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File: d31e830cb7e6ddf⋯.png (941.35 KB,815x1200,163:240,Untitled.png)

44df8a No.32626 [Open thread]

One of you fags pls upload new 11/21 frank hassle thank you kidly

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File: d2c205390537384⋯.jpg (110.74 KB,791x1024,791:1024,1633300802155m.jpg)

c39227 No.32614 [Open thread]

Greetings my patronages .

Steam group A.T.F. (Alcohol. Tobacco. Firearms.) ATF 4 EVER signing in here.

We are a legion of 8kun veterans.

We are now requiting members.

Our first mission is to eliminate steam user "phantom" for being transphobic towards one of our members.

i have done work with sam hyde in the past and need help quelling a weed attempting to ruin my community i have built

contact information https://steamcommunity.com/id/SamHydesAmericanNightmare

The objective has been set.

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8eba2a No.32615

File: 369d490730f7ed3⋯.jpg (33.85 KB,692x616,173:154,samsuckedthis.jpg)

Sam Hyde is pedo faggot kike, saying you worked with him makes people here less likely to take you seriously, not more.

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45c61f No.32616


well would you look at that, a faggot who worked with a faggot

i like how even the tranny in your drawing still looks like a man dressed up as a girl

you must be completely fucking retarded

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d94ccd No.32617

my friends are trans so what?

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f68691 No.32620

not your personal troon army

>Our first mission is to eliminate steam user "phantom" for being transphobic towards one of our members.

just commit suicide already your parents hate you and wish you weren't alive

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File: 82015bc52ad5134⋯.jpg (97.53 KB,790x395,2:1,Karen_O.jpg)

e7fcbb No.32581 [Open thread]

are sam & nick joking when they say this marilyn manson lookalike is hot?

holy fuck this makeup caked freak is so ugly

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acce78 No.32582

They have a weird thing for "artsy hipster girls"

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eb41e3 No.32583


artsy hipster girls with masculine bone structure

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cf52e1 No.32591

Theres a reason all the girls sam likes look like teenage boys

Do i really have to spell it out for you

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191f6f No.32592



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feed06 No.32611


Is this why Sam hires trannies to work on his shit

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File: 64b309626ae0f1c⋯.gif (821.41 KB,200x197,200:197,1635183249494.gif)

ce4271 No.32594 [Open thread]

anyone got episode 17 ?

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e7c30b No.32595

Here you go. It was posted on the replies of the new sambo drama thread.


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File: 7b5198aff368b0f⋯.jpg (118.8 KB,500x545,100:109,beethoven.jpg)

0cbc50 No.32530 [Open thread]

Just spent 3 hours reading through a 1200 post thread on all the fucked up shit sam has done, very surprised. Pretty sure I've seen (and saved) it all, if you have any more interesting little bits of info please spill. Very fascinated with this whole ordeal. Ty

Also, this sites captchas are ridiculously difficult to read.

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52b713 No.32533

1200 posts on how sam is fucked up?

you know, that reminds me of a student i once knew. he published a very influential theory and the result was many other scientists were jealous… which lead them to publish "101 reasons why student x is wrong". in response the brilliant young scholar offered this succinct quip: "if i were wrong, one reason would be sufficient"

who was that student, you ask? his name was albert einstein

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a67bfc No.32538

that's time you'll never get back

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3934b7 No.32550

File: ad50daf932c5c7f⋯.png (370.5 KB,982x917,982:917,1627761561399.png)


i fucking kecked

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52732f No.32563


i dont care

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de446c No.32603

mostly trannychan gayops, probably fucked an underage retard and some diaper degen though

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File: b200ee35c293bde⋯.jpg (143.27 KB,1125x1441,1125:1441,g4bbicqjnlp71.jpg)

a78091 No.32522 [Open thread]

What's the latest Frank Hassle video on Gumroad? I'm not sure what's going on with my subscription. It doesn't show in my Library or Dashboard page, but I can view it if I click on the link in the re-occuring charge confirmation email. I honestly don't know if I have access to the new stuff or not.

Also I'm having a similar problem with the MDE one. It says I'm not subscribed if I click on the link in my Library/Dashboard, but if I open it from the "Sam Hyde" page I have access. I'm starting to think Gumroad is a shitty platform

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f089c2 No.32523

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2df9ec No.32537

they are trying to shadowban them

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3e01e2 No.32562


is that why my payment always fails when i try to subscribe to sam's gumroad?

he should look for some crypto based platform

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File: 0f06a0dc9e8b530⋯.jpg (81.33 KB,761x900,761:900,44217be84af2113926f0a9fe80….jpg)

ff62ec No.32442 [Open thread]


Guy has an old MEGA link with an archive of MDE songs. Specially Christov and CognosSquare tracks.

God bless you, enjoy!

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60a351 No.32532

File: d5c728584ef0555⋯.jpg (140.04 KB,900x900,1:1,1508188594694.jpg)


At least post the mega nigga


Get this shit while you still can

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File: 1eb99eb3559e64b⋯.jpeg (56.14 KB,960x720,4:3,582e1f96e02ba738018b503f.jpeg)

709a41 No.32496 [Open thread]

Does anyone have the cringe love letter Sam wrote to that one girl?

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709a41 No.32497

The handwritten one to be specific. Though the one he wrote to the girl about why she needs to read a redpill site is good too.

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567c1b No.32498

found it man

"Hello sweety. Keep your gaze level - don't stop reading until you reach the end of this passionate screed… If you get tired You may saccade a bit, but that's the only relief I'll grant yr eyeballs until you've read my philosophy, BDP style…KRS ONE. Boo-koo! Boo-koo! Reeewind… This letter is my attempt to save the day - so put ya boots on black, put ya boots on black, lace up them chukkas, cuz we can doo this.

Okay, all jokes aside. My prolegomena is meant to challenge and engage you. After all, what did you expect from me babe? on MANY occasions I've intimated to you that my size would prove unwieldy…not just physically, but also in terms of the imprint it's left on my personality. In other words…Big World Daddy. But I'm getting ahead of myself. What's the issue?

>"When I Met You Last Night Baby, Before You Opened Up Your Gap

>"I Had A Respect For You Lady, But Now I Take it All Back

The day i went to yr apt for the first time I thought a homeless man had set up an encampment in your bathroom. There were concentric brown rings of grime in the toilet….probably could be used to carbon date the porcelain. Dutty gal…You're filthy and phony to the utmost exponent, if you had IBS like every other fucking hot girl at least yd have an excuse, matta fact, the last A train home to Patterson projects in NYC circa 1992 could not find enough young basketball americans joking about how "nigga breath smell like a thousand miles of shit" to convey the extent of your funk, yr stench, yr filth…lucky I don't call The Commander & crew/homies to run a train & clean yr plate…chiggy check. Or should I say piggy check?

You need to read more Redpill sites becos I can't have convos with you despite being your life partner. Try the redpillwomen subreddit for a good start. Don't eat until you finish reading their FAQ.

Love Sam Hyde"

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7df2ad No.32499


Jesus Christ.

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709a41 No.32500


Thx bro. Do you have the handwritten one too?

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File: 83f8da8dd32027d⋯.png (55.07 KB,468x450,26:25,mlem.png)

530e22 No.31124 [Open thread]

Anyone got a back up for when Charls streamed Deus Ex 1? I have the link in my favorites, I remember the stream was titled something like "Deus Ex is the truth", but now when I click on it Twitch says the content is unavailable. I really like DX1 and want to watch Chuck's let's play; does any know where I still can or why the video was taken down?

Here is (was) the link:


Note: I'm asking about the DX1 stream, not the Human Revolution stream.


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6ce0e7 No.31126


I THINK he archives them all on charls.world

Or at least that was supposed to be the idea behind the site. I was trying to find the video of him playing Life Is Strange but that disappeared off youtube.

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530e22 No.31128

File: 96b8f7c12c142f9⋯.jpeg (169.47 KB,750x496,375:248,A9F0E778_F9CF_4F53_995E_D….jpeg)


You're right anon, both his Deus Ex streams and his Life is Strange stream are behind the paywall.

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86cbe6 No.32487

Deus Ex is a piece of art. I played DE: Human Revolution and Mankind devided.

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File: aceb7563ad5ba23⋯.jpg (25.9 KB,600x600,1:1,eh.jpg)

d55abf No.32418 [Open thread]

STATUS: Paypig


ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good

COMMENT: Nick and Sam are letting their hubris get to them, they are starting to brag too much about their personal gains, they are becoming the boomers they once hated. You are funding Sam's new boat. But I am a paypig, why? Because his content is still better than Netflix, sue me

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59a9ac No.32467

File: 868e59531667a09⋯.png (184.38 KB,1093x242,1093:242,faggots.png)

look at this shit. every single one of these threads is about sam 'dirt' and how hes the worst person that ever lived. fuckign over 1000 posts of this shit and you retarded niggers think we still need posts like >>32453 about how he's "classist"

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240083 No.32468

File: 422390e376096fa⋯.jpg (200.62 KB,720x969,240:323,1633704207026.jpg)


This is what happens when someone notoriety spins out of control when it finally leaks out that the person in question is psychopathic creep behind closed doors and that becomes more interesting than what he tries to be.

Remember Amazing Atheist? Try bringing him up without that banana incident overshadowing everything. Sam turning out to be a complete faggot is way more entertaining than any of his shitty podcasts if you ask me. That's just the way it be.

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f0cc9f No.32469


sounds like bullshit to me, sam is far more significant than whatever nutritionist juice box smoothie kale psychedelia faggot joe is interviewing this week, and even if he wasn't, notoriety or lack thereof isn't the reason per se for him having no chance at a jamie pull that shit up interview

it's the fact that sam isn't going to adhere to liberal shibboleths, can't be trusted to recite on command that black people are poor and fucked up because of systemic factors, caused by de whyte pepol, or to parrot that women are as smart and competent as men, it's just the burdens of balancing motherhood with a career, that's the real issue - more money for women!!

you don't play ball with the egalitarian narrative, you get blacklisted, simple as. that's the point

btw when's new pgl coming out

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9d15c2 No.32470


>sam can't get industry work or interviews that he begs for because he's too redpilled bro…

grow up and trade in your truck, sammo.

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e9ca1a No.32653

this is vile

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File: c9406c231073a05⋯.jpg (17.15 KB,480x360,4:3,co9pGcGWPfQD6cW8v2UflXxM0R….jpg)

6724b7 No.32380 [Open thread]

PGL 14 is out. Here is a torrent magnet link:


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0675c3 No.32411

Its funny because you guys so much more exposed than than file uploads, but Sam is probably too dumb from the aerosolized heavy metals in his vapes and his team too lazy to do anything about it. Now that Cam is too big to work for him he doesn't have anyone to fire up LOIC on all of the IPs you guys are exposing by joining the swarm.

I'm a paypig by the way. Also The Great War sucks (maybe the new episodes don't but I couldn't make it through the first one) but Jan and John are still good in my book. Zach sucks at everything and Bic Flame and Jinxxy or whatever should be demoted to assistant editors that just do whatever John, Jan, or our favorite pedophile woman beating racist Sam say

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29d607 No.32416


>LOIC on residential / non-webhost IPs

bruh. you realize how fast the ISP would block that. also i am behind 7 vpns, and my ip is dynamic good luck

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9b893d No.32420

episode 15 NOW!!!

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ceaded No.32421


I too would like episode 15

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87dfa8 No.32456

someone google drive or something this shit

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File: f05b3505dfffa6e⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Screenshot_20211012_021542….jpg)

d26088 No.32443 [Open thread]

who is this faggot on the right and why is he in this video?

not the first time a random twink appeared in his video.

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b55b69 No.32445

chas got a chinplant no big deal

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ee46f8 No.32446


It’s the photographer from the outdoor boxing session on the leroy account

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133222 No.32447


He looks like the type that has a 16yo sister that Sam is trying to get to, and would happily open the back door to let Sam in

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0ea1a9 No.32449


do NOT click that link

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d52550 No.32450


it's his hetero life partner and fuck buddy NitroDubz

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File: 1b7a368b5e78af4⋯.jpg (79.37 KB,1152x720,8:5,woh.jpg)

27ffc6 No.32431 [Open thread]

I got fired from my job roughly 3 weeks ago. I got another job, but right after the firing I got a company card from the firing company with my name on it.

Its a small limit, roughly 2K

What legal issues will I face if I activate it and buy crypto or other things right now with it.

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6dda7f No.32436


you will be taken to small claims court obviously, it has your fucking name on it and you just got fired. gee i wonder who used this card that has this guys name on it that we just fired

theres a good chance it wont even work anyway. the only feasible way you could use it without being tracked is if you can use a crypto ATM which has no kyc at all

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bc6665 No.32437


Oh i know I'll get caught, I wanted input on how bad it could get


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d06db1 No.32439


you will be court-ordered to pay back whatever you spent + legal fees

if you don't pay you will be taken to jail

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2a38ae No.32440


2,000 is literally nothing. you're already fucked.

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File: e75edee4f18c558⋯.jpg (151.97 KB,1736x871,1736:871,macdaddy.JPG)

ebae19 No.32422 [Open thread]

PGL ep.15 torrent magnet link


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d59d21 No.32432


If it's so great why don't you join the gumroad to support the fucking content.

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7b3e21 No.32433

File: a562b1a514f702e⋯.jpeg (81.3 KB,761x681,761:681,1526731832994.jpeg)


Maybe he just likes Nick and doesn't want to give money to a pedo that's already rich.

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b4888b No.32434


not him but for some reason i can't restart my gumroad subscription, every time i try it tells me "there is a problem with the creator's paypal"

i wish sam would figure out some way that we can pay using crypto

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b4888b No.32435


god i wish that was me

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22a778 No.32438

File: b5abfde5cf582db⋯.png (262.52 KB,750x650,15:13,E0HgcjKVkAEbCSy.png)


>I download every episode for free and will never pay. I will also reupload the FULL episodes on youtube, bitchute, and vimeo and re-upload every time it gets taken down.

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File: 3ebdd8b49786c63⋯.jpeg (61.24 KB,1280x704,20:11,burt_reynolds_norm_macdon….jpeg)

daebd6 No.32373 [Open thread]

this place is retart.

also, MDE shrine site when?

;'( le tear


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70ba7c No.32374


fuck ur google pixel nigga

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fc5c8a No.32412

I kind of want to make one but I wrote my own image board script that's better than this shit (I fixed bugs on this site in 2014 before CodeShitterZ was born, its been wonky way before he took over development and did nothing useful at all) but its open source and you'd probably be able to figure out from the feature set which one it is and who I am. Its a tough position to be in. You could probably track me down from this post alone, because I'm acting like a bigger know-it-all narcissist than Kirtaner today

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e639e8 No.32413

File: f19bfdbbaab8dfc⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,1400x2178,700:1089,OBEY.jpg)

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e639e8 No.32414

File: ad2124bc103d3cb⋯.jpg (844.65 KB,2386x1094,1193:547,CORTEZ.jpg)

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