>if you consider the individual to be the smallest unit of a civilization, and not the family, you're still a liberal.
It makes sense to see the individual as the smallest unit, as long as you keep in mind that the individual is embedded in some community. Most individualist philosophers would agree with that. Most, not all. Ayn Rand wasn't a fan of family values and she had a great influence.
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn called himself a personalist to discern his own position (and that of other scholastic philosophers) from such an atomistic individualism. I don't think that term is necessary, but if it was, I'd adopt it.
>Not to mention, even conservatists think that women not only go to school at the same age as boys, but also study the same things
Compulsory education in general is a retarded idea. If schooling wasn't forced on everyone, then the children with less talent could learn a good trade early on and keep out of political affairs, and the highly talented children, whatever gender they are, could study in a less poisonous, mediocre environment. Then we'd have fewer female "intellectuals" but the few we would have would be genuine and not just fulfilling a quota.
And it's not like people couldn't afford private education nowadays. We've made cars a minor investment and plasma TV's are already outdated, it's only goods delivered by the public sector that poor people could somehow never afford.
>age 18-25 is the most fertile period for a woman, good thing she can ride the cock carousel in college without any peer pressure or outside judgement, with additional "rape" laws in place too
That is why I stayed away from the parties. Honestly, fuck college- and university-culture. It's degeneracy through and through.