

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20eaa4 No.383435


>The last pic

Jesus christ, for a second I thought that was FeralPheonix's art and I got really worried until I had a closer look. Crisis fucking averted.

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cc3acb No.383474


I wonder if B'Orc pussy tastes like chocolate-dipped bacon. Clearly this requires extensive personal testing, for the good of science.

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9047c6 No.385935

File: f37ed66f05406e2⋯.jpg (197.52 KB,1000x1390,100:139,blaherzebet-671081-Grasha_….jpg)

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e50ffe No.385938


Holy shit that is disgusting.

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1a9c60 No.385950


Pig monsters aren't orcs


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e8293e No.385953


I think it's /tv/ shitposting here.

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1c2f6e No.385954


I can't really consider /tv/ posters to be people anymore. They are all subhumans.

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546617 No.385961

File: 149a811a751ad9f⋯.jpg (136.55 KB,876x1199,876:1199,AEmSDUhS_o.jpg)

File: f25dfa3dccb9de0⋯.jpg (115.46 KB,892x1200,223:300,ktZTgSzL_o.jpg)

File: 2c73c066d853472⋯.jpg (236.87 KB,2003x2549,2003:2549,p5ILSdjW_o.jpg)

File: d94f176c90b1f9e⋯.jpg (384.76 KB,550x600,11:12,xCep25YK_o.jpg)

File: df3aa95becfe5ca⋯.png (513.43 KB,1276x1292,319:323,ZoonwHwf_o.png)

Why don't people like Porcs

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5c073c No.385963


What do you mean? People love p'orcs.

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e44e1b No.385965

File: d9c7f967513cc38⋯.jpg (204.11 KB,775x1100,31:44,b4896bde6cfe16579b6f90e85a….jpg)

File: dcf0c66e6f1f613⋯.jpg (189.13 KB,775x1100,31:44,c163a10ebc1781c61221c715d5….jpg)

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3f78f5 No.385981



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18c69a No.406457

File: 08681b634dbbb9d⋯.jpg (197.43 KB,800x625,32:25,1577226562309.jpg)

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