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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 850c8b461bcf7f5⋯.png (622.72 KB,2077x2083,2077:2083,The Smooth Assassin.png)

ed4453 No.212470 [Last50 Posts]

The story of the love between a young PaIadin boy, and a young demon girl, and how they changed each others' lives forever.

Complete Pastebin

(Updated Infrequently)


Archives of Past Threads

Politics Thread (Part 1): https://archive.is/lLmrI

Part 2: http://archive.is/HOHtj

Part 3: https://archive.is/UDZMz

Part 4: https://archive.is/M93tn


The Demon King continues to his campaign to conquer the Duskbreach Kingdom.

His efforts have been shaky, but finding friends and allies from within has proven key to aiding in his efforts for a peaceful and diplomatic conquest.

But questions abound. Why has Anonson been blessed by the Chaos God, Orn? Are the Gods returning once more? Why did they disappear in the first place?

Meanwhile, the Cursed Heroine Gaelyn, along with her newly married husband, Commander Dawn continues their quest for attaining a powerfully blessed weapon forged with the blood of the God of Light.

With this, they can swiftly kill the Demon King, and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all…

Art done by a fuzzy gastropod, put in a cage lined with a Wacom tablet.

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ed4453 No.212522

File: ec936287db1b77c⋯.png (4.41 KB,303x243,101:81,thumbsup.png)


I gotta say, I like how you're going the extra mile to include graphics for things like the OP and books, snail. The intricate writing even matched the words.

Even if it's probably just a font it still looks really nice.

Taking time to add things like that shows an extra level of care.

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ed4453 No.212716


It was a font (my handwriting is atrocious). And I'm glad you like it, thank you. Also nice dubs.


>"If he's such a high ranking paIadin, why does act so..." You tap your chin as you try to think of a polite word to use.

>"Annoying? Maddening? Childish?" Sirius scowls.

>"I was thinking he acts like a clown, but okay."

>Your husband brushes his hair back, "I don't know... he's always been that way since I first met him. He always had to have all eyes on him, and would play pranks on everybody, ESPECIALLY me. He works hard, but despite his years of experience, ascension to paIadinhood, and to his current position, he's only gotten worse... if he wasn't such a valuable talent, I would have ejected him from the ranks years ago..."

>"Sounds like he cares about you." You say as you idly stir your food.

>"Yeah, right... like the time he put horse shit in my helmet..."

>"How did you not know-"

>"-while I was putting it on! I swear there was nothing in there when i picked it up!" He says, gripping a handful of hair in embarrassment.

>"That's pretty impressive!" You laugh, "...My brother... he used to play pranks like that on me all the time..."

>"And it drove you crazy, didn't it?" Sirius says with a sympathetic smile.

>"A little bit... but despite that and the frequent fights, we still cared about each other... Can't imagine how expensive it must have been to get all the sailors in this city drunk... just to keep us safe."

>"He's lying." He says bluntly.


>"He was lying, his eyes have an obvious tell. He may be a spy, but he's never been able to sneak a lie past me." He says before taking a sip. "I'm not going to argue with him, and there's no reason to stress about it any more. I'm going to have a crew arrested, put them in cells for the night so they can sober up. We'll be able to leave by morning."

>"But what about the blizzard?"

>Gaelyn, there is no blizzard, this is just one of Lightbringer's pranks. Trust me, it's better if you just don't take anything he says at face value... speaking of which, what did he put in your pocket?

>"I don't know. Let me..." You fish it out, and find a little tied up pouch.

>"Give me that!" He says as he snatches it away, "Could be a smoke bomb or something..." Your husband warily opens it up and looks confused, "It's just a bunch of seed..." He takes out a pinch of grains and sprinkles them back into the pouch before closing it up and throwing it half way across the table.

>You take the bag of seed and tuck it back into your pocket, "Well, maybe we can feed the seagulls at the docks with it? Doesn't that sound nice?"

>"If we have time after getting ready for the final stretch to the Mines, and finish your training for the day... then maybe."

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ed4453 No.212734

File: f1ba48697a627da⋯.png (27.47 KB,407x742,407:742,hey.png)


I'd say that's the best drawing I've seen from you yet. Pretty cool.

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ed4453 No.212742

File: d376a05166e506c⋯.jpg (150.7 KB,752x1062,376:531,8e4eec1b096f91aee4a75baa1f….jpg)

Man, he is becoming kind of a dick.

Wouldn't the military have a Navy, snail? It is a big-city right? Why wouldn't the Navy have some ships stationed there, you know the ones with soldiers that aren't on leave, and can't go off to get drunk

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ed4453 No.213080


Beatus's position as intelligence retrieval gives him more sway than his mannerisms suggest. He has command over the local leadership and any Paladindus stationed there, including generals, so if he wants the naval forces to take a day off and get drunk, then he's within his right to command that. He still has to answer to the Commander, any soldiers in a similar rank to him, any priests of a high rank such as the Bishop, and of course the High King and ultimately God, who can tear away any blessing from a paIadin if they become unworthy. So he really can't get away with doing anything and everything he wants without question, but he has a lot of leeway.


>The two of you finish and pay for your meal, and head out back into the streets.

>"Gaelyn, I need to take care of something important." Sirius hands you his coin purse, "Why don't you restock our supplies and I'll meet you by the docks."

>"Sure!… but don't you want me to come with you, though?"

>He leans over and gives you a chaste kiss on the lips, "Of course, but this way we'll be done with everything faster." Your husband lets a hand linger on your shoulder as he slowly pulls away, "I promise you I won't be long.*

>"Oh, okay!" You say, giving a bright smile. "Anything we need in particular?"

>"We're going to need a lot more food than usual for five days of travel, as well as more lard than we usually get. Also a couple of bottles of spirits, any kind will do. Other than that, stock up on the essentials. Got it?"

>You nod, "Of course! I won't let you down!"

>"Good girl. I'll see you at the docks later, then." He says as he walks away.

>"I love you!" You shout and wave as he disappears into the crowd. As you lose sight of him you sigh and turn your head to the shops, looking for where you should go.

>As you walk down the street, the constant streams of people make it hard to stop and look around without getting bumped around. You try to stop someone to speak, but everyone seems to be in too much of a hurry to give you a moment of their time.

>Trying to keep pace with the foot traffic as you search for a store, the gentle sound of the guitar draws your attention away from the buildings, and towards a crowd gathered at the side of the street. You excuse yourself as you make your way through to see the show.

>Beat's sitting on the curb, playing a particularly flowery number as people toss him copper coins. Despite the complexity of his song, he looks up at you and smiles.

>As the number reaches its climax, you reach into Sirius's coin purse to find something to give him for the entertainment, only to find it filled to the brim with gold. You glance back up at the bard, who shakes his head politely before ending the song and beckoning you over.

>"How're ya doin' baby? You look a little lost." He says as he scrapes the coins off from the cobblestones.

>"Oh, I'm just looking for a shop to buy some rations, but I'm having trouble finding my way around…"

>He drops his money into a pouch, "You found it!" Beat exclaims while nudging his head towards the building behind him, the sign of which indicating it to be a general store.

>"Oh! Thank you!" You say gratefully.

>"Any time, Gaelyn." He says, before resuming with another song.

>You search the store for what you need, and bring the items up to the counter a few at a time. After paying for them out of your husbands frighteningly deep pocket, you grab the sacks the shop keeper offered with the large purchase, and trundle towards the exit. You had always been in rather good shape from a life of farm work, and the constant training has only improved that, but the heavy burlap sacks of rations seemed to be a bit too much for you to carry along with your bulky weapon, as you barely make it out of the door before you need to rest.

>As you sit down to catch your breath, one of your bags lifts away and out of your grip. "H-hey! That's mine!" You shout as you grip your poleaxe, but quickly calm yourself when you see Beatus slinging it over his shoulder.

>"Looked like you needed some help." He says with a glinting smile.

>"Yeah, probably should have brought Muffin's along with me…" You say bashfully. "Sorry…"

>"Hey, it's no problem, baby! It's my duty to serve the people as well as our God." He says with a genuine pride, "Walk with me, talk with me!"

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ed4453 No.213228


>The two of you walk down the road, making your way to the stable with your supplies in tow.

>"So, you're a paIadin…?" You ask skeptically.

>"Of course, baby, what's it look like I am?"

>"A bard… I mean, usually the paIadins I see usually wear plate armor… and don't play music on the streets."

>"Baby, I'm a spy! Can't be sneaky or fast in plate armor!"

>You glance over, only to be partially blinded by the studs on his jacket reflecting the sun into your eye. "Uh…"

>"Trust me baby, it works out better than you think." He slows down and ends up trailing behind you, "Hey, hold up. I need to make a quick stop here if you don't mind. Important paIadin business, you know."

>"Oh, sure…"

>Beat goes into a building with a heavenly scent wafting out of it. It seemed to be a bakery… you wonder if Sirius would mind if you got some sweets…

>But before you could finish making that decision, your helper walks back out with another sack in his free hand, "Told you I'de be quick, baby."

>"Looks like someone was hungry." You tease as you continue your walk.

>"You know it…" He sighs, "You want some?" Beat says as he opens the bag clenched in his grip, revealing it to be full of loafs of freshly baked bread.

>"No thank you, I'm full. I just ate, remember?"

>"Right, right…" He says, seemingly distracted by something.

>"By the way, why did you give me a bag of-"

>"Shhhh… Not so loud baby, you wanna give the secret away?" He says with a roguish smirk.

>You laugh nervously, "Secret? It's just a… what am I supposed to do with it?"

>"What do you think you're supposed to do with it?"

>"I don't know…" You grumble, the cogs in your head turning for all they're worth. Gradually your thoughts shift as to why he's being so helpful now, when in fact he's completely impeding the progress of a quest. A quest that could save the world, no doubt! Your confusion begins to turn into anger, and you clench your fist before turning to face him.

>"You're thinking too hard, baby. You've already figured it out, no need to hurt yourself over it." He turns to face ahead. "Looks like this is your stop."

>You find yourself facing the entrance of the stables, and the varied smell of the city replaced with the familiar stench of animal pens. "I… thanks for the help, but why did you stop us from leaving for… I'm talking to myself, aren't I." You growl, turning to see the sack of supplies on the ground with no Beat in sight. :"Yep…" You groan, and start realizing that Sirius probably had to put up with this in a social and professional setting for years, and you were starting to lose patience already.

>Dragging the bags over to Muffin's stable and start packing the supplies into the saddlebags. You have to rearrange everything inside them to get everything to fit, and the buckles are straining a bit, but you finally manage to pack everything inside.

>Feeling quite pleased with yourself, you smile and admire your handiwork, which Muffins seems to reaffirm with a friendly nicker. You giver the steed a few gentle strokes on it's mane, before leaving the stables and back outside. As you look at the docks, you notice the sky is darkening, and wonder if you're running behind and your husband has been waiting for you…

>You break out into a light run, and make your way down the winding roads to the docks.

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ed4453 No.213456


>Your dash back to the docks was easier, as the crowds had lightened up significantly. You found it much easier to run around now, in fact, you had to keep yourself from running to fast, lest people see you leaping about high in the air… It was a conflicting feeling, you missed being able to jump like that, but you haven't been able to since you've been travelling with Sirius.

>As you reached the boardwalk, you slowed down to a casual walk as you huffed and puffed and caught your breath. Moving along, you spied your husband slumped over on a bench. His hair was slightly disheveled, and he seemed a bit tired.

>He notices you approach and waves, "Hey, what too you so long?"

>"Oh, I just had trouble finding my way around… spent a lot of time trying to cram all those jars of lard into the pack." You sigh, as you sit down and cuddle up next to him.

>"The journey ahead will be difficult, and dangerous. I think it's best if we just rest for today, while we can…"

>"You're tired?"

>"Yeah… had to clean up Lightbringer's mess. I can't keep deflecting these problems any more. It doesn't matter if…" He takes a deep breath, "…I'll worry about it later."

>You watch the waves crashing on the horizon, and squeeze Sirius tighter. "Hey, we won't have to deal with him any more once we leave, and we can just skip through town when we return. It's not like he can make it so we can't leave through the front gate!"

>The Commander scoffs, "I still have to work with him… let's not talk about him any more."

>You hear the cry of some seagulls as a small flock of them congregates on the pier a short distance away.

>"You still have that bag of seed he gave you?" He sighs.

>"Yeah, want to get rid of it?" You say as you fish it out of your pocket and place it between both of your laps.

>"Gladly." He says as he takes a pinch of the bag's contents and scatters it across the planks.

>The gulls flutter noisily over towards the the strewn seeds and begin picking at them greedily.

>You take a small pinch of seed and throw them a bit closer to your seat. The birds slowly make their way closer, rather brazenly in fact. One bird in particular stands out as being a different species of bird altogether, and seems to keep looking at you in between pecks.

>Curious, you take some of the seed in your hand and hold it out. Much to your surprise, the seagull flaps upwards and onto your finger tip, and begins picking at the food in your palm with surprising gentleness.

>"Hey! Looks like you made a friend!" Sirius whispers, wary to not scare the bird away.

>The gull finishes off the seed and looks over at you, curiously turning it's head this way and that. You smile nervously, slightly worried it might fly away, or peck out your eyes… "Hey little guy!" You coo.

>"It's a girl" He corrects. "A mockingbird it looks like. Pretty brave to be eating among these seagulls… Guess they're well fed from all the people around feeding them…"

>You let out a weak whine as the mockingbird starts skipping up your arm and onto your shoulder, "Sirius… heeeelp!"

>Before you can completely panic, the bird nuzzles your cheek with its beak,

>"What a sweet bird! It must think your her mama!" Your husband muses.

>You take the seed pouch and upturn it over your palm, but nothing comes out, "Sorry little bird, I'm all out."

>"Chirp!" The bird chirps.

>"No more! I'm sorry!"

>"Chirp chirp!" She chirps again, before jumping up onto your head, snuggling into your hood and roosting

>"I guess she has the final say in the matter. I think the inn charges extra for birds though." Sirius says as he stand up from his seat. "It's getting late… we should turn in for the evening."

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ed4453 No.213479


Mockingbird best pettu

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ed4453 No.213650


>The mockingbird on your head remains rather still and quiet despite your movements. At least not until you check into a room and sit down on the bed, when it flies over to a high up shelf and perches.

>"What a polite bird… kind of wish it didn't come inside with us though…" You mutter.

>"CHIRP!" she chirps, almost angrily.

>"Don't take it that way! It's just I…" You hide your glowing cheeks in your hands and sway coyly, "I just want to make love to my husband, and I don't feel comfortable with someone watching…"

>"Actually, honey could we save that for the boat ride or something? I have a really bad headache after dealing with-"

>"Chirp!" the mockingbird interrupts, before getting up, turning to face away from you and plopping back down.

>Sirius looks over at the shelf the bird was perched on, and cocks an eyebrow, "Did that bird just…?" He turns to you, "Honey…"

>You stare at him hungrily.

>"Honey, no, not tonight." He says as he plops down onto the bed, "Can't we just cuddle? I'm exhausted…"

>His words hurt more than you thought they would, "I… okay, as long as we cuddle…"

>You lie next to him, and turn to your side, Sirius wrapping his arm around you and pressing his body up close to you. "…Comfortable?" He speaks softly, restraining a deep yawn.

>"Yeah…" You manage to hide your disappointment.

>"Goodnight, honey… love you…"

>You stay silent


>"Love you too… good night…"

>While Sirius fell asleep rather quickly, you could not, no matter how hard you tried. Your body burned with longing, and despite the cool evening, you were sweating profusely.

>Your husband has flopped over onto his back a while ago, so it was nice you weren't being smothered, but still. You close your eyes once more out of frustration, and groan as you wrench them back open, feeling no less sleepy. As you do, you see your little mockingbird friend standing on your stomach. "Hey there, you couldn't sleep either?"

>She trots up to your chest, and jumps up, flapping about wildly.

>"Whoa, you okay?"

>The bird flies up to the door and starts flapping even more.

>"You want to go outside?"


>You slide down to the edge of the bed, quickly get dressed. As soon as you do, the bird perches back on your head, and you make your way out of the inn.

>As you step out into the chilly midnight sea air, the bird jumps down to the ground and faces you.

>"So, is this good bye?" You say drearily.

>She flies back onto your head, and harmlessly pecks your forehead, before flying back to the ground before you.

>"Ow!" You giggle, as you stare at the curious bird as she stares at you, "What do you want? I don't speak bird…"

>"Chirp!" she flaps a bit in the air before walking away a few steps, and flapping noisily again.

>"…You want me to follow you…?"

>"Chirp chirp! Chirp chirp!" She exclaims, flapping more excitedly than before."

>"Okay! Okay!" You laugh, "…Guess a walk will help me get my mind off of… never mind. Let's go birdy."


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ed4453 No.213715


>You follow the bird through the streets of Watchharbor, largely empty save for the occasionally patrolling guard who eyed you suspiciously before spotting the badge on your cloak and letting you be.

>As the bird trotted about on the ground at a steady pace, you found yourself following her through a winding path of streets, and you begin to wonder why you were even walking a bird to begin with. Looking around, you notice the colorful buildings were giving way to dreary, ramshackle tenements.

>"Birdy… I don't think we should be walking through here…" You say, wishing you had brought your poleaxe with you as you nervously run your fingers across your knife. The street begins to feel darker as the city wall looms closer.

>You see a fire burning in an small, rusty brazier down a dingy alleyway. A few vagrants in ragged cloaks were huddled together against the wall of an adjacent building, splitting a loaf of bread among each other, They notice you walking by and pull their cloaks further over their faces as if ashamed.

>The mockingbird marches on, unafraid of the dingy surroundings and shifty looking derelicts. In fact, her path becomes more certain and straight, until finally reaching a dismal cottage nestled in the far edge of the ghetto, the door window glowing with a hazy light from within. She flies up and perches on the window frame, before pecking at the glass rhythmically.

>"H-hey! What are you doing? We shouldn't start bugging people, they might be asleep!" You say in a hushed tone, reaching to grab the creature before it woke up the people inside. Before you can pull her away, the door swings open.

>"Hey baby, thought you would never come visit!" Beatus says as he leans against the door frame, holding a finger out which the mockingbird perches on, "Did you behave yourself, Esmeralda?"


>"Good girl."

>"This is your bird?"

>"Nah, she's not mine. We just live together!" He says as the bird flies up to his large poof of hair, and disappears inside. "Don't just stand out there in the cold, baby, come inside, take a seat!"

>You look around nervously. You don't really know him that well… but he IS another paIadin, and you don't want to be rude. "Only for a little bit. I have to get back to the inn so Sirius doesn't worry."

>"I won't keep ya baby." He says as he leads you into his home. Despite it's poor exterior, the interior looked no where near run down. One corner of the small home looked livable with a comfortable looking chair and a small table upon which a lit oil lamp lie. But the entire home had an acrid smelling fog, that made breathing a bit unpleasant. Looking further inside, you saw a large workbench with complex alchemical tools and devices scattered about, vials filled with a variety of suspect and deadly looking substances. The table was also cluttered with a variety of exotic looking knives and blades that would seem more at home on the appendages of massive beasts. A large bookcase crammed with tomes of all sizes stretched across the far wall, and a small stool stood next to it with a stack of even more books on top and his double-necked guitar leaning against the adjacent wall.

>"I take it Sirius wasn't in the mood to visit again?" Beat says, sounding disappointed.


>"Oh well, at least you came to visit! I was afraid I had cleaned up for nothing." He says, taking the stack of books off of the stool in the corner, and sitting down. "Go on baby, take a seat!" He says pointing to the larger chair by the entrance.

>If this was clean, you were worried what it must have looked like before… "Thank your your hospitality, I hope I didn't wake you."

>"Aw, it's no problem baby." He sighs, "I wasn't sleepin' tonight anyways." You begin to wonder why he's still wearing those dark glasses inside at this hour, when he pulls out a cloth from his jacket pocket, and takes off the eye-wear to clean the lens. His eyes are terribly bloodshot, and dark bags frame the undersides. He quickly finishes wiping them down and puts them back on, "I'm truly am glad you came to visit, baby. I really don't like being alone for too long." He laughs with relief as he scratches his temple.

>"Sir Lightbringer… why did you impede our quest, lie to us, and do all of this? It doesn't make any sense. Aren't you on our side?"

>"Just havin' fun baby! …and I just wanted to see my best friend before…" He trails off and sinks his head down into his hand.

>"Beat?" You say as you get up and reach out to him. "Is everything… okay?"

>"You're God's chosen hero, right? …I guess I can trust you, Sirius and Esmeralda trust you…" He mutters under his breath before looking back up at you, "You can keep a secret, right baby?" He says, his cool attitude cracking slightly, hands shaking while he reaches into his jacket pocket.

>"Y-yeah. of course!"

>"I knew ya would, baby." He says as he produces a lovingly carved pipe and a small pouch.

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ed4453 No.213746


>Beat takes a pinch of dried leaves from the small pouch and tamps it into the pipe, "This is the last time I'll get to see you or Sirius again, and I just wanted to spend time with my friends one last time."

>"What? Why? Are you really in that much trouble with the Church?"

>"No, of course not! Baby, I know waaaay too much for them to bother with something clumsy like a trial or an assassination attempt. If I was in trouble with the church, God Herself would strike me dead. Himself I mean." He says as he ignites a tinder stick on a nearby candle, and lights his pipe. "Naw, this is far worse."


>Beatus opens a window next to him, "You escaped Towerwood while it was being attacked, right?"

>An anxious feeling tingles at the back of your neck, "Yeah…"

>"It's fallen, the Bishop is dead, and their mayor has betrayed Duskbreach."

>"Jäeger!? He-"

>"Damn straight…" He inhales the pipe, and sighs a plume of smoke towards the window as he slumps back against the corner, "…A shame, but Towerwood has always been a hotbed of Pagan sympathizers. That's why we kept it under such tight control. Worst part is… they're headed here next."

>"T-this place is much better protected, isn't it? You can repel their invasion, right!?"

>He takes another puff from his pipe and lets it linger with a pained expression on his face, before blowing it out, "…We need that weapon, Gaelyn. That Heretic King is the only thing keepin' that riff raff together. Nothing has inspired this much unity among the monsters before… not since…"

>"But you can stop them from taking over Watcharbor until we get what we need, right!?"

>"…There's more than one way to skin a cat, baby. He's got humans among his ranks, and he's doing his best to kiss up to 'em… I have some plans I'm working out." He holds the pipe in his mouth while he grabs a book from the shelf and starts flipping through it. "Still, its likely I'm going to die. Those crazy cats took over that city and they barely suffered any casualties… and that demon fucker… I don't think he's human… not any more…"

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ed4453 No.213747


>You try to piece all of this together, you stare at his eyes, but can't get past his glasses. "How do you know any of this? How do I know you're not lying?"

>Beatus leans forward and takes his glasses off, "Look into my eyes, Gaelyn."

>You stare into his eyes, red and puffy, as if he hasn't slept in days.

>"Has Sirius ever told you about the Eye of God?" He says bluntly.

>"God can see everything, right?"

>He smiles, "You're right, and He also grants a fraction of this gift to all of the higher ranking paIadins, just enough to let them see and speak to each other across long distances, and Him, of course. But me…" He chuckles, "Now I know I don't look it, but when I joined the paIadins, the Church was dazzled more by my intellect than my flashy dance moves. So when I was granted God's blessing… it reacted differently to me, oh God did it ever…"

>"What happened?"

>"My mind had always been a dizzying whirlwind of thoughts, but ever since that day… I've heard God's voice whispering in my head constantly. Course, one person talking I can take, but this… this is like hundreds, thousands, all trying to whisper into my head at the same time. I easily handled it at first. Hell, if I listen carefully, I can understand everything it's telling me." He leans back and squeezes the bridge of his nose, "And it tells me almost everything happening everywhere at every given time. But it never goes away and it's drivin' me crazy, baby!" His laugh turns halfway into a sob, "So I gotta keep busy all the time, distract myself from all this noise! That's why I'm always movin', always doin' somethin', always schemin'… when I'm among crowds, the torrent of voices just seems natural, but when I'm alone… well I have my music, and other things… hopefully I can sleep tonight…"

>You're not sure what to say, but after hearing what he must be going through, you try to say something, "I… um… I had no idea… have you told Sirius about this? Maybe if you just told him instead of going about it through these round a bout ways, he wouldn't have such a low opinion of you…"

>He frowns, but forces it back into a smile, "…You're right baby. Here…" He digs around his shelf for a piece of paper, runs to his work bench, and starts scrawling madly.

>"Beat… I promise-"

>"Here's what I want you to promise me, Gaelyn." He says as he folds up the letter and hands it to you, "I want you to give this to your husband, and promise me you'll take good care of him, keep him on the straight and narrow, and watch his back like I did, okay?"

>You nod, and safely tuck the letter away. "…I promise."

>"Thank's baby…" He says, resting a hand on your shoulder. "It's REALLY late, don't like kicking guests out, but you really should get goin' before Sirius wakes up."

>"I'll see you again, Beat. I promise!" You say full of determination.

>He gives you a smirk, "… I know you will, baby."

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ed4453 No.216431


>As you walk through the ghetto back towards the better part of the city, you notice the transients from before, who crane their heads towards you and wave. You think you can even see a slight friendly smile from under their hoods.

>The sky was still dark, and you finally felt your eyelids tugging closed during your walk though the quiet city streets.

>You entered the inn, careful not to make any noise as to avoid waking the other guests as you slink back into your room. Sirius still lie sound asleep, wrapped up in the sheets. Sleep was looking pretty good right now…

>Making slow and methodical movements, you gently slipped underneath the covers and adjusted your position until you were comfortable. Sleep seemed to favor you now, and you steadily drifted off. Until you realized you forgot something. Sliding up against your lover, you reach an arm around, and firmly embrace him, pulling him close.

>Your senses relax as they're softly overwhelmed, cushioning your mind in a fog and lulling you into sleep…

>Sirius pulls away, swinging his feet down to the floor as he lets out a great big yawn.

>Your eyes angrily tear open to see your husband looking at you happily.

>"Good morning honey, did you sleep well?"

>You remain silent and nod as your eyes start to burn from the strain.

>"That's great! I didn't get around to it yesterday, but we just need to take care of a few more things before our ship is ready in a couple of hours." He says, sounding almost chipper.

>"O-okay…" You mumble as you begrudgingly sit back up

>He looks at you quizzically, "You're already dressed?"

>"U-uh… yeah! I got up early, and must have dozed back off…" You try to laugh off your fatigue nonchalantly.

>"Oh… well good! Just give me a moment and let me get ready… would you mind helping me with my armor? I can put it on myself, but this will speed things along."

>"Sure!" You say as you get up onto your feet. He walks you through strapping his armor, making sure every plate was securely tightened to it's other half. At last you hand him his great helm.

>He takes the helmet from you and looks at the incredibly deep dent in the temple, before securing it to a strap from his belt, "Still need to get this fixed…"

>Your walk about town did a little to wake you back you up, and the sound of street vendors noisily setting up their stalls kept you alert.

>The horizon over the ocean gradually begins burning red, like an inferno was raging over the sea as the sun slowly peeked over the surf. The two of you stood and enjoyed the beautiful sunrise for a bit before returning to your business.

>Sirius drags you along through town, ducking into different shops, looking around, and leaving to go to another store. You didn't pay much attention, spending most of your focus on staying awake. That is until he finally made a purchase and hands half of it to you.

>"A knapsack?" You ask, turning the treated leather back over in your hands.

>"Of course, I forgot to tell you, we need to carry these supplies ourselves. Muffins would really be able to handle the climate we're going to travel through, not to mention how frustrating it would be to get a horse onto the boat…"

>"O-oh…" You get a little nervous, you bought enough to cram the saddlebags full…

>When you reached the stables, Sirius looks at what you had bought with a satisfied look. "This looks like more than enough, going to be a bit difficult to pack it all in, but better we be prepared for anything." He opens up his pack, which you just now notice is significantly larger than yours.

>He takes things out of the saddlebags one by one, and hands something to you every so often. The two of you take your time carefully arranging the supplies into the bags as compactly as possible. The task takes you quite a while, but you manage to get everything divided among both of your packs.

>Sirius slung his knapsack onto his shoulders with no apparent trouble, turning to face you. "Ready to go?"

>You grab your pack, and heft it onto your shoulders. "Yep, I'm…Nnnng!" You struggle for a bit to stand up, but manage, chalking it up to your lack of sleep.

>"You want me to take some of that off your hands…?"

>"No no! I'm… good!" You give a grin and a thumbs up.

>He looks at you suspiciously, "You sure?"

>You groan and start pushing him towards the barn exist, "Yes, I'm fine! Let's go!"

>"W-wait! I need to say goodbye to Muffins!"

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ed4453 No.217032

File: be9f434ff8b9eed⋯.png (150.55 KB,1000x1003,1000:1003,Beatus Lightbringer Formal.png)


>Sirius said his goodbyes to Muffins, stroking her mane and softly speaking reassurances to her before reluctantly pulling away. As you left the stables, he looked wistfully back inside, before turning away tearfully.

>"I didn't think you were capable of crying… are you going to be okay?"

>"I-I'l be fine! I'm not…" He says as he turns his head away from you.

>"We're coming back! You'll see Muffins again…"

>He pulls out a handkerchief and wipes his eyes before putting it away, "…I know. I'll be fine…" He says, quickly regaining his stoic expression.

>Your trip down to the docks is slowed by the influx of people in the street as traders once again hock their wares with fevered and passionate pitches about even the most mundane of products.

>As you arrived at the boardwalk, you saw a small crowd gathered behind a line of paIadins, who had cleared a path to the pier where a large boat was docked.

>At the end of a line, stood a paIadin clad in a gilded blue cloak, and a sash covered in a number of medals. "Present arms!" At his command, he and the soldiers unsheathe their blades in unison, outstretching their arms, pointing the swords up towards the sky at an angle. "Salute!" They cross their left hand across their chest and keep their position.

>Sirius stops for a moment, looking a bit uneasy. He quickly runs a hand through his hair and straightens his posture before grabbing your hand. Taking a deep breath, he steadily leads you down the impromptu path.

>Feeling a bit nervous having all eyes on you, you pull your cloak down over your face and turn away towards the sea.

>Despite the short distance the walk seems like it goes on for miles.

>As you approach the entrance to the pier, the decorated paIadin at the end walks up to the two of you. His complexion was dark, and his long black hair slicked back and tied into a pony tail. He looked down at you, and over towards Sirius, saluting with eyes locked reverently on his, "Duskbreach is counting on you sir, please keep safe on your journey.."

>Sirius stares at the paIadin stoically, "I would be more worried about your own neck, soldier. This ceremony doesn't change what I'll be reporting to His Holiness when this is over." he whispers in a low voice, expression unchanging.

>The paIadin's face remains fast, "Understood, sir."

>Your husband stays still for a moment, before walking with you down the pier. You climb up the gangplank and board the impressive vessel, sailors hard at work to prepare shipping off.

>The paIadin on the dock dismisses the others, and disperses the crowd, but still remains on the boardwalk watching the ship.

>Sirius begins barking orders at the sailors, who scramble about almost fearfully as they work undocking.

>A sailor bumps into you, stumbling over before turning his head in your direction, one of his eyes was terribly swollen and black, "Hey! Get out of the way you dumb b-"

>Your husband walks over and crosses his arms.

>His body jumps with a start at the sound of the clinking sabatons, jerking his glancing over at the Commander, before looking at you terrified. "O-oh, I'm so sorry, pardon me Mrs. Dawn, excuse me, please." He says with a humble bow before running back to his task.

>"I'm sorry about that honey, our navy tends to recruit an unruly bunch." He almost growls the last part, "Why don't you go relax over here out of the way, and I'll take our things to our quarters?" He says as he leads you up the stairs onto the poopdeck, and sits you down on a nearby crate.

>"S-sure, I'm sorry…"

>He smiles and gives you a peck on the forehead, "Don't be sorry! You didn't do anything wrong! I'll be right back, just sit here and take it easy." He says as he grabs your pack and walks inside the forecastle.

>You sit a bit uncertainly, staring back out at Watchharbor.

>The paIadin Sirius spoke too was still there, staring out at the ship. He begins grasping at the straps of his armor, unfastening them and pulling the plates off. He discarded the pieces into the ocean one by one until he was only in a blue padded uniform. After strapping his rapier onto his belt, he pulls dark shaded glasses out of his pocket, putting them on before reach behind his head and untying his hair. As he pulled the ribbon off, the slicked back hair sprung out into a large poof with surprising force.

>Standing up and leaning over the rail, you to try to get a better look, as he looks back at you. The paIadin gives you a thumbs up and a wide toothy grin, Esmeralda landing on his shoulder and chirping excitedly at you.

>You wave at Beat excitedly, "I'll see you again soon! I promise!" You shout out as loud as you can.

>He gives you a thumbs up, before walking away back into the city.

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ed4453 No.217033

Beat is going to have a bird waifu isn't he

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ed4453 No.217057


If he doesn't go and get "blessed"

Although Beat seems a bit too smart to do that. Would the false god's all-seeing-eye blessing show him the awful tentacles and such that come with a blessing? Do higher ranking church members know and just ignore the fact that the shit's clearly evil out of fear or faith?

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ed4453 No.217102


I see Beat going crazy from his enhanced God-vision and opening a vein before too much longer. Doesn't seem like his cheese is too firmly on the cracker.

…Unless some monster can take up the burden of protecting his smile. (snail plz)

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ed4453 No.217103


well, he has basically been tortured by god's 'gift' so he might be willing to hear Anonson out.

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ed4453 No.217115


He knows what he must do. He's going to sacrifice himself to fight back the monster army. He knows he will die. He's just trying his best to cope with it.

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ed4453 No.217287


assuming he doesn't die I would have thought he'd end up with faggot cat

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ed4453 No.218327

>I just came online and checked snails thread to see if there had been any updates.

>There hasn't been.

>Apparently it's been 20 days since the last update.

>Nobody has expressed their concern that there hasn't been a peep out of snail since then.

>About to ask how you were doing when I realize the tread may have hit the bump limit.

>There's been a new thread for a while and I never bothered to check for it until now.

It's official snail, I'm retarded.

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ed4453 No.219648

I'm deeply sorry for the long hiatus. I've had too many distractions recently.


>You awake, lying slumped over in the corner of your cell, the cold stone surfaces your only companion, save for the occasional groan or whine of the occupants of the other cells. All for the past several days… weeks… months? You lost track a long time ago,

>…No, that's not it… you were just holding onto Anonson moments ago… why are you here again!? No… no no no, you need to get out of here before-!

>Suddenly the sound of grinding mechanisms shake you out of your daze. Springing up to your feet, you trip up a bit, having not walked properly at all for a long time. But you don't have time to waste, you force yourself to walk out of the cell and out into the sprawling underground prison complex.

>No sooner as you step out, you hear liquid rushing through the piping running through the overhead machinery. You begin to panic and start running down the aisles as quickly as your stiff legs will carry you, but as the cavern comes alive with the gnashing of gears, you know it's too late.

>The countless clinking of mechanical latches deafen you, spurring your feet to move faster, but the complex is so vast and uniform, everything looks exactly the same and you can't find the exit!

>Tears begin welling up in your eyes as you see the prisoners stumble and lurch out of their cells. Thousands upon thousands of them slowly swarming out into the halls. As if they could smell you, they all turn their heads towards you, red, glassy eyes staring blankly and slightly gaped mouths drooling mindlessly.

>"N-no! Stay away! I don't…" You shriek as you feel a hot clammy hand grasp as your shoulder, before tearing away.

>They're significantly slower than you are despite your legs being numb, but their sheer numbers manage to block off your progress, the brain-dead mob encircling you completely.

>You look around for any sort of escape, any sort of thinning in the throngs entrapping you, to no avail.

>As they close in, you fall to your knees and cry, "Please! Stay away! I-I don't… I don't want to hurt you again!" Your pleas fall on deaf ears. You didn't want to admit it but… they were too far gone. Your efforts all those years… had been in vain…

>"Anonson… please… help… where are you…" You mutter as you feel them start to grab at you awkwardly, getting a firm grip as they start trying to force you down. Their emaciated bodys made this difficult for them, but there was no way to fight them all off without…

>You begin to panic, words subconsciously running through your head, a rush of warmth courses out from your core and out to your fingertips, the air around you begins to crackle, smelling of ozone. Your hands reflexively rise up in front of you, a small sphere of warped space forming between them, a rippling force radiates inwards, drawing in the air around you.

>Small arcs of lightning begin crackling around you, connecting to moist areas around you, and making them evaporate into steam. The gasses wisp in the air before being drawn into the singularity in your hands.

>At the feeling of something probing your back, you instinctively rear up and slam something with your shoulder. A pained groan, followed by a forlorn sob stabs your heart despite the perverted intent. "Please! I'm begging you!"

>The sphere in your hands gains mass is it continues sucking in gasses from the room. More words rush through your mind, and in a flash, your skin feels almost freezing cold. Soon after the spell in your grasp shudders, and the center sparks, making a sphere erupt into searing hot plasma with an awesome roar disproportionate to its size.

>The horde begins piling on to you, "GET AWAY! I BEG YOU!" You try to press down, but the atomic engine withing your grasp exuded a pressure to great for you to fight back against. You tried to will it down, but another part of your mind wouldn't stop reciting the spell…

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ed4453 No.219649


>The vacuum draws in more and more fuel from around you, quickly stoking the inferno in your palms and increasing in size wildly. Despite the human's drugged stupor, they seemed unable to deny the mortal danger emanating from you, and tripped over themselves and each other trying to get away from you, grunting and moaning in fear.

>"Y-yes! Thank you! I knew I could finally… reach you…" You utter tearfully, almost hopelessly. You knew it was too late… it always happened the same way… all these times and you still could not stop it…

>The small sun you had conjured explodes in a violent inferno, disdainful of your pleas of mercy, and fills the room in a deadly storm of all consuming fire. The arcane chill coating you like a second skin completely protecting you from the barrage of searing heat.

>Countless human howls of despair are drowned out by the roar of the flames before promptly being snuffed out forever.

>"God… please… forgive me…" You sob, as you collapse over in sorrow and exhaustion, "…please…"

>"PLEASE!" You gasp as you jolt up from your bedroll, catching your breath. You suddenly felt reinvigorated, if not a bit weary as you regained your bearings.

>A groan besides you as Anonson turns over and gets up sleepily, hair matted awkwardly in a flat plane where his head met the cushion. "Honey… everything okay?"

>"Y-yeah…" you utter as you look outside a crack in your tent, the cool night air wafting against your face and nipping you awake. "J-just… just…"

>"A nightmare?" He finishes.


>He grasps your arms gently, and nuzzles his scruffy cheek against the nape of your neck, "Everything's going to be okay Maggie. I'm here."

>"I know." You sigh, before getting up.

>"Where are you going?" your husband says as stops his lazy descent back on to the ground

>"Just need to freshen up… you can go back to sleep, I'll only be a moment."

>He looks at you with concern for a moment, "Okay, just have Naomi…" He yawns drowsily, "…go with you, okay?"

>"Sure…" You say, peeking out to make sure she's not there before stepping outside.

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ed4453 No.219669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>tfw this song comes on right when you open snail's thread to more Anonson

A propos or what?

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ed4453 No.219716

File: d141a07bc920e34⋯.png (2.02 MB,1031x685,1031:685,Kek have mercy.png)

I swear, boats in stories are fucking cursed. I think my computer even installed idolmaster on it's own…


>"Oh this song sounds really nice!"

>"Oh hey the name of my story is in the chorus! What a crazy coincidence!"

>Lyrics fully sink in

>Realize this was about Lucifer from the first stanza


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ed4453 No.219753


C'mon Snail, like Anonson isn't a Luciferian figure to begin with…

Like we need any other God but Ammit in the first place though

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ed4453 No.220104


>As you walk down the street, you hear Naomi's familiar clinking armor join your footsteps.

>"Working late again, my Queen?"

>"Mhmm…" You grunt a little impatiently, trying to hide your annoyance.

>"…Nightmares again?" She says with a hint of sympathy.

>You stop for but a moment before resuming your walking pace, "Yeah…"

>The two of you walk together in awkward silence for minute, before Naomi speaks again, "…Is it the same one agai-"

>"How do you know about that!?" You snap, turning to face her.

>"I'm sorry, my liege. I did not mean to impose. I merely overheard you telling your husband and…"

>You grasp her by the shoulders and shove her down a nearby alleyway, pushing her against the wall, "Have you told anyone!?" You hiss directly into her ear.

>"N-no my liege! I swear by my life!"

>"No one can know about that Naomi… NO ONE!" You say with an increasingly weakening voice as you fight back your tears.

>"My liege… a lot of the recruits from Conchport have also been complaining of recurring nightmares… I simply thought…"

>Shame bubbles up in your head as you realize your error, before releasing your grip and backing away, "…I'm sorry Naomi… I didn't mean to act so rudely to you…"

>"Think nothing of it…" She says as she gives a gentle bow.

>You shyly turn away and head back down the road, "…You said they're having nightmares too? Think it could be because of seeing combat?"

>"No… even the uh… regiment… I haven't put in battle yet are having them." She says nervously.

>"I see… just keep an eye on them for now, let me or Anonson know if things get worse."

>"Yes, ma'am."

>You reach your destination, the dark war room tent, and step inside. Sitting down at the desk, your eyes adjust to the darkness and focus on the lantern nearby. You hesitate for a moment, recalling your dream, but push those thoughts back as you twist the knob and extend the wick out a little bit.

>Focusing on the small sliver of exposed white cotton, you point at it with your extended finger. "[I-ig]…" The howls from your nightmare echoes in your mind, "Dammit, you can do this… you need to get past this… [Ignite]!" countless runes speed through your mind as you recall the chemical reaction needed in the desired location, and you feel a slight drain on your body. The lantern flickers to life with a small, steadily grown flame, until the tent is filled with a gentle glow.

>With a heavy sigh of relief, you grab the chain around your neck, and use the key on it to unlock the lockbox on the floor. You pull out a stack of bundled documents and drop them on to the desk before undoing the twine binding it.

>You set to work sorting through the recruitment forms, giving the information a cursory glance for any errors before making sure they're accounted for. It takes you the rest of the night to update your records and calculate the new soldiers' pay.

>You were glad that so many people were willing to join your cause, but you still reeled at the costs. Thankfully most of your soldiers were being paid with seed and the promises of mates… but you wonder if they thought they'de be rich when they get home. The thought of the effects of your kingdom's seed based economy meeting an influx of human men made you shudder, but that would have to be dealt with after the war.

>The paperwork is eventually finished, but there was still a lot you needed to do. You suppose you could prepare more healing reagents while brushing up on centaur biology… If you had just spent more time studying you could have saved that soldier…

>Fatigue tugs at your eyelids, making you slump over on the desk and lament at your uselessness. Glancing through the tent flaps, you see the morning sun faintly streaking through the forest canopy in the distance. Dammit, you needed to get back to work. You couldn't let your people down… but it wouldn't hurt to just rest your eyes for a moment before you went out…

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ed4453 No.220150

and once upon a time, this whole thing was started because some Anon wanted to know what a monster girl matriarchy that used cum as a form of currency would look like

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ed4453 No.220986

If anyone has any requests for me to draw a specific character, feel free to ask.

Also trying to update more regularly, sorry.


>Your soldiers had spent the wee hours of the morning packing up camp, Towerwood's streets were soon clear of tents, and your troops had assembled outside the city walls. Oddly enough, Jäeger was no where to be found. Odd, considering you couldn't walk two steps without him trying to chat you up. He had spent the last couple of days asking about all the different species among your ranks… Admittedly you had to ask your wife more than once for help identifying them, you felt too ashamed to ask your soldiers outright.

> Horst and his friends walk through the, wearing significantly nicer clothing than the beer stained furs they did before. "Good mornin' my liege." He says with a short bow.

>"Good morning, everyone."

>"Where's your wife? I wanted to say goodbye…"

>You give him a knowing, unamused look, "Magdalene is sleeping in one of the carts right now. She was up late working, and I found her passed out on her desk."

>"Well, tell her I said bye in any case. By the way, we have the lumber you wanted ready and loaded some carts, along with some of our special heat resistant woodworking tools." He says pointing behind him, soldiers pulling carts full of large, ironoak beams. "Should be enough for what your wife had written on those plans of hers.

>As the carts rolled by, you gave them cursory examinations, and felt confident in their quality. "Thanks for all the help guys… By the way, why are you all dressed up?"

>Horst proudly adjusts the lapels of his fine, albeit slightly old and dully colored jacket. "Well, me and the guys think its about time for us to take the reigns of the city away from Jäeger, and take our places back in office, we've even sworn to…" He grimaces, "…Cut back on the booze…"

>"Did you even discuss this with him? Or with me for that matter?" You say a little dubious of their decision behind your back.

>He shifts about nervously, "Aye, we talked about it with Jäeger, it was his idea actually… Uh, I guess we should have asked you first though…"

>Your glare shifts behind him, towards Jäeger approaching you with a pack slung over one shoulder, greataxe resting on the other, and several hounds following behind him excitedly.

>"Hey! Sorry I'm late, I was just getting my things together…" He looks towards you, "…What's wrong?"

>"…What are you doing?"

>"I'm coming with you! I joined your army… don't tell me you lost my recruitment form…"

>You walk over to his side and stretch up to his ear, "Don't you think you should stay here to defend your city in case it's attacked by Duskbreach's forces?"

>"No way, these guys have got better heads on their shoulders than I do. Besides, you have some good soldiers staying here, Towerwood should be safe in their hands."

>You grumble in defeat, "I guess I can't decline your service… I'm sure the new recruits will be more comfortable if they have their leader in their ranks…" You step back and grasp as much of his large hand as you're able, "Welcome to Ebonthorn's military, Jäeger. Naomi will put you through basic training with the rest of the recruits, so you'll report to her as of now."

>He salutes you solemnly, "Yes sir!" he states firmly before running off, looking almost too excited.

>Horst walks up and puts a hand on your shoulder, "I know it's not something you can promise during a war, but try to keep him from killing himself. Him and his family has always been like blood to us, and we couldn't stand losing our best friend again."

>You look towards your troops, "I'll try… that's all I can promise you."

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ed4453 No.221011


>If anyone has any requests for me to draw a specific character, feel free to ask.


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ed4453 No.221015


Draw Gaelyn pls

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ed4453 No.221694


I can't ignore those JUSTICE dubs, so I'll start working on a picture of Gwen with Kenneth if skelecane Matthew doesn't kill me.


Once I'm done with Beardicus's request I'll do a picture of Gaelyn Possibly with Sirius

Neither of them will be particularly lewd though, sorry. Unless you think enjoying each other's company is lewd.


>After new recruits said goodbye to their loved ones, and you gave your final orders to the soldiers who would stay behind in Towerwood, your army left the city, once more delving back into the thick forest that surrounded it.

>Knowledge of how to efficiently fell the ironoak trees made keeping off the path a much simpler affair. Jäeger helped you and the other soldiers clear the way whenever a tree stood in the way of your caravan.

>Your progress was significantly faster than than before, though still somewhat slow, given how your formations had to maneuver around the dense woodlands.

>Eventually, you stopped in a less dense stretch of forest, where camp could be set up more comfortably. It was a fair distance from any settlements or roads, and you were confident that the enemy wouldn't be able to pinpoint your location easily.

>With camp established, your generals led your more well established soldiers in training the new recruits. You walked through the training grounds, watching the new additions to your forces put through hell with a contented smile. A lot of the hunters, lumberjacks, and even some of the guards that had joined almost seemed right at home in the gauntlet of sparring and exercises. Amidst the sound of spirit grunts and shouts, you heard yelling that stood out among the din of practice.

>At the edge of the grounds, you saw a company that mostly consisted with female human recruits. It seems that in addition to the ones from Conchport, their numbers had doubled from ones brought in from Towerwood.

>Naomi was sparring with one woman, who came at her with heavily swung fists, that the agile lizard woman dodged easily. The recruit snarled ferociously and yelled insults at your guard captain, who didn't seem to even pretend to be phased by her onslaught.

>"You haughty, scaled slut! I'll fucking kill you!" She screams with unbridled defiance, "STAND. STILL!!" Her hook catches on to Naomi's helmet, but glances off with a slight clang.

>Before the woman can even recover from her desperate swing, Naomi quickly reels back, punching her square in the jaw, and promptly knocking her out.

>You wince at the audible blow, but walk over to the two of them as the woman comes to. Seeing her struggle to get back up, you reach down and firmly grasp her hand before hoisting her up to her feet. "That was a mighty fine fight you put up, soldier! Your passion for battle is impressive!" You tell her proudly before turning to Naomi, "But uh… fists won't do well against armed infantry…"

>A woman with frizzed, blonde hair, that seemed to have been unceremoniously cut short, glared at you with angry green eyes. It was hard to tell with her body covered in padded infantry fatigues, but her body seemed bulkier than the other recruits in her squadron. "Would have won, if that bitch didn't cheat…" She grumbles as she gets up, ripping her hand out of yours, "Get the hell off of me."

>"We weren't sparring, sir. This soldier did not like her placement in the ranks, and decided to… 'prove herself' out of turn." She says calmly, her eyes seeming to glower with immense impatience.

>You notice the woman storming off back to camp, "Hey! Get back here soldier!" You shout as you run up and grab her shoulder, roughly turning her to face you. "Just what is your problem, recruit!?"

>"Why the hell was I put with all those pathetic cunts!?"

>You forcibly walk her back to her squadron, where Naomi stood dutifully, "What makes you say that? Naomi here has done an excellent job training these soldiers into a well honed group of warriors! Isn't that right, General?"

>"Sir I…"

>"You there!" You say happily, cutting Naomi off as you point to one of the women recruited from Conchport, "Come here and spar with…" You look over at the woman beside you patiently.

>"Gilda Axebeard." She huffs impatiently.

>"Come spar with Axebeard, and take her arrogance down a peg." You say with a slight tone of annoyance..

>The soldier you singled out walks over, wielding a quarterstaff.

>You back away, standing beside Naomi, "Gilda, you need a weapon too."

>She quietly scoffs before grabbing a training sword from the barrel.

>"Alright, ready?"

>The woman from Conchport nods, while Gilda waves her hand dismissively.


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ed4453 No.221695


>The woman keeps an orthodox stance, keeping her polearm ready to defend.

>Without hesitation, Gilda throws her sword at her opponent, who just barely manages to swipe the projectile away with her staff. But Gilda had already dashed forward before tearing the quarterstaff out of her grip.

>The woman couldn't even react; Gilda strikes her with her own weapon in the side of her stomach, then sharply thrusts the pole into her gut.

>"-Guh!" The soldier sputters, before wheezing breathlessly and collapsing onto the ground.

>You stare at the woman as she lie curled up and coughing weakly, before looking up at Gilda, "Good fight! …When you can get back up, go walk to the medical tent and rest for a while." You tell the defeated woman.

>"Y-yes-" She heaves fruitlessly, "-Sir… thanks…"

>Naomi positions herself in front of you, "Sir I need to tell you-"

>"Which one of the soldiers in this squadron is the strongest?" You interrupt.

>Her claws go slightly limp, before pointing to another soldier, "Ariel, come forward!"

>A familiar redheaded shopkeeper steps forwards, smiling at you nervously as she approaches Gilda.

>"Ready? Begin!" You shout once more.

>Gilda immediately charges in, swinging her quarterstaff violently. Ariel raises her buckler just in time to block the blows, but it's clear that the strikes are too much for her arms to bear. Each successive blow Gilda lands on Ariel's shield forces her lower and lower to the ground until she's practically lying on her stomach with her buckler covering the back of her head as she groans in pain.

>You run up and restrain Gilda, who still thrashed about wildly as you pulled her away. "Whoa! Relax soldier, you won!"

>"See? I told you they were weaklings! You think that just because I'm a woman I'm not strong enough to be with the real soldiers!?" She says, wriggling out of your grip and facing you angrily.

>You stare her down worriedly, "Gilda, you're a good fighter, but that doesn't mean that the others are weak. You need to learn more discipline and respect before I can trust you in the front lines."

>"WHAT!?" She shrieks, "What is this bullshit!?"

>You grab Gilda's collar and jerk her close, growling under your breath, "One more outburst like that and you're sent back to Towerwood, understood?" You look back over to the denizens of Conchport and pick one from random, "You, spar with me and show me how much you've improved!" You say as you grab the quarterstaff from Gilda and approach the chosen soldier.

>She looks at you nervously as she holds her own staff in a death grip.

>"Don't be scared, just give me everything you've got! Don't worry about hurting me!" You say spiritedly as you rap a knuckle on your helmet.

>"O-okay…" She mutters, raising her weapon. She swings clumsily, and you easily sweep her attack away. You could barely even feel the impact.

>"T-that was good, soldier. But don't be afraid to really give me a beating! I can take it!" You cheer.

>She closes her eyes and swings as hard as she can, leaving herself completely open in the process.

>Without even trying, you parry her 'heavy' strike away and tap her in the stomach with your staff. The impact makes her wince and recoil back slightly. "S-soldier…" You say nervously, "…Why don't you go rest for the evening… You've… earned it."

>"Yes sir, thank you sir." She says, before fearfully running back towards camp, tossing her staff into the barrel along the way.

>Gilda glowers at you, poorly restraining a smug smirk.

>"You. I want you to return to camp and cool down for the evening." You command the obstinate woman.

>"Yes sir…" She says dismissively as she turns and walks away.

>You turn back to the rest of the women, and clap your hands together as you look at them optimistically, "Alright…" You sigh before giving a patient smile, "Why don't we try something else?"

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ed4453 No.221714


>Human women


Many keks! Is Mrs. Axebeard Jager's wife? That's the vibe I'm getting, that or she's a Scott.

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ed4453 No.221924


well, maybe he'll turn them into monsters.

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ed4453 No.222072

I had an update nearly ready for last night, but the last stretch of the hurricane knocked out power in my area. Authorities say it won't be back up until tuesday night. I apologise for the delay.

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ed4453 No.222099


well at least your internet and computer didnt die

still patiently waiting on the Gwen art

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ed4453 No.222988


God dammit Beardicus, stop getting dubs, and it'll take me like 12-15 hours to do, so be patient.


>You spent the next several hours subjecting the squadron to a training regiment that your old General would have been proud of. You had them paired up and running laps around the grounds, where they would then return to spar with their partner until one of them gained victory over the others. Victors would then pair with other victors, while losers with other losers, and repeat the process over again.

>At least… you had PLANNED to spend the next several hours training them in this fashion. Some couldn't even run the first lap before collapsing in exhaustion. Those that managed to make it, could barely put any strength behind their sparring match. Swings were slow, and the impacts between their weapons were barely audible. The few that could actually come to a clear and concise conclusion in their matches, argued and bickered over who actually won, and complained who would have to pair up with who.

>Your patience quickly ran thin trying to micromanage every single soldier into following your frequently repeated instructions, until you finally gave up and dismissed them for the evening. Most of the other squadrons had already turned in for the night anyways…

>As you watched the female recruits limp off, covered in dirt, bruises and vomit, Naomi stepped to your side and sighed deeply, "I'm sorry sir, I failed you."

>You think for a moment, not really sure how to approach the matter. It's not like you could say she was an inept leader, you knew better than that. But could you really place the blame on dozens of people? And if it was her fault, it was your fault as well. You could barely lead this squadron at all when it came to even simply coordinated instructions, how would they even manage on a battlefield when under the pressure of mortal danger-

>"Sir?" Naomi says interrupting your thoughts.

>"-H-huh? Oh…" You mumble as you take off your helmet and brush your hair back, enjoying the cool air on your sweat dampened head. "It's not your fault, it's mine…"

>"My liege, I…"

>"I… I don't know what we're going to do with them, Naomi. They haven't made any progress at all since they were recruited?"

>"No sir… ignoring the fact that some of them can't seem to follow instructions, most of them would need to train for years before they would be strong enough to join the ranks…"

>"I see…" You turn and face her. "Thank you for your hard work Naomi, we'll discuss the matter later." You turn to leave back towards camp, trying to hide your worry from passing soldiers with a stoic facade.

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ed4453 No.222989


>A rhythmic, metallic cacophony draws your attention to Perri's workshop as you walk by, acrid smoke billowing out from her massive furnace.

>The promise you made to the small smithy a few days crosses your mind. Feeling bad for allowing it to slip your memory, you walk into blistering heat permeating her work area. There you found Perri hunched over her anvil, hammering a spearhead into a point.

>As she carries the hot steel back to the furnace, her eye catches yours, "Oh, hi Anonson… How are you today?"

>You turn your head and see a woman slump by back to her tent. "Uh… I'm doing great. Just thought I would drop by to help you out… if you still need it."

>"Oh!" She gasps, fumbling to pick the spearhead back up in her tongs after dropping it, "…Y-yeah, I still need to catch up making arrows… the broadheads are already cast… they just need to be sharpened before they're attached to the shafts…" Perri points over to a grindstone with a barrel heaped with dull arrowheads, "Have you used one before?"

>Days as a squire spending countless hours sharpening kitchen knives for the chef and swords for the knights comes flooding back, "Uh yeah, a little." You say as you straddle the really low stool next the stone wheel, and awkwardly position your foot on the tiny pedal.

>Perri runs up and pecks your cheek, "…Thank you so much, this is so much help for me…"

>"No problem…" You say as you pull the wheel towards you, and keep the momentum going with the foot pedal. After you thoroughly whet the stone, you take the first arrow head and begin grinding the sides into a sharply bladed edge before placing it in the empty barrel beside you.

>After watching you intently for a moment, she seems contented with your performance and returns to her own work.

>"Perri," You say as you finish another arrowhead, "Why haven't you taken on an apprentice? I could assign some soldiers to help you if you like."

>Her next stroke with the hammer flattens the glowing metal so thin, the end hanging off the anvil snaps off. "I… I… uh… I don't… like working closely with people I don't… know…"

>"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to distract you…" You say, putting your nose back to the grindstone in shame.

>"It's… fine… Besides, my techniques were passed down from my mother… and her mother… yeah…" She picks up the broken bit and stacks it on top of the remaining form before hammering it back into single piece and putting it back into the forge, "…I can't just give that knowledge to anybody… it's… special… it's…"

>"So it's a family tradition…."

>"Yeah… although, I consider you family… if you want me to teach you that is… if that's alright with you…" Her face glows brighter than the fire in her smelter as she quickly keeps her eye on the furnace so doesn't have to face you.

>You smile, but keep a close eye on your own work as you imagine a simple life with your wife and kids, making tools and nails and what have you for the village you live in… but then you remember your surroundings, and your enthusiasm drains, replaced by thoughts of the grand responsibility set on your shoulders. The possibility of a simple life seemed impossible…

>"…It's alright… it was a silly thing to say…"

>"No it's just… I don't know if I could learn a trade right this very moment… But uh… maybe after all is said and done?" You say, finding that you're starting to take a strange comfort in the menial task at hand.

>"Oh! Of course… I didn't expect to make you a full fledged smith now! Y-you could just help me around the shop whenever you have spare time… If you want… I'm not… forcing you…" She murmurs before shaping the lump of steel out with a flurry of precision strikes of her hammer.

>"I would be honored to, Perri." You say as you re wet the grindstone between arrowheads.

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ed4453 No.222996


nah, still gonna get digits


>mother to daughter smithing tradition(s)

time to find Perri a husbando

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ed4453 No.223026


>time to find Perri a husbando


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ed4453 No.224548


>Your task is interrupted by your stomach rumbling hungrily, almost audible over the scraping of metal on the grindstone and the forging of steel on Perri's anvil. Ignoring the hunger, you resume sharpening the arrowheads. At least you try, but your stomach isn't appreciating being ignored, and responds with an almost painful churn.

>A clatter behind you makes you turn your head to the source, and see a plate with a small pile of hardtack on it. Standing up a bit, you look around to see who left it there. "Hello?" You call out, seeing no one around the workshop, before your hunger spurs you to take a piece of the dry cracker. As you bring it to your mouth, you see a small bite had been taken from the corner. "Hey Perri! Is this yours?" You shout over the din she's making.

>She glances over and cocks her head, before shaking it and returning to her job.

>Letting your hunger get the best of you, you ignore the bite mark and cram the dry, tasteless biscuit into your maw, chewing it as you work.

>Eating the last bite takes great effort, your mouth had become so dried out you almost choke on it. You cough and wheeze, looking for something to drink, but find nothing save for the bucket water you had been using to wet the stone… and looking at the murky fog within, it didn't look too clean.

>"Hey Perri…" you gasp thirstily, "I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?"

>"No I'm good…" She stops what she's and walks over, "…You sharpened this many already?"

>"Huh?" You look over at the barrels, and see that you only had a couple of handfuls worth of broadheads left to finish, "Oh, I guess I did…"

>She takes a couple finished arrowheads out, and inspects them.

>You reflexively flinch.

>"…These are very well done… all consistent and sharp edges… how did you get this good?"

>You sigh heavily in relief, "Oh, just… practice…" You say wistfully as your mind wanders back to your days as a squire.

>The Captain jams his knife into the cobblestone wall dangerously close to your head, embedding the blade halfway to the hilt. Objects on adjacent shelves are jostled off and crash to the ground from the impact, "YOU CALL THIS SHARP!? I COULDN'T EVEN CUT BUTTER WITH THIS!!!" He screams, red in the face, veins in his neck throbbing angrily, "YOU'RE GOING TO SHARPEN EVERY SINGLE KNIFE, AXE, CHISEL AND SWORD IN THIS TOWER UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT!!!"

>"…Lots of practice…" The memories make you shiver, though you can't say you didn't miss those days… at least, most of those days anyway.

>"I think I can handle the rest… thank you so much for the help." Perri says sweetly, shocking you out of your reminiscing, before giving your leg a quick hug.

>"Just let me know if you need help again." You say as you step out of her workshop, the evening chill creeping in once you leave the overbearing heat of the furnace.

>"I will!" She shouts to you, before stifling herself, and looking around nervously before returning to her work, embarrassed.

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ed4453 No.224550

our crow loli followed us

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ed4453 No.224604


>>The Captain jams his knife into the cobblestone wall dangerously close to your head, embedding the blade halfway to the hilt.

He rammed a knife halfway into a stonewall?

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ed4453 No.224612


>inb4 crow loli teaches the girls that can't fight to magic instead

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ed4453 No.225820

Snail-bitch nigga sempai, this isnt very cash money on you holding out on us

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ed4453 No.226037


I'm sorry Anon. I kept having to rewrite this scene because I'm bad at conversational dialogue. Once the action picks up again. I'll be less finicky.


>Your walk through camp is uneventful, as most of your soldiers had already turned in for the evening. You make it to the canteen tent, and see it mostly empty, save for a handful of people at the bar.

>Cree waves at you before filling a mug and placing it at an empty spot for you.

>"Thanks!" You say, taking your seat, and taking a quenching swig of the beer. As you sigh contentedly, you notice an armor clad woman on the seat at the end, hunched over the counter with her claws covering her head, and Jäeger standing up from his seat near the center, cheeks and nose red as he gets up and walks over to you. "Hey Jäeger. How's training been treating you?" You exclaim.

>"It's rough, but I think I'll manage." He says as he sits down next to you, stool creaking under his immensity, and leans in close to your ear, "Helps that I get to watch some cuties while I train!" He laughs boisterously as he straightens back up and grabs his own mug, "So what are you up this late for?"

>"I could ask you the same question… but I was just helping Perri with her smithing. You?"

>"I don't sleep much." He says flatly as he stares at the tent wall, "Feels like a waste of time, you know?"

>"Not really… I love to sleep."

>"Would imagine you don't get much sleep with that wife of yours." He says with a low chuckle.

>You ignore that remark and look around the tent, noticing the woman at the end of the bar again looking back at you, "…Naomi…?"

>She quickly turns and covers her head again, tucking her mug away within her arms.

>"She's been here all evening sulking… pretty weird considering she seems to always be stalking you. Didn't think she would leave you unattended like that…"

>Naomi's knee jerks, loudly banging into the bar.

>You get up and walk over to the seat next to her with your own drink, putting a hand on her back, "Hey, you okay?"

>She tenses at your touch, and begins to shiver slightly, "…I'm sorry sir…"

>"Um… why? You haven't done anything wrong?"

>"Ever since you came to Ebonthorn… I've done nothing but fail my duty as the crown's retainer." She laughs, "I couldn't even protect the late Queen or her only daughter, how do you expect me to protect you? As if you even need my protection… I just get in your way."

>"Naomi, that's not true and you know it… I don't think I would be alive if it wasn't for you."

>She whines under her breath, "You should never have been in danger in the first place… and I should never have… attacked you like that back then…" She hides her face in her claws, "Oh god, I'm a disgrace to the crown…"

>"Huh?" You say confused, before remembering about a month before, "Oh that! You're still worried about that? I haven't even heard the more chatty soldiers talk about that for a while."

>"I don't care… I can never live down such an abhorrent loss of self control… its no wonder I can't train those troops, I can't even stay disciplined myself…"

>"Naomi… you have a problem, but it's not your lack of discipline." You pull away and rest an elbow on the bar, resting your cheek on your fist for a moment, before realizing how uncomfortable that side of your gauntlet is and settling for your palm instead, "Remember all of those times we all went out to have fun? And if we managed to keep you from running off to go train by yourself, you would stand aside to keep guard?

>She sniffs, "I always had several guards stationed around the perimeter when I went off to train, I swear-"

>"That's the point, Naomi! You never stop! I don't think I've even seen you sleep before! And I know that Mrs. Ebonthorn had the same problem with you…" You trail off, swirling your drink around in it's mug as you fondly remember your in-law. "…I think that's the only order you ever flat out refused, or lied about. Why?"

>She stares down her drink, "I-I'm sorry sir… but my duty is my life…"

>"Naomi, you're no good to me like this. You NEED to give yourself some rest, relax just a little bit SOMETIMES… You're going to snap under all this pressure you put yourself under.

>Her grip on the mug tightens, claws shaving away curls of tin. "…Sir, I respectfully disagree. I have spent my life forging myself into a weapon of war, to protect the rightful ruler of my fellow monsters. I know my limits sir, and I am no where near them, I promise you." Her lips curl into a slight smile, "You of all people should understand. Your whole childhood was spent training for military service, to dedicate your life to protecting your own people"

>You groan silently in frustration. "That's true, but-"

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ed4453 No.226217


thought you were kill

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ed4453 No.226437


Dude the Captain was fucking built. He could chew nails up into a fine dusty paste with his teeth.

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ed4453 No.227839


>Jäeger interrupts your thoughts with a loud "WOO!" sighing sharply as he slams his empty mug down, "That's some good stuff Cree! One more before I turn in for the night!" He says holding a finger up, which promptly goes limp, "Hold that thought, I need to have a private conversation with a bush."

>"I…" You try to recompose yourself and regain your train of thought as you bring your gaze back to Naomi, "All I mean is, I still had other things I enjoyed to wind down from my training. There has to be more to life than just fighting, right?" Your own words start making you feel uncertain. "Don't you have anything else in your life? Something you're fighting so hard for?"

>She looks at you blankly, "I enjoy training, and getting stronger so I can-"

>"A-anything other than training or your duty? I always visited my parents when my training was over for the week, don't you have anyone back home? Friends? Family?"

>Her face sinks slightly, "My sisters… and brothers in arms, and the Royal Family… I…" She begins to look somewhat troubled before hardening her expression. "I need to go, sir. It's getting late, excuse me." Naomi quickly gets up and bows, unsteadily walking quickly towards the exit.

>"Naomi, wai-… damn it…" She was already walking out the door, bumping into Jäeger as he was coming back inside.

>"W-woah! Sorry bout that!" He says, stumbling out of her way before walking towards the seat next to yours, "So is she okay?"

>"I don't know… she's always been kind of pensive, but not like this… She's beating herself up just because she's had trouble training the recruits…"

>Jäeger almost chokes on his beer, but manages to swallow it down, "What are you talking about? She's a slave driver! Scarier than the paIadins that trained Towerwood's guards even."

>"No, I mean the regiment of human women. Most of them seem to be having trouble getting up to speed."

>He looks at you uncomfortably, and slowly takes his time with a long sip of his drink. "Women, huh…"

>"Yeah, neither me nor Naomi can seem to get them ready for combat at all…"

>"You're trying to make women into soldiers? You do know women aren't like the monsters you brought with you… right?" He says slightly nervous.

>You think for a moment, "Well yeah… whats your point?"

>He looks at you incredulously. "My point is women can't fight… most of them anyways. They're not built as sturdy as men, or these monsters of yours. Most of the ladies in Towerwood spent their time raising children or looking for husbands, while their husbands, fathers, and brothers hunted did woodwork or enlisted in the military. Both have important jobs, but… one has to face a lot more danger than the other, so its only natural the men would be better built for this."

>"I don't think that matters here. This crusade is too important to give us the luxury of denying anyone who's willing. And anyone can become stronger if they work hard and have the will, right? Besides, this one recruit from your city is really good! …If a bit hot headed."

>"Look, all I'm saying, is maybe you should just have them handle things like the cooking and cleaning around camp if they want to help out so bad." He says with a slight smile.

>"Are you just trying to get out of doing your own chores?"

>"N-no!" He hides his face behind his mug, "Of course not… Besides, it's your army, I can't tell you what to do. alright? Just offering my suggestion is all."

>"They really do want to fight along side their husbands… I don't want it to come to that though… But even if they stayed in camp the whole time, what if enemy soldiers managed to ambush us? …If I could just get them to be as strong as Axebeard-"

>"Oh no, you didn't recruit the Battleaxe, did you?" Jäeger takes the last swig of his beer and sets his mug down carefully, "…You might want to keep an eye on her. She's nothing but trouble. No one would hire her after she pulled a knife on her last boss, apparently she doesn't like to be told what to do for too long… no idea why she enlisted into your army to be honest."

>"Yeah, I noticed that… But I don't think she'll be a problem. I'm fairly certain I've handled worse." You say confidently, trying to keep yourself from looking too cocky.

>"I'm going to tell Mags you said that." He says with a snicker.

>"H-hey! That's not what I meant!"

>Jäeger bolts up from his stool, "Too late! I'm going to go tell her right now!"

>"Dammit Jäeger don't! It's too late to go horsing around like this!" You yell as you chase after him as he runs outside.

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ed4453 No.227849

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ed4453 No.228757


>You blinked slowly and methodically, trying to squeeze the fatigue and crust from your eyes. The early morning was cold and foggy, making it difficult to look up at the still dark sky for the returning harpy cartographer. She departed an hour ago, and you were still starting to worry already.

>You're startled out of a deep, sleepy yawn to your wife nudging you. "Hey sleepy head, I brought you some tea." She says groggily as she hands you a tin mug full of hot steaming liquid.

>"Oh thank you Mags, you're a life save." You sigh, before gingerly bringing the mug to your lips.

>"WAIT STOP!" Magdalene yells, ripping the mug out of your grip.

>"Hey! I was drinking that!"

>"That's not tea, I accidentally gave you the medicine I was working on. I needed it to react with tin for a few hours, and at this stage it might… give you an aneurysm?" Her lips curl into a nervous smile.

>You have no idea what that means, but it sounded bad. "…It's a good thing you stopped me then!" you say, laughing it off.

>"Sorry, I-I'm just tired, and I checked on my work on the way here…" She says while rubbing her eyes. "I'll go make another cup for you."

>"It's fine, Mags. I'll live without it."

>"I need to go check my work again still… if I have this, then that means I have a cup of tea ruining my work somewhere. Excuse me." She says before running off hurriedly.

>You huff tiredly, and resign to looking back at the sky before your eyes wander back down towards camp, locking onto Naomi, who stood ready nearby.

>"Naomi, I need to talk to you for a moment."

>She walks over to you, bowing politely before looking you in the eyes, "Yes, my liege?"

>"Go find and escort Jäeger back here to me."

>"Yes sir!" She turns to a nearby minotaur soldier, "You there, bring Jäeger-"

>"Naomi… I asked YOU to bring him here."

>"…Yes sir…" She points back at the soldier, "You! Stand guard here!"

>"Yes ma'am!" She says as she salutes her superior.

>Minutes later, Naomi returns with Jäeger in tow, who looks at you guiltily, "Look, if this is about knocking over your wife's alchemy stuff while I was running around the other night, I told you, I was drunk, and it was an accident!"

>"No, it's not about that Jäeger, it's about your position as my bodyguard, Naomi."

>Naomi attempts to stay cool, but her irises visible contract in response, "A-are my services insufficient sir? Did I not bring him here fast enough?"

>You shake your head, "No, quite the opposite. I've been thinking about your exemplary dedication, and feel that you work far too hard on your own."

>"I… thank you sir, but I don't quite understand why you-"

>"Jäeger, you're to be my dedicated body guard alongside Naomi, understood?"

>He snaps back to attention from picking his nose, "W-whoa what? I'm promoted? What for?"

>"Who better to be Naomi's squire than a man who's spent years surrounded by nature, and has honed his senses and intuition to an edge keener than any blade?"

>"S-sir, I must object, this man tried to kill you a little over a week ago! And besides! He's a drunken, undisciplined oaf!"

>"No objection here!" Jäeger says a little too enthusiastically. "Yeah, sorry kid, I have to side with her on this one. Why don't you have Kenneth be your second bodyguard? I imagine he'd be good at it with that huge shield of his…"

>"Absolutely not. This is an order, and it's final, end of discussion. Naomi, I want you to teach Jäeger so he's prepared for his new role, and stay by his side at all times unless absolutely necessary. Jäeger, like before, you'll answer to Naomi to the letter. Understood?"

>Jäeger nods, "Understood sir!"

>Naomi stares at you, mortified. "Yes… sir… understood."

>"Good! I hope this will alleviate some of your heavy burden, Na-"

>A loud smattering of flapping wings interrupts you, as a heavily injured harpy scout collapses onto the dirt nearby.

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ed4453 No.229027


>After fetching the medics, you helped them carefully transport the scout to the medical tent and onto a cot.

>Her body was skewered with arrows, and while they hadn't hit any vital organs, and miraculously, no vital arteries, they were still in deep and removing them recklessly would make her bleed out. The nurses worked tirelessly to keep the bleeding to a minimum as they waited for Magdalene to prepare reagents for her fleshweaving.

>Your wife had already studied harpy anatomy in case Becky ever got injured, so she was confident in her ability to revive her.

>Only it wasn't that simple…

>The scout lay unconscious in her cot, skin pale, and dripping with sweat as she breathed unevenly.

>"We're ready to begin the procedure, ma'am."

>Magdalene approaches, with a few vials of reagents between her fingers, "I have everything prepared… somethings wrong." she goes between the other medics, and feels the harpy's forehead, "She's burning up!"

>"It might be an infection… she was fine a moment ago…" the arachne nurse utters nervously.

>"That shouldn't be too much of a problem… lets begin." Your wife says, gently grabbing the patients cheeks and squeezing her mouth open before carefully pouring the reagents into her lips one by one. Gingerly placing her fingers on her temples, Magdalene leans over her, and begins chanting quietly under her breath. Her fingertips flash with light, which pulses through the harpy's body in steady pulses. "Okay… begin." She presses her lips against her forehead, as the other medics set to work.

>The medics slowly and carefully pull out the arrows from her body one by one, the wounds healing shut as they're pulled out, and placing the bloodied missiles on a nearby tray until eventually they were all removed.

>"And now to clear up the… Unhh…" Your wife groans weakly, "S-something is wrong… this isn't a normal infection… I need to stop." She pulls away, traces of mana arcing between her and the patient's body before fizzling away.

>You wrap an arm around her waist and help her stay steady as she sways from the exertion, "What's wrong?"

>"I can't purge it from her system… the reagents I gave her were for a general infection but this… Let me see those arrows." She steps away from you and over towards the tray, picking up the arrows and inspecting the tips closely. "Where did you remove this one?"

>"From her wing, ma'am."

>She holds the arrowhead up to you to see, "See that residue? I think this one was poisoned."

>"Can't you cure her with your magic?" You ask, becoming slightly anxious.

>"I can… if I knew what this poison is. I-it's not like any poison I've read about before though. I need time to run some tests on it, but…"

>"There's no time, her condition is worsening, and she'll be long gone by then." The nurse says sternly.

>Magdalene lowers her head, and walks to the harpy's side once more, placing her hands on her wing, closing her eyes and concentrating, slowly moving her hands up the limb and to the chest. "…It's spread through her entire wing, but if we… remove it… and soon… we could save her…"

>A heavy silence permeates the tent.

>Your wife looks up determined, "There's no time to hesitate. We need to do this now."

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ed4453 No.230088


is she that cute harpy that drew the map with her mouth?

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ed4453 No.230226

We Katawa Shoujo now

Also where did the hellhound go?

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ed4453 No.231513


Yes, I should probably give her a name at this point.


>The medics retrieve aprons and masks, and as your wife hurriedly puts her set on, she turns to you, "Honey, we're going to need to keep the tent clear, since this is a delicate procedure."

>The arachne medic lifts up a sturdy looking bone saw and inspects it carefully.

>"Would you mind leaving a guard at the entrance so we can have some privacy?" Magdalene says as she looks over the assortment of equipment on a nearby table.

>"Yeah, sure…"

>Her hand recoils from an empty spot on the table, "Damn it, I left my alembic in the cart. Would you mind getting it for me?"

>"Of course!" you say eager to help in any way you could.

>"Thanks! It's in the cart behind the food storage." She covers the lower half of her face with a white cloth mask, "Please hurry, but be careful. I don't want to have to ask Perri to make a new one."

>As you walked along the caravan of supply carts, you peeked into the back of each wagon, giving the contents a cursory glance. Extra tents rolled up around their poles, uniforms folded up in crates, spare weaponry hanging on racks and stuffed in barrels, barrels and crates filled with dried, salted, and pickled foods softly illuminated with candlelight. So it stand to reason the medical supplies are in the next cart. As you peek inside, you hear a slight giggle from the food cart and think nothing of it as your eyes rest on a slightly dusty alembic sitting in an open crate, padded with several layers of cloth.

>"Oh, that's not the worst one I know! …But I don't think you need to hear that one."

>You climb inside, and gingerly grab the alembic, slowly recognizing the murmuring nearby as Lucy's. Setting the equipment back down into the cloth, you crawl back out of the cart and walk briskly back to the previous wagon.

>As you look inside, you hear some slight scuffling under Lucy's voice, "…Alright I'll… uh… uh… oh…" She stares at you blankly, as she sits cross-legged by a small candle which illuminated her, paw holding onto a half eaten piece of hard tack, crumbs covering her lap. An open book lie beside her, along with more crumbs, and another half eaten cracker, and two mugs.

>"Lucy what in the world are you doing?" You ask incredulously.

>"I uh…"

>"So this is where you've been hiding?" And you've been the one stealing the hardtack!? If you were hungry, why couldn't you just ask!?"

>"I-It's not like you're hurting on supplies…" She mumbles.

>"That's not the point, you know I can't just have people eating our supplies without rationing them out." You sigh and reach over, grabbing Lucy's collar firmly, inspecting the mess as you pull her out of the cart, "You couldn't even finish what you had eaten before taking another?"

>She looks down at the ground, avoiding your gaze.

>"The moment I think I can at least trust you to leave my side and you pull this… I'm really disappointed in you, Lucy."

>Your pet merely remains silent.

>"You're going to explain this to Maggie, she's been pulling her hair out trying to figure out what was happening to our supplies, and she has enough to worry about as it is. Do you understand?"

>"…Ysmmrr…" she grumbles as she barely manages to keep up with her legs as you pull her along back to the medical supply cart.

>"Also, it's time you actually started pulling your weight around here. Of course that's my fault for spoiling you…" You pull out a long coiled strip of leather, and show it to her. "I'm going to have to go back to this until you prove I can trust you again.

>She merely nods, not even looking at you as you tie it around the ring on her collar and tie the other end to the cart.

>You climb inside the wagon and grab the alembic, carefully cradling the cloth swaddled, glass alembic in your arms as you gently climb back out, "That reminds me, when Magdalene isn't busy, she needs to give you a check up… I had no idea her fleshweaving had done that to you."

>"…It's getting better, I'm not as numb as I was before." She says quietly.

>"I meant the… infertility."

>An awkward silence passes before she looks up at you tiredly, "That wasn't her… don't worry about it, okay?"

>"Oh… Lucy, if you told us, I'm sure Magdalene would be able to-"

>"NO!" She shouts, before tilting her head back down in shame of her outburst, "…I mean… she can't. Don't worry about it."


>"Please M-… Anonson… just… drop it and I'll be a good girl, okay? I'm sorry."

>You look at her as she looks up at you with a stony face, lips pressed tightly into a line as if she's struggling to hold something back.

>"Alright." You resign, as you undo the leash from the wagon and loop it around your wrist, "This doesn't excuse you for your poor behavior, though. I'm going to work you to the bone to make up for your slack, understood?"

>"Yes… understood…"

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ed4453 No.231552


>You returned to the medical tent with Lucy in tow, and the alembic wrapped in cloth. The guard you stationed at the entrance saw you approach and saluted you, before peeking into the tent and shouting, "Your husband has returned, ma'am!"

>A series of labored grunts, punctuated by a triumphant, "Got it alright quick, we need to close this up!"

>"Alright, send him in, quickly!" She shouts out.

>"Here, hold this." You say as you hand the human guard your leash, turning to it's wearer, "I?"

>The guard steps aside for you, and you quickly walk inside, a slight iron tang hanging in the air. Magdalene suddenly walks out from behind a canvas curtain, smock covered in spatters of blood as she holds a severed wing in her hand, "Quickly, set the alembic down on the table and leave! I need to run the tests quickly while it's still fresh!" She says with urgency.

>You do as you're told and carefully set it down, "She'll be okay right? When can I talk to her?"

>"I'll let you know, now leave! I need to work!" She shouts, before gently turning you towards the exit and pushing you out. "Sorry, I just… I'll explain later. No time right now!" She says, her eyes wide with stress. "I love you, I'll send for you when we're done."

>You lean in to give her a kiss, and see her face mask slightly flecked with blood, making you think better of it, "Love you too."

>A slight smile is noticeable from behind her mask, before she quickly turns around and runs back into the tent.

>As you walk back outside, the guard hands you the leash, looking slightly uncomfortable. "Thank you. She didn't give you any trouble did she?"

>"N-no sir? She just stood there…" He says, stealing nervous glances off of Lucy as she stands there looking slightly annoyed.

>"Good. Come along Lucy. I've put this off for a while, but we're getting you an actual uniform." You say, gently tugging on the leash as you walk to the smithy.

>"What's wrong with what I'm wearing now!?" She pouts.

>"You're practically in rags."

>"I'm wearing enough! It covers what's important! Besides, it would be a crime to cover-"

>"You're in my army, you're in uniform. End of discussion." You snap, "Besides, I don't want you getting sick in this colder weather."

>"I…" She looks away and remains silent for a moment, "…I'm attuned to the fires of hell. The cold doesn't bother me."

>"Better safe than sorry." You say shortly, half expecting her to continue complaining. But much to your surprise she remains quiet.

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ed4453 No.231553


>Perri's workshop still billowed with a steady stream of smoke, and the heat emanating the area made it feel as if you had never left the desert at all. A tall, red woman towered over the already diminutive blacksmith, who handed something small to Natsuko.

>"Thanks, littlest buddy! It's perfect!" She says, before lifting Perri up into a powerful hug.

>She could only speak in muffled groans as she looked over the oni's bust, eyeing at you desperately for help.

>"Hey Natsuko! What are you doing?" You call out as you wave.

>She turns her head and smiles, dropping Perri from her grasp and walking over to you. "Never better! I haven't been this happy in a long time, honestly!" She says, a large smile plastered on her face.

>"Oh, why's that?"

>She digs in the pouch on her belt for a moment, before handing a few vials to Perri, craning her neck as she looked around, before kneeling in front of you. "Promise you wont say anything?"

>"Of course!"

>Natsuko holds out her clenched hand, and slowly opens her fingers, revealing a small, glistening silver ring, with a tiny ruby in the center. "I-I… I'm going to propose to Erdrick!" She whispers excitedly.

>"Really? That's great, Natsuko!

>"I'm still really nervous though… but he makes me so happy, Anonson! I don't think I've ever felt this way about a man before!"

>Lucy snorts, "More like manle-OOF!"

>You gently elbow her in the ribs and shoot her a dirty look, "I wish you the best. Let me know when the wedding is!" You tease.

>"I will, I will…" She chuckles, her smile slowly shrinking as she stands up, tucking the ring into a pouch as she looks down at you, "What's wrong, little buddy? You look a little down."

>"I'm just worried about the scout that returned this morning…"

>"Ohh… It's that bad? Is she going to make it?"

>"I think so… but they had to remove her wing. One of the arrows that hit her wing was poisoned and they weren't able to cure it… so they had to cut it off before it spread."

>Natsuko's gentle smile spreads thin, "Oh… well… she'll be in my prayers."

>For some reason, her response only makes you feel worse. "Thank you, Natsuko. That means a lot."

>"No problem, little buddy." She says, heaving a heavy sigh, "I'll see you at the canteen later?"

>"Yeah? Where else would I be?" You say, trying to find your smile again.

>"Smart ass." She laughs before walking away.

>You turn away and stare at nothing in particular, distracted by the morning's events, until Perri tugs at your hand.

>"Hi." She says quietly, "Need something?

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ed4453 No.231911


>"Oh, I'm sorry Perri, I didn't mean to get in your way."

>"…You didn't…" She says quietly, eye darting between you and Lucy nervously. "…S-so…"

>"Oh, I need a uniform for my dog. Something warm but easy to move in."

>She blinks at you before turning around, "…I think I have something she can use." she mumbles before walking over to the back of her steam-powered cart, waggling her short legs as she clambers up inside. A few terrifying clangs and crashes later, she comes out unfazed holding a bundle of leather garments in her arms. "…You left this at my workshop when you visited me…"

>You take the clothes from Perri and unfold them, draping them out in front of you, before pressing them against Lucy, who looked at you grumpily as you compared the size. "Hmm, they look a little big for her. Could you make it smaller?"

>"…Yeah…" She says before taking a roll of measuring tape from her apron pocket, and walking over to your pet. The smith stretches out the tape, and quickly measures Lucy with little regard to her personal space or comfort.

>"Ow! Careful you monoeyed little-" She lets out a sharp inhale as Perri turns away, a hammer on her belt swinging recklessly and hitting her in the shin, "Shhhhiii-!!! You did that on purpose you-"

>You grab Lucy roughly by the ear and tug her head down a bit, "Now now, I'm sure it was an accident, right?"

>"…Of course…" Perri utters, chuckling under her breath.

>She lays the garments flat on an empty work bench, and pulls a knife from her belt. With a swift, accurate motion, she slices down the seams of the garments layers, measuring, and remeasuring, and cutting off strips of material. Perri's hands moved with dizzying speed and precision.

>You sat down on a nearby barrel and watched quietly, thoughts guiltily slipping back to the injured scout.

>Lucy scoffs and walks about, looking at the weapons on the racks, before picking up a spear and inspecting it.

>"Lucy, put that back." You scold, watching her out of the corner of your eye.

>She whines in boredom as she sets it back on the rack.

>Perri pulls out a bolt of thick, woven wool, and cuts pieces out of it, laying several layers of it between the lining and the leather, before sewing it together. She does the same with the leggings, and several minutes later, she finishes up and holds them up for you, "…Done, and I added more padding so it should be… safer." She says with a slight smile and a gleam in her eye.

>You take the armor, and hand it to Lucy, "Go ahead and put this on, see if she got it to fit right."

>"Fine…" She takes the jacket, and looks it over, and then at you, "Don't watch me get dressed, you're making me feel self conscious…"

>"Says someone who was fine strutting about half naked!" You exclaim, "Just put it on…"

>With a huff, she slips into the leggings, before donning the gambeson. "Uuugh, this makes me look fat!"

>"Stop complaining!" You reach over and start fastening the belts until the jacket fits snugly. "…How's that, can you move alright?"

>"I look stupid, don't you have anything sexier?"

>"Hey, this was my old armor!!" You say defensively, "Besides, if you don't wear it, don't blame me when enemy archers make you a pin cushion when you're on the front lines with me."

>"F-front lines?" She says nervously.

>"You're a hellhound, aren't you? Thought such a dangerous criminal from such a proud race would make a good war hound… Or was that all just talk?" Perri hands you a folded up crimson tabard, which you unfold and drape over Lucy's head, tucking it through the belt on her waist.

>Her face contorts into a scowl, small puffs of flames flicking out from her eyes, "I'll show you! I'll bring back a dozen of those paIadins' skulls! You'll see!"

>"Good! Now lets help you break into that armor and do some laps!" You start walking briskly, pulling Lucy along on her leash. "Thank you for the uniform, Perri!"

>"You're welcome…" Her voice softening as you jog towards the camp's border.

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ed4453 No.232089


>You ran across the perimeter of camp, joining the other recruits in their exercise.

>Naomi and Jäeger caught up and ran beside you and Lucy. Jäeger, despite his heavy frame, ran with a paradoxical grace, long strides that allowed him to effortlessly keep up with Naomi as she sprinted at a steady pace.

>As you picked up the pace, you made sure Lucy had enough slack on her leash, before paying attention to the path in front of you. Once more, your thoughts drifted to earlier in the morning, but you quickly shook them away when you realized you were running too fast, slowing back into a reasonable pace, and focusing on the present.

>But the monotony took it's toll, and images of your battle with the golem in Towerwood crawled it's way into your mind, it's caustic breath reducing your soldiers to puddles.

>"Hey! Slow down! I can't keep up!" Lucy gasps,

>"Sorry…" But your mind drifts back to all the death you've faced, the world around you fading away as the memories begin to feel as real as they did when they happened. Your heart raced as you tried to shut the thoughts out of your mind

>"-Grkrkkrkkk-! …Anon…son… Stop…" You hear choked out behind you.

>You freeze in place and looked back, Lucy clutching at her collar in a deathgrip as she lie on the ground, covered in dirt and grass stains. "Oh my god! Lucy, I'm so sorry!" you say as you help her up to her feet.

>"Can't you at least… give me a longer leash!?" She wheezes out.

>"Yeah… Are you able to keep going, or do you need to rest?"

>"…I'll live. Let's keep going… just pay more attention this time!" She chides, before her face softens slightly, "Please…"

>After a few hours of distracting yourself with training, your patience ran out, and you found yourself returning to the medical tent.

>"My Queen! Your husband is back, shall I let him in?" the guard calls out.

>"Y-yeah, you can come in, honey!" She calls out.

>You walk into the tent, and towards the back where your wife sat at a table, hand clutching at her head as she pored over an open tome.

>"Is she going to be alright?"

>"Magdalene remains quiet for a moment, before tearing herself away form her reading, "Huh? Yeah, she'll be okay… we had complications. Trace amounts of poison remained in the rest of her body. I-I had to create an antidote with the samples I extracted from her amputated limb. I don't know how I managed it, to be honest…" She turns back to the book and flips it back a few pages, stopping on a page with a sketch of an exotic looking fungus, "The poison was made from an extract of this mushroom… which doesn't grow anywhere on this side of the world. It spreads quickly, and necrotizes flesh as it's fully absorbed into the body. The only reason I even know what it was, was because I remembered reading about it when I was upset at my mother after an argument we had…

>"You were going to poison your own mother!?"

>"N-no! I was seven at the time… and I was researching how to give her the runs because she wouldn't let me eat dessert for reading at the dinner table! I didn't want to listen to her gossip with the other members of The Circle! I wanted to finish reading the ending of Sabbath Sisters!" She pouts.

>"Isn't that still… never mind… so will she be okay?" You ask.

>"Well… she'll live… She's awake now, and should be able to talk to you, if you like."

>"Yeah… we need to find out what happened since we're going to invade Watchharbor the day after tomorrow.

>Magdalene looks at you grimly, "Just… don't push her okay? She might be in a fragile state of mind right now, and we don't know how she'll react to being barraged with questions after losing her wing…"

>You nod, "I understand."

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ed4453 No.232307


>Magdalene led you to the curtain enclosed area where the scout was being treated. She lie on the bed, upper body propped upright, and seemed to be asleep

>You slowly walked over and sat down on the stool nearby. The creak of the wood seemed to rouse her from her slumber, and she sleepily turns her head to face you and smile. "I made it, sir."

>"Good job, soldier." You sigh in relief, "…How are you holding up?"

>Her smile widens, "I feel great sir! Thanks for asking!"

>"That's good!" You say, feeling the guilt weighing down on you alleviate slightly, "Would you mind telling me what happened?"

>"Yeah, sure thing, sir!" She rubs her chin with her remaining wing's thumb-like appendage, "I have no clue how, but as soon as I was able to see the city's wall, I starting getting shot at by archers." Her brow scrunches up in thought, "There was no way they should have seen me at the height I was at though. It's like they knew I was coming…" I thought I could dodge them while I got a better look of the city… but before I could even make a decision, I got shot in my wing, so I immediately tried to escape, and while I fled, I started getting dizzy, and my wing felt like it was on fire…" She grimaces and reflexively grabs at the space where her wing was, "…doesn't hurt as much any more, though!" She laughs, patting her bandaged stump.

>"You think they knew you were coming?" You clasp your hands together and lean forward. They might have seen her fly here…

>"Did I do something wrong, sir? Are you upset that I couldn't get you a map?"

>"What?…No of course not. You did a fine job! I was just thinking…"

>"Well… I do remember some things, like the wall being made of stone brick, and they definitely have archers on the ramparts!" She says in a joking tone. "…I think the wall extended out a fair distance into the ocean, so I imagine you're not getting around it without a boat."

>"Hmm… anything else?"

>"Yeah…" Her eyebrows arch with worry, "…Will I still be allowed to serve in your army, sir?"

>You look at her, and force your frown back into a grin, "Of course! I mean, you're free to retire as well, if you want…"

>She stares at you uncomfortably.

>"B-but you can still help at camp, obviously! I'm sure we have a job we can give you, right Mags?" You turn to your wife, pleading her to help you out with your eyes.

>"RIght! How are you with mathematics? I could use help with the record keeping!"

>"I uh… that's the thing with numbers… right?" the harpy says with a scratch of her head.

>Magdalene knits her brow, "Uh… that's okay, uh, how about… I…"

>"How about…" You put a hand on Magdalene's shoulder, "…You get some rest, and we'll give you your new duties when you're fully healed. Those are your new orders."

>"Right away sir!" She says with a salute, sinking back into her pillow.

>"If you'll excuse me, then." You get up and walk out.

>Magdalene keeps pace at your side as you leave the tent.

>"She seems like she took it well… how did she seem when she woke up?"

>"Surprisingly calm… she didn't seem bothered at all…" Magdalene says with uncertainty in her voice.

>"Is that bad?"

>"No… but I think we should keep a close eye on her. She might be in a lot of pain, and simply hiding it well… I hope I'm wrong, though."

>"I'm sure she'll be fine, she seems pretty tough if she managed to fly back here injured like that."

>"I hope so…"

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ed4453 No.232706


We've got to kill her before she turns into a mushroom girl, and tried to enslave everyone.

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ed4453 No.232839


>The sun was setting after a long, stressful day. Soldiers were returning from the training grounds, groaning and complaining as they rubbed at their sore muscles.

>You yourself were feeling more winded than usual as you trudged to the canteen, where you had promised to join your friends at the end of the day. Camp was crowded with soldiers, all gnawing at food and upending drink while they conversed among their squadrons.

>It only got livelier as you approached the canteen. You had to squeeze and weave your way through the crowd, craning your head to and fro, looking for your companions.

>"Hey Champ! Over here!" Kenneth calls out, waving has hand about.

>You navigate over, and sit down next to Magdalene. All of your friends greeting you as settle into your seat.

>Iris lazily floats over the crowd, gently landing by the table with several bowls cradled in her eyestalks and arms. She set one down in front of everyone, setting hers down last next to you and licking one of her fingers, "Hope everyone likes it! I helped that young ghost girl make it from an old family recipe." She looks over at Erdrick, who yelps as he nearly drops his bowl. "Oh, careful deary, it's still hot!"

>As Naomi wipes down Erdrick's face, you turn to Naomi, who looks irritated as Jäeger keeps sliding a mug of beer over in front of her, which she promptly slides back away.

>"So, Naomi, how has your new understudy been on his first day? Have you been getting along alright?"

>Naomi opens her mouth to speak, "He's absolutely-" She turns towards him, "We're still on duty! No alcohol!" She looks back at you poorly hiding her frustration, "He's still learning."

>"Aw come on, Naomi, you've got guards surrounding a tent of heavily armed soldiers, I'm sure we'll be fine." He says before chugging the entirety of Naomi's mug in one fluid motion.

>"Glad to hear things are going smoothly, keep up the good work you two…" you become distracted by the increasingly loud chanting by the crowd of people surrounding the next table over, punctuated by the rhythmic striking of wood. Curious, you get up and look between the excited throng.

>A badgerwoman sat at the table, hand laid out on the table with fingers spread apart, as the knife in her other hand danced slowly between them, gradually picking up speed.

>"FUCK! GAAH! DAMMIT!" She shouts, the crowd groaning in empathetic pain as the soldier clenched her bleeding hand.

>A human woman, who you immediately recognize as Gilda, laughs and reaches over for the discarded dagger, "You call THAT being good with a knife!? This is too easy…" She grabs the discarded dagger, and lays out her own hand. The slow, careful stabs quickly pick up pace, until the blade is a blur, rapidly rapping on the wood.

>The crowd starts getting rowdy, cheering on the impressive display.

>She starts getting fancy with the order, still maintaining her skillful speed and accuracy, until eventually looking satisfied with herself and embedding the knife into the table triumphantly. "Alright, pay up."

>Her opponent grumbles angrily as she fishes into a pouch hanging from her belt, pulling something out and placing it into Gilda's open palm with a crystalline tinkling.

>Gilda looks at her prize and scrunches her brow, "What the hell is this?"

>"It's a week's worth of my pay, like we agreed." She says plainly.

>The woman looks at her slyly, "Oh I get it, this is some of the good stuff, isn't it?" She says in a whisper, as she uncorks the vial, "Wonder how strong you monster's make it…" She upends the tiny glass vessel and sucks out the viscous fluid, before coughing and groaning in disgust, "Eugh… Tastes like salty mucus… better be good shit."

>"Oh yeah, it's really good, its supposed to be from the King himself!"

>Your cheeks feel unsure to be drained or flushed with blood as the realization hits you, and some of the men start snickering.

>"Wait, what kind of king pays his soldiers in drugs?"

>"Drugs? Nooo, that's semen." The badgerwoman says with no hint of shame.

>Gilda's face nearly turns green, "What… the fuck, sick fucks are you!? You fucking scammed me! GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY!" She grabs the dagger from the table and attempts to climb over it before being restrained by the other soldiers. "YOU MONSTERS ARE FUCKING SICK! GOD DAMNED PERVERTS!"

>Naomi bolts out of her seat and shoves soldiers out of her way as she storms over to the soldiers holding Gilda back as she thrashes about, "Take her into solitary! Maybe a few days in irons will give her time to cool off."

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ed4453 No.232851


What are you talking about?

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ed4453 No.232932


I think he is saying those were mushroom poison was made from matango

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ed4453 No.233361


I am interested to see where this goes. What 3DPD will think of monster girls' needs?

I like it.

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ed4453 No.235229

Spoilers: The mushroom isn't matango. Not sure if I'll ever get to it in this story, but matango aren't biohazards in this canon.


>"…S'cuse me, guys… gotta go help the boss out." Jäeger says as he gets up from his seat, awkwardly attempting to politely maneuver his large frame through the crowd.

>As Naomi and Jäeger took Gilda from the crowd's grip and out of the canteen kicking and screaming, you sat back down at your seat at the table. Everyone looked at each other in awkward silence, before looking down at their meals, slowly taking bites until the discomfort began to fade, and the other soldiers slowly returned to their business.

>"…Such a little firebrand that girl is." Iris says, breaking the silence.

>"That's an understatement." Kenneth huffs.

>The old priestess chugs her beer, sighing contently after a long draught, "It's probably just a phase. I was just like her when I was around her age."

>"Gramma… you've been a priestess since childhood… I couldn't even imagine you swearing." Magdalene says incredulously.

>Iris stares into her empty mug, longing for it to be full again, "…I've never told anyone this before, but I supposed I've got enough liquid courage to remember…" She absentmindedly My father left me and my mother when I was barely a young lady, and while my mother was a strong woman, his abandonment absolutely devastated.her. Though, I suppose it was because she was strong, it hurt her all the more…"

>As if she read her mind, Cree floated over and sympathetically refilled her mug.

>"Thank you, dear…"

>"What kind of scumbag would leave their wife and child like that!?" Natsuko shouts, Erdrick whining in discomfort as she reflexively held him too tightly.

> Neither of us had any idea why father would just leave like that… neither did anyone in the community at the time. He could be a little brooding, and some people thought he was scary, but he was just a big sweet teddybear at heart, and was beloved by most for his tireless and selfless work to help people around him… When he left, everyone in the city was confused why he would just disappear like that, when everyone assumed that my parent's had a storybook marriage. And all these years, of trying to remember any reason at all why he left, and I still for the life of me can't remember anything. They never fought, there was no tension between them, their passion for each other was… less than subtle, even to the end." Her face warms slightly as she chuckles sadly, " And he just… left… disappeared…" She takes a hearty chug of her beer, recomposing herself as she cradles a red-eyed eyestalk in her arms, "The whole village was at a loss, he was such an important keystone to the village, and… My mother stayed strong for me… but I could tell she was still hurting, even when she trained me and loved me with more passion then ever, it was as if she was trying to make up for father's absence… And at the time, I thought she was going to get better and move on with her life… until… one day…" She chokes and sniffs, as she pets the eyestalk and dabs it with a hankerchief, "…she took her own…" Iris bit her upper lip, before drowning it in booze, her face returning to normal, despite her eyestalks still remaining moist.

>"Oh my god… Gramma, I had no idea…" Your wife said as she reached over and clutched Iris's hand.

>She returns a smiles, "I-it's alright dear, it's not your fault… but at the time, I was overwhelmed with grief… and, it didn't help that this was when my only lover, my beloved, Erdrick, was taken from me… I was so angry… at everything… I made a lot of mistakes… and hurt others that were close to me because of it. I felt I was justified for my actions back then, I thought everyone I loved was gone, and that the people I was hurting weren't people I should care about, simply because we weren't bound by blood. I was so quick to throw away my parents' lessons as soon as they were gone…" Her eyestalks go limp, as she stares down at the table clutching her mug so tightly her already pale hands went white-knuckled.

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ed4453 No.235230


>"What did you do?" Erdrick asks with show of concern that took you by surprise.

>Iris's fogged, center eye seemed to lose even more focus as she remained completely quiet.

>You reach over and pat her hand gentle, "…Iris? Are you okay?"

>"H-huh?" She says, jolting upright and looking around, "Oh… I'm here… sorry… I think I've had too much to drink. I've gone and ruined the mood." Iris says, salvaging a motherly grin.

>"It's fine Gramma, you don't have to apologize for that!" You say, trying to reassure her with a smile of your own.

>"Thank you dear… I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight though. My weary old bones are giving me trouble again… Everyone have a good evening."

>"Do you need me to walk you to your tent, ma'am?" You ask.

>"No, it's okay. I'll be fine by myself, thank you."

>Everyone told her goodnight as she slowly shuffled off outside, but Magdalene remained quiet, seemingly troubled by something.

>"Honey? Everything okay?"

>"I think… I'm going to go to bed too. Would you mind coming with me?"

>"Oh, sure. I'm feeling a bit tired myself, honestly." You say as you take her hand, and help her out of her seat before sliding her chair in, "Goodnight every one."

>"Goodnight, champ! Don't you two love bird be too loud this time!" Kenneth exclaims, before whining as Gwen pulls at his ear.

>"Goodnight sweeties, don't mind him." Gwen says.

>The two of you leave the canteen, and start walking back to the tent.

>As soon as you leave the dense throng of soldiers eating their supper, Magdalene looks around suspiciously, before leaning in close to your ear, "Did what Gramma say seem weird to you?"

>"Yeah… I can't believe her parents were that selfish…" You grumble.

>"That's not it… Anonson… my grandmother has lived in Ebonthorn since birth…"

>"And? Lots of people live in the same place their whole life."

>"No! You don't understand! Humans haven't had equal rights in Ebonthorn until you took the throne… That's been the case for at least SEVERAL centuries. Only the elite could afford male human slaves… And IF that's the case, how did she have a father everyone respected, AND a lover as well?"

>"Maybe her family was rich?" You deduce thoughtlessly.

>"But… how could she be? Her parent's were priests too… and only until recently, the Temple of Light has barely had any followers… even now with the temple regularly packed in, all of it only goes to basic living essentials, while the rest goes to the less fortunate… and even if her family could afford it, how was her father respected as anything but a sex slave? None of this makes sense…"

>"…I guess not… but I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, right?" You ask uncertainly.

>"I'm sure there's an explanation… but I can't think of any way it could ever be reasonable…"

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ed4453 No.235979


>It was early in the morning. So early that the sun had yet to begin to rise, and yet the camp was still bustling with activity as soldiers prepared themselves for the coming siege.

>You and Magdalene helped each other get into your armor, giving each other a kiss before putting on your helmets. A familiar rush of flames pierces over the din of work and chatter.

>"Everything feel snug? Did you make sure to go before we put the armor on? What abou-"

>"Honey, I'm fine, everything is ready." You laugh.

>"Well excuse me for worrying about you!" She huffs.

>"Deary, why aren't you wearing the cloak I made you? You'll catch a cold." Iris says, as she hobbles over.

>"It gets in the way of my wings, Gramma." Magdalene says a bit sternly. "Besides, this armor is warm enough on it's own with all the padding."

>"…Fair enough, deary." She turns to you, "Please stay safe, both of you."

>"We will, ma'am." You assure her. Magdalene has still been a bit cold towards Iris since the other night, but neither of you were willing to talk to the old priestess about it.

>"Thank you… by the by, you still haven't given your pet something to defend herself with." Iris says, looking at Lucy as she tugs at her brigandine uncomfortably.

>"She's got claws, doesn't she?" You say.

>"Deary, those flimsy claws could barely scratch wood, much less chain mail." She says, tightly gripping Lucy's paw, which makes her let out a soft whine. Iris hikes up her robe with a free hand, and grabs a pair of stilettos that had been strapped to her thigh. She hands them to Lucy, and forcibly squeezes her paw closed around the ornately decorated hilts. "Keep those safe, won't you?" She leans in uncomfortably close to her face, and speaks in a low whisper, "And if another drop of my children's blood is spilled at all, by you or anyone else…" Iris's clouded eye flashes, "…Understood? She says in a chipper voice.

>Lucy shudders fearfully, still staring where Iris had been despite her coming over towards you and Magdalene for a group hug.

>"May the Gods watch over you both! If you excuse me, I'm going to go make some tea before getting a good seat somewhere…" She says before floating off, mumbling to herself about what tea she should make.

>You marched through the sparsely wooded field, the synchronized stomp of boots and jingling steel from the legion of soldiers at your back.

>Kenneth and Natsuko had both gone ahead of you, leading their own regiments poised to flank the sides of the city in the hopes that the archers on the walls would have their focus split trying to take on an attack from all sides.

>At least you had hoped.

>Going in this blind should have worried you. The flat terrain and lack of natural cover should have worried you. And while they were concerns that you were keeping in mind, you felt much calmer than you did on the last siege. Were you already getting used to this?

>The sun began to rise in the horizon to your right, and the walls of Watchharbor loomed in the distance, and just as you were told, the polished white marble masonry gleamed in the morning sun.

>You could see the soldiers atop the walls spot you and begin to panic, shouting at each other for a moment before taking positions. They all lined up on the walls all nock arrows onto their longbows in a unified and clockwork motion, all trained directly and only at you.

>You begin to feel tension in the air thicken. but you remain calm, step forward, and speak out in a clear, authoritative voice, amplified by your helmet's visor.

"City of Watchharbor! The Kingdom of Ebonthorn has come to form peace between humans and monsters! Surrender and open your gates, and let us avoid this senseless bloodshed!"


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ed4453 No.235980


>Feeling a bit nervous by the lack of reply, or even retaliation, you speak again.

"Look at my troops! Among them are humans from different cities, and they fight for this cause of their own free will! Does this not prove we mean no… harm…"

>The sun begins glaring off of… something you can't quite make out, up on the ramparts over the city's gate, making it hard for you to see. You try to ignore it, but the glare becomes more and more intense, to the point where it feels like its even burning your eyes even when closed. You raise an arm to block the light, when you hear the twang of a single bow break the silence, and a powerful impact strikes your vambrace with a loud ring echoing through the field.

>Jerking your arm down you see an arrow falling in an arc. Heart racing from the shock, you snatch it in mid air and glance at the tip, noticing its caked in a familiar looking sickly residue. You throw it down onto the ground with an angry snarl, and your helmet erupts into flames as you yell.


>You let out war cry that stings your throat, slinging your warhammer from your back, and into your tightened grip as you charge forward.

>The rest of the soldiers fire their arrows at you, but with a clatter of armor, the shield line behind you rushes to your aid and deflects them all behind a wall of steel.

>Running between the soldiers who defended you, you lead your army in the charge towards Watchharbor's wall. Looking up, on the ramparts, you look to try to find the source of the glare, but see it's since disappeared…

>Your own archers begin firing volleys of their own towards the ramparts, forcing the paIadin archers on the defensive.

>You run up to the wall, and without hesitation, swing your hammer, slamming it into the masonry with all of your might. The impact feels incredibly solid, and rattles the bones in your arms, but you see a crack form in several large bricks.

>Human and humanoid cavalry, as well as your friends, run to your side, brandishing pickaxes and hammers of their own, and begin battering the sturdy wall with all of their might while the shield line stand at the ready to defend them. Some of the winged soldiers make great leaps up onto the walls, and begin skirmishing with them up there.

>"Look out! Get away!" A soldier shouts, as you look up, and see hot oil begin splashing down from the machicolations.

>Soldiers begin running away from the wall, but Lucy seems lost in swinging her pick at the bricks. You grab her by the collar and drag her away just as the oil splashes onto the ground, sizzling loudly as it pools. the troops raise shields as they flee back a short distance, and you yank Lucy in front of you as arrows impact your backplate.

>Several soldiers let out piercing cries of pain. Lifting up an arm defensively, you look back at the wall, and see them running away all too late, screaming in agony as they desperately clutch at their armor in a vain attempt to rip it off for some kind of relief, before collapsing on to the ground.

>Looking around, you see a path back to the wall not covered in a slick sheen, and run through it. Much to your luck, it leads to a well damaged section of wall with a good chunk of the huge bricks mined away, which you resume attacking furiously.

>With a dull crack, the bricks begin to crumble and loosely settle. You continue to hack at the stone harder, prying out the pieces periodically, when you see something the terrifies you.

>The wall was filled with rocks and dirt, and digging through with your hands showed no signs of the of the other end.

>Your mind races, but is interrupted by the sound of rending steel, followed by fearful shouting. You look up, and see your soldiers thrown from the wall, the winged ones recovering from their falls, while the others land with sickening crunches.

>"CHAMP! OVER HERE!" Someone shouts a fair distance away, and you see Kenneth on top of the wall near a guard tower as he lowers a rope down.

>You scramble up the rope, cursing how high the wall is half way. Kenneth runs off towards an incoming paIadin as another one comes in from the other direction. As he raises a battleaxe, poised to cut the rope you clung to, you hear Lucy yell as she quickly climbs over your back and shoulders, leaping up onto the wall and brandishing her stilettos. With agile movements, she sidesteps the paIadin's attack, and jumps up onto his back, stabbing deeply into his armpits, jumping off as he drops the axe, and stabbing both back sides of his knees, felling him completely.

>Making it up onto the top of the wall, you look over into the city. Beautiful, old clipper ships were docked, slowly bobbing in the ocean, the sun dazzlingly glittering off the waves. Brightly painted buildings packed into the rocky cliff face, forming a winding maze of roads. Along the interior of the wall, soldiers and paIadins flooding the street, clashing in bloody combat.

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ed4453 No.235981


>Magdalene leaps up onto the wall in front of you, and aims her auto-balista towards you. Your heart stops, as she squeezes the trigger, and with a grating crunch of cogs, a number of bolts erupt from the contraption.

>You feel your heart resume pumping as you hear the sound of a struggling gurgle. Behind you, one paIadin desperately gripped at a burning hot bolt pinning him to the wall by the throat, while the other one was slumped, bolted to the wall through the chest.

>"You need to pay better attention!" She shouts angrily.

>"I love you too…" You say, as you look over the crowd, and see Kenneth separated from the other soldiers, and struggling to hold of the enemy ganging up on him. Taking a few steps back, you adjust your position until you feel satisfied, and heft your war hammer at the ready.

>"Honey, what are you doing?"

>You say nothing, and sprint forward, skipping up onto the rampart, and pushing your feet hard against the stone.

>"ANONSON, WAIT!!" She shouts, her voice muffled to you by the sudden rush around your ears.

>You sail through the air, a few arrows ricocheting off of your plate, before a sudden drop, gut wrenching drop onto a paIadin who was about to get the drop on your master, but ended up breaking you and your hammer's fall instead. You quickly recover, and turn to face the other soldiers unfortunate to see their comrade crushed into a pile of steel and blood underneath you, some getting the hint and shoving their friends aside as they run away.

>A braver paIadin screams out, as he swings a mace in a heavy arch towards your head. But you raise your weapon in time and block it, only for your opponent to keep pressing down, growling angrily as his strength catches you off guard. Ichorous wings burst from his back, and he redoubles his efforts with a renewed, inhuman force, and starts weighing down on you with his morning star.

>You could feel his spiteful eyes piercing your own from behind his great helm, when a blade of white fire embeds halfway down his skull, and his relentless pressure gives out as he collapses dead. Gwen grunts as she pulls the halberd out of the corpses head, smiles at you as she whips back around to face the incoming enemies.

>Magdalene drops down next to you, carrying a shaking hellhound in her arms, dropping her before the five of you stand back to back, facing off the horde of enemy soldiers. "Don't scare me like that! What were you thinking!?"

>"About you." You say, as you scan your surroundings, feeling relieved as more of your own troops manage to catch up with you.

>"You're so shameless… Love you too… She sighs, letting out another flurry of bolts, before swapping out the empty cartridge for a full one from her belt.

>"What do we do now champ?" Kenneth shouts out, grunting as he bashes a paIadin with his shield, his wife stabbing the dazed warrior with her polearm.

>A fair distance from the gate, you saw Natsuko and Erdrick leading soldiers from their own regiment, trying to gain ground towards the main gate. "Head to the gate! We're almost there!"

>Your squad makes their way towards the crowd of soldiers who were making a last stand at the gate, and stood between you, Naomi's squadron, and the

>"OUT OF THE WAY!" Kenneth yells, shoving you out of the way and deflecting incoming crossbow bolts.

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ed4453 No.235982


>You see crossbowmen up inside the guard towers fall back inside to reload their weapons.

>"Lucy!" You shout, your pet looking terrified, "Snap out of it Lucy, sic 'em!"

>She seems to shake out of it, look of determination on her face, and bounds into the tower on all fours. One of the archers aims out of the fortification, before getting yanked back and letting out a short bloody scream.

>You advance towards the gate. Kenneth barrels ahead, his shield a wall of holy light, plowing through the enemy. Lucy sprints after him, and starts weaving around and under soldiers, stabbing them in any weakness she could find and exploit in their armor, jumping to the next enemy one before their friends could retaliate.

>You charge last, and crush the stragglers into crumpled heaps of steal and gore while Magdalene covers you with suppressing fire, Gwen watching her back in turn.

>"Good for you to join us!" Natsuko says as she picks up a soldier, and clubs others away with the helpless man, before discarding him with a violent slam on to the ground.

>"We're almost there!" Erdrick shouts as he runs up, before charging ahead towards the gate. "You guy's cover us, we're going in!"

>The oni and short warrior charge ahead towards the gate, while you look over and see more enemy soldiers coming your way.

>You immediately charge towards the reinforcements, screaming in a fiery rage as you raise your maul up, poised to strike.

>Loud metallic clattering, followed by a clang that makes the oncoming enemies go pale, "They've opened the gate! They've opened the gate!" One of them screams.

>You let out a triumphant, booming laugh as you zoom towards the now retreating soldiers, a colorfully dressed, unfortunate looking bespectacled man holding up his hands as he tries to keep himself from cowering.

>"W-WAIT! STOP! WE SURRENDER! WE SURRENDER!" He shouts as you swing your hammer, nearly tearing your arms off as you struggle to halt the attack, the spiked head stopping just inches away from his shiny, balding head.

>Your visor retracts back with a snap, "You do?"

>"Yes! As long as you promise not to kill me!" He squeaks.

>"Tell your soldiers to drop their weapons and surrender, then!" You shout.

>"Anything! Anything! SOLDIERS! STAND DOWN! WE'VE SURRENDERED!" He shouts, voice cracking, surprising you that he was even capable of shouting that loudly.

>Watchharbor's soldiers, and even the surviving paIadins drop their weapons immediately, and raise their hands in surrender, before being restrained by your forces that were flooding through the gate.

>"I-I'm willing to speak to your leader about his terms of surrender." He stammers, collapsing on to his hands and knees as your soldiers approach and organize rank and file behind you. "J-just please don't eat me…"

>You look around, wary of any ambushes or surprises, before walking forward and extending your hand out to him, "Sure, how about we discuss it over drinks?"

>"T-that's okay! I'm not thirsty… I don't really d-drink blood…"

>"I was thinking more like beer…" You sigh, as you walk up to his side, turn him around to face the same direction as you, and put your arm around his shoulders, his entire body shaking violently. "Remind me won't you. Humans drink beer, right?" You say sarcastically.

>"I-I-I can't remember…" He squeaks.

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ed4453 No.236005

File: 5aef3c1889b63a8⋯.gif (2.72 MB,1000x639,1000:639,__komeiji_koishi_touhou_dr….gif)


>tfw you proofread four times and still miss typos and mistakes.


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ed4453 No.236033



what ever happened to the Gwen picture?

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ed4453 No.236049


Whatever happened to that cute Hellhound story?

The one where the mom is a ruffian and her daughter is a goody two shoes?

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ed4453 No.236056


You can't just walk up to a stone wall and "hack it down". The wall is too fat and solid for that. Siege engines were used for that. The movie "Ironclad" has some decent siege scenes.


Here's a jewtube video of a faggot analyzing the movie's mistakes/unrealistic parts.

How big is the paladin army anyway? Shouldn't they be rather few and good fighters due to recruitment standards?

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ed4453 No.236060


Because I'm a lazy piece of shit that hasn't drawn anything after a constantly crashing computer made me lose hours of progress twice.


>I should update qthound story

>But I really should update SitL first, since I've been late on updates

>Keep rewriting the same paragraph over and over because I fucking hate how it comes out each time

>This update took three days, I should update SitL again so I can catch up to a better pace before updating other stories.

Every time. Sorry…*


Well, they WERE unable to hack it down, that was the point. It was a poorly thought out plan from an inexperienced leader with little information, and it got people needlessly killed, while his teacher had the right idea from the get go (getting the monsters with aerial mobility to get up on top and create ways to climb up and over it. Though monsters, at least when supplied with semen, are significantly stronger than humans And despite it being in the worst part of this story so far, Anonson WAS able to collapse a massive cavern with berserker strength after being in captivity for months. Would've been inconsistent if I suddenly just said, never mind, that was a fluke., which is why I wrote it the way I did, anyways. Regardless, sorry for the glaring inaccuracy, and thank you for the correction. It's becoming glaringly obvious I'm out of my element here, isn't it?

The brunt of the soldiers are merely foot soldiers and guards, usually recruited locally, with some brought in from other cities as needed, while paIadins themselves are a separate, and more like their special forces that operate with higher privileges and their own rules (and lack thereof). While the normal soldiers have their own hierarchy, paIadins, no matter their rank, supercede the soldiers. All of the soldiers aren't paIadins, but Watchharbor had a higher number of paIadins than in Towerwood. Anonson fought against more paIadins, because the rank and file soldiers were more likely to shit their bricks and run away when faced with a horde of monsters, since the only thing really deterring monsters from approaching human settlements was the infamous brutality of the paIadins.

And while the paIadins are special forces, they're a lot larger than you would think (Enough for a small army if the forces are amassed in one place rather than spread out among every human settlement within the Kingdom). While combat prowess is important, the defining trait that is used to choose recruits isn't how well they can fight. That will be explained later in the story, but consider how the Church operates, and Kenneth's time in service to them, and it's already been explained how most of the paIadins were recruited.

I think that explains enough of my thought process. I hope I didn't say something too retarded or inconsistent.

Thank you again for the critique.

Sorry updates have been slow.

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ed4453 No.236064


I always look forward to your updates! Keep on writing!

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ed4453 No.236381


>You hum thoughtfully, "Very well, then. Please tell me you at remember where in your city would be a good place to treat the wounded would be?"

>"I-I don't understand…" He mumbles.

>"Medicine, bandages, cots, an apothecary, anything." You look over to your troops and affirm they were taking care of fallen soldiers, "We need to get these wounded taken care of immediately before anything else."

>"There's a hospice in the church…"

>You recall the soldiers hands being burnt to cinders from the cathedral in Towerwood, "Anywhere that isn't in a church?"

>"Y-you could try the barracks by the northwestern tower-"

>"Take the injured to the northernwestern tower!" You repeat loudly to your troops. "Thank you. Now, what's your name?"

>"Mayor D-Dominic."

>You take his hand and clutch it firmly, giving it a hearty shake, "Nice to meet you, I'm-"

>"The Demon King! …R-right?" He blurts fearfully, weakly attempting to pull his hand away until you let go.

>"…Right… But you can just call me Anonson." You look back over, to see Magdalene run off with the soldiers being carried away towards the barracks.

>"W-wait! Where are you taking those men!?"

>"…To try to save as many of their lives as we can. What else would we do?"

>Lucy runs up to you, and stands around at your side looking tentative. Taking the looped lead off your belt, you hook it to her collar and ruffle her hair. You think you saw her lips curl up slightly before she turns away from you and scowls.

>Dominic looks at you with great discomfort.

>"Do you want to pet her? Don't worry, she doesn't bite." You say as she hands you the pair of stilettos Iris loaned her, which you tuck into your belt..

>He shakes his head frantically.

>"Fair enough." You say as Jäeger and Naomi approach, taking position behind you. "Why don't you lead the way?"

>"T-to where?"

>"Wherever we can talk where you'll feel comfortable. As I said before I was so rudely interrupted…" You catch yourself from sounding as infuriated as you really were (and looking at your soldiers being carried away wasn't helping), "I… and my people, only want peace."

>"Y-yes, but of course! We can talk in my office… i-if it pleases you, of course!"


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ed4453 No.236382


>You had just finished telling him your story, and despite your efforts to be as calm and friendly as possible, he still seemed nervous, eyes mostly down on the floor, darting this way and that. "…And that's how it came to… Dominic, are you okay?"

>"Y-yes, of course. I just- So… you're saying… Duskbreach attacked your Kingdom first? I-I'm sincerely sorry about that, truly I-"

>The door to Dominic's classically nautical decorated home opened, Magdalene lurching inside, smock over her armor, splattered with blood, her eyes framed with dark bags, and her hair messy and frizzed.

>"Oh, you're here! Dominic, I want you to meet my lovely wife." You say, getting up from your seat and taking her side, wrapping an arm around her waist.

>She musters up a friendly smile, and weakly waves "Hello, sorry I'm late. I just finished helping the injured…" She rests her weight on you, "…I've never done so much fleshweaving at one time before, I'm exhausted honey."

>"I'm sure you did a good job, though!" You say proudly squeezing her tight.

>"…I guess… we still lost too many good people… Some of those burns were horrible! How could you let your soldiers use such torturous methods of warfare!?" She shouts at Dominic.

>He recoils and hides behind his desk, "I-It wasn't my decision! It was-"

>A scuffle is heard outside, and Lucy stirs from her nap, ears folding back as she growls lowly at the door until you nudge her with your foot.

>"Hey, get offa me! You're messin' up my threads, man!" Someone outside shouts.

>Jäeger comes inside, holding up a tall, dark bespectacled, tan skinned man with an obnoxiously glittering leather jacket, and an outrageous hairstyle, by the arms. "Hey, he says he's a friend of the mayor… I think he might be insane, no way anyone in their right mind dresses like this." He says, trying not to laugh.

>"You're one to talk, baby! What kind of man wears clothes matching his old lady's!" The man says, calmly hanging from Jäeger's hold.

>"She's not my wife, she's my superior in rank!" He says defensively, Naomi's face looking slightly proud for but a moment.

>"The way she's got a grip on your balls, it could have fooled me." The man laughs coolly.

>"Beatus, t-that's no way to treat our… beloved and esteemed g-guests… that said, I would a-a-appreciate if you let him go. He IS a close friend of mine, and he'll be much better suited at helping you than I am, if what you say is true."

>"Let him go, Jäeger." You command.

>Your guard releases Beatus, who rolls his shoulders and cricks his neck, "Thank's baby, started feeling like a pretzel… Nice grip though." He says, giving Jäeger a thumbs up as he went back outside to guard the entrance.

>"What do you mean, he can help us? Aren't YOU the mayor?" Magdalene says, slightly annoyed.

>"Ah, barely anyone knows who I am. I'm get too caught up and work and rarely every go outside… but Beatus here is something of a local celebrity! Everyone around here loves him! If you really want the people of Watchharbor and your hor- uh… lovely monsters to get along, no one will make that go smoother than Mr. Lightbringer!"

>Beatus flashes a cocky smile, "That's me, baby." He steps towards you and stretches out a hand.

>You shake his hand, a significantly more confident grip from the bard. "Good to meet you, my name is Anonson."

>"And I'm Beatus Lightbringer!" He shouts, punctuating his sentences with outrageous dance poses, "The most bodacious bard! The most magnificent musician! The coolest cat on this side of Duskbreach Kingdom and one bad ass mother-!"

>Dominic audible clears his throat.

>"…Well, I guess now it's… uh…" He leans in close to your ear and whispers, "What's the name of your kingdom, again?"

>"Uh, Ebonthorn." You say, grinning at his ridiculous display.

>He pulls away, staring at you straight-faced, before flashing another toothy smile, "'Course, brother."

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ed4453 No.239060


>"If you're quite done, Mr. Lightbringer. My husband and I need to take care of something important." Magdalene says.

>"Isn't this important?" You ask.

>"Yes, but we need to attend to the burials." She says somberly.

>"Yes… yes of course… Dominic, Beatus, would you join us to pay respects for the fallen?" You ask.

>"O-of course." Dominic says, bowing nervously. "Beatus, will you come along?"

>Beatus crosses his arms and nods silently.

>As you begin to make your way out of Dominic's home, you look over at Lucy as she glares at Beatus with ears folded back, before giving her a tug on her leash to snap her out of it. "Come on Lucy, you can ask him out later."

>She tears her eyes off of him, giving you a slightly cynical look before looking down at the ground.

>You stood in the graveyard, where the corpses of local fallen guards and paIadins lie, lined up before you. All of them were covered in sheets, and you made the mistake of looking under one of them.

>Sometimes you forgot how violent you got in the heat of battle. Looking at the results of your conquests in a 'relaxed' state still made you feel a bit sick to your stomach if you thought about it too much.

>And much to your sorrow, there were no souls left around when you focused your sight on them. You pray for their souls to be at peace, even though you doubt they will be.

>Some of the bodies of your own soldiers were being buried alongside them, while others were being prepared to be sent back home to next of kin, depending on their last wishes detailed in their recruitment forms.

>Citizens of Watchharbor gather around a safe distance from you in an uncomfortable silence. You're slightly startled as Magdalene quietly grasps your hand, quickly finding comfort in her company.

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ed4453 No.239061


>You simply look on in somber silence as some of them come forward and look steal furtive glances under the sheets. Beatus plays solemn music on his odd looking guitar, which helps break the tension.

>Your heart sinks as you hear a woman shriek and break down into tortured sobs. She's turned away and runs into the arms of her presumed husband. The crowd gradually begins muttering among themselves.

>You decide to wait until the people have calmed down before giving the eulogy, but the chattering increases, while crying and wails rise in frequency.

>Jäeger and Naomi both position themselves behind you, while your wife grips your hand tighter.

>Feeling as if you should continue, you step forward and clear your throat. speaking in a clear, respectable manner, "Good people of Watchharbor, we've gathered here to pay our respects for the brave soldiers who lost their lives today. They fought bravely, and were excellent warriors, worthy of-"

>"You bastard! What gives you the right!?" Someone shouts.

>"I merely wish to express my regret for the losses suffered here today. If you wish to speak of a fallen loved one, I humbly invite you to do so." You say, as you extend a welcoming hand out to the man.

>"Go back to hell, abominations!!" He spits, before throwing a rock at you, the projectile sailing harmlessly over your head


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ed4453 No.239064

There's more update, but its like 8chan is shrinking the amount I can post at a time with each post I make. Might wait until this shit is fixed, since I want to be able to archive this thread.

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ed4453 No.242649




>Rocks, bottles, and venomous words begin flying from the angry mob, and you and your wife are pulled back while soldiers quickly move out and form a shield line in front of you.

>"Hey, comon peeps! My brother Anonson here didn't want there to be bloodshed!" Beatus says, setting down his guitar and walking up to the crowd, squeezing between the soldiers with his hands up, "He's tryin' to do right by the dead, and he's lost good men too. Can't we all just chill for a moment, and give the fallen the respect they deserve?"

>And yet the crowd, in their raging frenzy, ignore his words, and a flung rock cracks against his skull, making him reel back and dizzily retreat towards you.

>The soldiers advances on the crowd, quickly subduing the rowdier rioters as the others goad the troops on.

>"Damn, baby… what hit me…?" Beatus groans as he clutches his bleeding head.

>"Are you okay?" Magdalene shouts as he ducks behind your guards where Dominic stood cowering.

>"Yeah, I've had worse than this…" He grumbles, wiping the blood from his brow and looking at the stain on his hand.

>You can only stand there mortified, watching quietly from behind your soldiers as they arrest the troublemakers. You so desperately want to apologize, to say you truly felt sorry for all of this… but this isn't your fault. Why should you grovel to them when it's all the Church's fault?! Can't they see you're trying to save them all from the horrible fate they all fear!? What's wrong with them!?

>"Honey? Honey, please calm down, you're looking kind of scary…"

>You relax your face and take a few breaths, trying not to focus on the angry mob as your soldiers disperse them. Breathing out a deep long exhale, you whisper, "I'm sorry." to your wife, forcing yourself to look as unwavering as possible.

>The funeral finished without further hitches, but with far fewer in the attending wake. I few people came back to see their loved ones off, but most remained back in their homes.

>A lot of young women among them as well, which confused you because they didn't seem particularly mournful either. Instead they all seemed to be eyeing Beatus, almost wistfully in fact, as he played his songs for the lost souls. Giving them a suspicious glance with your aether sight didn't reveal anything off either… guess he really was popular. But ogling your idol during a funeral?

>As the already thin crowd thinned out completely, only you and your friends remained, until they too resumed their business, and Dominic having left to help gather city records for your wife to look over. Your wife, bodyguards, Kenneth, Gwen, and Beatus remained.

>”Hey, sorry I couldn't keep the crowd cool, brother.” Beatus sighs as he slings his guitar over his back.

>”It's okay, thank you for standing up to them for me… I mean, at best I'm a complete stranger. You really didn't have to do that… Is your head feeling okay?” You say.

>”I keep tellin' ya, I'm fine. Quit worryin' about me, 'dad'.” He says with a slight laugh. “Besides, we're all family in this world… even when we have our little differences.”

>”You make it sound so simple…” You sigh.

>He simply shrugs, “Sometimes it doesn't help to dwell too much on things, you'll give yourself too many headaches that way… Anyways, I'll catch you around brother, gonna leave you and let you do your thing. Just shout if you need me.” He says, holding out his fist about stomach height.

>You look at his outstretched fist, and look back up to see him smiling at you patiently. Feeling slightly confused, you grip his balled up hand and shake it.

>Beatus laughs, “You're alright, Anonson. See ya.”

>As he walks off, you look over and see Lucy's tail whipping to and fro, looking as if she's trying to burn a hole in his back with her eyes.

>”See someone you like, Lucy?” You tease, giving her a scratch behind her ear.

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ed4453 No.242653


>She growls and snaps at your hand, which you reflexively yank back. “I- I'm sorry…” she whines, immediately looking repentant at her outburst.

>”What's gotten into you?” You chide.

>”I don't know… I don't like him. He smells weird…”

>”Yeah, he wears way too much cologne. It was pretty hard to breathe around him.” Magdalene says, waving her hand in from of her nose. “And I think whatever he puts in his hair might be… toxic.”

>Kenneth scratches the stubble on his chin, “Who exactly is he again?”

>”A friend of the mayor's, he offered to help us with our relations with the people.” You say.

>His brow knits thoughtfully, “That was awfully nice of him…”

>”Yeah, how nice of him to just offer like that out of the blue…” Lucy grumbles.

>”Lucy, the Church has hurt a lot of people, its not unlikely that a lot of humans are jumping at the chance to escape them. Most are just afraid because of all of their threats and lies, so it's not going to be easy to win everybody over.” You say.

>”…I still don't like that man… something about him rubs me the wrong way…” She grumbles.

>”Well, I'm not going to turn down his help just because you're paranoid. We really need as much help as we can get. Isn't that right?” You turn to Kenneth, who seems lost in thought.

>He looks up, “Huh? Yeah, yeah no need to look a gift horse in the mouth I guess… but uh no reason you can't be wary though.” He looks down and rubs the back of his head, “But I'm with your dog on this one, he's really weird… and is anyone else bothered how… easily the city surrendered?”

>”Yeah, in Towerwood, even though we took it over easily, a lot of their soldiers resisted arrest pretty violently afterwards. But here they just sort of… gave up.” Magdalene sighs. “I mean, I'm glad for that though, enough people suffered from this, but still…”

>”We've confiscated their weapons and armor, so I can't imagine them doing anything at this point.” Naomi says confidently.

>”I think we're worrying too much.” Kenneth says. “We should just be glad our conquests have come with such little bloodshed.”

>”Your war camp had settled among the walls, occupying the areas closest to Watchharbors military infrastructure as to keep the civilians as unobstructed as possible in their daily lives.

>As you oversaw and helped set up, two guards approach you with Gilda, still clad in chains. “What do you want us to do with this prisoner, sir?”

>You look at the woman, and she glares back at you, eyes full of fire and rebellion.

>”Unchain her, leave her with me.” You command.

>The two soldiers nod, before unlocking Gilda's manacles. They look at you patiently until you dismiss them.

>Gilda also starts walking off until you quickly step forward and firmly grab her shoulder and turn her around, “Not you! I want you to come with me.” You put your free hand on her other shoulder as you step behind her, and begin walking her towards a slightly quieter road.

>”Yeah, I've had enough of that from you, to be honest. All fhe booze in the world isn't gonna wash out that taste.”

>”I didn't make you eat it, and I only pay my human soldiers in gold, that was all on you.” You say as you let her go and cross your arms.

>”Whatever.” She huffs. “What do you want?”

>”To give you one more chance, now that you've cooled down.”

>”No thanks, I don't want to fight alongside a bunch of spineless women, and I don't trust my life with a horde of cum-guzzling freaks. “

>”Then why did you even join my army!?” You shout angrily.

>Her lips droop into a slight frown, “I… owe a lot of people money… and now that the church isn't around in Towerwood to watch us jerking off… they might…” Her lips waver as she clenches her teeth and leans her head on a balled up fist, “Dammit… I don't have much of a choice, better I die in battle…”

>”Look, if you have a debt to pay, you should pay it. But under my rule, I'm not going to let someone harm you over it.”

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ed4453 No.242654


>She turns to you and glowers, “Yeah? So are you going to give me a bodyguard like you have following you? Or should I just call for the guards when they start breaking my legs in a back alley?”

>”…I… see your point…” You admit, ”But I can't give you charity if you're not going to fulfill your duty. Either you stay in my ranks, and show respect to your brothers and sisters in arms, or you go back to Towerwood… Or if you really are in such deep trouble back home, I could give you refuge in the monster capital…”

>”FINE! I'll stay! Just… please, put me with the men… better them than those… freaks.”

>”You know my wife is one of those 'freaks'.” You say impatiently. “Maybe I should put you in an all 'freak' regiment until you learn to deal with it.”

>You see her begin seething with rage, but as you stare her down, she eventually exhales and calms down, “I'm sorry… I didn't mean to insult your wife.” She grumbles under her breath. “Please… help me…”

>”I need you to help me if I'm going to do that. I need you to stop being argumentative with your superiors, and follow orders. If you can do that, you can stay. Can you promise me you'll do that? You're a good fighter, and I don't want to see your talent wasted.”

>Gilda closes her eyes for a moment, before nodding, “Yeah… I promise… boss…” Her voice a little uncomfortable at the last word.

>”Good!” You exclaim, as you walk her back towards the more populated are of the camp, “Don't make me regret this decision, okay?”

>”Just as long as I'm paid in the gold standard and not the pearl standard, I'll behave.” She says as the two of you stop by a cart.

>”I'm glad we came to an understanding. I want to hear only good things about you!” You say as you let go of her shoulders, and heft a heavy crate off of the back “You can resume your duties by helping us haul camp into the city!”

>Gilda lets out a less then amused groan as you hand her the crate, which she begrudgingly takes from you before hauling it away.

>That evening you sat in your tent with your wife, as she lectured you on runic syntax. Learning the runes themselves was one thing, but this felt like it was a whole other level of complicated. Despite the fact that the energy she poured into her lesson would lead one to believe this was the most exciting thing ever, your increasingly heavy eyelids begged to differ.

>”So now that we've covered binary variables and comparison operations, lets move on to conditional statements. If you turn to page seventy two, you'll see an example of a basic conditional-”

>Lucy rouses from her sleep and growls, ears folding back as she stares suspiciously out the door.

>”Hey Anonson-OOF!” Jäeger grunts as Naomi elbows him in the stomach, “I mean, 'my liege'.” he says with a hint of sarcasm.

>”You can just use my name, Jäeger.” You say, as you silently thank the gods for the distraction.

>”Yeah, someone's here to visit you. That poofy haired guy from earlier.”

>”Let him in.” You say,

>”Honey, we're in the middle of a lesson!” She whispers.

>”The lesson will still be there…” You whisper back as Beatus' ridiculous hair pokes through the tent flaps.

>”YO! What's shakin' brother?” He says as he crawls inside and sits before you.

>”My wife was just teaching me the basics of magic.”

>”Witchcraft!?” He says, feigning shock.

>”I-it's not witchcraft, it's actually a very involved science-” Your wife stutters, before being interrupted.

>”Calm down, baby. I'm just messin' with ya! I know a little bit of magic myself, actually.”

>”W-wait, really? How is that possible if you've lived under the church's rule? Isn't it highly illegal?” Magdalene asks.

>Beatus simply grins and reaches behind her head, pulling a full bottle of beer out of thin air before uncorking it and taking a swig. “See, magic!”

>Magdalene silently looks at him looking underwhelmed.

>”So uh… why are you in this tent? Would imagine the paIadins would have some cozy barracks ya'll could sleep in. Isn't it cold?”

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ed4453 No.242995


>You and your wife look at each other for a moment, and shake your head, “Nah, we're fine. If we get cold, me and Mags just bundle up together.”

>”Besides, we wanted to be sure the injured soldiers were given warm beds first.” Magdalene says.

>”Cool… cool… so hey, I was wondering why you two cats were hiding here when the city's waiting for you, baby!”

>”Waiting for us to leave, more like it.” You sigh. “Besides, I feel like it would be best to let people cool down for the night, have time to mourn.”

>”No way, baby! You gotta have fun! Have a night out on the town! Mingle with the people, baby! Show them you're just a bunch of regular guys that like to have fun like them!” He says, dangerously flicking his beer about to erroneously illustrate his point.

>”Oh, that reminds me, is there anyone that sells flowers around here? I wanted to send bouquets to the next of kin… would that be insensitive if I'm the one that does that though?”

>Beatus stares at you slack-jawed and eyes half-lidded, “Oh for the love of- and I thought the paIadins were boring! Come on, live a little! Lets go out to the bar, I'll buy you two a drink! We'll have fun!”

>”I don't really feel like drinking tonight.” Magdalene says.

>”Yeah, I'll pass.” You add.

>The bard sidles up between the two of you and puts an arm around your shoulders, “Look, I promised my brother Dominic I was going to help you, and I'm going to do that the only way I know how…” He pulls the two of you closer and gives you a jovial shake, “BY PARTYING!”

>”I'll have to decline. At least for tonight. It is a bit late.” You say with a polite smile

>The bard pulls away and looks at you both with disappointment, “At least let me give you the grand tour so ya don't look like a bunch of rubes rubberneckin' around town.”

>“I guess a walk does sound nice.” Magdalene says as she closes her book shut and sets it down.

>”Sure, I could stretch my legs.” You say.

>”Groovy. I'll meet you outside your camp then.” He says before crawling out of the tent.

>You stroll towards the edge of camp, where you see Beatus waiting, tapping his foot to a beat only he seemed to hear.

>Magdalene hung off of your arm, clinging closely to you while bundled up in her cloak. “It's chilly…”

>”You probably wouldn't be so cold if you didn't hold on to me while I'm wearing armor…”

>She merely responds by tightening her grip on you.

>”Took you long enough, brother.” Beatus says impatiently, “And what's this? I thought you didn't want to party!”

>”Huh?” You grunt.

>”You got three other cats with ya!”

>Lucy huffs.

>”Uh, two cats and a dog.” He corrects nervously.

>”Ah, these two are my body guards, and I can't leave her out of my sight, or she'll start causing trouble again. Won't she?”

>Your dog grumbles and crosses her arms.

>”I see… fine with me, baby! The more the merrier!” He spins and stops when he's facing away from your group, beckoning you two follow with a wave of his hand.

>Beatus struts down the streets, all lit up with lanterns and lamps, their light dimly gleaming off of the black armor of your soldiers patrolling the streets.

>The streets were mostly empty considering their size, but much to your surprise, quite a number of stalls seemed to be open, and people were actively doing business with handfuls of customers. For the most part, it seemed to be overzealous foreign and local traders, giving the hard sell to nervous looking customers. Smoke and steam billowed out from a number of the carts, accompanied by the mouth-watering smells of fried meats, boiling soups, and frying fish. It reminded you of the market place in Ebonthorn.

>”This here is the market place. Traders from all over the world come here to hawk their wares. But my favorite stalls are the ones that sell food. Only place in the kingdom you can taste the whole world in one street!”

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ed4453 No.243951


>Magdalene closes her eyes and inhales deeply, “Oh, that smells just like my father's cooking! I wish I hadn't eaten dinner…”

>”Don't worry, baby. It's not like he's going anywhere!” Beatus calls back.

>”He's right, we can try it tomorrow… surprised people are still open and not hiding in their homes, though…” You muse.

>Beatus laughs, “You've never met the merchants round here. The world could be ending and they would be too stubborn to leave if it meant missing out on making one more copper!”

>He continues leading you around town, through the winding streets, tall, garishly painted buildings lit up by the abundant number of lanterns. Between his practical descriptions of local places of business, he even went describing places where he saw interesting people or where something fun happened.

>”And over here is where I play most of my gigs on the weekend. It's a bit of a dive, but the owner is cool. I bet you like a good drink, don't you big guy?”

>”You know it!” Jäeger shouts excitedly, pumping his fist.

>”We should all hang out there some time before you go, it'll be fun!” He says as you come to a corner in the road that leads to the next tier down. His pace quickens slightly, and you notice that the alleyways between these buildings look a lot more drab and decrepit than the others.

>A ragged coughing fit echos out from the alleyways, followed by a horrible retching sound.

>”Down here on this level, it's mostly a bunch of homes. Almost all of the residents here get a lovely view of the ocean! How awesome is that?” Beatus says, speaking over the hacks and wheezes.

>Magdalene pulls way from you and runs down the alleyway, “H-honey! Where are you going!?” You say as you run after her.

>”I just want to make sure that person is alright!” She says.

>”W-whoa baby! There ain't nothin' back there! You don't need to worry about it! They're fine! Probably!” Beatus shouts.

>You follow Magdalene as she goes through the narrow passage, which seem to be in more advanced states of rot and disrepair the further you go. Along the walls behind the buildings, people huddled up in tattered rags, campfires made from burning debris littered the alley.

>Across a cramped, dingy courtyard, an old man leaned against a wall, coughing his lungs out as he doubled over.

>”Oh my goodness, are you okay?” Magdalene says, as she helps support him up while patting his back.

>He lifts his head up and looks at you pleadingly with exhausted un focused eyes, wrinkled face pale and covered in sweat, despite the chill in the air. As he squints to look at you, his entire body begins to quake, turning to face your wife for protection, only to see her face, tear away, and fall to the ground. He twists to face you, and tries to slide away from you, only to corner himself against a wall.

>”Hey, we're not going to hurt you…” You say, looking around warily at the numerous homeless people in case they retaliated. But they seemed to merely turn away and do their best to ignore what was happening. You take the man's hand and help him up. “We're only here to help.”

>Your words only serve to make him more panicked, and he weakly tries to tear away from you, only to overexert himself and get caught in another coughing fit.

>”Naomi, go with my wife back to base so she can help this man.” You tell your guard, “Jäeger will stay here with me.”

>She looks like she's going to argue, but concedes and nods her head, taking the man from you, “Come with us, don't struggle.” Naomi says bluntly.

>As they go back to camp, your wife attempting to console the man and assuage his fears, you look around and take in your surroundings. Dreary, unpainted, and dilapidated buildings that completely contrast with the colorful and welcoming appearance of the rest of the city. What concerned you was just how large the slums seemed to be, spreading out several blocks long all the way back to the front and side city walls. Worst of all was the sheer number of transients sleeping outside.

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ed4453 No.243952


>”I don't understand…” You utter quietly. “How could so much of this city be this bad?”

>”Yeah, it's a damn shame…” Jäeger says as he steps to your side.

>You tear your gaze away from the tenements and back to the alley you entered through, “…Beatus? Where did he go?”

>”I don't know, he didn't come with us. Guess he's still on the main street.” Your bodyguard sighs, “Any others that look like they need help?”

>”Other than all of them?” You say as you turn and begin walking back out of the slums. “Nothing we can do in one night… we'll have to talk with Dominic about this tomorrow.” You return to the street, and look around. “Now where did he run off to…?”

>”I hear footsteps over there boss.” Jäeger says, pointing in the direction of the boardwalk.

>You walk briskly in that direction, until you hear gentle footsteps, and see a shadow move down an alley further towards the coast.

>”Hey… Anonson, I don't really like this feeling I got… I think we should just head back. Just… something's got the hair on the back of my neck standing on end, like back in the cathedral.”

>”You can head back to camp if you want, I'll be back soon… besides, the church is on the other side of the city, why would you be getting that feeling here?”

>”I don't know… but Naomi would probably castrate me if I left you alone…” He says, sticking close behind you.

>You continue walking towards the ocean, seeing no sign of anyone around until you finally reach the piers. Massive, beautifully constructed ships of all shapes, sizes, and origins, bob slightly with the sea's gentle waves. You scan the area, still devoid of live until you see a flicker of light at the end of an empty pier, and a faint curse.

>”Dammit…piece of… come on already…”

>”Beatus, why did you leave!?” You call out as you run up to him.

>He jumps in surprise at your approach, “O-oh! No reason… uh, just needed a smoke… Sorry…” Beatus says holding up a pipe in one hand and a match in the other, “Accidentally dropped my matches in a puddle and I'm having a hard time… d-do you have a light?”

>”Sure.” you say with reflexive politeness, before realizing you don't, actually. But you take the pipe from the bard anyways, his hand surprisingly shaky for someone who was gallivanting about so confidently earlier. You turn the pipe around in your hands, inspecting its simple construction of polished hardwood, unsure of what you should do. “Hey Jäeger, do you have anything I can light this with?” You whisper.

>”Dammit, no. I left my tinderbox back at camp…” He seems to think for a second, “…Why not just use that thing? The uh… Woosh!” he says dramatically, spreading his hands out from in front of his mouth.

>”Oh…” You really didn't want to, but… you guess you did say you would light it. You turn facing away form everyone, and cup the pipe carefully in your hands, bringing your lips up close to the bowl. You focus on your anger, and inhale slightly, before puffing lightly, a tiny wisp of fire licking out onto the dried leaves in the pipe and leaving a speckling of smoldering embers. You quickly hand the pipe back to him before they die out, 'Here you go.”

>He takes it with you, his shivering worse than before. “T-thanks brother.” He quickly brings the pipe to his mouth and takes a deep, slow draw, before coughing a few times and putting it back in his mouth, resuming with more modest puffs. His shaking seems to calm down slightly as he stares out at the ocean, blowing out puffs of smoke.

>”…Why does Watchharbor have such a large ghetto?” You ask, unable to contain your question.

>Beatus simple takes another deep puff from his pipe, saving the smoke before blowing it back out. “…Why do we do things we know we're going to regret?” he sighs.

>”I'm sorry?”

>He remains quiet, his normally cocky expression replaced with one that's sunken and sullen as he stares north.

>A strong chilling breeze whips past, even managing to seep the cold past your armor. And then you see something odd twinkling in the light of Beatus' pipe.

>”…Snow… A cold wind is blowing in from the mountains.” He says, closing his eyes tightly, “…Must be a blizzard…”

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ed4453 No.244094

File: 95cf39aedc70e3e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.78 KB,1024x576,16:9,afvgjngvs.jpg)


>And then you see something odd twinkling in the light of Beatus' pipe.

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ed4453 No.244407


It's not a bomb, it's just falling snow being illuminated by the burning pipe. Am I really bad at describing a scene? People seem to have misconstrued a lot of things I write.


>You leap back, barely avoiding the thrust blade. Gripping the haft of your weapon, you raise it defensively, waiting for your opponent to continue his assault.

>Smatterings of cheers and hoots coming from the sailors as they watch your duel while they work.

>Sirius keeps his distance, slowly circling around you, eyes scanning you up and down, trying to read your next move.

>You look everywhere, trying to be aware of your surroundings as you move to avoid allowing Sirius to gain ground on you. But the fog makes everything hard to see far ahead.

>But as your eyes wander, he charges and swings. You just bare manage to catch it with your polearm, swiping it to the side. Taking advantage of his break in defense, you step forward and twist your arm around his, locking it behind you, and bringing the spike of your poleaxe up to his throat.

>He looks at you with surprise, and drops his weapon onto the planks. His lips curl into a smile, “Good job.”

>His simple response fills you with a sense of warmth and pride, despite your heavy breaths stinging your lungs with chilled air.

>The onlookers cheer and holler excitedly as you pull your weapon away and give Sirius a quick peck on the cheek. “T-thanks.” you say, before crossing your arms and rubbing them with a shiver.

>He walks behind you and puts his cloak over your shoulders, “It's getting cold. We should be reaching the mountain docks in a few hours.”

>”That's good, I'm getting sick of this boat, feels like we've been on it forever…” You groan.

>The wind picks up suddenly, knocking the breath out of you with it's force.

>The sailor up in the crows nest shouts something out, but you can't quite hear it over the gusts.

>Everyone starts running about, nearly knocking you over.

>”What's going on!?” Sirius yells out over the winds.

>”Storm, sir! Big one!”

>”What!? Where the hell did it come from!?”

>”North West sir! Coming down from the mountain docks!”

>”Dammit.. Quickly we need to-” Sirius is cut off by a powerful gust of wind, followed by the growing sound of hail clattering on the deck. “Gaelyn! Quick! Go below deck, NOW!” He says, grabbing you by the hand and dragging you to the hatch.

>He quickly shoves you down below where the supplies were stored, “Sirius, wait what about-”

>”Find something sturdy and hold on tight, we're going to be alright, I promise!” He shouts before slamming the hatch shut.

>You look around and see a beam, that you promptly grab on to.

>Suddenly the boat lurches and rocks, making you hold tighter in fear. Barrels and crates get tossed around, miraculously missing you and smashing apart as they crash into each other, spilling and flinging their contents around.

>You had been holding on for what felt like hours, but you weren't entirely sure.

>The ship had been undulating wildly, and you could still hear the occassionally shouting from the sailors above.

>Everything slowly begins to turn, until you were gripping the support beam to keep yourself from falling down onto the wall.

>It holds like this for several moments. Screams drowned out by the crashing waves above deck ring out and abruptly go silent when everything sharply rocks the other way, and you're nearly thrown off of your sturdy wooden lifeline, hanging upside down.

>”SIRIUS! ARE YOU OKAY!?” You scream desperately. You just wanted to be in his arms more than anything in the world, you wanted to live past this night! “PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T DIE I'M BEGGING YOU! GOD PLEASE HELP!” You cry.

>The boat shifts back to a mostly flat orientation, and the hatch opens up, wind howling, ocean roaring, hail crashing, when Sirius drops down and struggles with the hatch until he shuts and locks it tight, silencing the ongoing din from outside.

>”Oh thank God you're alright!” You cry, letting go and running to him.

>But he quickly grabs you and pushes you back to the beam, wrapping his arms around you and clutching it with all of his might.

>”What's going on!?”

>”Most of the crew got washed away… We couldn't reef the sails… we're at the storm's mercy…”

>”W-what's going to happen!?” You turn to face him, and see him completely drenched, skin pale and lips blue as he takes a deep shuddering breath. “What are we going to do!?”

>”We pray, Gaelyn.”

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ed4453 No.244409


he's memeing at you

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ed4453 No.244429


I took Beatus' extreme nervousness and fumbling with his matches as him about to aloha snackbar Anonson even though he really didn't want to kill him or die himself in an enormous fireball

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ed4453 No.244480


When I heard this line;

> And then you see something odd twinkling in the light of Beatus' pipe.

I thought it was Beatus using that chaos god shit the other paladins have been using.

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ed4453 No.244493


No, he was just smoking his pipe to suppress his blessing/insanity/mental voices/general stress, as he did when he spoke privately with Gaelyn.


>”P-p-please God…” You gasp, your lungs stinging from the freezing cold, “Help us…”

>You stumbled blindly through the snow, the blizzard making it impossible to see your surroundings at all, even if the harsh winds didn't make it painful to open your eyes. Your head was pounding painfully, your limbs were numb, and you couldn't feel your right arm at all. You had broken it when the ship crashed ashore and threw you hard against the wall.

>With your left arm, you held tightly onto Gaelyn, bundled up under your cloak and the furs you managed to salvage. When the ship was flung on to shore, you had no idea how you had survived the impact, but save for being unconscious she seemed otherwise unharmed.

>You could do nothing but trudge forward, you had to find some sort of shelter, and fast. The storm was only becoming more intense, and you had no idea how much longer you had until sun down. Just somewhere to get out of the wind so you could start a fire. But you didn't know where you were, and your body was quickly weakening from the cruel cold and unyielding winds.

>”P-please God, g-grant me your bless-s-sing… So I can protect your c-c-champion…” You whisper.

>You continue your slow march forward, listening and feeling carefully for the familiar rush of God's power.

>But your prayer went unanswered. You couldn't even hear God's voice any more like you usually could.

>For the first time in a long time, you felt alone and helpless, and the last of your strength and warmth was quickly being sapped away by the wind.

>Your head throbs, and you feel like your whole world is spinning. You try to clutch at your head to relieve the pain, but there's absolutely no feeling, and you look down to see it not moving no matter how much you will it to, “God… please…” You groan as you lose your footing and fall to the ground, unable to move without feeling nauseous and dizzy. You shift Gaelyn so her body lie as close against your torso as possible, using your body to shield her from the wind.

>”I'm s-s-so sorry, Gaelyn… It's-s-s all my f-fault.” You whisper to her, clutching her tightly to your chest, “You d-don't deserve this-s fate… God… p-please… if it m-means she can live, t-t-take my life ins-s-stead.”

>You blink open your eyes, and see a large figure walking towards you from within the blinding blizzard.

>”H-help… her…” you wheeze to the figure as your vision fades away.

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ed4453 No.244496

File: ae1267b6ac4543c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,928.77 KB,1000x888,125:111,Yeti_1.png)



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ed4453 No.244533


I hope they'll enjoy somelemon…you know…

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ed4453 No.244988


>You came to and opened your eyes, your vision still too unfocused to see anything but blobs of color. Was this the Pit? It was a lot warmer than you had expected.

>You realize you're on an amazingly downy bed, bundled up in silky soft furs. Did someone from the docks get you?

>As the world comes into focus, you see a gently crackling fire in a hearth nearby. The building you're in was made of pelts stretched across a wooden frame, secured to a floor made of solid polished stone covered in more pelts. This wasn't the docks… and this definitely wasn't the mines either… Where were you?

>You sit up and look around. Hanging from the wooden framing was an abundance of dried herbs, small game, flowers, and totems made of carved bones and feathers. There was a smell of a savory soup, mostly covered up by another one with the smell of some strong, alchemical concoction that burned your nose hairs with it's powerful odor.

>”Ah, you're finally up.” says an elderly female voice that sounds as warm and inviting as the hearth.

>Turning to look at your host, you come face to face with what looked like an older woman in her early forties, with a mane of wild grey hair that nearly went down to the ground. Her body was covered head to toe with a hooded cloak that seemed to be made of the white furred hide of a massive beast that you would expect only to be found only in legend.

>She gives you a gentle smile, that you can't help but return.

>Until you look up and see the black, perfectly curved antlers that curled up from her head.

>You glance around nervously and see your sword in it's sheathe, lying neatly beside your bed to the right. You look back at the monster who seems completely unaware of your intentions as you reach for your blade!

>When you realize you haven't yet grabbed your weapon, you look over and see nothing to grab it with.

>Your right arm is gone, with only a painfully burning stump remaining.

>”W-what did you do to my arm!? Where's Gaelyn!?” You shout, twisting so you can reach your sword with your other hand, muttering a prayer for God's blessing.

>Your entire body is wracked with pain, and you collapse back into your bed clutching your stomach and gasping for breath as the spasms slowly subsides.

>The woman leans over you and gives you a sympathetic look as she tenderly cradles your cheek in her surprisingly soft, warm hand, “I can assure you, your wife is safe. Your arm on the other hand is not. You had lost it to the cold, I'm afraid, child.”

>You feel like you should lament your ailment. But you find yourself unable. If anything, you're surprised you've been unscathed this long in your line of duty

>”Where's Ga- …where's my wife?”

>She reaches down and gently cradles your neck and back, helping you sit back up. She points across the room to another bed, where you see Gaelyn lying comatose. “She is alive and in one piece, but she hasn't woken up yet.”

>Glancing back at the monster for a moment, your heart beats faster as your eyes dart back to your sword, and you contemplate going in for the kill…

>She looks at you and smiles sweetly, “Are you hungry? I have a pot of soup ready on the hearth. It's my late mother's recipe.”

>…But you simply collapse back into your bed, feeling pent up frustration, hatred, and confusion burning in your mind.

>”You must be tired after all you've been through.” She sighs, place a hand on your head and gently stroking a lock of hair from your face, “I can't imagine how hard it must have been to be a paladin falling in love with one of our kind. Your wife is truly lucky to have someone care so deeply about her, to sacrifice so much to be with her.”

>Her words cut you like a knife, and the gravity of just how wrong this all was began to fully sink in. How many lies have you told at this point? This was for the greater good, but…

>But why did you have to drag innocent people in to this? Neither Gaelyn or Erdrick deserved this. Any of this.

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ed4453 No.244990


>”…But don't worry, you're among family now.” She coos.

>”H-huh?” You grunt inquisitively, “Where are we, anyways?”

>”You're in Frostheim, dear. We are a small village of monsters and humans living equally together in peace.”

>”I… see… So, you are subjects of the Demon King, then?”

>”We owe no allegiance to the Ebonthorn Crown, if that is what you mean. Our ancestors came here centuries ago to escape the tyrannical rule of the Demon Queen. They were disgusted by her abandonment of our Gods' teachings, and enslavement of humans.” She says, getting visibly angered.

>”I didn't know… I'm still ignorant of all of this, please forgive me, I didn't mean to open old wounds.” You say, careful of your wording, lest you get Gaelyn and you killed. “I don't believe I've asked your… name? Monsters have names, right?”

>She looks at you blankly, before covering her mouth and stifling a laugh, “Of course we have names! Your wife has one, doesn't she?” She turns to Gaelyn, “Though I must ask how she knew of this place to begin with. We've never had a frogwoman living here before, and we try to keep this place hidden from the city. It is not uncommon for men to be stolen away there, never to be seen again.”

>”It's that bad?” You muse, feeling further justified in your quest.

>”Oh yes.” She says, before shifting a bit tentatively, “Though word on the wing is the newly crowned King is trying to heal the divide between human and monsters. Though I will believe that when I meet him. He is apparently on his way near here, if what I've heard is true.”

>You remain silent.

>”I sense hostility. Do you and the Demon King have a history?”

>”Yes… he… hurt my wife… and… killed her brother… and father…” You say.

>She knits her eyebrows and scowls, “That doesn't surprise me in the least. And of course he would be lying about peace just to fulfill his warped ambitions, the Crown may have changed bloodlines, but it seems their wickedness hasn't.”

>”Yes… She still has nightmares over it… and I'm all she has left.” Your stomach growls, awkwardly interrupting the heavy silence.

>”How terrible…” She says as she turns to the pot on the hearth, and starts scooping it into a bowl. “What of your family? They must be so worried about you…” She takes a small stool and slides it over to you, placing the bowl of soup on top of it,” Here, you need to eat, I can hear your stomach from here!”

>”Oh, thank you but I really-” Your stomach protests once more. You really were hungry, but you were worried about what was in the stew. It smelled REALLY good though, and it looked just like what you would have in a human settlement.

>”It's yak meat, potato, and turnip. I'm sorry if it's not as nice as the food you got in the city, or in the human cities, but-”

>”N-no, it's just… hot.” You say, trying to hide your nerves with a forced smile, You've killed so many of these creatures… but you've never been this close to one for so long before… much less talk to one! And the fact that you still can't hear God's voice is starting to scare you.

>The monster looks at you with a patient smile.

>You sip some of the broth from the spoon, expecting to immediately keel over from poison. When you feel no worse for wear, you eat whats left from the spoon before going for more, your hunger spurring you own to quickly devour the whole bowl.

>”You're welcome to have more, if you're still hungry.” She says happily.

>”No thank you, I'm fine, thank you.” You say as you hand her the empty bowl.

>”Of course.” She says, taking the bowl from you, “My name is Ingibjörg, but you can call me Inga, if you like.”

>”Sirius.” You look around and sigh, feeling more and more uncertain by the minute. “…Thank you for saving me.”

>”What kind of wendigo would I be if I just left a couple to die in a blizzard like that?” She says proudly, before getting up and walking over to a table, where alchemical supplies stood. various bubbling tinctures brewing over small flames. “If you need me, just call. I'm making more salve for your amputation, for when I change your dressing.”

>”Oh, okay.” You say, carefully lying back into your bed. But your mind races, and your heart beats restlessly. This is wrong. You need to run, to fight! But you can still hear the blizzard roaring outside, and Gaelyn is still unconscious.

>And you're still much too exhausted.

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ed4453 No.245526


>You shout in terror, bolting upright, and feeling more unbearable pain in your arm stump. You thrash back into your bed and clench your teeth, breathing sharply as you're once more overwhelmed with the pain in your shoulder.

>”Everything is okay! Do not worry, child!” Inga says, as she runs over to you.

>”G-get back monster! Get back!” You scream, ignoring the pain, jerking up, reaching over to grab your sword, and pointing it threateningly at the wendigo before you. Except the scabbard was still on and you weren't sure how you were going to remove it with one hand. You shake it a few times, grunting in frustration, before tucking it between your legs, and yank at it, the blade inching out with every tug.

>The monster looks at you sadly, and with a firm but gentle motion, places it's claws on your hand and weapon.

>You struggle against it, but it's strength makes your resistance a futile effort, showing no visible struggle to keep you sword arm completely still. She pushes your sword back in it's sheathe, and pulls it from you, setting it back beside your bed. “I am not going to hurt you. You're safe here.” She lets her fur cloak open, revealing her body clad in a modest wool dress, her white hair in two long braids that go down to her waist, tail slowly waving back and forth, her lower, hoofed legs exposed, her arms outstretched as she looks at you with sweet, blue eyes.

>”I… I…” Your mind draws blanks as you hyperventilate and look desperately for a way out.

>She reaches around your back and head, being careful to avoid touching your injury, and embraces you. “You are okay, please relax child.” Her voice in a soft comforting whisper. She holds your head against her bosom, wrapping her cloak around the two of you, as she nuzzles the top of your head with her cheek and strokes your hair.

>Your breath quickens, and for the first time since you were a young child, tears begin to well up in your eyes.

>”Shhh, it's okay, it's okay, child, shhhh.”

>You start to burn in shame, and feel afraid. You're not supposed to show weakness like this to any one. You're supposed to be a warrior of God! Then why do you feel this way… Why are you showing this weakness to an abomination!?

>Why are you returning it's embrace?

>Why does it feel like something you've been missing your whole life?

>”You were having such an awful nightmare. Tossing and turning through the night, crying out for your mother… and… you were… begging your father to stop…?”

>You choke and slacken your grip.

>”You miss her, don't you?”

>”…How can I miss her… She was never there for me…” You say, against your better judgement… you had never told anyone about that before… why now…

>”She left you?”

>”Died. When I was born… And my father… blamed me for it.” Why are you confiding in this monster…

>”You poor thing…”

>The two of you stay this way for a while, and the worst part is, you realize that you don't want it to stop.

>”Hey mom! We brought you some more firewood!” Says a young man as he walks inside. He stood with a rather tall stature, and icy blue eyes like his mother, framed with a shock of shaggy greyish brown hair.

>You go cold, and feel like you've been caught doing something terribly wrong.

>Inga pulls away and stands up, “Good morning, dear! Thank you so much, just set it down by the hearth.”

>The man walks in and looks at Gaelyn, and then you, his face draining of color. “You brought a paIadin into our village!?” He hisses.

>”Of course, dear. He and his wife nearly died in the blizzard yesterday. Luckily I was on one of my morning strolls and found them.”

>”Does he know where our village is!? Mother, how could you be so reckless!?”

>”Dear, his wife is right there.” She says, pointing to Gaelyn, still lying comatose in her bed.

>He stares hard at your wife, before glaring at you, “I don't like this. Something about this feels wrong.”

>”Memaw!” Two childish voices chime, followed by their sources charging in with with tiny armfuls of firewood, quickly abandoned as run for Inga.

>”Oh hello little ones.” Inga says, kneeling down and group hugging the two little girls.

>One of them turns her head towards you, and smiles widely, “Memaw, who's that?”

>”That's Sirius dear, why don't you two say hello?”

>The other one's head turns towards you as well, looking slightly older than the other, but with the same overeager expression. They run for you in unison, and before you can even react they've both tightly clung on to you with white fluffy paws, humming contently.

>You go stiff as they hug you, surprised that they had the decency to avoid your injury. “Uh… hello.” You say nervously, as Inga's son stares daggers at you. You notice his hand is dangerously close to an ice axe hung on his belt.

>Giving the younger child a small pat on the head, you notice the large, floppy, fur covered ears on the sides, “A-and what's you little…" You catch yourself, "…princesses'… names?”

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ed4453 No.245527


>”Adele!” Says the youngest.

>”And I'm Hilda! I'm older than her by two years!” She says with a smile that was missing a single tooth.

>”Nuh uh! One and a half! I counted!” Adele pouts.

>”Alright girls, why don't you leave Sirius alone. Go see if your mother needs help with anything back home.” He says, with a voice with barely contained anger.

>”Aw, okay.” Hilda whines, before letting go and heading for the door.

>But Adele remained wrapped around your waist.

>”Adele.” The man says sternly. “Now.”

>She pulls herself off, slinking slowly out of the house, peeking her head out to look at you before her father gives a disapproving grumble.

>”Is something wrong, dear?” Inga asks.

>”I'll tell you what's wrong, why did you let this bastard into the village!?”

>”Falk! Watch your mouth!”

>”He's a paIadin, he can't be trusted. They're all soulless murderers, of your kind, and mine.” He says with a low, quavering voice.

>”I know he's a paIadin. Besides, I know in my heart, he's different. He cares so deeply for his wife, who is also a child of Orn”

>”Oh yeah? Look at his armor. He must be really high rank. The ones I've seen aren't nearly as decorated as him.” He says with grim triumph as he sneers at you, “If he stays here, who knows how many paIadins will be looking for him, and kill us all in the process! I say we kill him now and drag his body far aw-”

>”That's enough!” Inga shouts, “You may be my son, but I'm still Frostheim's chieftess! And you'll show respect for my guests! It's this exact attitude that drives humans and monsters apart in the first place!”

>He stares down Inga, and then you, glancing over at Gaelyn, before settling back on his mother. “So be it.” Falk says bluntly as he turns towards the door and begins storming out, 'I have work to do.”

>The home was deathly silent. Inga stared out of the flaps of the door, visibly upset.

>You struggled to find your voice, “H-he's right, you know.”

>Inga looks at you, with the same caring expression.

>”I've killed… countless… I have more blood on my hands than one man should ever have.”

>”You cannot change your past, Sirius. But we can always learn from it. And I saw what a caring and selfless man you can be.”

>”Thank you, but… Your son is right you're being far too trusting of me.”

>”Dear, you don't live to be eighty-five in these mountains by being dim.”

>You look at her incredulously, marveling the only wrinkles on her face being slight crows feet by her eyes when her grin widens. and suppress the urge to push the matter of her age.

>She flashes a proud, almost cocky, grin. “Now, no more worrying, alright child? You need to rest. And don't mind my son, he's just overprotective of me. He's such a momma's boy, he would get a grey hair over me walking in the snow, worrying that I'de slip and break my hip or something. As if Orn didn't create the wendigo to traverse these very mountains!” She laughs.

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ed4453 No.245531

Wait, I can't remember whether Sirius already knew that his wife was a monster. He didn't have any notable reaction.

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ed4453 No.245545


While Sirius has not been shown by Gaelyn, he does know. He was already briefed on what he was supposed to do and why. He simply hasn't said anything because he knows shes self conscious about it and didn't want to push her while shes in a delicate mental state, while at the same time not wishing to rouse suspicion to the fact his entire partnership with her is merely an order from God.

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ed4453 No.245631


>While Sirius has not been shown by Gaelyn, he does know. He was already briefed on what he was supposed to do and why. He simply hasn't said anything because he knows shes self conscious about it and didn't want to push her while shes in a delicate mental state, while at the same time not wishing to rouse suspicion to the fact his entire partnership with her is merely an order from God.

Erm, that wasn't written at all. There's never any reveal to him that she monsterized. And thus, no reaction from him.

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ed4453 No.245633

Also, what's an "ice axe"?

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ed4453 No.245722

File: c2ca81dd6d383cc⋯.jpg (12.35 KB,440x397,440:397,ice axe.jpg)


Basically an ice axe is a multipurpose mountaineering tool used to assist in climbing mountains with icy and snowy conditions.

As for everything else, I was saving the explanation for a future scene. Sorry.

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ed4453 No.247543

non-bump for moar!

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ed4453 No.250402


>You laugh half-heartedly, not really understanding what she was talking about, simply trying to be polite. Feeling a slight tickle on your side, you look over, and see blood trickling down from your bandaged stump.

>”Anyway… oh goodness…” She says as she looks down at your shoulder, “Looks like I'll need to redress your wound sooner than later. You need to promise me you'll be more careful, though.” She sighs as she approaches you with a roll of bandages and a stack of rags.

>She takes her time to carefully clean and redress your wounds, trying to keep it as painless as possible. She tried making small talk to distract you, asking about your life.

>Her questions certainly distracted you. It was difficult to think about the pain when you were trying to be more careful not to reveal too much more about your self.

>”So, how did you meet your wife? I imagine she must have been special to be the first one you stayed your hand for.”

>”Oh well… I met her when she was mourning for her father and brother. It was the first time I saw a monster cry, and I uh… I didn't know they could feel emotions like humans could.” You avert your eyes away from hers, feeling ashamed for your lie.

>”You don't have to be ashamed. You didn't know before.” She says, her caring expression only serving to shame you more.

>”Doesn't change the thing's I've done…”

>”But it changes what you'll 'do', and that makes all the difference. Just as it says in the Book of Light.”

>”I… what?” You don't remember that line in the Holy Book of Light. You practically had it memorized by now.

>”The Book of Light, the book the God of Light gave us with their teachings. Hamay was adamant that even the worst person can become a good one if given a second chance, that's why she married him.”

>”I… see…”

>”…There. All better! Well, better than it was, anyways.” She says as she finished wrapping your wound with fresh bandages. “Now, are you going to be more careful now?”

>”Yes, of course, ma'am…”

>”Good boy!” She says, giving you a gentle hug, pulling away sooner than you would like. “I'll let you rest now, alright? Feel free to make yourself at home, if you get hungry, need anything at all, just let me know.”

>”Thank you so much for your hospitality… Even after knowing what I a- …was…”

>”Do not worry yourself so much, child. Rest. I will see you in the morning.”

>You could not sleep that day. You tried, but Falk's words kept echoing in your mind. He was right…

>Staying here would only put Inga in danger. And… if any monster deserved to live, it was her. You look over at her sleeping soundly in her bed, and feel warmth bloom in your heart, that quickly turns sour. You wish you never met her, it made you too confused.

>Night had fallen, and Inga had gone to be hours ago. Listening carefully, you makre sure she's sound asleep, before carefully sitting up, and get off of your bed. Careful not to make a sound, you meticulously put on your padded-jack before strapping your plate armor to your body, doing your best to make no sounds. It was difficult, to say the least. It was tricky to do this with two hands, but at least you still had your teeth to secure the straps.

>You were left with a useless gauntlet, vambrace, and rerebrace, which you stow away in your pack. Last, you strap your sword onto your belt, and look around, making sure you had everything.

>You walk over to Gaelyn's bed, where she still slept peacefully. Her pale green skin gleaming in the light of the hearth. Your stomach sank as you looked at her, and reached for her cloak that was folded up next to her. As you hold it in your hand, you can't help but notice it seemed a bit darker than before. Shrugging it off, you wrap it around Gaelyn's body and secure it's clasp.

>With a dim shimmer dancing across her face, it's skin color and texture shifted back to her normal smooth, pale complexion. Expression unchanging from her peaceful slumber.

>You sigh as you look at her now human face, feeling guilt creep up your neck. You couldn't imagine how she's felt all this time.

>It's all your fault she's gone through all of this. But you're going to make this right, no matter what.

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ed4453 No.250410


>You squat down, and sling her over your left shoulder as carefully as possible. Once you got her in a comfortable position, you made you way to to door and stop.

>Regrettingly, you turn to look back at Inga, who was still sound asleep, wrapped up in the same fur cloak. Forcing yourself to tear your eyes away, you walk outside.

>The air was frigid, but still, making the cold bearable. You looked around and gathered your surroundings.

>You were in the middle of a large valley within the mountains, all around the edge of the flat expanse were fur covered buildings like the one you came out of. From here, if looked no different from a human village…

>Looking around at the sheer rock faces surrounding the village, you eventually find a break in the cliffs that seemed to be the only exit out of the valley.

>You made your way out of the village, looking around in case any one saw. You didn't want to have to explain yourself, or worse, gain any more attachments.

>”Going out for a midnight stroll?”

>You look up and see Falk standing before you, arms crossed as he glares at you. ”I'm leaving, don't worry. You're right… I shouldn't be here.”

>”Good, I'll escort you out. The mountain pass beyond the valley can be really dangerous.”

>”Thank you for the help, but I think I'll be…” You hear snow crunching behind you, and tense up. You reach for your sword, only to feel a sharp pain in your stump. You curse under your breath when you remember you don't have that hand any more, and quickly reach for your blade with your left-

>Something strikes the back of your head, and your faculties fail you, making you collapse onto the ground limp, the world feeling like it's spinning.

>Falk approaches you, and you feel yourself being bound by rope. “It's no trouble. I insist… wouldn't want you telling your paIadin friends about us, would we?”

>You try to struggle, but are deterred by your injury and head splitting dizziness. A sack is roughly put over your head, and tied until it was uncomfortably taut against your neck.

>”Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you… but I can't let you know where our village is… I have a family, and they mean more to me than some stranger.” Falk says, before grunting, a sharp crack against your skull before everything fades away.

>Your head was pounding, as you blinked your eyes, trying to focus on the world around you, 'W-what happened?”

>Ricki grabs your hands and helps you up to your feet, “How did you manage that!?” She laughs.


>”You ran head first into that swing!” Ricki sighs, “I guess it's a good thing I just had the stick, then.” She says, flipping the roughly carved branch about in the air and catching it.

>You blink, and look down at the ground, the blade Ricki had let you use was covered in mud, 'Oh, sorry… I didn't mean to get it dirty.”

>She looks at you and tries not to laugh, “Trust me, that sword has survived much worse than a little dirt. It's a weapon, not a piece of jewelry.” Ricki says, staring at you with a kindly smile.

>You look back at her, and realize you're still clinging to her hands. In a panic, you let go and pick up the silver blade, feeling sheepish at your stupidity as you hand it back to your mentor.

>”No, hold on to it for now. I'll feel better if you have something to defend yourself with.” She says, taking off the belt she hung it from and handing it to you.

>”W-wait, I still barely know how to use this!” You blurt as you nervously put the belt around your waist. “W-what if we get in real fight!?”

>”Didn't say I'll stop teaching you.” She says as she flips the stick again, staring a little too hard at it as it spun in the air. “Besides, survival is the best teacher. How's your arm feeling?”

>”Still a bit stiff.” You say, carefully flexing your arm until you feel a twing of pain from your injury.

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ed4453 No.250412


>”Anyways, we should be safe from paIadins attacking us. They don't typically stray this far from human settlements or trade routes…” She turns her back to you and starts casually walking forward, with you following close behind, “Still should be on the look out for wildlife, or other monsters. Ever since the crowning of the Demon King, they've been a lot more bold lately.”

>”I… I thought you said monsters didnt attack other monsters…” You say while looking around nervously as you walk faster in order to keep closer to Ricki.

>”You're a human man. They'll attack us merely because you're here. Well, not eat you or steal your valuables of course, but… well some monsters let loneliness get the best of them, and they live out in the wild for so long well… they forget basic manners.”

>”B-because of… my uh… my uh… seEE-!” Your voice cracks, and nothing more than a squeak comes out.

>”Semen, yeah. It's easy to go without if you've never had it before… but once you have… you get cravings… It's enough to drive weaker willed monsters mad.”

>Your face begins to burn at the thought, so you try to distract yourself on the scenery around you. The trees, foliage exploding with reds and browns, leaves gently fluttering down around you, Ricki's tail flicking back and forth excitedly as her shapely hips sway with each step. You gasp in terror, and tear your eyes away, locking them to the side and mustering as much inner strength within you to keep it there.

>”What's wrong?” She says, peeking over her shoulder without stopping.

>”Nothing! Nothing's wrong, just saw a squirrel, and it uh, it uh… spooked me…” You lie.

>”Squirrel!?” She shouts, stopping in place, her ears perked up in alert as she looks about. Her eyes narrow in suspicion, before slowly resuming her hike. “Must have gotten away… Crafty bastard.”


>”It's not you're fault, we'll get him next time.” She says, with a confident smile.

>You both walk silently for a while, while you make sure not to look at her behind, and failing. “U-uh, aren't you cold? Why don't you put your jacket back on…” You say, trying not to sound desperate.

>”Nah, I like the cool air sometimes. Makes me feel more alive, you know? More free! Like in the summer, sometimes I'll just run in the fields near home wearing nothing at all.”

>You nervously laugh, hoping to drown out her words and the mental image it gave you, ”Y-yeah… uh… where are we going, anyways?”

>”We're going to find an angel.”

>”My mother's notes say it's supposed to be a weapon created by the goddess of men to combat the god of monsters. But, apparently was sealed away before it was ever used…”

>”W-wait! Wouldn't this be locked away in one of the Church's temples or something? We'de be killed before getting any where near it!”

>”No, no… the OLD goddess of men, not whatever it is you humans are worshipping now. The one who created humans in the beginning. Besides, my mother was the only one to figure out where the weapon was sealed, there's no way the paIadins would have gotten it.”

>”Wait, slow down, whats this about a goddess-” You try to as her, before she continues on.

>”This 'angel' was created by the goddess of men to fight against the god of monsters, before they made peace, and then you know…”

>”No, I don't know…” You sigh, resigning to her rambling.

>”That's when the God of Light came into being… I'll explain more next time we make camp I suppose. It's a long story.”

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ed4453 No.250803


>”Wait, if this was a weapon to fight against monsters… why are you looking for it?”

>”Well, I figure that spears can be used in warfare, hunting game, and fishing, right? Then what's to stop me from using a god's weapon created to slay monsters, and use it against the paIadins? Whatever kills monsters, should be able to kill most anything else just the same.”

>You were beginning to feel a bit scared of her blood lust, “Do you really have to kill paIadins…?

>She stops and turns around, looking upset, ”Did they really have to open fire on you for trying to help them like your father did?” Ricki snaps, before her face softens with empathy, “…I don't know what you were expecting, Maurice. If you became a mercenary, you would've had to kill monsters like me… or humans like you right now… that's just the world we live in… And that's why I need to find this angel. If I have that weapon… maybe I won't have to kill them all… maybe I can stop this madness with less bloodshed.” Her eyes gaze hard into yours, burning with righteous passion. “…I can finally finish my mother's mission…” She turns away, and starts continuing along the path.

>You guess it never occurred to you that you would have to kill people if you followed your father's footsteps… of course, if you had succeeded him, you would still think monsters were just evil beasts and not people…

>”Maurice… if you want… once we've found this angel… I can take you to Ebonthorn. I don't want to force this dangerous life on you, and I won't judge you harshly if you want to duck out now, and live a quiet life.” She says, without looking back at you, a hint of regret souring her voice, “You would like living there now, I think. You would be treated a lot better than you were in Towerwood-”

>”No.” You affirm, “I… this is what I chose… and it's a lot harder then I thought it would be, I'll admit… But I'm not going to run…” You jog ahead and stop in front of her, looking her in the eyes, “…I finally got someone with enough patience to teach me how to be a warrior… I can't just throw that away.

>”It's going to be dangerous… and… I can't promise we'll live past it all.”

>You're hit with a sudden realization, “Is… is this because I'll drag you down? Is that why?”

>”No!” She says, a little too loudly, “I couldn't judge you like that… I mean, you're inexperienced, of course… but I've been there… and, I've never met him, but your father was in the same position as well at some point.”

>”Then, I'm going to stay!” You say adamantly with your hands on your hips, “Besides, my father taught me I should always protect a lady from harm! As a man, I can't let you charge into danger alone!” You say, firm and authoritatively, at least, as authoritative your voice could muster.

>She looks at you quietly, each passing second of silence making you realize how foolish you must have sounded.

>”I… just pretend I didn't say that… maybe I should just go…” You turn and try to hide your face in shame as you start to walk away.

>Ricki runs up and grabs you hand, firmly turning you to face her, “Why? I think it was sweet.” she says with a small smile, that slowly widens to a more smug expression, “But you'll have to train hard, since last time I checked, it's the other way around, here.”

>”Uh… I… okay…” You say, trying to suppress your own grin, as you nervously try to pull your hand away. But she keeps it in a light grip, slightly rubbing her thumb against you palm. “Heh… heh…” You wheeze out, nervously trying to pull away, her fingers hooking and lingering as they separate from yours.

>”Hey, the training hasn't been for nothing, Your grip feels a bit stronger now.”

>”W-wait, today is the first time you've h-held my hand, isn't it?”

>”Well, last time I felt your grip was when I removed that arrow from your arm, remember?” She says, cupping her chin and furrowing her brow thoughtfully.

>”But I didn't hold your… Oh…” Your ears feel like they're on fire as you remember that short glorious moment that was instantly ruined by impromptu 'medical care'.

>”Hey, you coming!? Get a move on! We got a long way to go, still!” She shouts from the distance.

>”Dammit… Yeah, coming!” You shout back.

>”That doesn't sound like running to me!” She taunts, before running off further.

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ed4453 No.251088

File: d1417f597eb365a⋯.jpg (38.68 KB,500x500,1:1,9a22a2e5519b59e04740ccfe52….jpg)

Always good to see you come back with big updates, snail. We get to see more of Ricki…and she's gone from comic relief to expositing all of the secrets of the plot. That's cool, though; it's how you roll and it keeps us guessing. I like learning about details in the Book of Light. Good stuff as usual.

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ed4453 No.251834


I second that.

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ed4453 No.252581


Actually, the book Ricki keeps with her is her mother's diary chronicling the mission she was on before her husband was kidnapped and she died saving him. The Book of Light is more of a religious text (Anonson has one on his person at all times). Well, the OLD book of light, as was described before, which is essentially just a basic set of moral guidelines, and practical lessons for every day life and love letters. While the new one used by the Church is about what you would expect: Guilt trips and divine wrath.

Unfortunately, this glimpse into Maurice's and Ricki's journey won't have any exposition dumps of the world's meta this time.

I might write some excerpts from the Book of Light Anonson keeps with him, but I'm waiting for a good time storywise because it might be a bit spoilery.


>Just as she's done since you came under her tutelage, she worked you to the bone along your journey, going out of her way to take the more grueling paths, bounding ahead with ease while you struggled to barely follow. And where there was no harder path to take, she made sure to find ways to make it harder…

>Her chain whip collided straight into the small deer's skull with a sickening crack of bone, it's body immediately dropping like a rock.

>”W-wait up!” You gasp, having run after her for god knows how long as she relentlessly chased after her quarry with inhuman speed. As you approach, you slow down and buckle over, dry heaving from the ordeal.

>”You're getting faster!” She says in astonishment.

>You barely manage to look up at her smiling face and give her a dirty look, feeling as if she was patronizing you.

>”I'm being honest!” She shrugs, “Since you're here, you can help me carry this to camp!”

>”C-can't we just… butcher it here and take what we need?” You say, still catching your breath.

>She seems to think for merely a second, before shaking her head, “Nah, lets bring it to camp.”

>”But we haven't MADE camp yet.”

>She ignores you as she starts to pick up one side of the corpse, noticeably struggling, “Come on, you going to help or just stand there talking?”

>You open your mouth, but think better of it, going to the other side of the deer carcass, and start lifting it up.

>”Higher.” She says, lifting it up chest height.

>You lift it up so your side is level, your breath becoming labored.

>”Higher.” She insists.

>”Uhh.” You groan, having a little trouble holding it this high, and your arms start to feel weak.

>”Higher! Now shift it this way… there we go!” She says triumphantly as she steps back.

>Your legs were wobbling as the entire deer sat securely draped over your shoulders.

>”I knew you could do it!” She praises.

>”Do… what?” You say, struggling to stand.

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ed4453 No.252583


>”Carry it to camp!”

>”W-why can't we camp here!?” You cry, the weight already feeling like it would snap your legs like twigs.

>”Elevation here is lower than the nearby river, and it might rain tonight, we need to get to some higher ground on the off chance it floods over… Don't worry, there's a good camp spot not too far from here.” She starts running off again, “Just follow me and we'll be there as soon as you know it!”

>You sigh, and remember when she made you carry the firewood before… it wasn't that hard, just… just put one foot in front of the other…

>You take a step.

>”Huh?” You mutter, realizing it's not as hard as you thought it would be. Well, it still felt like your knees were about to explode, and your lungs felt like they were filled with salt, but you could actually walk! Albeit very slowly, but still!

>Feeling redetermined, you start trudging ahead, each successful step reinvigorating your spirit as you headed towards Ricki, who would wait patiently in the distance before running ahead again farther and farther until she vanished from view.

>When your boost of self confidence began to wane, and you could no longer see her as you crested the hill, your burden began to weigh down more heavily, and you felt tempted to drop it to the ground.

>You almost did give up, but you saw a slight trail of smoke curling up into the orange, sunset painted sky, and soldiered on, ignoring the burning pain in your sides.

>You came across a steep hill, like the one you had saw before, and stop at its foot, remembering the pain in the back of your head that lingered for days afterwards. In your moment of brief hesitation, you recall when you were younger, your father coming home after a long trip. It just occurred to you how frequently he came home wrapped in bandages or bound by a splint. He must have suffered so much… just to put food on the table, and let his family live comfortably… you weren't going to let a little pain stop you!

>Setting aside your fear and doubt, you push yourself to climb the hill with all the strength you could muster. The pain in your body seeming to melt away, as every step came faster and faster, until before you realized it, you had crested the top of the hill, and only a short distance away, you could see Ricki tending a campfire, with the tent set up nearby. She looks over and sees you, her tail wagging wildly as she stands up and waves.

>”Just set it over here by the fire, and we can start eating! Well… I might dig in while you're butchering it honestly, I'm starving!” She says, excitedly rubbing her paws together

>”…Got it…” You say, exhausted as you drop the deer carcass behind you with a thud. “That was easier than I thought it would be, I don't even feel sore anymore!” You step towards Ricki and realize you not only don't feel sore, you don't feel your legs at all. You misstep, and fall, just barely manageing to break the fall with your arms.

>”You okay, Maurice?” She says with concern in her voice.

>”I can't feel my legs…” You groan, when suddenly, the feeling returns in full force, an intense, burning pain that's almost as bad as the arrow in the arm. “Uuuuugh, dammit, nevermind, I can…”

>”This is great!” She exclaims, kneeling beside you and placing the side of her head on your rump, ear flopping on one of your cheeks.

>”What are you doing back there!?” You squeak.

>”You hear that?”

>”What are you talking about?”

>”Shh…” She says, before going silent for a moment, “…It's the sound of progress.”

>”Get off of my butt, please.” You huff.

>Ricki stands back up and moves in front of you, squatting down to your level and looking at you with her friendly smile, “Need a hand?”


>She grabs your hands and helps you back up to your feet, holding you still when you sway unsteadily. “Are you injured? Are you about to die?”

>”I don't think so…”

>”Good! Then cut me some meat!” She laughs, handing you the knife.

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ed4453 No.252586


>The two of you sat around the fire, listening to the meat sizzle as it cooked, the sun setting behind the treeline and the rest of the world beyond the flame's light fading away.

>Between rabid gnaws of bloody, raw, meat, Ricki told you about the creation of the world, the respective creator gods of humans and monsters, how they united, and then vanished, leaving both races to fight and eventually divide.

>”Wait, so… what happened next?” You ask.

>She shrugged, “I was… actually going to ask you if, if humans had history of that age. My mother's diary says historical records during the the century after that are kind of… non existent apparently.” She takes a bite and chews thoughtfully for a moment before swallowing, “I haven't really checked for myself… but I doubt my mother would take note of this if it wasn't an issue.”

>”Well… our history was taught in the weekly sermons…?” You say, Ricki giving you an uncomfortable look, “…I guess that's not what you're looking for though.”

>She shakes her head, “It's okay. All I can gather is that after a century after the gods vanished, humans and monsters had mostly gone their separate ways, and now they are how they are now.” Ricki looks down at the ground and rubs her temple silently.

>Taking advantage of the pause, you take one of the more charred looking slab of meat off of the fire and cut it open, confirming it's grayish brown interior, and try to take a bite of the searing meat. “Ahh!” you gasp, breathing sharply to cool the burn.

>”Why do you even bother with that cooking thing? Just eat it raw!” Ricki says as she tears a chunk of meat in her fangs.

>”Because I could get sick if I don't!” You say defensively, before blowing on your meal.

>”Humans are weird.” She says with a lighthearted grin. A light gust of wind blows through, and she turns upwind, staring at the horizon..

>As you carefully try once more to eat the venison, you watch Ricki's ears twitch as the cold breeze blows through them. You tended to forget they were there, but you were increasingly curious as you watched them perk up and down… just like a dogs…

>Feeling compelled, you slowly reach over with your free hand, glancing over to be sure Ricki isn't paying attention to you.

>As your fingertip brushes the fur, her ear spasms wildly, “Pfftt!” She spits, laughing as she pulls away and covers her ear with her hand, “Maurice, what are you doing!? That tickles!”

>”S-sorry!” You say as you recoil back, fruitlessly hiding your hand behind your back., “I just… sorry…”

>She looks at you and chuckles, “It's fine, Maurice.”

>A drip of water hits your nose, drawing your gaze up towards the sky, dark clouds slowly rolling in, “Oh… you were right, it's raining…”

>”It's the way the wind smells.” she says, proudly sticking her nose up in the air, “We should get in the tent so we don't get too wet, it might get cold tonight.”

>You nod, grabbing the rest of the meat skewers and scrambling into the tent after Ricki.

>The rain starts to come in slowly, and you and Ricki watch the campfire die out, leaving nothing but a pile of steaming char.

>The storm begins pouring down harder and harder, bringing with it a chilling wind that cut through the canvas of your shelter.

> You shiver, and you feel a soft, furred hand grasps yours. You look over just as Ricki leans against you. “A-are you okay?” You stutter as your heart skips a beat.

>”Yeah. Just thought you looked cold.” She hums, resting her head on your shoulder.

>”O-oh… thanks…” You say, feeling your cheeks start to burn up as you try to remain calm, distracting yourself as best as you can as you eat more of your meal.

>The roar of the rain hitting the ground drowned out all else, and soothed the pain throughout your body with it's sound.

>”Maurice?” Ricki says, just loud enough for you to hear.


>”Thank you… for saying you'll stay.”

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ed4453 No.253294


>You were running down a large marble hall. At least, you think you were. Your head was throbbing, and you had no idea what you were even doing here. Everything felt out of focus and surreal, even your own footsteps seemed distant.

>As you ran, you began to vaguely hear screams, dozens of people panicking in terror. It must have been coming from outside, because as far as you could tell, this hall was completely empty.

>Until you turned the corner.

>A woman, skin as fair as marble around you, only her silken robes were whiter. Her long flowing hair went halfway down her legs, and seemed to be of spun white gold. Her arms were held aloft, an ornately crafted staff, with intricate, straight, metered lines, like geometric veins, running down its length, leading up to a cap made of crystal cut into a four pointed star. From where her hand gripped the staff, light pulsed out through the veins, and seemed to feed the crystals inner glow.

>Beyond the beautiful woman, was a wall made of glowing runes, that seemed to flow and shift frantically as the woman chanted them in a song like voice.

>”My love, why are you not in the inner chambers!? You need to run!”

>Why are you here? You look down and your hands, which grip a spear. It doesn't look very reliable, it looked like it was just a hoe that had the head bent, snapped into shape, and roughly sharpened into a dull blade.

>A deafening blast, and the sturdy walls beyond the ward explodes into shards of rock.

>”Run!” She begs you.

>But you step forward, gripping your makeshift weapon tightly, and walk through the ward.

>The priestess tries to revise the ward, but it's too late, “VERCINGETORIX! NO! COME BACK!” She screams.

>A hulking, black beast, entire body darker than shadows, only it's burning, violet eyes could be seen. It rushes towards the ward, swatting you out of the way without a second thought.

>Your body slams into the wall. It should hurt more, but the pain feels so distant.

>As your vision comes back into what little focus you originally had, you see the beast slamming into the ward, cracks slowly growing across it's surface.

>You get up, body feeling sluggish. But you still run forward towards the beast, and jump onto it's back. It doesn't even seem to notice you climbing it as it unleashes its wrath on the slowly breaking barrier.

>Suddenly it's thrashing stops, and you stop, worried that it's noticed you.

>The beast steps back, and takes in a deep breath, and with an ear splitting boom, blinding purple flames erupt from it's maw and obliterates the ward.

>You hear the woman let out a blood curdling shriek, gasping only for a moment, before continuing her tortured wails.

>Feeling anger welling up inside you, and you recklessly scramble up the beasts back, getting up onto your feet and running up to it's head. You leap up with your spear, landing on it's head, and skewering your weapon straight into it's burning eye.

>The beast roars, it's voice rattling your skull.

>As it thrashes about, you wrap your legs around it's neck, and use every ounce of your strength to drive the spear further and further into it's eye, gritting your teeth as it's screams grow louder.

>…And then turn to… laughter?

>It's uproarious laughs unnerve you, but you steel your resolve, and twist the spear, only for it to snap, the head still embedded into it's eye socket. Without a sturdy handhold, you're quickly flung off, landing next to the priestess.

>The beast's laugh lowers into a satisfied growl, and you can hear the woman beside you, still sobbing and crying, exhausted and weak as her life begins to fade away. She lie curled up on the ground, facing away from you, her head completely charred to cinders.

>Looking around, you see her staff, and scramble over towards it. As you pick it up, you brandish it like your spear, only to just barely jump out of the way as the monster charges for you.

>You get up and turn around to see the monster turning back to face you, bloodstained fangs gleaming in a malicious smile.

>You run towards him, staff raised in the air.

>He charges towards you, teeth bared. He swipes at you with his claw.

>You jump back, and then charge ahead, running it's paw with the staff.

>But before you can pull it out, the beast backhands you with same paw, knocking you over onto your back. Before you can even react, it pounces, the staff in it's paw stabbing into your leg, and pinning you in place, an intense burning searing into your flesh..

>The monster snarls victoriously with a self-satisfied smirk, it's left eye dripping blood of glistening cyan, that burned and melted your flesh as it dripped onto it.

>It's head drops down onto you, and with a quick snap of it's jaws-

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ed4453 No.253296


>”Sir, wake up. It's an emergency!”

>You bolt upright and grab your war hammer, accidentally flipping Magdalene off of you who was still clinging to you from the night before. “What's wrong!?”

>Jäeger looks at you with uncertainty, “There's been a murder.”

>”One of ours killed?” You say as you start slipping on your brigandine.

>”No… I… I think you need to get there as soon as possible. Things look pretty ugly.”

>Jäeger and a handful of guards escort you and your wife through the city, you see a crowd of locals surrounding a wall of guards encircled around an alleyway, keeping the riffraff at a distance.

>As you're let into the area, you see Naomi kneeling next to the corpse of a familiar old man. His stomach looked like it had been torn wide open, organs spilling out from the gaping wound. Blood splattered across the walls and pooled out into the streets.

>”…What in the world happened…” You utter.

>”One of the guards saw him during this mornings patrol.” Naomi says as she stands up to face you.

>”Did they see who did it?” You ask.

>”No sir. I didn't see or hear anyone when I found him.” A grizzly woman soldier standing nearby says.

>”There were no witnesses, and I can't find anything that would point to the culprit… How can a murderer kill his mark this messily and get away clean?” Naomi growls.

>”Anonson… I think…” Magdalene approaches the body, looking visibly disturbed as she scans it up and down, “Anonson, that's the sick man we brought in from the ghetto the other night.”

>The crowd begins to quiet down, making you feel a bit nervous.

>”Are you sure?” You whisper.

>”Yeah… but what was he doing here?” She whispers back. “Last I saw him he was left in the infirmary under the medics' care… But what could have done this…?”

>”It looks like a bear got it's claws into him… but what the hell would a bear be doing around here?” Jäeger says, before looking over at the soldier who found the body with a cocked eyebrow.

>”Jäeger, if you don't know what you're talking about, I suggest you keep your mouth shu-” Naomi stops, and looks back at the guard. “Soldier, let me see your claws.”

>She starts to look nervous, but is given no time to think twice before Naomi grabs both of her hands and pulls them up for her to see. Large hooked claws tipped each of her fingers, blood coating nearly the entirety of both appendages.

>”Soldier… why is there blood on your claws!?” Naomi hisses.

>”I-I… when I saw him, it was still dark… I thought he might still be alive, and tried to grab him to rush him to the infirmary. That's when I saw just how injured he was. I-”

>”Shut up soldier, not another word.” Your guard snarls, looking at the onlookers who had gone completely silent. “And what are these people doing here!? Move along!” She shouts, prompting your soldiers to start shooing them away, before turning to your wife, “My Queen, you say this man was a vagrant from the slums?”

>She nods, ”I'm fairly certain, yes. He didn't really seem to have his full faculties, but that might have just been delirium from fever.”

>Naomi groans and rubs the bridge of her nose, “Alright. I want two of you to escort this soldier back to camp. I'll question you further, later.”

>The grizzly shrinks back, looking sick. Two other soldiers approach her and tell her to come along before taking her away.

>”You don't think it was her, do you?” You ask Naomi.

>”It doesn't matter, sir. Your wife said he was delirious, and a homeless man. Not uncommon for people like that to be touched in the head, unstable.”

>”Ma'am, why would a heavily protected monster need to react that way around an unarmed, sickly old bum? I doubt she would have needed to react that way towards such a weak old man, even if he was threatening her.” Jäeger asks.

>”Yeah, and… I didn't notice any blood on her weapons.” You add.

>”I don't know, that's why I'm going to question her in private, sir.” Naomi sighs, “Regardless, I don't recommend any disciplinary action against her. If it wasn't her, he might have just died in a gutter from over drinking anyways. I've seen it happen more times than I can count..”

>Magdalene looks like a blood vessel in her head is about to pop, "So what, he's just not important enough to care because he's down on his luck!?" she shouts, getting up in Naomi's face.

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ed4453 No.253646


>”Honey… please calm down..” You say, holding your wife back, “She means that this isn't the capital, Naomi, and if word spreads about one of our soldiers slashing a defenseless man to shreds on the streets, homeless or not, it might cause an uproar. We're trying to show them they can trust monsters, remember?”

>She looks down at the ground, eyes darting back and forth as she thinks, finally looking back up at you, “Understood, sir. I'll get to the bottom of it and keep you updated.”

>”Thank you, Naomi.” You say before turning to Magdalene, who was still stewing in her anger. "Are you going to be okay?"

>"No… I'm going to go to the infirmary, and try to find out what happened. There was no reason for him to be out of care that soon, not in the shape he was in."

>A simple tune being strummed on a guitar draws your attention to the street, where you see Beatus approaching, tuning his instrument, “Hey, brother. Dominic wanted me to see what all the hubbub was about.”

>”It's under control, Beatus. Let us handle it.” You say.

>”What is?” He says, stopping, and leaning to the side to see around you. His eyes widen, and he whistles in shock, “Damn, son… What in the world happened here…?” His casual attitude starts to fade, and the color drains from his face as he stares at the corpse.

>”We're still trying to figure that-” But you're cut off by Beatus charging past, shoving you aside as he runs to the corpses side.

>”N-no…” He gasps, as he reaches out with shaking hands.

>”Beatus, did you know this man?” Magdalene asks.

>”I did… know him… Kazmir… He used to come around and listen to me when I performed, and I would always listen to his stories afterwards…” He stops himself from touching the body, clenching his fingers in a shivering fist. “Rest well, old man…”

>You and your wife give him a moment of silence, waiting until Beatus stand back up.

>”Did he have any family?” Your wife says, as she rests a hand on his shoulder.

>”Nah, man. His family died a long time ago… he… he didn't have anyone else.” He turns to you, and puts his hands on your shoulders, “I'm going to ask around, see if I can't find out who did this. I'll help you bring them to JUSTICE, alright?”

>”Well… if you can find out anything, that would be appreciated, Beatus. Just… leave the rest to us. I don't want you doing something rash out of anger.” You say, feeling more than a little hypocrital.

>Beatus shakes his head. “Nah, man. I wouldn't step on your toes like that.” He takes a deep breath and sighs.

>”We'll be sure to give him a good burial, Beatus.” You say.

>He glances up at you, but shies away back towards Kazmir. “Thanks, man…” He turns away, puts his hand on his forehead, “I… I'm gonna help, but first… I just need to take a walk first. I wasn't expecting to wake up to this shit.”

>”Take your time, Beatus. If you need someone to talk to, we're here.” Magdalene says.

>Beatus says nothing as he walks away, raising his hand in a halfhearted good bye with his head slumped down between his shoulders.


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ed4453 No.253647


>You took Lucy over to the training grounds set up outside the city walls, several other soldiers sparring and exercising vigorously.

>Gilda catches your eye, who seemed to be thrashing violently at a training dummy with her bare hands, wearing nothing but padded trousers and bandages binding her chest and forearms. Countless scars cover nearly half of her upper body.

>”Hello Gilda, doing well, I trust?” You call out as you approach her.

>She jumps and turns around to swipe at you, stopping just short of your face.

>You blink in surprise, seeing a row of nasty bladed claws jutting from her knuckles, bound securely together with bands of steel and tightly wrapped around her hand with leather straps. Her eye twitches slightly, before she brings her hands down to her side, and avoids eye contact, “…Don't sneak up on me like that.”

>”You didn't answer my question. Are you doing okay?”

>”Yeah, why? You gonna toss me out because I attacked you?” She grunts before turning around and continues attacking the dummy.

>”No of course not! Sort of expected when I walk around here. Besides…” You rap your helmet, “That's why my wife makes me wear this anyways.”

>”That's what scared me.” She grunts between swings.

>”Sorry about that, but you can see why I keep it on. Had too many close calls without it.” You say jovially, “So… why are you not in uniform?”

>”I was hot. Took it off.” She says still hacking away.

>”In this weather? Aren't you a cold?” You say, feeling the chill blowing in from the north on your face.

>She growls and whips around, “Look is there a reason for all these fucking questions!?” She looks guilty for a second, and forces her face into a less rebellious expression, “…Sir…?”

>”Nothing wrong, Gilda. Very good work. I expect good things from you when you do group drills with your new squadron today.”

>She looks at you, stilted smile relaxing slightly to something more a little more genuine, “…Thanks.”

>”And I want to see you in uniform by then, too, understood?”

>She returns a less than amused look, "Crystal. Sir."

>"Thank you. Carry on." You say, before returning to your previous business.

>As you walk to an emptier part of the field, Lucy leans in close to your ear, “Hey… something felt off with her scent.”

>”Yeah, she did reek of booze, didn't she? But as long as she's-”

>”No no, not that… I could have sworn I smelled blood on her…”

>”Well, her arms were bandaged up, she must have hurt herself earlier while training.”

>”I guess…” She says, craning her neck to look back at her.

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ed4453 No.253689




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ed4453 No.253915


>too obvious

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ed4453 No.254095


I personally suspect Beatus

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ed4453 No.258447


>”You, Magdalene, Naomi, Jäeger, and Christi sat at a table in the canteen. The large tent bustled with activity as the soldiers came back from training to enjoy a warm meal, and a mug of strong drink-”

>”Christi, do you have to say everything you write out loud? We're trying to have a conversation here.” You say a little impatiently.

>The vampire looks up from her papers, “Oh! Sorry, it's a bad habit. I didn't even realize I was going it.”

>Magdalene gives Christi a curious look, “And why are you writing it from my husband's point of view from a second person perspective? Isn't that a bit awkward to read?”

>”No no no, of course not. It's very popular these days, I assure you.” She says not even looking up as her quill scrambles across the page.

>Both of you stare at her blankly, not really buying it.

>She glances up at you, looking more and more unsure until her resolve cracks, and she snaps back angrily, “Alright alright! I started this experimentally using that point of view, and it's fucking horrible, I admit it! Are you happy!?”

>”Why don't you just write the rest in third person, then?” Naomi suggests.

>”Or just start over and write it that way?” Jäeger adds.

>”I'm already over three-hundred-and-fifty words in! I'm not going to start over now!” She lifts a stack of sheets up, pretending to read over them as she hides half of her face, “…Besides I've already published and released the first three books back in the capital…”

>”Of course.” You sigh.

>Jäeger scratches his chin, “So, how much does Anonson make off of that?”

>Christi laughs nervously, “W-what do you mean?”

>”Well, if it's about what he's doing, shouldn't he make a portion of the profits? Seems a bit fair, don't it?” Jäeger says thoughtfully, smiling nervously and rubbing the back of his head, “I could be wrong though, I never was one for merchantry…”

>”Actually, that's a good point…” Magdalene says, squinting her eyes suspiciously at Christi.

>Naomi stands up, hands planted on the table as she leans towards the writer, “And how do we know these transcripts don't have sensitive information that the enemy has intercepted?”

>”I-I promise you they haven't, my maids have always been discreet! I… I…” She fumbles around under the table and produces a full leather purse, “Ahahaha! I was only fooling around, of course! Here's your royalties!” Christi says, before tossing it towards Naomi, who catches it and tosses it to you before sitting back down, looking somewhat satisfied.

>You look inside and see if nearly overflowing with gold coins. “Thank you for contributing so much to the war effort, Miss Barkmont.” You say with genuine appreciation.

>”Of course, any time!” She says, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice, before going back to her writing, defeated.

>You feel someone lean on your shoulders, “Hey, brother. How's it hangin'?”

>You jump with a start, and Naomi springs up, drawing her rapier, flames rushing along the blade as she points it at the interloper. “How did you get in here!? Answer!!” She shouts, the entire tent going quiet, save for Lucy, who growled from under the table.

>Beatus raises his hands in the air, “Whoa, baby. No need to be so uh…” he swallows nervously, “…hot headed.”

>You raise your hand towards her, ”Naomi, I think you need to calm-”


>”I just walked in here, baby. What else do you want me to tell you?”

>”Beatus, why don't you sit and join us?” You say, trying to diffuse the situation.

>Naomi glares at him, before standing up and walking to the exit, “…I'll have to have a talk with the soldiers stationed outside. Please excuse me, sir.”

>”Geeze.” Beatus says, leaning an arm on the table and glancing at everyone with a wry grin, “She got another sword sheathed in her ass or something?”

>”She's always been a bit uptight, don't mind her.” Magdalene says.

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ed4453 No.258448


>”Actually I'm glad you're hear Beatus.” You say, leaning over and lowering your voice, “Did you find out anything?”

>”Most people I talked to said… uh… They said you guys did it.”

>Everyone stays quiet for a moment.

>”B-but hey, I know you guys didn't! It's just a little misunderstanding, I'm sure!”

>”What did you find out, honey?” You say to your wife.

>She looks apprehensive for a moment, “I uh… they don't know what happened to him. When they went to check up on him, he was just gone.”

>”At any rate, we've prepared the body. We were going to go get you before we performed his funeral rites tonight.” You say.

>”Guess it's a good thing I dropped by then… saved you the trouble… You got anything to drink around here?”

>You flag Cree down, and signal her for some beer for your guest.

>As she comes over with a mug, Beatus pulls out a satchel and upends it over his hand, a couple of copper coins and a piece of fuzz falling out into his palm. “Uh… nevermind.”

>”Put your money away, Beatus. It's on us.”

>”I don't mean to pry, but I thought you were famous around here?” Jäeger says after swigging from his mug.

>”Jäeger, that's rude!” Magdalene chides.

>Beatus raises his hand as he gulps down his drink, “Ahh… naw, baby, it's okay. That kind of thing don't bother me. But yeah, man. I tend to be broke a lot. Just because I'm famous, doesn't change that I'm a bard, baby! And uh… not typically the most well paid profession, unless you're kissing some noble's ass.” He growls. “And I don't fly like that, ya feelin' me? Rather write songs I love, than what some inbred blue-blood loves about themselves.”

>You nod in agreement, and your eyes wander towards Christi, and back to Beatus, eyes focusing on his fingers until you confirm a lack of rings on them. “So uh… have you met Christi? She's a writer herself.”

>”Huh?” She says, looking up from her work, “What's that?” Christi looks at you motioning towards Beatus, and turns to face him, her mouth parting in surprise for a moment, before curling into a hungry grin, fang just barely biting down on her bottom lip, “…Well, hello handsome.”

>Beatus leans away from her, and glances at you with an anxious smirk, “H-hello, so uh… you write?”

>She giggles lustfully, “Oh yes, I've written hundreds of books (self) published. Perhaps you'de like to read one of my most popular ones?” Christi pulls out a familiar looking book and writes something inside the cover, before handing it over towards Beatus. “I have a signed copy you can have if you like.”

>He takes it, and opens it up to the cover, his face going deadpan, before closing it back up and forcing a polite smile, “T-thanks! I'll read it tonight! Uh, hey, Anonson, I need to uh… have a smoke, I'll uh, meet you outside.” Beatus says, standing up and quickly walking out.

>Christi stares at the bard as he leaves the tent, before shrugging and returning to her work.

>”Christi… why did you have to give him a copy of THAT book?” Magdalene say exasperatedly.

>”Yeah, most humans aren't that comfortable with that sort of thing…” You say. “And aren't your stories mostly written for women to enjoy?”

>Christi looks back up at you, “I still think he'll enjoy it if he gives it a chance. It is my best work after all” She says with a proud grin, “Besides, we both have the same tastes.”

>”Whatever you say, Christi…” Magdalene says as she gets up. “You ready, honey?”

>”Yeah… let's get this over with.” You say, getting out of your seat and walking around the table, stopping by Christi's seat, “Hey, are you doing alright? About Ricki, I mean…”

>”I… as long as I keep writing I will be.” She says, stopping for but a moment before resuming her work. “B-besides! She would run out and about all the time! She can take care of herself!” Christi says, trying to maintain a cheery tone. “…I just wish she would come back… So I can tell her I'm sorry…”

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ed4453 No.258449


>The funeral was small and simple. You, your officers, and Beatus were the only ones who came to see him off.

>The bard played what he called Kazmir's favorite song as you and Jäeger lowered his simple coffin into the grave, and began filling it back in. The music had a somber, exotic feel that you couldn't quite recognise.

>When his grave was filled, you kneeled and said a silent prayer, wishing you could have at least been there to save his soul. You stood back up and looked to Beatus, who seemed to be holding back tears as best as he could, hiding his face behind his sleeve.

>”Thanks brother. Always thought I'de see him off on a mass burial at sea.” He sniffs.

>”It's my fault. It happened under my rule… I'm sorry I couldn't keep him safe-”

>Beatus puts his hands on your shoulder, “Brother, Anonson… You did more for him than anyone else has… and… it's not your fault. I know it's not your fault, you shouldn't be apologizing. Don't beat yourself up over it.”

>You stop yourself from protesting, and simply nod.

>”Actually, would you guys mind doing one more thing with me? If you're not busy, or anything doing king stuff.”

>You look at Magdalene who shrugs and nods, “Sure, Beatus, what is it?”

>”Me and Kazmir would always go to the docks, and fish, just… chill, you know? I want to do that one last time, in his memory.”

>”Sure Beatus.” You say, “I'de be honored.”

>He laughs and slaps your backplate with a dull clank, “It's just fishing man, don't have to act all stuffy.” Beatus says before walking off towards the docks.

>As Magdalene starts to follow, you grab her shoulder and turn her to face you, “Mags… what did you find out from the medics?”

>She looks at you anxiously for a moment, “No… the medic on the night shift walked out for a moment, and when she came back, he was gone without a trace…”

>”And none of the guards tried to stop him!?” You say in a hushed shout.

>She shakes her head, “No, none of the guards reported seeing him…”

>”…I guess it doesn't matter at this point.” You sigh.

>”Yo! You guys comin'?” Beatus calls out.

>”Y-yeah, we'll be right there!”

>Everyone walked down the winding road towards the docks, passing group of soldiers who were off duty, and going to the local taverns to meet men.

>”Hey ladies!” Beatus calls out, “Lookin' for a good time?”

>Almost immediately, the monsters surround him, hungrily gazing at him and cooing with affirmation.

>”Oh, you could show me a good time…”

>”No way, Anna! I saw him first!”

>”Please, he was looking at me!”

>Beatus laughs, “Sorry, cuties. I'm hanging out with my friend right now.”

>The soldiers moan and whine, begging him to come with them.

>”Sorry, babes! But hey. if you want to meet some guys, a bunch of young, lonely sailors frequent the Rusty Lyre on the next street down. Tell 'em you know Beatus, and they'll open up to you for sure!”

>They still look dejected, but end up thanking him and running ahead, looking back wistfully at him before going around the bend.

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ed4453 No.258450


>”You're really popular with the ladies.” You muse. “Surprised you're not married.”

>Beatus chuckles nervously, “Bit odd to hear that from you, brother. Is that why you tried to set me up with that lady with the… uh, nice teeth?”

>”Well, our soldiers have never really met men before. They're all desperately lonely.” Magdalene says.

>”Woo… the boys at the Lyre are going to be thrilled to hear that.”

>”How about you, though? Surprised you're not married yet.” You say.

>Beatus rubs his neck, “Geeze, you too huh? I get that way too much. I… There's already someone in my life.”

>”Oh? Who is she?” Magdalene asks with a gleeful curiosity.

>He mumbles uncertainly, ”Uh…”

>The tavern doors next to you burst open, startling you all into silence, as you see a woman stumbling out. “Whoo! Only three more to go!”

>”Oh, it's just you Gilda.” You say as you recompose yourself, “Behaving yourself, I hope?”

>She looks around with glazed eyes, before squinting at you, “Huh? Oh itsyou bossss…” Her voice slurred, breath reeking of alcohol even from this distance. “Yeeeaaah… I'm bein' a good… girl!”

>”Good!” You say, feeling a bit relieved, “By the way. I spoke with Corporal Isabelle…”

>She seems to immediately sober up at mention of her superior officer, staring at you nervously.

>”She said you were spectacular in today's exercises. You worked well with the rest of your regiment. Keep up the good work, soldier!”

>Her body relaxes, and a slight smile flashes before she tries to look aloof. “Yeah… of coursh I wuj… shoulden be a suprishe…”

>”Of course, carry on soldier.” You say, you and your friends continuing along. But she seemed to be following you, “You coming with us, Gilda?”

>”Huh?” She mutters mindlessly.

>”Nah, brother. She's doing the Watchharbor Crawl, ain't that right!”

>”Oh yeah!” She cheers, holding up a crinkled, beer-stained piece of paper.

>”It's an old sailor's tradition around here. Starting from the Stonegate Pub, you have a drink at every bar, working your way down to the docks, having the last drink at the Crusty Barnacle Bar,” He looks over his shoulder at Gilda in concern, “Uh, usually it's done in that direction because they crash at the sailor's quarters down at the docks though. Probably should have done it the other way, in your case.”

>Gilda scoffs dismissively at him before stopping, and turn back around to duck into the bar she nearly missed in her stupor.

>The rest of your stroll is uneventful, and Beatus invites you all to sit down on the edge of the docks, listening to the ocean, periodically punctuated by a cawing gull. He reaches around and under the boardwalk, pulling out a pair of fishing rods and a battered old tackle box from a hidden compartment beneath.

>He hands one to you and sets the tackle box between you, “Sorry, guys. He only had two to his name, so you'll have to share.”

>After a few minutes of fumbling to put bait on the hook, you hand the rod to Jäeger and deign to simply hold your wife's hand and enjoy the scenery instead.

>After Beatus and Jäeger cast their lines into the sea, everyone simply goes quiet and looks out at the sea.

>The bard pulls the book Christi gave him out from his jacket, and opens it up with his free hand.

>”Please don't tell me you're going to read that… and here right in front of us no less…” You sigh.

>”Hey, I've never been one to reject a gift from a lady.” He says proudly, as his eyes scan the pages, “…Hmm, I bet I could write a song about this scene…” He says with a wry smirk.

>”Please don't.” You beg.

>”So Beatus, you never answered my question. Who's the girl!?” Magdalene says with cheerful curiosity.

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ed4453 No.258451


>The book slips from his fingers, and nearly falls into the water below. But much to your dismay, he expertly kicks it back up onto the dock next to him. After catching his breath, he sighs, ”…They're someone I've known for a long time. But… they found someone else.” He sighs, “…Even then, I don't think I could love anyone else as much, and it wouldn't be fair to her, you know? She found a man that makes her happy, and I'm not going to try to take that away from her.”

>”Oh…” Your wife says sadly, “I-I'm sure you'll find another woman who you can love just as much! Maybe a nice gandvarva, they love music! Oh, oh! We know a cute sand worm who plays the guitar like you! Maybe we could introduce you-”

>You pull Magdalene close, “Honey, I think his mind's made up on this girl. I don't think you're going to convince him.”

>”But, he said she's moved on with someone else…”

>”Well… if I lost you…” You shudder at the thought and hold her tighter, rubbing your cheek across her horn until it settles on the top of her head, “…I don't think I could ever love anyone else.”

>He chuckles softly, “See, he understands. But I appreciate the offer, Mags. They sound like lovely girls… but my hearts set.”

>”I mean… I could never love anyone else either, but… surely you're lonely?” Your wife says.

>He shakes his head, “Nah. I never feel lonely… honestly, I value silence and solitude more than anything in the world.”

>”Seems a bit odd considering you're a bard.” Jäeger says.

>”Is it? Well, you wouldn't be the first to call me odd.” A small bird flies up in front of Beatus, who holds his finger out for it to land on. “Well hey, Esmeralda. I missed ya girl.” He says, gentle rubbing his cheek on the bird, who reciprocates the affection. “How's your friends up north doing?”

>The bird chirps several times in a rhythmic fashion.

>Beatus' smiiles. ”Whoa, slow down there! You're talking too fast for me!”

>”Aw, what a cute little bird!” Magdalene coos.

>Esmeralda jumps over to Magdalene, landing on one of her horns before perching there.

>”Oh my goodness! Anonson look!” She says in hushed excitement.

>”Oh yeah, she's a sweet little thing, isn't she?” Beatus says, reaching into his pocket and producing a handful of seeds, “Here, see if she'll let you feed her!”

>He pours the seeds into your open hand, which you then bring towards the bird,

>She promptly hops off of Magdalene's horn, and hides behind it, peeking out at you fearfully.

>You look at it with an uncomfortable grin, and pour the feed into your wife's hand.

>”Don't be scared little thing, he's not going to hurt you…” Magdalene say's sweetly as she holds the food up for the bird.

>The bird warily pecks at the food, and even seems to shoot uncomfortable glances at you between bites.

>You groan in defeat and raise your hands up, deciding to stretch your aches away while you're there.

>”MR. LIGHTBRINGERRR!” You hear sung by several female voices. “We heard about your friend and wanted to make sure you were alright!” “And maybe comfort you~!”

>Beatus jumps in his seat, jerking his head towards the source of the call: a small horde of local women walking towards you, all in tackily colored dresses. He quickly looks left and right, before dropping his fishing rod, and bolting upright. “H-hey, brother. I need you to help me.”

>You stand, “Help with what?”

>”I can't stand those girls, I need to lose them… just… go talk to them for me, distract them!” He says, ducking behind you and pushing you towards them.

>You stumble a bit before regaining your footing, ”Hey wait a minute, what-?”

>The women stop in their tracks and stare at you, shifting their glances to the man standing behind you.

>You raise a hand and wave, “Hello, ladi- er… citizens. Can I help you with anything?”

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ed4453 No.258475


>They stare at you uncomfortably before turning around and walking off, looking back at you uncomfortably. When they're close to the end of the street, they all break out into a run further into the city.

>”Guess it's a good thing they're so spooked by you!” Beatus says in relief, “Seriously, you're a life saver.”

>”Yeah… I really wish people were less creeped out…” You look at him in the eye and smile anxiously, “You don't think I'm scary, right?”

>He pauses for an uncomfortable amont of time, seemingly unable to look you straight in the eye, before responding, “…Course not.”


>She smiles her same sweet smile and shakes her head.


>He turns to face you, when his fishing rod buckles, “Oh! Looks like I caught something!” Standing up, he started to pull, straining to reel it in, “Holy… this is huge!”

>Every one crowds around him, ready to help. You could practically hear the dock's boards creaking under the strain, as Jäeger grunted and growled.

>At least, something gives, and his catch launches out from the sea with a huge splash, nearly drenching you all. A wet splat hits the boardwalk.

>”What…?” Jäeger mutters, visibly confused as he looks at his prize.

>A deep blue heap of wet silken cloth lie on the end of his line, hook latched into the fabric. Beatus takes it and opens it up, showing a white, eight pointed star embroidered on the center of it, a silver badge of the same shape pinned to the fine fabric.

>”What is it?” You ask.

>”It… it's just junk…” Beatus whispers, before tossing it back into the sea.

>”Darn, was looking forward to some fish…” Jäeger says.

>”Yeah… me too…” Beatus says in a hushed voice, before sitting back down on the edge of the dock and clutching his head in his hand.

>”You going to be alright?” You ask.

>”Yeah… I… I just need some time alone…” He laughs, “…I… I'm just having trouble believing he's gone.”

>”Will you be alright by yourself? What about that killer?” Magdalene says worryingly.

>”I'll be fine… I hope I see that son of a bitch, though…” He growls.

>”My soldiers are on high alert. If they try anything again, they'll be brought to JUSTICE before the sun rises.” You say confidently. “There's no reason to worry anymore.”

>Your soldiers did everything to hold back the crowd, to keep them from seeing what had happened. But their increasing agitation was starting to worry you.

>Several corpses lie on the street, ruthlessly eviscerated. At first glance, it was difficult to tell where one corpse ended and the other began. But the shredded, blood stained dresses helped let you know how many there were.

>”What the hell is going on!?” You growl to Naomi. “NO ONE SAW THIS!?”

>She looked away from you, “No sir…”

>”…Double the soldiers on patrol. I don't want any street or alleyway unsupervised at ANY time until we catch the bastard responsible.”


>”Champ, we should probably set a curfew too. People shouldn't be outside their homes at night while a murderer is loose.” Kenneth says, looking over the carnage. He lifts up his boot and curses when he notices the pooling blood on his boot, “Dammit… We need to get this cleaned up.”

>”Yeah… Naomi? Do we have all the details we need recorded?”

>”Yes sir. I'll have the street cleaned up as soon as possible, and the bodies prepared for burial.”

>”Just remember to treat the corpses with respect…” You look over the crowd behind the soldiers, the people starting to get increasingly angry and bold. “We can't afford more strain on relations right now, I don't want to leave, and worry I'll come back to my soldiers' heads on pikes!”

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ed4453 No.258957

File: 31a7858466cdf8e⋯.jpg (17.45 KB,354x439,354:439,5f2e0f861dabb5338e19afb7c1….jpg)


It's not a girl Beatus is in love with, is it?

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ed4453 No.263588


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ed4453 No.265755

Update when?

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ed4453 No.265756


Fuck forgot to sage

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ed4453 No.265788

File: 30b0920319109a9⋯.jpg (27.68 KB,500x500,1:1,agony.jpg)



You got my hopes up

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ed4453 No.265941



I would rather him take a year, and any updates be good, then for him update every day, and they be shit

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ed4453 No.268800

Is this the Duke Nukem Forever of Monster Girl stories?

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ed4453 No.271323


Where it takes forever to come out update and when it does come out and you're playing it you just want it to be over with the pacing is shit ? Yeah i'd say so

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ed4453 No.275555

Sorry everyone for my long absence. I've still been eyeing the thread, I just didn't want to respond until I had an adequate update (IE: this current plot arc finished.) Unfortunately, the threads about to be bumped off, so I have to update with something. I'll have more tomorrow, and time willing, finish this plot arc tomorrow.


It couldn't be the Duke Nukem Forever of MG stories. Because this isn't the sequel to Shining in the Light that I have planned to write immediately after this is finished.


>”I understand, my liege.”

>”I know you do… I trust the rest to you, I need to-” You stop as something tugs on your cloak. When you turn to see Dominic looking up at you, face contorting between heart wrenching fear, and… well you think anger, but it's like his fear was making that impossible.

>”W-what is going on here!? I thought you said you had this under control!?” He shouts, voice cracking nervously.

>”We do-”

>”Then why are your monsters killing my citizens!?” He says, courage slipping through, before diving back into his throat as if he has trouble keeping himself from cowering. “Y-you promised me a peaceful takeover if I surrendered!”

>”I assure you, none of my soldiers are killing anyone under my orders, and whoever is responsible for this, be it man or monster, will be brought to JUSTICE, swiftly and surely.”

>He looks at you, and seems to mull your words over, deciding to remain quiet.

>”I was kind of hoping this had been happening since before I got here…”

>”N-no, this didn't start happening until you took over… I-” He goes silent and looks away from you, glancing at the carnage before recoiling away in terror, “Oh, God… Those poor girls. Beatus is going to be heartbroken.”

>”Wait, he knows them?”

>”Oh yes. They were his biggest admirers. I always told him he should marry one of them. No idea why he never seemed to give any of them the time of day.”

>Suddenly it dawns on you: these were the girls Beatus had you scare away from last night. You think twice about saying so, though… the last thing you needed was more suspicion cast on you. “Have you asked around? Did anyone see what happened?”

>”E-everyone is still adamant that your soldiers have done it…”

>You give him an uncomfortable look.

>He starts twiddling his fingers anxiously, ”B-but uh… no one has SEEN anything, of course… w-well some said they saw it, but everyone's account was different… so…”

>You hold your hand out in front of him, ”Nevermind… Have you seen Beatus around?” You ask, “He was really down last night, and we wanted to check up on him.”

>”No, I haven't… do you want me to go get him?”

>”I'll just send a guard to find him. I've just been worried about him since we left him at the docks.”

>Dominic jumps, “U-uh, worried? About what? There's nothing to worry about!”

>Your wife stares at him suspiciously ”…Of course there's reason to worry. He stayed behind at the docks last night, and he said he wanted to get revenge for Kazmir… We were worried he would do something stupid and hurt himself.”

>”Aren't you worried about your friend?” You ask.

>”Y-yes! Well… no… he can take care of himself… I mean… I'm still-” He stammers.

>”Alright, we get it… I'll just…” You say, motioning over a soldier, “I need you to go find Beatus and-”

>”I'll get him for you!” Dominic blurts out, smiling nervously.

>”Actually, sir, let's have a soldier do it. Probably safer for you to stay with us until this is sorted out.” Kenneth says as he firmly grips a hand on Dominic's shoulder. “We don't know why these murders are happening, but since you're a high profile target, we're going to assign a soldier to be your bodyguard at all times until it's safe, is that alright?”

>He looks up fearfully at Kenneth, before his eyes dart to the lamia approaching him, “I-I… a-am I being arrested?”

>Kenneth seems taken aback, “What? No!”

>”He's just worried about your safety, sir. You're free to come and go as you please, Just as long as a soldier is with you.” You say, giving him a friendly smile.

>”If I could interject, would you mind if me and my husband discuss something important with you?” Magdalene says sternly.

>”I… sure… ? I thought I already handed the city's records over…”

>”No, it's something more important than that.” She says with a slight growl.

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ed4453 No.275557


>Dominic sat in his chair, looking stiff and uncomfortable as your wife stared him down. ”I-Is there something wrong?”

>”Aside from the murders, yes, actually.” She says impatiently, “Why is there such a large amount of transients in your city?”

>”Y-you mean 'your' city.” He says with an uncertain grin.

>”Well, we just thought it's odd. The city from the main street looks bright and successful, and then there's a dreary crowded slum behind it.” You say. “A… worryingly LARGE slum.”

>”Oh that! Don't worry, they won't bother you, they're not allowed out of their part of the city unless they're escorted by a paladin.”

>Glancing over, you see the violet skin of your wife's face turn a deep burgundy as her teeth audibly grit.

>”I-I mean… one of your soldiers?”

>You lay a hand on Magdalene's clenching fist, “Why did the paladins not let them out of the slum?”

>”W-well, they scared the traders and merchants who visited, not a good look for Watchharbor, or the Kingdom of Duskbreach. W-we're the city many immigrants first see when they come to this country, have to keep a good appearAAH-!” He shrieks as the papers on his desk bursts into flames.

>Your wife breathes heavily, each exhale carrying an annoyed growl with it. Dominic's desk creaks forebodingly as she clenches the side.

>You and Dominic hurriedly pat the flaming documents until its safely extinguished.

>”How can you… treat… your own citizens… like trash…” She snarls, poorly concealing her rage as she leans over stiffly.

>Dominic shrinks back, ducking down so half of his face is concealed behind the desk, “W-well, they're not really citizens…” He squeaks, “T-t-they don't even work… or even try to contribute to society…. If they did, we w-w-would treat them better…”

>Magdalene says nothing, her face completely blank. She gets up from her seat and walks over to the exit, gently opening the door, walking out, and slamming it behind her. The building shakes, causing a bottled ship fall off of it's shelf and smash onto the floor.

>You try to smile politely, but you don't think he can see you from under his desk. “So, do you know why they don't want to work?”

>”I don't know! I just did what the paIadins told me!” He moans.

>”Then could you tell me who WAS in charge?” You say, starting to feel slightly annoyed.


>You stand up and lean over his desk, ”…Dominic?”

>”I…. I-I-I… he's… dead?” He says with a stiff grin, his skin pale and clammy, I-I-I saw you crush his head…”

>”Did he have an office, or somewhere he kept his records, or a name-”

>”LITTEGER!” He yelps, “…General… Robert… Litteger…? …A-a-a-and I don't know where he k-kept his records! I swear!” He says, as he climbs back on to his chair and starts fiddling with his thumbs.

>You wrack your brain, trying to remember that name, “I… don't remember him…” You started to feel guilty, you tried to remember all of their names of the fallen when you gave the funerary service the other day… were you really growing so cold? You get up from your seat, and walk to the door. As your hand grasps the knob, you turn and look back at Dominic “…Thank you for your time.”

>”N-no problem! Please… stop by… any time…” He says as he fumbles with unlocking a cabinet, pulling out a crystal bottle of liquor from inside.

>You pretend you didn't see that as you step outside back into the street.

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ed4453 No.275558


nice 5s

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ed4453 No.275559


>Stepping inside the war room tent, you see your wife hunched in her chair, death grip on her hair while she writes frantically in a tome on the desk.

>”Honey? You okay?” You say, resting your hands on her shoulders.

>”No.” She says sharply, before tearing a drawer open, and pulling out a sheet of paper. “…But I will be.” After another bout of scrawling onto the page, she brings her thumb and forefinger to her lips, and whistles loudly.

>Immediately, a soldier steps inside and salutes, “Yes, ma'am?”

>”I need you to give this to Cree, she should be in the canteen. Get her whatever she asks for.” She hands the soldier the document, rolled up and bound with some twine.

>”Yes ma'am, right away!”

>After you watch the soldier bolt out of the tent, you turn to Magdalene, who seems slightly relieved now. “Uh, what was that all about?” Putting a finger on your chin, you think for a moment, “…Wait, was that you who caused the fire in Dominic's office?”

>She avoids your eyes, and sits back down in her seat. “I just… I just want to do it right this time…”

>”Sweetie… it's not your fault. I keep telling you-”

>”It wasn't their fault either!” She shouts, “…It… they didn't deserve that…”

>Pulling her into an embrace, you gentle stroke her hair, “Mags… you did all you could. Nothing will change what happened.”

>”I know… that's why I want to do this… I never want any of that to happen. Never again.” She says quietly, clutching you tight.

>The tent flaps quietly rustle open, James peeking his head inside, “I didn't come in at a bad moment, did I?”

>”Not at all, James.” Magdalene sniffs as she pulls away and puts on a happy face. “Please. Come in!”

>”Everything alright?” You ask him.

>”Aye, just wanted to let ye know that my boys have been getting the ships ready te sail. We should be able te leave by tomorrow.”

>”Thank you, James.” Your wife says thankfully, “…Which reminds me. We need to figure out what we'll be bringing along. If you could help us with that tonight, that would be fantastic.”

>”Say no more, ma'am.” He says, turning to you, “Sir.” he acknowledges, nodding his head as he ducks back out.

>Magdalene sighs, and twiddles her fingers together for a moment, before perking up and looking at you cheerily, “So, mind giving me a hand?”

>You look at her curiously, “With what?”

>The slum bustled with activity, as soldiers carried baskets of ingredients to the tables set up in one of the more open areas among the dilapidated structures.

>Cree, Gwen, and a handful of other soldiers are busy prepping the ingredients to make more food

>Your wife stood behind one of the tables, with a large pot of stew on one side, slowly simmering away over a gentle wreath of fire Magdalene had summoned. She happily served bowls of the stew to the vagrants that had nervously lined up to her.

>You stood beside her, cutting off a thick slice from a loaf of hot steaming bread. You gently hand it to the old woman, who accepts it reluctantly, before shuffling away at a quickened pace.

>”Have a nice day, ma'am!” Magdalene chimes, waving goodbye.

>The old lady ducks her head and walks off faster in an alleyway out of sight.

>”You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?” You say as you cut another thick slice of bread, handing it to the next person in line.

>”Yeah…” She sighs, “…I missed doing this.”

>”They're hardly… I mean…” you lean in close to her and lower your voice, “…They all seem to have their faculties.” You nod to another vagrant as you give them food.

>”…I know, but… I just like helping people in need.” She sighs.

>You look at the throng of disheveled people, and fight back a grimace. “How will this help them, though?”

>”It- Here you are, sir.”

>”T-thank you…” Mutters a gruff and weathered looking man in a thick accent as he takes the bowl from her with a slight nod.

>”You're welcome!” She says, turning back to you, “Well, for one, most of this town hasn't treated them like… like…”

>”Humans.” You finish for her as you continue serving bread.

>”I was thinking 'people', but that works. I imagine being treated like scum for so long, being welcomed must be nice, no?”

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ed4453 No.275560


>”I guess… but still. Just feel like… I don't know. Something about it just feels…” You close your eyes and try to think of how to describe the feeling you're having, growling in slight frustration when you fail to do so.

>The young boy waiting for his bread steps back, looking at you fearfully.

>You notice the others behind him seem to be eyeing you nervously as well, “I… sorry, it wasn't at you!” You plead, leaning forward to hand him his share.

>He carefully reaches for it, tearing it from your fingers before running off, nearly spilling his food in the process.

>Exhaling sharply, you firm slap on your pauldron.

>”How're things going champ? You seem troubled.”

>”Oh, nothing's wrong, sir. I'm just… I don't know how to describe it. I feel like… all this…”

>”We can't be here feeding them forever?” He hums grimly.


>Magdalene's expression sinks slightly before she smiles at the next person in line as she serves them.

>”Welp… I can hardly most of these people enjoy being here. Do we even know why they're in the situation to begin with?”

>”I…” You look over to Magdalene for the answer.

>She shrugs, “I… I guess we could ask since we have their attention…”

>A younger man in ratty clothes apprehensively approaches the table.

>”Good day, sir!” Your wife exclaims, scooping soup into another bowl, “How are you doing this fine day?”

>He smiles nervously, and simply says, “Hi.”, waiting expectantly.

>”I was wondering… could you tell us why all of you're all… down on your luck?” She says careful with her choice of words.

>He looks around confused, before asking a question in another language and moving towards you, another person in line taking his place in front of Magdalene.

>”Here you are sir.” You say, as you hand him food.

>The young man bows slightly as he graciously takes the food and leaves,

>”I guess he didn't understand…” Kenneth utters in slight disappointment. “Not sure I'm familiar with that dialect…”

>”Well, I'm sure some of them speak the same language as us…” You assure your wife.

>You made seemingly one-sided idle chit-chat with the people in the breadline as they got their food, but most of them kept quiet. You weren't entirely sure if they couldn't understand you, or were simply refusing to speak out of fear or shame.

>As a middle-aged man approached, you grabbed Magdalene's arm as she went to hand him a bowl, “Wait, before we give you some, do you understand our tongue? Can you speak to us for just a moment?”

>He looks at you nervously, before nodding in confirmation, “Y-yes, I speak your tongue…” He says in an accent that forced you to listen carefully so you could understand what he was saying.

>”Oh that's wonderful!” Magdalene cheers, “We were wanting to know… if it's not too forward… why so many people here live in such a dismal condition.”

>”Ah… well… we don't have much choice.” He says, chuckling darkly, “The uh, people here… they do not trust us. Because we are not from here. So we cannot find work. We would leave to find our fortunes elsewhere, but it is illegal to do so unless we pay the… what do you call them… the pulley… pollo…”

>”Paladins.” You say.

>”Yes! The church makes us pay to escort us. So we cannot even find work because we need to pay to do so…”

>”I… see.” Magdalene says as she thinks his words over.

>Kenneth approaches him, ”How would you like to join our army? Our soldiers are paid well, and you could travel beyond these walls and help us make this countr-”

>The man's face immediately scrunches up in disgust, “NO! Leave me and my kinsmen alone!” He shouts, ranting in his native language for a few sentences before slipping back, “…You can keep your food!” He spits before storming off.

>A sizable chunk of the rest in line stare at you sorrowfully before dispersing back into the alleys, muttering and moaning in despair, some even throwing their food to the ground as they do.

>Soldiers helping your effort stop what they're doing and look at you as if unsure how to continue.

>”Kenneth, what did you do?!” Your wife exclaims in a hushed tone.

>”I… I'm sorry.” Kenneth looks over at the man as he leaves from view. “…Must have struck a nerve. Hmm…” He scratches the scruff on his chin. “I wonder…”

>”You didn't mean it… I guess we should finish helping the ones who're still here at least…” You say, smiling at the handful of people remaining.

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ed4453 No.275561


>As you finished cleaning up the food, your soldiers began carrying in tools and lumber, quickly setting to work to repair the rotting buildings.

>You turn around to head back to camp and leave your soldiers to their task, you see Beatus walking your way. “Beat! Hey! Where have you been?” You call out to him before running up.

>He doesn't seem to hear you, or even notice, until he lazily picks his head up and sees you, seeming startled at your appearance.

>”We've been so worried about you!” Magdalene says, catching up with you.

>”H-huh? …What?” He says groggily, leaning in to get a good look at you through his shaded glasses.

>”We haven't seen you since the other night…” You say, craning over to glance behind his eye wear, catching a glimpse of dark bags before he jerks up straight.

>”Yeah, baby. Never better!” He says, mustering up his usual flair. “So uh… what're you doin' here, brother? This ain't no place for royalty like you!” He laughs, hooking an arm around your back and walking you back to the main street.

>”We were just taking care of some important business. But seriously, are you okay, Beatus? You seem tired.”

>”You're taking those girls deaths hard, aren't you?” Your wife says.

>”W-whoa whoa, slow down there babe. What are you talking about?” He says

>You look at him and tighten your lips worriedly, “Beatus… you don't know?”

>”I'm gonna lay some truth on ya, brother. I'm a biiiit…” He drags the syllable dizzily, looking like he's trying to remember how to finish the sentence, ”…hungover right now. I kinda just woke up…”

>You look at him, and race your thoughts to try and figure out how to tell him, ”…Beatus… this morning…”

>”We found the bodies of those girls of yours… the ones who seemed to dote on you a lot?” Your wife adds quietly, “…We're so sorry…”

>He stares at her blankly for a moment, and before hanging his head, running his hand through his bushy hair. “So… you think the culprit was hiding in there?”

>”Huh? No… no… we still have no clue who it is. We were just- mmf!?” You grunt in surprise as Magdalene slams her hand over your mouth.

>”We were just taking a walk!” She corrects with a nervous laugh.

>”(Honey, half the town saw our soldiers hauling food there. You don't have to act coy.)” You say, completely muffled by her palm.

>”Well, I guess you two would need a lot of soldiers around to keep you guys safe.” He chuckles before sighing, pulling a pipe from within his jacket, quickly filling it with dried leaves and tamping it with his thumb, “What with this psycho still on the loose… light?”

>Magdalene whispers and points at his pipe, which erupts in a glow of gentle embers.

>”Thanks.” He says, taking a few, shaky puffs. “Ahhh… gotta teach me that sometime, baby… hnngg…” Beatus doubles over and clutches his head. “Unghh…”

>”Hey! What's wrong!?” You ask as you walk over to him and rest a hand on his shoulder.

>Beatus gently takes your hand off of him and waves you away, “I'm fine…”, he says, laughing it off as he straightens back up. “…Sorry… this is all… just a little too much for me to handle right now…”

>”You should probably get some rest.” Magdalene says as she digs through the pouches on her belt, “I have something great for…”

>He interrupts her with a finger in her face as he downs a flask, tucking it away in his coat pocket.

>”…Hangovers… At least drink plenty of water.” She huffs, putting her hands on her hips.

>”Sure thing, babe. …Anyways, I think I'm going to… walk this off I guess…” He says, turning to you and grasping your hands, “Hey, promise me you'll catch this bastard, okay? And…”

>”Yeah?” You ask.

>”Come see my show tonight? I got a gig down at the Rusty Lyre, and it'de be great if you could be there… There's an empty seat where Kazmir used to sit, and it would throw me off if a friend wasn't in it…”

>”Beatus, of course we'll be there!” You say, grasping his hand firmly, beaming at his kind words.

>”Thanks, brother. ” He steps away and starts walking off.

>”He seems to be taking this hard.” Magdalene says.

>”Yeah, I'm surprised how understanding he's been though.” You say as you start walking back to camp.

>As you wife catches up beside you, she grabs your hand and sighs, “If everyone just gave us a chance to talk things out, this would be so much easier-”

>A dull splat interrupts your conversation. Looking down at the source, a rotten tomato harmlessly slides down your cuirass, falling to the ground with a wet plop. You look back up, and find a handful of angry locals staring you down, wielding more rotting produce, rocks, and tools brandished as weapons.

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ed4453 No.275564


>You could already hear the clatter of armor as your soldiers rushed in from the distance.

>”What do you hope to accomplish by doing this?” You shout as you step forward.

>A middle-aged balding man in fine silken clothes, eyes bloodshot and puffy, separates from the crowd, shakily gripping a butcher knife. “Y-you… you killed my daughter, you… you disgusting abomination!! And we're going to make sure you can't hurt anyone else!”

>Magdalene steps in front of you, ”Good sir, we haven't hurt any -gck!”

>”My son was killed in your raid you lying whore!” Another man yells, “How dare you act like you're not guilty!?”

>”I… I didn't…” She steps back in recoil, slowly reaching up to her face to wipe the moldy fruit off it, and spitting out what had gotten in her mouth.

>Without a second thought, you stomp a step closer, putting yourself between them and your wife, snarling as your hand reaches for the morning star on your hip. “Who… who threw it!?”

>The mob shrinks back, but becomes emboldened by their numbers and stands their ground.

>As you stare them down, Beatus casually strolls between you, rubbing his temples as he groans softly in discomfort, “Hey guys, you mind keeping it down?”

>”You… you bastard, I always knew you were no good!” The bald man growls, “You may have fooled everyone with your music, but not me! It's not enough that you had to seduce my daughter and her friends, but you defend their murderers, too!?” He turns around to the crowd and raises his hands, “Of course, he's always been a filthy mutt! The foreigners blood in his veins, he probably wanted to rape their corp-”

>With a quick flip into a hand stand, Beatus twirls his feet, swiftly cracking his boot against the man's jaw, knocking him down onto the ground, unconscious. The bard readily jumps back onto his feet, casually adjusting his jacket before fluffing his hair. “You cats alright?”

>Your temper still cooling, you sigh heavily and look to your wife, who had finished cleaning herself with a handkerchief, “Yeah, we're fine.”

>Beatus catches a rock whipped at him from the crowd before throwing it back at the assailant, crowning them hard in the skull.

>A handful of people rush forward

>Before the situation can escalate any further, your soldiers swarm in and begin subduing the rioters, tearing their rudimentary weapons from their hands, and standing at the ready, “What are your orders, sir?”

>”…Place them under house arrest for the night.”

>As your soldiers begin to walk them back home, you look at the well-dressed man, “Except him… and the man who threw the tomato at my wife. Put them in a cell. I want to talk to them.”

>”You bastard!” He screams, before turning to Beatus, “And you, you disgusting traitor! You philanderer!! I'll kill you both! When I get out I'll kill you both!!! You hear me!?” His thrashing rendered fruitless by the large ogre gripping his arms.

>”Take them away.” Your voice cold, as you desperately try to distance yourself emotionally from the whole situation.

>”Honey, do you really have to arrest them? They're just scared!” Magdalene pleads

>”There has to be some kind of punishment for this behavior… besides, it's not like we're hurting them, just giving them time to cool down. And thank you Beatus, you didn't have to do that for us.” You firmly shake his hand in gratitude.

>”It wasn't for you, brother. It was for him… and me.” He says, head sinking as he shakes it sadly, “Honestly, it looked like you were going to kill him. Thought it would be better if I ended it than you.”

>Realizing your hand was still hovering over your sidearm, you shamefully force your arms straight at your sides.

>You struggle to explain yourself, ”I… I wouldn't have… I just… Sometimes it's…”

>”Don't sweat it brother, I get it, you wanna protect your lady. No shame in that.” He says wistfully, as he watches the last of the mob being escorted away. “…There goes a quarter of my regulars tonight, though… Oh well, guess that just means more room for my brother's friends, huh?”

>Beatus snaps you back to reality with a firm slap on the back, giving you an expectant smile, “Y-yeah, of course.”

>”Groovy. See ya later, then. And try to stay out of trouble this time?”

>”Don't worry, Mr. Lightbringer, I'll make sure he's a good boy!” Magdalene teases as she held you tight.

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ed4453 No.275716

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ed4453 No.276013


>You ran towards the edge of camp as fast as you could, your wife waiting for you, impatiently tapping her foot. Lucy stood next to her quietly, tail wagging slightly as you approached, and Naomi was behind them both, ever alert, “Honey, what took you so long? We're going to be late!” Magdalene scolds.

>”Sorry, it took a while to pull Perri away from the forge…” You glance over the the diminutive cyclops hanging limp under your arm.

>”I'm not properly dressed…” She cries.

>”You said that before, and ended up hiding in a crate.” Jäeger pants as he catches up with you, out of breath.

>”B-but I have to finish uh… polishing the spears!” She blurts out unconvincingly. “They're so big to me, it'll take me all night!”

>”Perri, what are you talking about? I inventoried your stores, and you've been ahead of schedule for days!” Magdalene says

>”You need to get out of that workshop sometimes, Perri. It's not healthy holing yourself up like that.” You add, setting her down on the street.

>The cyclops merely responds with a pitiful whine.

>”Sorry we're late!” Natsuko calls out as she runs up to you, wearing a simple, but elegant white dress that didn't seem to fit quite right around her musculature.

>”Uh, Natsuko… we're going to a bar. Why are you dressed up so nice?” You say as you eye her up and down.

>”N-no reason! I just… can't a lady look nice when going out for once?!” She says defensively, crossing her arms in a huff.

>”Well I think you look lovely, Natsuko.” Magdalene says sweetly.

>She scratches the back of her head with an embarrassed smile, ”Thanks, it was my moms. Couldn't believe it fit me, she always looked so much bigger back then…”

>”I'm coming!” Erdrick exclaims as he approaches, out of breath. He too was dressed up to the nines, although his choice of fashion was… questionable. A crimson leather jerkin over a white undershirt, sleeves so puffy they doubled the thickness of his arms. A ruff so widely folded around his neck, it looked like his head was sinking into a sea of fabric. Upon noticing your stares, he glares back and snaps, “What are YOU looking at!?”

>Trying your damndest not to snicker, you turn around, only managing to safely say, “Nothing.”

>”You look…” Magdalene pauses, trying to find the right word, “…Handsome…?”

>”Shut up.” He says, sounding defeated.

>”You look so cute!” Natsuko squeals as she cups his cheeks

>Erdrick giggles dumbly, melting from her touch, “Heheh… thanks.”

>”Oh my, are we going to have to chaparone for these two?” Gwen jokes as she walks up, arm in arm with Kenneth, both wearing casual plainclothes with a sidearm on their belts.

>“Aren't you two a little over dressed?” Kenneth says.

>They both look at him in annoyance.

>Kenneth defensively reels his head back a bit, ”Never mind.”

>”Let's just go already.” Erdrick says impatiently, grabbing Natsuko's hand and walking briskly down the road.

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ed4453 No.276016

File: 5f61c1deb73130d⋯.gif (1.03 MB,823x454,823:454,mjackson[1].gif)


>All these updates at once.

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ed4453 No.279611


>At the corner of the street, stood a tavern, that despite looking as if it was constructed from rickety driftwood, upon closer inspection would reveal it to be much more sturdy and timeless than the buildings around it. It's drab, earthy appearance clashed violently with the bright, pastel colors of the rest of the city, but despite this, it still had a sizable group of patrons crammed inside, spilling out the front door, all laughing and having a good time.

>Until someone saw you and your group approaching, silently nudging one of his friends and drawing other's attention to you.

>One of the largest of the group walks up to you, nose red, and boldness high from deep intoxication. “Whadda fuck do ya freaks want?” He grunts, breath reeking of alcohol.

>”We're here to see our friend perform, sir.” You say, holding out a hand with a friendly smile. “How are you this fine evening?”

>”Don'tchu talk down ta me! “ He slurs angrily, clumsily slapping your hand away.

>The man who first saw you takes the large man's side, “Why don't you and your band of freaks go back to that little camp of yours? We don't want you or your kind here.”

>Before you can even respond, Beatus steps between them from behind, pulling them apart just enough to hang his arms around their shoulders, “Hey! You came! About time too, I was just about to start!” He looks to the man on his left, then the one on his right, “…See ya met Dirk and Zack, two of my favorite regulars! You're all getting along, right?”

>”Whatever…” The larger man angrily shrugs him away, and storms off into the streets, his friend following close behind.

>The bard shrugs, “Huh, guess they had a bit too much to drink already. Anyways, come inside! I saved you some seats!

>Ignoring the glares from the rest of the drunks outside the door, you follow him through the door. It's bright and very well lit despite it's dingy outward appearance. In the rear of the dining floor, a small stage stood dark and empty. Tables are full of sailors, laborers, and even some wealthy looking individuals, all happily, drinking, chatting, shouting, joking, singing…

>Until your party's presence became known. The jolly din quiets down, not enough to have a conversation without having to speak loudly, but just enough for a discomforting tension to hang in the air. Eyes all over the room nervously steal glances your way.

>Beatus leads you all to a large booth table over in the corner right next to the stage, “Made sure you got to be right next to the action, brother!” He holds his hands out as everyone takes a seat, “Ya'll just sit tight, I'll go get Duffy, let him know you guys are here. I'm going to go back stage and get ready.”

>As he runs off to the back, you see the patrons at the tables next to you get up, grumbling angrily as they walk out the door.

>”Well… it's better than the riots…” Magdalene says with bitter optimism, “…right?”

>”Do you want me to have more guards surround the perimeter, sir?” Naomi says.

>”No, I don't want them to think we're going to raid the bar or something…” You say as you scan the room, catching people jerk their head away when they see you facing their direction.

>”Champ, I think you're expecting too much too soon. A lot of people aren't going to trust monsters for a long time, if ever.” Kenneth says, before resting his cheek on his fist, “It'll take generations before this rift heals. Don't beat yourself up over people being stubborn.”

>Gwen lays a hand on yours and gives you a sweet, motherly smile. ”I think you're doing a fine job-”

>”OH GOD! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!?” Someone screams, making you, and everyone else at the table jump out of their seats, hands reaching for weapons.>A smack echos out, “How rude, did your mother ever teach you how to speak to your elders?” Iris says to a man rubbing a red mark on his face before floating over to your table, diners near her path bolting to the door as she passed. “Why didn't you invite me, deary?”

>”Sorry gramma, you were sleeping when we went to invite you.”

>”Just slap me awake, next time dear.” She says shortly, “There's no way I want to miss that hunk on stage.” Her voice dripping with unrestrained lechery.

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ed4453 No.279612


>A portly, balding man in a grease spattered apron waddles over to your table. “So yer the weirdos Beat was yammerin' on about, right?” He says, cocking an eyebrow as he looks over your companions, before heaving a sigh and putting a hand on his hip, “You guys are costing me a lot of business, you know.”

>”Duffy, right?” You presume, the man confirming your guess with a nod, ”We don't expect anything free, sir. We'll gladly pay for-”

>”Damn right you're going to pay, don't care if the Holy King himself came down here, I'de still make him pay!” He says angrily, “What I'm talkin' about is servin' a bunch of murderers is scarin' my regulars away!”

>”We're not the ones committing the murders!” Lucy snarls, slamming her paws onto the table, “How many times do we have to tell you people this!?”

>Duffy looks at her stony-faced, “A lot of paIadins frequented the place before you and your lot killed half of them.” He produces a notepad from his apron, “Just take your god damned order before I change my mind.”

>Something in the back crashes loudly, followed by angry shouting.

>The owner looks over, and curses under his breath, “…I'll be right back. Look, I'll just have one of the barmaids take your order. Just try not to kill this one, they're already understaffed, and I just mopped in here!” He shouts as he runs off to investigate.

>”We should have just drank at Cree's before coming here. They're just going to spit in our drinks.” Kenneth says, slightly annoyed.

>”Well, I brought milk, if anyone want's some.” Gwen says as she starts unbuttoning her coat.

>You reach out and shout, ”Gwen, no! Not in pub-!”

>Before you can finish, she pulls out a bottle from her coat pocket, “Oh, do you think we would be kicked out from bringing our own drinks?”

>You sit back down, “…Never mind.”

>She gives you a worried look before passing a bottle of milk to Kenneth, “Anyone else want some?”

>Everyone else gives a polite decline.

>Muffled shouting, coming from outside has everyone craning their neck to the nearby window, you see a few men carrying instruments with them storming off, Beatus walking after them.

>One of them turns around, and starts arguing with Beatus.

>Beatus holds out his hands pleadingly as he tries to approach the man, who only recoils in disgust before running off. Beat slumps his shoulders in defeat as Duffy comes up behind him and puts a hand on his shoulder, speaking inaudibly before pointing his thumb back to the rear entrance.

>”Wonder what that was about.” Jäeger says, “And when is the barmaid getting here?” He slams his hand down, “Let's get some service over here, huh!?” his voice booming so loud the bar goes quiet for a moment.

>You scan the area near the kitchen, and see a trio of girls huddled together, looking over towards your table apprehensively. They whisper amongst each other before shoving the more diminutive of the three towards you.

>She breathlessly stammers nonsense as she stumbles over, her eyes darting everywhere but towards any one of you directly.

>”Just a round of drinks for everyone but those two, please.” Magdalene says patiently as she points at Ken and Gwen.

>”Hey, what do you have to eat around here!?” Jäeger says, slightly irritated.

>”I… I… me, I… don't…” She squeaks.

>”I'm fine with anything you got, really, as long as it's got meat.” He finishes.

>Her eyes wander towards Iris, who's staring at her with all of her eyes, unblinking.

>The waitress' expression seems to go blank for just a split second, before a peppy smile spreads across her face, “Sorry about that, folks! What was your order again?” Her voice filled with mirth.

>”Uh… beer for everyone except those two, and whatever food you got that has meat.” Jäeger repeats.

>”Our tavern is famous for our crab cakes! Made with crab caught fresh right here in Watchharbor! How does that sound?” She says, fully invested into her spiel.

>You look at her curiously, confused by her sudden change in demeanor. “Yeah… that sounds good, I'll have some too. Mags?” You look over to her, and see her staring daggers at Iris, who's waggling her fingers at the barmaid.

>”Just get us enough for everyone, dear! It'll be my treat, how does that sound?”

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ed4453 No.279622


>”We're not the ones committing the murders!” Lucy snarls, slamming her paws onto the table, “How many times do we have to tell you people this!?”

I bet it was the elves.

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ed4453 No.279670

>marathon story, missing sleep and reading at work

>finally done

>get back home


mah nigga!


Pretty sure the elves would just smash a window, strip down and chain themselves to a lamppost as "punishment"

I call Beat's bird as the murderer

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ed4453 No.279675


>Everyone but Magdalene voices gratitude.

>”Alright, guys! I'll be back with your order in just a bit!” Your server chimes, before skipping happily back to the kitchen.

>You lean in close to your wife and whisper ”Maggie, you okay?”

>She looks over at you, face straining to hide her anger, “I-”

>”How are all of you doing tonight!?” Beatus shouts excitedly from on stage, double-necked guitar slung in front of him.

>The tavern buzzes with excited murmuring.

>The bard holds a hand out, and quieting the audience down. “Tonight's show will be a little… different, than usual. The uh… rest of the performers left…”

>The excitement dies down considerably.

>”But the show must go on, am I right?”

>”Whooo! Take it off!”

>”Gramma, please restrain yourself.” You tell Iris in a hushed tone.

>Her words whip the women in the establishment into a frenzy, all begging for the same thing.

>Beatus laughs it off, “If you stick around, maybe later, ladies! But before I get started, I just want to thank some very special friends tonight!” He walks to the edge of the stage and motions his hand in your direction, “My brother from another mother, Anonson Morningglory: the Demon King!”

>'Morningglory' Your mind starts to race. Why did he call you that? The only other person to call you that was-

>”And his lovely wife, Magdalene… uh…” He kneels down and speaks normally to your wife, “So did you take his surname or…”

>”I'm… not sure…” She says, clearly confused. “Honey, you didn't tell me you had a surname.”

>”I… I don't… Surnames were only given to noble bloodlines or awarded to-”

>Beatus gets back up, “It's not important. But what IS important is thanking him for freeing us from the tyranny of Duskbreach, and for treating all of you here tonight to a round of beer on him!”

>Your wife's eyes widen as she turns to you, ”Anonson, when did we agree to that!? Did you do this!?”

>Her concerns are drowned out by excited shouting as Duffy and the other barmaids come out from the kitchen, trays crammed with full mugs, and begin passing them out to the patrons.

>”While you're all getting' relaxed, why don't I start with a crowd favorite: One Remarkable Port!” Beatus begins playing a whimsical, relaxing tune on his guitar, and singing in a rich baritone.

>Magdalene still looks at you impatiently.

>”Mags, I didn't order it, it wasn't me!”

>”That creep better not have tried to rip us off…” She grumbles as she flags down Duffy.

>The owner walks over, “Yer order's almost ready, alright!? Gimme a break!”

>”Just how much do you expect us to pay for all this!?” She says angrily.

>Duffy mutters numbers under his breath, “Eh, about four silver. I rounded down since yer all friends of Beat's.”

>”For this round of beer for the whole tavern!?” She says incredulously.

>”Nah, for your order. Beatus already paid for the beer. Look, I gotta get back to the other customers.” He snaps before walking off.

>”Oh… that was really nice.” She says as she relaxes back into her chair.

>”Yeah, I'll say…” Kenneth says in a slightly dissatisfied tone. “Surprised he could afford this.”

>”Why are all of you worrying? This'll let us leave on a high note!” Iris says happily.

>Naomi grunts quietly, arms crossed tensely as she tirelessly scans the room.

>”Oh, by the way, dear. Could you give me back those daggers I gave you?” Iris says, “They're a gift from my father, you see, and I like to keep them close.”

>You pull the stilettos out of your belt, admiring the beautifully carved motif depicting a pack of raging hellhounds bounding from the center of the hilt, outwards. The amount of detail was staggering, down to individual furs being meticulously carved to an impossibly fine degree, “I didn't notice how beautiful they are.”

>”My father was a blacksmith.” She says proudly, “It was his passion second to me and my mother.” Her smile dampens as she looks at the weapons, “They're almost all I have left of him.”

>”I feel a bit bad for using them…” Lucy says, “They're too pretty to be stained with blood.”

>”If you didn't use them, then you wouldn't be standing here, talking.” Iris says with a hint of malice that chilled you to the bone, before cheering back up again, “Besides, he would be happy that it was used to protect someone.”

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ed4453 No.279676


>As Beatus was on his third song, and the tavern felt slightly more lively, the waitress came back to your table with your order, still as chipper as ever. “Here you are, folks. Sorry for your wait!” With practiced poise, she serves your drinks and food from her tray, perfectly balanced on her hand, even as she leans to and fro, and the weight of it's load shifts.

>You look at the plate of crab cakes, steaming hot, and glistening with the oil it was fried in. “Thank you very much, ma'am.”

>”You're welcome sir.” The waitress gushes before giving a small bow. Her eyes lock onto your wife, and seem to glisten excitedly, “Oh wow! Your hair is so beautiful! You have to tell me your secret!”

>Magdalene seems taken aback as the barmaid runs her fingers through her hair. “Oh gosh, no it's not!” She laughs nervously, “I've been too busy to properly bath in a while… but when I can, I wash it with diluted vinegar and after rinsing that out, let it soak in holstaurus milk for a while before rinsing that out too.”

>”I'll have to try that!” She says, before tilting her head and resting a finger on her chin thoughtfully, “Wait, you said… what's a holstau-”

>”Here, dear. Fresh from the farm!” Gwen says, handing her a full glass bottle of milk.

>As she graciously accepts the bottle, she looks confused again, “I… didn't see any livestock brought with your soldiers-”

>Iris sighs loudly, slamming her mug down, ”Excuse me, miss. Would you mind…?” she says, waving an empty mug about.

>”Oh, right away, ma'am!”

>As she bolts off, Magdalene absentmindedly digs at her food as she looks over at Iris suspiciously. “Sure is weird how she seemed to get so friendly so fast…”

>”It's probably just Anonson's winning smile that calmed her down.” She says casually.

>”Mags, I don't understand. Why are you upset?” You ask in concern.

>”It's nothing…” She forces glares at Iris once more before forcing a smile. “It's nothing!” Her voice less dark, as she looks back up at Sirius.

>Despite his lack of back up, he seemed to be enjoying himself immensely, dancing across the stage with impressive acrobatics while still playing his guitar, all while still singing loud and clear for the whole building to hear.

>Glancing around the room once more, you see a few of your soldiers sitting at another table across the floor.

>And sitting alone over at the bar was Gilda, leaning back as she knocked out a full mug in a single draught.

>”I'll be right back.” You say as you get up and push in your chair. After a quick walk over to the bar, you sit down next to her and try to lean forward far enough to get in her field of vision. “Hey.”

>”Hey.” She says in a low voice, staring groggily at a drop of condensation slowly working it's way down her empty glass.

>”Why are you here alone instead of your squad mates?”

>”What's it to you?” She grunts.

>”Well… you've been performing flawlessly with your squadron. It's like you were born to do this!” You say, calming down your excitement a bit when you see her scowling at you. “Just, seems weird that you're not spending time with them. Did you get in an argument with someone?”

>She scoffs in annoyance, “I don't need to be all buddy buddy with people who might die tomorrow. Better I just keep a professional distance.”

>As you watch her chug the rest of her booze, a bout of laughter slips out from your lips.

>”What?” She snaps.

>”You never struck me as the professional type, honestly.”


>”That's no way to speak to your king.” You laugh.

>”You sure don't act like one.” She says, slumping lazily on to the bar.

>”Thanks.” You say, feeling a bit happy to know that.

>”Wasn't a compliment, really.”

>You rub your chin, “Fair enough. Anyways, do you want to sit at our table?”

>”Fuck no, leave me alone.”

>”Come on, we have food, we'll share with you!”

>”I already tried the food here, it's shit. Least I can stomach the semi-opaque bitch's food.” She sighs, “Look, I'm going to go. Just want to try to beat the crawl here at least once before we leave.” Gilda gets up from her stool, and starts walking towards the door..

>You watch as she leaves, until she turns her head, and walks back to you.

>”…Look… I'm sorry. I just don't…” She shakes her hands in front of her, as if trying to jostle the answer free. “…I just… I just don't… like, people. Alright? It's nothing personal, okay? I just… sorry.” Her eyes lock on to the floor by your feet. “I'm sorry. I can't help it….”

>”It's fine.” You say with a smile on your face, “I'll see you tomorrow, then?”

>”…Y-yeah…” She says, seemingly taken off guard. “See you.”

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ed4453 No.279677


>”Alright folks, I'm going to take a small break. So enjoy your drinks, and I'll be right back!” Beat shouts, before jumping off of the stage and grabbing a glass of water from a giddily waiting barmaid. “Thanks, babe.”

>Erdrick jumps off of his chair and quickly runs up to him, beckoning him to lean down so he could whisper something.

>After a short silent exchange, Beatus nods and give him a small thumbs up before the two of them walk back to your table.

>”What was that about?” Kenneth asks.

>”Nothing.” Erdrick snaps.

>”So you all enjoying yourself?” Beatus asks, leaning on the table before grabbing a nearby crabcake and taking a bite out of it.

>”Hey! That was mine!” Erdrick exclaims.

>Beatus shrugs as he voraciously stuffs his face, “Hrr, id's prrmrnt.”

>”Payment for what?” Natsuko asks him.

>”N-nothing… it's nothing.” He says, shyly looking down at his empty plate.

>Natsuko takes the last cake from her plate and splits it, handing him the other half with a warm smile.

>”So what was up with your band mates? You were having some sort of argument?” Gwen asks, “Is everything alright?”

>He looks over and gives a false smile, “Everything's fine, baby! They just uh… had to…”

>”Beatus, is it because of us?” Magdalene asks, reaching her hand across the table.

>”N-nah baby, don't worry about it. It's fine. He says, waving it off.

>”Also, just curious, but why did you think my husband's surname wa-”

>”Whoa! Look at the time, I gotta get back on stage!” Beatus says, leaping from his seat and grabbing Erdrick's hand before rushing back to the stage with him in tow.

>”W-wait! I didn't finish my food!” He exclaims as he fruitlessly reaches for the table.

>”Ladies and gentlemen, I have a special friend here, who wants to make a VERY special announcement. Erdrick?” Beatus steps aside, leaving Erdrick center stage, staring out at the patrons of the bar.

>”I… uh… um… I uh…” He yammers, gazing blankly ahead, before looking over at Beat, who merely responds with a smile and two thumbs up. “I… I just wanted to… uh… Dammit, why're all of you staring at me!?”

>The patrons start muttering and whispering, some choosing to go about their own conversations.

>”Come on, you can do it man!” Beatus whispers loud enough for him to hear.

>Natsuko gets up from her seat and climbs up on stage, approaching Erdrick before kneeling down to look him in the eyes. “Erdrick, don't be nervous. What is it you wanted to tell me?”

>His face contorts angrily, as he struggled to hide his tears, “Dammit… you must think I'm a total coward… Can't even… can't even…”

>She pulls him into an embrace, engulfing him in her large body, “You don't have to tell me right now if you're too nervous.”

>”No!” He says, pulling away, “I…” He starts fumbling around in his pockets, before pulling out a small box, “Natusukowillyoumarryme!?” He shrieks in a pitch higher than usual, eyes tightly clenched shut.

>The bar goes silent, awkwardly silent, save for confused murmuring and a belch.

>”Erdrick…” She chuckles, “I was going to ask you the same thing, to be honest… but I was too scared… I… I guess I was worried I would screw it up somehow.”

>”Dumbass.” He mutters, before sliding the ring on her finger, grabbing her head and bringing her in for a kiss

>Their displays of affection are met with groans of disgust and annoyance from the regulars, while your soldiers cheer and applaude louder to try to drown it out.

>”Ain't that sweet folks, lets all have a hand for the happy couple!” Beatus says, walking back center stage, and patting Erdrick on the back, “We should all be so lucky to find someone special to spend our life with, am I right?”

>Despite the accolades from your peers, some of the regulars get up and leave.

>”Don't worry about it guys, they're just jealous of you two!” He assures them before gently guiding them to the edge of the stage.

>Natsuko sits back at the table, beaming serenely, while Erdrick looks at his feet, face red as a beet as he smiles sheepishly.

>”Congratulations, you two!” Gwen says ecstatically.

>”So what made you decide to tie the know, boy?” Kenneth says, a toothy grin spreading on his face, “Did you knock her up and want to take responsibility?”

>Erdrick's face turns a deeper reddish purple, his lips curl up into a snarl, teeth grit angrily, “N-NO SHUT UP!”

>”You don't want me to bear your child?” Natsuko says, feigning hurt.

>His face reverses expression, becoming instantly apologetic, “T-thats not what I meant! I-I-I I just…”

>She laughs and pulls his head into her bosom, “I'm just joking, relax!”

>He relaxes in her arms for a moment, before trying to pry himself away, “N-not in front of everyone!” Erdrick huffs, taking a few breaths to calm down, “…Hey, Anonson…”

>”What's up, Erdrick?”

>He looks at you for a moment, before shaking his head, “…Nevermind, I'll tell you later.”

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ed4453 No.279678


>”Thank you! Good night! You've been a wonderful audience tonight!” Beatus yells over the cheers from the women in the bar.

>In fact, a lot of your own soldiers had come in since the show started, chatting up some of the younger sailors who were too drunk care what species they were.

>Beatus climbs down from the stage and walks to your table, “How did you guy's like the show tonight?”

>”It was great! Your music is really amazing!” You say.

>”Thank's brother, that really means aloAUGH!” He shrieks, jumping forward as he grips his bottom.

>Iris giggles as an eyestalk suspiciously whips back behind her back.

>”Beat, you didn't have to do that for us.” Magdalene says.

>”Do what, baby?”

>”For the kind words, and for treating everyone here on our behalf! You really didn't have to go through all that trouble.” Kenneth says.

>”It was no trouble, baby. Just used a favor Duffy owes me.” He says with a sly grin, “He'll never admit it, but I've saved his ass too many times to-WOAH!” Iris careens and clings onto into Beat, but he manages to keep his balance.

>”Oh, sorry, young man.” She giggles drunkenly as she drapes her eyestalks over his chest and shoulders, “Would such a… strong… man like you, mind carrying a poor old woman home?”

>”Uh… s-sure, Miss. I'd be glad to.” He says, attempting to hide his discomfort.

>A bell echos out from the streets.

>”…What's that, brother?”

>”Curfew bell.” Naomi informs, before walking to the center of the tavern, “EVERYONE FINISH YOUR DRINKS AND GO HOME! YOU HAVE HALF AN HOUR OR YOU'LL SPEND THE NIGHT IN A CELL FOR QUESTIONING!!”

>”Until this murderer is caught, people need to be safe in their homes at night.” You elaborate.

>”I can dig it, baby.” He says as he follows you and your friends outside.

>The cool night air was refreshing after being in the crowded, muggy bar. The sun had set, and the moon shone beautifully over the ocean, waves glistening with moonlight.

>”Hey… Beat.” You say.

>”Yeah, brother?”

>”…If… what that man earlier said was true… one of your parents was a foreigner?

>”…Yeah.” He says, growing quiet. “My dad.”

>”Isn't that sweet! Just goes to show you, even people from different worlds can come together!” Magdalene says, gaining a bit of skip in her step.

>”Y-yeah, you're damn right, babe.” Despite returning a grin, his eyes seem troubled. Before you could dwell too much on it, Jäeger speaks up.

>”Hey, do you guys smell that?” He says tentatively.

>”Wasn't me!” Kenneth laughs.

>”Ken!” Gwen says failing to hide her amusement, “That's rude!”

>”No, really! It smells like…”

>Soldiers run up to you, faces pale, “Sir… we have a problem.”

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ed4453 No.279679


>Two bodies slumped against the blood stained walls of the alley, their location only discernible by passerby from the blood pooled and running down into the streets. Their faces were contorted in torturously pained expressions, stomachs torn open and organs strewn out on the cobblestone.

>You could hear Naomi's teeth crunching together with the force she grit her teeth, the smell of sulfur wafting in the wind. “I'll take care of this, sir…”

>”Ma'am, we didn't-”

>”See anything, I KNOW!” She screams, clearing her throat as she straightened her composure. “You go on ahead back to camp, sir. I'll feel better if you're iin a secure location.” She says as she approaches the corpses, and kneels down for a better look.

>”Understood, Naomi. I know you'll have this taken care of.”

>You see Naomi's claws gripping at the hair on her head in frustration.


>”Nothing, sir. I have everything…. everything under control. Just go, I've got it from here.”

>”I'll send one of my hounds over for you, okay ma'am?” Jäeger calls out to her.

>She nods and beckons him over.

>As Naomi whispers in his ear, his eyes go wide and dart towards the bodies, before nodding his head and heading back towards you.

>As you leave Naomi to her investigation, you look at Jäeger, who face is drawn with worry, “Is she alright?” You ask.

>”She's just a bit frustrated. There's been… problems with the corpses.”

>”Other than them being there at all?”.Kenneth sighs.

>”Well… for one, blood isn't exactly easy to clean off, at least not with time, elbow grease, or failing that, fire. Even then, there's no way they could do that without someone noticing something off. Just a regular murder can be pretty messy, leave a trail. Following me?”

>”Yeah…” You mutter.

>”Well… I don't think I have to tell you whoever's doing this is… deliberately being as brutal and painful as possible. Probably to make a point. All that blood, yet no trails, no foot or hand prints, hounds can't even find any scent trails leading from it…”

>”How is that even possible!?” Magdalene says incredulously, “Are you sure you aren't just mistaken?”

>Jäeger huffs and looks insulted, “Lady, listen, I've been hunting since I was old enough to draw a bow. The same concepts apply here, only… well, even for human standards, this one is tricky…” His confident demeanor wavers, “Besides… this time we have a problem…”

>”Jäeger that's a bit obvious-”

>”Those victims were the individuals we arrested earlier.”

>Everyone stops and goes silent.

>”Anonson… tell me you released them earlier…” Kenneth says cautiously.

>”I… I hadn't even spoken to them yet… last I knew they were still in a cell.”

>”Y-yeah… which is why we kind of want to put you guys in a more secure location for the night…” Jäeger says nervously.

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ed4453 No.279703


>You wake up to shouted orders muffled through the thick window panes by your bed.

>”Ungh… what's going on?” Magdalene grumbles as she gets up.

>The door to your room swings open, slamming into the brick wall, “Anonson!” Jäeger shouts, “Sir, we have a problem!”

>”Another murder…” Your voice disenchanted.

>”Yes… but that's not the problem…” He says anxiously.

>”Are we being attacked by the Church?” You say, hurriedly grabbing your warhammer.

>”No… We caught the killer.”

>You drop the weapon in relief, and sit back down on the edge of the mattress, “Oh, that's great!”

>”No… sir… the whole town knows who it is now… and now nearly everyone is about to riot.”

>”Jäeger I don't understand, why are-”

>”We need you at the holding cells, sir. Quickly.”

>”Alright, alright, let me and my wife get ready. We'll be right there.” You say, dismissing Jäeger outside.

>As you and Magdalene helped each other into their armor, there's a light knock on the door.

>”Jäeger we're almost done, just give us another minute!” You shout groggily as you're sloppily attempting to thread a leather strap through one of the belts of your wife's cuirass.

>The door slowly creaks open, and a few eye stalks poke through and look around, “I'm not interrupting anything, am I?”

>”No, gramma, you can come inside.” Magdalene says, still half asleep.

>”Thanks, deary. I just came to ask if you still had the daggers I loaned you. I seem to be missing one of them…”

>”I gave them to you last night, remember?” You say.

>”Honey, I don't really remember much from last night… your dear old gramma had one too many drinks… before I stopped by the tavern to spend time with you.”

>”Is that why you enthralled the waitress?” Magdalene grumbles.

>”I didn't ENTHRALL her, dear! I simply persuaded her to stop being so afraid. There's nothing wrong with-”

>”You FORCED her to! I'de say that's wrong!!” Magdalene retorts.

>”You know I can't force anyone to do anything they don't truly want.” Iris sighs.

>”No one wants to be afraid! But it's a vital defense mechanism for living creatures! You can't just go tinkering around with that, it's immoral! Unnatural!”

>Iris gives her a frustrated look, before sighing in defeat. “I'm… I'm sorry dear, your right. Your right! I did a terrible thing, I'm sorry… I was only trying to help.”

>”Magdalene rubs her forearm with a shameful expression, “It's okay gramma… just don't… you know. Just leave this to us, it's not your fault they hate us. You just spread the word of Light, and we'll take care of the rest, okay?”

>Iris was staring into space, completely still, her eye convulsing as if struggling to focus on what was in front of her.

>”Iris? Iris!? Are you okay!?” You shout, before running over to her and jostling her as gently as you could.

>She grabs her forehead and buckles over, before putting herself upright, her grin shining brightly, “Right as rain, dear! Just a bad hangover. That's all.” She nods at you and steps back, “Well, I'll leave you to it, there's a horrid mess out there right now… hope I can find that knife soon…”

>You watch as Iris leaves, before resuming the task of strapping Magdalene into her armor, “So… she can hypnotize people?”

>”More or less. Gazers have an ability to submit people and animals to hypnotic suggestion. It's one of the reasons the species is so reviled and distrusted by others.” She explains sadly.

>”Oh… wait, could she have been hypnotizing us?” You say, suddenly feeling uneasy.

>”No… I probably overreacted a bit, honestly… Their hypnotic ability is honestly over exaggerated. They really can't make you do something that you don't want to do, and even then, the process isn't perfect. Unless it's something you really want changed, the suggestion usually gets rejected by the mind after an hour or so. Repeated exposure also makes it harder to use on someone until it becomes impossible… honestly their innate ability with magic is much more dangerous than this."

>”I see…” You say as you secure the last piece of armor on. “There, ready to go?”

>She turns to face you, looking extremely worried, “Not really, no. I have a bad feeling about this, Anonson.”

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ed4453 No.279711


>As you walked out into the camp, you heard a crowd, collectively yelling and screaming angrily as they tried to get past the wall of soldiers holding them back. Rocks and bottles occasionally sail through the air, crashing harmlessly into the empty road.

>Jäeger led you to the prison, to a cell where Naomi stood watch, an grim expression, barely concealing anger marring her face. “Here she is, sir. The murderer, caught them at the scene of the crime…”

>”I told you, I didn't do it you stupid bitch!”

>You look inside the cell, and see Gilda hunched over on the cot, arms and legs chained up to a ring of iron mounted on the wall. A horrid stench permeated her cell, the source, blood coating most of her body, and bits of dried gore stuck to her arms.

>”It… it was you…?” You say, feeling hurt and confused.

>Her face softens slightly, before glaring at you, “No, it wasn't me! I… I…”

>”She claims she doesn't even remember doing it, as if it would absolve her.” Naomi says harshly glancing towards the prisoner. “She was found passed out, drunk, next to the victim's corpse…” She points to a bloodied claw weapon on a nearby table, “This was strapped to her hand… intestines were tangled up in it when we found it. I don't know why she had it, it's not even a standard issue weapon… unless the smith was experimenting again.”

>”I told you before, some merchant gave it to me! How is that a crime!?” She says, jerking against her bonds.

>”No, but murder is.” Naomi says coldly. “Which is why we don't have any control over the people any more. They've all gone crazy ever since they saw that little girl shredded to pieces

>Magdalene gasps, “What the hell is wrong with you!? How could you kill a child!?”

>”I told you, I didn't do it! I would never… I couldn't! I'm not that heartless!”

>”Then why are you covered in…” Your wife looks away, her face pallid as she covers her mouth.

>”…And this…” Naomi continues, seeming to be ignoring Gilda's objections as she reaches into her pocket and produces a couple of small keys. “This was on her person as well. They were to the cells to the two uncivil protesters we held here yesterday.”

>You stare sorrowfully at the evidence, and then at Gilda as you gently pat Magdalene's back. “Naomi… I want to speak to her alone. Please.”

>Without a word, Naomi nods and leaves the hall.

>You grab a nearby stool, and slide it directly in front of her cell, before sitting down.

>”Anonson, I didn't… you know I didn't do it… right?”

>”How could you do this to me, Gilda?” Barely able to get your voice up past a whisper, “I… I tried to look past your flaws… I thought you were a good woman despite it all…”

>”I… I promise… I didn't do it…” She says, her eyes glistening in the dull torch light as they looked at you pleadingly.

>”Gilda… I'm sorry. I don't even know what to say. I… I thought if I gave you a chance, you would be a great soldier In our ranks, accomplish great things… but…”

>”I… I can still fight for you! Just put me on the front lines! I'll die either way!” She laughs nervously, “Please… just give me another chance!”

>”…All I can do is give you a trial, Gilda… and the way things are… I'm sorry…”

>Tears begin streaming down her cheeks, before her face twists in rage, ”Bastard!” Gilda spits, “Fuck you! I told you I didn't do it!” She screams, jumping from her seat and fruitlessly attempting to reach the bars. “You dumbass! Limpdicked faggot! Why don't you believe me!? I'm innocent!!!”

>”Mags, lets go…” You say as you put an arm around her shoulder and leave the hall, Gilda still shrieking profanities at you.

>As you walk out into the next room, Naomi steps in front of you with her arms crossed. “What did she say?”

>You look at her and awkwardly grin, “That she didn't do it.”

>She simply scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Of course. So, should we prepare the execution?”

>”W-wait, we need to give her a trial, first!” You blurt.

>”A trial?” Jäeger says, “Why even bother? Half the town saw that little girl strewn about the-”

>”Jäeger!” Magdalene interjects uneasily, “…Please spare me the details…”

>”Sorry… anyways… what would be the point? Everyone know's she's guilty.”

>”To prove that we are a civilized society. We can't simply resort to mob JUSTICE immediately… even if a trial at this point is merely a formality.” Kenneth says with conviction. “…Assemble the people of Watchharbor, any witnesses, any soldiers who've had any sort of relation with her, even if it was just someone in her squadron to give their testimony.”We'll begin the trial as soon as possible… with your permission, of course, champ.” He looks over at you and awaits your answer.

>”We'll prepare a trial, it's our only choice at this point, right?”

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ed4453 No.279717


>The trial was hastily arranged on and around the city gate, where there was the most open space in the otherwise cramped city.

>Despite attempts at a civilized resolution to the issue, the citizens of the city still did not take kindly to you and your force's presence. Several squadrons of soldiers had to cordon off the area just to keep the mob at bay.

>You stood atop the ramparts, overlooking the throng below with unease.

>”Sir, we're ready when you are.” Naomi says as she approaches.

>Two soldiers come out of the adjacent guard tower, walking Gilda along, who's wrists and ankles are clapped in irons. While she did her best to keep a stern face, you could see the bags under her eyes, and her cheeks stained with dried tears.

>You raise your hand towards the raging crowd, to no avail. Refusing to show any fealty, they continue pushing against the line of soldiers, lobbing threats, curses, and whatever object would fit in their hands.

>Sliding your visor down, you look out to the people, and speak sternly, voice amplified by the helmet's enchantment. “People of Watchharbor. We come before you with a woman accused of murdering your countrymen, your friends, your children. Today, we will determine if these accusations hold true.

>”Just hang her already!” “We all saw her do it!” “Burn her!”

>Ignoring their cries, you turn to Naomi, who had gathered witnesses to the crime, a handful of soldiers, and a few citizens. You wish you weren't so amazed that she somehow got locals to volunteer. “We're ready sir.” She says, stepping up to the parapets and facing the crowd.

>”Naomi, if you please, present the evidence against her.”

>She nods, and raises a claw up for the people to see, “This weapon was found fastened securely to her hand. It's blades match the victim's wounds, and is consistent with every single victim found previously.” She produces the keys and vainly presents them to the crowd, despite being too small to see at that distance, “We also found these keys on her person, which were used to unlock the cells of two other victims. These are the only copies of the keys.”

>”Thank you, Naomi. Gilda, do you have any objections to this evidence?”

>She gives no response, her gaze unfocused and empty.

>”If you have no objections, then we'll allow witnesses to give their account of the crime. First witness?”

>A middle aged woman faces the crowd.

>”Ma'am, would you please tell us what you saw this morning?” You ask.

>”Sure can! Saw that lady right there, pullin' that poor little girl to a back alley, mumbling crazy talk to herself, bout how she was gonna sacrifice her to a demon!” She says with certainty in her voice, before pointing to your wife, “Think she was talkin' about sacrificing her to that one right there!”

>”Alright, alright, you're done.” Naomi growls as she hands her off to another soldier to escort her away.

>”Next witness, please.” You say with little enthusiasm.

>A young man holding and comforting a young woman who was choking back sobs as they approached.

>”Would you please-”

>A miserable wail from the woman interrupts you.

>”Ma'am, if you're able to, would you please tell us what you saw this morning?”

>She responds with more sobbing.

>”It's alright honey, I'll do it.” The man says, giving her a gentle squeeze, “If that's alright?”

>”Of course. Sir can you tell us what happened?”

>”Well, yesterday afternoon, our little girl asked if she could play outside. …Of course, we told her she wasn't allowed.”

>”Because of the murderer on the loose?” You ask.

>His eyes dart down to the ground, “…Y-yeah…?”

>You look at him sadly, “…Understood, continue.”

>”Well, we think she snuck out of her room, because the window in her bedroom was open. She's uh… done this a few times before…. We spent all evening looking for her, but we couldn't find her.”

>”Naomi, did we have any reports of a missing child yesterday?”

>She shakes her head, “None that I'm aware of, sir. But I can check the recor-”

>”We… we didn't report her missing…” The woman whispers.

>”May I ask why not?”

>”We… we didn't want the soldiers looking for her because we thought something like this would happen!” She says, her voice wavering as she attempts to shout. “And now my baby girl is DEAD!”

>”H-honey, maybe you shouldn't…”

>”Oh PLEASE, Alex! You spineless worm! They killed our daughter and you're just going kiss their ass!?”

>”Honey that's not what-”

>”Don't HONEY me, my dad was right about you! You ARE worthless!” She cries. “You always said you wanted a son, I bet you never even loved her!”

>”How could you say that!? I loved her more than anything in the world!!" He yells.

>”Thank you for your testimony, I think that's enough.” You say, motioning to Naomi who has them escorted away, both of them near about to go at each other's throats.

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ed4453 No.279719


>And older man walks up and clears his throat, “I take it it's my turn, then?”

>”Yes, please go ahead.”

>”I was goin' on my mornin' walk to the docks, when I smelled somethin' worse than the fishin' boats comin' in on low tide, I did.” He sniffs and wipes his nose, “Then I saw blood poolin' on the street, and when I went to look down the alley it was comin' from, I uh… I saw that there lady passed out in that poor girl's remains… and I think what was her own vomit… lass looked smashed to hell and back.”

>”So, you didn't see her actually commit the murder?” You ask.

>”Well… no? But I don't see why that's relevant. Ain't no man or woman who can get drunk enough to just take a nap in that mess, no sir.”

>”Very well, thank you for your time. If you would escort him back down.” You ask your soldiers. “And would the next witness come forward?”

>A mothwoman in your army's light raiments steps forward. “Marcy of the Dustwing Clan, Regiment Thirty-Four, reporting, sir.”

>”She was stationed for guard duty in the area the night before the body was found, sir.” Naomi says.

>”Very well, tell us what you saw.”

>”Well, it was near the end of my shift, when some drunkard was stumbling down the street.”

>”Was it Gilda?” You ask almost excited for a turnabout.

>”No, it was a man sir. Either way, he was out after curfew. I would have arrested him, but before I could even say anything, he told me how pretty I was…” Her face tinges pink for a moment.

>Naomi shoots an unhappy look her way and groans disapprovingly.

>”U-uh, so I was going to just let him go with a warning and escort him home, b-but, when I told him he needed to go home because of the curfew, he started getting belligerent and attacked me! After a few attempts, I managed to subdue him without bodily harm, although he has already threw up all over me and-”

>”Soldier, does this have anything to do with the murder at hand?” You ask impatiently.

>”Well… by the time I finally dragged him to the holding cells, I came back to my post, and saw blood leaking from a nearby alleyway… and that's how we found the body, and Gilda, sir.”

>”Have we questioned the drunk you arrested?”

>”Yes sir, he had allegedly passed out drunk behind some crates at the docks when the curfew bell had rung, and he was simply trying to get home after coming to.” Naomi explains. “We still have him in the cell and plan to give him a trial at a later date for breaking curfew and assaulting a guard.”

>”I see… Well, if that's all the witnesses, does anyone have anything else to add?” You look around, to see everyone remaining quiet, before turning to Gilda, “Gilda, do you have anything to say in your defense?”

>Her tired scowl remains glued to the floor.

>”You're free to say anything you want. Anything at all we should know that could cast doubt on these accusations?”

>She inhales, and for a moment you think she's going to say something, but she merely sighs and nothing more.

>”Could you at least give us your side of the story?” Magdalene adds, trying to speak as kindly as possible.

>”Don't remember anything, no point to it.” She quietly drones.

>”Honey, shouldn't we have gotten someone to speak on her behalf? She's not being helpful at all…” Your wife whispers to you.

>”No one was willing to… and Gilda hasn't been willing to cooperate.” You respond, turning back to the crowd, “Unless anyone has any objections…?”

>The crowd raucously calls for her blood.

>”…Then we will adjourn to discuss her sentencing before announcing it here within the hour.”

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ed4453 No.279722


>Everyone stood around in the guard tower, anxious for anyone else to speak first.

>”This feels wrong.” Kenneth sighs.

>”I thought I was the only one.” Magdalene says, “I… I don't know… maybe she didn't do it?”

>Jäeger scratches his beard, “I uh… I have no idea honestly. She actually seemed a bit more even tempered after joinin' your ranks, Anonson… but uh… Yeah… she's been pretty bad before, I wouldn't be surprised if she did all this. She once gave a kid a black eye…”

>”By the Light, Jäeger, are you joking!?” You shout.

>”Well, it WAS a boy.”

>”That makes it better!?” Magdalene exclaims.

>”…And he did try to grab her ass. Think his friends dared him to do it.”

>”Let's get back to matter at hand.” Kenneth interrupts, “We're just beating around the bush at this point. Doesn't matter if she's the type to do it or not. The fact of the matter is, there a whole city out there that wants JUSTICE dealt, and… and we need to keep moving on. We don't have this luxury, Anonson. If circumstances were different, we could be more thorough, but right now… right now, we need to get this city under control and move on. We don't know how much more time we have until the sleeping giant that is the Church is going to take to wake up. Hell, they're probably half way here by now.”

>”She's the only one who could have done it, sir.” Naomi says.

>”Yeah, no one in their right mind would just decide a corpse would be a good spot to take a nap. At least, I don't think anyone could ever be that drunk.” Jäeger says nervously, “Although… nevermind.”

>”So… we have a consensus?” You ask everyone in the room.

>”Yeah.” “Yes sir.” “Of course.” “Let's get it over with.”

>Magdalene grasps your hand, “I'll trust your judgement.”

>You nod to her, and everyone else. “Alright… I've made my decision.”

>The people were restless as you came out. They cried out for JUSTICE for the fallen.

>”People of Watchharbor.” You shout, “Judgement has been passed on the accused. If you would bring her out, please.”

>You waited for a moment, when the soldiers came out from the guard tower with Gilda in tow. Her face held the same tired expression as before as she stumbled along.

>”Gilda of Towerwood, for the crime of several counts of murder, and for jeopardizing our mission to bring peace to this land, we find you guilty.”

>The horde below cheered wildly, goading you on to expedite the execution, as well as suggesting inhumane ways to carry it out.

>Gilda's face didn't falter, but still seemed even more listless as she was dragged closer to the center of the gate.

>”Gilda, do you have any final requests before you're put to death for your crimes?” You ask.

>She merely glances over at you, tears in her eyes betraying her stoicism.

>You motion Jäeger over, “Get her the stiffest drink you can find.”

>”Can do, sir.” He says, before starting to leave.

>”Wait, come back for a moment.” beckoning him back.

>”Yeah?” He says, leaning over.

>”Get it from the Crusty Barnacle Bar.”

>”Understood, sir.”

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ed4453 No.279724


>Naomi exited the guard tower carrying a chopping block, while Jäeger followed her, is greataxe resting over his shoulder with a bottle of whiskey in the other hand.

>Taking the bottle from Jäeger, you hand it to Gilda, who barely manages to give you a frustrated look.

>”Oh, you can't uh…” You look at her bound hands, before uncorking the bottle yourself, and lifting it up to her mouth, “If you still want it.”

>Without a hint of reservation, she grasps the bottle neck in her lips, and you tip it up slowly. She easily chugs the whole thing down without spilling a drop, when you pull it out of her maw with a pop.

>”It's from the Crusty Barnacle… so… looks like you finally completed the Watchharbor Crawl.” You say with a hollow, short-lived grin.

>Her eyes soften, and for a second, she looks at you sadly before looking away and towards the ocean in the horizon.

>Your bodyguard set the chopping block down in front of Gilda, before tearing her from the two soldiers' grips, and throwing her over it, pressing a boot down into her back to keep her head down securely over the end.

>Jäeger hands you his axe, his face dour and bleak as he looks away.

>”Any last words, Gilda?” You ask, unsure if you were simply trying to be fair, or if you were putting this off as long as you could.

>”Shtop pussyfooting around and… jusht… do it… fugging goward.” She says in a weak and slurring voice. “Sprised this hasn'd happened… sooner…”

>You sigh, and lift the heavy axe up, lining it up to the nape of her neck, before raising it up high.

>She clenches her eyes shut, squeezing tears out onto the floor.

>You swing the axe down, and with a wet chop, her head is lopped off and falls to the floor. Blood spurt out from the neck, splattering against the axe head and pooling out onto the stone bricks.

>Naomi unceremoniously kicks the headless corpse over and lets it bleed out.

>As the realization of your actions settle down on you, the crowd below erupts into cheers and jeers,

>You feel disgusted.

>With yourself.

>With the people below.

>With Gilda.

>A weight on your foot draws your gaze down to see her head had rolled over onto it.

>Her eyes turned to face you, a regretful frown on her lips.

>You jerked your eyes away, and saw a small sphere of light rise from her corpse, an ethereal human form materializing from it's rays, until it assumed Gilda's appearance.

>The soul turned her head your way, and wore the same look as the lifeless head below did, until her eyes set on you.

>For but a moment, she cocked her head curiously, as her spirit began to slowly rise, gradually gaining speed before streaking into the heavens in a flash of light.

>”Anonson, are you okay?” Magdalene asks, taking your hand in hers.

>”No…” You say, looking at her sadly, before looking back at where the soul used to be. You guess it's not surprising she didn't have much faith in the Church, and you should be somewhat relieved, but… “I don't think I am.” A glowing fleck flutters down from the sky, and without thinking, you reach out and grab it. It disappears in your grip, and as you turn your hand around and open it up, you see nothing within.

>Something nags in the back of your mind, as if you had forgotten something.

>Looking out once more, you open your mouth to speak, “Let it be known, that under my rule, any one who threatens the safety of my people will not be exempt from JUSTICE!”

>The crowd was already dispersing before you had even finished,

>“…Be they man, or monster, friend or foe… I…”

>No one was even listening to you.

>Why even bother. None of the people here care.

>”I'm going back to my quarters.” You tell your companions, “We leave for the mountains up north in the morning.”

>”Honey, are you going to be okay?” Magdalene calls out as she walks after you.

>”I just want to go back to bed! Is that so much to ask!?” You shout angrily, immediately feeling guilty of your outburst.

>Your wife looks at you, hurt.

>”I'm… I'm sorry.” You say as you turn to leave, “I just… I just need some time alone.”

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ed4453 No.279739

File: 6f7b79d1f3565fe⋯.gif (674.5 KB,500x208,125:52,tumblr_nda9e0Uszx1u0wtwho1….gif)

Thanks for the update. This is my favorite story on monster.

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ed4453 No.280147


>After an hour with some grain alcohol and a lot of elbow grease, you had finally gotten the blood off of your armor, and was now thoroughly polishing the plates.

>The door creaks open, instantly disrupting your attention to the task at hand. Magdalene peeks her head in, “Hey, can I come in?”

>You pick up your head and look out the window, seeing the sun had long since set. Guess it was a lot more than an hour… “Yeah, come in.”

>She sits down on the edge of the bed next to you, ”Did you sleep well?”

>You resume polishing, “No… not really, no. I couldn't sleep.”


>Neither of you say anything, the only thing breaking the silence is the occasional sound of working outside through the open window.

>”Aren't you cold?” She asks as a chilly breeze blows in.

>”A little… but I'm so used to sleeping outside, it felt stuffy in here.” You explain, before feeling her slowly wrap her arms around you from behind, gently kissing the nape of your neck before resting her head on your shoulder.

>”Do you want to talk?” She hums.

>You stop working for a moment, and heave a heavy sigh, “Nothing really to talk about… I've killed dozens of people… and I'll have to kill… God knows how many more until this is over… hell, if it's ever over… this one death isn't any different…”

>”Do you want to stop? We could always just go home, let our generals handle it. They're more than capable of this, and no one would fault you for it.”

>”You know I can't. I cant… I just can't force people through what I'm not willing to do myself. It wouldn't be fair… I can't be that kind of person who just… just…”

>She breathes in, and tenses slightly, before relaxing and putting her full weight on to you, “I know… and I'll follow you, wherever you go.”

>The two of you sit there for a while, wordlessly enjoying each other's company while continue your task.

>All too soon though, Magdalene lets go of you and gets up off the bed. “I'll be back in a bit, okay? I need to go store and dispose some of my experiments before we start travelling again. Will you be okay?”

>”Yeah, I'll be okay.” You say without looking up.

>Your wife lets out a quiet, warm giggle, “Alright. If you need me I'll be downstairs, okay?”

>You nod your head, and manage to smile just slightly.

>After strapping your armor back on, you unroll your bedroll and lay it on the floor next to the bed, before laying down. You didn't really want to go through the trouble in the morning… could sleep in a bit longer… as if. You had a bad habit of doing that… maybe if you were more reliable, none of this would have happened in the first place.

>As you lie on your back and stared at the ceiling, you felt your eyelids closing shut as your thoughts slowly quieted.

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ed4453 No.280149


>The world was spinning, and it was making you sick. Desperate, you grabbed on to the building nearby to try to keep the world around you still.

>It slowed down, but not much. Just kept spinning before snapping back into place, only to spin again and for the whole nauseating cycle to repeat without end.

>Your stomach churned. You tried to keep it down, but it churned harder and harder until it came up and out, all over the street.

>You felt a bit better.

>Everything was still spinning, though. But you had to get back to your cot soon, or you were never going to hear the end of it from your superiors…


>You instinctively duck behind a corner, heart pounding, gut and throat burning.

>”Dumbitch, I jush wanna go home! Hey! Getcher hans offa me!”

>You peek out, and see what you're guessing is a soldier wrestling with some fat guy. Good thing she didn't see you… for a second there…

>You're wasting time, gotta go home…

>Just… one foot in front of the other…

>Too fast… just… just need to rest for a moment.

>You stumble into a nearby alleyway, and sit between a couple of barrels, clutching your head to try to keep it from splitting open.

>”Mr… I don't think this is the way home.”

>”Don't worry sweetheart, it's just a shortcut.”

You hear footsteps coming towards you and jerk your head up against your better judgment. Your brain feels like it's about to melt out of your nose…

>…Wait a minute… is that… what the hell is up with that guy's head? Why is he bringing a little girl down here…

>A faint ring and a flash instantly sobers you up just in time to see him shove the little girl down into a small alcove out of view from the street.

>”Ow… Mr. why… wuh…?”

>Your heart pumps hard as you see him gripping steel claws and slowly cornering the small girl.

>”Sorry, sweetheart. I promise you it won't hurt.”

>Your veins start to burn as you quickly grasp your own claw and jump forward.

>His head jerks to face you, eyes obscured behind black glasses, but you can see his teeth grinding into an annoyed scowl. Without even hesitating, he grabs the girls head and throws it hard against the wall, her body quickly going limp onto the cold ground.

>You grunt and charge forward.

>The world turns upside before you even know what's happening, and everything goes black.

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ed4453 No.280151


>A crash and splintering wood violently jolts you from your sleep.

>”HONEY WAKE UP! I NEED HELP!” Your wife shouts as she wrestles with a man clad in black.

>Your door practically explodes open, Naomi and Jäeger barging inside, “WHAT'S GOING ON!?” She screams.

>Magdalene locks the man in place atop the crushed remains of the bed, his features obscured behind a cloth mask showing only his eyes. Without even a single twitch, a cloud of smog explodes from his entire body.

>”Guards! We have…” Jäeger starts coughing from the smoke, ”…an intruder! S-someone is… trying to kill the King!”

>”What in the…!?” As the smoke clears, Magdalene jumps to her feet with a large pillow in her hands.

>”Mags, what is… what is that?” You say, completely confused and at a loss for words

>On the front of the pillow, was a wonderfully embroidered, full-body likeness of your attacker, except he was lying seductively, lifting his shirt to reveal a toned, muscular torso, tan in complexion with a touch of body hair on the chest.

>”He's playing with us!” Magdalene growls, the pillow bursting into flames, quickly reducing to ashes.

>”That's the real murderer.” You say as you grab your helmet and war hammer, and start climbing out the open window..

>”Anonson, wait!”

>Without a word, you jump out, grabbing on to a rain gutter to slow your descent down to the streets. Soldiers were scrambling this way and that looking for the intruder when one of them shouts, “Over there!”, pointing at a rooftop.

>The man stood there, staring directly at you, before running off towards the sea.

>As you run after him, you hear a deafening boom in the distance, the vibrations noticeable from where you stood. As soon as you saw a plume of smoke billowing in the distance, you heard more blasts go off one after the other, all throughout the city.

>You turn to your soldiers and point towards the carnage, “Go! Get the civilians to safety! I'll handle this!”

>They glance over but look back at you hesitantly.

>”NOW! THAT'S AN ORDER!” You shout, before running where you saw the assassin escape.

>Sprinting in to an alleyway, you saw his silhouette, waiting for you at the end.

>As you tail him, a snap sounds out, and as you look up for the source, you see a large log swinging down. You stop on your heels and slip, falling backwards, when the log rushes inches away from your face before arcing back up.

>Growling angrily at the setback, you scramble back up, and sidle along the wall between the log as it swings back and forth, slower and slower.

>As you run out into the next street down, you barely catch a glimpse of the man running into another alleyway.

>Catching on to his game, you quickly spy another alley, and run down that instead. As you barrel through, you feel a slight tug on your foot, followed by another snap. As soon as you can even realize what you had heard, an immense pressure slams into your back, throwing you forward off of your feet as a loud boom pierces your ears.

>Just barely able to get back to your feet after tumbling over, you look around for the attacker, incessant ringing in your ears fading away at an infuriatingly slow pace.

>You see the man staring at you again in the distance, and give chase, screaming wrathfully as you brandish your war hammer.

>He weaves into another alleyway as you're about to reach him.

>Not wanting to deal with any more obstacles, you take a deep breath, charge in, and swath the entire path in an inferno. Another tripwire releases a large pile of timber that's promptly rendered into a pile of smouldering charcoal that rained harmlessly around you.

>As you reach the end, you see you've reached the docks, your quarry running down the end of one of the piers.

>You run to the pier as fast as you can and stop once you reach the entrance to catch your breath, knowing you've got him cornered.

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ed4453 No.280152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>”You have no where else to run! Give up and come quietly.” You shout, feeling winded and trying to catch your breath.

>He remains silent with his back to you, watching the horizon as the sun slowly peeks over the ocean, illuminating the waves in a dazzling array of colors.

>”All of this death, all of this violence… and for what? You pretended you were my friend, and yet you caused all of this misery!”

>Without a word, he starts stripping off his black clothes and tossing them into the ocean.


>”It's nothing personal, brother. I'm just doing my job.” He says casually as he peels off his mask, hair springing out flamboyantly.

>You stare at him, grinding your teeth, “…You're a paIadin…”

>Beatus pulls his glasses out from his jacket, and puts them on. “Maybe.” He says before turning to face you and drawing a rapier from it's sheathe, hilt shaped as an ornate star of light cast in gleaming silver.

>You step forward, feeling rage building within you, “You've been lying the whole time…”

>He smirks, giving a small glimpse of his teeth as he takes a step as well. “I'm also the one who shot down that scout of yours.”

>”You… she'll never fly again because of you!” You step closer.

>Beatus reaches into his belt and pulls out a familiar stiletto, gripping it tightly in his off hand as he walks closer.

>”You murdered a child, women, men… even one of your friends. Unless you just lied about Kazmir, too!”

>He stops, his grin faltering into a scowl before taking a fencing stance. Beckoning you with a tilt of his head, he patiently waits for your move. “You think you have it all figured out, don't you?”

>Remembering your sparring matches with Naomi, you drop your hammer, which slams on the planks with a worrying creak, and reach for your morning star.

>Visor snapping shut, and with an eruption of flames, you charge forward, rearing your weapon back as you reached out with your off-hand.

>He steps, thrusting a blow towards your eyes.

>With a flick of your wrist you deflect his strike, and put your body weight into a side swing.

>Quickly leaning back until body is parallel with the ground, jumping back onto his hands before flipping back over onto his his feet, quickly sprinting towards you.

>You respond by charging in turn, gripping your mace in both hands as you hold it high over your head, screaming.

>As you bring it down, he parries your attack to the side, sliding his hand down to yours, tucking his head under your arm and deftly flipping you over onto your back.

>Before your he could make his next move, you swipe at his ankles, hopping back to your feet after he jumps back to avoid it.

>He takes a breath as he shifts to a more defensive stance, “Good to know you're not just a pretty face, brother… Maybe you can show me a good time…”

>”How do you even plan on killing me with that blade?” You pant.

>”You're right, brother. This can't pierce that tin can of yours.” He says, adjusting his glasses with the hilt of his blade, “But this dagger I borrowed from that sweet old lady of yours can.”

>”What do you-”

>In one quick motion, and holds the stiletto against the edge of his rapier, and scrapes it,shavings of metal coming off. He holds the weapon up for you to see it's edge and point glittering cyan in the low light.

>You take a more aggressive stance, and tense yourself to charge.

>”That's right, brother, this sucker is one-hundred percent pure silver-plated adamantite.” He says cockily.

>”I don't intend to bring you in dead, but if you force my hand…” You growl.

>He spins and place and poses, “I was just warmin' up, baby! Now the spotlight's on me, and it's my time to shine!”

>You yell and charge towards him.

>The sequins on his jacket begin glistening in the sun, brighter and brighter, making it hard to see until you're completely blinded by the glare.

>You blink your eyes and see he's gone.

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ed4453 No.280153


>A board behind you creaks.

>Swinging around, you're met with a boot to the head, knocking you backwards and leaving disorientated.

>He lunge's forward with his blade.

>You swing your mace to parry it, but he feints, and grabs your swordarm with his off-hand, locking it in place before punching you in the temple with his rapier's hilt, dizzying you further.

>You impotently swing your off-hand at his head, but he quickly leans back, letting go of you as he kicks you in the stomach. Stumbling back, you raise your arms defensively again.

>He dashes at you, and slashes at your vambraces with Iris' stiletto.

>The strike rings beautifully like a crystal.

>But with another thrust of his rapier, the tip catches on your vambrace, and with a sickening crack and a crunch, pierces through.

>He pulls his sword away, tip dripping with blood.

>As soon as you look at your arm, vambrace crumbling away, you feel an intense, searing pain from the inflicted wound.

>You look up at Beatus, who returns with a smug smile.

>Growl rising into a roar, your vision tunnels and goes red, and the sound of fire intensifies as you rush your opponent.

>You unleash a barrage of crushing blows, but each one is deflected or dodged.

>But his infuriating tenacity only serves to deepen your rage, fueling your strikes with more ferocity as the world seems to slow.

>His confident demeanor quickly vanishes as a sheen of sweat forms on his face.

>Suddenly, a blow connects with a dull crunch, making Beatus jump away and stagger back, dropping the stiletto on the pier as he grips his now limp left arm.

>You see the city behind him, fires burning, smoke rising into the sky, and your wife jumping across the roof's of the buildings until perching on the edge of one near you, readying her auto-ballistae

>”You can't win, Beatus. End this insanity, now!” You shout.

>”I can't, brother. I have no choice. I HAVE to kill you, for the good of mankind, no… for the fate of the world!”

>”How can you buy that garbage!? You've spent enough time with me! You should know I'm not trying to destroy or kill anything! If it wasn't for paIadins like you, I could have done this peacefully!' You glance over at Magdalene, who was taking aim. “And even though I KNEW you would all zealously try to kill us, I STILL gave you a chance to talk this out!”

>”You… you think this is the first time we've stood against God?” He gasps and winces in pain, “…Do you have any idea how much damage you're going to cause if you-” In a blur, he vanishes into thin air as searing hot bolts tear through the pier that was in front of him, wisps of steam snaking out of the holes and mingling with the smoke.

>”What the…” You cautiously glance behind you, before in another blur, Beatus quickly reappears a few feet away from where he was standing.

>He looks behind him at Magdalene crouching on the roof, and then back at you, lips curling into a smile and laughing, “You crazy son of a bitch, you almost had me there!” He kicks the stiletto up off the ground and catches with his good hand, tucking both blades into his belt. “But two against one is hardly fair, isn't it?” He twists his neck around, spine cricking, before he takes his crippled arm, and while yelling in increasing volume, pulls harder and harder until there's a crunch, arm jolting into back into his shoulder.

>You hear Magdalene's weapon rev up in the distance

>Beatus starts mumbling under his breath, and chills go down your spine when you realize what he's doing, “BEATUS, NO!”

>You start running to try and stop him, but it's too late. He doubles over, groaning in pain.

>Magdalene lets another volley of bolts fly, a few sinking into his back.

>The air starts to feel wrong, and Beatus chuckles darkly, his voice warped, as if hundreds of voices composed it. “Hehehe… too late, baby.” He brings his head up to face you, his eyes twitching and turning wildly, red with yellow sclera, ichor seeping out around them and spreading halfway across his face. His entire body seemed to be convulsing, and with a disgusting splitting of flesh and bone, the bottom and backs of his feet burst open, black tendrils writhing under and back like fire under his soles.

>You dart towards him, hyping your berserker trance as deep as you can and swing, expecting heavy resistance.

>But nothing connects.

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ed4453 No.280156


>Looking up in doubt, you see Beatus standing a few feet away, dancing to a beat in his head, “You know I got canned heat in my heels, brother.' He taunts before brandishing his weapons again, “Now lets see how you fare with two against a dozen!”

>Despite him staying mostly still, his body began to blur out of focus, duplicates dancing out until there were twelve in total, when they all solidified, wielding their own weapons.

>The instant you grab your war hammer, the horde of Beats come down on you with a storm of relentless attacks. You just barely managed to keep them in bay with the haft of your hammer, but you were starting to tire…

>Magdalene starts peppering the pier with bolts, only stopping to reload another magazine into her weapon, but they all seem to just pass through the Beats harmlessly.

>”Can't touch me, baby!” They all laugh in unison, before one of them clashes both blades into your weapons haft, five more of him joining in to push back against you. “Can't let you have all the fun though, let's see how your old lady likes fighting someone on even ground…” Half of them leap high, landing on top of the roof and going after Magdalene.

>You snarl and push hard, flinging them all back before bum rushing the closest clone. With a devastating overhead blow, your hammer careens straight for his head.

>But as it does, the clone disappears, making you stumble, and destroy a large chunk of pier, broken planks falling into the surf below.

>”What are you doin', brother!? I thought you weren't trying to destroy everything?” He jeers.

>You charge for another one, and swing again, only for the clone to disappear once more.

>”STAND STILL DAMN IT!!!” You bellow, spittle flying from your clenched teeth. Your eyes dart from Beat to Beat, and it seemed like even more had surrounded you. You step back nervously, and feel the pier beneath you start to sink under your weight, and decide to step further back until it felt more solid.

>They start closing in on you. “It's over, brother. Just save us both the trouble and let me put you down like the rabid dog you are.”

>You hear a board behind you creak, and almost turn around to attack when you feel Magdalene press her back against yours

>”I'm here, Anonson!” She whispers back to you, her ballista whirring loudly.

>Your war hammer becomes wreathed in pure, white flames, “I know.”

>”Which one is which though?” She says nervously.

>The copies charge in on you and attack.

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ed4453 No.280157


>One of them strikes your cuirass with the stiletto, that dreadful crystalline song echoing over the waves, punctuated by a crack and a crumble when he strikes the same spot with his hellish heel, bruising your stomach, impossibly sharp shards of adamantite piercing readily through your brigandine, and slicing into your flesh with every motion. If Magdalene hadn't stood strong, you would have been thrown back.

>”Anonson…” Your wife says anxiously.

>Getting desperate, you focus, and peer past the veil into the Aether. You see Beatus' corrupted soul, streaming around you in a circle, stopping for but a split second to where his clones were.

>”Augh!” Magdalene shouts in pain as a rapier manages to slice deep into her cheek before she swipes it away. “A-Anonson, what do we do…?”

>You pay attention to his moves, and notice they seem to be repeating in a simpler pattern than before. As you start noting his steps, you get an idea, and silently nudge your wife until you both move backwards in unison. When you feel satisfied with your position. You quietly mutter to your wife, “On the count of three…”

>”Anonson, what are we-”

>Focusing as hard as you can on his feet while keeping his offensive at bay, you see your chance and shout ”ONETWOTHREE!” at the top of your lungs, before dropping your weapon and raising your hands to the air. “I GIVE UP!”

>Beatus's charges for the death blow when your war hammer crashes through the pier. His foot falls through the hole, making him trip and fall face first, his clones vanishing instantly and his groans in confusion.

>”NOW!” You shout, before you and Magdalene take each other's hand, and rest your hands on Beatus before he can react.

>Your touch roars to life with holy fire, causing Beatus to screech shudder, and spasm horribly as the corruption started melting and burning away from his body.

>”Mags, quick!”

>She looks at you in confusion, “What?”

>”Heal him!” You shout impatiently.

>”Oh!” She says, quickly digging through her belt and selecting a few vials.

>You quickly pull him out from the hole and flip him over, your wife forcing the contents of vial after vial of healing reagents down his gullet, before you both laid your hands on him again.

>Magdalene utters a spell fervently under her breath, and sets to work restoring his body as the purged ichor tries destroying it in it's death throes.

>Beatus' face twists and contorts in pain, the last of the 'blessing' bubbling, sputtering, and evaporating out of his mouth as he screams until he finally stops, eyes rolling back from the back his head before his body relaxes and goes still.

>Both of you stare at him tentatively, until his chest resumes gently rising and falling, when you and Magdalene finally heave a sigh in relief.

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ed4453 No.280163

File: 22648b8b1fa767c⋯.gif (1.77 MB,300x167,300:167,Ricky Barkmont.gif)


When I started I updated almost daily, because I pretty much just wrote within the 8chan post window, and then posted it when it looked full.

Now, I'm writing it in OpenOffice and writing out an entire scene (or two, or three) before editing and revising it all (sometimes getting it looked at by one or two other people, Thank's, Orzh).

Hoping this gives you all a better quality story, even if it means updates are a little more sporadic (But it will also mean updates tend to be a bit meatier as well.).



I'm really glad you're enjoying it. Hope to see you through to the end.

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ed4453 No.280165





man, i thought Beatus was cool, but turns out he was just another palaniggerfaggot

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ed4453 No.280183


You seriously didn't see this coming? The guy was setting off so many red flags

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ed4453 No.280184


Fuck forgot to sage

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ed4453 No.280188


not really, i kinda forget a lot of shit in a story after i've read it (unless it's the third+ time i've done so)

plus i havent reread anything from the previous threads about Beatus either, so i've forgotten the shit he's done in those too

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ed4453 No.280198


Must be nice to finally write and post this scene after seven months of having it in the OP artwork, especially since the filename isn't exactly subtle. I still think the elves are to blame.

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ed4453 No.280225

Now I wonder how Beats will react when there isn't a fuckton of voices in his head.


>I'm really glad you're enjoying it. Hope to see you through to the end.

No worries, I'll be there.

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ed4453 No.280232


>>Beatus's charges for the death blow when your war hammer crashes through the pier.

why does it crash through the pier when it was just dropped from a maybe 1 meter height.

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ed4453 No.280245


>Remembering your sparring matches with Naomi, you drop your hammer, which slams on the planks with a worrying creak, and reach for your morning star.

It was weak before he dropped the hammer. And dropping your weapon in surrender can easily mean you put some force into it anstead of just letting it fall.

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ed4453 No.280255


Woods planks for piers would be strong enough to resist a 5 kilo max. hammer being dropped from less than 2 meter height. It would be differnet if the hammer was magically accelerated to hit the ground or something.

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ed4453 No.280272


The battle left several burning holes from Magdalene's crossbow, and Anonson smashed into it full force with his hammer when in a berserker trance. At the end it was rather torn up and broken.

He noticed the part of the pier he was standing on at the end was structurally unsound and sinking under his weight, hence why he was more careful with his own footing, and baited Beatus into stepping on a weak part that he had felt with his foot, dropping the hammer as he charged forward so the weak plank he chose would break.

Sorry if it wasn't clear, tried to explain it all while keeping with the hectic pace of combat.

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ed4453 No.280389

File: d26ae6d91bd402b⋯.jpeg (65.06 KB,1000x988,250:247,opm-ok-57b951457ec98.jpeg)

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ed4453 No.282264


>You sat down on a stool in the prison, watching the inhabitant of one of the cells closely while your wife finished healing your wounds.

>Beatus was fast asleep, despite his arms bound up over his head in chains. His snoring had long since gotten on everybody's nerves, but past attempts to wake him served only to irritate everybody else further.

>”How long at we going to just let him sleep!? It's been twelve hours already!” Naomi grumbles.

>”If you want to leave, you can.” You say, feeling another laceration in your side close up with a slightly discomforting tingle.

>She stubbornly stays put. After the chaos he put Watchharbor through, can't say you blamed her.

>You yawned and hunched over, resting your chin on your hands.

>”Hey, hold still! I'm not done yet!” Magdalene shouts.

>Beatus lets out a big, long yawn, smacking his lips, sighing contently, and giving a few experimental huffs before clearing his throat. “…Morning…” He says smiling groggily.

>No one had any words. Everyone was still in shock from the events that had transpired that morning.

>”W-wait a minute, was…” He looks around nervously, surveying his surroundings, “Was I…”

>A few of you are about to confirm what you assume to be his response when he interrupts you.

>”Did I fall asleep?” Beatus says incredulously, “H-how long did I sleep for??”

>”About half a day.” You say deadpan.

>”Wow I… wow… that was… the best sleep I've had in almost… almost eleven years… I…” His head perks up, and he tries craning his neck out, as if trying to listen to something. “…It's so quiet…”

>”You're the only prisoner in here now.” Jäeger says, “Of course it's quiet-”

>Beatus chuckles quietly, before laughing. Despite everyone's glares, he didn't seem bothered at all. He smiled ear to ear as tears began running down his face.

>You and your companions all share disturbed looks in concern.

>”Bastard's insane…” Naomi growls.

>”Not anymore!” Beatus shouts in elation, “I can finally… I can finally think clearly! It's so quiet! I slept soundly after so long. I feel great! I'm so happy!”

>”Fifty-seven people died in that stunt you pulled today.” You say grimly, “We've lost count of how many have been injured.”

>His laughter and smile fades. “Yeah, brother… I know…”

>”I put one of my own soldiers to death for a crime you committed.”

>He gives you a dry grin, “Only fair that it's my turn, huh?”

>You nod, before shaking your head, “Why would you betray my trust like this, Beatus? I thought you were my friend…”

>”Hey… Anonson… Brother… I know after all the lies… all I've done… my word is worthless.”

>”You're not going to smooth talk your way out of this. The only reason I didn't kill you earlier was because you're going to pay for your crime.” You growl.

>”Brother, I wasn't going to try to get out of this alive. I'm an assassin… I know too much… far too much… death is the best outcome for me if I fail a mission.” He sighs, “…And… I wanted to thank you, Brother. You've… you've given me a lot.”

>You stare at him quietly.

>”So, I'm going to tell you everything I know about the Church, okay?” He stretches a foot up to his head with unnerving flexibility, and scratches his head with his toe, “…At least, what I remember anyways… now that I can't hear it being drilled into my brain constantly, it's getting kind of hard to recall it… So listen carefully, alright?”

>”We're listening.” You say flatly, folding your arms.

>”I suppose I should explain everything… including my actions… you already know that all paIadins can invoke blessings from God, right? Well, it affected me… differently, and was almost always in a passively activated state.” He closes his eyes and smiles with self-satisfaction, “Now I may not look it, but I've always been intellectually gifted. My brain absorbed knowledge like a sponge, baby! Apparently, the God of Light loves people like this in His ranks. So when they're snapped up into the fold, and given His blessing, their brains are turned into a sort of… processor, for His infinite knowledge. Followin' me? Well, that's all fine and good for Him, but for most of the eggheads subjected to this, they either snap or turn into vegetables-”

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ed4453 No.282265


>”Wait, if this god of yours is real, why would he need other minds to parse knowledge?” Magdalene asks.

>”Oh, the God of Light as the Church knows it is very real, baby.” His face goes bleak. “Very real, very powerful… and very insane… For people like me, who hear His thoughts all day, every day, non-stop, and no matter how many times you try to dull it with alcohol and drugs and just try to end it but can't because He stops you every time it-” He catches himself as he started looking more manic, and puts on a smile once more. “S-sorry.”

>”But, you still haven't answered my question.” Your wife says. “Why would a god need mortals to help think for him?”

>”What IS a god, for that matter? Beatus asks.

>”Divine and powerful beings who created us all!” Magdalene says confidently.

>”You're not wrong, but… what do you think a god is?” He says, turning to you.

>”I… I'm not really sure, honestly…” you admit.

>He returns an uncertain grin, “That's a relief, I thought I was the only one.”

>”Why are you wasting our time! Are you planning something else!?” Naomi snaps.

>”Only to be executed peacefully, baby.” He says. “But I'll move on with another question, this is also for you, Mags.”

>Your wife nods.

>”How many times has God's Will been challenged?”

>Magdalene looks down as she starts to recall, ”I… well, Mr. Stonewall told me about the Pagan Rebellion…”

>Beatus nods patiently.

>”…and I guess our crusade counts too… so twice?”

>He shakes his head, “You're half right, baby. God's Will has been challenged by mortals five times since the world began. This is the fifth… and final time.”

>”Five times? What happened the other three times?” You start getting nervously suspicious. “And what do you mean, 'the final time'?”

>”That's all I know, unfortunately, God always tried to purge any memories of any defiance against His Will… but you know someone who could probably tell you more than I could. As for the finality, the upper crust in the Church has been reminded, ad-nauseum by the Holy King, that if His will is defied for the fifth time…” Beatus looks you straight in the eyes, “…That He will deem mankind too flawed to carry out His Will.”

>”What does that mean…” You say, a bit scared to ask.

>”If that quiet little smith of yours had her anvil crack, how would she go about fixing that?”

>You scratch your head and try to think.

>”You'd melt it down and recast it.” He answers. “End of the world, baby, to be remade anew. In fact, God was certain this would happen, of course, He never seemed to hold us highly in esteem to begin with… But it's the Church's purpose to prove mankind is worthy by keeping this from ever happening in the first place… that's why I did what I did.'

>”Why did you have to kill your own countrymen to stop us!? Why couldn't you have just come after us!? We're all willing to die for this cause, why did you have to get innocents involved!?” You shout angrily.

>”If I had just straight up killed you, you would have been made a martyr among your army. I had to put doubt on your abilities to keep order, to prove your ideals were impossible, and put a strain on relations between humans and monsters. If your wife hadn't surprised me like that, she would have been framed for murdering you by now, and I would have continued marring your goals until the humans in your ranks disbanded.”

>There's an uncomfortable silence.

>”I thought that killing a handful to stop everyone from dying was much better than letting the world end…”

>”So what?” Jäeger scoffs, “You paIadins aren't so tough, we destroyed a golem made out of an entire cathedral! How can the Church hope to even destroy the world?”

>”And the Church doesn't even control this whole country, much less the world.” Kenneth adds.

>”They don't need to control the whole world to destroy it. At this point trying to conquer it is merely a formality… and I won't deny you and your army are formidable…. Which is why I'm glad that I lost… But you're assuming that this is beyond God's abiliti-”

>”What about the ward?” Magdalene interrupts.

>He turns to face her, “The what, baby?”

>”The ward that surrounds the capital, Duskbreach Keep. How do we destroy it? None of our monster troops can set foot inside with that ward in place, unless they want to be disintegrated into nothing.”

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ed4453 No.282266


>”Oh right, the ward… the ward is part of a double edged sword, babe. It's powered by the mana aurae of worshipper's souls, collected by altars in the chapel's they've built, all sent to the altar in Duskbreach Tower and projected as the ward that protects the city.” He holds up a finger, “But it's also used to spread His influence across the country, so baptisms, blessings, and conscripting PaIadins can be performed everywhere…”

>”But, why would this god need these altars to spread influence? Isn't he omnipotent, omnipresent?” You ask skeptically.

>”Brother, you of all people… you should know that you can't believe everything you hear.” He says smiling sadly. “That goes for people you trust, as well. Even someone close to you could have been lying the whole time you've known them…”

>”So have you been lying to us the whole time, then.” You say as you cross your arms.

>”You'de be smart not to take my word for it.” He shrugs with a casual smirk.

>”Fair enough.” you say before getting up.

>“That's about all I know, or what I can remember, anyways. So it looks like that's the end of my usefulness.” He sighs, relaxing in his bonds.

>”Thank you for your cooperation, we'll come get you when it's time.” You assure him as you start walking out of the door, no longer wishing to look at him.

>”I'll be right here when you need me!” He says, his smile friendly and genuine..

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ed4453 No.282267


>The crowd below the city's gate stood deathly quiet, even the inhabitants of the slums mingled among the rest.

>”Beatus Lightbringer.” You call out for all to hear, “You stand accused of mass murder, acts of terrorism, destruction of property, framing an innocent for your crimes, and conspiracy to commit regicide-”

>”Brother, how 'bout I just say I'm guilty, save us some time?” He laughs, “That list isn't even going to cover half of the terrible shit I've pulled.”

>People below gasp, and start muttering amongst themselves.

>”They're just trying to get rid of more humans!” “He tried to stop that heretic earlier! They're just trying to slander him!” “That massacre yesterday wasn't enough, they're not going to rest until they've killed us all!”

>The mob starts whipping themselves into another panic as their speculation runs wild.


>They slowly go silent and look at Beatus.

>”When the bombs I SET UP went off, who were the ones who tried to protect you!? That's right! These men and women here, risked their lives, to try to rescue you from the wreckage, even though you've spit on them all! …I acted on behalf of the Church that you've all blindly followed, and I accept responsibility for my crimes.”

>You wait for a moment, expecting the crowd to get rowdy, but they remain silent.

>Jäeger hands you his axe, and the soldiers restraining the paIadin begin walking him to the chopping block.

>”Do you have any last requests, Lightbringer?” You says quietly.

>”Yeah, brother. It's actually really important to me.” He says, his voice taking a somber tone. “If… no… when you cross paths with Sirius- …Commander Dawn, will you spare him? Will you free him the his curse like you freed me, brother?”

>You look at him and shake your head, “I can't promise that. He took the life of my mentor's wife, and his arm… If he surrenders, maybe I can convince Kenneth not to kill him. But I cannot make any promises.”

>He sighs and smiles sadly, “Understandable. He's done a lot he's not proud of, neither I or he will deny that. Can you at least pass along a message for me? …I want my last words to be for him.”

>”If he's willing to listen, I'll try my hardest to fulfill that request. What's the message?”

>”I…” he looks around nervously, “…It's kind of personal… and you're the only person I can tell this to… you're actually one of the only people I trust, brother.”

>You look at him skeptically.

>He chuckles, “I know, it's sad, huh? But, if you could just let me whisper it… in your ear?”

>You close your eyes and grumble, angrily mulling it over before, against your better judgement, “Sure, but if you try ANYTHING-”

>”I promise I won't bite or anything.” He teases. “Come on, brother. Dying man's last wish?”

>You lean in close, angling yourself so you can still keep a close eye out for any tricks, slowly inhaling the mana around you to incinerate him at a moment's notice.

>”Tell Sirius, that he was the only one I ever loved.”

>Before you could even grasp what he has just said, you feel a quick peck on your cheek that makes you jerk your head away in confusion, mana releasing from your mouth from the shock as a small flare.

>Beatus smiles nervously, “I know that it's a lot to ask, but promise me you'll give him the whole message.”

>You blink at him blankly, and feel a discomforting shiver run down your spine as the feeling lingers on your cheek, “…I already promised…” You say begrudingly.

>”Thank's brother, you really have no idea how much this means to me…” He closes his eyes and smiles contently as he faces the horizon, “I'm ready to pay my debt.”

>You motion your soldiers to lean him over the block.

>You bring the axe to the back of his neck.

>A small bird lands on the chopping block next to his face, letting out a chirp.

>”Hey, buddy.” Beatus coos, “Daddy's goin' away for awhile, alright?”

>Esmeralda chirps angrily before flying in your face, making you step back and cover your eyes.

>Your soldiers step forward defensively.

>”Hey! Hey! Stop that!” Beatus scolds.

>She flies back over and lands on his hair, shooting you a dirty look.

>”Hey, now. I want you to play nice!” He says, “…Promise me you'll watch over my brother Anonson here, alright? He's a good man, and he's just trying to do right.”

>She perches, snuggling into his hair.

>He shakes her off, making her fly over and perch on the rampart in front of him, “Hey, you can't be there any more, alright? Don't want you to get hurt…”


>”Don't give me that… you'll get on just fine without me. Now go on, I don't want you to watch this, okay?”

>She turns around, looking back at him one last time before flying off.

>”Sorry about that, brother.” He sighs, “Whenever you're ready.”

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ed4453 No.282268


>You approach him once more, lining up the axe with the nape of his neck.

>Raise it up in the air.

>And bring it down, a dull thud punctuating the silence.

>You set the axe aside, and watch as Beatus' soul rises from his corpse.

>He immediately turns to face you, and walks over smiling. “I guess this is goodbye, brother.”

>You try to respond, but he holds up his ethereal hand, “Nah, baby. I know everyone else can't see me. Don't want to look like you're crazy, now!” Beatus' smile darkens, “…But I wanted to thank you again for giving me peace one last time before I died… which is why I'm sorry for what I have to do.”

>”Wait, what do you-”

>Black shadows form under his feet, dark tendrils snaking up and around him.

>”BEATUS, NO!” You shout, white flames erupting from your hands as you start clawing away at the blackness.

>But despite your desperate purging, the shadows were barely deterred, and covered him up to his neck.

>”Sorry, brother… but I still have a debt to pay.” He says, before he becomes completely encompassed.


>”Anonson. Brother. Stop. You're making a scene.” He says calmly. “Just let me go. This is my own choice.” As the blackness creeps over his face, he beams at you, “I know you can do it, Anonson. You beat me after all… I'll be waiting for the day you succeed…”

>You fall to your knees as you watch Beatus' soul melt within the darkness, and seep into the floor before disappearing forever. “Beatus… why…”

>After a moment of gazing at the cracks in the bricks, realizing that he wasn't coming back, you stand back up to see your soldiers staring anxiously at you.

>Saying nothing, you return their concern with a stern glare before walking into the guard tower, wife silently following close behind.

>As you exited the tower on the ground floor, the crowd of locals all stood still, watching you in silence.

>”What are you all waiting for?” You shout, immensely irritated, “You're free to go about your lives, and travel outside these walls. Hell, leave the city and flee back to the Church if you want! See how welcoming and forgiving to you they'll be simply for you having seen the truth!”

>As you walk towards the crowd, they begin to disperse, tripping and running over each other as they try to keep as wide a distance from you as possible.

>After a short, silent walk, you arrive at the chapel, stopping short of the doors. “Wait here,” you tell your wife, clutching her hand for but a moment before throwing the doors open and stepping inside.

>The air within gave you goosebumps, a disgusting, eldritch aura emanating from the marble, silk draped altar in the back.

>Walking down the aisle, gripping your war hammer, a man sitting on a pew was praying fearfully until you passed him, when he climbs over his seat and scrambles for the exit whimpering fearfully..

>You stare at the altar, your heart begins beating more furiously, until your rage boils over.

>Screaming at the top of your lungs, you smash the altar over and over, taking out your frustration on it until it was completely reduced to rubble. Not content as you watched the corrupted presence dissipate, you breathe in, and blast the marble gravel with a stream of fire from your maw, yells warped by the raging inferno that quickly reduced the ruined remains into a pit of molten slag.

>Your wrath didn't let up until the last of your strength was sapped. Even then, your anger persisted, but you had no more energy to express it, panting as you turned from the smoldering crater, and limping back out exhausted.

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ed4453 No.282270


>You wake up to the smell of smoke, tightly embraced, and head pounding furiously. As you blink the crusty frost from your eyes, you see Sirius' sound asleep, face half covered in dried blood.

>Feeling deeply confused, you look around, and see you're in an alcove of snow, the smoldering remains of a small camp fire beside you. Looking outside, you see the sun shining clearly.

>”Sirius… Sirius wake up…” You say worriedly, gentle shaking him.

>He groans, and squeezes his eyes tight before blinking them open, “Uhh… what…” As he focuses more on you, he smiles warmly, “Oh thank God you're okay. I was worried you would never wake up.”

>”Worried about me!?” You cry, “What about you!? What happened to your head!?”

>Sirius sits up and brings his hand up to his face, wiping a bit of the blood off onto his fingertips and inspecting it, “Oh, that… I… it must have happened when we crashed on the shore…” He trails off as the furs on his shoulders slides off to the ground, revealing his right arm to be missing.

>”Oh my God!” You scream, mortified, “Where's your arm!?!?”

>He looks down at his lap, “Y-yeah, I lost it from frostbite. Nothing I can do at this point, really.”

>”HOW LONG WAS I OUT!?” You begin to crawl out of the burrow in a panic, trying to get your bearings.

>”Wait, Gaelyn wait!” He says as he gets out after you, putting his hand on your shoulder, “It's okay, you've just been out cold for… a couple of days. You passed out when we breached land.”

>You catch your breath, and feel your lungs sting from the cold air. “I'm so sorry… if I had been awake, you would have never lost your arm…”

>Sirius wraps his arm around you, bundling you in his furs. “Gaelyn… Gaelyn… you couldn't… It wouldn't have changed anything. It's not your fault, there was nothing you could have done about it. Don't worry yourself about it…” He whispers calmly, before looking out at the horizon, “…In fact we're close to the mines. We should be there in about an hour. How does a warm bed and hot meal sound?”

>”I think I've slept enough already, don't you think?” You say incredulously, when your stomach does an imitation of an angry bear.

>Sirius laughs, “Just some hot food, then?”

>”Y-yeah…” You admit as the two of you start moving. “So what happened?”

>”The ship crashed several miles south of the docks, and we were caught in the middle of a blizzard… and…”

>You wait for him to finish, but he just goes quiet.


>He keeps walking.

>”Sirius?” You repeat.

>He shakes his head and looks at you, “You say something?”

>”You kind of just, trailed off there… are you alright?”

>”Yeah I'm just… just been a bit rough, not going to lie.” He says before flashing a confident grin, “But I've been through worse! And God… God has always guided the way…”

>After trudging through the snow, you finally came across a brightly burning brazier that stood stalwart against the cold of the frozen tundra.

>”We're almost there…” Sirius says, pointing to a crag over in the distance, another brazier illuminating it's entrance.

>As you approached the crag, you could hear the wind whistling and howling between the frosty cliff faces.


>”Did you say something?” You ask Sirius.


>”Never mind… guess it was just the wind…” You tell yourself, but you couldn't help but find yourself listening more carefully.

>But eventually, you reached the end of the crag, and a small valley carved into the mountains opened up before you, densely packed with ugly, stout brick buildings that would have blended in with their surroundings if it wasn't for the abundance of lanterns and paIadins patrolling and rushing in and out of them.

>A decorated looking paIadin looks over and hurriedly strides up to you. “Commander Dawn! You're alive! We heard your ship had capsized, and we-”

>”Well, as you can see, General Flint, we're both perfectly fine.” He turns to you and smiles, “Just a minor setback.”

>”Sir… your face… your arm…”

>Sirius' eye twitches, and in an instant, storms up and glowers over him, face turning red. “Is none of your concern, General. As you were.”

>His subordinate gulps and salutes, trying as hard as he could to remain formally rigid, “Yes sir!” He shouts, before marching off.

>Your husband takes a deep breath, and releases it sharply, “So, what say we go to the inn, get warmed up by the hearth, and get some food?”

>The freezing wind whistles, and makes you feel antsy. ”Wait! Let's at least go to the blacksmith, first!! Then we'll have plenty of time to eat!”

>”Fair enough…” He says, putting on a tough face, but making it obvious he was rather hungry.

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ed4453 No.282279


>Sirius leads you to a building, sign above the door that depicted the silhouette of an anvil made from cast iron, which blended in with the dark stone bricks it was mounted on, defeating the purpose of the sign.

>He opens the door for you, and a blast of searing hot air comes out. Even in the biting cold, the heat from inside was making you sweat.

>”After you.” Sirius chimes, motioning you inside.

>When you step inside, your path is immediately obstructed by a suit of armor. In fact, you could barely see a foot away due to all of the various armors and racks of weaponry haphazardly displayed about with no regard to presentation.

>Seeing a claustrophobic break in the clutter, you peek through and see a winding path between the hoard of items.

>After navigating the mess, you make it to a relatively open stretch of floor in front of a heavy stone counter. Behind it, a forge glowed with an intense heat, and in front of it stood a large, imposing man in with his back turned to you, broad shoulders draped in a thick, black scaled leather cloak.

>Behind the counter, a stout looking man with short black hair wrapped in a bandana, and a short trimmed beard steps out from a back room, carrying a massive war hammer with ease. As he laid it on the counter, you could see it's over-sized head, instead of having a typical shape, was completely simple and crude. Front completely flat, while the back tapered into a stubby chisel.

>The imposing man grabbed the war hammer, and hefted it over his shoulder easily with one hand, “Thanks.” He grunts, before turning away, his icy blue eyes slowly setting on you as his lips tightened in annoyance.

>His gaze felt like it bore into the back of your head, face crossed by a row of massive scars running from his forehead, and continuing beyond his collar. A mane of dirty blonde hair ran down his back in a tangled mess of barely kept locks. Leather belts and bandoliers spanned over a padded jack stretched across a terribly muscular physique that made him seem more brute than man. His lips curl to reveal snarling teeth, “You're in my way, girl…” He growls, before looking up over your head, “…You…”

>You crane your neck and see Sirius standing behind you quietly.

>”What are you doing here, you filthy bastard? Come to cry after scraping your knee?” The man says in a low, threatening voice.

>”I'm here on church business, sir.” Sirius says submissively.

>The man looks back down at you, “Run along. Both of you. This place isn't meant for little girls.”

>”Hey! Who do you think you are, talking to-” In a flash of color, you find yourself stumbling back into Sirius' arms, feeling a painful welt forming on your cheek.

>The man breathes heavily, barely containing his anger, “Don't you ever… talk back to me… or it will be the last thing you do…” He says menacingly.

>You're absolutely flabbergasted, and can't even think of how to respond.

>”Who is this ill mannered child that would speak out of turn.” He growls to Sirius.


>Did he say 'Dad'?

>”This is my wife… Gaelyn…” He says timidly, resting his hand on your shoulder, “Honey… this is my father.”

>Before you know it, Sirius' dad steps closer, looming over you as his stare burns into you even harder.

>”This… is your wife…” He says with silent menace.

>”Yeah! We got married a-'”

>He grips you by the shoulder with a large hand and roughly pulls you behind him, before slamming his other palm against Sirius' throat, pinning him against the wall, “HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME!?” He howls.

>”Mr. Dawn, stop! He's not lying! I'm his wife!” You shout desperately.

>”EVERY TIME I HEAR ABOUT YOU, IT'S NOTHING BUT DISAPPOINTMENT. EMBARRASSMENT!” He shouts, red in the face, spittle flying with every word. “LETTING ALL OF THOSE SOLDIERS DIE!! …In that godforsaken wasteland… do you have any idea what you've done…”

>Steeling yourself, you clench your hands tightly into fists and charge into him, jumping up and punching him hard in the temple.

>While the blow knocked his head back, he barely seemed fazed at all.

>But it still got his attention.

>He lets go of Sirius, who wheezes as he tries to catch his breath, before stomping towards you.

>As he nears, you raise your fists up defensively, half flinching to prepare for the man's assault.

>”You listen to me, Ms. Gaelyn. You see my pathetic excuse for a son over there?” He says, pointing over to him.

>When he stays silent, you assume he's waiting for a reply, and nod frantically.

>”Leave him. Now.”

>”No! I love him, and he loves me!” You says confidently, puffing out your chest in defiance.

>He frowns, “He doesn't love you. He's incapable of love. That bastard will break your heart. Leave him and go back home.”

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ed4453 No.282281


>”No!” You say, standing your ground, “You're wrong! He loves me with all of his heart! He's a sweet, caring man. More than you ever could be!”

>His face starts to turn purple as he manically grinds his teeth and rears his head. As his rage seems to come to it's peak, he blows out his breath, and seems to relax slightly, “Fine! You know everything, then have it your way. Don't say I didn't warn you.”

>After you watch him storm out of the shop, you see Sirius acting as if nothing had happened.

>”Sirius, what is your dad's problem!? You just let him treat you like that!?”

>”He's my father, and I'll respect him no matter what.” He says flatly, as if he didn't want to mean it. “He's the only family I have left.”

>”And you just let him hit your wife!? And strangle you!? You're the Commander of the paIadins! Isn't that a death sentence!?”

>”Things aren't as simple as that, Gaelyn.” He sighs, “It's best if you just leave it be.”

>”How can I leave it be!? He just…” You realized the blacksmith was staring at you, and start feeling self conscious, “Oh my God, I'm so sorry about the scene we caused in your shop!”

>He simply stares at you with hand outstretched over the counter, when you noticed one of his greenish-brown eyes was covered with an eye patch.

>”I… we actually came here to on Church business!” You say, before reaching for you bag. But you begin to panic as you realize you didn't have it!

>Sirius hands you your bag.

>”Oh! Thank you!” You say in relief, taking it from him, before digging through, and finding the bundle of cloth you kept the divine orb in. It spread a gentle warmth across your palm, and pulsed with a steady glow, as if it were alive.

>The smith didn't look as impressed as you expected, instead simply taking it from you without giving it a second glance. He sets the sphere down on the counter, before ducking under it and rummaging around, producing a yellowed calendar, edges torn and scorched. Setting it down for you to see, and points to the next day, and taps it for emphasis.

>”It'll be ready tomorrow?” You ask.

>He nods his head, taking the orb and disappearing into the back room with out a word.

>”W-wait I didn't even tell him what it was for…”

>”I think he knows what he's doing.” Sirius says. “Wolfram is a bit weird… but he's the finest smith in Duskbreach.” He idly feels the dented helmet hanging from his belt, and seems to remember something. With a bit of fumbling, he unhooks it from it's loop, and sets his head gear down on the counter, “Almost forgot about that.” He taps his head, smiling warmly.

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ed4453 No.282282


>After both of you had your fill of hot food and warmed up in front of the fire, you retired to a room at the inn.

>As Sirius sat on the bed, you helped him take off his armor and padding, and see his torso wrapped in bandages, dried blood staining them where it covered his stump.

>”Oh, God… I can't believe you cut off your own arm…” You say with grim amazement.

>”What? …O-oh, yeah, well… it's better than the alternative…” He pulls out a knife and looks back at you, “Uh… you probably don't want to look.”

>Slicing the bandages, he carefully starts peeling them off, sucking air through his teeth when some of the scabbing comes off with it.

>You turn away, trying to keep yourself from getting sick taking all of your willpower.

>”Sorry… could you hand me that bottle over there?”

>You look around and see a bottle of spirits sitting by your bags, “This one?” You say as you uncork it and hand it to him.

>”Yeah, thanks.” He says as he takes it from you, before carefully pouring it over his wound, hissing in pain as it rinses away some of the fresh blood oozing from it. “God damn it that hurts…”

>”Sirius… didn't you say your father was a mason…?”

>His shoulder jerks, ”…He was a mason… he… he's a mercenary now…”

>You sidle up behind him and gently rest your hands on his back, “Is that why he's like that now?”

>He remains quiet and still.


>”Could you get the bandages from my bag?” He sighs.

>”Sirius, why is your father so cruel!? Tell me!”

>He glares back at you, “I don't-!” Sirius shouts, before cooling down and grimacing, “…I don't want to talk about that… just get me the bandages… please…”

>You look at him quietly.

>”I'm sorry…”

>As you grab the roll of bandages from the bag, you start unraveling it and carefully dressing his wound, trying to keep your gaze from lingering on it for too long, “It's fine… I guess it must have been hard growing up with that.” You reason, “I just can't imagine how your mother must deal with it.”

>He laughs nervously, “Y-yeah… she's a saint…”

>”Oh! When do you think I could meet her?” You say excitedly as you finish bandaging him.

>”When our mission is over, I think. Too out of the way at the moment.” He says, quickly turning to face you, sweat glistening on his brow. “Hey, we have a while till tomorrow, and I imagine neither one of us wants to deal with the snow right now…”

>You chuckle, “Yeah, I've had enough of that!”

>He smiles mischievously, “Well… I have an idea of what we could do to pass the time…” Before you can respond, he gently pushes you down on the mattress.

>Your heart feels like it's about to flutter out of your chest as he straddles over you, staring into your eyes hungrily, “O-oh…”

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ed4453 No.282283



>You stir from your sleep, and turn to your lover who had his back turned to you. “Sirius?”

>No response.

>He must still be asleep… did he say your name in his sleep? That's so sweet!

“Gaelyn. It is I, your God.”

>You jolt upright and cover yourself in shame. “I'm sorry, I-”

>”Go to the smith, my weapon is ready.”

>As you rest your hands on Sirius to shake him awake, God speaks once more.

”Let him rest, you will do this alone.”

>”Yes, my Lord.” You whisper reverently.

>Careful not to make any sound, you don your clothes and armor before making your way out of the inn.

>As you stepped outside, a light snow fall glistened in the moonlight, making the world look breathtaking despite the hellish chill seeping into your bones.

>Walking briskly to keep yourself warm, you quickly make it to the smithy, and open the door, almost welcoming the sweltering heat, if only for a moment.

>The clang of struck iron rang through the room at a steady pace, before a pause, followed by the sound of bellows stoking a roaring flame.

>After exiting the tangle of implements of war, you found yourself in front of the sturdy stone counter.

>Wolfram was in the corner, taking a billet of red hot steel back out of the forge, laying it on the anvil before working it into shape.

>As you watch him tirelessly hammer the steel, you see a poleaxe resting on the counter, bedded on a bolt of blue satin cloth.

>You didn't want to interrupt his work, but… “IS THIS MY WEAPON?” You shout over the din.

>He looks over, and sets his tools down on a workbench before approaching you.

>Without a word, he picks up the poleaxe and hands it to you with a gentleness that belies his appearance.

>As you look over the weapon, it's head seemed to be made of mundane steel, but when the light hit it in certain ways, you could barely make out an extremely fine grain pattern that looked like veins restricted to uniform geometric angles. You were no blacksmith, but you couldn't fathom how such a feat would even be possible without meticulous engraving, but this seems to be flush with the surface…

>Looking up, you see him holding a box, opening it as he sees he has your attention. Inside, lying on a silken padding, was a small dagger made entirely of the porcelain-like material that the orb was made of. It still pulsed with an inner light like before, and seemed to do so with more intensity as your hand got closer.

“Take it, Gaelyn…”

>You grab the knife, and feel something surge through your body, before disappearing as fast as it happened.

“Now, my champion. You must finish creating the weapon you will use to destroy all who would threaten my world. Climb the peak that crowns the mines. There I will give you your next trial.”

>”Yes, my Lord.” You say, safely tucking the knife in your belt, before looking up at Wolfram, “Do I owe you for the-”

>He was already walking back to his anvil, promptly getting back to work without a word.

>”Thank you.”

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ed4453 No.282285


>Stepping back out into the gold evening, you walked towards the adjacent peak at the edge of the town, where you assumed the mines were.

>As the entrance came in to view, you see Sirius' father standing wait in front of a path that winded up around the mountain side.

>Wanting nothing to do with him, you begin to walk around him, half expecting retaliation.

>But he lets you past without moving an inch.

>”You don't want to do this.” He says bluntly.

>”You're not going to stop me. This is God's Will.” You respond, still looking forward.

>You await for a response.

>But he says nothing more.

>You look back and see he had already started walking off.

>Happy you no longer have to deal with him, you look around, and see a winding path outlined with iced over cobblestones winding upwards around the mountain side.

>Steeling yourself against the cold winds, you start climbing the path.

>As you climb further and further up, the stone gets icier and icier, forcing you to walk slower.

>The sky starts turning pink in the horizon, and you take the time to stop and catch your breath, using your poleaxe to hold yourself up.

>You remember Sirius saying to pace yourself when you were climbing high up a mountain… didn't think it would be this difficult to breathe, though.

>Chattering your teeth, you decide to keep moving.

>You see stairs hewn into the cliff, and gratefully stride up to it, climbing slowly and carefully.

>As you reach the top, you see the whole sky open up to you, the top of the mountain relatively flat. Small braziers burn along path leading to a marble altar at the end. As you approach the altar, you can clearly see out in all directions. The sun starts to rise over the ocean in the east, gradually illuminating God's creation for you to see in all of it's majesty.

>As the sun began to warm you slightly through the chill, you took in the sight, awestruck. Placing your hands on the altar for support, you see straight out in front of you, far in the distance, Duskbreach Tower reaching out into the sky, glowing brightly in the morning sun.

“Lay your weapon down on the altar.”

>Without delay, you carefully lay your pole-arm down on the frosted marble.

“Now, prove your loyalty to me. Shed your blood upon the altar with the blood of your God.”

>Feeling nervous, you pull the knife from your belt, and feel warmth pulsing from it in an almost frenetic pace.

>Taking your empty hand, you pull off your glove and lay it on the altar. Laying the knife on your palm, you clench your hand, eyes, and mouth shut, and with a few sharp breaths, pull the blade out from your grip.

>The burning pain in your hand nearly makes you double over, as your screams echo out from the peak. You open your palm, and feel your stomach turn as you see the sliced flesh pouring blood.

>Steeling yourself as you remember your purpose, you hold your hand over the altar, and allow it to drip on to it.

“Your sacrifice is not sufficient. Prove to me that you will be loyal to me until death and beyond.”

>”How do I do that!?” You gasp.

>But receive no answer.

>'Loyal until death and beyond' echos in your mind, and your path becomes clear.

>Kneeling before the altar, and ignoring the freezing cold stone sapping the heat from your legs, you unfasten your chest plate, and throw it aside. Grabbing the knife in both hands, ignoring the pain, you shakily bring the point to your wildly pounding heart, tears stinging your cheeks as they freeze.

>Out of the corner of your eyes, you Sirius storms up onto the peak, ”GAELYN, NO!”

>You thrust the blade, and for a brief moment, your heart stops cold. The world starts to fade away…

>Then your heart beats one more time.

>And again.


>And faster.

>The world returned to you in a flash of blinding light, but kept going.

>Images, memories, emotions, feelings of all kinds flooded to you.

>It's too much too fast, and you can't even make sense of them, despite them all being burned into your memory. Thousands of voices whispering, screaming, all at the same time. Your body feels like it's exploding and putting itself back together. You saw all the beauty and wonder of the world bloom into life, only for it to rot away. Words in a language you've never heard before are uttered in a growing chorus, more voices joining in, all rising in volume without end. It's so much it feels like your mind is about to shatter, and just as soon as you can feel your sanity reach the cusp…

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ed4453 No.282291


>You climb up the last step up to the mountain top, and see Gaelyn, blood staining the altar and snow around her, dagger brought to her heart.

>”GAELYN, NO!” You scream.

>In a single deft stroke, she plunges the knife into her bosom, and for a moment, stays deathly still, before collapsing on the altar.

>But no more blood spills.

>Her head is thrown back with a thunderous boom, light streams from her chest, eyes, and mouth as her body begins to rise in the air, as it becomes wreathed in lightning arcing from the altar.

>A glow pulses through her veins, radiating out from her heart at a rapidly quickening pace as power hums and crackles in the air, making your hair stand on end as a powerful gust blast stronger than any storm.

>And then, as soon as it reached it's crescendo, it all began to fade as her body slowly fell to the ground.

>As sets down back into the snow, you run up and cautiously bring a finger to her neck. When you confirm a pulse, you cradle her head in your arm, “Gaelyn… speak to me, are you alright?”

>Her eyelids tense up, and slowly open, “Ungh… S-Sirius…?”

>”I'm here, Gaelyn. I'm here…” You assure her while smiling in relief. “You scared me… I thought you were doing something drastic…”

>”I was scared too…” She says, smiling back, “But it's okay! God told me to as a test of faith… and then I saw God! And…” Gaelyn knits her brow as if trying to remember, “And I felt how much She loves us all!”

>”Yes, God truly does love us all.” You repeat warmly. “Now, why don't we-”

>With her smile unshaking, she starts to cry as she clings tightly to you, her voice choking up, “And then I saw how much we've disappointed God, how much we've hurt Her!”

>You nod, “Yes, it's truly sad, that-”

>”She's in so much, pain, Sirius! And so lonely!” She sobs, “None of us want to be with Her, and it breaks Her heart! No one has enough faith in Her, despite all She's done!”

>You bring a hand up to her forehead, and start to worry when you realize she's burning up. “Gaelyn, we need to go back to town, I think-”

>”She says even your faith has been faltering!” She says, looking at you, hurt.

>”Gaelyn, my faith in God is unwavering, I'm just worried because you're running a fever, and-”

>But she smiles widely, “But it's okay, because she said you can join me on my next trial to prove your faith! Isn't that wonderful!?”

>”Yes, that sounds great, Gaelyn. Why don't you tell me about it in our room at the inn. We can go first thing tomorrow morning after you've rested.”

>She jumps up to her feet, looking full of vim and vigor, striding over to the altar, and grabbing the poleaxe. As she gripped it, the weapon sparks to life with an otherworldly hum, light flowing from her hand through the steel in thin, angled veins. “We can rest after the next trial, Sirius! Come on!” Without another word, she starts bounding down the moutainside.

>You reach out for her in vain, before looking back at the altar. Walking over to it, you see snow at it's foot still stained red.

>Kneeling before the altar, you prostrate yourself before it, silently begging God for forgiveness and strength.

>The wind is your only reply.

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ed4453 No.282293


>Walking towards the exit, a large hand roughly grabs your crippled shoulder, and painfully turns you around. You hold in your pained groan when you see your father staring back at you.

>”You goin' after your 'wife'? Dumb kid is going to get herself killed out there.”

>”Wait, another storm is coming again so soon?”

>He shoves something hard into your stomach, knocking the wind out of your lungs.

>Grabbing it in your hand, you see it's your sword still hanging from it's belt, as well as your helmet, repaired so well it was as if it was never dented in the first place.

>”The standards the Church has for it's soldiers has really gone to shit since I left it.” He growls, “And no, the enemy is on it's way here. They've already taken the port down east. Probably not that far off, now.”

>”What!?” You shout, before running into the crag, clumsily attempting to fasten your belt with your one hand.

>As you run out into the snowy field, dotted path of braziers spanning out into the distance, you look around, and can't see Gaelyn anywhere.

>But you see foot prints in the freshly driven snow.

>Plodding along, you follow the trail she had left, amazed at how far apart they were… had she been hopping the entire way?

>Where was she even going!? There wasn't anything out here that you knew of…

>You scan the horizon, and see a wisp of smoke curling in the sky.

>And see her footprints heading straight for it.

>Wait, are the Demon King's forces already here!? I she going to face them alone again!?

>You look up at the sky, and realize the trail goes north. So she's not doing that, they could only be coming from the east… then what…

>Something nags at the back of your mind, and makes you quicken your pace.

>A low rumble echoes across the mountains, and the smoke in the sky grows thicker, the smell of burning wood hanging in the air.

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ed4453 No.282295


>You follow Gaelyn's trail to a sheer cliff face in the mountain, and wonder how she managed to climb it.

>If you still had both hands, you could have probably gone up as well… but…

>You look around, and see a tunnel that took you by surprise. If you had just been passing through, you would have never suspected that it was even there.

>Cautiously peeking inside, you see a soft warm glow at the end. Keeping your hand on the hilt of your blade, you break out into a careful run.

>Coming to the corner, you quickly look down, and see the rest of the way illuminated by torches mounted along the wall.

>A metallic tang sours the back of your mouth, as you feel dread settling down on you. Your pace slows as you walk through the stone hallway, sunlight shining through at the end.

>Stepping outside once more, you blink, blinded by the sun, and start coughing as the ash starts to burn your throat.

>Your sight returns to focus.

>A familiar village lies burning in ruins, corpses strewn in the snow.

>Not knowing how to react, you draw your sword, and scan your surroundings, ready to-


>You snap your sights to the source, Gaelyn running up to you from behind a burning hut. You try to speak, but no words find your way to your lips.

>She stops a few feet in front of you, holding her poleaxe behind her as she rocks her heels excitedly, “Sirius! There was this entire village of monsters and pagans here! So close to the mines!”

>Unable to speak, you just force a smile, staring at the blood covering her all over

>”I know right!? It's a wonder the mines haven't been attacked yet!” She says, looking around and sighing in satisfaction.

>”I… you keep worrying me. I didn't even know where you had gone!” You manage to finally gasp out.

>”Oh… I'm sorry.” She says, looking guilty. “I just… when God spoke to me… She wants us so much to be together, Sirius! And… I have to purify this world before we can do that!” Her face brightens up. “Oh, but don't worry! You can still prove your faith!” She grabs your hand and starts dragging you along, her pull much stronger than you knew her to be capable of, “Come on!”

>As she leads you along, your heart sinks as you see more death and destruction around you.

>”Sirius…?” A kindly old voice groans.

>Inga was knelt before you, arms and legs bound in rope. She lifted her head to see you, look of betrayal burning into you.

>Lined up beside her was her son Falk, covered in cuts and bruises, an olive skinned woman with downy, floppy ears on her snow white hair, with Adele and Hilda at the end, both whimpering quietly.

>”Sirius… why has Gaelyn done this? Did we offend you somehow? Is this why you left in the middle of the night?” Inga says in confused repentance.

>”I knew… I knew I should have killed you both….” Falk says venomously, before spitting out a bloodied tooth.

>”God just want's you to purify these yourself.” Gaelyn says expectantly. “They weren't much of a fight, so I have no idea why she needs you do this, but… She said you had to if you wanted to stay together with me!”

>”Sirius… what god is she talking about? They would never be this outright cruel! I don't understand why you're doing this!” Inga cries. “Please, just take me! Leave my son and his family alone!”

>Gaelyn doesn't even seem to acknowledge Inga's words, “It should be so simple for you anyways! You could probably have taken this entire village with one hand tied behind your back!” Her smile recedes, as she shrinks back slightly, “…S-sorry…”

>”It's… It's fine…” You say, hand shaking as you gripped the hilt of your blade tighter.

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ed4453 No.282297


>”To be honest, Sirius… this village makes me sick… I can't believe there are humans that would actually lay with these abominations!” Gaelyn says, anger quavering in her voice. “Now I see why God weeps for us. We have fallen so far… “

>”Shh, it's okay children, everything will be okay, momma is here, shhh… shhh…” The young woman whispers to her children as they weep.

>”W-why would anyone sleep with such disgusting creatures!?” Gaelyn shrieks angrily, “”How could anyone LOVE such FREAKS!?” Her voice faltering as tears start to well up in her eyes, “Which is why you'll promise you'll stay with me, right, Sirius? We can both purge evil from this world, lift my curse, and make it safe for us to raise a family in, right?” She looks as you pitifully.


>Falk slips his hands from his bonds, gets up despite his ankles still being tied together, and leaps towards Gaelyn, grasping at her poleaxe, desperately trying to wrest it from her hands.

>Your heart leaps, and before you know it, you've run him through with your sword, his wife and daughters' screams rousing you from your trance.

>Despite being impaled, Falk still pulls desperately at her weapon as his strength leaves him, eventually falling to the ground, dead.

>Even through the cold, the air seemed to grow colder, despite the wind growing still.

>Gaelyn grins, and dimly glowing chains shoot out from behind her, wrapping themselves around the dying man.

>”What foul magick is this!?” Inga moans, her face sallowing as she seems to have come to a realization. “No…”

>The ethereal chains tighten around him, but seem to have no affect on his body at all, passing through as if they weren't there.

>As the life dims from Falks eyes, the chains go taut, as if meeting resistance. As they slowly begin receding back into Gaelyn's body, a ghostly form is slowly torn out from the corpse.

>”My child! You tamper with forces you don't understand!” Inga screams, “This can only lead to your ruin!”

>As the entity is pulled further and further out, you see it's form identical to Falk, desperately gripping at his physical body as he's dragged away.

>”You freak! What are you doing to me!?” He screams, voice echoing as if it were far away. As he yells in exertion, he's ripped from his body, and quickly absorbed into Gaelyn, silenced forever.

>Her body jolts, and light shines from her eyes for a moment, before dying back down.

>”Falk!” His mother screams, jumping forward, only for her binds to impede and make her collapse face first in the snow.

>You stand speechless, ”Gaelyn… what did…”

>She smiles, “This is the gift God gave to me. She will have me bring all the corruption of the world unto my self, so when I am done, she will purge it all from my body in one stroke. In the mean time… because I am cursed, the more corruption I absorb, the more powerful I become…”

>”Child, you aren't absorbing corruption! This is a forbidden magick! You are devouring their souls!” Inga cries. “You must stop before it overcomes you!”

>Gaelyn continues staring at you, patiently smiling. “I shall become God's perfect weapon to exact Her will upon Her world. And you will help me, my love.”

>Fear gripped you. You could feel God's power coursing through her, aura pulsing with overwhelming pressure.

>And it terrified you. Even when you felt God's blessing for yourself, it was never this intense… this raw…

>You realized, you didn't even have a choice.

>You never did.

>You close yourself off, and approach the children, raising your blade.

>You could only stare at the blood on your hand, on your sword as it fell to the ground, too weak to keep holding it.

>Gaelyn clung to your waist, nuzzling your chest, seemingly unaware of the carnage you both had wrought, and undeterred by the blood spread between you. “We're going to save the world, together, Sirius. It's like a fairy tale…”

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ed4453 No.282304

Man what a fucking bitch

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ed4453 No.282310

dis gon b good

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ed4453 No.282328

File: 22a6d39aad24c4b⋯.jpg (75.06 KB,1250x581,1250:581,deusvolt.jpg)


>”Tell Sirius, that he was the only one I ever loved.”


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ed4453 No.282332


come on man, it was soo obvious, maybe your gaydar is on a fritz.

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ed4453 No.282336


Was it? I was just expecting him to grab a couble of zombies and go full Thriller.

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ed4453 No.282338


>grab a couple of zombies and go full Thriller.

God damn it, I wish i thought of putting a scene like that in there.

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ed4453 No.282346


well coulda woulda shoulda. Then Again, you did set him up to be flamboyant bard of sorts, good job in that misdirection. Still woulda been fun.

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ed4453 No.282348


Put it in a recap?

>Hey, remember when Beatus…

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ed4453 No.282351

File: 42b3d87047b4622⋯.jpg (339.53 KB,800x600,4:3,__kaku_seiga_michael_jacks….jpg)


I'll just remember it for when I rewrite this story in a 3rd person perspective. Which won't be for a long time, and will just be linked on the writefag thread or something when I eventually do it. I want to write other shit for a bit

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ed4453 No.282355


make it a book.

I'd fucking buy it and I like printed shit

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ed4453 No.282357


Right now it's 390k words long, which by general standards, is the length of 8 short novels, or about 4 good length novels.

Also checked, looks like I'll have to try getting some printed copies of it one day.

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ed4453 No.282407


Story is great, you should try to get it self-published on amazon or something once it's done.



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ed4453 No.283124


When you do go back to rewrite the story, what do you have in mind for Ebonthorn Crag? I know you were dissatisfied with that part of the story, but there were some parts there that I enjoyed, like training the army.

Speaking of, will we cut back to Ebonthorn briefly to see how the city is faring (especially since Iris is with the army now)? Then again, there aren't that many characters left there.

Is Perri going to get an assistant to help her with her workload? Oh, and one more thing I am curious about is the king of Duskbreach. We only saw him briefly in a scene with Commander Dawn, and he seems like just a puppet for God at a glance, but I do wonder what kind of a person he is and what agenda he has.

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ed4453 No.283130


>Meeting with the ushi oni criminal with the japanese bean name ends with him chipping off her horn, and knocking her out before fucking off

>Anonson and friends enter city


>Brought before Queen

>Find out Mags is princess

>After a heated back and forth, and Mags showing the horn fragment to Queen, she decides to give Anonson low class citizenship

>Mags is to stay in the castle at all times though, no explanation

>Anonson, Ken, and Becky end up living in a shitty shack on edge of the city, near the walls in the slums

>Anonson visits Iris, who gives some religious background, tea/cookies/hugs, and an idea of how to get close to Mags again (Aside from her sneaking out sometimes). Anonson will find solace in the temple many times, desperate to find faith in something after becoming so disillusioned from his old faith.

>Anonson starts helping out the senators, starts from doing low tier shit like go-fer work

>Ends up becoming part of the city guard

>Ends up excelling at it, taking down criminals that had given them trouble for years

>Gradually becomes a local celebrity/hero

>Starts being able to see Mags more and more

>Doesn't get accosted or attempted rapemuggings any more, being seen a respected full citizen, but starts getting bad attention from Lucy's 'family'

>Queen allows Mags and MC to spend more time together

>Paladins siege the city

>MC rushes headlong into it along with the Queen and her army.

>Shit heads south quick with a paladin abomination rampaging through their ranks

>They take it down, but Queen is fatally injured

>Hands crown to Magdalene

>Magdalene, being extremely unpopular with the people due to being a busybody who annoyed people by pushing for human rights, gives it to MC instead out of uncertainty of her own ability to lead

>Despite being beloved by the people, a human ruling them perturbs the city

>Lucy uses this to stage a coup of the crown (((legally))) through some loophole

>Lucy tries to have them killed because she seems the royal bloodline as a threat (People still have nostalgic attachment to it)

>They go on the run, stay in the shadows of the city

>Lucy uses her power as Queen (and the corrupted, bought off senators) to benefit her own clan at the expense of the people.

>Naomi, disgraced with the new leadership, quits and goes to join MC and his friends in hiding.

>They end up discovering Lucy has been manipulating the ecumony (why did i write that), by hiding how much human livestock she actually had, tens of thousands instead of hundreds, artificially manipulating scarcity.

>She has no intention of responding to the paIadin threat, finding it pointless (And she has it on (((good authority))) that Anonson was responsible for the attack).

>Lots of fighting and some other shit, they end up bringing proof of her manipulation to the people

>Stage a rebellion against Lucy, and retake the throne

>Lucy, using a Samson option, demolishes the cavern the humans are kept in, killing them all, and fucking everyone over.

>MC save's her life, if only to submit her to trial (She still ends his slave as ironic punishment)

>The corrupt senators are replaced with more reliable people, many of them standing down of their own accord out of shame. (Not executed like before, at worst just disgraced or maybe exiled).

>Due to the state of emergency, the Circle becomes more of an advisory body and power check for the crown, rather than the brunt of power like before, until things are sorted out and the war is over.

That's more or less how I'd like to rewrite it, might change a bit when I get around to rewriting. Also Gwen/Perri/Christi would come visit sooner, and the whole three months leading up to war will be compressed so it's more interesting and less SoL fluff.

I might cut back to Ebonthorn under Advisor Herbert's point of view, but it might be more lighthearted than anything. (Or maybe even Acolyte Michelle's point of view taking care of the temple while Iris is away)

As for the Holy King, I'm going to have at least one more appearance of him before the end. As for who he is, and what his agenda is. One of those will be answered very soon.

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ed4453 No.284940


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a13921 No.288574

File: 22201a04e1687c9⋯.png (1 MB,723x1023,241:341,24e6476dc31e5b7842e14a68fc….png)

I'm eager for a continuation of the story!

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22129d No.289347


Update is almost ready.

10k words in length. Just editing it and quadruple checking it for logical consistency

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22129d No.289472


>Mountains loomed ahead as far as the eye could see from your left and right, snow fluttered to the ground, as you ran and wove between the trees, the refreshing scent of pine making the cold stinging your lungs almost worth it.

>You trailed right behind Ricki as she bounded majestically, movements still breathtakingly effortless despite travelling all this distance.

>She slows down and turns to you, “We're almost there. Let's rest for a bit.”

>”I… can keep going…” You pant, not sure if you could really back the words up.

>”I know you can.” Ricki says, smiling warmly, before sniffing the air and knitting her brow, “I just don't like the smell on the wind, and I want us to be ready for anything.”

>You keep a hand close on the sword hanging from your belt.

>”Not just yet.” She says, ears perking up and twitching wildly. “Wait here, and stay quiet.” With a mighty leap, she launches up into a nearby evergreen tree and starts climbing it, needles shaking off as the limbs creak and sway under her weight.

>After a few moments, you see her head pop out of the upper boughs, scanning the surroundings.

>Waiting, you decide to lean against the tree, sliding down into a squat as you caught your breath, listening to the whistling of the wind.

>After further rustling, Ricki drops down, squatting down beside you with a heavy sigh.

>”What's wrong?”

>”I don't know, it just… does something feel wrong to you? Like there's a chill on the wind?” She glanced around uncertainly.

>”Well, it is snowing.” You surmise.

>”No I…” She shakes her head before standing up, “I guess it's nothing.”

>Continuing your trek at a more casual pace, you closely follow behind Ricki, her ears twitching impatiently. It became apparent why she's slowed down, the terrain ahead was increasingly rocky. Jagged stone jut out from the hills, making your already icy path ever more challenging.

>”I think we're almost there… keep an eye out for any ruins.” She says, scanning her surroundings as you navigate the unwelcoming terrain.

>You join in the search, carefully peering in the distance for anything that seems suspect.

>Ricki grumbles and pulls off her pack, taking out her tome and a flipping through the pages as she walked, “I don't understand… it was supposed to be around here somewhere…”

>Squinting your eyes, you scan the horizon with determination, but as you get lost in your enthusiasm, your foot catches something, causing you to scream as you're thrown down into the the snow, putting your hands in front of you just in time to avoid having your teeth smashed out by a rock.

>”Unnnggh…” you groan, as you push yourself back up, hands stinging from the impact.

>”You okay?” Ricki says walking over to you, nose still buried in her book as she holds up a compass. “Gotta pay more attention to your surroundings or…” Looking over, she glances down at your feet, and puts her book away. “Good job, Maurice!”

>”I didn't mean to trip you don't have to be sarcastic.” You whine.

>”No! I think you found it! I can't believe I didn't think of that!” She says before kneeling down.

>”Huh?” you grunt quizzically as you scratch your head.

>“You found the ruins!” Brushing off a lump of dirt, she reveals yet another rock, much to your dismay.

>”Uhhh…” You're about to voice an objection, when a second glance shows an obviously unnatural pattern carved into the rock. “What?”

>”Looks like the ruins were buried under a landslide centuries ago…” Ricki says as she glanced back at her mother's notes.

>”Well… we didn't come all this way to give up, did we?” You ask with uncertainty, before mustering up some confidence and zeal “Let's get to work unearthing it! Where's a shovel?”

>”I didn't bring a shovel.” She says, dejected. “…And the closest place we could safely get one is over two hundred miles south…”

>”Then… we can dig by hand!” You say, before clawing at the dirt.

>”Maurice… I think the entrance is down there.” She says, pointing a bit further down the hill.


>”Besides, I've pushed you hard today, why don't you set up camp and rest while I take care of this.” She hands you her pack, and starts climbing back down the slope.

>”Yes, ma'am.” You say gratefully, looking for a nearby deadwood, slinging the pack over your shoulders as you follow her down.

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22129d No.289473


>With an armful of firewood in your arms, you return to the clearing close by to where you had left Ricki. “I'm back!” You call out, dropping the wood down in to the pile you had been building. “Ricki?”

>You see some dirt fly over a nearby hill, and start running over, “Ricki?”

>As you crested the hill, a clod of dirt smacks you in the face, making you spit and sputter to get the bitter earth out of your mouth, “H-hey! Watch it!”

>Ricki seemed to ignore you as she… 'worked'. She was hunched over in an impressively sized hole, pawing at the dirt in great handfuls that she promptly threw between her legs and out behind her. Despite the hectic pace that she dug, her tail wagged frantically, and her tongue lolled out of her grinning, panting mouth as if she was having the time of her life.

>”Uh… I'll just go make the fire, then…”

>She twists her head to face you, eyes wide before she jerks upright and recomposes herself, “Uh right, of course. I uh… feel free to help yourself to some rations, I'll hunt for food later…”

>”Alright…” You say, slowly walking back. “I'll… leave you to it, then…”

>”…Kay…” She mutters, watching you with an uncomfortable smile as you leave.

>The tent was set up, and the fire was roaring, offering a sanctuary from the icy breeze.

>Your eyes paced lazily between the embers within the logs, to the hill next to you, watching as the occasional flurry of dirt clouds puffed out into the air. For some reason, remembering Ricki's happy expression brought a smile to your own face. Although when you realized you had been just sitting there grinning like an idiot, you felt a bit embarrassed, even though no one was watching you.

>You start doing a little digging of your own through the pack to look for something to distract you, finding Ricki's sizable tome that took up the majority of it's space. Scraps of paper and ribbons of different color were sticking out of various yellowed pages throughout. “I don't think she'd mind if I flipped through it a bit…” You convince yourself, carefully opening to some of the dry, bookmarked pages, mindful of keeping the markers from falling out.

>As you glance through it's contents, you come across a page bookmarked with a red, tattered ribbon, the pages it held seeming more worn than the others.

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22129d No.289474

File: 7ec80307a41bf36⋯.jpg (2.04 MB,2071x2592,2071:2592,Notes Page 3 Holy Magick.jpg)


When two souls of polar frequencies have become fully synced, a strange phenomenon has been known to occur. For lack of a better name I will refer to as 'Holy Magick', since the priestess I spoke to used that term, and seemed to have a better grasp on it's workings than any mage I have spoken with.

When two souls, one of a human, or of Order alignment, and one of a monster, or of Chaos alignment, start to become attuned to each other, their aurae resonate with each other, catalyzing more potent and rapid growth in the strength of their souls.

But what if the two souls are perfectly synchronized? They both become able to summon 'Holy Magick'. While all magicks are powered by mana; the force that sustains all life, 'Holy Magick' is different. It seems to be an effect of the two polarized waves of aura increasing their ripples immensely, like pushing water back and forth in time, making it's waves larger and larger. It seems that when the ripples in these aurae are magnified to a certain threshold, they somehow create what can only be described as a 'clean' rift directly into the Aether. 'Holy Magick' seems to be mana, leaking from the Aether, in it's purest form. By all rights, this extremely high concentration of mana should be harmful to living beings, enough to burn even the most powerful mage away into nothing. But there have been no deaths reported by this 'Holy Magick', not to users or even 'victims'. Any attempts to siphon mana from it, or use it to cause harm to anything at all has resulted in failure. 'Holy Magick' seems unable to cause harm to living (or even 'undead') beings, simply channeling through humans, monsters, and animals, with no boons or ill effects. The priestess even engulfed me in the flames, much to my immediate terror. But I found no pain or pleasure in the white fire as it harmlessly licked across my flesh. In fact, no one has ever really found a use for it, and remains little more than an interesting curiosity, a pretty parlor trick, and a solid affirmation of a couple's love, which begs the question. How could she invoke this magick if there haven't been any intelligent humans in this city in it's entire history? At least… none that didn't get tossed into the pens…

Despite being called 'Magick' it seems to require no knowledge of the arcane at all as well, instead seeming to respond to the user's will rather than their wit. The priestess also explained that 'Holy Magick' is not some divine blessing from the Gods. In fact, she claims that 'Holy Magick' was in fact an enigma to even the Gods themselves…

Well if the Gods are still out there, and still watching us, I think I may have finally found it's use at last. But one steep hurdle remains in my way: how will I find-


>”Augh!” You yelp, nearly falling over in a start as you slam the book closed.

>”I called you eight times.” She says, looking down at you with her hands on her hips, half of her body covered in dirt. “I need your help, there's some rocks in the way.”

>”Y-yea ma'am!” You say, carefully putting the book away before scrambling to your feet. As you followed her back to the hole, you saw the sun was hanging low over the western horizon, “H-how long has it been!?”

>She scratches her head, “Dunno.”

>The hole comes into view, looking more like a gaping crater than a hole dug by a single person in such a short time. “H-how did you dig all this!?”

>”Kobolds are diggers second only to dwarves!” She says, beaming with pride for a moment before slumping over, “B-because we can only do dirt. Once we hit rock, it becomes a problem…”

>She led you to the side of hole in the direction of the hill, a pile of rubble blocking further progress.

>”Some of these rocks are going to take two people to move out of the way,” She explains, “Let's start at the top.”

>Nodding, you climb up the pile with Ricki, and join her in prying rocks from top and rolling them to the side,

>”Here, I need a hand with this one.” She grunts as she struggles to pry a larger stone from the rubble.

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22129d No.289475


>Crawling over, you wrap your arms around the rock, your hand accidentally laying on hers. Startled, you shoot a glance at her to see her smiling, before pulling your hand away. “S-sorry…”

>She gives an amused chuckle under her breath, “We pull on three. THREE!”

>Jumping in shock, you quickly join her in pulling the rock, which slowly shifts from it's resting place.

>”Alright, now let go!”

>With a final heave, you both rip your hands from the rock, which tumbles heavily down the pile of rubble, landing in the dirt with a thud.

>”Good job!” She says, before reaching over and lightly tracing her fingers down your arm, giggling playfully, “You're getting so strong.”

>You exhale sharply in an attempt to vent the heat building in your cheeks, “I- I… Um… Uh…” Unable to think of anything to respond with, you resume your work, making an effort to not face her even though it made your task more difficult.

>As you work, the top of a stone arch is gradually revealed to the sky. “We're almost there!” Ricki cheers, before doubling her effort. As you catch up to her increased pace, the rubble begins to shifts slightly, before collapsing down away from you, revealing a hole leading into an open chamber.

>The two of stop for a moment, peering into the dark abyss to see if you could make anything out. You start clearing it out again, the hole making it easier to pry or knock rubble loose.

>Eventually, the hole became wider and wider, until it looked large enough for both of you to comfortably crawl through. The evening sun streamed into the opening at a shallow angle, shining on a dusty tile floor deep inside.

>”Just how big are these ruins…?” You utter in wonder.

>”Wow…” Ricki admonishes, standing up. “I can't see a thing in there. Stay here for a moment, I'm going to get the lantern. ”

>”Alright.” You say blankly as she runs off, while staring inside, consumed by curiosity.

>Despite the small illuminated patch of floor, everything beyond that was shrouded in pitch black darkness.

>But these ancient, untouched ruins made your imagination run wild, “I bet even dad had never seen anything like this before…” You say to yourself, recalling the stories he regaled you of his travels.

>A faint, torturous scream echos out of the ruins, chilling your blood, and making you stumble backwards and clamber down to the far end of the hole.

>As you panted for breath, eyes locked on to the abyss within the ruins, Ricki slides down carrying a lit lantern, “Maurice, what's wrong?”

>”I… it was… I heard… I think it was a g-ghost!” You gasp.

>Her face brightens up, “Oh, really?” She says with more enthusiasm than you expected, “I know a lot of ghosts! They're actually pretty friendly most of the time, did she tell you her name?”

>”Huh? N-no, I just heard screams…”

>”OH! Oh okay!” She says, draping an arm over you comfortingly, “Maurice, that was probably just the wind whistling into the cave. Nothing to be afraid of.”


>”Don't worry, there's nobody down there.” She says leading you back up to the entrance, before crawling inside and motioning you to follow.

>Swallowing your pounding heart back down from your throat, you carefully crawl inside feet first. As you reach the bottom of the rubble, Ricki grabs your hand and helps you back upright..

>”See?” She says, pointing around the large empty hall, dimly lit by the lantern. Ricki gives your hand a gentle squeeze, “If you're scared, you can hold on to my hand.”

>”N-no! I-I'm not scared! I was just… startled…” You lie, wanting to save face despite Ricki's genuinely friendly smile.

>”Okay!” She laughs, before walking deeper inside.

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22129d No.289477


>As you catch up with her, you both start looking around the ruins. The dusty marble halls were expansive, far more than the entrance would have led you to believe. Your light barely touched the walls, and the path ahead seemed to stretch infinitely into the void. Pillars loomed on either side of you, some broken and collapsed, forcing you to navigate around the remains. Lamps of green tarnished copper lined the walls, and hung from the ceiling, some littering the ground, deeply rusted and long since extinguished.

>You nearly trip over a brick on the floor, noticing small craters in the floor as if something heavy crashed in to it in several places. Suddenly, you run into Ricki's back, her tail standing on end and frizzed out.

>”W-what's wrong?”

>”Do you feel that?” She whispers, eyes darting around, and settling on the ground, “…What the…”

>”Feel what?” You ask, before seeing where Ricki's eyes were pointed. A wide, shallow pit was in the ground, the stone bricks blackened and seemingly warped solidified into one, large solid chunk that rippled like liquid stopped in time. As you stared at the odd sight, you noticed the vague smell of burnt charcoal in the air as a chill ran down your spine. “…What is that…?”

>”…I don't know, but there's some odd aura hanging about here…” She sniffs, “It's a monster's… but it feels… different…” She continues walking around the odd phenomenon, “Let's keep moving, this area is making me nervous for some reason…”

>As you walked, you could have sworn you heard sobbing fade into the distance between your footsteps, making you follow closer behind Ricki.

>Suddenly, the hall's end comes in to view. In the center of the wall, a large, crumbling hole opened up into the next chamber, Lying to the sides were two massive, solid copper double doors that were rent and torn in the center where you assumed they used to meet long ago.

>Both of you stared at the sight in silence, neither of you able to imagine an explanation for what you were looking at.

>Stepping over the rubble, you enter the next room, more odd craters pockmarking the floor. Black ripples in the floor streaked across the chamber, becoming more and more frequent closer to the walls and corners. Slabs of marble sat in rows in rows all throughout the room, high enough just to sit on comfortably. There were a few smaller doorways leading into other rooms, claw and scorch marks marring the frames. On the wall across from the door you had entered through, a massive star chart was carved into a large, solid slate of stone, countless, intricate paths of celestial bodies forming a web of circles and arcs that spiraled around a large four pointed star in the center. Despite the carnage surrounding it, the relief itself seemed to be completely pristine.

>Stepping into one of the rooms, you saw simple bed frames lining the wall wood holding together, but just barely. You felt like just looking at them too hard would make them fall apart.

>”Nothing in here.” Ricki says after a short time looking around.

>You both go back out into the center room, quickly stepping in to the next one over.

>Inside was a brick ovens against the wall that seemed to have survived mostly intact. A few alcoves in the wall contained heavy shelves carved into the stone, shards of pottery and wood littering their surface, their contents long since disintegrated in to nothing. Some rudimentary heavily tarnished copper utensils littered the floor, some crumbling under your foot when you stepped on them.

>Ricki inspected one of the stoves carefully, before standing up straight and shaking her head, “Nothing here either.” She sighs, before making her way to another room.

>Except this doorway seemed to lead into another, more smaller hall, seemingly untouched by whatever calamity was wrought in the other rooms. Along the walls you could see some simple carvings. Words in a blocky, uneven script were scrawled into the bricks by someone with an untrained hand. A single door lie at the end, seemingly despite it's wooden construction and age.

>Reaching for the knob, Ricki daintily pushes the door open. It becomes stuck part of the way, but a gentle shove knocks it loose.

>As you both looked inside, Ricki gasped under her breath. Inside seemed to be a small home, it's simple furnishings seemingly well preserved.

>”Could it be in here? The weapon we're looking for.” You whisper.

>”Hmm… I don't know.” She says, setting the lantern on a table. "Help me look around, but be gentle with anything you touch. Don't want to break anything that could lead us to it.”.

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22129d No.289478


>”Yes ma'am…” You trail off, letting your eyes wander around.

>Despite their crude construction and materials, it seemed similar to any other house you had been in. A corner of the room had a simple stove, with some tarnished copper pots, pans, and utensils. A sturdy wooden table stood nearby, two sets of cutlery and dishes still lay set up across from each other. Some simple wooden furniture draped with tattered, dust covered cloth sat around a small fire place.

>Without a word, Ricki wanders through a door leading to another room, leaving you in the dark.

>Running after her, you see a small bedroom, bed frame covered in musty old pelts and blankets, As Ricki looked around, you saw another door in the corner leading into a very small room.

>Stepping inside, your eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room with torn and crumpled scraps of vellum scattered on the floor, and a desk and chair set up against the wall that took up a quarter of the room.

>Intrigued by the piles of scrolls piled up on the rear of the desk, you gingerly take one, and attempt to unroll it. While stiff, you manage to carefully get it open without damaging it. Inside, faded runes in a fine, deliberate hand filled it's surface that you couldn't make heads or tails of. Dismayed by your inability to read it, you set it back down where you found it, and see a modestly sized book in the center of the desk.

>As you pick it up, you notice the back cover seems to be missing, torn off completely. Shrugging, you open it up to the first page, and are amazed to see words in the language you're familiar with, in crude, childish handwriting. Squinting, you struggle to read the faded ink scrawling in the dark room.


Mom ses I hav to keep ths diury so I kan lurn howw to rite.

I downt no wut to rite tho

I luv u mom

>Smiling a bit at the doodle of a pair of stick figures standing hand in hand, one significantly larger than the other, you flip through the pages, the handwriting becoming more refined and legible the futher you go,

Mother says I'm ready to start learning her native tongue tomorrow. I'm so nervous. I've heard her speak in it before, but it's so complicated. I don't think someone as ignorant as I could ever speak in such a beautiful language. She seems adamant that I can do it though, I hope I don't disappoint her.

Also, the son of the dairy farmer came today for my mother to heal him. He didn't seem very happy to see her though. I can't imagine why, though. Everyone else loves her, and she does so much for us all. Mother didn't seem to mind though. I don't think I've ever seen her upset with any one before.

Mother told him to come back regularly until he's fully healed. Maybe I can talk some sense in to him!

>You start rapidly flipping through, only skimming a few words at a time until you come to the last couple of pages, splotched with reddish brown stains.

He's gone.

I told him to run and hide with the others I told him I told him I told him I told him I told him I told him

>It devolves into runny splotches and scratches of ink.

I failed my mother and my people

Their blood is on my hands

My husbands blood is on my hands

We still live. Barely.

I know in my heart that mother will pull us through this. She always has.

I don't think I can go on.

But I'll be strong for her.

As long as I still have her, I will try to be strong.

>”What did you find?” Ricki asks, her lantern lighting up the room.

>You turn towards her, shadows from her light making her face look a bit startling “It's an old diary I think.”

>”Anything about what we're looking for?” Ears standing at attention.

>”I don't think so.” You say, shaking your head.

>”Damn. Let's keep looking then.” She says, going back out into the bedroom.

>Tucking the diary into your arm, you grab a few of the intact scrolls and follow after her.

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22129d No.289483


>As Ricki steps out back in to the main room and looks around, you sit down on one of the marble slabs, the end opposite of which you rested on seemed melted on the end.

>”Those massive doors couldn't have been to protect just this, could it?” You ask, setting the texts you had taken down, and attempting to unroll one of the scrolls without destroying it.

>”No, they shouldn't have… we must have missed something.” She presses her self against the wall, ear flopped up against it as she rapped her knuckles on the bricks.

>As you unraveled the scroll you saw more esoteric letters, only this one seemed to have notes scrawled below each line in your own language.

>”Hey, Ricki. What are these weird letters?” You ask.

>”Uh…” She slides down the wall, listening closely as she knocks on it again, “Are the letters all made with straight lines, and each character connected to the next?”

>You look down and confirm it as an accurate description, “Yeah, that seems right.”

>”Ah, that's runic script.” She snickers softly, “Careful reading it, you might blow us all up.”

>”What?” You say, joining her laughter as you look over the page.

>”Yeah, runic script is used for spell casting.”

>You immediately take your hands off the scroll, which snaps back shut as it bounces on the ground. “W-witchcraft!?” Visions flooded your mind of the profane acts the church told you that practitioners of the dark arts did.

>”I guess you would think that. But it's…” She pauses to listen to her taps on the stone, “…Really complicated. At least it was for me, anyways.”

>”C-can you read it?”

>”Not really. It's all gibberish to me no matter how much I tried to make sense of it. But from what mages have told me, it's nearly impossible to cast on accident. Apparently they also say it's nearly impossible to cast on purpose as well, so you don't need to worry.”

>You look at her examining the wall for a bit, before picking the scroll back up, and carefully opening it again. Giving it a second once over, you noticed that each line of runes had notes underneath them. “Translations…?” You guess out loud. But how do you pronounce these things?

>Unsure of what to do, you set the scrolls down on the seat beside you, get up, and meander near Ricki as she continues ensuring she leaves no brick unmolested.

>As you watch her work, the mural on the wall next to her draws you attention. It's celestial carvings amazingly detailed, more than you thought possible to accomplish with chiseled stone. Compelled, you reach out to touch the four pointed star in the center, tracing your finger over the angled detailing that filled the shape with fantastic patterns. Surrounding the star, were a series of perfect concentric circles, each punctuated with a smaller circular shape engraved with uneven and jagged lines.

>You remember when you were younger, and bedridden. Your father came home from a long trip, and brought you an old astronomy book. He took you outside on to the roof against your mother's protests, and showed you the constellations in the book. When he left, you spent so much of your time reading and rereading it to the point where you had memorized it.

>While you recognize the area with the four pointed star from the charts in the book as the heavens that surround our world, it's but a small corner of the entire mural. Several other systems of heavenly bodies with paths circling around other suns covered the rest of it.

>But something odd stuck out to you. Why did your system's sun have a travel path?

>Confused, you start following it, all the way across the mural, zigzagging from system to system until stopping at a star all the way on the far upper corner near the ceiling. Wanting to get a closer look, you get closer and stretch to your tip toes.

>”…Nnng… Just a little more…” You say, trying to motivate yourself closer. Spying the top edge of the mural just within your reach, you crouch down slightly, preparing to jump up and grab it.

>”Maurice, what in the world are you doing?” Ricki chides, “You're going to break something if you're not careful!”

>Surprised by her scolding, your jump becomes half assed, no where near high enough to reach the ledge. But still fully invested in the motions, you throw your hands forward to grasp at a handhold that isn't there, smacking the relief mural.

>As you touch down on the ground, you lose your balance, and fall back on your rear.

>”Maurice, what did you do!?”

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22129d No.289484


>”I was just trying to…” You forget what you were going to say, when you see the planet you were trying to look closer at glow with a pale yellow light, which starts flowing through all the paths and stars in the mural, before reaching the edges. Light flashes out from the underside of the mural, before the large slab of marble recedes into the floor with a dull rumble, revealing a solid stone wall.

>Before either of you can begin to wonder what's going on, the same light draws a rectangle into the wall, the shape it drew slowly drops down as well, revealing another layer of wall. This repeats over and over, gradually picking up to a rapid pace, until a deep stairwell is formed, a low, flickering light in the distance.

>”Good job, Maurice. Guess you knew what you were doing after all, huh?” She says, giving you a friendly punch in the shoulder as you steady yourself on your feet.

>”I didn't, uh… yeah…” You mumble, following after Ricki as she climbs down the stairs.

>The earthen taps of your feet on stone steps, give way to a hollow clanks. Looking down, you notice the each one was made out of rusted steel, tubes bordering each one that glowed with an inner light. Despite the gloomy illumination, Ricki still kept her lantern lit. And you were glad she did, because every now and then, the lights wavered, shrouding the rest of the tunnel in darkness for a few seconds at a time.

>The cut stone walls look more cracked the further you go, the stairs bent and warped to match the damaged hall. The further down you went, the more the air around you warmed, and seemed to smell odd, like an old basement, but with no real smells.

>Ricki holds her hand up, motioning you stop, her ears twitching wildly. “You hear that?”

>You stand still and listen carefully, cupping a hand to your ear.

>”I don't hear anything…”

>She shakes her head, and winces “This place is giving me the creeps. We need to be careful.”

>A faint buzzing echos through the corridor, and as you reach the bottom of the stairs, you see ends at a strange looking steel wall, a metallic door lying in the center of a hexagonal relief .

>”What in the…” Ricki utters, staring at the disbelief as she slowly inches towards it.

>”How do we open this!?” You say in quiet awe at the structure, slowly approaching her side.

>As Ricki reaches her hand out, the door snaps open with a violent woosh, causing both of you to recoil back.

>”I-Is it even safe to walk through!?”

>Ricki steels herself, and starts walking back up to it, “I…I think so… Let's both go on three.” She grasps your hand.

>”Alright…” You say, gripping her hand back firmly.

>”One… two… THREE!” She shouts, and you both sprint through the open door as fast as your legs would take you.

>You make it safely to the other side, and gasp for breath as you look back at the door a few yards away, which slowly and quietly closes back shut with a gentle click and a clank.

>Both of you look at each other's hands, still clamped together in a death grip, and then look back up for your eyes to meet.

>You chuckle nervously and loosen your grip, only for it to still be stuck in Ricki's, who gives a similar awkward titter as she lets go, “Sorry… Lets keep moving.”

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22129d No.289485


>A hallway stretched out before you, consumed in darkness beyond the small orb of light emanating from your lamp. Suddenly a low hum in the distance breaks the near silence, gradually increasing to a noticeable volume, With a quiet, high pitched buzz, the strange ruins light up with an unnatural and irritating white light, giving you a clear view of your surroundings. The walls were completely clad in perfectly formed metal sheets, that seemed to have long been succumbing to age and rust. The floor a uniform honeycomb of steel mesh with pipes and black and yellow striped tubes running through underneath like tree roots, punctuated by small panels that seemed to be the source of the inorganic gleam that lit your way. Most of them fizzled and sparked every few seconds, and some of them seemed permanently dark, nothing more but inert sheets of glass with cracks running through it's surface. The mechanically perfect structures gave way in some spots, floor and wall plates rent by age and shifts in the earth, revealing more mysterious mechanisms and cables, torn through by stone and rubble.

>Neither of you say anything. You don't think you could say anything, you had no idea something like this could ever exist.

>Ricki fearlessly presses on, with you following behind her slightly less fearlessly.

>Another strange door appears before you, and when you approach it, the two halves begin to separate, but seem to struggle half way, screaming out with straining whirs and groans before seizing up, and then slowly opening with a metallic screech.

>Nervously running through this door as well, you find yourself in a large room, half of it's walls windows that opened out into a massive cavern, the sound of rushing water drowning out the buzzing.. Outside the shattered and empty panes, a massive waterfall filled a subterranean lake, illuminated by beautifully glowing fungi and flora that had started to spread into the room. In the center, was a large, plush, and comfortable chair, covered in dust, and overlooking a large semicircle table, covered in cracked sheets of glass.

>Ricki walks over to the broken windows and stares out at the cave in wonder.

>You join at her side, and lean on the railing, closing your eyes, and letting yourself feel the cool mist from the falls kiss your face.

>”Imagine… we might be the only mortals to see this.” She says in quiet reverence.

>You hesitate to speak, not wanting to end the moment. “…So, a god really was here?”

>”Supposedly. Honestly, seeing all this, I can't imagine anyone but a god building this… everything is so odd…”

>You feel her hand rest on top of yours, and open your eyes, looking at her and smiling anxiously.

>”Hey, don't be nervous. We'll be fine!” She assures you with a gentle squeeze of your hand, before stepping away and looking around the room.

>Giving the cave one last wistful glance, you turn away and join Ricki in her exploration. When inspecting every nook and cranny of the room turns up nothing but rusty metal bits that had fallen off of the ceiling and walls, you make your way to the next door.

>It rushes open, it's startling activation much less frightening to you both now, leading you into a large round room with four doors including the one you had just passed through.in each cardinal direction. Up in the vaulted ceiling, a vertible jungle of tubes, wires, and cables spraweled from the middle of the room, out to the walls. In the center stood a large, thick glass cylinder capped with complex contraptions on the top and bottom. Within the glass, held firmly in place by steel studs protruding from the contraptions, was a large crystal shard, pulsing with a dim light from within. Every now and then, small arcs of lightning crackled along it's surface from the bottom up, drawn into the steel studs.

>”What's that?”

>She hums and rubs her chin, “I… don't know. It looks like a gem mages use to store mana, only… massive. I know that even a small gemstone can hold a lot of mana if properly enchanted, but this… what would you even need this much mana for?”

>You walk around a safe distance from the glass, going to the door opposite from which you came in. As it rushed open, you see a short length of hallway, and another door at the end. A bit confused at the seeming redundancy, you walk up to it as well, jaw dropping as you gasp when it opens.

>”What is it? What did you find?” Ricki says as she runs up to you.

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22129d No.289486


>The path you stood on immediately stopped, branching out parallel to run along the wall the entrance stood in. But nothing but a metal railing separated you from a massive space before you. In every direction, save for behind you, the room seemed to stretch out to the horizon, housing massive steel beams that crisscrossed every which way, intertwined with a web of pipes, cables, gold, and copper coils that combined in a massive woven rope that went under the walkway.

>”Is this that angel you were talking about?” You ask, reverently staring at the monumental mysterious structure.

>”I… don't think so… I hope not…” She seems troubled as she stars out at the tangle of metal, “…I'm hoping if we find it, it's not beyond our comprehension. Would make this entire trip a waste.”

>”Hey, it's not a complete waste! I'm sure we can find something useful here!” You say as you both go back through the hallway to the circular room.

>”Yeah, you're right.” She says, mood picking back up.

>You walk to the door on your left, which strains to activate, grinding to a halt as it open halfway.

>Grumbling to herself, Ricki crouches down and crawls through. You follow behind her, and try your hardest to look away from her butt as it sways with each motion, tail swishing back and forth.

>”Maurice, be careful when you get up, there's-”

>Eyes still glued to the wall to your side, you stumble up on to your feet, when a high pitched buzz scares you out of your wits. Shrieking, you smack the source with your fist: a black and yellow striped rubbed tube with sparks flying from the end. It swings towards the metal wall, crackling and popping violently with a small flash of light as it touches it.

>Ricki yanks you away as it swings back towards you. “That thing… so that's what it does…”

>”What does it do!?” You gasp.

>”Probably hurts a lot if it touches you.” She says matter-of-factly, before moving on.

>”T-that doesn't really answer my question…”

>Ricki ignores your question, looking about the much smaller room.

>It was smaller than the first room, with only another door, and a seat in front of an odd, metal desk with what reminded you of typewriter keys embedded in the surface. Several tomes, ink wells, and pens lie scattered about next to it, with one book open, pen stuck in the crease. The writing seemed to stop abruptly a quarter of the way on the right page, it's handwriting very legible, but perfect to the point of boring monotony. But before you could read it's contents, your eyes are drawn to the wall behind the desk, which seemed lined with more glass panels. But one of which glowed with a gentle blue light.

>The swish of a mechanical door distracts you for a second, before you lean in close to the glowing panel. In a white, uniform font, you're amazed to see words written in your own language.

Tests of the project's functions have been going smoothly. Nanoadamantic clay stress tests have performed better than expected. Only remaining concern is how it will interact with-

>”Maurice… I think I found it…”

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22129d No.289487


>Looking away from the screen, you blink your eyes, which feel tired and dried out, taking a moment for your vision to come back into focus.

>Ricki stood still in the middle of the door to the next room. Stepping behind her, you look over her shoulder and see a larger room. It had large tables along the walls, and in the center, all filled with dust covered apparatus of various and unknown types. Some looks like alchemical equipment, other's look more suitable for clock making, while other's you could only guess what they were used for.

>But beyond all the clutter, at the far end of the room, stood a large glass tube. It was filled with a glowing, pale blue fog, humanoid silhouette standing still within.

>”What makes you so sure this is it?” You whisper, not wanting whatever what was in the tube to hear you.

>”My nose has never steered me wrong…” She whispers back, walking towards the tube.

>Suddenly, the ambient buzzing you've heard since you entered the ruins goes quiet.

>The being in the tube's eyes flash and shine a bright yellow, before a twitch of movement of it's arms.

>You both stand still, and deathly quiet.

>The thing in the tube raises it's arms, and slams them against the tube, large cracks forming from the impact.

>”R-Ricki, I don't think this is a good idea…”

>She quietly stands her ground, hand slowly reaching for her whip.

>As you reach for your own weapon, the form swings at the tube again, glass instantly shattering with a deafening crash.

>Shards jingling on the floor, the room fills with a chilling fog from the ruined container, clouding your surroundings.


>With a mechanical hum and another bright flash, the being's face is illuminated with a ring of light crowning it's head. It's face was an uncanny facsimile of a woman, expression frozen in a blank stare. Her skin pale as a ghost, straight angled veins that coursed with light framing her visage, and running through her entire uncovered body that was devoid of any hair, nipples, navel, and genitalia. Despite it's emotionless demeanor, it crouches agilely into a combat stance. It's hands become wreathed in flames, which stretches and connects to each other, quickly gaining a more cohesive form until she's wielding a fiery spear. A loud rush drowns out all other sounds as a blast of wind tears through the room, throwing it's contents into disarray and even ripping some of the wall panels off, wires dropping from within and hanging limp, sparks spraying and sizzling in the air. Jets of bright golden light erupt from her back, her entire body hovering in the air for a moment before she streaks straight towards Ricki.

>Both of you jump out of the way, Ricki flinging a small barrage of knives in the process. The angel rockets past you, the force making your entire body tense up as your ears ring from the boom of her smashing a hole through the thick, contraption filled metal wall. You see it's eyes turn and glow at you through the cloud of dust, the jets on it's back flaring back into life.

>Without a second thought, you throw Ricki behind you and draw your sword, bracing for impact.

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22129d No.289489


>Eyes clenched shut you, you wonder why you don't feel any pain. Are you dead?

>You pry an eye open and see the creature's blazing spear frozen inches from your face. In a start, you jump back a bit, and see the odd woman is completely still.

>Despite being terrified beyond belief, you feel your body start to move, and in a quick thrust of your arms, you plunge the blade hard into it's heart. A chill runs down your spine as you realized you had just killed someone, but it doesn't stop you from driving it deeper until it's down to the hilt, length of the silver weapon poking out from her back.

>For a moment, you smile nervously, assured in your first victory. But as you glance back up at the angel's face, you see Ricki's throwing knives stuck deeply in a tight grouping around her right eye, you find your celebration is premature. The woman stands up straight with no signs of pain or even mortality, and stares straight at you.

>”I… I… I'm sorry I… I didn't mean to uh…” You fidget for a moment, and quickly grab the sword's hilt again before vainly attempting to pull it out.


>”Maurice, get back!” Ricki shouts as she tries to pull you away.

>The being poises itself to strike with it's spear once more.

>But before it can make it's move, you throw yourself in front of Ricki again. “NO! I won't let you hurt her!” A tear squeezes out of your eye as you await to be skewered.


>Ricki shouts, and snaps her whip at the woman. The spiked weight at the end embeds into her flesh, which doesn't bleed at all, instead seems to even grip the weight. She tries to yank it back out with every last ounce of her strength, but it, nor the angel even budges.


>”NO! She's not a threat!” You scream defiantly with arms outstretched.


>”Hey!” Ricki protests.

>”HUMAN. PLEASE MOVE OUT OF THE WAY. THERE IS A DANGEROUS LIFE-FORM BEHIND YOU.” She drones, leaning to and fro trying to get around you.

>But you meet her movements and continue defending Ricki, realizing the creature seems adamant in protecting you.

>Without skipping a beat, her spear instantly vanishes in thin air, before she gently nudges you out of the way. Her quarry now unobstructed. she summons her spear back into existence and rears back to run Ricki through.

>Feeling courage well up within you, you thrust yourself back in front of the angel and hold her back. “No! Ricki is my friend! I lo-uhh… I uh, she's saved my life, and I owe her mine!”

>The angel stares at you with it's eyes of yellow light, face unchanging.

>You stare back, chest heaving as you're wracked with fear.

>With a quick snap of movement, her hand rockets straight for your throat.

>Before you can even flinch, you feel her grip onto the back of your collar, and without showing any effort at all, she lifts you up, and walks you over to the corner of the ruined room, before unceremoniously dropping you down.


>A deafening crackle makes you jump out of your skin, and the angel starts convulsing wildly, flesh seeming to ripple and spike out of shape.

>Behind her, Ricki gripped a cable tightly in her hand, pressing it's sparking end against the blade protruding from her shoulder blade.

>The angel goes still, and promptly collapses onto the floor, her body seeming to lose some of it's cohesion and puddling out slightly.

>The two of you stare at each other for a moment as you both catch your breath.

>”See?” She says breathlessly, somehow managing to muster a smile as she carefully let the cable drop free, “I told you it would hurt.”

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22129d No.289490


>”But, now we don't have what we came for…” You moan, shakily getting up to your feet and sidling along the wall, trying to get as far away from the angel as possible.

>”…Maybe I was wrong?” She says uncertainly, stepping on the gooey corpse and pulling her weapons until they pop out with a quick, damp, suction sound. She hands you back the sword, which you slide back on to your belt. “M-maybe that wasn't the angel weapon, and it's somewhere else… we still have places we haven't looked-”

>The corpse suddenly twitches, making both of you back away and prepare to run out the door, or at least run through what's left of it.

>A slight hum, and the angel regains her cohesion before struggling to stand back up. Seeming not to notice you, it's halo and eyes' glow both flicker back on, dimmer than before, ”Aetheric databank corrupted. Partitioning data into archival storage for repair. Rebooting from BIOS.”

>Backing towards the door, Ricki puts a hand on your shoulder and holds you still. “What are you doing!? We can't kill that thing! We need to run!”

>”No… let's see whats going on.” She mutters, staring intently at the angel as it drones off nonsense.

>Turning to face both of you, the angel steps forward and bows slightly, still with her stoic expression. “Greetings. I am ANGEL: Prototype Unit - 00. Admin registration required for further function. Please state your name.”

>Without thinking, you blurt out, “Maurice.” Gasping before you cover your mouth, scared you did something stupid.

>The angel goes silent for a few seconds, before her glow grows in strength. “Registration successful. Thank you for your time. Please state your command.”

>”I… what?” You bumble.

>”I think she wants you to tell it what to do.” Ricki says, intrigued.

>”Uh… I… what's an ad… min?”

>”ANGEL Units cannot function without Administrative permission. You are currently the Administrator for Unit(s):” She pauses for a moment, “00.”

>”There are more of you?” You ask.

>Another pause, longer than the last. “Negative. Unit(s)… 00 Is the only Unit connected to the global Aetheric Ley Network. Compatibility with further ANGEL Units is supported, but as of-” Something within her seems to whir and click, “…Year: Thirty. Two. Thousand. Eight. Hundred. Ninety. Seven. After Impact. Month: Eleven. Date: Twenty. Seven. No further ANGEL Units have been added to the Aetheric Ley Network.

>”Oh. Well, that's good, I think?” You say, relieved somewhat.

>”Who was your last administrator?” Ricki asks.

>The angel doesn't respond.

>”Hey! I asked you a question, don't ignore me!” She says, slightly irritated.

>”Invalid user: Insufficient permissions.”

>”Angel, please answer her question.” You plead, scared of the situation escalating again.

>”Query error. Please restate query.”

>”Who was your last administrator!?” You ask with an annoyed shout.

>Her head twitches and tilts to the side for a moment, “Database error. No records found in database. Attempting search of archives for: Previous. Administrator.” She goes quiet again, and as you and Ricki start to breathe again, the angel starts to spasm and buzz. “A-A-A-Archive e-e-e-error. Data corrupted. One file recovered. Autoplaying file: 0000-01-14.hwv.”

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22129d No.289493


>The angels eyes glow brighter, until cones of light beam out a few feet in front of it, culminating in a spherical ellipsoid that shimmered rapidly. With a flicker of the sphere, a few of the previous room materialized within it, a woman leaning in close, looking at you with a nervous smile as she seems to feel around for something out of view.

>”I-I think it's working.” The mysterious woman says, before leaning back into a seat, adjusting her posture for a moment before sitting still. “How do I look, Double-Oh?”

>She awaits for a bit, but get's no response.

>The woman slaps her head and laughs to herself, “Oh yeah, I haven't programmed that in yet… uh…” Glancing at the glowing panel behind her, she types away on the desk with one hand, still trying to stare at you, “Note to self… program user audio input protocol. S-Sorry, Double-Oh.” She folds her hands in to her lap and looks again with a smile.

>You were taken aback just how beautiful she was. Her long flowing hair flowed down her shoulders, shining and swaying like a living blaze even when she was still, and her gold eyes seemed to glitter like the sun as she looked at you. Her smile was what struck you, though. It's warmth could be felt even in the small image before you, and seemed to exude a mother's comfort. But before you could be inflicted by home sickness, the woman resumed speaking.

>”I uh… I'm not really sure what to say. Uh…” She fidgets nervously in her seat, “It's been a month, at least, that's what the atomic readout says. Feels like it's been much longer, or shorter… it's so hard to tell any more. I haven't found anything yet, but… I know I will eventually, right, Double-Oh?”


>She chuckles, her mirth soured by a wistful sigh as she slumps back into her seat. “End log…”

>The sphere vanishes, and the angel's eyes dim back to their previous brightness. “End of file.”

>Ricki steps forward, holding her hands up nervously, “Who was that?”

>”Uh, Angel, who was that in that… in that image?” You ask.

>The angel twitches, “Tags for file: 0000-01-14.hwv. Are corrupted. Recovery of archives still in progress. Estimated time until full recovery of archive:” Something within her hums, “Seven. Hundred. Twelve…”

>She goes quiet, and the two of you wait anxiously for what seems like an eternity.


>”So it looks like she wont remember that she has to kill monsters for a while…” Ricki sighs

>”Angel, what exactly are you?” You ask, curious about her odd mannerisms and behavior.

>”I am ANGEL: Prototype-”

>”We know that already, but what ARE you!?” Ricki interrogates.

>She glances at Ricki, and looks back at you, resuming her sentence, “…Unit – 00: Adaptive Neoanthropic Guardian Life-form. I am an artificial life-form created to learn from humans, and the world around them, so that I may protect and serve them better, even as they and it change. I am designed to imitate humans in order to make my service to them less uncomfortable. My secondary function is to protect humanity at all costs from.”

>”Artificial?” You say, looking over at Ricki.

>”It mean's she not a living creature, she's a construct…” She says, trailing off.


>”So this IS the weapon we were looking for.” Ricki confirms, sounding a little irritated. “Was hoping it would have been some sort of sword, or something like a whip… But at least it seems to let you control it.”

>The angel gazes at Ricki silently before turning back to you. “What is your next command. Maurice.”

>”Uh, Ricki, what do we do now?”

>Ricki taps her foot as she considers it, ”I guess we should head back to camp for the night. We can decide our next move in the morning…”

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22129d No.289496


>You and Ricki climbed out of the ruins, out into a chilly night sky. The fresh air was a welcome reprieve from the stagnant air of the ruins, but you were beginning to miss the insulated warmth from the elements, as stuffy and oppressive as it was.

>With a loud rev and rush of air, the angel flies out of the hole, landing softly onto the snow dusted earth. In her arms, she carried some of the more interesting tomes and scrolls you had found from inside.

>Ricki looks over at camp and sees the fire has long since burnt out. “Hey, could you go get us some firewood?” She says, looking at the angel.

>”Affirmative.” She nods, setting the documents down by the tent before walking off into the wilds.

>Watching as the angel goes out of sight towards the trees, you're suddenly pulled by your collar, drawn face to face with an angry looking kobold.

>”What the hell were you thinking!?” Ricki snarls.

>”W-what? What did I do!?” You gasp, cowering back as best as you could to get away from the enraged monster.

>”I can handle myself in a fight, Maurice. I've killed several paIadins, and some gooey golem isn't a threat to me! But you!”

>”B-but I… I don't-”

>”Putting yourself in front of me, and just waiting for yourself to get disemboweled… That was the second dumbest thing I've ever seen!” She growls, shaking you. “You could have been killed!”

>”I… I was just trying to… I didn't want… I just… I owe you my life… I-I meant what I said…”

>She looks deeply into your eyes, and sighs, setting you back down. You think you see a tear on her cheek, but she turns around and huffs before you could be sure.

>”Ricki… I'm sorry…” You whisper, cautiously reaching for her shoulder.

>”That said, Maurice…” She inhales slowly, and turns back around, looking much kinder now. Quickly reaching her hands towards you, she snatches your waist and pulls you tightly into a hug, nearly crushing your spine in the process. “…That was really sweet of you. To protect me like that.”

>Your entire head feels like it's on fire, and you find yourself barely able to get a word out. “I-I-I uh… you d-did the same for me… i-i-it's only fair…”

>She pulls away and holds you at arms length, grinning sweetly, “Just don't mistake foolishness for bravery again. I don't want to lose you…”

>”I… uh… yes ma'am.” You stammer, unaware of your stupid grin.

>”I have brought firewood. Where do you want me to place it?” The angel announces as she returns from the forest, stack of wood so tall it obscured her face.

>Grimacing slightly, Ricki points at the patch of charcoal next to the tent, “Right there is fine.” As she walks to meet the angel at the campfire, her hands linger on your waist for just a moment before she pulls away. “Let me get you the flint and steel-”

>Unceremoniously tossing the logs into the small pit, the construct crouches down, and rests both hands over it, a fire flaring to life in an instant., slowly growing around the large pile of logs.

>”How did you do that?” You ask incredulously.

>”I didn't do anything, it was the angel!” Ricki claims.

>”My combat program includes a small variety of spells.” She explains, lifting one of her hands up, a small orb of fire cupped within. “Most comprise of fire due to it's potential utilityyy-yyy-yyy-yyy-yyy” Her head starts to jerk and spasm, before going still. As her eyes shine painfully bright, she resumes speaking, but in an organic voice that sounds distant and with a slight crackle. “From before history, man has risen above the common beast due to the divine flame. Fire, be it in the hands of man, or hanging high in the heavens, has given, and taken life since the dawn of time.”

>You an Ricki both look at the angel as she goes silent, her sudden rant making you both apprehensive.

>”Uh, are you alright?” You ask the angel.

>She stays silent for a second, before looking up at you, “I am encountering registry errors in my databank. I will perform a diagnostic repair routine when there is an appropriate time.”

>”Okay…” You lean in close to Ricki's ear, “Is it going to be safe to sleep while this thing is around?”

>”I'm sure it'll be fine…” She glances back at the angel, who stares intently at the fire, adjusting the fuel as needed with her bare hands. “…I'll keep an ear out in case we need to run.”

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22129d No.289497


>The two of you sit around the campfire, eating some of your rations while you listen to the roaring flame and enjoy it's warmth against the biting cold..

>Despite being comfortable, you found the angel's presence a bit off-putting as it stood there watching you, perfectly still save for the flitting light of it's eyes.

>”Uh, why are you standing? You can sit down if you want…” You ask sheepishly.

>”I do not require rest.” She says in her usual blunt manner.

>”Oh… well… would you sit down, please? It's a bit weird with you doing that.”

>”Affirmative.” She nods, sitting down halfway between you and Ricki.

>”Do you want something to eat? We don't have much right now, unless you'd like some dried meat or hardtack.” Ricki offers.

>”I do not require sustenance.”

>”At least we don't have another mouth to feed.” She shrugs, before viciously biting off another piece of meat from the dried strip.

>”What should we call it?” Ricki asks, “Since it seems to be travelling with us and all.”

>”I' am fond of Double-Oh.” The angel says, surprising you both.

>”Like that woman in that vision said? Was that one of your memories?” You ask.

>”It is likely. Although I am capable of storing other lifeforms' memories as well.”

>”So who was that woman in the memory? Was she the one who created you?”

>”Ms. Eunomia. She is my creator.” Double-Oh states. “As of now I can only access one(1) file tagged with that user.”

>”So… do you remember about killing monsters?” Ricki says carefully.

>”Killing. Monsters? That is not part of my programming."

>”You tried to kill Ricki earlier for being a monster.” You explain.

>Double-Oh stares at Ricki quietly.

>”Promise you won't try to hurt her any more.”

>The angel looks at you. “Affirmative. Will allow no harm to befall user: Ricki.”

>”Best not to let anyone be harmed.” You add.

>”Unless someone tries to harm us…” Ricki adds as well.

>”Affirmative.” She repeats, “Will allow no harm will befall either of you.”

>”That was simple. Maybe now we can sleep easy!” You pipe up.

>Ricki hums skeptically before stuffing more food in her face.

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22129d No.289498


>Your mentor crawls into the tent first as you give her time to get settled before you go in.

>Double-Oh still sits by the fire, eyes pulsing steadily as she stares into it's burning embers.

>”Double-Oh, are you going to bed soon? We need be up early.”

>”I do not require sleep. I do not feel fatigued by extended periods of consciousness or physical exertion.” She drones.

>”Oh… well… Stand watch I guess, and make sure the fire doesn't go out of control.”

>”Affirmative.” She says, standing up and slowly scanning your surroundings, glancing back at the fire in regular intervals.

>”Uh… good night, then.” You say, before putting a hand on the tent flap and opening it gently, Ricki was wrapped up in her bedroll and facing away from you, snoring gently. She must have been more tuckered out from the spelunking than she let on.

>“Good night. Maurice.” Double-Oh says, as you're halfway inside the tent.

>Crawling into the shelter, you lay a respectable distance away next to Ricki, and adjust your position until you feel comfortable.

>As you lie on your back, you watch the canvas as it undulates from the freezing winds outside, shuddering as the chill settles down through your layers of clothes and coverings.

>Ricki mutters incoherently in her sleep, and you can't help but smile at how cute it is. But as you try to shake the thoughts from your head, she groans “Cold…” in a drowsy whimper. Rolling over, she awkwardly grabs at your arm, yanking it over and around herself, forcibly twisting you closer until you're wrapped over her like a blanket.

>Even through all the layers of clothes and furs, you're suddenly unable to feel the nip in the air. In fact you were getting uncomfortably hot, torn between wanting to tear away out of diffidence, and wanting to stay like that to keep feeling the intoxicating flutter in your chest.

>But you're no longer able to consider it, as Ricki pulls you closer, resting your hand against her cheek before nuzzling the palm, humming contently as her tail whips slowly in her bedroll.

>”G-good night, Ricki.” You mumble breathlessly.

>”Mmm… good night, blanket…” She sighs dreamily, her leg giving a slight twitch as she dreams.

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a13921 No.289501

Thanks for the update!

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64a32d No.289503

oh fuck, I wrote a fanfiction of a million word long shitpost

>family lives out in a forested area, with a few other families, relying on foraging and limited farming

>things aren't spectacular, but they eek out

>but everything changed when the paladins attacked

>level the entire forest to kill any monster, somehow most of the one family manages to get out alive

>with no other choice, they head to the city, knowing how terrible it can be

>refugee family moves into city

>the father and his son are well respected part of the family

>learn that they can only live there as slaves

>the two steel themselves and have the mom "own" them so they can live there in safety

>they get treated like absolute trash by anyone and have no rights to anything

>son gets dissapeared at some point, family distraught, daughteru most so

>they try to figure out what happened, but nobody helps, and mom gets beat up for trying

>keeps trying in secret, but gets her husband dissapeared for her troubles


>offs herself or something

>kiddo an orphan nao

>eventually the ebonthorn arc

>lucy gets outed for imprisioning, and killing every single male that has ever been in the city

>kiddo knew that's where his dad and brother would have been

>eventually sees her, in the royal palace, playing with young orphans her own age

>gets pissed, screams that she killed her father and brother in front of a audience

>pulls a knife and tries to shiv her

> kiddo shivs lucy after the ebonthorn arc

>with nowhere to go afterwards, she joins the army

>not the best fit for army duty, but works herself to the bone and then more

>loyal to the king despite his decision to spare the killer of thousands

>with nothing to lose, she gives her all at every moment in the army

>becomes one of the group that charged the golem in towerwood

>dies in agony from the golem's acid, with every bit of evidence that her, and her family ever existed wiped from the earth

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22129d No.289539

File: 2101c483491c5f6⋯.gif (2.47 MB,336x224,3:2,mamifog2.gif)


W-wew… well, reincarnation of souls is a thing, so maybe she'll be happier in the next life…

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665e0c No.290847


>Reincarnates as a cuckfish

>Tfw tragedysoul

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22129d No.295421

File: f7dd4ff7393033e⋯.png (410.41 KB,2244x1932,187:161,Gaelyn and Sirius.png)

This took me too long to do.

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a13921 No.295443


noice m8

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22129d No.295582

Seeing if my eaten post comes back before reposting.

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e6d487 No.295592


Very noice. Now I want Gaelyn in her monster form. Pretty please

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f829d0 No.295652


Arthas looks so sad next to his unstable waifu, when are you going to do the chapter where they go to counseling?

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69839d No.300279



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5f2829 No.303328

File: d8d117cd08924f4⋯.png (1.73 MB,671x898,671:898,Iris.png)

Sorry I've been silent for so long. Had a lot of stuff going on. Update is almost finished, and is fairly sizable.

In the mean time, here's Iris.

Because the next update will focus on her a bit.

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b931c1 No.303332



still waiting on that gwen pic you said you'd do

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b931c1 No.303333


also quads

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d36756 No.303343


what a waste, you could have said the jews will all die or something constructive. meme magic is limited you know

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b0c7f1 No.312911

hey if you don't want to finish the story that is fine, but please tell us

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1c1815 No.312922

Bumping to save the thread

Sorry guys

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406517 No.312944


Got my hope up for nothing.

Too bad, it's the best story here by far.

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ee1e5a No.312946


see, that's the thing. he kinda writes at a snail's pace

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0e0cba No.313047


I swear it didnt used to be like this, I would have a new post to read every day or something when snail was just starting. I wonder if hes lost intrest in his universe.

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178475 No.313207


I'm still alive, and still working on the story on a borrowed laptop running on windows xp. My computer died. Again. Motherboard shat the bed. I bought a replacement, but it was defective. Been trying to get a refund, but the vendor hasn't responded in days.

I really wanted to just post an update, instead of excuses. But I guess people want to know whats going on.


I'm deeply sorry I don't update like I used to. But I haven't lost interest in this universe. I'm still expanding it and even have a sequel fully planned out and in the works. It just got to the point where I couldn't push out consistently quality content every day work has also cut down time I have to write, and I didn't want to keep resorting to filling it with fluff and smut.

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178475 No.313221

File: 0a8d7733cafccf1⋯.jpg (79.56 KB,379x568,379:568,oldasslaptop.jpg)


Was really difficult to crop this in a way that didn't have spoilers. But I truly am still working on this, and intend to finish it to a non-rushed out conclusion. And as I said in the previous post, a sequel is in the works as well, which will be better planned and thought out, so it'll hopefully be less of a mess than this story.

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b0c7f1 No.313224

File: f304118db5e8e95⋯.jpg (14.23 KB,253x395,253:395,b044c3ff05b5bc97794d42f978….jpg)


okay. Good luck, and time your time

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178475 No.313282

I don't have much time to do this, so I might not be able to post the whole thing until late tonight.


>You stood on the deck of the ship, staring out at sea as it's waves lapped against the hull. Your soldiers hustled about the docks as they finished the final preparations before you were off.

>Your eyes traced the horizon, slowly following the coast line. From here, you were able to peek into the slums, and see it's inhabitants wasting away as if nothing had changed. Despite being the least inhospitable of Watchharbor's citizens, they irritated you most of all, and you couldn't quite gather why.

>But you couldn't spend forever fixing everyone's problems, not when your mission still stands.

>Why can't they see you're only trying to help? How can they refuse to see the lies coming undone right in front of them? Why do they insist on remaining blind!?

>Something nudges at your side, but you ignore it, unwilling to talk with someone right now in your somber mood.

>Another nudge, “Anonson…”

>”What!?” You snap, before slowly turning your head to the source of your annoyance, to see Perri staring up at you.

>”I uh… I'm sorry…” She mumbles, tears welling up in her large green eye.

>You turn away in shame, and close your eyes, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down. As you open them back up, you see the wooden railing was crushed and splintering under your grip. “No, I'm sorry Perri. I'm not mad at you. I'm just… I don't know…”

>”I-It's okay…” She sniffs, “But uh… I re-plated those daggers for you…” She says, producing them from her apron with one hand while she wiped her nose with the other.

>”Thanks…” Tucking them into your belt, before leaning back against the rail and staring out into space.

>”Uh, I uh… I'm still repairing your cuirass… uh… James won't let me light my forge while its on the boat, so…”

>”It doesn't matter, take your time.” You sigh.

>”O-okay… I still managed to patch up the brigandine, though…” She gives you the padded armor folded up neatly, helmet placed on top of it, staring at you with it's menacing visage. “And… I left the intact plates in your quarters, whenever you need them.”

>”Thank you so much, Perri. You're the best.” You say, forcing as genuine of a smile as you can manage as you rustle her hair.

>”T-thank you…” She says, nervously shuffling her feet, looking around before running off.

>As she leaves, you relax your body and close your eyes, focusing on the surf so it drowns out the sound of the crew scrambling to Jame's barked orders.

>The sound of a hammer striking hot iron in the distance faintly rings in your ears.

>You open your eyes and look over, only to see Perri was still on the deck, handing something to another soldier. Feeling frustrated as you dig a pinky into your ear, you walk towards the door to go below deck, hoping to find a quieter place to wait.

>But as you near the door, Iris steps out and smiles, “Hello, deary.” Her face sinks in concern as she looks at you, “Oh, you look awful! Are you okay, dear?”

>You say nothing and hand her back her daggers that were tucked into your belt.

>Iris holds her hand out, and gently pushes them back to you, “I think you should keep them from now on. I would just lose them again!” She laughs gently, but notices your morose expression, quickly quieting down. “Do you want me to leave?”

>”No, sorry… I'm just tired.” You sigh, leaning back on the railing, head sinking down to stare at the surf below.

>She lays her hands on your shoulders, and floats up a bit in the air to rest herself on your back, “Why don't you come see me later?” Iris hums before leaning close to your ears, bringing her voice down to a whisper, “I can help relieve some of your stress…”

>You shudder and pull away in disgust, “N-no thank you…”

>Iris guffaws heartily, drawing attention from the crew as they went about their duties. “Oh… deary, you are so easy to get worked up… it's adorable…” She says as she wipes a tear from her eye. “But I'm serious, you can't lead your people worked up like this, come see me later, okay?”

>”Sure, gramma…”

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178475 No.313283


>You stumbled tiredly into your private quarters, brain frazzled from the long day. You had made the mistake of asking Jame's how to run a ship, and ended up being dragged up and down the vessel as he made you thoroughly acquainted with every square inch of it. Your mind was still reeling from the overload of information, you're fairly certain you couldn't remember a thing he told you.

Magdalene sat hunched over a desk that took up the majority of the room. She sternly peered into a series of finely crafted lens, carefully observing a glistening crystal secured in a vice.

>”Find out anything?” You ask.

>”No… it just looks like a regular gemstone.” She huffs, face never leaving the scope.

>Walking over to the cot, you drop down onto the thin mattress with a sigh as the wooden frame creaks under your weight, ”You could try asking the dark el- er the 'slaves', again.”

>”Ugh, if you want to talk to those bipolar weirdos, go ahead. I'de rather not deal with their uppity attitudes.”

>”Fair enough… you want to take a break? I was going to see Iris up on the… poop deck.” You smile to yourself stupidly at your newly gained knowledge, which is the only thing you clearly remembered from James because of it's amusing name. …James didn't seem to think it was as funny as you did though.

>”No… I don't really want to talk to gramma right now. I'm still upset with her.” She says in a low mumble.

>Lamenting the short duration of your rest, you get up, and stride over to her, planting a kiss on her cheek that surprises her from her study, “Fair enough, I'll see you later, honey.”

>She looks up at you with a loving smile, getting up just enough to return a quick peck before returning to her chair, “Love you.”

>Back up on the deck, the crew worked at a much leisurely pace, many of them already having gone below deck to sleep for the night. The sky was clear, giving a full view of the stars that sparkled in the dark sky..

>In your groggy state, the world around you seemed surreal.

>Climbing up the stairs over the quarters, you see a few small blankets rolled out on the poop deck, Iris, Natsuko, and Erdrick all sitting quietly with their eyes closed. Though Erdrick seemed to have a bit of trouble sitting still, his eyes clenching closed as hid body twitched with impatience.

>”Erdrick, you have to calm down. That's the entire point of this exercize.” Natsuko speaks calmly without moving.

>”Ugh, I don't see how sitting around doing nothing is exercize.” He growls.

>”You came, deary.” Iris says, grinning warmly. “I take it Maggie didn't want to come?”

>”No…” Giving a shake of your head as you approach.

>”She's still mad at me, I take it. I understand, she has every right to be.”

>You try to think of a way to smooth over the awkward situation between then, but Iris interrupts your thoughts.

>”Here, come sit next to me, sweetie. I saved you a spot.” Iris pats the blanket next to her with an eyestalk, and scooches over a bit to give you more room.

>You nod, and sit down next to her, crossing your legs as you get a more comfortable position.

>”You remember how to do this, right?” She asks.

>”Yeah.” You settle in, and rest your hands on your knees as you let your eyes gently close.

>”Good… tonight, I want you to try something else with me. I'm going to teach you some special breathing exercises this time, alright?”

>”What does that mean?” You ask nervously.

>”Probably nothing yet, but it'll help you alleviate your stress.” Her voice lowers until its barely just a whisper. “Alright, I want you to listen carefully to me. Try to match my breathing as best as you can.”

>”Yes ma'am…” You say, focusing your hearing beyond the ocean sounds, and listening to Iris' breath go slower and slower, doing your best to imitate it.

>It's easy at first, but her breathing becomes so subtle and quiet, it's hard to hear it at all, and the pace of it was so absurdly drawn out, you had to wonder how she didn't suffocate herself.

>As it became more and more difficult to match the pace of her breath, you had to listen harder just to make sure you were even doing it right.

>Your frustration started to bubble over, when you began to hear the ringing of an anvil echo out over the ship.

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178475 No.313284


>”Relax dear, you're doing fine, you just need to remain calm.” Iris assures you.

>Attempting to calm yourself, you settle back into the meditation, and try your best to breathe correctly without worrying about it.

>But the incessant banging is making it difficult to do so. Why in the world was Perri smithing at this hour!?

>”Anonson, come on. You're making it hard to concentrate.”

>You open your eyes, and see Natsuko scowling at you. The hammering goes silent and you feel your cheeks burn in shame, “Sorry.”

>Looking over at Iris, she seems completely oblivious to your slip up, her chest rising and falling so slowly and subtly that for a moment you thought she was dead. Relaxing again, you close your eyes, and once more slow your breathing down to the same crawl as hers.

>The ring of a hammer on steel returns, but you set yourself on ignoring it.

>Despite your best efforts, the ringing seems to get louder and louder.

>You begin to involuntarily tense back up in annoyance.

>”Anonson… you… alright…?” You can barely hear Natsuko's voice over the din.

>You try to answer, but realize you were losing feeling. As fear grips you, you half expect the shock to bring you back to your senses. But your panic only heightens as you feel the world around you begin slipping away.

>You wake up with a gasp, the springtime sun shining warmly on your face. Your nose was blessed with the smell of flowers and the grass cushioning your back from the hill you were lying on.

>”Are you alright darling?”

>You turn and see yourself lying next to a beautiful woman, who's incredibly long, white-gold hair seemed to glow in the sun, and beautiful amber eyes that gazed into yours lovingly.

>”I… uh…” You stutter, trying to grasp what was going on.

>The woman giggles and squeezes your hand tighter, “You were breathing funny in your sleep, did you have a nightmare?”

>”I… don't think so?”

>”You just might be nervous, since you're starting your apprenticeship with Brandr tomorrow.”

>It becomes obvious that the stranger can see the confusion on your face.

>”You're apprenticing with the blacksmith tomorrow, remember?”

>You blink.

>”You spent the past three months arguing with my mother about it until she let you, and you've already forgotten!?” She says incredulously as she sits up and groans. “You're impossible sometimes…”

>A bell rings in the distance. Turning your head towards the source, you see a large village at the edge of the clearing.

>”Ugh, looks like it's time to get back to work. I'll see you at dinner?” She gets up, clutching a crystal capped staff in her hands.


>”Did you hit your head or something? Do you need to rest at the temple for the day?” She says as she walks up to you. She gently grasps your head and brings your forehead down to hers, before muttering a spell under her breath.

>As she concentrates, you can't help but smell the scent of fragrant, almost minty smell of herbs in her hair that seems to soothe your very soul. “You don't seem to have anything wrong…”

>”Guess I'm just still groggy from sleep.” You mutter.

>She holds both of your hands and steps away, “Oh, well I keep telling you to stop staying up so late. I don't want you getting in trouble with mother.” Her frown lifts into a smile as she hesitantly pulls away from you, “We better get going so we're not late again!”

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178475 No.313285


>As the woman runs to the village, you give chase after her… the world around you seems to blur and runs together until. The gentle warmth of the field slowly increases into a sweltering heat, like a…


>”Huh?” Your hands were clad in thick leather gloves, which both clutched a pair of tongs holding a billet of red hot iron in a roaring coal fired forge. Quickly pulling it out, you turn and look at a stout, bald man with a fiery red beard staring at you impatiently with a sledge hammer slung over his shoulder.

>”You got a heatstroke or something!? Put it on the anvil, we don't have all day!”

>”S-sorry, sir.” You put the billet flat onto the wrought iron anvil, and Brandr gives it a number of heavy, but precise strikes, anvil ringing as sparks sprayed everywhere and stinging your bare arms.

>”TURN!” He shouts, which you oblige by turning at onto it's side, “TILT IT UP, BOY! OVER THE EDGE! I TOLD YOU WE CAN'T DRAW IT FLAT LIKE THAT! COME ON!”

>You continue doing as you're told, as he slowly draws the billet out longer and longer, the sound of the rhythmic ringing filling your ears as you watch his hammer come down on the iron over and over again.

>You pull the ingot out of the forge, and onto the anvil, quickly bringing the hammer in your hand down with practiced accuracy as you slowly, but surely draw out the tang.

>Brandr watches you intently from a chair across the workshop as you work the metal. His beard now streaked with grey, his right arm gone from his elbow, below nothing left by a bloody bandaged stump. He nods sagely urging your to continue. “Keep going, don't want to waste the fuel…”

>After getting the tang to a proper length, you place the unworked end into the forge, waiting for it to get red hot again.

>You pull it out, and resume working it, flattening it out-

>You blink, and you find your hands replaced, with monstrous, ashen grey claws, still clutching the hammer. The hoe you were forging replaced with an unfinished sword blank-

>”AUGH!” You scream, clutching your hand, your tools and work dropping to the ground.

>”What the hell is your problem kid!?” He groans, struggling to get up from his seat, hobbling over towards the anvil with a terrible limp, “You burn yourself?”

>You breaths are heavy and ragged as you stare fearfully at the now normal hand in your death grip.

>Another blink, and your hands take on a monstrous form once more. You clutch your head, which feels like it's tearing in two. Your vision blurs, and you could sweat you weren't even in the workshop anymore. It had the equipment… but the iron seemed brighter, the room seemed much larger, and made of immaculately carved stone. You look around in confusion, and see a small, but familiar looking cyclops girl peeking in through the doorway… with two… three… six blue eyes? You blink and squint, trying to focus through the twisting landscape, “Iris…?”

>She gasps and ducks behind the door frame.

>What's going on…? Weren't you in a small workshop just earlier? But then, you also vaguely recall being on a boat with Iris not too long ago… “WHAT'S GOING ON!? WHERE AM I!?” You scream desperately as your mind reaches the cusp of shattering.


>”Get back, lassies, I know how to calm 'im down.”

>A crack in your skull explodes your blurred vision into a sea of colors, your world spinning and spinning until your stomach spins with it.

>”Honey, are you okay!? Why did you headbutt him!?”

>”He's calm now, isn't he?”

>You blink your eyes, which strained to put things back together. But you could see a particularly cute looking fuschia blob in front of you. “I…” Speaking made your stomach do a flip, “…ThinkI'malright…. unnngh…”

>”Everyone, give him some room.” Iris hushes, as she shoos them away. “Just take your time and get your bearings sweetie.”

>”I… I saw something… It was… I saw…” You desperately try to remember, but with every painful throb of your head, you can feel the memories quickly slipping away. Thrashing about in your mind, you frantically grasp at them until something sticks.

>”You saw something?” Natsuko asks bewildered, “What did you see?”

>”I… I saw Iris…”

>She smiles, “Of course you did, deary. I'm right here.”

>”No… I was in some room, and I saw you… but you were a little girl… I was sure it was you… it felt like you…”

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178475 No.313287


>Iris' smile fades slightly, “I see… You must have fallen asleep during the mediation and had quite a nightmare. I was a little terror as a girl.”

>”I… I guess…? It felt like a nightmare… But it felt so… real… What happened?”

>Iris wraps you into a hug, and pats your back, “You just had a little nightmare, is all. I think a good night's sleep will do you better than meditation right now.”

>You stand up, and clutch your head as it resumes swimming from the movement, “Yeah… yeah… I think I just need to lie down… you coming, Magdalene?”

>She shakes her head grinning faintly, “I will in a bit, just head along without me.”

>You slink back to your quarters, feeling the world still moving about as you walked. Walking inside, you shut the door behind you and dive into your cot.

>As you lie awake, waiting for the headache to subside, you can hear voices above you.

>”What did you do to him!?” Magdalene shouts, voice muffled by the floorboards between you.

>”I didn't do anything d-”

>”Iris, you need to start explaining things, now. Every time you say something, it just doesn't sit right with me any more.”

>They both remain silent.

>”What are you hiding from us, Iris….”

>”Lassie, I don't think that's any way te speak to yer grandmother-”

>”Thank you for your concern, James, but this is between me and my granddaughter. Maggie, dearest, I love you. I've always loved you, and I would never do anything to hurt you. Do you not believe that?”


>”It's true, with all of my heart it's true.”

>”Then why are you lying to me?” Her voice cracks.

>”…I'm not lying to you. I would never lie to you.”

>”Then why… why did you come here? It's too dangerous for someone your age!”

>”Someone my age?” Iris says, shes says with a haughtiness completely unlike her, “Someone my age has seen a lot in her life… and someone my age doesn't have long left to live… This is something I don't want to die missing out on.”

>”Then why don't you ever tell us about your life!?”

>”BECAUSE! …Because… It's… it's not important dear… not for a long time… not any more… A lot of things are better left in the past, Maggie… Too many things that are far too painful to ever drag back out again… too many regrets…”


>”Raising your mother after your grandmother died… helping my daughter deliver you, my beautiful granddaughter… that's the only part of my life worth remembering.”

>You hear Magdalene stomp off.

>”Magdalene, don't be like this…”

>Your wife screams in frustration, “YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SAYING THAT! YOU SOUND LIKE MY MOTHER!!”

>As her footsteps come closer, you turn to face the wall and pretend to be asleep.

>The door slams open, the decades being taken off the door's life clearly audible to the no doubt now startled crew.. Magdalene stomps to her desk and drops onto the seat, letting out an exasperated groan as she pulls at her face.

>After a short tantrum, she takes a deep breath, and seems to lose herself in her work with an even greater zeal than when you had left her.

>”Are you okay?” She says, fatigue in her voice. “I know you're awake…”

>You shift in the bed, “Head's still pounding…”

>”I'm sure I didn't help… what happened, Anonson?”

>”I don't know… I'm sure it's nothing.”

>”Thrashing about and screaming isn't 'nothing', Anonson…”

>”I was doing that?”

>”Why do you think James headbutt you!? You kept screaming and shouting, and we thought you were going to claw your eyes out!”

>You remain deathly quiet, disturbed that you were making such a scene and didn't even remember it.

>”Anonson… One thing has me confused…”

>”What's that?”

>”You kept shouting someone's name, Valdís. Who's that? Your mother?”

>The cogs start to turn in your head, as you try to recognize the name. It sounded familiar to you, but… “I don't… no I don't recall anyone by that name.”

>”Was it a girl you had a crush on back home? You can tell me, I won't be jealous.” She says, sliding her chair up to the bed as she stared at you with a mischievous grin.

>”I really don't know, Mags. Sorry.”

>She stares at you in slight disappointment, “Really?” Her eyes flit around the room before settling down to the floor, “Okay…” Sliding her seat back up to the desk, she looks back at you, “You want some tea?”

>”No thank you, honey. I'm good.” You pull the covers back over your head to block out the light from her lamp. “It's pretty late. I don't want it keeping me up.”


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178475 No.313288


>You and your officers stood uneasily on the bow, troops in rank and file on the deck behind you, poised and ready for combat at your command.

>”I don't like this one bit, sir…” James grumbled uneasily as he lowered the spyglass from his eye. “It's too quiet.”

>”And the docks are empty.” Kenneth muses as he stares out at the base, nestled stalwartly among the rocky shore. Snow covered mountains rising securely behind it.

>”Did we pass any ships? Could they be trying to ambush us from behind?” You ask.

>”Nay. Scouts haven't seen anything anywhere near us in any direction…” The captain says.

>Gripping the haft of your hammer, you steel your mind, while trying to think of your course of action.

>”This could be a trap.” Kenneth sighs. “But we cant just turn back and run… this is the only pass through the mountains…”

>”We'll deal with the trap as it comes.” Magdalene says, her hand brushing yours.

>Adjusting your grip, you hold your weapon in one hand, freeing the other to hold your wife's.

>”Alright, boys! Prepare to dock!” James yells, the crew immediately beginning to dart and weave between your soldiers as they start furling the main sails.

>The ship begins to slow its approach to the shore, and your eyes dart from building to building, and everywhere in between, scanning the area for any movement.

>Lowering the visor of your helmet, you wonder in confusion as to why there's no movement at all. No soldiers, guards, sailors, boats… wasn't this a military naval base?

>But your thoughts are interrupted by sailors laying down gangplanks over to the pier, Kenneth nudging you to move.

>Wistfully letting go of your wife's hand, you make your way to the planks, carefully stepping across, sabatons landing onto the slippery pier with an echoing thud that seemed to make the world deathly silent, only to be ended with the sound of the creaking wood from dozens of your archers drawing their weapons.

>Your officers and other soldiers catch up behind you as you carefully stride towards land.

>”Attention! This naval base is now under Duskbreach control! Surrender yourselves peacefully, and no harm will come to you!” You shout, your words echoing vainly among the mountains.

>You stand, awaiting a response, looking nervously for a sniper, or even around the surrounding cliffs for some sort of rockfall.

>But nothing… nothing but driftwood and seaweed littering the ground and buildings, filling the air with a rotten fishy smell.

>You signal to your troops, who immediately swarm the base and beginning searching every nook and cranny as you give nervous glances to James, who seems to be coming to a realization. ”There was a nasty storm here, by the look of things…”

>Broken glass crunches under your foot, drawing your attention to the windows of the building next to you. Nearly every single one seemed to have been smashed to pieces.

>”Well, that's good, right? Less of a fight for this base.” You sigh.

>”I wouldn't count your blessings just yet, champ. They might have evacuated most of their troops to the Chilliron Mines further inland, which is much better fortified against attack…” Kenneth says, absent mindedly kicking a broken bottle away.

>”Least our new ships didn't get damaged!” James chimes in, “Would've been a damn shame to see those beauties get scuffed up.”

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178475 No.313289


>After scavenging for whatever was left, you left further inland with an even small force of soldiers. The lessened numbers made you feel a little more exposed, but if was nice to move so quickly.

>Or so you thought.

>The path further through the mountains proved to be much more treacherous than you anticipated. Your caravan soldiered on through the snow, biting wind buffeting your troops mercilessly.

>”Good god, it's freezing!” Magdalene shuddered, looking over at you. “How can you stand this?”

>You shrug, the layers of padding, clothes, and furs doing a good job of insulating you from the cold. Feeling bad, you extend your arms and embrace her, only for her yelp and push you away. ”What's wrong?”

>”Your armor is freezing! I h-hate this! Why is it so damn cold!?” She moans, wiping her nose on her sleeve before tightening her fur cloak around her.

>Despite the fact you were faring a bit better than Magdalene, after being used to the scorching heat of the desert, the frost was taking its toll on your resolve as you trudged through the snow.

>Naomi marched undeterred, her stoic expression betrayed by her profile being twice as large from the layers upon layers of furs draped on her shoulders. You wonder if she could even fight with them all on if it came to it.

>Jäeger seemed his old chipper self, seeming not to mind the below freezing temperatures at all as he practically traipsed through the snow with ease. “Spiced wine?” He hums, offering a flask produced from his shirt pocket to his superior.

>Your guard wordlessly slaps the drink away, lips pressing into a grimace, “Not on duty.”

>”Hey, don't waste it!” He rushes to pick the flask up, but seems to stop, slowly rising back up as he smells the air. “Does anyone smell smoke?”

>Magdalene sniffs, her sinuses audibly stuffed, “No…”

>”I think some of the soldiers lit torches for warmth.” You say.

>He turns and confirms that quite a few soldiers were carrying flaming torches, the troops around them huddling close to catch even a small amount of it's warmth., “Guess so…”

>At long last, your forces neared the pass, and while everyone knew it would only get worse from here, it only made them more determined.

>But something felt off, something you couldn't quite grasp. The air felt heavy and oppressive, despite the deathly wind finally calming under the vain efforts of the afternoon sun.

>Iris felt it too, her eyes darting around nervously as if something was stalking you.

>”Anonson, I keep smelling smoke… and it doesn't smell like torches… “ Jäeger raises his head and smells deeply, face scrunching up in disgust, “It smells like death.”

>”You're just being paranoid.” Naomi insists, “Keep an eye out for enemy soldiers, not for odors.”

>The hunter scoffs quietly, folding his arms as he tries to ignore whatever he sensed.

>”I feel it too, Jäeger.” Iris assures him, her eyes crane over to look in the distance, and seems to rear back in shock. She quietly sidles up, and nudges your arm, “Anonson, look over there.”

>You look towards where she's pointing, and barely see a wisp of smoke snaking above the mountaintop. “Smoke? Hmm… it could be a paIadin scouting party…”

>”No, Anonson,'look'.” She repeats in a more hushed tone.

>You look at her curiously for a moment, before understanding. Looking back at the smoke trail, you peer past the physical, and into the Aether. The world shifts and buckles, giving way to allow you to see the life flowing through it.

>A sickly black smog blocks out the smoke, and seems to absorb the light around it. As you turn to Iris to respond, you double take, and see a trail of black smog before you. A few soldiers walk through it, and seem completely unaware of it's presence.

>”What is this?” You whisper to Iris.

>”It seems to be the same corruption that emanates from the paIadins… only much more powerful.” She says fearfully. “So much so that its encroaching into the veil in it's wake.”

>”What does that mean?” You ask.

>”It should mean nothing. The Aether will heal it in time. But it does mean something terrible passed through here.”

>You slow your pace until you're next to Kenneth, “Sir, what's over there?”

>”Uh…” He pulls out the map and unfurls it to the appropriate part, “Nothing, why?”

>”There's smoke over there, I think we should investigate it.”

>”You see something else there too, don't you.” He says knowingly, “I don't see anything myself, but I can feel it in my bones.” Kenneth stops in his tracks, and looks out to the horizon. “You go investigate it if you want, I know I can't stop you…”

>”I'll be safe, Ken.” You promise him.

>”Fine, We'll have this mine wrapped up before dinner, be sure to meet us by then.” He gives you a cocky smirk, before running back up to the front of the troops. “ALRIGHT, LISTEN UP! HERE'S YOUR ORDERS!”

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178475 No.313290


>You trudged ahead, following the trail of grim fog through the frost.

>While the troops were eager to follow their leader into the expedition, it was apparent that they too could feel something wrong in the air. Excited chatter and triumphant song faded into dead silence as they marched dutifully along.

>Despite Iris' complexion lacking much color, even her face seemed to pale as the foul aura grew thicker the further along you went.

>The trail seemed to stop before a sheer cliff face, but as you approached to investigate, a cavern revealed itself. An acrid miasma billowed out from the pitch black opening, making you and the soldiers behind you to recoil in disgust.

>”What the hell is that smell!?” Erdrick groans.

>”It's that stink from Towerwood, only worse…” Jäeger gagged, covering his nose and mouth with his hands.

>As you step forward, into the cavern, Magdalene stays close behind, gripping her ballista tightly and making last minute checks to the magazine.

>The smell and chilling feeling clawing at the back of your neck was starting to become oppressive, making it feel difficult to breathe or think.

>”Stay behind me sir, it could be dangerous.” Naomi orders, stepping in front of you, her massive pile of coats blocking your vision.

>A short, and unpleasant trek through the tunnel finds you once more in the blinding white afternoon sun.

>As your eyes readjust to the light, you see smoldering piles of timber and furs, surrounded with bloodstained snow, and…

>Your eyes regain their focus, allowing you to see the carnage wrought before you, dozens of corpses of both humans and monsters among them.

>”Are these all paIadins?” Magdalene asks as she kneels down to a dead human. “Or slaves?”

>”No… there doesn't seem to be any marks or uniforms…” You say, as you turn the body around and inspect it as respectfully as you can.

>Iris quietly hovers into the village, dropping to the ground and kneeling before one of the corpses.

>In fact, they seemed as well dressed as the monsters around them. “I think they were free.”

>Iris gently cradles an antlered woman in her arms, looking at her face as she gently lifted it up.

>”Did you know her?” You ask as you walk over to your grandmother.

>”No. She just looked like someone I used to know a long time ago.” She sets the body down, and gets back up onto her feet.

>You look back at your squadron, “Fan out and look for survivors. If you cross any paIadins, do not engage them on your own, call for reinforcements immediately!” Looking around the destroyed valley and the corruption permeating it.

>Iris raises her hands, summoning holy fire within her palms as she begins praying under her breath. The darkness in the air becomes drawn into the flames where burned and vanished. As the veil cleared, it felt as if a weight lifted from your shoulders.

>The holy fire in her hands evaporates as she drops her arms back at her sides. Iris opens her eyes and looks back at the corpses uneasily, “Something is wrong…”

>”I think that much is obvious, ma'am.” Natusko says.

>”No… something far more sinister than the usual paIadin is at work here, but I can't say for certain what it is….”

>”Whatever it is, we should give these bodies a proper burial, before rejoining Kenneth's squadron.”

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178475 No.313291


>You spent the next several hours digging graves for the fallen, markers being carved out of the debris scavenged around you.


> You peek your head out from hole you were digging out of, “What's going on?”

>Gwen runs up, to the edge of the grave, panting heavily, “Sir…the siege on the mines… we… Kenneth has been captured… he's demanding your presence for his release…”

>”What!?” You think for a moment, “Did you try to get him back!?”

>She huffs and puffs, and you notice she's covered in horrible bruises and welts, one of her arms hanging limp, and a slight gait in her stance, ”I tried to lead a squadron back to reclaim him, but, no one can get into the pass! And… and…”

>”MAGGIE! GWEN'S HURT!” You shout.

>”I'll be fine… but Kenneth… the pass… its' being defended by a single man aided by some archers… we can't make him budge at all… we've already lost dozens of soldiers to him alone…”

>Without another word, you start clamoring out of the grave.

>”Anonson, where are you going!?” Magdalene cries as she runs up, “Good god! What happened to you!?”

>”Kenneth's in trouble, I have to go help him.” You say as you get back on your feet.

>”Wait! Anonson! It's a trap!” Gwen shouts, “It has to be…”

>”My teacher is being held captive by the paIadins, our troops can't break their defenses at all, and they won't release him until I go there. What other recourse do we have?” You explain, walking off towards the cavern exiting the valley.

>”What!? Anonson, no! You can't! Kenneth wouldn't want you to! You know he wouldn't!”

>You stop in your tracks, and turn back to face Magdalene, who shrinks back slightly, “What do you mean I can't? How could you say that!? He's like a father to me! He didn't abandon me when the whole world turned against me, how can I just abandon him now!?”

>Gwen staggers over to you, and raises her good arm desperately, ”Anonson… I think she just doesn't want you to do anything rash. We should think about this before acting.”

>”It's that pass… it's a bottleneck… even if we had numbers, it wouldn't matter… and if dozens of our soldiers can't stand up against one of them in that pass, then…” You clutch your hand into a fist, and bring it to your chest, fearfully feeling the tinge of fire rising in your chest. “…It might come to that…”

>”Anonson, let's at least plan something!” Magdalene pleads.

>”What else can we do? I'm going…” As you resume, you hear Magdalene plodding behind you, “Heal Gwen, and stay here until it's safe… I'll be back.”

>As you approach the tunnel, you beckon Naomi and a group of soldiers to your side, throwing the spade that was still in your hands aside before slinging the hammer from your shoulder.

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178475 No.313292


>An hour of trekking through the snow, and you saw your soldiers' camp in the distance.

>Troops groaned and moaned in pain, lying about on bedrolls and in the snow, horrendously bruised, limbs broken and mangled.

>Passing through wordlessly, you raise a hand you eye the boundary of your camp, and see the trails of footsteps and blood in the snow leading further up the mountain.

>The troops still able to fight and not tending to the wounded got up and followed behind you as you followed the path.

>Burning braziers confidently roared and crackled in the harsh wind and snow, but still provided you little comfort or warmth. A couple of soldiers carried a heavily injured comrade between them back to camp.

>The pass loomed ahead of you, a large foreboding crack in a sheer cliff face, barely illuminated by more braziers. You noticed archers standing atop it, arrows nocked on bows, aimed to shoot you at a moments notice.

>In front of the pass was a man who seemed to stand taller than any around him, but not because of stature. Behind his mane of dirty blonde and grey streaked hair, a face well worn by time and scars scowled at you with a level of confidence that went beyond mere cockiness. His icy blue eyes burned into you with purpose and duty as he pulled an arrow from his body, wound closing up with a flash of violet flames.

>Beside him a large maul stood in the snow, though in much more cruder construction than yours. It's head was a sizeable brick of iron, flat on one end, and tapered into a chiseled edge on the other. Hanging from one of the belts that cinched the padded armor securely to his body, were several smaller hammers and chisels of various shapes and sizes.

>”Are you Anonson Morningglory?” The man speaks in a cold, stern tone, low, but just loud enough to be clear over the wind.

>”I am.” You respond plainly, locking your eyes into the strangers.

>”So you're the one destroying my altars… Your master is unharmed.” He says, motioning behind him, where Kenneth quietly sat bound and leaning against the rock wall. “And if you wish to keep it that way, dismiss your soldiers.”

>”Anonson…” his mouth swishes back and forth before sputtering out a bloody tooth, “…Leave me here… he's too strong… he's not human…”

>He looks at Kenneth and growls angrily before turning to the archers around him, “Return to base, you will find your next orders there!” The man stares back at you, “I trust you have no further objections to settling this like men.”

>”Who are you?” You ask, stepping forward.

>”If you wish to stop more blood from being shed this day, call off your soldiers.” He barks back.

>You nod, and turn, signaling your troops back to camp.

>As they hesitantly leave you behind, the man steps forward and hefts his hammer into a fighting stance. “It's Steinar Dawn.”

>Without another word he bounds towards you, and before you know it, his hammer is already coming down towards your head.

>You roll out of the way, and bounce back to your feet, only to be swept off of them as Steinar swings his weapon across the snow.

>Rolling to the side, you narrowly avoid another strike, hammer thudding into the snow, quickly rising only to come towards your head again.

>Bringing the haft of your weapon up over your head, just in time to block his next blow. The impact jars your joints, and feels like it threatened to shatter your bones like glass. But Steinar stumbles from the unexpected impact, giving you just enough time to roll back up onto your feet and regaining some distance.

>”Was it you who massacred that village!?” You shout, glancing around your surroundings for some sort of advantage.

>”I've killed countless monsters in my life.” He says stoically, “What's a few hundred more?” Steinar charges for you again.

>But you were still stuck on his words. His callous disregard for life kindled the rage growing inside of you, your vision blurring at the edge as your heart threatened to pound against your chest.

>He swings.

>You hold out your hand and stop the blunt head in it's tracks.

>Steinar seems taken aback, but even more so when you lean back and kick him with all of your weight. He reels backwards, trying to regain his footing.

>But you're relentlessly after him, and with a heavy swing, bring your own hammer down hard on him.

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178475 No.313294


>He raises the haft of his weapon in time to block, but the force of your blow splinters the handle apart, and strikes him square on the chest.

>He groans, stumbling backwards.

>You hear a mechanical whir revving behind you.

>Steinar looks up, and grabbing a chisel from his belt, flings it with deadly precision.

>You look back to where he was aiming, and at the last minute, see Magdalene slumped behind a hill with her auto-ballista. The chisel flies into the muzzle of the weapon, and with a terrible screech, jams the mechanisms, which explode violently into a blast of hot shrapnel.

>”NO!” You shout as you lose sight of your wife. Turning back towards Steinar, who readies a smaller hammer in each of his hands.

>Your visor snaps shut, gouts of flames erupting out, the snow around you evaporating into steam.

>His eyebrow cocks, and an intrigued smirk spreads on his lips as he adjusts his stance.

>You charge forward, letting loose a barrage of rage fueled strikes.

>With quick and precise movements, the man blocks each blow dead between his hammers.

>But it only serves to fuel your trance, the world begins slowing around you as your fatigue and the weight of your weapon fade away into nothing.

>Deftly gripping your hammer in one hand, you slam Steinar in his side.

>He gasps breathlessly, staggering aside, struggling to get his bearings.

>Summoning holy fire in your free hand, you dash forward, and grip his head, willing the flames to purge him from his false god's influence.

>But nothing happens.

>He looks up at you and laughs, slamming a hammer into your chest, throwing you back several feet.

>”How!?” You snarl angrily, as you get back up.

>He stands up straight, and sneers angrily as he widens his stance. His muscles tense, and a light flashes from his eyes, before they both erupt in a gout of violet fire that quickly spread over his head and shoulders, wreathing him in a mane of flames. He bellows out a roar that rocked the mountains around you, fire licking out of his maw.

>Taking his wordless challenge, you respond with a roar of your own, before charging for him, hammer ready to swing.

>He sprints for you as well, both of your weapons clashing.

>The head and haft of your weapon shatters into shards of wood and steel.

>You reach for your mace, only for him to slam you square in the chest, knocking the wind out of your lungs.

>Steinar doesn't let up on his assault, crushing you over and over with his weapons, only giving you enough time to stagger back with each.

>Desperate, you inhale the mana around you, feeling the burning build up in your heart.

>He notices your actions, and steps back before opening his mouth, flecks of light forming before him before being sucked in with his breath..

>You barely manage to prepare your own flame breath before he lets loose a powerful stream of fire from his own mouth.

>Your flame just barely manages to hold Steinar's at bay, but your strength was fading fast, you became soaked in sweat as you were quickly wracked with exhaustion.

>Meanwhile, Steinar stepped forward, the heat from his assault growing hotter as your body started feeling heavier and heavier, forcing you down to a kneel, then to your knees, and then all fours as you struggled to maintain the inferno that held your opponents at bay.

>You black out, your last thought of shame at how quickly your quest had ended.

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81652a No.313343

Well shit.

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178475 No.313345


>You come to to Steinar roughly grabbing you by the cloak and lifting you up. All you could manage was a sputtering cough, and a look of confusion as to how you were still alive.

>He notices your expression, ”I'm under strict orders not to kill you.” Steinar says, showing no signs of fatigue or injury at all. “I bring you a message directly from my King.” Reaching into his armor, he pulls out a sealed envelope in surprisingly good shape despite the recent fray.

>You quietly take it from him, and look back into his eyes, “How… how did you learn to do that?”

>”This blessing is not of His God, but a fraction of the Holy King's own power. The question is, how did YOU gain it…” His eyebrows knit as he stares deep into the back of your head.

>”I… I don't know.” You gasp.

>He seems to stop his train of thought, and sighs, ”…The Holy King seems to think highly of you for some reason. But do not get the wrong idea. Next time we cross, I will not hesitate to kill you and your entire army. Don't think I'll toy with you like I did this time, either.”

>You stare at him blankly, only able to groan in pain as every breath seemed to burn your lungs.

>”Consider this a warning.” He says, seeming content with your answer regardless, and walks over to Kenneth, pulling out a knife from his belt that he quickly uses to cut his bonds. “…And a lesson, that my King is not to be trifled with. I suggest you heed his words.” Steinar walks past you, and starts heading down the mountain.

>Steinar stops, an angry Iris standing defiantly in his way. He looks down at her, and sneers with contempt for but a moment, before forcing a polite smile and bowing, walking around her as he continues down the mountain, turning his head to look at you, ”I admit that in the heat of the moment, that I lied to provoke you. I do not know of what village you speak of, so I cannot claim the glory of that conquest.”

>”Wait!” You shout out at him, before being wracked by a coughing fit, hacking up bloodied phlegm.

>But Kenneth weakly holds you back by the shoulder. “Just let him go… he won't attack us again for now as long as we don't provoke him.”

>You whip back to face Kenneth, “But-”

>”I know that man, Anonson. I know how he acts, and if he says he's under orders, he won't disobey them, even if it meant his death.” He looks down at the snow.

>”Was that the Captain of the paIadins?” You ask.

>”Yes, well… not anymore. When I was in the war… against the pagan rebellion… he was our leader. But soon after it ended, he was discharged by the king for…” Kenneth ponders it for a moment, “I'm not entirely sure why. He was highly regarded at the time… But his son is the Captain now-”

>”Wait, Magdalene!” You remember, and look around for the hill Magdalene was behind before running towards it.

>She groans, and slowly gets up to her feet, clutching the ruins of her contraption in her hands, covered in nasty gashes, cuts, and burns from the heated shrapnel.

>Mags! Are you okay!?” You shout, stumbling over the hill before gently holding her by the waist.

>”I'm… fine… but my ballista… and you!” She looks up at you, angry eyes full of tears, “I told you to come up with a plan first! You almost died again!” She buries herself into your chest, and starts pounding it with balled up fists as she sobs. “…Why do you act like your life isn't important? It's important to me!”

>”I'm sorry…” You wheeze, chest shuddering in pain as you wrap an arm around her, “I'm sorry.”

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178475 No.313346


>After a particularly nasty cocktail of Gods know what alchemical reagents, Magdalene begins tending to your wounds, the excruciating pain in your chest melting from the magical glow seeping into it from her fingertips.

>Footsteps in the snow draw your attention back to the pass, where the sight of soldiers in padded armor similar to Steinar's marching out in single file forces you to pull away from your wife and draw your morning star, struggling to lift it up in your current condition.

>They stop a few yards before you, weapons sheathed in their belt, and the one leading them staring straight in your eyes. Despite his great helm completely obscuring his features, you could feel him glaring at you from behind it. “We ask for a momentary truce to allow us safe passage…”

>You look at him with uncertainty, slowly looping your mace back on your belt as you watch him carefully.

>”Unlike you… monsters… we do have a sense of honor…” You can hear his teeth gritting, “…And our King has ordered us to abandon this mine… So if you please…”

>You think for a moment, and smile. “I will have you escorted to our naval base south of here before chartering your soldiers to Watchharbour, where you will then be free to continue on your way. Is that fine with you?”

>He's taken aback, and seems noticeably disgusted, “My men would rather swim our way back south!”

>”Suit yourself. I'll give my troops the word that you're to be given unobstructed passage out of the mountains.” You give him a look of suspicion, “As long as you don't cause any trouble.”

>He scoffs, turning away from you before motioning his troops to follow him down the mountains.

>”We'll sends scouts to keep an eye on them…” Kenneth sighs. “Lets return back to camp, and we'll decide how we'll proceed from there.”

>You sat at the end of the table in your war tent, your companions gathered around you. The envelope Steinar gave you lay before you, sealed with an ornate wax stamp, depicting an elaborate rendition of the star of light.

>”A message from Duskbreach's king, you say.” Erdrick says curiously, “What does it say?”

>”I'm not sure, I wanted to wait until we were all gathered here first.”

>”Sir, what if it's trapped with some sort of runic spell?” Naomi says.

>”It's inscribed with a runic spell, but it's only to obscure it from looking through the envelope with light, and from scrying spells.” Iris says quietly as she stares blankly ahead.

>”…Iris, are you alright?” You ask.

>”I'm fine dear, just shaken up from earlier is all.”

>You grimace in concern, before looking back at the envelope. Grasping a knife, you break the seal, and pull out the contained letter. The envelope crinkled at the slightest touch, and felt dried out as it was decades old.

>Another, smaller envelope falls out onto the table. Ignoring it, you unfold the letter, and look it over. The writing was done in a fine ink that seemed to shimmer in the light, and written with a steady, practiced hand. It was ornate and detailed, while still maintaining legibility.

>Glancing at your friends for a moment, you begin reading it aloud.

Greetings Anonson Morningglory; Demon King of the Crimson Wastes,

Due to a gross miscalculation on part of one of my officers, we have invaded your territory, resulting in a tragic, and unnecessary loss of life.

I take full responsibility for this tragedy.

As you know, this breaks a treaty between our people that have kept the peace between us for centuries.

As compensation, I relinquish the territories of Conchport, Towerwood, Watchharbour, and the Chilliron Mines, as well as the roads between them.

I do this as long as you agree to continue upholding the treaty, which will now include the aforementioned territories, I will not retaliate against you as long as you end your invasion here.

But be forewarned. If you continue your attack, I will be forced to bring you to JUSTICE before my God, and raze your entire kingdom to the ground.

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178475 No.313349


>You set down the letter, and look at your friends inquisitively, “…What treaty?” You look at Kenneth for an answer.

.”I… haven't a clue, champ. This is the first I've heard of it.”

>”Magdalene?” You say, turning to her.

>”I have no idea either… my mother never said anything about it.” She says, shaking her head.

>Jaëger points at the smaller envelope, “Maybe there's a copy in that envelope?”

>You take it and look it over, “But… it said it's been centuries since it was established…”

>”He was probably lying to save face, sir. He might fear your might, and could be bluffing.” Naomi says with a hint of a prideful smile.

>The envelope had the same seal, and seemed to be much older. Paper yellowed with age, dry and brittle as it crinkled in your fingers.

>”Maybe… Let's see what's in this one.” Looking on the opposite side of the seal, you see a small symbol in black ink. A simple diamond shape. “What do you think it means?” You say, showing it around.

>Everyone seemed just as confused as you are.

>”W-wait… dear, maybe I should check that envelope, it could have traps that were obscured by the other envelopes scrying dispells.” Iris suggests nervously.

>”I'm not sensing anything…” Magdalene says doubtfully.

>You peer past the veil, and look at the envelope, seeing no signs of mana flowing through it at all… although… that didn't mean anything if the other envelope was protected from scrying. Best to have an expert look at it. “I don't see anything either. But why don't you make sure?” You say, handing it to Iris.

>She hesitates for a moment, before gingerly taking it between her fingers, and setting it on her lap.

>Everyone stares at her patiently, waiting for her verdict.

>She looks back up and glances at everyone curiously.

>”Well?” You ask.

>”Oh, Let me do this outside… just in case a trap goes off if I try to deep scry it.”

>Magdalene squints her eyes at Iris.

>”It's from the king of Duskbreach, who's obviously capable of powerful magicks.” Iris explains, “I should be ready for anything, and it's best if I do it away from you.”

>Your wife says nothing.

>”…So you don't get hurt.” Iris assures with a smile.

>”Alright, go ahead.” You say.

>”Thank you, dear.” She slowly gets up from her seat, and shuffles out of the tent. “I'll just be a moment.”

>All of you wait in silent patience, awaiting Iris's return.

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178475 No.313350


>All except Magdalene, who taps the table, her tail whipping in an irritated fashion.

>You lay a hand on the hand she's fidgeting with, and smile reassuringly when you have her attention.

>She frowns back at you and gets up from her seat before walking around and out of the tent.

>”Mags, where are you going!?” You call out, as you trip over yourself to get out of the tent and follow her.

>As you exit out into the cold snow, you see Magdalene heading out of the camp. You run after her and quickly catch up with her steady pace. “Mags, what's wrong!?”

>”She's up to something. And if you're not going to call her out for it, I will.”

>”Up to something? She's just trying to help! How could you be so suspect of your own grandmother!?” You cry, “What's wrong with you?”

>Magdalene wordlessly climbs up to the top of a snowy hill, where you see Iris on her knees, opened envelope dropped on the ground next to her.

>As Magdalene stomped up to her, you could hear Iris sobbing quietly as pieces of paper flutter from her hands into the snow.

>”I KNEW IT!” Magdalene yelled. “I knew you were up to something!” She stopped in front of Iris, and looked down on her accusingly.

>”Iris, what's going on!? Why did you do that!?” You shouts.

>”Isn't it obvious!? She's been a spy from the very beginning! Why else would she be destroying a message from the enemy!?”

>Iris's eye-stalks turn towards you, welling up with tears, “I promise you child, that isn't true…”


>”Magdalene, what is your problem!?” You hiss under your breath, pulling her pointing finger down, “She's your GRANDMOTHER!”

>”Then why does she constantly lie to me!? Why does she feel she can't share anything with her own granddaughter, like I wouldn't understand!? WHY!?”

>”Magdalene, I think you're under a lot of stress right now. Maybe you should just go lie down.” You say gently.

>”No…” Iris utters, “I will go peacefully. She is right… that message was from your enemy… and it was intended for me.” She smiles at you tearfully, “I won't resist arrest.”

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178475 No.313378


>Everyone went back to the tent, only Iris was bound in chains and escorted by Jaëger.

>”I'm really sorry, ma'am…” He says, as he pulls a chair out for her.

>”It's fine, dear. You're doing a good job.” She says as she sits, mustering as much cheer as she could through her sorrowful mood.

>”Is this really necessary?” Kenneth says uncomfortably.

>”Yes.” Magdalene says coldly. “Shes been found committing treasonous acts against our country, attempting to destroy evidence of collusion with the monarch that's trying to kill us and all of monsterkind.”

>”I told you, I'm not colluding with Duskbreach.” Iris says once again.

>”But you admitted that they were communicating with you!”

>”Communicated. That was the only letter to me I've gotten.” She explains.

>”That doesn't mean anything! You could still have had contact with them!” Magdalene shouts.

>”Honey, I really think you need to go back to our tent and calm down. I'll ask her to explain, alright?”

>”I don't need to calm down! My own family has betrayed me! How can I calm down!?” She screams, slamming her fists on the table.


>”But she doesn't need to explain. I got most of the pieces of that letter, and I have scouts looking for the rest of it.” She lays the shredded pieces down on the table and spreads them out, “We'll soon know what it said…”

>As Magdalene starts slowly and methodically piecing them together, Iris starts to look visibly distraught. And as a scout stepped inside, claiming they had combed the area, and found what they believed to be the rest of them, she struggled to keep her eyes from tearing up.

>”I'm sorry… I just…” Iris sniffs.

>Magdalene takes the rest of the pieces from the scout, and arranges them in the missing holes in the document. “Apologies and tears won't get you out of this, Iris. Because…” she starts to read the letter, and the anger on her brow is replaced with discomfort, and then confusion as she looks back up at Iris and sits down in her seat.

>”What does it say?” You ask, peeking at the letter.

To my beautiful Black Diamond.

When I first saw your eyes, I knew I wanted to wake up to them every day for the rest of my life. No. For eternity.

I remember the day we first met, all those years ago. Your wondrous smile captivated my heart that day, I simply had to speak to you.

And mercy to my heart when I found that the same lips could also hold a tongue as sharp and silver as yours. Truly your wit is only matched by your melodious voice.

Your skin, as soft and yielding as clouds on a fair Spring day. How I long to run my fingers across it once more.

To feel our hearts become one once more.

To be with you, forevermore.

Know that I will always love you.

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178475 No.313379


>”…Black Diamond?” You ask.

>Iris sniffs, wiping her nose on her sleeve, “W-well I'd rather not… say…”

>”Wait… you're lovers with the King of Duskbreach!?” You say as it fully dawns on you.

>”No dear… he… he was my husband.” Iris says.

>Everyone goes silent.

>”His name is Edrick Ebonthorn… he was the first, and only man I ever loved.”

>”Ma'am, pardon me for doubting you, but…” Kenneth looks at her nervously, “I don't know if I could believe what the Church says, but they claim the Holy King is hundreds of years old… and he hasn't left his throne room in the tower in… at least not since before I was born.”

>”I would say that's one of the only truths the Church has told you. Edrick is indeed centuries old, about a few years older than me, in fact.”

>”How…” Magdalene says in a low, quavering voice, “How old ARE you?”

>You look at your wife in disappointment, ”Mags, don't you think that's enough? It's rude to ask th-”

>”It's alright dear, I've long since outlived the age where I worry about my lost youth.” Iris says, smiling grimly, “I lost count when I got to a millennium.”

>”What?” You say in shock.

>”You're over a thousand years old!?” Magdalene gasps.

>”You uh… look pretty good for your age?” Kenneth adds uncertainly.

>”Holy shit, you're old.” Erdrick exclaims, before promptly getting bopped on the head by Natsuko.

>Iris laughs heartlessly, “I know dear.”

>”This is normal, though, isn't it? Christi is a few hundred years old.” You ask.

>”Not for gazers.” Magdalene says, “They live longer than humans, but only by a few decades at best.”

>”Explain yourself, Iris. And tell us everything. You don't need to hide anything from us, we're your family.” You tell her.

>”Alright dear. I'll explain myself. I doubt you'll believe me, but I swear I tell you the truth.” She looks down at her hands and sighs, “…It's all my fault.”

>You reach out to Iris' shoulder, “Iris, it's not your-

>An eye-stalk slaps your hand away, “You don't even know what I've done! The terrible atrocities I've committed!” She breathes heavily for a few seconds before calming back down.

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178475 No.313381

Exposition dump incoming


>”We first met when I was a young lass. I lived in a small, but bustling city. Not like the cities they have now. Back then, monsters and humans lived together in peace, and everybody knew everybody. My mother was a respected mage and alchemist, while my father was an officer in the local militia.”

>”It was Autumn at the time, during the harvest festival. Everyone was buzzing with excitement because of agricultural techniques my mother discovered, the yield this year was twice as much as it had been the year before. Mages nowadays tend to be stigmatized as shut ins, and weirdos. But I could always see a bit of my mother in Magdalene, even though we don't share blood. She was always so sweet and caring, always listening to other's problems, just so she would know what to work towards. She was like a mother to everyone, friend and stranger.”

>”My family was given the honor of sitting next to the gods at the banquet. My mother was so nervous! But I was distracted by all the food on the table, so I don't think I really grasped the situation at the time. Believe it or not, I was not always the sophisticated and well mannered woman I am today. While I was stuffing my face, I saw him standing there. Oh, he was so handsome, I still remember how nervous I was. If the cake I was eating wasn't so good, I might have thrown up…”

>”He didn't seem intimidated by me at all, which was such a relief. Even back then, when monsters were deemed the norm, people were still put off by gazers. Our eyes were generally the culprit, but Edrick was like a kid in a candy store! He didn't seem to know which eye to look into… No one ever looked at me the way he did.”

>”He introduced himself, and asked if he could sit next to me. But before I could spout the food out of my mouth to say 'yes', my father immediately stood up and approached him.”

>”She deepens her voice into a a facsimile of something more masculine, ””And why do you wish to sit next to my daughter.” My father told him. A lot of people at the table went quiet. My father was never one to care about social etiquette, though.”

>”But Edrick, he just smiled politely, and told him he was captivated by my beauty, and wanted to know me better.”

>”My father immediately challenged him to a duel, demanding him to show he was strong enough to be my husband. Me and my mother, and I'm certain a lot of other people were mortified. Even Hamay began to protest, but Orn demanded the choice lie with Edrick.”

>”He said yes, of course. That smile of his never left his face. He almost always smiled… I don't think he was capable of being unhappy.”

>”At the time, he was just the son of a carpenter. He couldn't afford a weapon, or even time to give to training. But my dad was willing to compromise. They both agreed to a fist fight.”

>”Of course, my father knocked him flat in a single punch. Straight into his jaw, it was. I still remember the cracking sound it made. But Edrick, he got back up almost immediately, still wearing that smile, ready for more.”

>”My father insisted he should accept his loss, but Orn demanded they continue until one of them gave up.”

>”He actually got my dad good once, before being pummeled back into the ground.” She chuckles, “…But he still didn't give up. Eventually my father did, and just sat back down to go back to eating. Mother was so mad with him, embarrassing her like that. Despite that, Orn seemed happy with Edrick's performance, and offered him a seat at the table.”

>”We were inseparable after that. It was like we had known each other for lifetimes before. And my dad even warmed up to him after her joined his militia. He proved to be a valuable soldier, even challenging Orn himself to a duel to prove himself.”

>”Of course, no one ever won against Orn, but his valiance still impressed him enough for him to grant Edrick his blessing, and with it, my father gave him his blessing to propose to me. Edrick didn't even wait, he asked me to marry him on the spot. What else could I do but say yes?”

>”Almost immediately, Edrick started building a home for us so we would have room to raise children.”

>”But… but then… the gods vanished.”

>”A rash of murders terrorized nearly every settlement, natural disasters destroyed homes and crops, and worst of all, humans and monsters began blaming each other for it.”

>”Humans and monster split apart, and started settling in their own cities, both sides fighting each other for territory they claimed belonged to their own species alone. My parents were victims in the first of what would end up being countless battles between the two peoples.”

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178475 No.313382


>”It was even worse for couples like me and Edrick, who did not blame one or the other. We were ostracized by each side, frequently attacked and persecuted. Me and Edrick had to flee for our lives, and managed to find a hidden village where humans and monsters lived together in peace, where we enjoyed a quiet, if not a simple existence.”

>”But our peace was not to last. Our village was discovered by humans, who raided it, and burnt it to the ground. Edrick and I were trying to help some of the others escape, but the raiders ended up cornering us. Edrick… he faced them all by himself, and bought us time to escape… He told me he would meet up with me later… but… that never happened.”

>”Our group wandered the wilds, trying to get as far from the raiders as possible. But we soon got lost, hungry and desperate.”

>”One night, the two men in our group snapped, and decided that if they killed us and brought our heads to the raiders, they would be allowed to live.”

>”I… I hadn't killed anyone before that day, but seeing one of them strangle their own wife to death… and then turning on me… I…”

>”All I remember was coming to to see them dead with smoldering holes in their chests…”

>”But from then on… I couldn't help but hate humans… they took my husband away from me… they killed my kin…”

>”I eventually wandered into the Crimson Wastes, where a small monster city was being established, built into the mountain where our god descended from the heavens. It was a hard life, food was scarce at first, but we persevered, and were made stronger for it.”

>”For myself, my hatred fueled my strength. I became a soldier to protect my sisters, and quickly proved myself with my skills as a spellsword. …My parents would have been ashamed if they knew what I had used their teachings to do…”

>”As I grew older, I had seen far too much, and yet still survived. The skirmishes between human and monsters had only gotten bloodier and bloodier. The humans were winning the long fight, though. Ebonthorn was aging, we didn't have any way to mate, and our advantage as monsters was locked away because of it… So I saw the problem, and I came up with a solution. I gathered the strongest soldiers I knew, and we went into the smallest and worst protected human village we could find.”

>”We didn't care who it was, if they were young, or old. All we cared was if they were men. The women were slaughtered on the spot, before we captured and carted off their fathers, sons, brothers, and grandfathers,”

>”But even though we now had men… I… I still couldn't bring myself to do it… I didn't care how much I hated humans, I still loved Edrick too much… I still love him…”

>”Regardless, my sisters praised me as a heroine of monsterkind, and I was made their leader… Drunk on my victory, I claimed divine lineage, and crowned myself as the first Demon Queen of my domain, which I named Ebonthorn… after my lost love… Even when I was the most lost, memories of my beloved still shone like a beacon in my heart… But despite that, it wasn't enough to mitigate my first and worst act as queen: I made it the law of our land, that humans' only place in the world were as our slaves.”

>”I ruled my people with an iron fist, which suited our now battle hardened people just fine. But for the people who rightfully still had a shred of empathy left did not. I showed them no mercy, and any dissent was brutally, and swiftly crushed.”

>”We continued raiding human settlements, growing bolder with our increasing strength, which in turn attracted more monsters to my kingdom.

>”I had unleashed hell on this world, if only I knew what my actions would do.”

>”After decades of my reign of terror on the humans, they began to unite under one banner. What more, they claimed the God of Light had returned, and deemed monsters abominations beyond salvation.”

>”None of us believed it to be any more than a bluff… but then we met the paIadins on the battlefield.”

>”My troops were decimated. Destroyed by soldiers who seemed invulnerable to all but the most devastating attacks.”

>”But my hubris was too strong for me to accept defeat, and I only increased the frequency of my attacks on their cities.”

>”Then one day, their king came with his strongest men to repel my invasion.”

>”Despite my army's numbers, the strength of the paIadins put them on equal advantage. And then I saw him, their king. He spotted me among my squadron, and charged straight into the fray. My soldiers couldn't even faze him as he tore through my friends like paper, before coming for me.”

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178475 No.313384


>”I wasn't one to be intimidated so easily, but it was one of the most terrifying fights of my life, he had me on the ground, and was about to drive his blade into my heart, when I flung mud into the eye slits of his helmet. It bought me just enough time to tackle into him, and turn the tables. But as he his back hit the mud, his helmet fell off, and I stopped.”

>”I stopped, and for the first time in decades I cried.”

>”My beloved Edrick lie before me at the tip of my sword… And what hurt me more, was I saw him smile as he saw me, with tears in his eyes as well… I thought it was because of the bloody mud in his eyes at first.”

>”But when I ordered a retreat, he did as well.”

>”Little did our troops know, their Queen snuck out during the night to meet their enemy's King in secret.”

>”Our evening was bittersweet. A night of passion alone in the woods, only to sober up back into a world where our love would never be allowed to flower, and it was all my fault. I had sown the seeds of discord among my people, and given humans reason to hate and despise us.”

>”But Edrick… Edrick just smiled despite it all. As long as he could see me, he said, he would weather through anything.”

>”We met as enemies the next morning. We did our best to make it convincing when we wrote up a treaty. Humans and monsters would never be able to live together in peace again. Not after what had happened. Ebonthorn would no longer be invaded by Duskbreach, as long as we didn't do the same. We would be allowed to keep those we had enslaved, and any humans foolish enough to wander into our territory would be forfeit.”

>”Peace returned, in a way. The war ended, the fighting ceased, and both sides rejoiced. But I could not. I didn't like this world I had created, and began to sink into depression. Despite that my beloved Edrick and I would regularly meet in secret, it was my only joy in life, and my sorrow only grew deeper with every time I had to leave back to our own kingdoms.”

>”To make matters worse, I saw my kingdom become more degenerate, shiftless, morally bankrupt, perverted. They obsessed with pleasure of the flesh, and wanted to do nothing more than rutting with their slaves, with complete disregard to actual love or their mate's well being. All too often would a slave become injured or worse, only to be thrown away for a new one like some sort of cheap commodity.”

>”I became disgusted with my own people, just as I had been with humans.”

>”But I loved Edrick, and that last glimmer of love kept me going. So I still tried desperately to save my people from the values I had instilled in them, for it only to make them resent me in turn.”

>”I realized, it would take centuries for my people's hatred to heal. But despite my best efforts with Edrick, I had been unable to conceive a child, an heir to my throne… I had become too old for his seed to take root…”

>”But one night, as I walked the streets of my own city one night. I came across an orphan. A young demon child, who lie coughing and sick in an alley.”

>”I took her in to my palace, and nursed her back to health. She told me her name was Ella, and I vowed to her that I would raise her as my own child. She was so lovely… her innocence warmed my callused heart. And it was with her, I realized that perhaps, I could still change things for the better. I remembered the teachings the gods had taught us so long ago, and instilled them unto her as I raised her.”

>”Decades passed, and my daughter became an adult, as I became an even older woman. I was no longer fit to rule, so in my last years as Queen, I ordered destruction of all evidence of my rule out of shame for what I had done, before I gave her the crown. I left the city in Ella's hands while I went on a pilgrimage to recover whatever knowledge of the old gods was lost. I had hoped she would lead my people back into the right path, even if it took the rest of my life.”

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178475 No.313385


>”Of course, I always made time in my travels for my monthly rendezvous with the king. I'll admit, despite the guilt, the fact that our love was forbidden only served to inflame our passions.”

>”…But after years on the road, I returned to my kingdom to I find that without my diligent guidance, Ella too, had fallen to the degeneracy that plagued my people. I did what I could to bring her back to a righteous path, but she refused to listen to my 'outdated' teachings.”

>”She allowed me to set up a temple near her palace for my 'cult', if only to shut me up. I did all I could to get followers, but many people refused to admit that their overindulgence was a problem. I did not blame them, no one wants to admit guilt when it's been made the norm, and it was my fault to begin with…”

>”II continued to grow older, as did Edrick, and I began to lament that each visit could be our last, as one of us was bound to succumb to time eventually.”

>”But the decades rolled on, seemingly without either me or my lover. I joked with him that we must be blessed by the gods… and that was the first time I saw his smile falter.”

>”And Edrick only continued to grow more distant. His eyes didn't sparkle like they once did when he looked at me, and his smile seemed to dim further with every time I saw him until he seemed to despise life itself…”

>”Then one fateful night, when I went to our usual meeting spot… I still remember how he looked at me with eyes of such deep burning spite and hatred. He pointed at me, and summoned his soldiers, who were hiding nearby. He claimed I had been stalking his capital, and was responsible for a series of disappearances in one of his villages.”

>”I managed to escape with my life… but I lost the only reason to keep living. I retreated back to my temple, and deigned to waiting out the rest of my years, hoping that surely the next night would be the one the years would finally take me in my sleep.”

>”But for some reason, death never came.”

>”I didn't know why, but I began having dreams of my past. I relived my life so vividly every night, and my regret grew, and gnawed at me more and more. The guilt of my sins weight heavier and heavier on me more and more, and I knew, that I couldn't rest until I restored this world back into the one my gods envisioned. Not even death could offer me the respite until I had righted my wrongs…”

>”Of course… my long life only made more people distrustful of me, even my own daughter denied me to see my own granddaughter out of fear.”

>”So I used my inborn ability of 'persuasion', and 'persuaded' people that I was only a normal old mortal gazer. Of course, this took so much strength, I could only do it once every few decades, but it was enough to convince the 'royal' bloodline to let me stay close to them. I was always every young princesses' nanny, although in reality I was their great great great great great great grandmother.”

>”A terrible coup threatened the life of my twelfth granddaughter, Sayaka Ebonthorn. She honestly had it coming though, with her nasty streak of violence against her naysayers, but I couldn't bear to watch my beloved little girl be executed. I managed to persuade everyone involved that a new form of government would solve everyone's problems, and that's how our monarchy ended up into a republic.”

>”This seemed to be a boon for Ebonthorn, and we developed pretty nicely after that, although the moral degradation only got a little better, it was better than nothing. And then, after your grandmother died, I took her place for about a decade until little Lilith was old enough, and then she met Herbert, and then she gave birth to you.” She says, smiling at a exasperated looking Magdalene, “And… well, I guess the rest I don't have to tell you.”

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f1906f No.313392

Well shit, great work man.

A shame they'll never make an anime out of it.

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178475 No.313439


>Everyone looked overwhelmed, you knew you definitely were. Magdalene hunched over in her seat, looking at her hands..

>”I wouldn't blame you if you all despise me now, for what I've done.” Iris says grimly. “If it wasn't for me… you wouldn't have needed to risk your lives on this crusade.”

>Magdalene's chair creaks, drawing everyone's attention to her as she quietly walks out of the tent.

>”Mags, wait-” You go up after her, but Iris motions for you to stay.

>”Let her go, dear. I was the one who taught her to see humans as equals. She probably needs some time alone.”

>Natsuko stands up, looking slightly upset, “Ma'am, I… I think I need to think about this as well…”

>”That's fine, dear. If you want to take a break from my lessons, that's fine, too.”

>”…Yeah…” She sighs heavily as she leaves the tent.

>”I don't know… All of that was…” Kenneth counts under his breath, “…how many centuries ago? And even then, I've killed too many innocent people, of my own species no less, to be able to judge… In a war, even bad ideas can seem good at the time.”

>”I'm just concerned that you lied with us, ma'am.” Gwen says sweetly. “And to your own family… I understand if you didn't want to share because it hurt to remember, but I think if we're sharing in the pain, it's something we deserved to know.”

>”Especially since you were in love with our enemy… god, I couldn't imagine how this must feel for you.” Christi says as she furiously types away.

>”Look, Gwen's right, gramma. You lied to us.” You say, standing up and leaning your hands against the table, “And I know it was hard to talk about… but don't you think it's been hard for us, too? If we're risking our lives… my peoples' lives… I think this is something we deserved to know.

>Iris stares at you in shame,

>You take a breath and sit, doing your best to calm back down, “Me and Magdalene could have just lived a peaceful life together… I wouldn't have had to kill so much… I wouldn't have to be king…” You take off your helmet and look at it as you turn it over in your hands, eyeing the crown fused to it in regret, “…But then… would me and Magdalene still be together? Would we even have met in the first place?”

>”I couldn't tell you, dear. Not even the gods would know that.” Iris says sadly.

>”Gramma… Iris… I don't know what to do…”

>”You know what I think we should do, Champ? I think we've had a long day, my stump is aching like hell, and we still need to take the mines. Why don't you and Iris continue this chat tomorrow after we've all slept on it?”

>”I can keep an eye on her for you, if you like!” Gwen offers cheerily.

>”Yeah… lets take care of the business at hand, first.” You get up from your chair and turn to Iris as you leave, “We're going to discuss this later. No more lies, no more withheld truths.”

>”I understand… Please stay safe, dear.” She says, trying to sound optimistic, “And make sure you stay warm.”

>”…I will gramma.”

>The wind was picking back up as you and a regiment of soldiers made their way back to the pass. The blood and carnage from earlier that day still stained the snow, and made your body throb in pain as you remembered the injuries.

>”So… you served under that man?” You ask Kenneth.

>”Yeah… well, not directly… but that was probably for the best.” He says as he walked beside you. “Back then he was known as the Mad Mason.”

>”I'm afraid to ask…”

>”He had a bit of an anger problem, and that made a lot of grim rumors about him spread among the ranks. Like, the one that gave him that namesake.”

>”Uh… what was it?”

>”It was how he executed enemies of the Church. You see, stonemasons have these tools that let them split stone cleanly. A peg split down the middle, that's slowly pried open by hammering a wedge into it. Steinar had one just large enough to barely fit into a mans mouth…” Kenneth puts his hands together, “He made the accused lie down before the people, and used their head for masonry practice…”

>”By the Light…” You mutter in disgust.

>”And some times he would drag it out for hours too… and make everyone watch till the end. They said he would even kill subordinates who didn't perform well, because they were 'weak'… But that one was never really proven.”

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7b10a3 No.313440

Sweet I have been waiting!

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178475 No.313532


>”…I'm not like him, am I Kenneth?” you asked, worried.

>He looks at you, smirking as he cocks an eyebrow, ”He must have hit you pretty hard in the head, Champ. You're a good man, even if some don't think so. You need to stop worrying so much about that, you'll live longer.”

>Miners and craftsmen are led out into the main road, muttering nervously and crying in despair.

>”If I ever end up like him…”

>”I'll crack you in the jaw if you ever get like that, don't worry.” He laughs, trailing off as he sees a bunch of soldiers crowding around one building, angry shouting coming from within, “…What in the… Hey! What's going on in there!?”

>”Sir, we're having a problem getting this one out of there…”

>”Are they belligerent?” You ask.

>”Uh… no, actually…” She says, scratching her head, “Just stubborn.”

>You raise your hand, “Clear out and let me see to this.”

>The soldiers pull themselves away from the entrance, a handful more marching out of the building to make way for you.

>You apprehensively walk up to the open door, a sweltering heat that felt oppressive and miserable, even out in the chilling winds. Inside you see it's absolutely cluttered with all manner of armor and weapons of all shapes and sizes. The steady ring of an anvil reverberates out from deeper within.

>”Hello?” You shout out as you step inside, feeling sweat steadily start to soak into your brigandine as you carefully navigate the hoard of steel.

>The anvil continues to ring out without pause.

>It was actually a bit painful to listen to, actually. Each pound of the anvil felt like it was pounding into your skull…

>You finally step clear from the claustrophobic collection, and see a stout man working diligently as he punches a hole through the steel. It was hard to tell from here, but it looked like a pickaxe head.

>”Excuse me!” You shout over the noise.

>He picks up the cooling steel with his tongs, and looks it over before setting it back into a burning forge, stepping on a bellows on the floor.

>”EXCUSE ME!” You yell, ensuring that he could hear you.

>He glances over at you before returning his attention to the heating steel.

>”Look, I know you're busy, but you need to come out for just a moment!” You shout

>He doesn't react, watching the steel carefully as it begins to glow.

>”Are you even listening to me!?”

>He nods, eyes never leaving the forge.

>”Your home has been conquered by the Kingdom of Ebonthorn.”

>The blacksmith remains attentive to his work.

>”I am the Demon King. I rule over monsterkind.”

>He pulls the head from forge, and brings it to the anvil, where he adjusts the curve of the pick.

>”Does that not fill you with dread at all? Do you not fear for your life?”

>Without lifting his head, he simply shrugs.

>You're a bit shocked, but find yourself not being wholly bothered by it. In fact, you felt a bit glad, “Well, that's all we wanted to tell people… carry on I guess.”

>He nods as he hammers on the steel.

>As your turn to leave, an idea strikes. “…Hey, you're a blacksmith, and my current smith is a bit overworked. How would you like to be under my employ? You'll have lots of work!”

>His hammer stops mid-swing for a second, before he turns the steel over on the anvil and resumes hammering.

>”Well, the offer is still open if you change your mind.” You say, leaving him to his work.

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178475 No.313534


>You step back outside, feeling relieved as the cold starts to seep back through your armor.

>”Well?” Kenneth says. “He coming out?”

>”He's just working.” You say, taking your helmet off to let your sweat drenched hair cool off. “I told him what was going on, and he seemed fine with it.”

>”I… can't his work wait?” He says

>”Well, if you want to try to pry him from that anvil, be my guest…” You turn to the soldiers, “So, what exactly happened in there?”

>”Well…” The soldier looks away nervously, “He ignored our orders, so we went to escort him. So me and Asa went to 'escort' him, and… well, he held on to the anvil, and was still hammering despite the fact we were both pulling at him.”

>Asa speaks up, “Yeah, so we called for help, and we had about half a dozen of us trying to pull him away… he didn't shout or anything, he just seemed to disregard us entirely.”

>”Well, I think Anonson is right, probably best that he doesn't seem to mind this.” Kenneth says, “As you were, soldiers.”

>”…So, you're free to continue your jobs here, join our army, or leave for anywhere else in our territory. Are there any questions?” You say to the crowd of miners and other people living here that were gathered before you.

>”What does it matter!? You're just going to kill us like you killed those paIadins!” One shouts hopelessly.

>You shake your head, “No, no we did not kill them. They surrendered and left peace-”

>”That's a bunch a bull! We all saw a bunch of ya kill them in the streets, and drag 'em up the mountain!” A crotchety old man says.

>”I… I think you're mistaken, any deaths were merely in-” You lean in to Kenneth's ear, “Were there any deaths on their side?”

>Kenneth seems to hesitate, “I… I think we killed one archer, but-”

>”Sir…” A soldier whispers, “We found something by the mine's entrance… you're going to want to take a look at this…”

>The soldiers leads you to the mine's entrance, where the snow is bloodstained, following a trail that seems to lead up the mountain. Half way up the path, the soldiers hesitate going any further, before turning to face you.

>”Is something wrong? Why did you stop?” You ask.

>”It's uh… Ashley, sir…” She points to a set of armor, piled unceremoniously on the ground ahead. A faint scent of ashes lingers in the air.

>You focus, and begin to see a malicious veil of runes drifting in front of you. “I see… return to your posts. I'll handle it from here.”

>”We're sorry sir.”

>You smile somberly and shake your head, walking ahead with Kenneth in tow. As you step into the ward, you feel your hair stand on end.

>”This feels familiar…” Kenneth says anxiously, “Like… we're being watched…”

>”We are.” You growl.

>”Oh…” He says, knowingly. “Hey… hey, Champ. Do you think I should moon god?”

>”Pfft… probably not. Wouldn't be worth the frostbite on your ass.” You laugh, “He's probably seen it before, anyways.”

>”Yeah… must have taken it as an invitation to fuck me all those times…” His voice drops to a dismal tone.

>You reach the top of the mountain, the trail of blood leading to a stone altar surrounded by small obelisks. Over a dozen paladin corpses sat propped up against the structures, weapons still in hand. Their armor was practically stained red, dented and warped, some of the helmets nearly crushed flat.

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178475 No.313541


>”What the hell.” You curse in confusion as you walk up to the altar.

>Upon its marble surface lie of sizable stone tablet. Wary of any traps, you look around and listen as you approach it, seeing the tablet's surface inscribed with masterfully carved words..

>”What's it say?” Kenneth asks, leaning over your shoulder.

>”How much blood are you willing to spill on these altars?” You read, the handwriting is simple and legible. “…What do you make of it?”

>”I think they're trying to psyche you out, Champ. I wouldn't put much thought into it…”

>”Do you think it was Steinar?” You ask.

>He kneels down next to one of the corpses, and touches one of the large, clearly square shaped ones, “Looks like it… God damn, he really was holding back…”

“Seems a bit extreme to kill his own troops for it… do you think those rumors were true after all?”

>Kenneth rubs the scruff on his neck, “…At this point, anything could happen and it wouldn't shock me.” He stands up and walks over to the altar, looking it over as he puts his hand on his hip. ”So, how are you going to take care of this hunk of slag?”

>You stay silent, and walk around the altar, looking out over the cliff at the land before you. It's like you can see the entire country from here… and straight beyond the marble structure, you can see Duskbreach Keep, the tower in the center gleaming in the sun. Taking a deep breath, you focus on the city in the horizon, and peer past the material plane…

>A sparking pain sears through your mind, and you see a dark aura completely engulfing Duskbreach, several more foreboding spots of shadow dotting the country in the corner of your vision.


>”Nnnngghh…!!!” You struggle to tear your mind out of the Aether, the vicious words lingering in your mind for a few moments before going silent.

>”Are you okay!? What's wrong?” Kenneth shouts, shaking you.

>”…You didn't hear that?” You say incredulously, before catching yourself..

>He shakes his head.

>”I wish I was just going crazy…” You sigh, before turning back to the altar. “Let's get rid of this thing.”

>After an exhausting bout destroying the altar, you and Kenneth made your way back to camp, soldiers scrambling back and forth taking supplies back to the mines.

>”I don't know about you, but I'm going to go to my tent for the night. You gonna be okay?” Kenneth says, before letting out a big yawn..

>You stretch your arm around, trying to soothe the stiffness and soreness in your muscles, “I'll be fine.”

>Kenneth laughs, “Your girl does good work…” His smile sinks for a moment, “…I think you should see if she's alright, though.”

>”She… didn't seem to handle Iris' story very well… I'm a bit scared to be honest.” You look down at the ground, “Don't know how I'm going to talk to her… What would you do?”

>”See ya tomorrow, Champ!” He shouts, already climbing into his tent.


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178475 No.313545


>Magdalene sat hunched at her desk, unmoving as you stepped inside your tent. Her work space was covered in a fine silken cloth, it's satin surface marred with smears of grease and oil stains. She meticulously sifted through hundreds of mechanical parts, arranging them on the cloth.

>”Honey… you okay?” You say softly, not wanting to mess up her work.

>”A quarter of the chain links are missing, and the mana coil is melted-” She says, not moving from her seat.

>”I asked if you were okay.” You say, gently resting a hand on her shoulder.

>”…-I'll have to order more copper in the next supply caravan…” She mutters.

>Gingerly, as not to startle her, you slip your arms around and hold her close.

>”I… don't know…” She sighs, relaxing her head back into your chest, holding your hands close.

>”Why don't we go to bed.”

>”…Maybe later.” She says, letting go and reaching for pieces of the crossbow again.

>You reach over and entwine your fingers between hers, pulling them back to her chest, “We have to get up early…”

>”Anonson, just let me work…” She sighs.

>”You do enough work, you need sleep.” You assure her.

>”And you risk your life too much…” Her voice tired. “Why can't you just let the soldiers do their job?”

>”Because it's my duty to lead them into batt-”

>She jerks around to face you, eyes red and swollen, cheeks stained with tears, ”It's not your problem! It's Iris's! It's her fault, she should be fighting on the front lines, not you!”


>”All those years… all those years I took what she told me to heart… Even though it made me a pariah, and drove me apart from my mother, it nearly got me, and you killed… even now…”

>”She couldn't do it alone… she needed help… and you were the only one who ever wanted to…”

>She turns to face you incredulously, “Do you have any idea how many innocent human's lives she's responsible for destroying!? How many generations of thousands of human beings entire lives being spent in misery!? Shes worse than the dog!” Magdalene shouts, pointing to Lucy, who recoiled in guilt.

>”Hey, she at least tried to fix it… I would have kept doing what I did if your husband didn't beat me near to death half a dozen times-”

>”SHUT UP! If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have even been a slaver to begin with!”

>You gently grasp her shoulders ”Magdalene, she's your grandmother… and… she loves you.”

>”But she's not even my grandmother! She's just… she's just some random stranger who called herself my grandmother. Not even my blood grandmother… She lied to me all this time… She couldn't have just told me this all to begin with!? She only told us because she got caught!”

>”But, Mags… what was she supposed to tell you? 'Hey, sweetie, did I ever tell you the story about how I'm a thousand years old, and also single-handedly responsible for the entire human slave trade?'”

>”Exactly! And how do we know she's even telling the whole truth about this!? It's absolutely absurd!” She shouts, hands thrown up into the air exasperatedly.

>”I don't know, honey. But at this point, does it even matter?” You say, feeling the fatigue from the long and perilous day set in. “What would she have to gain from lying about this? She threw her reputation and her relationship with you on the line.”

>”I don't know… attention…? Why else would she lie?” She says tiredly.

>”Lets just go to sleep, Mags. We'll talk to Iris more in the morning, okay?”

>She droops slightly, “I told you, I have work to do…”

>”I'll have Jäeger take care of it in the morning.” You grab Magdalene's waist and twirl her slightly towards the bed roll, “Besides… it's cold without you…”

>Your wife looks down at her feet and smiles slightly, “…Fine.”

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178475 No.313547


>The following morning, you and your friends embarked back down the mountain, leaving the camp behind for the troops to handle. You didn't like leaving the grunt work to them, but this was the best way to privately discuss what would be done with Iris.

>Not that any one seemed to be the one to start. No one was really sure what to say, despite the night of contemplation before.

>Iris quietly kept to the back of the group, while everyone else seemed to want a bit of distance.

>Kenneth groans impatiently, “If no one's going to say anything, I will.” Everyone stops as he turns to Iris. “Look, I don't care what you did. None of us can change that. But you can't lie to us any more, especially not when lives hang in the balance.”

>The elderly priestess nods, “I understand.”

>”Then we need to know if you're keeping anything else from us.” You add, “Please, anything. You were close to Edrick. If you're truly trying to help us, we need to know anything that could help us stop him.”

>”You claim you've fought against him on the battlefield, witnessed how he commands his troops.” Kenneth says, “Is there any weakness that he has? Preferred strategies?”

>”Well, Edrick always was an honorable man, to a fault.” Iris muses, “He preferred meeting his enemies in the battlefield head on, thought flanking and sneak attacks were for the cowardly lots…” She closes her eyes and looks up, “If it wasn't for that, my forces would have never held their own against him, admittedly. But… that was when I fought against him. He… changed… a lot, before he…” She goes silent.

>”The why would he send you a love letter, now of all times?” Naomi asks.

>”Actually, that letter… I wasn't tearing it up. It just crumbled in my hands. The vellum it was written on was incredibly old. It must have degraded rapidly in the freezing wind.”

>You turn to Magdalene, who had been looking down the mountain quietly the entire time. “Is she telling the truth? Was it really that brittle?”

>”I… it did break apart if I wasn't careful…” She says quietly.

>”It doesn't matter.” Iris says, “I was still trying to withhold information from you, my family. There's no excuse for what I did.”

>Everyone continues walking down the path in silence, with Iris shuffling along behind you.

>Magdalene looks down at her feet, not uttering a word.

>”Ma'am…” Natsuko pipes up, “I… can't say I've done anything as bad as you… but you still gave me hope when I thought I had lost all purpose in my life. Honestly… if Anonson hadn't introduced you to me, I might… I probably wouldn't be here today.”

>”And a lot of the soldiers look to you and Naomi for guidance in these troubling times. I see no reason why we should allow any of this to leave this group.” Gwen says.

>”We should still keep a close eye on her.” Kenneth says, “She did lie to us about something so serious during war time.”

>”I swear to you all, in front of God, and all of Their creation, while I can never change how much I love him… I will do everything in my power to stop Edrick. I wouldn't even hesitate to kill him if I had the chance..” Iris sighs, “I think… the Edrick I used to know would have wanted it that way.”

>You approached a stone overhang, where charred remains of an earlier campfire lie half buried in the snow.

>”Looks like we got here earlier than expected.” You say, Naomi and Erdrick shrugging off the bundles of firewood that had been slung over their backs. “Lets get the fire started and wait for the rest to get here.”

>The fire crackled, shielding everyone from the cold as the embers rose to the darkening sky.

>Soldiers had arrived, and set up their tents, before lighting more fires to banish the chill.

>As you finished helping them set up camp, you notice Magdalene sluggishly walking back towards your own tent.

>”Hey, Mags, where are you going? We were just about to eat.”

>She turns to look back at you, “I'm tired, I'm turning in for the night.” her voice quiet and flat.

>”Oh… okay. Sleep tight, honey.” You call out.

>But she had already went inside.

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178475 No.313569


>You walk back to the fire where your friends had gathered, who were chatting quietly.

>Jaëger looks up at you and smiles, “Hey! There he is!” raising his mug with his voice, as he reaches around and pulls and increasingly irritated looking Naomi in close, “Come ere and join us for a drink in celebration! Maybe convince this stick in the mud to have some fun!”

>”There's no reason to celebrate. We suffered several injuries and deaths from a handful of men, and have a potential traitor among us.” She growls, prying herself away from the large man.

>”Shit! A traitor!?” He shouts, “Who!?”

>”Shut up, you stupid drunk!: Naomi hisses.

>”She means Iris…” You say, quietly, noticing she wasn't there, “Speaking of…”

>”Said she was exhausted, I sent a soldier to escort and… guard her.” Naomi raises her hand, “Don't worry, I told her she simply needed protection, and had a tendency to wander off… Our troops morale is low enough as it is, we can't let that get out… not until we're sure she's a threat.”

>”I don't think she will be. She can't seem to do much without getting tired, or complaining about her joints.” You sigh as you sit down and get in close to the fire.

>”Listen to yourselves.” Jaëger says, sloshing his mug about, “You guys are accusin' kin of bein' a spy for a bunch of tightwads that would kill a man just for saying hello to her.”

>A wave of shame washes over your face, “Jaëger, it's not like that…

>”He has a point…” Kenneth admits, looking down guiltily.

>”'Sides… she was tellin' the truth… I've heard a lot of bullshit stories at the bar: “…Oh I caught a fish that looked like a pretty woman, but it got spooked and managed to escape.” Or, “I bagged the biggest buck you've ever seen, but it got stolen by a giant snake person!” Oh, or my favorite, “I got raped by a grizzly bear! Why won't any of you believe me!?”” Jaëger says, trying to calm down from a laughing fit, “But yeah, you can tell from the way someone talks if they're talkin' bullshit or not… and she wasn't lyin'…”

>Everyone looks at him blankly as he finishes his beer.

>He sighs contently and looks around at you ”What?”

>”I think… discussing this more isn't going to accomplish anything. We should just keep an eye on her, and leave it at that.” Gwen says, “Especially since she's not here right now. It's a bit rude, you know?”

>”Yeah…” You say.

>”Well, since we're done talkin' about that, I'm going to bed.” Kenneth yawns as he gets up.

>”I'm right behind you, dear. Good night everyone.” Gwen says as she goes after him.

>Jaëger stretches and yawns, ”Thinkin' bout hittin' the hay myse-”

>”You have the night watch.” Naomi drones, “Remember?”

>”Uh yeah, of course I remember… I was just heading there… to do… that…” He says, getting up and smiling nervously as he left.

>Erdrick's snoring draws your eyes over to Natsuko, who gently strokes his hair as he sleeps on her lap. “I think we're going to turn in as well. You gonna be alright?”

>”I'll be fine. Think I'll go take a walk.” You sigh, getting up from the crate you were sitting on.

>”Taking a walk? We just spent all day doing that! You sure you're okay?” Natsuko says, cocking an eyebrow.

>”I think Mags needs some time alone… she was being kind of moody today..”

>”Yeah, she has been acting weird lately… everything fine between you?”

>You nod, “Yeah, just… a lot of little things. She's just stressed.”

>”Can't imagine why… everyone can hear you giving her plenty of stress relief-”

>”I'll talk to you later good night Natsuko!” You blurt out, trying to block out the thought of your troops hearing you those past nights.

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406517 No.313590

File: fc60d9fd1d29478⋯.png (66.28 KB,388x223,388:223,zdsU7xU.png)

Thanks for the update!

Also, why is it not Jäger anymore?

Plus you could make infodumps more enganging with some action or scene descriptions between the monologues.

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d2939a No.313612


I thought I always spelled it Jäeger… must have been a huge lapse of judgement on my part.

But thank you for pointing that out, and the constructive criticism.

I kind of wanted to do Iris' life from her perspective, but that would have ended up being like, an entire book of it's own. I had to stop writing it after I had made that part alone 8k words long, and it had only started.

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178475 No.313665

Hell, maybe I'll write Iris' story in detail as fluff between this and Sitl2: Princess Song


>The snow crunches under your boots as you trudge through the harsh landscape. You close your eyes, feeling chill in the air sting your cheeks. The frost made you feel just a little more alive, like your mind burned with thought more easily.

>You come across a cliff overlooking a wide stretch of mountain, and stand at the edge, taking in the sights as the world seemed to go quiet, save for a distant forlorn whistling.

>”Sir, it's getting late. I really think we should head back.” Naomi says as she tags along behind you.

>”Naomi, please be quiet for a bit.”

>You could practically hear your guard nod in the silence.

>Standing still, you close your eyes and concentrate, slowing your breathing into a calm, deliberate pace.

>You focus past the Aether, and you begin to fee; the world shift.

>In the void behind your eyelids, you could see the pulse of Naomi's soul glowing from behind you.

>Feeling around, you were a bit dismayed to be unable to see any life around. Though you suppose not much can live here.

>But in the distance, you could see a great light. It came from the direction your camp was in. The countless aurae clashed and washed around the others in a maelstrom of radiant lights.

>Another light flickers in the corner of your eye, and you turn only to see nothing. But something nagged at you to keep looking. It felt like there was something there, liking seeing something in the edge of your vision, but only in this one direction…

>What if you… pushed further…

>It felt like probing into tar, but you continued to focus on that spot.

>Something snaps, and a few dozen souls come into your vision.

>One of them bolts up.

>A profanity echoes faintly in your ears, snapping you out of your trance, to see you were staring at… boulders?”

>”Sir, I heard something. We should-”

>You shush her, and peer over at the boulders in the distance.

>Suddenly, armed men rush out from behind and charge towards you.

>Leading the charge was Steinar with his war hammer raised high in the air.

>As you grab at your mace, you see him notice you, and slow down. He signals his men, who stop in confusion and head back towards the boulders.

>”What are you doing?” He growls.

>”I was just meditating, and decided to look around.” You say, a little indignantly. “What are you doing here? I gave you passage past my men.”

>He grunts and turns his back on you, “One of my men sprained an ankle on the trek. We've slowed down until he can recover.”

>”That's kind of you.” You muse, “But why didn't you just kill him and spare yourself the trouble?”

>”Because we're not monsters.” He spits.

>”Then why did you kill your own men back at the mines?” You retort.

>His face settles into grim determination, ”Their loyalty was… insufficient.”

>”What the hell does that mean!?”

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178475 No.313666


>”I don't tell you how to lead your… abominations. But what I want to know is why you destroyed my ward?” His voice rising in anger as he pulls out a chain hanging from his neck, a stone talisman hanging from it with half of it seemingly cracked off. It was then you noticed numerous other amulets of similar construction, mana surging through the runes occasionally.

>”I didn't know there was a ward there… I'm sorry.”

>He seems a bit lost for a moment, before peering sharply into your eyes. After an awkward silence, his grimace relaxes, “…I see. Very well then.”

>Steinar begins walking away back to where you assume his camp was.


>”I can simply carve a new one. I have no further qualms with you, and I suggest you keep it that way.” He says without stopping.

>”You delivered a message from the King to me!” You shout, running after him.

>He continues without stopping.

>”I want you to deliver a message back to him!”

>Steinar stops in place. “He as already assumed you to have been wise enough to accept his offer of mercy.”

>”No! Well, yes. Kind of.”

>He turns to look at you with a mote of impatience.

>”Peace between our kingdoms won't last forever like this. We're going to step on each others toes eventually. I want to discuss coexistence between our kingdom-”

>”No. Coexistence will never be an option between us, Morningglory.” He says with the bluntness of a maul.

>You knit your brow, and speak sternly, “I'm not asking for your opinion on the matter! I'm asking for you to send that message to your King!”

>He looks at you for a moment, the anger melting away into something more tired before her turns back towards his path. Without another word, Steinar starts walking once more.

>”I demand that you send my message to him!” You shout angrily. “I won't let blind animosity, much less, some washed up, overblown messenger, separate our people!”

>”He has already heard you.” His voice becoming shorter.

>”Then why won't he come and discuss it with me!?”

>Steinar stops, and stomps back towards you, face turning red, ”His Majesty has more important things to worry about than to speak with a petulant child playing a ruler!” He screams, vein pulsing in his forehead as his hands shake, seeming as if he were struggling not to throttle you.

>You hear Naomi's gauntlet rest on the hilt of her blade. Raising her hand for her to be still, you stare him down silently, waiting and readying yourself for his next move.

>He groans in relief, relaxing his composure into a tired frown, ”I've seen your records, Morningglory.” Steinar goes quiet for a moment, eyeing your reaction, “I know you're not an… entirely, stupid kid… Do the right thing, and accept His mercy.” After giving you a good hard look, he turns to leave.

>As you watch him walk away, you take a step forward and shout, “You're wrong. Peace is possible. We've already proven it.”

>Steinar hesitates, but seems set on ignoring you as he returns to his camp.

>”Good night, Naomi.” You say wearily as you approach your tent.

>”Good night, sir.” She says, saluting, before dismayingly standing next to Jaëger, who snored loudly as he stood, fast asleep. Naomi reaches up slowly and pats his cheek a few times.

>”Hmmhmhm…” He giggles drowsily, …”Naomi, your claws are so gentle…

>As you go inside, you hear a loud slap behind you.

>”AHH! I-I'm awake, I'm awake!” Jaëger shouts


>You notice the chair at your wife's desk was empty. An overturned crate lie at it's feet, mechanical contents strewn out over the ground.

>Magdalene lie curled up in your bedroll, sound asleep.

>Taking a short breath, you kneel down and pick up the mess, stowing it safely back into it's crate.

>Satisfied with the tent now being tidy, you strip off your cumbersome plating and climb into bed, sidling up close and wrapping your arm around your wife. You close your eyes, and wait for slumber…

>Magdalene shifts slightly, tightly grasping your hand and holding it closely to her chest.

>”Good night, Mags.”

>”I… Good night.”

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178475 No.313667


>After another long trek, you and your troops finally arrived back at the naval base. Soldiers busy at work running to and fro. James was at the docks, barking orders to them like it was second nature.

>”Ahh! Yer finally back!” James says, beaming as he notices you approach the docks. “I take it ye brought them bastards te their knees, eh?”

>”Yeah, the mines are now ours… but-”

>”Ah, hold that thought fer a moment, lad.” He turns to one of the ships, “What in the world are ye doin'!? You're tanglin' the riggin'! God dammit! I'll do it myself!” James huffs, and storms off down the dock, “We'll have te talk later, lad…”

>You lift your helmet up to scratch your head, turning back towards the base. It looked rather cleaned up since the last you saw it. All the debris as been swept away, and the damage to the buildings had been repaired. It always marveled you how quickly your soldiers got things done.

>As you started to wonder if they even needed you to begin with, something slams into your legs, nearly toppling you over.

>”You're back!” Perri cheers, clinging to you tightly. As if suddenly aware of her outburst, she looks around and nervously shrinks away from you, “S-sorry, sir…”

>”It's fine Perri.” You smile, walking down the boardwalk, inspecting everything, “How have things been around here?”

>She waddles up to your side, having a bit of trouble keeping up with your longer strides, ”Oh… a bit boring… I spent most of the time while you were gone making fixtures for the buildings and ships…”

>You do a double take as you pass by a door, and notice one of the hinges was much shinier, and decorated with an ornate flowery carving, ”I see… How's the progress on my armor?”

>She looks down and anxiously twiddles her fingers, ”Uh… slow… actually. It's a bit… difficult, to reach the temperatures needed to melt down the adamantite in this climate… I'm sorry…”

>”No need to apologize, Perri!” You laugh, ruffling her hair “I know you're the best, so take all the time you need.”

>She giggles under her breath, and looks down to hide her smile, “Y-yes sir.”

>”My Lord!” Naomi says as she approaches you, escorted by two other soldiers behind her. “We caught this man loitering around the base. He refuses to answer us at all. What would you have us do to him?”

>She stands aside, revealing the blacksmith from the mines being restrained between the two soldiers. What seemed like a dozen leather straps wrapped around his chest, secured a massive pack hanging from his back. A myriad of hammers, tongs, and clamps hung from loops, while a massive anvil miraculously sit strapped tightly to the top. The straps binding it to the pack creaked and groaned with his every breath, terrifying you considering all that weight was near his head.

>”Ah! It's… uh… I don't ever believe I got your name…” You trail off trying to remember, “

>He fishes out a scroll of papyrus from his pack, and unfurls it, presenting it to you to read.

This document certifies under order of the Holy King, that Wolfram, now rewarded the surname of Isbrande, shall be honored as Royal Blacksmith to His Majesty and Kingdom Duskbreach.

>”Ah… Wolfram. You… were held in rather high esteem, weren't you? You know I'm not forcing you to work for me, right?”

>Wolfram nods, crumpling up the certificate and throwing into the ocean.

>Perri tugs at your brigandine, “…Anonson… who's this…?” Her voice low, and deeper than usual.

>”This is Wolfram Isbrande. A blacksmith from the mines.” You say, walking up to him and shaking his hand firmly. “And now your partner!”

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178475 No.313668


>When you don't hear a response, you look over at Perri and see her staring at Wolfram behind a skeptically squinted eye.

>Wolfram looks back at her blankly, extending out a hand.

>”Uh… Perri… why don't you introduce yourself?” You whisper, gently nudging her with your knee before turning to Wolfram, “Don't mind her, she's just shy. But she's the most talented master blacksmith in my Kingdom, I think you'll enjoy working with her!”

Perri grasps his hand, and tightens her grip, seemingly bent on crushing it.

But Wolfram returns the favor, albeit without the malicious intent Perri seemed to have. For a few tense moments, you watch as they both gradually exert themselves in a game of increasing their grip until the other one gives.

>You clear your throat, urging them to stop, “Uh, anyways… Why don't you help Wolfram get his equipment stored in the hold, and get acquainted with each other?”

>Perri looks at you, hurt, and nods, “…Yes sir…” She sighs before quietly walking off towards the docks.

>Wolfram looks at you, and blinks in confusion.

>”I don't know, either. You're not put off by her eye, are you? She's a bit sensitive about it.”

>He shakes his head, reaching up to his eye patch, and pulling it down. Behind it, was an empty eye socket, healed over with scarred skin.

>Despite your constitution, you had a bit of a difficult time looking straight at it. “O-oh… how did that happen?”

>He seems to think as he puts his eye patch back on. Kneeling down, he grabs a handful of snow in one hand, while grabbing a hammer in the other. He smacks the snow in his palm with it, and makes an exploding motion with his hand, which he quickly motions towards his eye.

>”That must have been painful!” You admonish.

>Wolfram shrugs, and points towards the boat questioningly.

>”Oh, sorry to keep you. Yes, just put your stuff in the ship's hold. Perri will show you where.”

>He nods, before leaving.

>Naomi stands at attention before you.

>”Status, Naomi?”

>”We should be ready to leave by morning sir. James' report says the weather is looking clear, so there should be no issues on the trip back to the mainland.”

>”Excellent. Looks like things are starting to look up for us, now.” You say, feeling relieved.

>”Sir, if you don't mind me asking, where are we going from there?”

>You go quiet, and recall Edrick's letter, and your run ins with Steinar. Despite Magdalene's miraculous ability as a healer, you could still feel phantom pains from your broken ribs.


>”I… I think, maybe we'll go back to Ebonthorn Crag… and see where we go from there.”

>”You're not losing your nerve, are you, champ?” Kenneth says as he stops at your side.

>”Ah… I don't know. Seems like a good time to stop and plan our next… what path we should take, don't you?”

>”Well… if Duskbreach's King keeps his word…” Kenneth sighs, and looks out at the sea, “…Not like we really have the element of surprise anymore… his forces have no doubt bolstered security on the mainland now, so it's not like it matters… Gives us time to establish a more firm foothold in our new territories, I suppose. Won't have to spread ourselves so thin so fast…”

>”Would be so much easier if we could just… not worry about the diplomacy part.” You groan, “It's not like anyone even appreciates our efforts. Watchharbor hates us, even though we did nothing to them.”

>”Conchport and Towerwood is relatively fond of you, sir.” Naomi says.

>”Watchharbor was… an extremely unfortunate mistake. But the people will warm up to us eventually.” Kenneth adds.

>”But what about the rest of Duskbreach… if we can't force the Church out of it, how will we ever unite humans and monsters together?” You ask.

>”Change takes time, Anonson… If we invaded Duskbreach Keep and paraded the king's head through the country, do you think people would immediately change their mind about monsters, just like that?”

>”I suppose not.” You sigh, “Sure would help a lot, though.

>”You're worrying too much, champ. Everything will work out, I know it will.” Kenneth says as he puts his hand on you and smiles, “Hell, I bet by now, the citizens of Watchharbor are starting to realize what a truly good man you are!”

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986e00 No.315589


>“Hell, I bet by now, the citizens of Watchharbor are starting to realize what a truly good man you are!”

That's right up there with "What could possibly go wrong?"

Shit I forgot this was a thing, the tab slib a bit far to the side…

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ccf67f No.326008

So is this story dead now?

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ac4f5e No.326063


Not dead. Sorry. Just continuously burning out from a cycle of constant writing, trashing, and rewriting. I promised I was going to finish, and I meant it.

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cdd7e7 No.331698


Please come back brother Anonson.

This entire board needs you.

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b15008 No.333266

bump from 21, no idea if this has been properly archived.

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63ab49 No.333271


I hope you die of every single type of cancer that's out there.

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ab6f3a No.333272


Don't blame him, he was just trying to save the thread

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fc76aa No.333346

File: 89c50279b70531b⋯.png (59.86 KB,324x265,324:265,89c50279b70531b0fdc6a28d52….png)

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cd429d No.339474

Great story! Although it would be great if the pastebin got updated more frequent as i have no internet 90% of the time

Anyway keep up the good work!

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eb4c78 No.339476


I hope you have kids and they all die before they reach ten.

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e9e104 No.339477

File: 5fe7aa852511708⋯.jpeg (23.12 KB,375x392,375:392,images.jpeg)



>bumping a story thread

Please go and stay go

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b66584 No.339511


13, I hope they reach 13. He deserves more years with them so he suffers for longer.

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4067fa No.339877

File: a1844b4488b3b26⋯.jpg (64.5 KB,600x600,1:1,ddb165463127e7ae0a69261d4a….jpg)

This was the best story on /monster/, I'm pretty sad that the author doesn't continue it.

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af3c3a No.343885

So is this story officially dead?

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2847db No.346516

Still alive. Too much life is the problem. Not important though. Story time again. Please feel free to tear into it, I'm rusty and need to get back into the swing of things.


>The trip back south to the mainland was calm and peaceful. The sun shone, and much to the relief of your cold blooded troops, the climate became relatively warm compared to the frozen mountains.

>While Magdalene remained silent to Iris, the weather seemed to help her disposition immensely. She walked about with a spring in her step, and happily helped the crew in any way she could.

>You couldn't say you were feeling all that great yourself, unfortunately. Your mind was stuck back on the events that transpired in the mountains.

>It probably didn't help that you were ruminating on your country's future while holding Lucy's hair back as she leaned over the railing.

>”Ughhh… how does Captain Cuckold manage to do this for days on end?” She groans sickly.

>”I don't know…” You say absentmindedly, looking at the horizon. “…Looks like storm clouds in the distance. Hey James…?”

>”Yes, lad?” He says happily.

>”Are we heading for a storm?” You say with detached concern.

>”Huh?” He pulls out a spyglass, and adjusts it to look where you pointed, “No… nope! Looks fine te me! Might jus' be a shadow made by the clouds, but it's not a storm.”

>”That's good.” You say, digging through one of your pockets for a strap of leather. With a deftly tied knot, you tie Lucy's hair back and give her a pat on the back, “I'll be back in a bit.”

>She looks at you desperately and whines, “W-wait! Don't leave me like this!”

>”I have to go check on something. What happened to the big, bad hellhound?” You smirk.

>Lucy doesn't even flinch, “She spilled out into the sea with the rest of my lunch! Don't lea- hrk-!” She recoils in terror, doubling over before stumbling back to the edge of the boat, heaving whatever dregs were left in her stomach, overboard.

>”Hey, lad. Go fetch some water and sea biscuit from the galley. Don't want yer dog wretchin' all over my deck!” James hisses.

>”Sorry about that.” You say, hands still resting on her shoulders.

>”It's alright lad. Once she's feelin' better, we can strap her up and have her wash the hull.” He laughs.

>As if dreading the thought, Lucy's next bout of puking was accompanied by unenthused groaning,and choking sobs.

>Making your way down to the galley, you saw Gwen outside the door, looking inside uneasily at the men slaving away over the stoves.

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2847db No.346517


>”Don't tell me you're seasick, too.” You say.

>”N-no… but.” She peeks back into the kitchen, “I just… want to help.”

>”Then help? Your cooking is fantastic, there's no reason you shouldn't!”

>”I tried… but, its really cramped in there. They asked me to leave because they said they had wives waiting for them.” She crosses her arms under her breasts and looks over thoughtfully, “I have no idea what that has to do with cooking. Must be a sailor thing.” She sighs, before looking slightly saddened, “So how's Maggie holding up?”

>”She's still taking it hard. I've been telling the troops she's just got a cold, though. Morale is bad enough after that skirmish at the mines-” Your ears pick up Lucy's retching again. “We should talk later, though. Need to keep the deck clean.”

>You step into the small cramped kitchen, and nearly get bowled over by a scampering cook.

>”Sorry, sir!”

>”No problem, I just needed some tea and hardtack. I'll just be a-” As you take another step, the chef's hands fly into a flurry, grabbing tea leaves and a tin cup from the cabinets. His partner ran over to a barrel in the corner, tossing a brick of hardtack to the chef, who combines everything with some boiling water from the kettle into the cup, which he hands to you.

>You blink in amazement, “Uh, thanks.”

>”You're welcome, sir!” They shout in unison, as they resume their work dutifully.

>Stepping outside with the steaming mug of barely edible cracker. You see James and Lucy standing on the center of the ship, James holding her shoulders as he pointed to the port side. “Alright, lass. Just stare out there, where the sea meets the sky.”

>”It's not working!” She whines.

>He grabs her head, and roughly turns it back towards the horizon. “Cuz ye keep moving yer head! Just FOCUS!” James notices you, “Go on, then, give it to her.”

>You hand the mug to Lucy, who glances down in disdain. “I hate this crap, hurts my teeth…”

>”Just chew on that, and stare out there till ye get yer sea legs! Yer outta the way here, anyways.” James says in relief as he leans in close to you, “I had the same problem when I was a lad. Just need something to keep ye busy.”

>”You could of just put her to work…” You laugh.

>”I wouldn't trust her te swab the deck.” He says with a frown, turning towards the poop deck, where Iris was preaching to a group of soldiers. “So what's the deal? Y'all have been actin' like yer treadin' glass 'round her.”

>You sigh heavily, ”It's complicated.”

>He looks at you angrily, “I may be a simple man, but I'm sure I'de-”

>”No, not like that… It's…” You whisper. “I'll tell you later.”

>”Aye…” James takes his spyglass out again and looks out to sea. He knits his brow and slowly walks towards the railing.

>You walk back to his side, “James?”

>”Nah, it's nothin' …it's nothin'… Jus' my old mind playin' tricks on me, I'm sure…”

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2847db No.346520


>”Ughh…” You groan, sitting up in your bed. The dim light of early dawn barely offered any light in your quarters. Nature's beckoned you urgently, pulling you quickly out of your sleep and towards the door. Approaching the side of the ship, you rubbed the crust out of your eyes, making sure James wasn't around, before unfastening your pants.



>James slides down the rigging, landing next to you as you fumble to put your equipment away. “Why don't you have yer hammer ready!?”

>”W-wait! What's going on!?” You shout as a din of clattering weaponry and feet drown out your voice.

>James shoves the spyglass into your hands, and points to the distance southward.

>You peek through the lens, and see Watchharbor, smoke billowing out from the walls and buildings.

>”James, what the hell is-!?”

>”That's not all, look off the coast…” He says, nudging the glass over.

>Several ships come into focus, all flying the Duskbreach flag.

>Before you can even gather your thoughts, your feet start you running back to your room, where you quickly strap on any armor that wasn't with Perri for repairs, your broken warhammer and morning star.

>”Unngh… honey, what's going on?” Magdalene whines as she rises from the sheets.

>”Watchharbor is under attack.” You exclaim, “You need help getting your armor on?”

>”What!?” She shouts, jumping to her feet, “But what about the treaty!?”

>Your mind stops, “I don't know, get it out of the lockbox, but we need to prepare for the worst.”

>”I can get ready by myself.” She assures you,.

Charging back towards the deck, the realization that this indeed didn't make sense started settling in. Your brow twitched, heart beat faster. It made too much sense to you. You were lied to.

>Feeling the cold night air on your face again did little to quench your rising temper. Walking to the rail as you stared at the carnage in the horizon. You didn't know what game Edrick was trying to pull, but you were going to find out if you had to pry it out from whoever was leading this attack, even if you had to do it tooth by tooth-

>Magdalene stepped to your side, clad in her armor. “Here's the treaty… or at least the letter explaining it.” She said as she handed a scroll box to you.

>You grabbed it, and opened it up, quickly reading it over again, only for it to make you feel uncertain. Maybe it was just another miscommunication. Perhaps they just didn't know. Your anger alleviated as you saw his signature at the bottom. If you could just speak to the one leading this attack, and show him the letter, you could get a peaceful resolution…

>”Lad, we're getting closer… What are your orders?” James whispers.

>Kenneth runs up next to you, “Sorry I'm late! I had my hands full…” He looks away and clears his throat, “Uh, what's going on?”

>”Watchharbor is being attacked…” You turn to face him, and the gathering troops. “I'm going to talk to the one leading their attack, see if we can't clear this up. James, can you signal them that we're looking for a truce?”

>”Aye…” James says uncomfortably, his eyes shifting away from yours.

>”Anonson…” Kenneth sighs, “I don't think…”

>”I don't care! This is just… a misunderstanding. Everything about this is!” You shout, trying to convince yourself despite your friends' doubts. “I'm going to fix it. Everything will be okay!”

>While your soldiers looked to you, full of determination, your generals looked more concerned than reassured.

>”James?” You say urgently.

>”I hope ye know what yer doin', lad.” He sighs, before walking off below deck.

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2847db No.346521


>The ship steadily approached Watchharbor, the smoke from the city blocking out the rising sun. Echoing in the distance, you could hear clashing as steel. A stony boom, followed by loud crumbling. A house near the wall falls with it. People screaming and panicking in the streets as soldiers shouted for order.

>James ties a series of colored flags to the pole, and starts to hoist them up. “There… that should let them know we want a truce.”

>One of the larger of Duskbreach's ships starts to turn.

>”God damn it…! RELEASE THE SAILS! QUICK!” James shouts as he runs to the wheel, and starts turning the ship towards theirs. “EVERYONE HIT THE DECK!”

>You turn to him, “What-!?”

>”YOU TOO!” He screams, pulling you down, keeping a hand tightly gripping the wheel.

>A deafening blast, a mass of iron screams overhead, narrowly missing as more sails unfurl, the ship lurching forward with a small burst of acceleration.

>But more blasts follow, along with the large missiles screeching around you, when one crashes into the hull.


>”I'm on it! Troops! To the lifeboats!” Ken shouts.

>”Except you!” You say, pointing to a dozen soldiers near you, “You're coming with me and James!”

>They salute and shout, “Yes my liege!” in unison, as the other soldiers begin readying to evacuate the vessel.

>James grabs your shoulder, “Get ready lad.” He says, checking for the knife on his belt. Before jamming his spear hard into the wheel, locking it in place. “Follow me!”

>You run after James, who starts scrambling up the rigging, your regiment following. You and your squadron climb up after him, albeit with a bit more difficulty than he seemed to have. After reaching the fore yard, he grabs the rigging running along it and looks guilty for a moment, “Sorry, old girl… Anonson, grab onto this with all of yer life!” He says, before slicing it.

>Your heart skips a beat as you realize what he's planning.

>A strong breeze blows hard, and your stomach begins to swirl as the ship speeds up, heading towards the enemy ship.

>”GET READY, LADS!” He screams.

>Just as it seems as if the ships were going to collide, the enemy ship turns.


>The world around you becomes a blur as you arc down towards the other ship. The two hulls scrape together with wooden crunching and groans as the deck slams into your feet.

>Countless rings of steel bring you back to reality.

>Your accompanying soldiers land on the deck scattered about among the enemy.

>”Lad, I left my, uh…”

>You toss James your mace, holding your broken war hammer like a much heftier morning star, facing off the glaring sailors and paIadins.

>Your squad lands on the deck next to you, who draw their weapons as soon as they regain their balance.

>”Who's coordinating this invasion of Ebonthorn soil!?” You say authoritatively.

>Your only response was a chorus of battle cries and charging soldiers.

>Jame's goes back to back with you, brandishing his knife with the mace, “That was your plan!?”

>”I thought this was your plan!” You shout, grunting as you parry a barrage of incoming sabers and swords. “DAMMIT! STOP! WE HAVE A TREATY FROM YOUR KING! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!” You scream angrily as you smash some one's skull in.

>A soldier screams something out, his words lost in the din. Out of the corner of your eye, you see someone jump overboard.

>”Wait…” You think to yourself, trying to make sense of an sour feeling in the pit of your stomach.

>A few more enemy soldiers leap into the sea, and the smell of gunpowder reaches your nose.


>”Little busy, lad!” He screams back, struggling to hold back a pair of cutlasses trying to get better acquainted with his face.

>You quickly blast a gout of flames at his attackers, who reel back, clutching their charred faces while screaming in agony. Without pausing, you dove into the old man, throwing the two of you over the railing.

>Before you even reach the waves, a stabbing pain pierces your ears as a great heated force slams into you.

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2847db No.346522


>The air was damp and cold.

>You open your eyes, the full moon glowed high up in a pitch black sky..

>Where were you?

>You sit up, and feel the ground. It was wet, and squelched as your hand sunk into it. Mud? Some limp blades of grass slip through your fingers as well.

>A sharp whisper echos throughout… wherever you are. It's still too dark to see, but you could swear you heard whatever that was behind you.

>Getting up to your feet, you walk forward. As long as you keep straight you should at least get somewhere, right?

>”Sss… sss… nnn…”

>A tingling sensation runs up your spine, culminating in a burning that lingers in the back of your head. You're not sure what that was, but you know that it's not safe here.

>But still blind to your surroundings, you can only stumble around at a slow walking pace.

>Gradually, faint shapes form in your vision. Tall pillars that went past as you fled.

>Leaves rustled behind you, accompanied by the sound of footsteps. Faint, but just heavy sounding enough to make your heart and lungs race as your feet fail to keep up.

>The cold air burned as it entered your chest, the footsteps padding behind you slowly and gradually growing heavier. You could hear its breathing: Ragged, labored, pants in rhythm with its plodding.

>Your feet started sinking into more solid ground, allowing you to run faster. But despite that, you could hear whatever following you get closer.

>Flecks of light appear in the corners of your vision: red, angry eyes materializing withing the abyss, all emanating malevolent intent as they glare at you with intense hatred.

>More and more eyes appear further and further within the darkness in front of you, hulking silhouettes accompanying them in a menagerie of forms: some humanoid, some bestial, and everything in between.

>You duck and weave between then, feeling their hot acrid breath on the back of your neck as you somehow manage to dodge their groping appendages.

>But your luck runs out, and you find yourself completely surrounded. The horde completely blocking you off in every direction. Monstrous crimson eyed shadows as far as you could see until they melded with the dark forest.

>Spinning around, still desperately looking for an escape through the advancing abominations, you feel a familiar weight on your leg.

>Your sword! Gripping the hilt, you pull out the blade, expecting to hear its triumphant song of steel, and its beautiful silver gleam to cut through the darkness.

>But you're greeted with an irritating scrape, and a dull, blood rusted weapon.

>The monsters freeze in place, simply staring as you brandish your blade desperately.

>”S-stay back!” You quiver breathlessly. “By t-the Holy Light of God! I'll smite you all!”

>A surge of power writhes painfully through your veins. A mighty fire ignites in your stomach, stealing your breath away and replacing it with rage as your entire being is wracked with pain.

>As the blessing lifts you off the ground, you see the monsters simply standing still, moving only to sink their heads.

>Your attack is blurred by blood as you viciously hack into the horde. You shout yourself hoarse, spitting and screaming curses and insults at your opponents.

>As the ground around you is piled with corpses, you wipe the blood off your brow, revealing more monsters to your side.

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2847db No.346523


>You charge, readying your blade to strike.

>As you close in and swing, the shadowy veil lifts from the abomination, revealing an all too familiar human face.

>Her eyes simply stare at forward, all hope gone from her eyes.

>But before you can even react, your blade has already cleaved her head from it's body, which had shrunk down into a weak, emaciated, bipedal form.

>”I…” You gasp in shock, “I didn't… I didn't kn-”

>The feeling creeping in the back of your neck is warmed by an approaching presence.

>Whirling around, you instinctively slash at the interloper, before driving your sword through it's heart.

>”S-s-s…” It croaks.

>You wipe the blood of your eyes, and see a woman with long blonde hair, and blue eyes looking back at you.

>You let go of your sword, still embedded into her heart. “N-no…”

>”W-w-why…” She sobs as tears streak down her face, staring at you with a betrayal than tore your heart apart. “W-why did you k-ki-”

>”I DIDN'T KILL YOU!” You cry, tears stinging your eyes as it mixed with the blood caked on your face. “I DIDN'T KILL YOU!”

>”I loved you, Sirius… why did you kill me?” She whimpers as she collapses to her knees, clutching at the hilt stuck to her chest. Her sorrowful eyes still burned into you.

>You stumbled back, tripping over a slippery root, and onto a pile of mutilated corpses. “I didn't…” You choke.

>”Y-you k-k-k-killed us…” The bodies all groan in a discordant chorus. Their shredded, bloody faces shakily turn to stare you down. “Why…”

>You shriek, and try to get up, but their appendages grab you and pin you down. “NO! LET ME GO! I DIDN'T-”

>”Mean to…” They finish.

>”Yet you still did son…” The woman moans as she lurches towards you, “Why did you kill your own mother…”

>”I DIDN'T!” You cry, sobbing uncontrollably.

>Your mother collapses on top of you, her slashed face inches away from yours, forcing you to stare into her eyes as the life slowly faded from them.


>”I DIDN'T KILL YOU! MOTHER!! PLEASE!! PLEASE COME BACK!” You scream into the forest as the corpses go still and silent around you. “MOTHER COME BACK!!! PLEASE!!!!!”

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4579b9 No.346536

it ain't dead boys

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d1d4dc No.346537


>story is continued

>still no Gwen line/vector art

come on now :^)

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dcf98f No.346693


I'm SO GLAD that you're back and continue writing. I know how real life can sap you, just don't throw it all away and keep on writing.

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d1d4dc No.346704


you referring to TFS or me beardicus?

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2847db No.346826


>”MOTHER!” You jolt upright, gasping for breath, looking about. The corpses were gone, replaced with your supplies and equipment.

>A gentle breeze flutters the flaps of your tent, sunlight streaking in through the canvas.

>You give a sigh, shuddering in a combination of abating terror, and the creeping cold air. It was only a dream…

>Flopping back into the bedroll in exhaustion, you try to forget the nightmare. But as your eyes wander over to a bloodstained piece of clothing, your guilt come crawling back to pervert any peace of mind you had mustered.

>”Are you okay, darling?” Gaelyn chirps as she peeks into the tent.

>”I…” Memories of carnage flash in your mind, only to end in a blank. “Where are we?”

>”Oh, we're about a days travel east of Colblum”

>”Colblum…” You muttered, trying to gather your thoughts. “But… what happened? How long was I out??” That's South West of the mines… The mountains are nearly impassible in that direction. that's nearly three weeks travel on foot, never mind crossing the ocean. How did-

>”You passed out after you helped me purge that den of monstrosities in the mountains.” She says with a warm smile, “It wasn't good for you to push yourself with that injury, but God was happy with your conviction. And I'm proud of you as well, darling.”

>You force a smile through the sour taste in your throat.

>”You must be tired after all that excitement. And so soon after losing your arm… No wonder you've been sleeping for the past week!” She coos. “You just sit there and rest, I've already got food on the fire.”

>”Oh. Well done, Gaelyn. Well done.” How the hell did we get here so fast? What's going on!?

>Gaelyn giggles before leaving you alone. Judging by how the smell in the air brought attention to your growling stomach, it was probably to check on whatever she was cooking.

>Still feeling fatigue in your bones, you lay back down absentmindedly, painfully landing on your stump you were too tired to make sense of all this. With a groan of pain, you turn to your other side, and try to forget. Yesterday, today, tomorrow… you just didn't want to think about it any more.

>Tossing a bit in your bedding, you close your eyes and pray, as you always did when things looked grim. But, instead of the usual peace and serenity that typically followed, you only felt your sense of dread grow stronger.

>Growling in frustration, you jerk yourself back upright, clutching your stump as it throbs in pain from your quick movement.

>”Couldn't sleep?”

>”I've slept enough.” You say as you climb out of the tent and stretch.

>”Well that's good. The rabbit is almost done.” She says as she turns the skinned and skewered rodent over the fire.

>Sitting by the fire, you unconsciously put some distance between you and Gaelyn.

>Grinning happily, she sidles up to you, before leaning her weight against you, making sure not to press against your injury.

>You fight the urge to pull away, and try to swallow your fear, laughing at the thought. It's not like she could smell fear or anything.

>”Why are you so nervous?” She coos, gently stroking your breastplate with her fingertips.

>Your body seizes up.

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2847db No.346827


>”Oh ho! Could it be having a lady so close to you is putting you in the mood?” She titters, “We're married, you don't have to be so coy…”

>You shudder as a hand brushes against your thigh, “I-I don't think that's a good idea right now, I'm still fairly tired. I'll make it up to you later, though. I promise!”

>She looks disappointed for a moment as she pulls her hand away, but her smile returns even wider than before, her voice taking on a low, husky tone. “That's fine, waiting makes it even better after all.”

>You sink into your seat and try to relax, while fighting the urge to flee.

>Gaelyn absentmindedly traces a finger about on your pauldron, ”I mean, we already went at it earlier today. Maybe I'm just being selfish.”

>”I… I don't remember that.”

>”I'm so sorry… You were just so cute when you were sleeping, muttering and tossing. I just couldn't help myself!” Her smile turning guilty as her face starts to sheen with sweat despite the cold. “I… I thought you had woken up though, because you started calling me mother…”

>A lump forms in your throat, rendering anything you had to say silent.

>”I… I didn't know someone could be into that sort of thing… but if it's what you like… I don't exactly dislike it myself…”

>You get up and walk towards the wilderness. “I… I need to go take a walk.”

>”I'm sorry! I wasn't making fun of you!” She says as she gets up on her feet and comes after you.

>”I know, I just- I just need to get away from the smoke for a moment.”

>”P-please don't go! Please don't be mad at me!”

>Your progress is slowed to a crawl as Gaelyn clings to your waist. “I'm not mad.”

>”You look mad.” She whimpers.

>”It was a nightmare.”

>She recoils, and bites her knuckle while adjusting her cloak.

>”I was having a nightmare…” You struggle to finish, “About my mother.”

>”O-oh… OH! Oh my gosh!” Gaelyn approaches, seemingly apprehensive about embracing you again, “I'm… I'm so sorry… I didn't mean t-”

>”It's okay. You didn't know.” You take a deep breath to try and calm yourself, “It's not something I like to talk about.”

>”You must think I'm a pervert. I… I don't know why my mind even went to that.” Her face was visibly distraught.

>You make yourself chuckle, trying to brighten up the mood, “You're not a pervert, Gaelyn.” Reaching out, you gingerly cup her cheek and smile, wracking your brain for the best words, “…You're just passionate.”

>She returns a sheepish grin, looking at you patiently.

>”It's one of the reasons why I-” You lose your train of thought, and for a moment, you wonder what exactly it was you two were supposed to be doing. Where were you even going?

>”Darling? Are you okay?” Gaelyn whispers, gently clasping your hand.

>”O-oh, sorry. I thought I heard something…” You lie. “But, your passion, it's one of the reasons I fell in love with you.”

>”Hehe… you're so sweet.” She looks at you with reverence as her cheeks blush.

>You look around before breathing in relief, “I think I'm feeling a bit better now. I don't think I can walk very far anyways, I'm starving.”

>Tightly grasping your hand, Gaelyn starts running back to camp, dragging you along, “The food should be done by now! Let's go eat!”

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2847db No.346829


>The meal was awkwardly quiet. You didn't have much to say, but Gaelyn frequently looked at you and smiled as if waiting for you to say something. It used to be Gaelyn's smile made you feel happy, hopeful for the future. You could honestly say that at least… but now? Something about it made you feel like something was terribly wrong. Didn't you already feel guilty enough!? She didn't have to remind you of-

>"You've been quiet. Must have been really hungry, huh?" She chirps.

>"Yeah… I haven't eaten in a while, so it's not surprising. Thank you very much, Gaelyn."After finishing your meal of small game and various dried rations, you get up and walk to the tent to go pack it up.

>”Oh, Sirius, don't worry about that! I'll take care of everything!” Gaelyn says, springing from her seat to put herself between you and your task.

>”You got us food. I should at least pack up camp-”

>”Absolutely not! You need to rest as much as you can! You're still hurt!” She protests, hurriedly breaking down the tent. “We have a lot of work to do, and you need to be as healthy as possible for it!”

>You scoff, “I know I'm missing an arm, but I'm still capable of pulling my own weight.”

>”I know…” She says sorrily, “You saved me in the mountains despite that. I just want to return the favor.”

>”You're not indebted to me for that.' You kindly scold, “It's my duty to protect God's faithful.”

>”And it's my duty to serve my husband!” She pouts. “And to share your duty as well. So I insist you relax!”

>”Alright, alright.” You relent, grunting as you sit back down. “By the way…”


>”Where are we going anyways?”

>”Didn't I tell you? We're going to Colblum! The Demon King's forces are going to be heading there.”

>Your heart nearly leaps out of your chest, ”W-wait, where are they now?”

>She closes are eyes and seems to listen carefully, “…They took the Chilliron Mines. Now the Demon King is preparing to bring his invasion further west towards the capital.”

>”Wait! There are smaller hamlets between here and Colblum! Why aren't we going to them!?” You say, standing up.

>”God's will has already been exacted in those settlements.” Gaelyn says, her tone slightly flat through a gentle smile, “Do not worry, they are all safe from the monsters' corruption.”

>”I don't understand…” You confess.

>”Foot and naval troops have been mobilized east to take back Watchharbor, and bolster our Kingdom's defenses against them.” She says, more emotionally, “So don't worry! We're not the only ones fighting!”


>”Is something wrong?” She says as she securely ties up the bundled tent.

>”Nothing… I just feel like I should be leading my troops there.”

>”Your generals are performing their duties just fine, Sirius! Have more faith in them.” She beams.

>”I know, I just-” You fidget impatiently.

>”Besides, our mission is extremely vital to God's will.”

>”…I know.” But, why is God no longer speaking to you. Did you not reaffirm your faith? Wasn't Gaelyn supposed to kill the Demon King? She's already blessed by God, should we not be going after him? Why not kill him now and end this bloodshed as quickly as possible?

>Gaelyn happily finishes up packing up the last of the equipment.

>No. You shouldn't let these hardships dampen your faith. God knows what's best for us, and you're in no place to question that. Everything will be alright. Just have faith in God and everything will work out.

>As long as you keep telling yourself that, eventually, everything would turn out fine. It always has before, so you know it will again.

>You know it will.

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4579b9 No.346848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

going to have the whole thing again it has been so long

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dfb793 No.346867

I knew it, deep down I knew, you would return to tell your story. Like the winged hussar, you arrived at the right time. You have my understanding and sympathy, I too, understand how draining life event can get, especially when passion projects are been worked on.

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65b687 No.346924

It makes me so happy to see you back Anonson.

Now where’s the story about that “rebellious” Hellhound who’s as sweet as candy?

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2847db No.347161


I can write a synopsis if you like.


If I got back to that, it'll probably be written as a short story with more thought behind it. I wrote first few parts on a whim and tried to continue it, but it didn't work out because I had no direction for it from the get go. Which could be said for this story, but this worked better? I don't know.


>Once again, you ran through the wilderness, following after Ricki as she bounded effortlessly between the trees.

>00 was following behind you, striding stiffly, but still keeping up.

>What surprised you though, was how much easier it was to keep up with Ricki. Your heart didn't feel as if it was going to explode and melt in your chest. At least, not as quickly as before. Though the cold air burning your lungs still made the trek difficult.

>And you weren't sure, but was it getting darker?

>Sure, the trees where getting larger as you went on, but half of them didn't even have foliage on them. The sky between their branches seemed like it was twilight, but that couldn't be right. Wasn't it morning just a moment ago?

>”Uh, Ricki!” You shout out between breaths, “I think we need to find shelter! It looks like a storm is coming!”

>”Negative. Atmospheric pressure is stable, though the cloud patterns are erroneous.” 00 drones. “Trace signatures of aetheric manipulation detected.”

>Ricki slows down and lets everyone catch up, “Don't worry, It's always like that around here. It's so my little sisters know home is near.”

>”You have sisters?” You ask, losing your train of thought as you notice countless grave stones littering the sides of the path.

>”Yeah, hundreds! Some of them should be around here somewhere… they're usually out playing around this time.” Ricki says as she looks around. “Kind of hope they're not eating lunch. I don't want to want to run in to the workers.”

>”Hundreds!?” You say, swearing your saw a skull behind a stump somewhere. “…Workers?”

>She sucks in air through her teeth and rubs the back of her head. ”Ah, they're my mo- uh, the maids. I don't really want anyone to know I'm here, but I need to get some supplies because we're running low.” Ricki looks around, before shouting in a subdued manner, “Ashley? Matilda? Mona? Anyone?”

>Before you can protest going further, your mouth hangs incredulously as massive, malevolent, manor looms over the gnarled tree line. Something cold grabs your hand and makes you yelp.

>”I'm detecting trace necrotic mana patterns. I do not believe it is safe for us to proceed.” 00 states, gently clasping your hand.

>”Neck what now?” You yammer.

>”Nothing important.” Ricki dismisses, “Just… wait here, I'll be back in a minute. …And if you see any maids, don't tell them I'm here! Just… say you got lost or something!”

>”But wait, what if I'm-”

>”And you don't know me!” Ricki blurts, eyes darting to and fro as she takes a few steps back. She runs off towards manor, turning hard right at the door to go around the back.

>Uncertain of how to proceed, you decide to sit down and catch your breath, your bottom meeting with a cold, stone surface. Despite that, it was otherwise the right height for it to be a comfortable seat, especially after running all morning.

>00 stands silently still.

>Feeling a bit uneasy, you break the silence. “So…”

>The angel turns to face you.

>”What was that you were talking about early? Necko-what-now?”

>”Trace necrotic mana patterns detected.” She repeats in the same inflection.

>”Yeah, that… Uh, what is that?”

>She goes silent again, save for a quiet whirring that seems to slowly pick up steam. Suddenly, a fizz and a crackle startle you out of your seat.


>00 twitches and jerks, “A-a-a-archive. Error. Data… Zzzt! …Corrupted. Attempting targeted data recovery of f-f-f-files tagged… Nnnnnnn-'necrotic'.”

>”Y-you know what, n-nevermind! Please, just don't strain yourself!” You laugh, anxious from the terrible sounds coming from her.

>”A-a-a-accessing Aliena-Bestiary Archives… C-c-chapter Nine: Prelude: Immortuos Family; Attachment: Undead_Autopsy.hwv .” The violent internal sounds begin to wane after she finishes the sentence

>You fidget nervously, “Uh… Double-Oh, I think that's enough, you don't-”

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2847db No.347162


>A chorus of pained, inhuman snarls and howls make you jump out of your seat, hiding behind it as a sphere of light is projected from 00's halo. You see the woman from before inside of it, a series of tables behind her, each with a person strapped to it the thrashed and struggled against their bindings.

>She walked over to one of the tables, and the view closes in, giving you a better look at the other people. It looked human, but it's skin was bluish green, and body skin and bones, eyes sunken in until only small glints were left. It desperately tried to gnash and spit at the woman. But she showed no fear, even reaching out to gently cup it's cheek as it failed to bite at her fingers with yellow, slime covered teeth. “Shh… shh… it's okay… it's almost over…” she coos with somber gentleness, before looking back at you, “Beginning autopsy of patient one, Stephenson Vanderfeld, sex: male, blood type: B+, aged thirty-four, previous occupation: lumberjack…” She looks over to a tray full of strange tools, and roots through them, “Time of initial infection: oh-four-hundred hours, making incubation time of current subject approximately twelve hours…” She grabs a small implement, pressing a button on the side experimentally, a bright stream of light streams out, a wisp of smoke trailing out from the beam. Turning back towards the 'patient', she begins working, doing what, you're not sure due to her back covering your view.

>“Despite increased output of the scalpel, the flesh is much more…” She seems to strain doing something. “Nnnnggh… GAH! …Resilient than a healthy human's… Oh, hold on, forgot about that.” She turns around and reaches out towards you. The view blurred for a moment, regaining focus on the 'patient' His internal organs exposed, ribs pried wide open, displaying sickly discolored organs. But despite it all, 'Stephenson' still screamed and struggled about in the same manner as before.

>”D-d-double-Oh, that's enough! Please stop!” You plead.

>”The subject was visiting his sister's grave, when her animated corpse managed to dig itself out. Stephenson tried to defended himself successfully until I managed to arrive and deal with it, sustaining only minor scratches and cuts.” She says in a detached monotone as she focused on her work

>The woman turns back to the thing strapped to the table, and begins systematically cutting and removing it's organs, placing them into glass vessels before sealing them through some magical means.

>”But despite suffering trivial injuries, they quickly became infected. The infection spread, far quicker than other mundane illnesses. and Stephenson quickly succumbed to it, dying in mere hours after the initial infection. In only half an hour after time of death, his corpse reanimated and began attacking any other living beings nearby, which in turn became infected in the same manner as before.”

>You wanted it to stop, but you were incapable of speaking. All you could do was close your eyes and plug your ears, and hope it would go away.

>”File corrupted, terminating.” 00 says. The sphere dims and vanishes, and with it, the terrifying vision it brought.

>”Oh thank god.” You sigh, thoroughly relived.

>Suddenly, you became much more painfully aware of your surroundings, seeing movement between the trees in the edge of your vision. Every sound the wind made between the trees reminded you of the moaning screams in the vision.

>Every minute seemed to drag on forever, and you found yourself growing increasingly impatient for Ricki to return. You stand up from your seat and begin pacing back and forth across the dirt path.

>One your fifth nervous lap, you look back at the seat you were using earlier, and saw words engraved on it.

>Here lies… the rest was too worn and overgrown in moss to read.

>It was a grave stone.

>Looking around you, you realized there were more. Dozens. Hundreds. The entire mansion was completely surrounded by gravestones. Horror begins tingling in the back of your neck, the hairs standing on end.

>A rumbling boom makes you yelp an octave higher than you thought yourself capable of. “WHAT WAS THAT!?”

>”A severe thunderstorm is approaching from South South-West. Seeking shelter is advised.”

>You then realize that it's been a while since Ricki left. It's been what, ten minutes? That's an awfully long time. Is she okay? She said other people lived here, but why has there been no sign of life at all? Looking up at the manor, none of the windows had even a hint of light within them.

>”M-m-maybe I should go check on her? J-just to make sure she's okay.”

>”User Maurice, your heart rate is increasing to dangerously high levels. Resting for a short time is advised.”

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4579b9 No.347163


no, thank you tho

I need to get into the habit of reading fanfics again

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2847db No.347164


>The wind began to pick up, whistling mournfully between the trees. A drop of icy water falls on your cheek.

>”R-Ricki! Are you done yet!?” You call out, before remembering how she told you that you weren't supposed to associate with her. She wasn't embarrassed by you, was she?

>A loud crack startles you out of that train of thought, and you found yourself running towards the manor, before fear gripped you once more. You weren't really going to go inside… were you? The imposing architecture, and the gargoyle statues up on the roof glared at you, made you feel unwelcome, even from this distance.

>A flash of lightning, and the rain begins to come down in unrelenting torrents that chilled you to the bone, ”User Maurice. Seeking shelter is strongly advised. Storm is much stronger than previously calculated.” 00 states.

>”I-I'm sure they won't be mad… there's a storm after all.” You mutter to yourself. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you walk through the creaking wrought iron gate, avoiding the gaze of the gargoyle statues as you approached.

>As you stood before the front door and reach for the door knob, you freeze, doing a double take at the wood grain of the imposing portal. Out of the corner of your eye, you could have sworn it depicted countless tortured visages, but on closer inspection, it seemed to be just ordinary wood… at least, as ordinary as pitch black wood could be.

>Reaching for the knob once more, you jump and hold back a shriek as the door groans open of it's own volition.

>”Uh… hello?” You squeak quietly, your manners fighting over the urge to be unseen as you peeked inside, seeing nothing but a dark foyer inside..

>As you open the door the rest of the way, you see a dark figure standing in the middle of the archway at the other end of the foyer.

>”U-u-uhh, I uh, didn't mean to b-barge in, I just… the door, uh…! I-I-I…”

>Tendrils slowly snake out from the figure, writhing around in the air.

>You open your mouth to scream.

>A light shines out from behind you, brightly illuminating the room.

>”You seem distressed. Is something wrong, user Maurice?” 00 drones, her halo shining brighter than usual.

>”I… Double-Oh! T-t-there's…” You look back and see the now bright foyer completely empty. “But… I saw…”

>00 Looks at you blankly, before looking into the manor. “No threats currently detected.”

>”I-I see… Then… no reason to be s-scared, then!” You reassure yourself, stepping inside with a little more confidence.

>The angel whirs and clicks as she keeps her position behind you.

>The foyer was large, opulent, and felt incredibly empty. Shadows cast by 00's light danced on the walls, only fanning the flames of your fear further. You tried your hardest not to pay them any mind

>”O-okay… So, she said she was getting food, so we should look for the kitchen, right?”

>00 nodded, “I will scan for user Ricki's heat signature to expedite our search.” With a blink of her eyes, her halo dims and begins to glow a low red as she looks all about in a systematic fashion.

>You can do nothing but double-take between the malevolent manor and the curious construct as it did whatever it was doing, impatiently looking for some nameless horror to pounce, as 00's earlier visions still echo in the corners of your mind. “Well?”

>More blinking and the red glow dissipates. “Ricki's heat signature is due North-West by North.”

>You look down and try to recall what direction that was, before reaching for a compass in your pack, only to forget if you even had it with you.

>”That way.” She says, pointing across the room.

>You squint your eyes, “You're sure she's over there?”

>00 stares at you silently.

>A flash from outside streaks through the windows, revealing an ominous silhouette of a person on the far wall, followed by a loud crack of thunder makes you jump. You jump and jerk your head over towards the window behind you. A pair of yellow eyes peers back from within the darkness beyond, accompanied by several more revealing themselves out from behind shadowy eyelids.

>”User Maurice?”

>You shriek and turn to face 00, “D-did you see that!? There's something outside!!!”

>00 Looks out the same window, “No lifeforms detected.”

>”But, but…” You look back out the window, and see nothing.

>”Your heart rate is still dangerously high, and could potentially be causing mild hallucinations. Should we rest here?”

>”No… No I'm fine. Lets go look for Ricki.” You take a deep breath, and look for a path or door closest to where 00 pointed. Spotting an entrance into a hallway, you look back to 00, “…J-just keep that light on, please?”

>”Affirmative.” She says, her halo brightening a blinding white once more.

>It becomes much, much brighter than before, almost looking as if it was daytime inside. Despite that, shadows still lurked in the doors and entrances leading deeper inside.

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2847db No.347165


I just offered because it's over half a million words of autism, I don't blame people for not wanting to read ALL THAT SHIT just to catch up.


>Walking into the hall, you see the walls lined with oil portraits, all of women of monstrous origin, wearing frilly black and white dresses and aprons. You weren't sure what they were, but they all seemed similar to Ricki. Short floppy ears adorned the side of their heads, but instead of fur, seemed to be covered in downy plumage that matched the color of their hair.

>But as you continued to walk, one stood out among the others. Something about the way the light shone off of it made you stop and look. As you experimentally craned your head this way and that, it seemed less like the light was reflecting off a flat canvas, and more like it was a sculpture within a small alcove-

>It's eyes suddenly move, staring straight at you. It's modest grin stretches impossibly wide, lips parting just enough to show you far more teeth than should be in a head that size. Numerous bleeding slits appear on the skin as if being cut by a knife, before they all open in unison to reveal countless yellow eyes.

>You shout breathlessly and stumble back, falling on your bottom and scooting backwards until you run into a wall on the opposite side of the hall.

>00 whirs contemplatively, “Maurice?”

>”DON'T TELL ME YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT!!” You shout pointing at the painting with one hand as you cover your eyes fearfully with the other.

>”It seems to be an portrait at a three-quarter angle of a monster in formal maid attire. Medium: oil pigments on plant fiber duck-weave canvas. It seems to be mundane in construction with no magical alterations.”

>You peek out from between your fingers, and see a normal looking painting, near identical to all the others.

>”I…” You laugh nervously, feeling slightly foolish, but relieved nonetheless, “…I guess I'm just being paranoid. Y-you said it yourself! There's no threats here. I'm just being silly! Haha… ha…”

>Despite her lack of emotions or facial expression, it felt like 00 was silently judging you.

>”L-let's keep moving.” You stand up and try to avoid 00's gaze as you took the lead once more, “…Sorry.”

>Coming across an intersection in the hall, you wait for 00 to get closer so her halo would light the divergent paths. The sound of rain pounding on windows drew your attention to the left path, where you saw a large dining hall. The wall on the opposite side was adorned with large windows that would have looked breath taking were it not so grim outside.

>”The kitchen must be nearby.” You mutter, looking for around at the banquet tables and chairs covered in tarps. After noticing the only other path out of the room just went back into the hall further down, you back track back to the intersection and look down the other path.

>As you waited for 00 to catch up with you, you peer into the darkness and vaguely see a large, impressive kitchen. At least, it must have been impressive when it was in use. But as it was now, you saw no utensils, pots, pans, nothing.

>”Ricki?” you call out quietly. “Are you in here?” Without waiting for 00, you walk inside, taking a closer look.

>Suddenly, in a door frame on the opposite side, you see a familiar looking tail swish about, before disappearing further inside.

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65b687 No.347166


Just repost it somewhere or if you have a pastebin put the link up here, because you made me want a ‘good girl’ Hellhound who likes flowers and sunsets and tiny animals.

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4579b9 No.347167


I was just going to wait until you are done

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2847db No.347168


I wrote that when I wrote all of my stuff in the post reply window, and not in a word processor. I have a pastebin, but I didn't save it there, or in my hard drive. Sorry. I'll keep looking, but it will most likely come down to me rewriting it from the beginning.


I'll try to finish it faster, but I can't make any promises. The story is mostly finished, but it's still a ways to go. Especially since I have much less time to write these days.


>”Ricki!” You shout, walking quickly after her. As you walk through the door, you find yourself in a bare looking scullery, another door next to the sink across the room. Ricki's tail flicks and disappears behind the wall to the left of the frame. “Ricki wait up!”

>You step inside, and take a few short breaths as you look to your left.


>Nothing but a larder shelf, mounted on a solid cobblestone wall, mere inches perpendicularly from the entrance. How did Ricki disappear? You could have sworn she went this way, but there's no where to go in that direction. You look the other way, and see the larder stretch out a sizable distance in the the other direction.

>”Come on, Ricki, this isn't funny! Why are you ignoring me! I know you heard me!”

>You walk deeper into the larder, squinting your eyes, trying to see into the darkness, wishing 00 would hurry and catch up.

>Remembering why you came here in the first place, you figure you might as well grab food while you're here. The larder would be as good a place as any to find it, right?

>But as you scanned your surroundings, you found all of the shelves to be bare, any burlap sacks seemed long since emptied, and only a few errant empty jars and bottles remained.

>”M-maybe Ricki already got the rest of the food…” You tell yourself. But didn't she say people lived here? Where is everybody? It looks like no one's lived here in a long time…”

>A wooden creak draws your attention to the far corner. Walking towards the source, you see an open trap door in the floor, ladder leading down into what you assumed was a cellar. But it was far too dark for you to make anything out.

>Footsteps closing in rouse you out of your thoughts.

>”Double-Oh, there you are.” You turn around behind you, “I think she went down here…”

>No one was behind you.

>You walk back to the scullery, and when you found it empty, stepped back out into the kitchen, only to find no sign of 00, not even a single sign of her light could be made out in the hall. “Double-Oh?”

>You peek out into the hall, and see nothing but darkness.

>A dull, wet, squelching suddenly made your body seize up.

>”Double-Oh? …Come back…” You whimper. “Ricki… where are you…”

>”I'm right behind you.” You hear Ricki's say behind you.

>”Oh thank god!” You sigh, turning around, “I thought you…”

>A dark writhing mass stood behind you, nearly engulfing half of the kitchen.

>You try to continue your sentence, only able to gasp out as your mind fails to decide what it should be doing.

>Despite whatever it was blending in with the darkness, you could still make out several fanged maws open up voraciously, what you could only describe as tongues thrashing about inside.


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4579b9 No.347169


I was here since the thread "what if men had no rights in monster society" that started all of this, I can wait any amount of time maybe you'll be able to make writing your job someday

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65b687 No.347170


Oh shit Maurice is about to get folded 1000 times over for fornicating.

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2847db No.347171


Maurice got to second base, but not sex. Other than huddling together for warmth, they haven't really kissed or even done anything really romantic. Unless feeling boob once counts as fornication? I guess to the Church it would be half way to fornication, but they round it up so it still counts as all the way.

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2847db No.347589



It's been so long I forgot I had the Church accuse Anonson of fornication before he even got to first base. Fuck I'm a dumbass sperg.


>Unable to speak, or even scream, you finally gather enough of your senses to run. Run as hard as your legs will take you.

>Even though you know you didn't travel far from the entrance, it felt like the manor was much bigger than before, or you were running much slower than you normally could. You looked frantically in any direction other than behind you for any sign of Ricki or 00. You didn't dare look back. You could still here the sickly slimy sounds of whatever was chasing after you, a whispered, ragged breath panting from its countless jaws.

>But finally, you broke out into the foyer, a flash of lightening illuminating the room, shining through the exit, before deafening you with it's accompanying thunder.

>The sight of your escape gives you a second wind, and you run faster, arm outstretched for the door knob.

>As your hand touches the cold brass doorknob, you hear a woman scream.

>You look back, and see nothing. The thing that was chasing you is nowhere to be seen, and the only thing you can hear is the roiling storm outside.

>Whatever that thing is, it imitated Ricki's voice. Maybe it can't follow you here and it's trying to lure you back to it. Feeling less guilty with this in mind, you turn back to the door.

>Something heavy slaps against the outside of the hardwood door, and the small amount of ambient light outside is blackened. A yellow eye pressed against the glass of one of the doors opens up to stare at you, and you can hear heavy breathing just on the other side.

>”B-but, how!? I…”

>”Haaaaah… You cannot escape God's wrath, Maurice…” Said a rasping voice, muffled by the ancient wood keeping the thing at bay.

>Another scream rings out through the manor, this time you can clearly tell it was Ricki.


>Something's dripping on the floor, a black ooze seeping through through the creases and keyholes of the doors.

>You hesitate, looking for the source of the screams between glances back at the doors, now groaning under the immense weight behind it.

>Eventually, your fear of what will happen when the doors finally give urge you to move. You run back into the center of the foyer, and look around frantically for the source of Ricki's screams.

>But before you can even get your bearings, the front door crashes open, a flood of black ooze rushing in. All the paths leading into the ground floor of the foyer become overrun with a torrent of the dark slime. You were trapped… but as you nervously back up from the rapidly incoming wave of approaching doom, you trip, and fall backwards, landing much sooner than you expected. Glancing back, you see you had fell onto a set of stairs leading up, wasting no time in scrambling up the steps.


>There was no doubt in your mind, Ricki was somewhere past that door!

>As the creature starts to slowly seep up the stairs behind you, you burst through the door, slamming them behind you and fumbling for the lock.

>”W-why am I even bothering with this!?” You wheeze under your breath, remembering what good doors were last time.

>A wet crash behind the door makes you jump back and quickly look for your next route. A spacious, opulent hall, with two intersecting hallways going off into either wing of the manor, each guarded by a pair of suits of full plate armor.

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2847db No.347591


>You stop, and try to discern which path to take, when you hear metal groaning and straining.

>Black ooze begins dripping from the armor suits' eye slits, tendrils bursting from their backplates.

>”H-h-halt, heretic!” A gurgling voice reverberates out from one of the suits, as it grabs a decorative blade mounted on the wall behind it, quickly brandishing it as you felt it stare at you with violent intent. “Surrender to God and your de-e-e-eath will be merciful!”

>You don't even get a chance to respond when one of them charges, swinging their blade down towards you.

>With a frightened squeak, you throw yourself aside, and hear the floor crunch under the power behind his weapon.

>Another knight steps forward and swings a battleaxe for your head. You lean back, feeling the cold steel just barely nick your nose. Quickly bringing a hand to it, you feel blood stick to your fingertips, before twisting around and crawling away.

>”NO! STOP!!” Ricki's cry echoed from down the main hall, behind another set of doors.

>A cacophony of heavy armor closes in behind you as you get back up and run towards her voice.

>”I'm coming, Ricki!” You shout, unsheathing your blade while nervously looking back at the anomalous armor giving chase. As you approach the doors, you rear back, and kick at the space below the handles as hard as you could

>The doors remain stubbornly intact with an unceremonious thud.

>”Ow…” You groan, shaking the pain from your foot. But your embarrassment is short lived, as your desire for a manly entrance is quickly overtaken by a fear of your attackers getting dangerously close. You quickly turn the handle and duck inside, turning the lock behind you.

>Sighing in exhaustion and relief, you step further into the room, and kneel to take a desperately needed breather.


>You look up to see a massive black tentacle careening down on you. You leap away, just barely avoiding the appendage as it splats into the tile, leaving huge cracks behind as the slime seeps back towards it's source.

>The room you were in seemed to be a massive study. Bookshelves covered most of the walls, save for the one at the far end, where a massive window opened up to the darkened sky beyond. The small amount of light that permeated through the storm clouds was just enough to let you make out a massive black form, covered in tendrils, eyes, and teeth, with no rhyme of reason behind their placement and numbers.

>Wrapped tightly in one of it's amorphous limbs, was Ricki, her clothes and armor broken and torn, revealing skin covered in scratches and bruises. “Maurice!”

>”Ricki! I'm here! I'm here… to… s-s-save y-you…!?” You exclaim, choking back the crippling fear that gripped you as you took in the massive thing before you.

>Whatever it was, it began laughing in a fashion more reminiscent of hawking up phlegm. “No, child. I am here to save YOU. You have strayed from God's light, and for that, your soul is damned.”

>”W-what…?” You whisper fearfully.

>”Kill this abomination you naively call Ricki, swear your fealty to me, and I will allow you to live under service of my military.”

>”B-but- what-”

>”I am God, Maurice. Your creator. Creator of all. And as thanks for your pitiful existence, you have betrayed me for this DEMON!”

>”S-she's not a demon!” You stammer. “She's kind! And honorable! And I think… I think she's-” you hesitate to say your thoughts out loud, only to be cut off.

>”You will do it, or you will die, and suffer the fate of all sinners! …In the Pit…” It gurgles, lowering Ricki down to the floor.

>She only looks at you for a moment, before bringing her eyes down to the floor. “Maurice… I… I won't hold it against you… whatever choice you mfff-!!” She grunts as another appendage wraps around her mouth, gagging her.


>Your heart was pounding, your hands could barely grip the blade from the sweat slicking your palms, tears stung your eyes. You just wanted to be like your father! Why… why!? When you finally found someone willing to mentor you… why must it be this way!?

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2847db No.347595


>You woke up in your bed to the sound of the entrance to your home gently shutting.

>Footsteps and quiet metal jingling made their way up the stairs, when a man appears in the door frame to your room.

>”Son? Are you awake?” Says a deep, comforting voice.

>”Dad?” You say, hope welling in your chest as you sit up excitedly. “Dad, you're home!”

>”Aha, no need to get up, son. I was just stopping by to see you before I go.” He says, walking up and kneeling next to your bed so he was eye-level with you.

>”Oh… You have to leave again? So soon?” You say, feeling disappointed.

>He looks down for a moment, “Yeah, and I'll be gone for a while…”

>”Where are you going this time? To the Capitol?”

>”…Something like that.” He chuckles, “You're the man of the house while I'm gone, okay? I want you to take care of your sisters, and be good for your mother, okay?”

>”Yes sir!” You say, mustering up a bit of sternness through your sorrow.

>”And… I want to give you this.” He slides off his old leather coat, before draping it over you like a second blanket.

>”Your coat…?” You utter, while feeling the rough, aged hide.

>Your father smiles, “That coat has seen me through many adventures, it's even saved my life a few times.” He laughs. “I want you to have it to remember me by…”

>Excited, you jump off your bed and put it on, the tattered bottom of the material dragging the floor.

>”Haha, it's a little big on you.” He smiles, as he looks at you pridefully. “But you'll grow into it in a few years. When you're a little older, I'm sure you'll make a fine merc.”

>You lift the hem of the coat to keep it from laying on the floor.

>”Now since you're going to be the man of the house, you remember what I told you about being a man, right?”

>You smile excitedly and cross your clenched fist over your heart in a salute, reciting the mantra your dad had drilled into you since childhood, “A man defends everything he loves, with everything he has!”

>”Good man.” He chuckles, reaching out to rustle your hair. He beamed proudly at you, his eyes glistening in the moonlight streaming in from the window.

>”Well… I'm off, son. I love you. I'll bring you something when I come back, okay?” He sighs, as he leaves your room.

>”I love you too.” You call back, as he leaves.

>You stand for a moment, listening to the footsteps, followed by the door creaking.

>”Dad! Wait!” You shout as you run after him.

>As you go downstairs, you see a paladin holding the door open for your dad, sword drawn in his free hand.

>”Go back to bed, young citizen. It's too far past curfew for a child to be wandering outside this late. Especially during a full moon… The monsters are always looking for prey on nights like these.” A grim voice echoes from behind his great helm.

>”Listen to him, son.” He says with a heavy smile, “I'll be back before you know it.”

>”O-okay…” You say, dejected and confused, giving your dad one last wave goodbye before going back to your bedroom.

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2847db No.347722


>You scream angrily, running towards Ricki with your sword in your grip.

>She closes her eyes and winces.

>Baleful, inhuman screams threaten to destroy your ears.


>Ricki collapses to the ground, the tendrils that bound her dissolving away, as the severed stump flails about from the central mass.

>You ready your blade, and choke back your fearful tears as you charge for one of the lower eyes of the creature. “AUUUGHHHH!!!!!” You cry, as you drive it deep into it's yellow sclera, acrid, bile like blood spraying out as you pushed down to cut through as much of the flesh as you could, not even sure what you were even doing through the adrenaline rush.


>Several tentacles shudder, and form into dark gleaming spikes, before driving towards you at all angles.

>You pull out your blade from it's bleeding eye with a sickening squelch. The exercises Ricki drilled into you every day come to you almost naturally, stumbling into an inelegant but serviceable parry, just in time to deflect some errant spikes, while twisting out of the way of the others, before quickly lopping them off. You regain your stance, and holding the hilt with both hands, you start angrily hacking away at it's flesh blindly, each cut rewarding you with more pained howls.


>”SHUT UP!” You shout, your assault slowing as you catch your breath, your voice lowering to a growl, “I'de never betray Ricki! She's the only person who believed in me after my father died!” Your throat starts to get hoarse as you scream out your anger with every swing. “I'LL DEFEND HER TO THE DEATH!”

>The creature's words devolve into pained screams and howls as you hack it apart, mind consumed by a numbing mixture of fear and anger. It's form slowly loses cohesion as it pools on the floor and evaporates.

>You continue your strikes until your blade fails to connect to anything, and hits the floor with a fruitless 'thunk'.

>Your throat and eyes burn from your outburst, unable to do more but gasp deep, ragged breaths. Fatigue setting in, you drop the sword onto the ground, letting it clatter onto the tile.

>You… you did it… some how you saved Ricki. You could barely believe it.

>If you weren't so exhausted, you would probably feel really proud about this. But right now, you just wanted to rest. “Dad, I hope I made you proud.” You mutter softly.


>You feel a gentle weight press up behind you, Ricki's arms wrapping around and holding you close.

>”Ricki… are you okay?”

>”Mmhmm…” She hums, holding you for a few more moments before turning you around.

>Her eyes sparkle in the dimly lit study as she stares deeply into your own.

>Despite your exhaustion, your heart finds itself enough energy to flutter painfully as your cheeks warm up. You never realized how beautiful Ricki's eyes were, framed with long lashes that delicately brushed the air as she blinked. Her skin was pale and flawless, with cheeks that blushed such a delicate pink. Her lips, full, and soft, like sweet, perfectly ripened fruit that left you feeling parched. How desperately you wanted to taste them.

>You suddenly found yourself holding her tighter. You didn't want this moment to end. Your adrenaline rush from the battle had been slowly draining away, only to double back to fuel your rising passions.

>She was right there.

>You wanted her more than anything.

>And you knew she wanted you too.

>You were both alone here, safe from the raging elements outside.

>No one would bother you here.

>She was perfect…

>Almost… too perfect.

>She seemed… far cleaner than you remembered despite her shredded attire, which seemed to expose just the right places of soft, creamy flesh that set your desires aflame. And you could never recall her wearing makeup, but, she looked very well groomed. Even her hair, usually slightly frizzed and smelling of dirt with a hint of wet dog, seemed to be replaced with the scent of perfume…

>Everything about her was just intoxicating.

>How did you never notice before?

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2847db No.347731


>Your thoughts are silenced as Ricki pushes you away, squealing girlishly, before going into a fit of giggling.

>”R-Ricki… is something wrong?” Suddenly dreading that you had done something wrong. Did you move too fast? Did she think you were some sort of pervert now? Did she hear you sniffing her hair!?

>”Oh you!” She laughs, “You're so cute!” her voice changing to take on a slightly deeper, more mature tone.

>”Um… uh…” You babble, but go quiet as Ricki's body, clothes and all darken into an opalescent dark violet, before melting into a less defined shape. You freeze with fear for a moment, before diving back for the sword you dropped, only for another tentacle hanging from the ceiling to snatch it away and dangle it just out of your reach. You twist back at where what you thought was Ricki was standing, and see a strange woman in a maid uniform standing in her place. “What have you done with Ricki!?” You shout, rising your fists in front of you in an untrained boxing stance.

>”I'm sorry for scaring you, but I haven't done anything to young Mistress Barkmont.” The woman says, with a calm smile on her face, a tentacle from her lower body retracting with your black still wrapped within it. “I would never do anything to the Mistress's daughter.”

>”T-then prove it! Where is she!? Where's Double-Oh!?”

>”She's in the cellar, looking for supplies. She won't find any, of course. The cellar was cleaned out before the Mistress decided to move everyone to Ebonthorn Crag for safe haven.” One of her appendages seems to harden, and form into a block, which starts scraping against the blade of Ricki's sword, seemingly sharpening it. “…And that curious construct is with her. That little ruckus you caused got their attention, and they're on their way here.”


>The 'maid' shushes you with a small tendril, and closes the distance between you, “ I'm only here to make sure the young Mistress is safe… and to make sure her…” She looks you up and down slowly, lightly biting her tongue as she fails to repress a knowing smile, ”…Companion, was trustworthy enough to trust with her well-being.” The blocky appendage melts and softens into a rag, which she begins using to polish the sword, “Promise me you won't tell her I was here… and… keep her safe, okay?”

>Coming off of the high of your emotions, you're at a complete loss of words as you stare into the approaching yellow pinprick pupils of the maid's dark eyes. She tucks Ricki's sword back into the loop on your belt, and lightly pats your cheek with her hand.

>”Thank you. My Mistress will be relieved to hear her daughter has such a strong, reliable young man taking care of her daughter. Oh, and I believe there may be some treats the Mistress left in her desk behind you. Feel free to help yourself, and be sure to share them with Ricki.” She giggles again as she slides away, waggling her fingers before melting, her body absorbing into the cracks of the damaged floor without a trace.

>As the voice disappears with the strange maid, you're left dumbfounded, only able to go limp and collapse onto the cold floor.

>The double doors slam open, and Ricki and 00 charge inside. “Maurice! We're here! What's with all the screaming?”

>Why were you screaming? Why were you curled up on the floor? Why were you crying?

>You didn't even know what was going on any more.

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2847db No.347732


>”Uh… Maurice? Are you okay?” Ricki says uncomfortably as she walks up to you.

>”Y-yeah.” You murmur under your breath. “Did you find any food?”

>”I found some… uh…” She produces a musty old jar full of something off green, and squints really hard at the contents, “…Preserves? Of some kind… I'm sure it's still edible. And a few bottles of wine… we could probably just empty them out and use the bottles for water.”

>”Yeah…” You drone.

>”Maurice, I'm worried. You look like you went through hell…”

>Did neither of them see any of that? The manor flooding with slime? That giant monster screaming? You look over at where the tile cracked from the monster's impact, and see it was perfectly intact, as if it never happened. “I… I'm fine.” Your stomach growls as it's wracked with hunger pains.

>”User Maurice was previously showing signs of anxiety and paranoia. Low blood sugar and fatigue likely resulted in hallucinations and minor panic attacks.” 00 responds.

>”So you're just hungry?” Ricki clicks her tongue, “Maurice, I know we have to ration our supplies, but you still need to eat. You don't have to feel shy about asking for food you know. I can't train you if you're tired and freaking out on me. Come on, up and at 'em!” Kneeling beside you, she extends her hands for you.

>You take her hands absentmindedly and let her help you up to your feet.

>”We still got some meat if you like. Gotta eat it up before it goes bad on us.” She keeps a hold of your hands, smiling kindly.

>Still feeling dazed, your gaze drifts up to Ricki's eyes, lingering there. Images of her half lidded eyes closing in for a kiss flash in your mind, making your heart skip a beat before you quickly snap back to reality. Ricki was still a friendly distance away, simply looking concerned.

>Her eyes drift to the window behind you, before she lets out a deep sigh, “It's still storming pretty hard. Let's go to the kitchen and cook up what we have. I saw some firewood in the cellar we can use in the stove.” Hand still clasping yours, she begins to walk away.

>But she stops when she realizes you weren't really moving.

>”You coming, Maurice?”

>”Y-yeah… uh… I'm just going to stay here for a moment.”

>”Oh, alright. I'll be down in the kitchen if you need me. It's in the Western wing, take a ri-”

>”I know where it is.” You interrupt.

>”Oh. Okay. Just come down in a bit, then. I'll have some food ready.” Ricki says, hesitating a moment before leaving the room.

>00 Remains in the room, staring blankly.

>”Go help Ricki, Double-Oh. I'll be fine.”

>”…Understood.” She says, before going off after her.

>You stand silently, watching until the two of them were out of sight, before aimlessly wandering the room in thought, trying to process what happened. Did you really just hallucinate that? You walk past a mirror, half covered in a tarp. Looking at your reflection, you see a nick on your nose, a small trail of dried blood running down your face.

>Your stomach churned, threatening to empty out what little contents were in your stomach. The conflicting and strong emotions made the room spin, forcing you to grab hold of a bookcase to steady yourself.

>You look around for a suitable resting place as your vision became stable again.

>Spotting the large desk and chair in the center of the room, you trudge over, and fumble to get the tarp off of it, throwing it unceremoniously on the floor before plopping down on the lush leather seat.

>After sleeping outside in the cold for so long, this chair felt like heaven, even though the thought of another creature popping out of the shadows lingered in the back of your mind.

>But at this point, you were just too exhausted physically and emotionally to care.

>Your stomach gnaws at itself angrily, it's growls echoing out in the large chamber.

>”I want to go home.” You whine under your breath, reclining against the back of the chair and closing your eyes. Maybe when you opened them back up, your mom would be there nagging at you to look for a job.

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2847db No.347748


>”Maurice, sweetie. Heinrich next door said he's looking for an apprentice, and wanted to know if you were interested in becoming a potter.”

>”B-but Mom, a band of mercs is visiting the town tomorrow, I need to get ready to try to impress them so I can convince one to train me.”

>”Maurice, I know you want to follow in your father's footsteps… but…”

>”You stink big brother! You couldn't even cut grass with that dinky sword you bought!”

>”He couldn't even kill a frog, even if he stepped on it!”

>”Like he could ever even kill a monster!”

>”Monster's have to eat too, but Maurice wouldn't even taste good enough for one.”

>”Hey, he could probably kill a monster by making it choke on his bones-”

>”Now that's enough, girls! Watch your mouths, and go to your room!”


>”Maurice. You're a man now. You… you can't keep chasing this, Maurice. It killed your father, I don't-”

>”I don't care! I promised him I would! I was going to travel the world with him!”


>”Why don't you care about my dreams, mom…”

>”Maurice! We can't keep doing this! The savings he left for us aren't going to last forever! You need to find work-”

>”I will, I just need-”

>”NOW, Maurice. I'm working myself to the bone just to support this family on my own! Are you going to make your own mother work herself to death just so you can play all day!?”


>”Being an adult means sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do, Maurice. I love you, and I've been patient with you and I wanted you to be able to follow your father's footsteps, but you're just… just…”


>”Maurice… Your father didn't… hey! Don't run off when I'm talking to you! Maurice! Get back here this instant!”

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2847db No.347751


>A crack of thunder makes you wake up with a start, finding yourself still sitting at the dusty hardwood desk.

>How long were you out? It couldn't have been too long, the storm is still raging outside.

>You felt a bit better regardless as long as you didn't think too much about earlier, it felt like a distance memory already. Ricki probably didn't finish cooking yet though, or else she would have called you.

>Wiping the crust from your eyes, you stretch, reveling in the feeling of your back cricking back into place.

>As you open your eyes back, you spy a single sheet of paper laying before you. Maybe you were asleep for longer than you thought, and Ricki left you a note.

>Feeling a bit guilty for your laziness, you snatch it up and read it as quickly as possible.

Ricki. I know you probably hate me now, and I deserve it. But if you ever decide to come back home, you'll probably find we're all gone. We didn't abandon you, please don't think that. It looks like there's going to be a war, so we had to go to the city to keep the children safe.

I know I'm not your real mother, but please know I love you just as if you were my own flesh and blood. You don't have to come see me, but please, be safe, and come to the city where I know you won't get hurt.

Love, Mom

P.S - I left some of your favorite cookies for you, they're in the big drawer in my desk. And there should still be fresh clothes in the footlocker in your room. And don't forget to take a bath! And please remember to stay clear of the human's roads.

>Suddenly, you felt a bit guilty for reading something so personal, even though that wasn't your intention. And was there really a war going on? Your stomach dropped at the thought of Towerwood being raided, and your own family being slaughtered in the fray.

>Glancing over the letter once more, you shake the compounding bad thoughts away, fold up the document and tuck it away safely in your inner breast pocket.

>Remembering the strange maid's words, you mindlessly pull open random drawers in the desk at the vague promise of food. But they all seemed to be empty…

>As you pull open the large, flat drawer in the center, your attention perks up at the sound of clattering and shuffling paper.

>Inside you saw a couple of crumpled documents, and about a dozen hard looking cookies scattered about that were vaguely bone shaped. Could these be the cookies talked about in the letter? You're sure Ricki wouldn't mind if ate one. Scooping them up in your hands, you put them all into one of the larger pockets of you coat for safe keeping.

>You take the papers and look through them. The page on top was a letter written in clean, meticulously clear handwriting.

Mistress Barkmont, the increased aggression from Duskbreach's forces have me concerned. Your orphanage is so far from our capitol, and I'm unsure if our troops can safely defend you from this distance. I Implore you, your staff, and your charges all take refuse in Ebonthorn. The entire manor can stay in the palace as honored guests until we get a more permanent lodging sorted out.

>An ostentatious seal depicting a wicked looking barbed crown was stamped as the signature. Whatever this was, it seemed important. But this must be why the place is empty. And it's an orphanage? You began to wonder why Ricki never talked about her mother. She must be such a sweet woman to run an orphanage like this. But you guess she has her reasons.

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2847db No.347752


>The rest of the pages seemed to be unrelated notes scribbled in a more flowery, but less readable script.

Sequel to Squire and Succubus ideas:

Son of S&S travels to the west to discover new world, meats swarthy virgin girl(s?).

Younger son of S&S becomes a man with help of deliciously plump kikimora nanny.

Daughter of S&S has her pick of eligible royalty and nobility from around the realm, falls in love with poor but exciting and worldly bard. (On to something?)

Bard goes on adventure for inspiration so he can woo princess with a masterpiece song.

(Never mind stupid idea. Need more inspiration myself where is Mary with my

Writer gets losst in forst, stimbbles opun mansion where he falls in luv and seduces beutiful vampire that livs there.

Writer is queit and shi, goood with childrin, well mannured

Wrytes romants novils wih aksual pltt and noy js stipod smot wih n karectrzatin gd whi am I sucj a hakk–

Holds hendsss

Hlds me

Huldz mi donw bitz my nekk undil he mrks me as hs

Hairrry lik a beest fucs like oe tu

Oh gddd pls imrbemate me

>The rest of the notes just seemed to be illegible chicken-scratch, scribbles mostly consisting of phallic shapes, and puddles of ink mixed with wine stains.

>As you tried to make sense out of the rest of them, you absentmindedly take a cookie from your pocket and bring it to your mouth. It was pretty hard. Incredibly hard, actually. You couldn't even bite down onto it.

>”Phteugh!” You spit it out onto the desk, the cookie clattering on the surface. “Gross.” It tasted like stale fat and gristle. Not like you could chew it up any ways.

>Your stomach protested even louder.

>It was a bit of a walk back to the kitchen. Maybe you should go help out with the food.

>It took some will power just to pull yourself from the comfortable chair, and even more just to fight the urge to sit back in it. But you manage to resist the temptation. As you walk around the desk, you accidentally kick something with your boot, sending it sliding across the floor.

>You walk at a quickened pace up to the object, “A book?” After picking it up, you dust it off and look at the cover, “The Squire and the Succubus, by… Countess-” You stop and reread the author's name again, making sure you had read it correctly. Biting your tongue, you pop the book open to a random page and look inside.

The succubus writhed in the grass as the Squire plowed into her sopping folds with his hot, throbbing member, “YES! OH GOD YES!” She screamed in ecstasy, clinging to the earth for dear life.

>Shutting the book quickly, you look around again to make sure no one saw you looking.

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2847db No.347895


>”User Maurice.”

>”EEYAAAAUGH!!!!” You quickly hide the book in your coat and turn around to see 00 staring at you.

>”…User Ricki wanted me to inform you that the food is ready.”

>”O-okay!” Desperately trying to calm your heart down, your voice cracking mid sentence, “I'll be riIIght down!”

>”I will escort you. Your heart rate still seems dangerously high.”

>Still painfully aware of the smut in your coat, you shake your head, trying to find a way out of it.“N-no, go ahead! I-”

>”I have been trying to access my first aid functions so I can properly diagnose you, but they're still being recovered. I apologize for the inconvenience.” 00 bows stiffly, “User Ricki is also concerned for your health. She expressed worry that she has been pushing you too hard in your training.”

>”N-no, I'm fine, I-”

>00 steps forward and put's a hand on your forehead. “A fever as well.”

>”I'm telling you, I'm fine, mom!” You huff impatiently.

>The angel blinks, or more accurately, the light from her eyes flickers, “Mom?”

>”Sorry!” Too late to correct yourself, your face feels like it's going to pop from embarrassment, “Pretend I didn't say anything. U-uh, let's just go then, shall we?” You grab 00's hand and start leaving the study.

>Of course, you make little progress, as 00 was immensely heavy, and wouldn't budge at all until she began walking with you. You found yourself less dragging her along, and more walking at the pace she decided.

>You kind of wished you could just walk outside and douse yourself in the rain. All this embarrassment was burning you up.

>As you walked back down the hall, you did your best to ignore the now inanimate suits of armor standing guard, silently pulling 00 just a bit harder along, wishing she would hurry up.

>By the time you made it to the foyer, the smell of meat reminded you how long it had been since you last ate, coaxing you enough to let go of 00's hand and walk at a much faster pace.

>As you walked into the kitchen, now gently illuminated by candlelight, you saw Ricki gnawing at a chunk of meat in her paws, gristle falling indiscriminately onto the floor. Hearing you come in, she turns to face you, chin covered in grease, her smile exposing meat stuck in her teeth, “Hehr Moorish.” She swallows her current mouthful, and motions to the slab of game resting on the bare oven burner, “Help yourself!”

>Taking a knife to the meat, you cut off a manageable piece and join her in eating. Despite the charred exterior and lack of spice, it was the best thing you had ever tasted.

>”Marish.” Another swallow, her eyebrows arched in concern, “Are you okay? You've been acting weird recently.”

>You hold up a hand, waiting until you had swallowed your food before forcing a smile, “Yeah, I'm fine! J-just… tired! Yeah!”

>”Weird, we haven't traveled for that long today…” Ricki thinks carefully, before ripping open the piece of meat on the stove to peak inside, “I've been cooking the meat thoroughly enough, right? I know humans can't really eat raw meat like I can…

>”Yeah, it's cooked. I'm telling you I'm fine.” You insist.

>Her eyes shift to the side, before she sets her food down and walks up to you, grabbing your bandaged arm, quickly unraveling it.

>”What are you doing!?”

>”Making sure it's not infected.” Her worry melts away though, as she exposes your arm, little blood stained the bandages, and the injury was much smaller than before. 'Thank goodness.”

>Despite the lingering pain, you enjoyed the feeling of her hands on your arm more than you should have, quietly lamenting when she tied your dressing back up and stepped back.

>”You still look a bit feverish. Since this storm doesn't seem to be letting up any time soon, we might as well stay here for the night. The journey across the desert is tough, and I need you to be in good condition when we go.

>You can only nod, it's not like you could travel in that weather… though the thought of staying in this place didn't sit well with you.

>”I think I have diagnosed the root of User Maurice's ailment.” 00 Interjects.

>”Huh?” You blurt.

>”How long have you been traveling, User Maurice?”

>You count on your fingers, trying to remember, ”Uh, I don't know… weeks? Maybe a month?”

>00 clicks, “I hypothesize that User Maurice is homesick. I suggest he go visit his family or contact them in whatever way appropriate.”

>Ricki looks at you, and then looks down, taking a bite of food to distract herself.

>The realization that you couldn't return home weighed down on you since that day, but being reminded still hurt. You just wish you could see your mother and sisters again, just to make sure they were alright. “I… I can't go back home, Double-Oh…”


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2847db No.347898


>You and Ricki eat in silence, the moment soured by the reminder.

>”S-so where are we going to go now?” You say, breaking the silence.

>Ricki sighs dejectedly, “I didn't really want to go back there again so soon… but we have no choice at this point. We're going to go to Ebonthorn Crag. It's the only city we can go to that's safe for monsters.”

>”How has an entire city been hidden from Duskbreach for so long?”

>”Ah.” Ricki quicky finishes off her piece of meat, before walking over to the stove and cutting off another piece, “They know it's there, I guess they just keep that knowledge under wraps from the commoners. But Duskbreach assaulted the Crag a while ago, unsuccessfully, fortunately.”

>You leaned back in your chair and tried to take it in. You had no idea your Kingdom had done any of this. But considering how they hid the truth about monsters for so long, who knows what else they were hiding.

>”I don't like it, honestly. The Crag, I mean. Too hot, too dry, too cramped, too crowded. The people are… I don't know, they're just, selfish, rude.” Ricki complains, “I can't explain it.”

>”My dad always said people in the capitol were different than they were back home. They had some sense of superiority, even the beggars, just because they lived there.”

>”Yeah, that's a good way to put it. But…” She stares at the floor blankly and trails off, “…I don't know.”


>”Maurice, are you sure you're up to this?”

>The way she said that so bluntly scared you. “What do you mean?”

>”Maurice, if…” She hesitated for a moment, “If… When you get to Ebonthorn, if you want to stay there, for whatever reason-”

>”Are you telling me you don't want to train me any more…?” You whisper, fearing her response.

>She shakes her head frantically, ”No! I'm not saying that! I just-”

>”Is it because of earlier? Because I-” You stop yourself, and realize she would never believe what you saw. How could she? You barely believed it yourself, or you didn't want to.

>”No, that's not it! I said I would train you, and I keep my promises! You're a good pupil, Maurice, I just-”

>”But what?” You say more accusatory than you meant to.

>And that tone seems to upset her, “Hey look, I didn't HAVE to agree to anything just because I saved you! I could have just left you to fend for yourself!”

>You're taken aback, and start desperately wishing you could take it back. “I'm… Ricki, I'm sorry. I know I've been a burden on you.”

>She seems to try to keep her stern expression, but turns away as it begins to falter, “I don't know what's going through your mind, Maurice.” Ricki pulls out a handkerchief and wipes her face, huffing as she pulls the cloth away. “Maurice… I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that… I would have never abandoned you like that. But you're not a burden!”

>”You don't have to lie to make me feel better, Ricki. I know you have to slow down just to let me catch up, you burn through your supplies twice as fast keeping me alive-”

>”Maurice! I know that, but I'm not doing it because I have to!” She says in a huff, calming herself down before she continued, “…I'm doing it because I want to, Maurice. If anything, I'm burdening you.”

>You give her an unconvinced look, ”Ricki…”

>”I'm telling the truth!” She retorts, “I need you, Maurice! …I need your help. I… You probably think I'm some experienced veteran warrior, or something.” She laughs nervously, “I spent years chasing my own tail like a damned fool. I only began to see the whole picture months ago when I read my mother's journal… this isn't something I can do alone. Even she couldn't do it alone.” Ricki buried her face in her paws in shame, “Maurice, I'm only giving you an out because I don't want to force you into this. I don't want you to think I'm using you.”

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2847db No.347899


>”Ricki, why do you even need me? I saw you hold your own against Sirius Dawn! Do you realize he's the Captain of the Church's military? You were amazing!”

>She laughs grimly, “No, Maurice. You just saw me get lucky. What you didn't see was how many times I ran away with my tail between my legs, how many times I would have died if I hadn't gotten lucky. All the times I had to crawl through the mud, bleeding to death, just because I got cocky. I can train, and practice, and study all I want. But it'll be all for nothing, if I make just one mistake at the wrong time in the wrong place. My mother and father had survived in their pursuit for years, and that's all it took to end them.”

>As saw Ricki in lament before you, you began to wonder if you father felt this way, too. When you were younger, he always seemed like an invincible hero to you. But even he met his fate, despite the decades of campaigns and missions under his belt.

>”Maurice, I can't promise you some grand, adventure that ends in riches and fame and your name sung in honor through the ages. In fact, it's very likely it'll end suddenly in tears with no glorious final stand.”

>”I don't care about that!” You say, mustering up some confidence, “If you mean it when you say you'll train me, then I mean it when I told you I owe you my life! I'll stay with you to the bitter end! A man defends everything he… uh…” You stammer nervously, not wanting to say something that would scare Ricki off, “A uh man… always keeps his word… yeah…” You fidget nervously, wishing you could hide after that stupid nonsense you just blathered.

>She smiles, but it's still tinged with sadness. “Thank you, Maurice. That really means a lot to me. It really does. Hah…” She sighs, shaking her head, “I'm supposed to be your mentor, and I'm acting like a kid. It's probably just… I think we're both tired. We should both go turn in, get an early start tomorrow. That alright with you?”

>”Yeah, that's fine.” You say, “I think we could all use a rest. Except, Double-Oh, I think.”

>”Alright.” Ricki walks up to you, and pauses, struggling to keep eye contact. Her tail twitches around her leg before she looks down at her feet and walks past you. “There's plenty of bedrooms upstairs, I'll get one set up for you, just follow me.”

>The two of you make you way back to the foyer, 00 following silently behind you.

>She leads you up to the second floor, and down the hall, stopping at the end of the hall, “This is my room, this house is pretty warm, so we won't have to huddle up tonight…” She walks across the hall to the room across the hall, and opens the door, “Yeah, you can have this room for the night. There's a bathroom three doors down if you want to freshen up.

>”So… this is an orphanage?” You mumble, trying to make more pleasant conversation.

>”Yeah… I grew up here.” She grins, a tinge of sorrowful pride in her eyes, “A lot of monsters don't have proper parents, since humans are scarce in these territories.

>”Oh, so you're an orphan?” You blurt without thinking. Of course she is, she just told you.

>Ricki goes quiet again, her tail sinking between her legs, “…Yeah. B-but it's not all bad! I enjoyed helping the maids take care of my sisters. I hope they're alright…”

>Remembering earlier, you pull the letter out from your pocket, and hand it to her, “I found this in the study… I uh… didn't know what it was until I read it.” You say regrettably as Ricki takes it from you.

>”It's fine…” As she reads over it, her ears lower, “Thanks for bringing this to me. I…” She turns her back to you, “I'm going to go to bed now. I… I don't feel too good right now. Good night, I'll see you in the morning.” Ricki quickly slips into her bedroom before closing the door. A lock latch clicks behind it before the hall goes silent.

>As you stood there the only thing you could think of is how you had forgotten to give her the cookies.

>”User Maurice. Where do you wish for me to stay?” 00 Says, rousing you out of your thoughts.

>”Ah, just stay out in the hall and keep watch I guess.” You walk solemnly over to your room, “Good night, Double-Oh.”

>”Good night User Maurice.”

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2847db No.347904


>You slung your pack against the bed and took a look at the room. The furniture was all of fine make, beautifully stained and lacquered hardwood. Fine silken sheets lined the four beds that dominated most of the space, and felt impossibly luxurious. Simple desks lined the wall opposite from the beds. Guess this really was an orphanage, just seemed oddly fancy for one.

>Laying down on the bed nearly sapped you of all of your energy, the sheer comfort after weeks of sleeping on the earth taking its toll.

>Despite that though, you really couldn't feel yourself going to sleep, even when you closed your eyes. Ricki seemed really upset, and you wondered why she seemed to be upset with her mom. Or her caretaker you guess, since her real mother was gone.

>It's probably not your place to get involved with that, though.

>But that frustrated you more.

>You shift and sit upright on the edge of the bed rubbing your temples before grabbing your belongings. It was mostly filled with books you had taken from the ruins. Looking through them, you saw the one with several bookmarks stuck between the pages.

>Pulling it out, you carefully opened it up, and looked at the runes filling it, annotated noted between each line. Ricki had said this was a language used to perform magic. You recalled a public execution of a witch you had saw as a child, and hesitated. But why were you hesitating? You're already wanted for other crimes, crimes that would no doubt give you the same sentence. Why not go all the way?

>Flipping to the first page, you saw it prologue that you was in your language. Sort of. It was filled with archaic grammar and spelling that made it a bit difficult to read as easily as other things you've read.

>”Syntax… okay… variables…” Yeah you think you could grasp this, it's not too difficult, “…Operators, spell I/O, strings, booleans…”

>Or maybe not. Your head immediately started swimming with the influx of information the text was assaulting you with. This book seemed to assume you knew a lot more on the subject then you did.

>You peeked through the other books you had, and found another one, but this didn't even have annotations, and was effectively unreadable to you. It must have been something far more advanced.

>For the time being, all you have is the one book on magic you could read. It was really obtuse, but if you read it over and over, you're sure you'll make some sense of it. Eventually.

>Lighting the lamp on the night stand, you lay back down on the sinfully comfortable bed, and resume reading.

>But just as soon as you got back in to it, a noise roused you from your study.

>Paranoia creeping back up your neck, you spring upright, and look for the source, preparing to flee. But it seemed to be coming from outside your door.

>You couldn't hear 00 reacting out in the hall, and peeking through the door, you saw her standing still where you left her.

>As you poked your head out into the hall though, the noise became more apparent.

>Sobbing, that went quiet as soon as you caught you. You thought it was just the house settling, but the silence is broken by a sniffle, followed by more restrained, muffled cries.

>They were coming from Ricki's room.

>Without a second thought, you carefully walk to her door and try to open it, only to forget it was locked.

>”Ricki, are you okay?” You utter gently.

>You freeze, expecting her to come out. But it only leads to her room going silent.

>She just wants to be left alone. You really shouldn't be bothering her right now, you tell yourself.

>Feeling defeated and useless, you slink back to your own room, and crawl back into bed, hiding yourself back in the book.

>You hoped everything would be better in the morning.

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1c684a No.347927

Oh snap are we on the old pace again? Time to start checking this thread obsessively again I guess.

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dcf98f No.349481

Update please!

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2847db No.349902



Sorry it took a while for an update. Working two jobs at the moment, it's making things tricky.


>You're woken up by wet planks greeting your face, your body heavy and water logged, making it difficult for your aching body to lift itself up off the ground.

>A mass of tentacles slaps on the boardwalk next to you.

>”You're still as stupid and useless as ever I see.”

>Straining to push yourself upright, you see Ally scowling sadly down at you. Her harsh expression softens as her appendages wraps around your shoulders and hefts you up, “Don't strain yourself.”

>”W-wh-rhgh-” You gurgle, prompting Ally to firmly pat your back, knocking the sea water out of your throat. As you wheeze for breath, you manage to get your words out, “Where's… James? The others?”

>”He's already been taken to the infirmary.” She sighs, “You better start taking better care of my hus-… him…” Ally crosses her arms, “And that harlot wife of yours needs to be keeping you on a shorter leash. Surprised both of you haven't gotten yourselves killed already.”

>”Sir! You're still alive!” Naomi calls out as she runs up to you, standing at salute before you.

>Jaëger catches up to her side, looking worse for wear. “I… I told you he'd be fine.” He gasps for breath.

>”What's the situation, Naomi?” You say, doing your best to stand up straight.

>”The enemy attacking wall side have retreated, seems they gave up when allied forces took down their naval front.”

>”Allied forces…?”

>A large splash of water washes over the nearby pier, an odd looking woman landing on the end of it with a wet slap.

>Her most noticeable feature was below her waist, a long, rubbery looking fish tail that draped over the edge of the platform. She had pale white skin with dark blue skin on the back of her body and extremities, clad in bronze and silk armor. Her stern looking face was framed with white hair in a short bob cut, black eyes with icy blue pupils that seemed indifferent to your presence.

>Glancing back to the ocean, she pulls a bronze sword from her belt, and holds it aloft. Lifting her head, she opens her mouth wide, revealing two rows of razor sharp pointed teeth, before producing a series of loud, but hypnotically serene chords.

>Several more fish women wearing less elaborate splint bone armor breach the sea, lining up along the edge of the dock.

>”Presenting her eminence, ruler of the Southern Seas, Baroness Manami.” The first woman shouts.

>A large splash, and another aquatic denizen launches out from the waves. Her long, illustrious, teal hair flowed like water. Droplets kiss her fair, flawless skin, sparkling in the sun as she reached the peak of her graceful arc. A fine, billowing, silken robe flowed across her form, the wet fabric denying it's modest design from hiding the subtle contours of her body. She flies back down towards the boardwalk…

>And lands on the pier with the elegance of a fish out of water with a painful wet slap.

>The gray skinned woman panicked, running to the Baroness's side, “Your eminence, are you okay!?”

>She reaches out and grabs her staff, using it to push her self upright. Despite her initially grand entrance, she was much shorter in stature, and more frail compared to the others. “I'm okay, Morgan. I just…” Minami was looking at the wrong person entirely, blinking and squinting her eyes. “I… can't see. Morgan, would you please-”

>”Of course, ma'am.” Morgan and Minami carefully lower themselves down, crawling about on their bellies as they looked about the planks.

>Unsure how to introduce yourself, or what was going on, you glance down, and see a pair of glasses by your boots. Recoiling in a start at how close you were to stepping on them, you carefully kneel and pick them up, careful not to smudge the round lenses. “Are these glasses yours?”

>”I… think?” Baroness Minami says nervously, squinting towards the source of your voice. “I'm not sure.”

>Stepping up to her, you ignore the soldiers surrounding her tensing up, carefully slipping the glasses over her finned ears.

>Blinking a few more times, she smiles contently, “Ahh, thank you! Thank so much-” She stops and looks up at you, mouth agape as her cheeks turn pink, “…Sir.” Minami smiles sheepishly, “…Oh gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to disrespect you with that display! Please forgive me!” She says, bowing over and over.

>”By the Light, how can fish be so damned thirsty.” Ally mutters under her breath.

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2847db No.349903


>Morgan conspicuously clears her throat, staring daggers at Ally, who simply scoffs and rolls her eyes.

>”Think nothing of it, my brothers and sisters in arms and I are indebted to you and your soldiers.” You bow in turn, “My name is Anonson, Demon King of Ebonthorn. But please, you don't need to put on airs around me.”

>”Oh, don't thank me, it was all because of Ally! She told us all about what was going on up here!”

>Ally huffs, looking at far away from you as possible with her arms crossed.

>”I'm… flattered. But if I may ask, why did you come to our aid?” You begin to feel slightly embarrassed, “I didn't even know of your existence… I mean no offense, I'm just new to all of this, you see.”

>”Oh, that's okay!” She smiles mischievously as she leans in close to whisper, “I'm new to this too.” Minami stands up straight, before rocking back and forth playfully, before a stern look from Morgan makes her straighten up. “Sir Anonson, I am the Baroness of the Southern Sea, a deep sea territory that stretches from here all the way to the coast South of Ebonthorn. You probably haven't heard of us, because our relationship with Ebonthorn has been rather uneasy for centuries you see.”

>”Well, Ebonthorn is in the middle of a desert, I imagine it's difficult to keep in touch.”

>Minami looks down and giggles, “It's more complicated than that, but I wouldn't mind discussing it with you over-”

>”James! Wait! You're not fully healed yet!” Magdalene shouts.

>”What-” Ally turns her head, just as James crashes into her.

>The mer-soldiers raise their weapons and close in on them.

>But you stand between them and raise your hands, “D-don't worry, everything's fine!”

>”Fine!? That man is attacking her!” Minami shouts in shock.

>”WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? GET OFF OF ME YOU ASS! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!?” Ally screams, as James wrestles her wordlessly, holding a long coil of rope in one of his hands.

>”No, it's just a little lover's spat.” You explain.

>Ally tries using every single one of her human and non-human limbs to escape, but James uses her struggle to bind them in loops.

>”I SWEAR TO GOD, JAMES! I DIDN'T COME ALL THE WAY HERE JUST TO…” She reaches for a dagger looped to her belt, but before she can grasp it, James steps back and pulls hard on the end of the rope. As the loops tightened, Ally's arms get pulled behind her back, bound together with her tentacles, all of which rendered immobile by an intricately patterned woven net. “OW OW OW! THAT FUCKING HURTS!”

>Expression unchanging, James loosens the knot. “That better, dear?”


>Crouching, James hefts her up and over his shoulder, “If ye need me, I'll be in my bunk.”

>”NO! GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU STUPID PIG! WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS I SWEAR I'M GOING TO…” Her voice disappeared, as James calmly walked back into the city.

>”Sorry about that.” You apologize, smiling politely, “Now about that discussion. That will have to wait for now, as I have to survey the damage done to Watchharbor and help the injured.. You are welcome guests here in the mean time.”

>Magdalene clasps your hand and sidles up against you, sighing heavily. You could tell by her face she was relieved, but also frustrated with you. You weren't looking forward to this conversation, but glancing around the city, your priorities were violently sorted back for you.

>”Ah, that's okay. I understand these circumstances are indeed dire.” Minami says, glancing over at Magdalene repeatedly with a less sincere looking smile. “I-I don't think you introduced yourself, Miss…”

>”I'm Anonson's wife, Queen Magdalene.” She grins sheepishly, “You can just call me Magdalene though.”

>Minami shifts her eyes to you and back to her, “Yes, of course. Well, please get back to me, Anonson! We can discuss new trade between our territories, in exchange for naval support of course!”

>”Of course.” You bow politely, before grasping Magdalene's hand, “But that will have to wait, I have deeply important matters to attend to. You are welcome to stay as long as you like as my guest, I only wish I could entertain your visit under less strenuous circumstances.” You turn to your wife, looking into her tired eyes. “Mags?”

>She nods and begins leading you back into Watchharbor.

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2847db No.349904


>The streets were filled with rubble, buildings collapsed, smoke still filling the sky despite the fires having been long since extinguished. Injured citizens and soldiers were being treated by the able bodied on the streets, while others were hard at work trying to clean the mess around them.

>”You know I'm mad at you.” Magdalene says as she leads you.

>”Really? We're doing this now?” You huff.

>“I've already done what I can to help the critically injured, there's no way I can heal this many people without harming myself. Practical medicine from our medics is all we can use for now.” She sighs, “So yes, we are doing this now.”

>“Well what else was I supposed to do? It kept them from firing on the life boats as you escaped, didn't it?” You snap.

>“And that required you to stay ON the boat?” She begins to sound irritated.

>“I had to try…-”

>“Try what!? Getting yourself killed? Again!?” She grips your hand tighter, almost painfully so.

>A man slumped against a building on the side of the street groans in pain.

>“You know I'm not trying to get killed, Mags.” You try to pull her closer, but she tugs back, keeping a distance despite her death grip on your hand.

>“Could have fooled me.”

>“I just… this is all a misunderstanding. If I could just-”

>She steps in front of you and stops you from walking further. “Honey, I know you're trying to be a good person… but have you considered that maybe our enemy isn't filled with good people who kill first and ask questions never?”


>“Let me show you something.”

>She led you to the chapel, outside, several bloodied sheets lined the ground, barely concealing the forms of countless corpses.


>“Over a hundred. Most of them civilians.” She said blankly.

>“Civilians? But-”

>She shakes her head, “Apparently, when the invasion breached the main gate, they did their best to avoid skirmishing with our troops, went straight to the civilians to slaughter them. Even if it meant being killed themselves. Some even got caught in the crossfire from their ships' artillery.”

>You shouldn't have been surprised, why did you ever get your hopes up, “So diplomacy was never an option, was it?”

>“Unless you chained them up and forced them. Even then, probably not.” She leans up against you, resting her head on your chest, “Anonson. I know you want to avoid bloodshed where you can. But you have other people's lives in your hands now. They rely on you for safety, even if they're not thankful for it.”

>“I know that Mags. I thought, that because of that letter… the treaty… this all would have stopped. I thought they were willing to listen.” Your heart begins pounding, blood boiling. You grab the scroll box from your belt, and open it, taking the King's letter in your hand and crumpling it up angrily, tossing it on the ground before blasting it with a gout of fire. “He lied! He lied to me! He lied to all of us! AND FOR WHAT REASON!?”

>“Anonson, calm down-”

>“I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!” You shout, “What was even the point of this? He didn't even wait for us to let our guard down before attacking us again! Was it just to get our hopes up!? To insult us!? Is he just playing with us!? WHY!?”

>”Anonson, please. You're making a scene…” Her own anger seemed to shrink away at your tantrum, as she desperately tried to calm you down.

>“I can't! I just wanted this to end! I just wanted peace! I… I just…” You take a deep breath. It does little to cool your temper, but you manage to speak at a more appropriate volume, “First thing first. How did they get through the gate? Was it damaged?”

>Magdalene looked down at the ground silently.

>“Mags, why aren't you telling me what happened.”

>“Because you need to calm down first.”

>“Honey. This isn't the time, I need to know.”

>“It… wasn't damaged. It's intact.”

>“So it was opened from the inside. Who was in charge of guarding the opening mechanism for the gate, then!? Have they been reprimanded!?”

>“…The soldiers who were stationed there are dead.”

>“I… okay…” You were being hasty, you shouldn't be this way, you know it most likely wasn't their fault. But you found it difficult to keep calm. “So, the enemy managed to get around the wall like we did, then?”

>Magdalene goes silent.

>You look at her uneasily as she avoids your gaze. “Magdalene.”

>She closes her eyes. “It was Mayor Dominic.”

>Rage floods your body, nearly blinding you as you stomped off towards the prison.

>“Anonson, wait!” She says as she runs after you.

>“Is he dead?” Your voice low and silent.

>“No, but-”


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2847db No.350906

Sorry it's been a while. Bad week.


Storming your way into the guard tower, you make a beeline straight for the dungeon.

“DOMINIC!” You scream, hearing a fearful yelp down the hall.

As you walked down the rows of cells, you looked inside each one. They were a lot fuller than before, you guess they must of have been some of the captured invaders. Oddly enough, a lot of them didn't seem upset or scared, many of them sleeping quite soundly.

Something bumps into you, and would have made you fall over if you didn't grab onto the bar of one of the cell doors.

“Oh, careful dear. Why are you in such a hurry?”

You look down and see Iris, who watches you with a subdued grin. A lizardman soldier accompanying her, “Oh, hello gramma… I-”

“Anonson! Wait!” Magdalene shouts, running after you.

“Oh my, is something the matter?” Iris asks.

Relaxing just enough to speak to her respectfully, you do your best to grin, “Yes, Gramma. Which cell is Dominic in?”

“Oh, you mean that timid man in solitary?”

“Thanks.” You walk past her, but then stop and turn. “Wait, Iris, what are you doing in here?”

“I was merely sanctifying the paladins we captured. Didn't want them invoking their god so they could escape, now.” She smiles, “If you'll excuse me. My old bones need a rest.”

After waiting for Iris to leave, you start walking back down the hall.

“Anonson, just listen to me!”

You ignore her, seeing a single cell at the end of the hall, isolated from the others with a heavy, wooden door. As you past the last cell until solitary, you hear it's occupants laughing under their breath.

“DOMINIC!” You snarl, bringing your face up to the small slot in the door to peer inside.

He slides back against the corner of the cell, whimpering fearfully.


“I-I'm scared… I was scared!” He cries.

“But we didn't do anything to you! Why would you do this when I bent over backwards just to show you our intentions are peaceful!?

“N-No, I didn't… when Duskbreach came, I knew they were going to execute me… I figured if I helped them get in, they…”

You glare at him.

“They would spare me…”

“So you opened the gate.” You mutter.

“N-no, I had some of the bums help me… I offered them my savings…”

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2847db No.350907


You can only look at him in disgust.

“I didn't know…”

“That's a lie. You knew they would try to kill everyone in the city.” Your voice low, “You just said so!”

“I wasn't… I wasn't thinking…”

You slam your fists against the door, wood creaking and splintering. “YOU WEREN'T THINKING!? YOUR OWN CITIZENS WERE SLAUGHTERED! AND YOU KNEW! YOU KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN! AND YET YOU STILL DID IT!”

He shrieks as he fruitlessly crawls back against the corner.

“I DIDN'T HAVE TO KEEP YOU! I COULD HAVE EASILY REPLACED YOU WITH SOMEONE I KNEW WAS LOYAL!” BUT I DIDN'T! I PUT TRUST IN YOU BECAUSE I WANTED TO PROVE WE'RE NOT BLOODTHIRSTY MURDERERS!” Flames blast from your helm as you grip the door, pulling it towards you with all of your might. It cracked, and groaned, until finally breaking free from the hinges and lock in a blast of splinters and debris.

“P-Please! Mercy!” He squeaks.

You ignore him, tossing the door aside, and stepping into his cell.

“ANONSON STOP!” Your wife shouts as she grabs onto you, trying to hold you back.

“You said that talking wasn't an option.” You snarled.

“Whoa! Champ! Hold on!” You hear Kenneth say as another hand slows your progress

“Dear, that's enough! This isn't going to solve anything!” Gwen says as two more hands grip your shoulders, stopping you in place despite your best efforts.

“Save that for the real enemies!” Kenneth says as he steps in front of you. “Just look at him! ”

As you calm down, you look down carefully at Dominic, and see he was nearly covered in bruises, teeth missing, mouth crusted with smeared, dried blood.

“We had to put him in solitary because his inmates were trying to kill him.” Kenneth explains. “If we can help it, we do this in a civilized manner. We'll put him through trial later, when things have calmed down.”

“We don't have time to put him on trial! We-”

“He's not going anywhere. He can think about what he's done until the war is over!” Magdalene says, “Just please… I know you're upset. We all are.”

Dominic's sobbing broke the silence as he lay curled up on his side.

“What is killing him going to do at this point?” Your wife says. “It'll just make you look worse to the people…”

“Doesn't seem to matter what I do. I'll always be a monster to them.” You close your eyes and turn away, unable to look at Dominic any longer. “Hell, even my own solders seem scared of me. It's the only reason they're loyal, aren't they? They think I'll just incinerate them into cinders if they look at me wrong… What's wrong with me, Mags?”

“Anonson…” Magdalene mutters softly.

“Let's just get out of here.”

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5edc8c No.350968


>Bad Week.

Whoa mate, take your time. I'm sorry for snapping at you in that other thread, I can be a huge dick sometimes. Reading fucking Berserk for like a decade does things to a man's already frayed nerves.

casca's sane again btw you guys! Nothing to look forward to except seven more fucking years on the fucking boat again

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d3eda7 No.350975

File: 40d98b572ca572f⋯.png (246.28 KB,557x800,557:800,40d98b572ca572f4fa8a7030f3….png)


>“What is killing him going to do at this point?”

Raising the morale of everyone of course.

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2847db No.351137


I didn't think you were acting like a dick, or snapping. I'm just trying to be more transparent in what's going on. I just don't want to blogpost either. Honestly only like posting if I have something to show for it, like this update for example.


>Setting up one of the smaller ships with a table on it's deck, you met with Baroness Minami to discuss relations and trade. One of her guards approached the table, humbly serving her a cup of water.

>“Thank you very much.” She says, taking the cup, and setting it down, before her face sinks into a somber expression. “First of all, my condolences for the casualties suffered today.”

>“It's unavoidable.” You say, crossing your arms, “The only thing we can do is save what lives we can, and try to talk things out when possible.”

>“Yes, it's quite a problem, these paladins. We tried to rescue whoever we could from the wreckage of those ships, but the paladins seemed hell bent on drowning rather than let themselves be saved.” Minami's voice softens, “Lost some of my own soldiers in the process.”

>“I'm truly sorry for your losses, Baroness Minami.” Magdalene says.

>“It's not your fault. They fulfilled their duty, knowing the risks. Their names will be honored for their sacrifice.”

>The three of you go silent, the somber mood taking its toll.

>Minami claps her hands together and does her best to smile, ”But let us put that aside for now and discuss happier topics, like the alliance between our people!”

>”You're right. We have to see the bright side in these dark times.” You add. “So, where should we start?”

>“Trade would be a good starting point.” Magdalene says, “It would pave the way for our people to get to know each other and exchange goods and culture.”

>“Watchharbor would make a lovely trading port for us.” Minami says, happily smiling at you. “With your permission, we would like to set up accommodations to make this easier for us and our merchants to do business here.” She leans her elbows on the table, resting her hands on her cheeks as she awaits your response.

>“That sounds reasonable, what kind of accommodations would you need?” Magdalene asks.

>The Baroness quietly stares at you expectantly.

>“Minami?” Magdalene calls out, waving her hand in her line of sight.

>“Yes? Did you say something?” She says, half paying attention.

>You raise your finger for attention. “I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but my wife is far better with this sort of thing than I am. So if you're waiting for a reply-”

>“Oh, that's okay. I'm listening…” Minami titters, trailing off into giddy silence.

>Magdalene clears her throat, “The accommodations?”

>“Oh, that.” She says, enthusiasm suddenly draining from her voice, “Just a stone ramp into the sea, with a specially made square that would allow our merchants set up shop on the surface comfortably. My people can handle most of the construction, we just need your permission and input so it doesn't conflict with any of your own infrastructure. Standard fare, really.” She quickly leans in closer to you and smiles, “But enough about that, tell me more about yourself, Anonson.”

>“Uh, Well, Ebonthorn Crag has extremely rich mines. But Ebonthorn's largest industry is our glass, that we use in a lot of our goods. We also grow spices and herbs you would probably no doubt be interested in-”

>“No, silly, I want to hear about YOU!” She titters.

>Magdalene sighs under her breath, giving you an impatient sidelong glance.

>Her personal guard, Morgan, slithers forward and whispers harshly into Minami's ear.

>Minami groans, “Our people offer the seas bounty, fish and flora for food and practical applications such as sea rot-proofed textiles, and medicine. Our mines offer an abundance of tin and copper, which we use to produce a number of brass goods that are highly corrosion resistant. I'm sure you would no doubt find that useful in your war efforts.” She says in a bland monotone, like she had recited it from a script.

>Morgan nods in approval.

>“Well, I'm sure we can set up a trade route to Watchharbor for our merchants back home once the trading pier has been built.” Your wife says, “But some trade might be scarce… It seems this war will be going on for a quite a while, and that might cause some issues.”

>“Ah, but war can bring lucrative commerce, can it not?” Says Minami, “We can also help scavenge the ships we sunk, and help you repair them back to working order for your naval forces to use.”

>“Really? That would be great!” You exclaim.

>Minami smirks, “Of course, the price for such a service is quite steep. It's a very dangerous and labor intensive job.” She leans back, “And I value my subjects highly, you understand.”

>“I understand completely.” You say, trailing off as your thoughts drift to unpleasant memories. “And I would hope your soldiers aren't risking their life for free, either.”

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2847db No.351138


>“Of course not, but in exchange, I only have a single request.” She says, almost biting her lip in excitement. “Of course, I've heard all about your endeavors! Which is why I've decided on keeping my request reasonable. Charitable, even!”

>Magdalene rubs her chin, looking at her with suspicion, “What exactly are you loo-”

>“All I request, is for a husband.”

>You look at her and grin, before chuckling, “Minami, I can't put that on the table, because you're free to pursue that regardless of our trade. That's half the reason we're here, we just want a world where humans and monsters can live together in peace and safety. Surely there's something more… substantial, you would want in exchange?”

>“Anonson…” Magdalene utters quietly.

>“No! That's all I want! Please, in exchange for a husband, I'll put in all the work for opening up trade between our people!” She says, enthusiastically extending out her hand. “Do we have a deal?”

>“Of course.” You say, reaching out and shaking her hand, “May the relationship between our people be peaceful and prosper- huh?”

>Minami grabs your hand with both of hers, gripping tightly, her cheeks burning hot as she breathes with unbridled excitement.

>“Uh, Minami, are you okay?”

>“Oh, Anonson! You've made me the happiest girl in the world!” She squeals.

>“Y-you're too kind, Miss. If you like, I know some sailors who are looking for-”

>“Morgan! The ring, if you please!” Minami shouts, “Hurry! I can barely stand waiting another moment!”

>You stand there, at a loss at what was going on, unsure of what to do on the off chance you would offend her on some cultural level.

>Morgan looks at you with uncertainty as she presents a ring to you, a titanium band carved in fine swirling patterns inlaid with nacre, and studded with pearls.

>“Uh… thanks?” You say, taking the ring and looking it over in confusion.

>Minami pulls one of her hands away, and holds it out, fingers fanned and outstretched. “I'm ready…” She says, voice quavering.

>You look over at Magdalene, who gives you an awkward glance back.

>Realization strikes you, “Wait, you want me?”

>“Don't be so coy! What could ever hope to cement this alliance more strongly than their rulers bound in matrimony? Besides, when I heard of your heroic exploits, I knew, right then in there, I was in love! I love you Anonson, and I want no one else to be my husband!”

>Your heart drops with every one of her words, “Minami…” You sigh.

>“Yes, darling?” She says giddily.

>You take her hand, and turn it over, placing the ring in her palm before closing her fingers around it, “I'm sorry, but I'm taken.”

>“And?” She says incredulously.

>“I'm married? I thought this was clear earlier today when Magdalene introduced herself as my wife?”

>“Who cares what she says, you can always just ditch her.” She huffs, crossing her arms. “You're the King, aren't you? You can do whatever you want.”

>Morgan does her best to remain stoic, but you can hear her grit her teeth from here.

>“Yes, that's right.” You say, quickly losing patience. “And I WANT to stay with my wife.”

>“I-I mean… okay but…” She stutters, before flashing an uncertain smile, “You could make her share…?”

>You groan, “Look, I don't want-”

>She slaps her tail on the floor in a huff, and pouts, “But your ambassador said-!”

>“What ambassador?” Magdalene asks.

>“Yeah, what ambassador? My wife and I represent our people, no one else.”

>“Ambassador Ally said you were tired of your wife and looking for someone new…” She whines, looking despondent.

>Magdalene's neck pops a vein as she grimaces, “Ally!? Naomi!!!”

>“Right away ma'am.” Your guard says, before running off into the city.

>“Minami, please don't take this as personally. You're a lovely woman, but I'm faithful to my wife.” You explain as calmly as possible.

>“Yeah, but why does this book-” She begins pulling that accursed tome from her robes.

>“How did that book even stay intact in the sea!?” You yell, doing your best to relax, “Look, you're free to look for an unmarried man to court, but me and any other married man is off limits, and I will not help you in changing that!”

>Minami swishes her tail in an irritated manner, as she scowls in embarrassment, “I have never been more humiliated in my life! You'll regret-”

>Morgan loudly clears her throat.

>The Baroness lowers her head, and looks away nervously, “I mean… You drive a hard bargain. I will have to think on this before committing. If that is all, I will take my leave.” Without waiting for a response, she motions to her soldiers, and quickly moves to the edge of the ship before jumping into the sea.

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2847db No.351139


>Morgan waits until she's the only one left, before approaching you, her demeanor relaxing somewhat, “Please forgive my Lady for her rash behavior. She just took the Barony after the death of her mother not too long ago. I still have much to teach her before she's a proper leader. I tried to reign her in, but she gets so stubborn sometimes.” She bows, “I hope this does not make cooperation between us an impossibility.”

>“No, it's fine.” Magdalene says, looking relieved.

>“I feel like Ally is the one who owes an apology. She shouldn't have lied like that, and on our behalf no less!” You say.

>“Yes, impersonating an official is a grave offense indeed.” Morgan says, “I will have to reprimand the soldiers who let her so close to the Baroness in the first place.”

>“Ally isn't dangerous, she's just…” You struggle to come up with a polite way to describe her. “She's just obstin-”

>“She's a bitch.” Magdalene states bluntly.

>“I hope we can work this out again on better terms.” You ask. “Let her know that she and her people are still welcome here any time.”

>“Of course.” She nods, grinning, “It will take some time before my Lady gets over her embarrassment though. But I'll help her along.” Morgan closes her eyes and shakes her head, “I told her she wasn't thinking clearly about this. Maybe next time she'll listen more closely. If you please, I must take my leave now as well. I cannot stray from my Lady's side for too long.”

>Hand in hand, you and Magdalene say your goodbyes, waving as Morgan leaves the ship.

>A splash is heard overboard, and the two of you stand there for a moment, listening to the gentle sea breeze as you take it all in.

>As all goes silent, Magdalene's smile vanishes. “I'm going to kill her.”

>“Mags.” You reach out rest a hand on her arm, which she promptly wrenches away as she starts walking off off the boat.

>“I'm going to kill that… that…” She growls as she stomps down the boardwalk, shaking her fists, “UGH!”

>“Mags, calm down…” You say, walking briskly behind her.

>“I will not 'calm down', Anonson!” She growls, “That little… grr, she just, whored you off to some stranger!”

>You almost responded, but decided to keep your mouth shut.


>“She still brought reinforcements.” You remind her. “Her actions most likely lessened the losses we suffered.”

>Magdalene raises a finger, before retracting it and crossing her arms.

>“I think her good deeds balances out her brashness, don't you?”

>“I guess… I still don't like her.” She huffs.

>“…She also saved my life-”

>“Yeah, after you pulled that stupid stunt. Which I'm still mad about by the way!” She grumbles angrily, “Stop making me feel bad for hating her!”

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52d01c No.351348

If it makes your week any better, I really like your writing and it has me checking for an update every day.

With all of this nice content you provide, the lease I can do is hope your week gets better.

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2847db No.352139

File: da0c89f0196dd92⋯.png (Spoiler Image,552.16 KB,1439x2404,1439:2404,Thrones.png)

I know it's been a bit since the last update, but I assure you I've been working on the story. But since the thread is about forty posts till the bump limit, I've been working on the next thread image ahead of time (instead of panicking and doing it at the last minute like I usually do.). I'm putting a bit more time and effort into it, and I think it's going to turn out really good. Here's a sneak peak. It's almost half way done.


Thank you for the kind words, they really mean a lot to me.

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2847db No.352140


>“I don't like this at all.” Kenneth says heavily, as he looks over a map of the country. “It doesn't make sense that Duskbreach would attack immediately after offering a truce.”

>“Maybe they're just incompetent.” Jäeger says between sips of beer. “Some overzealous commander couldn't contain themselves and went against orders?”

>Kenneth shakes his head, “Those amount of troops? This far from Duskbreach Keep? Coordinated with a naval assault? It can't just simply be incompetence.”

>“I think it's clear, that that letter was fake.” Naomi says, “It was all a distraction.”

>“But what would they have to gain from this? They didn't even wait for this move to make a difference!” You shout, before thinking. “Maybe it's some sort of trap…”

>“What, they wait for us to retaliate? For what purpose?” Kenneth responds, sitting back in his seat, “What worries me though… even though they lost their naval forces in that attack, their ground forces could have kept us on the defensive for a much longer time. Yet they simply retreated, abandoning several of their own men in the process.” He kneads his forehead worryingly, “Anonson might have a point…”

>“Then why don't they just get on with it and attack us, instead of acting like cowards!?” Naomi snarls..

>“I don't know. We need to send scouts to see what they're up to. I don't like this at all, something suspicious is going on.”

>Feeling a flame of anger well up inside until you're unable to contain yourself any longer, you slam your hands on the table as you stand up straight, “I see no other recourse. We'll send scouts to track their actions, then we'll nip at their heels while their back is turned. They want a horde of bloodthirsty monsters!? Then we'll make their nightmares into a reality!”

>Everyone remains silent.

>“We can't just sit on our hands.” Dropping back down on your seat, you start tapping your fingers impatiently on the table, “It doesn't matter what their motivations are. What matters is showing them that we won't let ourselves be pushed around just because we've been willing to accept diplomatic exchanges.” You glance at Iris who looks at you

>Kenneth sighs, and nods, “Alright. I'll have the scouts do a sweep of the area out west, and we'll prepare the troops to mobilize by morning.”

>“Who's going to keep charge of Watchharbor though?” Magdalene asks, “We can't trust Dominic after that stunt he pulled. None of the other civilians are willing to help us, save for a few. But none of them are able.”

>Everyone at the table thinks quietly for a moment, before Iris breaks the silence, “Has anyone seen James? I thought Magdalene healed him up?”

>Naomi shudders, “He's fine. He's just… resting.”

>“Yeah, he and his squidwife were 'tied up' when we went to bring her in for questioning.” Jaëger adds.

>“I'm… sorry sir. I just didn't want to…” Naomi cringes and shivers before standing up straight and bowing deeply, “I didn't want to touch that. I just couldn't! Please forgive my insubordination, sir!”

>“I see. Don't worry about it, Naomi.” You say, getting up quietly. “I'll go get him myself, then. I need to take care of some things anyways. Mags, you coming with?”

>“No, I'm working on something really important right now.” She says, standing up to peck you on the cheek, “I'll see you later tonight?”


>After her eyes linger on yours for a moment, she excuses herself and walks out of the tent.

>Just as you start to leave as well, Iris stands up, “Are you stopping by the smithy, dear?” She asks.

>“Yeah, do you need something?”

>“Can I come with you dear? I know you're keeping an eye on me, and Ms. Gina is sweet and all, but-”

>“Gramma, of course you can come.”

>She shuffles around the table, slowly making her way to you and grasping your hand, “Thank you, dear.”

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d3eda7 No.352237


king's torso is a little too short

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d1d4dc No.352315


where's that art of Gwen you promised forever ago

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d3eda7 No.352519


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6c0c54 No.354742

I miss you, snail. We're all waiting patiently for the next update.

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ce8148 No.355582

Fucking hell I have not read this since October I have alot of shit to catch up on.

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07a352 No.355878


You motherfucker. Sage, goddamn it you newfag

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17e552 No.366633


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0b2aa7 No.371659

I think its safe to say this story is dead which is unfortunate but not unexpected considering how the pacing went to complete shit

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f7cd05 No.373750

I am going to bump this when it gets to page 20

just telling you now, pls tell me before hand if that is against the rules

would really like if snail told us he wasn't going to finish, but we'll see

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f7cd05 No.374353

File: d6dd6e3bd2a0c70⋯.png (158.08 KB,800x475,32:19,1468162582093-3.png)

I told you I was going to bump it, sorry if I got your hopes up, but I don't want forget about this thread, and let it be dead without confirmation that the writer has abandon the story

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fdd428 No.374376


Very sad, it's the best story here by far.

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ad64ff No.374377


I think snail just burned out. A lot of us have when it comes to writing.

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2dc243 No.374408


I don't think anyone will be mad, you did say you were going to do it after all.

However, this is the one bump it should get. If snail doesn't come and say something then it would be safe to assume that this story will not be finished and it is time to move on.

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f7cd05 No.374422


yea that is the plan

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3bffcd No.374581


Here, lemme complete the story for you: power couple kill evil empire, old hag croaks because I don't like her and OP is a fag.

The End.

P.s.: muh dick.

Like a year of waiting later and all I get is disappointment.

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9aa664 No.374620

Wait, is this that story that started good but devolved into fucking threesomes between the "oh-so-in-love" main characters and whatever random whores they stumbled into?

Good fucking riddance.

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2c0fbe No.374659

Darn, I really liked this story. A little deviant for /monster/, but I still really enjoyed it. Sorry to see that life took our fluffy snail from us :(.

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7c7283 No.375132


Thanks for the bump anon, without it I would have never found this story. Only just finished reading the pastebin and I think it's easily the greatest story I've read on /monster/.

Shame that from the looks of this thread I'll never see it finished.

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f7cd05 No.375179


you think we can get someone's else to pick it up?

is that okay to do?

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7c7283 No.376149


Well fuck. I've just gotten to the end. Took a couple of weeks.

Nah, I have faith that snail could come back. However slim it may be.

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31fd20 No.377414



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f7cd05 No.377416

File: 3c6c726e680fd75⋯.png (161.3 KB,500x495,100:99,3c6c726e680fd75b19d0b3a167….png)


that is a good way to get a ban buddy

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2c0fbe No.377541


Anon its dead, I liked it too, but its time to move on.

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