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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

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Recommend some good apathetic /lit/?

Something good so that if my eyes gloss over the words I'll get it. It's become my sole mode of reading now. I find I like urban apathetic; I'm open to other apathies, too.

English or German. I've already read Naked Lunch, American Psycho, and a handful of Bukowski. and I want to diversify to other authors before reading more of Bukowski et al.'s works.

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You won't go too far wrong with one of Bukowski's recommendations. Check out some of Louis-Ferdinand Céline's novels.

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The Stranger by Camus

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Maybe you should try Houllebecq.

He writes about apathic old men who witness their dying society dwelving into vice and introspection. My only two problems with him is that sometimes he exagerates with the amount of sex and explicit descriptions (as a 24 yo I don't have half the libido and stamina of his 50 something protagonists) and, sometimes, he is a bit repetitive. But in general he delivers some very interesting reflexions about our modern society plus interesting depressive male characters who have achieved some sucess or prestige in their fields.

I've read Submission, where, besides what I've just described, he talks about how Islam can be seductive to european men and many interesting things about medieval literature. Elementary Particles, where he talks about mother-son relationship and what happened to old hippies and their offspring. And Plataform, which deals with sexual tourism (in a surprisingly positive way) and violence.

Plataform was the weakest of the three, but it was interesting to compare it with Submission, because it was written at the beginning of the century and it had a very different view of how Islam would develop itself throughout the world in the next decades: in the book one of the characters says that Islam wouldn't last because it was incompatible with the hedonist life style spreading in the world. It's not focused on Islam, though.

I am waiting for Seratonin to be released in my country this month.

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