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Are there any other anons out there with SPD (Schizoid Personality Disorder)? I have yet to come across another person that at least thinks they have it, let alone is sure of having it.

Generally speaking, it is a fairly rare disorder, and I'm starting to think it's a meme altogether, but my therapist said it's what he would describe me as, apparently, so I stick with that diagnosis.

It would be great to have some insights on this, anons, any help is appreciated!

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do you need social interactions?

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You can check against the descriptions here if you like. https://psychology.wikia.org/wiki/Schizoid_personality_disorder

It is quite similar to autism but usually shows up around puberty or later where's autism is supposed to be present in the first three years. I believe SPD is generally caused by lack of affection and or social stability as well as trauma and repressed emotions. Autism can also be caused by early traumatic events but is mostly neurological damage caused by heavy metal toxicity and other chronic infections in the brain and gut.

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I got this diagnosis as the most fitting one too.

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File: 53e4eac0b75701d⋯.png (207.42 KB,503x539,503:539,tumblr_pp20r4OhAf1vfhehco2….png)


>Akhtar's phenomenological profile

i was thinking maybe it didnt apply to me but that was a distressingly accurate description of my personality

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File: e0b6d8495126e9b⋯.png (83.66 KB,1477x821,1477:821,Notbeing_special.PNG)


I'm fairly convinced it's a meme, these symptoms are so vague, I feel like anyone even slightly social awkward could have it.

Also based on this, I'd have it. And I'm not mentally ill, that I am sure of.

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Maybe these characteristics are very exaggerated in Schizoids or something, I don't know…

Kinda off topic, but I've been thinking, Im probably far from being a schizoid, while I thought I was close to, so what you're saying makes some sense, because apparently Schizoids are devoid of wanting to have relationships and social interaction in general, when in my case I want and I try to get to it, but always fail, for an example, among other things, they do seem like something any "normal" person could feel. Recently I read about BPD and it is pretty relatable too, but I guess you could also say it's not a mental illness huh

And I know self diagnosing is fucking stupid, but just the idea of going to the psychiatrist/psychologist fills me with overwhelming anxiety, especially because I already went to the psychiatrist once and it didn't go very well, I opened myself up, and it felt like the world fell apart on me, I started crying in front of him and all, in the end he prescribed me sertraline and risperidone, which I didn't take, well I took risperidone once, a certain night and almost had some kind of suicidal panic attack because thoughts were going repeating that risperidone would damage my brain and I would stay like that forever, when I finally fell asleep after battling with my own stupid mind, after I woke up I threw the the pills in the trash in the path home I was telling myself I would commit suicide that day, planning it and all, but well, as always, i didn't go through it, I just had a panic attack later in my room and cried a bit more to sleep. This happened last year, in October, or September, I'm not sure… Before then i already had appointments for therapy but never actually got to them, always avoiding it. Sorry for any mistakes, I'm very sleepy and English isn't my first language

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Do NOT go to a mental therapist these days anon!!!! They will get any excuse they can to red flag you and send LE to grab your guns!!! I've heard way too many stories about this happening these days!! WE CAN HELP YOU, SAFELY! Best be using a VPN at least, if not Tor as well!

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I think I might have this, from what Johnny Neptune tells me about it. But others have warned me that excessive alcoholism can lead to the same symptoms too, and if there is one thing I am it's a long-time alcoholic!

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If you notice any oddities in your mental health, be sure to see a doctor. That's how I diagnosed myself with chronic stress. My doctor likes modern approaches to treatment and suggested that I try mushroom chocolate https://thirdshroom.com/product-category/magic-mushroom-chocolate/ as a stress reliever. I am seeing improvements in my mental state. And besides, I have a big sweet tooth so I love this chocolate.

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