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File: 3beb73c6ea9b4c7⋯.jpg (119.39 KB,800x500,8:5,78bqs7.jpg)

30d876 No.156370

Here we go!

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24b7a5 No.162627

File: 1b795f076777b93⋯.png (297.44 KB,1344x1390,672:695,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 2016

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24b7a5 No.162628

File: 3ab01c5e9998721⋯.png (59.77 KB,1376x538,688:269,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

John Kerry was Secretary of State from January 21st, 2013 - February 1st, 2017

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24b7a5 No.162629

File: 111e43b310b0799⋯.png (445.98 KB,1738x672,869:336,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

File: ac7e54e8acd4eaa⋯.png (529.31 KB,2122x868,1061:434,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

File: 46e96d75534a9e0⋯.png (801.24 KB,2140x1536,535:384,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

File: 7a0ce79905a5590⋯.png (872.67 KB,2056x856,257:107,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

Events in January 2016

Under Hussein Obama reign of TERROR.. searches went from 9,600 in 2013 on 195 Americans, to an astounding (think PANIC) in 2016: 30.355 searches on 5,288 Americans.

Eric (you can't mention his name) Ciaramella, requested Ukrain re-open investigation into Manafort with White House help

FBI (don't laugh) opens Clinton Foundation investigation

FBI opens a money laundering and tax evasion investigation of Manafort (so that is 2 angles against Manafort? all under White House guidance?)

Carter Page shows up to begin volunteer work for Trump campaign.

Democrat Ukrainian-American operative Chalupa "thinks" there is a connection between Russia and Candidate Trump (oh NO!)

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24b7a5 No.162630

File: 595103369ef561a⋯.png (188.37 KB,2044x268,511:67,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 4th, 2016

John Podesta and Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook COO) talk about coordination for Hillary for America Presidential election campaign (Gee.. no collusion here..)

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24b7a5 No.162631

File: 888dc3c6a75b8c8⋯.png (1.03 MB,2300x2530,10:11,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

File: e15a8f319419274⋯.png (2.2 MB,1466x2180,733:1090,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 5th, 2016

Application for Natalia Veselnitskaya's extension RE: "significant Public Benefit Parole" parole to remain in the United States to work on framing Candidate Trump for 'Muh Russian' Collusion


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24b7a5 No.162632

File: 31814f40189e2ca⋯.png (166.05 KB,2640x406,1320:203,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 6th, 2016

Former Gov of NM Gary Johnson formally announces his candidacy for Presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party.

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24b7a5 No.162633

File: 4b7b1788c821bfe⋯.png (944.95 KB,2328x600,97:25,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

File: 6b75afc1cc81cec⋯.png (1.08 MB,2318x2592,1159:1296,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 7th, 2016

Inspector General Report was HIGHLY CRITICAL of agency controls for monitoring query compliance

In English, Intelligence Community was acting like a bunch of Vigilante Cowboys when it came to staying within the law while surveilling American Citizens.. THEY DIDN'T FOLLOW THE LAW


John Carlin didn't disclose a Jan 7, 2016 IG report that was critical of EVERYTHING having to do with laws and the spying under Hussein Obama's reign of TERROR, failed to disclose FBI's use of "private contractors" and Admiral Rogers ongoing compliance review

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24b7a5 No.162634

File: 091499bd03da3ad⋯.png (521.7 KB,1142x1118,571:559,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 7th, 2016

NSA Inspector General, George Ellard, released a report on NSA Controls & FISA compliance.

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24b7a5 No.162635

File: 6a0a672f397cc69⋯.png (467.61 KB,1750x676,875:338,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

File: e15a8f319419274⋯.png (2.2 MB,1466x2180,733:1090,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 7th, 2016

Natalia Veselnitskaya was issued a "significant Public Benefit Parole" Sept. 25, 2015, to run out Jan. 7th 2015, and AG Lorretta Lynch needed to approve a special parole request to extend it so she could frame Candidate Trump for Muh Russia collusion

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24b7a5 No.162636

File: c9185e56de426e8⋯.png (102.82 KB,1744x332,436:83,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 9th, 2016

Republican's Kemp Forum is held in Columbia, SC USA

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24b7a5 No.162637

File: 7cf16ed068d44e6⋯.png (98.45 KB,1836x252,51:7,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 11th, 2016

3 Democratic forum is held in Des Moines, IA USA

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24b7a5 No.162638

File: 9cdc4f0eb96ffc1⋯.png (688.28 KB,2396x608,599:152,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 12th, 2016

Christopher Steele emails Bruce Ohr, speaks about Deripaska seeking another US Visa, and if Ohr was coming to Europe or not

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24b7a5 No.162639

File: 6e8f6f238b444ab⋯.png (202.43 KB,2372x350,1186:175,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 13th, 2016

Peter Strzok has been told he FAILED his polygraph exam.. so how did he continue as investigator, working on Clinton Cases?? Let alone go on to work on Muh Russia against Candidate, then PRESIDENT TRUMP?????????

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24b7a5 No.162640

File: 4554d397f72ceb3⋯.png (181.19 KB,2572x360,643:90,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 14th, 2016

6th Republican debate is held in N. Charleston, SC USA

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24b7a5 No.162641

File: 1e324bad986afa2⋯.png (460.38 KB,1478x452,739:226,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 14th, 2016

FBI Inspector General notifies Senate that Hillary Clinton's servers had been flagged for CLASSIFIED information. Comey runs the case out of DC, Dep Dir McCabe #2 put in charge. McCabe's wife received a $675,000 donation from Virginia Gov Terry McAuliffe's political action committee for an unsuccessful state senate bid in 2015. This bought Hillary McCabe's loyalty and he refused to merge the case in with the ongoing pay-to-play investigations of the Clinton Foundation

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24b7a5 No.162642

File: c2837a4d437c71a⋯.png (185.36 KB,1480x262,740:131,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 15th, 2016

–IG Charles McCullough tells members of Congress several dozen additional emails have been ID'd in Clinton's stash, some Higher CLAS than Top Secret I.E. Special Access Programs, which have NO BUSINESS (how did they get on there from SECURE Gov computers??)

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24b7a5 No.162643

File: f34c5c2b87ca96f⋯.png (370.09 KB,1214x1162,607:581,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

File: 55f5feaf52d2936⋯.png (2.47 MB,1608x2292,134:191,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

File: 6fdeba28239c887⋯.png (1.41 MB,1582x2382,791:1191,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 16th, 2016

International Help: these guys, The Atlantic Council are the same guys who set up "Muh Russia collusion" in UK media showing cooperation between FVEY & US Intelligence, and it is then assumed they are doing the same on US election (remember, the entire election was spied on.. ) as a pretext for what is coming, are the same that employ the likes of Travis View who did all the Q hit pieces, and was friends and defended Hotwheels (old owner of 8chan before Jim Watkins got it) and funded by George Soros. We were LITERALLY up against Soros

Volunteers, like myself who took not 1 dime, beat the likes of Strain (Travis View) and George Soros. Anons fucking rock!

Soros & Atlantic Council: THANK YOU GEORGE!


Travis View association w/ Atlantic Council I.E. George Soros


BELOW FROM V1 of 2016 timeline


(PB) ATLANTIC COUNCIL STUFFS “US Intelligence Agencies to Investigate Russia’s Infiltration of European Political Parties.”

>>131813 (PB PB PB)

FVEY Agreement Stuffs


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24b7a5 No.162644

File: 790cc2bba878228⋯.png (204.06 KB,2218x242,1109:121,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 16th, 2016

Strzok & Lisa Page text one another about Strzok leaving the FBI DC field office in 2 weeks

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24b7a5 No.162645

File: 6683fcca8712961⋯.png (153.32 KB,2354x292,1177:146,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 17th, 2016

4the Democrat debate is held in Charleston, SC USA

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24b7a5 No.162649

File: 065c6f4cbd81151⋯.png (2.91 MB,2402x1474,1201:737,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 17th, 2016

Too much to say, just read.. jaw will drop

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24b7a5 No.162651

File: 2f7d8d96f5f9a56⋯.png (1.24 MB,2418x796,1209:398,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 19th, 2016

THIS RIGHT HERE has so much to unpack.

Remember the "whistleblower" anons got suspended from Twitter for bringing up? Why? Because he was in contact with Porechinko of Ukraine about dropping the Biden investigation & the swap to Paul Manafort and his dealings as a political consultant to members of the Ukrainian Government.

Remember the "perfect call" to Zelensky that President Trump had? What was said? Didn't President Trump bring up checking on those facts? Isn't that why Vodka Breath Pelosi tried Peach-Mints against President Trump?

Making sense for why those events went down? And why there is STILL no talk about Hunter Biden and his laptop from Hell?

January 19th, 2016.. you had the "whistleblower" & NSC, FBI, State Dept, DOJ.. Hussein Obama at the White House along with Ukrainians (Porechinko?) discussing how they were going to cover up for Biden's crimes, and then start a politically motivated attack on Manafort who would be installed into the Trump Campaign (1 of 4 ways the FBI/Camp Hillary tried to use to justify Spying) illegally on Trump Campaign w/ FISAs RE: CrossFire Hurricane.

(4) people were spied upon that were inserted or joined into the Trump Campaign: (Paul Manafort, Carter Page, George Papadopolis, Gen Michael Flynn) w/ MANY others including Roger Stone, Ted Cruz, the 2016 election candidates, and MANY MANY others who were illegally spied on.

Its all going to come together in due time, how the top law enforcement/spy agencies in the US, the White House, DOJ, & Media colluded to steal the 2016 election, cover up MASSIVE crimes, and then try to take President Trump out after he was fairly elected. Then a stolen election in 2020 by the same group of criminals to steal back power to cover up their crimes, and now aggressively try to disqualify President Trump for running in 2024.

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24b7a5 No.162652

File: 699e0f61888a559⋯.png (182.81 KB,2534x396,1267:198,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 25th, 2016

Democrat Forum, a town hall event, is held in Des Moines, IA USA

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24b7a5 No.162653

File: 968018f95c66b55⋯.png (356.28 KB,2406x326,1203:163,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 25th, 2016

Christopher Steele sends an invoice from Orbis International (his company) for "consultancy services, including 7 meetings, contact, briefing, reports, travel & accommodations. FBI pays him $15,000 (paid to him personally, not Orbis International, for services rendered from July 2015 - Feb 2016.

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24b7a5 No.162654

File: 05a85e07bfb930e⋯.png (160.46 KB,2276x380,569:95,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 28th, 2016

7th Republican debate is held in Des Moines, IA USA

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24b7a5 No.162655

File: f6101076188a13a⋯.png (232.18 KB,2142x308,153:22,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

File: f08bc96d249337e⋯.png (1.78 MB,2158x2418,83:93,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 29th, 2016

COMEY promotes Andrew McCabe to #2 FBI Deputy Director.. even though his wife received $700k from Hillary ally Terry McAuliffe, who is under investigation by the FBI

PS & LP text one another.. PS likes his job.. neat.

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24b7a5 No.162656

File: 195383090dcd58d⋯.png (1.34 MB,1716x2824,429:706,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

January 2016 Email Release: PRO-Wallstreet speeches by Hillary

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24b7a5 No.162657

File: d064edc0c901590⋯.png (687.22 KB,2216x2456,277:307,Screenshot_2023_05_21_at_0….png)

February 2016

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c0c092 No.163061

File: 6223f6e12201e0c⋯.png (470.58 KB,2086x1062,1043:531,Screenshot_2023_05_27_at_1….png)

File: b2f1be7a45e3536⋯.png (703.45 KB,1554x944,777:472,Screenshot_2023_05_27_at_1….png)

February 2016 Happenings


Bernie Sanders adviser is slammed by Kamp Hillary

Natalia Veselnitskaya was subsequently paroled into the US several times between 2015 & 2016, ending Feb 2016. In June 2016 she was issued a B1/B2 nonimmigrant visa by the US Deptarment of State (Lorretta Lynch)

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c0c092 No.163064

File: 88b75e56ce31905⋯.png (470.27 KB,2528x672,79:21,Screenshot_2023_05_27_at_1….png)

February 1st, 2016

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c0c092 No.163068

File: f7be730a8e9d511⋯.png (404.6 KB,2542x576,1271:288,Screenshot_2023_05_27_at_1….png)

File: 226d945509f695d⋯.png (353.99 KB,2278x788,1139:394,Screenshot_2023_05_27_at_1….png)

February 3rd, 2016

Democrat Town Hall forum event is held in Derry, New Hampshire. Hillary LIES saying she never sent nor received classified material Lying cunt.

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c0c092 No.163071

File: c8c99d215610892⋯.png (261.85 KB,2290x304,1145:152,Screenshot_2023_05_27_at_1….png)

February4th, 2016

Strzok sent email to [redacted] w his and 4 other agents' out of scope polygraphs (wonder if these were done off record and w/o certain questions so that they could actually pass the polygraph this time, and then submit these faked polygraphs so he and the 4 others could remain???? I bet so.

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c0c092 No.163073

File: e88d508ecd4f16f⋯.png (150.12 KB,2274x292,1137:146,Screenshot_2023_05_27_at_1….png)

February 6th, 2016

8th Republican debate is held in Manchester, New Hampshire.

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c0c092 No.163088

File: df94bb6d1aaa212⋯.png (656.55 KB,2066x500,1033:250,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

February 8th, 2016

Bruce Ohr & Christopher Steele exchange emails: "our old fiiend OD [Loedg Deripaska] apparently has been granted another official visa to come to the US later this month." Steele again asks to meet Ohr in Europe

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c0c092 No.163089

File: ad20491792c5fdc⋯.png (842.76 KB,2296x2298,1148:1149,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

File: 9c1c4243c1c2168⋯.png (43.8 KB,1080x426,180:71,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

File: 7af84f58722fa37⋯.png (45.65 KB,1074x418,537:209,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

File: f891e5b7a949482⋯.png (309.3 KB,1276x1378,638:689,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

File: cd52fb2736589c1⋯.png (144.61 KB,1298x526,649:263,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

Oleg Deripaska

Russian Aluminum, energy oligarch.. once married to Russia's first president Boris Yeltsin's daughter.

WHY would Christopher Steele, and Bruce Ohr call hiim "their old friend"

Why was he coming to the US, and who did he get an "Official Visa" from?

The setup was habbening…

Bruce Ohr of Hussein Obama DOJ, and Christopher Steele (working with FBI/Orbis International) are setting up the reason to spy on Trump Campaign.. and or the Dirty Dossier.

Various Sauces:




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c0c092 No.163090

File: 72368f954ad5713⋯.png (3.58 MB,2012x1874,1006:937,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

Future Proves Past

This is to make sure you understand that the Trump Campaign was set up by the FBI/CIA/Foreign Intelligence(FVEY)/The Hussein Obama administration/DNC, & Hillary for America Campaign for 2016 presidency THAT SHE LOST!!!!! hahaha


Donald Trump Aide Paul Manafort Scrutinized for Russian Business Ties(NBC"news".com)

Paul Manafort was a key player in proposed deals with two Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, one a Putin ally with alleged mob ties.

Aug. 18, 2016, 7:11 AM EDT / Updated Aug. 18, 2016, 7:23 AM EDT

Paul Manafort

Donald Trump’s campaign chairman was a key player in multi-million-dollar business propositions with Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs — one of them a close Putin ally with alleged ties to organized crime — which foreign policy experts say raises questions about the pro-Russian bent of the Trump candidacy.

“The relationships that Trump’s advisors have had with pro-Russian forces are deeply disturbing,” said David Kramer, a former senior State Department official in the George W. Bush administration and a former adviser to Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign. “Trump’s attitude on Russia is not in line with most Republican foreign-policy thinking. Trump has staked out views that are really on the fringe.”

In 2008, according to court records, senior Trump aide Paul Manafort's firm was involved with a Ukrainian oligarch named Dmytro Firtash in a plan to redevelop a famous New York hotel, the Drake. The total value of the project was $850 million. Firtash’s company planned to invest over $100 million, the records say.

That same year, Firtash acknowledged to the U.S. ambassador in Ukraine that he got his start in business with the permission of a notorious Russian crime lord, according to a classified State Department cable. Other cables say Firtash made part of his fortune through sweetheart natural gas deals between Russia and the Ukraine.

Around the same time, companies controlled by another Russian billionaire, Oleg Deripaska, paid $7.35 million toward management fees for Manafort and his partners in connection with an investment fund, according to a court filing in the Cayman Islands. Deripaska once was denied entry to the United States because of alleged mafia ties, current and former officials told NBC News. Deripaska is considered by U.S. officials to be among Putin’s inner circle.

The Drake deal didn’t go through, and the Deripaska investment arrangement ended in a dispute. But Manafort’s dealings with Firtash and Deripaska, documented in court records obtained by NBC News, are among several the political operative has maintained with wealthy Russian and Ukrainian businessmen going back over eight years. Firtash is a wanted man, indicted by the Justice Department in 2014 over bribery allegations in India. He is living in exile in Austria.

Image: Trump, Manafort

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump with campaign chair Paul Manafort (right) and daughter Ivanka Trump.Bill Clark / CQ-Roll Call, file

Now, Manafort is helping to run what foreign policy experts say is the most pro-Russian political campaign in modern American history. Many observers are wondering whether Manafort’s financial dealings with a Putin ally and a wealthy Ukrainian have anything do with Trump’s pro-Putin tilt.

“It’s just extraordinary,” said Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia under President Barack Obama. “This is not a Republican or Democratic thing. Almost nobody agrees with Trump on this stuff.”

Trump reshuffled his campaign Tuesday, bringing in Stephen Bannon, who runs the conservative Breitbart News website, as chief executive. But Manafort retains the title of chairman.

In interviews and statements to NBC News, Manafort says he “never had a business relationship” with Firtash. “There was one occasion where an opportunity was explored. … Nothing transpired and no business relationship was ever implemented.”

On the political front, Manafort was paid handsome sums for years to advise a pro-Putin Ukrainian political figure, Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia in 2014 after he was ousted as president in a political revolution. U.S. officials say Yanukovych was deeply corrupt and did Putin’s bidding in Ukraine. Manafort met regularly with the U.S. Ambassador in Kiev, William Taylor, according to a source familiar with the meetings.

Image: -

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks with Oleg Deripaska at the International Investment Forum in Sochi, 2008.ILIA PITALEV / AFP-Getty Images file

Deripaska was a Yanukovych backer who is considered by U.S. officials to be among Putin’s inner circle of billionaire businessmen.

Manafort told NBC News’ Hallie Jackson he hasn’t had dealings with Deripaska for four years, and he denies that there was anything inappropriate about their dealings.

Four years after Republican Mitt Romney in 2012 called Russia America’s greatest geopolitical foe, Trump says he sees the word much differently. He has suggested he might accept Russia’s seizure of Ukraine’s Crimea region. He has questioned whether the U.S. would defend the Baltic States against a Russian attack. He has praised Putin as "bright and talented."

According to reports by the Washington Post and other publications, the Trump campaign’s only change to the GOP platform was softening a plank calling for lethal assistance to help Ukraine roll back the Russian invasion. An allegation Manafort denied in an interview on NBC’s Meet The Press.

Just this week, Trump promised to work with Russian against ISIS, a sentiment that is met with skepticism by intelligence experts who say Russia has been undermining U.S. efforts to end the Syrian civil war.

Regarding his political consulting, Manafort said: "I've never dealt with the Russian government, I've never had a relationship with the Russian government," adding later, "As I've said many times Yanukovych was a pro-Western, not pro-Putin, president.”

Current and former American officials call that claim laughable. Manafort may have tried to steer Yanukovych in a pro-Western direction, they say, but he wasn’t successful.

Yanukovych "came to power through democratic means but then he quickly engaged in massive corruption deals with the Russians that were deeply adverse to Ukraine’s interest," Kramer said. "And then in February of 2014 he launched a bloody crackdown on protesters in Mydan that killed a hundred people. So we're talking about an official in Ukraine who has blood on his hands, who is up to his eyeballs in corruption — and Manafort was advising and working for him.”

It’s unclear how much Manafort was paid to advise Yanukovych and his political party. Manafort did not register with the Justice Department as a foreign lobbyist, nor is it clear if he was required to do so.

Also unknown is how much money the wealthy Manafort made through his relationships with Yanukovych allies, including Firtash and Deripaska.

Dmytro Firtash

Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash waits for the start of his trial at the main court in Vienna, Austria, April 30, 2015.Ronald Zak / AP file

Court records offer a glimpse of the Trump adviser’s dealings.

According to court documents and diplomatic cables, Firtash’s fortunes have been largely built on having set up a company to “skim” hundreds of millions of dollars of natural gas sales between Russia and Ukraine. That was well known to anyone who operated in Ukraine at the time, current and former officials say.

"His success was built on remarkable sweetheart deals brokered by associates of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, at immense cost to Russian taxpayers," according to a 2014 investigation by the Reuters news agency.

A letter addressed to Manafort from one of Firtash’s representatives said Firtash’s company was "prepared to provide $112 million in equity for the [Drake hotel redevelopment] project." One of the other partners working with Manafort on the deal was the former exclusive broker for Fred Trump's properties, Brad Zackson. Fred Trump is the now-deceased father of Donald Trump.

The documents were filed in a lawsuit by the former Ukrainian prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, in 2011. The lawsuit was dismissed on three separate occasions in federal court. The judge ruled most recently that Tymoshenko and the other plaintiffs failed to establish the predicate acts necessary to establish that there was racketeering in the case.

Documents contained in that lawsuit show that Manafort and his partners were meeting with Firtash to setup the investment in the Drake project. Eventually, documents show, Firtash’s investment company transferred $25 million into escrow to further the project along.

In other documents, a management fee payment to Manafort, Zackson, and their partners from Firtash were discussed. "Basically, DF is still totally on board and a wire will be forthcoming either the end of this week or next week as a partial payment on the 1.5," Manafort said in an email to Brad Zackson, his partner in the deal, on June 8, 2009. DF is Firtash, and 1.5 referred to a $1.5 million fee payment, according to court documents.

In 2008, according to a State Department cable posted by WikiLeaks, Firtash told U.S. Ambassador William Taylor that he got his start in business with the permission of one of Russia’s most well-known organized crime bosses, Semion Mogilevich. But Firtash claimed he was forced to deal with such people.

Image: Semion Mogilevich

Semion MogilevichFBI

"He was adamant that he had not committed a single crime when building his business empire," the cable says, and he "argued that outsiders still failed to understand the period of lawlessness that reigned in Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union."

At one point during the meeting, Firtash began to talk about "mistakes he might have made," the cable says, but was waved off by an accompanying adviser.

Mogilevich was once on the FBI’s top 10 most wanted list, has an Interpol Red Notice out for his arrest, and the FBI says publicly he is "involved in weapons trafficking, contract murders, extortion, drug trafficking, and prostitution on an international scale." In a posting on the FBI’s website, the man who ran the investigation that eventually led to an indictment against Mogilevich said, "What makes him so dangerous is that he operates without borders."

In 2014, Firtash was charged by the Justice Department with paying $18.5 million in bribes in India to expand his business empire. Court papers say it was a racketeering conspiracy to sell titanium materials to Boeing for their newest jet, the 787. Last year, an Austrian judge refused to extradite him to the U.S.

Manafort’s business ties to Deripaska were detailed in a 2014 legal action in the Cayman Islands.

Deripaska had been repeatedly denied a visa to enter the United States over his alleged ties to organized crime, current and former officials tell NBC News. However, several officials tell NBC News he now has been given diplomatic status by the Russian government, allowing him to enter the U.S. with immunity.

In the Cayman Island court petition, a company controlled by Deripaska alleged it invested $18.9 million in 2008 in a firm in which Manafort had an interest, Pericles Emerging Markets, to acquire a company called Black Sea Cable. The petition also alleged companies controlled by Deripaska paid $7.35 million toward management fees for Manafort and his partners. The court filing was seeking an accounting of the money.

Manafort was questioned by Cayman Islands officials in the matter earlier this year, his lawyer has said publicly.

Manafort said that the matter was closed.

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c0c092 No.163091

File: 123b2f4fbaf1ddd⋯.png (1.56 MB,2178x2104,1089:1052,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

Early February 2016

Bruce & Nellie Ohr, Thibault travel to Prague during start of CHS (CrossFIre Hurricane) Investigation (PRIOR TO OFFICIAL START)

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c0c092 No.163092

File: 750f145a451ea4a⋯.png (1.28 MB,1210x1542,605:771,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

February 8th, 2016

Hussein Obama asks Congress for $1.8 Billion to combat Zika Virus

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c0c092 No.163093

File: 393b9a49e047417⋯.png (277.22 KB,2226x486,371:81,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_1….png)

February 9th, 2016

Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders win Rep/Dem primaries (respectively) and this sets up a chain of events, and PANIC by Hillary & the Deep State

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c0c092 No.163094

File: fd386021331b56f⋯.png (1.08 MB,1640x2202,820:1101,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_2….png)

February 9th, 2016

John Podesta emails Steve Elmedorf: the plan to kill Justice Scalice to open a spot that would ensure a Left leaning Supreme Court to strip rights away from the American People, and just as important, if not the most important short term.. to allow an extra spot that would give Lorretta Lynch a spot on the Supreme Court (remember this is for life) after Hillary would be elected.. for not prosecuting Hillary for the various criminal trials she was facing that was causing her problems in her campaign

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c0c092 No.163095

File: cdcc2738309b6e1⋯.png (179.81 KB,1834x354,917:177,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_2….png)

February 10th, 2016

Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina withdraw from 2016 Republican Candidacy run

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c0c092 No.163096

File: 0de4b716db7be17⋯.png (324.22 KB,2288x620,572:155,Screenshot_2023_05_28_at_2….png)

February 11th, 2016

VP Joe Biden spoke w/ Ukrainian President Poroshenko, why? What was being discussed? Hunter Biden investigation squash, for the Paul Manafort re-investigation?? I believe so.

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e9d306 No.176820

Until version #2 is finished, please refer back to Version 1 (V1) link here: (( >>147961 ))

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