I'll give you a good reason to go to the doctors; to get NEETbux and free yourself from wage-slavery.
>step 1: go to mental hospital
>step 2: tell them you were about to kill yourself, you never get out of bed, sleep too much, never eat and you cry a lot. You'll go to a psych ward (they're not bad, you'll be among friends for anywhere between 3 days to 3 weeks)
>step 3: get out of the psych ward and go home
>step 4: request forms to apply for disability
>step 5: see ssi doctor who will interview you, make sure to tell him you cannot work and you got out of a psych ward for suicidal thoughts. Make sure you act really glum and depressed so he takes you seriously.
>step 6: ???
>step 7: be sad and lonely, but with income!
This process will take you 2-3 months if you get admitted to a psych ward, 6-7 if not.
I suggest you research some festivals near your house and go to a few. Look for drug dealers and see if they can hook you up with psychedelics. Psychedelics actually cure depression, unlike pills and therapy.
Once you're free from your mental prison and economically stable, go to college or something using financial aid or some scholarship. ROTC helps pay for college too, so do that. Don't get a meme degree, don't do a trade, get a nice economically-oriented degree. You'll have a nice managerial position in no time.
This is now your plan for your life. Go do it now.